Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Apr 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1908. . CHEF CONTROLLER. ===", STUGK TO. HIS POST... ==. | 4 * How Men Should Dress™ Over The World. Wharves. How Men Should Dress IS MUCH NEEDED IN TO-| The Manitoba government has set DRIVER LOVE PROBABLY One of the Ogdensburg compeny's | RONTO CITY HALL. | Yar Sth es Arbor day | | SAVEDMANY LIVES, ° ute will entes Duvis} diy dock dur; { Thomas Ewart Lindsay, will be | repairs. £ | he liberal legislative candidate in! The steamer Nississquoi will leave! He Should Be Empowered to | Victoria. This is the Statement of Many | next week for her down-the-river Ih Chase -- Supervise All the Civic De-| The Allan steamer Mongolian for] Passengers on a C. P. R. Train | route. " i partments--Should Give New | Glasgow sailed trom Philadelphia on | --Engineer Went to Death. { The steamer North King has' been | hg 1, anderucie r eatensie irs. in Davie | & Sanborn's delicious 4 Parks Cominissioner . a Free | 13th Apail. | Winnipeg, April 13. Passengers who 2 ergoing extensive repairs, in is | The Allan stramcr Tunisian from! gy Wingiper j dry dock. J ) Coffee is alwa Ss the § Hand. } L iverpool docked at St. Jom, on OE ri hh as _ elnyed, The sailots" headiuariets ate. quite 1 h : is ang Toronto, April 13--A radical im- | April 12th, 'af Kenora, on Thursday night, speak] flossated now. Nearly all the sailors | CU always the best. swovement in the methods of kee ng the legislature concluded its busi-f. Oo ect terms of 'the y ES os , : .- hr civie heconnts is nated by | p38 on Saturday ami will prorogue ih gavhest - © bravery of Capt. Daniel Hourigan, Oswego, | If you are a coffee lover, George Love, the engineer who met! y 4 ! | n 4 pr anton | on Tuesday, & INA. will command the steamer John Judge Winchester, who, to-day. made | 97 ve death as a mesult of the aceident. { Rugve this season. ! ! Chase & Sanbern's will his rej o the sor on the re Thomas Honeysett, Ottawa, for non-|, "ent or anayor he: judge b wai rt of his wife, has been sent to They a a 3a, report _--t The steamer Islander will begin run- i recommends that a chief audifor or | Jail for six months. - t due oa bovider fallin rye od ning oh the Clayton-Alexandria Bay | controller be appointed whose duty Charles Lindsay, formerly a well- | Suck, but to' ntbroken oir j route next Thursday. ' would be to supervise all the civic de- | known journalist and lately registrar Exemication 'of ths roadbed. showed) The schooners Robert MtDonald and | : A < pe partments, with reference 10 the ve- | Of deeds for Toronto, is dead. that after the engine had left Bk ls { Tradewind cleared for Oswego tof og w Ts - ceipts and expenditure of the same; | The Port Arthar Chronicle says Hon, a red along on the ton bor ad '® | load coal for Sowards. ; i a that this official should inangurate a Adam Beck may run for the legisla it br mp BE en le - a. it The steamer New Island Wanderer | anni - proper system of entering the colleg- | ture in that constituency, pate De ished to do a 1 hha vo brought a large cargo of hemp from i a 1 tion gud receipt of moneys and the | + Prewicr Whitney said if the lists dri on aoald have had Ne 8 Tosa Y {Cape Vincent, to-day, for the peni- | / y pecia chetking and: pagment of all supplies | were ready the jrovinecial elections ive f " hiaikiais, o ne Se] iar, cel ' andl accounts, that he should be in con- | would take place some time in June.|"™P Yon the Sires' oh hg oi ne e hbrst steamer of the season made & stant communication with the board It is said that Hon. Clifford Siften "ln whe . he Sidelit hae wae ae. {Uswego harbor on Friday afternoon at g Nn ed room of control reporting to them, at least, | will reenter the federal cabinet as } ca 8 ot ind do du 3 "pt four 9 doth. This first arrived was ay y monthly, 'as to the finances in all de. | the head 'of a new department of 0» at hs i 4 Fn u and an ex- | the Rosedale, of Kinostoun. = - Parte "trade and transportation." am:nation of ¢ : rottle and air | The weather was 100 rough for the Fy 1irnitit re Judge Winchester also recommends | The cighteen-year-old son of John brake apparatus of his cab revealed | sc hooner Ford River to clear for Os- = ol R o that 4ll foremen and superintendents | Jones, of Richville; N.Y., was shot the fact hat t ad done averything | wero, Tu aturday. The vessel will | ' ; aR . of the parks should be notified that |and instantly killed while hunting in dis power e. ey the many pevha En nay Jor oY ¢ made! HE8 = : Dressers, over Jou styles. Prices 3 : aR § p, @ @ e i H : their services are dispensed with, so | muskrais with several other boys. The passengers: spoke in heartielt|a five trip 'to Cape Vineet. cr Sai M : range from $6.00 and ap. as toigive' 'the successor of John In San Francisco on Friday - night : : . : ) N 8 « or Je 4 § , Chambers, who recently resigned as | thieves entered the jewelry store of P. ters of him as a hero, and said that tarday. The steamer left at 2 p.m. | HE f Iron Beds from 22 50, 3.00, 3.50, park commissioner. 'a Ives hand, He Lunds and robbed. it of diamonde. i? the train had not heen slowed down{and arrived back at 6:50 pom. The GY 5.50 Th i In 1 I , » | Lund, . if mi of trip was ria the g ia Oi sse have een reduced. also recommends the retirement of | watches and other jewelry, amounting 8 it was the 1088 of life might haveitrip was made vig the foot of the is ' Se mye a BL ro Willi , Te been very great. land. h : : i illiam Anderson, one of the city | to £50,000. At the point where the accident took| The government steamer Scout is Ask for Hercules Springs ' ES Lt . auditors, on ension, Mr. ne reos ie 8 x i - € We havea book which you would a om a pension, Mr. Anderson reosote, which Mises Lulu Bright place there is a tide rock entting on!lying at the government drv-dock. heing seventy-sevens years of age. field, Ohio sed - i i like just as much as we would like w am) Ly - hide Hanslicid, Of o, ed lor wx the north side of the track. Had ft not{The crew is busy getting the large 1 a ahem "| been for this the locomotive would] buoy 5 in shape for the summer sea- send you 2 copy. S AWARDED $10,000. \ He ey bi after she had suf have been completely overturned. |son. Three of the large gas tanks are + R BE I D, " ihe . : . pre ur n o the dock, being painted and fixed | £30 Men Shou 3 the | He Di ror oF - : When the engine came to a stand till on »¢ 2 pa an Princess st: € * How Men Should Dress" is the avy Damages For Death of Her| For a period of sixty-one days Mrs, it Tol aver tuainst this' rock' at a Ap eet. "Phone. B71. win your heart. . title of the Semi-ready style book for Husband. Charles Othe Seattle, Wash, hos slight angle. { The following captains reported at r a ---------- - --- ap $ y . " < yr Or . o } Watertown, N. ¥., April 13.In a(POt tasted food in any form REVI a of i J yo , Jorday ; Intaal Bost, " 00000 0O0O00VVOVOTOVO0VOOROND pr #0 VE THE PRACTICE. of bi AMOre, elson ette, o pages of correct information, and | reme court. the jury awarded Mrs, of her long fast. -- . {schooner Winnipeg: Alexander Hubert, pictures of the new Semi-ready styles. | Flita Grant, whose husband was kill-| . William Sangster, now + in Montrea Natives of Putuna Island Eat of schooner Augustus, and Joseph ~ ABERNETHY"S present ceason. It contains some declares she feels but little the effects sealed verdict, handed up in the sup- jail, says his confession of murder to the New York authorities wits made Human Flesh. | the ohjeet of securing a free trip to San Fraucisco, 3 al, April 13. Wharves Under Water. of 'the largest verdicts ever made in Montreal. He says it is untrue. From Honolulu news has been received | Much this country in a negligence action.| Mrs. Clara Rodd, one of the oldest oi a revival of Stnibatiam on me bh eg 1c)e lasex 3 4 nd « p PAS, ap .: residents of Fasex, died at her home : : {wharves at Wolie and Simcoe Islands | . Fai x aoe The defendants wi ke an. a Semi-read alos in Sends wil make an apreal. in Windsor. Out., on Sunday after. | brought about, it is believed, by star- | . 3 e ail i t The of | vation, due to a hurricane about ten|8® el under water.' lhe steamer | the | Wolle Islander has great difficulty in {effecting a landing. On her last trip, i | Saturday night, the steamer collided | with the Wolfe Island wharf and | ed at the Chaumont crossing of the | Ladoue, of schooner Lapwing. Glad to have you call orsend | the R., W. & 0. railroad lest Juve. for a copy. the sum of ten thousand dollars, one NI AN NY Easter Footwear. After a long and dreary winter comes the opening of Spring with Easter Tide. Everything with new lifeand vigor. Same with Footwear. Now is the time for New Shoes.. Shoes different from those of a few. months" ago. ~ We have everything that is up to the latest notch of style. i trouble is being caused by | {the high water this sprine. The | ALL-RED ROUTE REPORT. noon, aged seventy-seven years, pnenmonia. County Crown Attorney | months ago, which dettroyed all cocoanut tress, and was followed a) Rodd, is a son. It May Be Made, Almost at Five men are known to have lost! little later by a plague of ecaterpillers| Once. N 3 ch destroyed almost all Kinds of . b + London) *April 13. ~The "ali-red' hel ret amber of beatmen are Which. dome | aks one of the buckets off her' . . | y 0 route committee 'will report immedi sons were injured in a furious wind-| Human flesh has been eaten when ft Whee The Hunde che 1rip, this morn ately, according oo. the Scotsman. It} yom which set in New York Satur-| could be obtained, and a plan to cap- ing, and then went to Garden Island KINGSTON is believed the treasury objects to day afternoon. ture the trading steamer South Aus At' Simeoe Island on: Saturday ouite | . the financial part of the scheme re-| "p remark made by Mrs. George Kep-| tralia on February 23rd was discover- Teh ditheal A ] ite | . mai _ unansieril, Lioyd-George's wel rave o tip to a Frenchman that|ed just in time to frustrate it, though Rotting rid i was pee re bg oy . Promotion >46 chanmeiior. of the. ex-ly;, Henry Campbell-Bannerman had | not until after the purser, who was Rony of 'he! women. "wire dattiai RS oe or i Creages ame resigned. He gave the Paris papers ashore, had been attacked by a native ashore on the men's backs, the men for - repairs | in { speculation of possible arrangements. the statement and King Edward has) and his arm almost cut off. wading through water up above their | . to give the facts outr If had been S-------- knges to reach the landing. The! Sent On To Court Of Appeal. arranged that the news should not| Spring Styles In The Country. | wharves will likely be remedied before Toronto, April 13.--Judge Morson, | be made public until Monday, April There will be little change amor long. y today, decided to send on a stated | 13th. 'This was by arrangement with| snoring styles 'in the country for 1908 case to the. court of appeals re-ard- | Herbert Asquith, to give him time to] Of course the winter nubias, wristlets Kind Policeman. | ing th Hits of the board of audit, | quistly complete a plan for cabinet] knitted scarfs, pulse-warmers, knet-! ith tears in his eyes, a hungry! which J#*now makine an investigation reconstruction before proceeding ' to] warmers and eartabs will be laid looking bearded man. 'scantily gry into the administration of justice in | Pjarritz to see the king. He was| aside, who stood in the dock at the Breat the Bounty of "York. The hoard of | mad when the resignation was pub: The farmer will discard his coat and] 5. police court pointed oh i | audit charged Magistrate Woodeack, lished, vest mond substitute overalls for his finger at the Hen = Be aking of 'Newmarket, with perjury. 'The ------------ : trousers, 'The snake will slip out off nob voy and # a voice broken with latter raise] the point that the board ST. LAWRENCE DIGNITY. his skin for 8 more gorgeous one, apparently genuine emotion, said : wis not a court and the referee could c "I'he wanton lapwing will get himself] <wiopn wo told that man we had had| nt bring ¥ Sur : Shah and now High Turbulent Water Causing | another crest.' \ It not Sifped, the no foot for seven days he gave us his . H 8 cour of appeal will have to de Trouble at Ogdensburg. Horse, like the farmer, will she 3 his} own breakfast and shared his ean of y : y 's ui side. Ogdensburg, N.Y., April 13.--The St. on ay will be the prevailing | 3a between ws. Then we went with For Men, Ww omen, Girls and Boy S. Lawrence river, which rarely loses its 1 4 { him to the station." The speaker was St. J a oss Sank: majestic composure even at 'the Among trees, green will he the pre- the. "older: 'of two. hidthers: mmmdl > bas Jol d pril 13.--Bringing height of spring freshets, is now | vailing shade. The well-omdered skyi johnson, described as laborers, who y Sidings of She Hekinng o the ut ae breaking all 'records. for high, rough will hate Veriows huss ot blue, gan were charged with willully breaking We also carry the largest and best Grand Lake, of the sealing fleet, and | puter is causing much anxiety to | Clouds wi in good dorm, either) (yw, plate glaks windows, value £3, a & . +k of Children's S » the seriou injury of several others pe Laud i ot a oh pro- | in white or black, 'The moon will bef je Albion hotel, a are Ac. assorted stock of Children's Shoes. caught, in the crip of jce fices, he party along 'its banks. A few weeks | yellow throughout the year, like SOME! osoreling to the evidence of Constable! aa a i UR steanigr sealer Newloundland, limped ago when the ice passed out thou- | newspapers, and the stars will iWin Mason, 1281, the men waited until he! to port yesterday, leaking badly. Algands of dollars damage was done | KI2 in emulation. Pessimistic people, pu them under: oheervation. and etch of twenty thousand seals velued among the summer properties a few | will look blue, and envious persons (ph. after dashing a stone each at one hundred and thirty thousand | miles below this city, and since that | green. through the windows, gave themselves! 4 dollars, and imsured, went down with {time the water has been very high Coat styles for country editors are up quietly. To see what could be done J the Grand Lake. * Yesterday the wind was strong and | Jonger. Immediately on discarding] jo. (hem the Johnsons wires: re.| [| 1 1S S | just right for lifting the waters of the iovercoat no garment short off ended. & I & as ---- "Maling Big Speed. the St. Lawrence. Ownersgof boat-<| frock length will be permissible for his Tan Shoes, Brown Shoes, Vici Kid and Gun Metal Shoes and Patent Colts. In fact, everything in Shoes. A A Mp NAN at NN tN NMA NN EA SINAN = - % 4 BE : =% 2 i » v \ Ter 8 reseveve that a pew discovery in connection |ger and all' along the city front the | of self-respect or desire to obey lie] Woodstock, Ont.. April 13~Rev, Dr, | ™=SS------ Sm---- ervase of . speed. Ju a twelve-hour | three boathouses in the Wheathouse | worn longer. Money will be shorter . c wie sf ves trigl just held the battleship averaged | Bay section failed to secure their pro- | and tighter, while' stocks--except ' for arch. 5p. the Sonshus ne Avs 3 twenty and a half knots, which is |perties and during the evening the | the neck--will be discarded entirely. ate. This be did without Ee Sox. only half a Mot below her designed | houses and contents floated out into stating that he wished the pint speed. the channel. The Penalty Of Prominence. | iy 1° fo | | & " "s fath 1 lo- Two Years In Prison. She Was A "Landmark. Dorothy's futher is. A militia colo in connection with the church | vo carry a i or t- hikialings reosotly. wos: sentenced. to. himself upon his aptness in saying the | his regiment. "Ever Ready" Centtal Prison. The particular cas:| nt whither he had not gone in ten | small daughter that night. Hume, Clarence Chambers. ver eady Kingston Business o | and stealing a quantity of jewelry. day of his visit was a coquettish| "and you held your head up so bigh.| Amalgamated Copper 5 Bg | -- ¥ the best on the market. Other member me, of course." . Am. Smitg. & Refin. Co. shorthand, and a number missing os. a reRadt of help doing so, Miss Mullins ! Why, = "Foreign Mission Board has re-| Atches, Top. & St. Ve. | i Truro, N.8., and had been thirt Ahree A Slight Mistake. uro y Ches. & Ohio... 000 3 2 | Street. Boston, April*13.--~At an early hour They Cons. Gas. N.Y. ......" ... 4 19 with" she 'turbine engine of the Dread: | boathouses were stoutly anchored to laws of the land. lt pet AE. Walle sprung a 'surprise on his | 3 EASES 405550 SIHS 443 SAAN SADA SUN 5 tion to take effect at onde, and that Toronto, April 13.--Richard Brack. |!'aresr's Weekly. nel, 'aid on a test occasion she aps proper thing at the proper time, re- "How did you like your father in Prices Furnished By W. Hectds g | jros.d aga'n Freon wes that of years or more. "You looked handsomer than any- April Mth. | & at = AF a . . A 12 "blades, for $1.00, ig College --t v ig spinster, who. with a simper, said : | Bat | think they were mean not to let] American Loco., com CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE : Chicago, Avril 13. Many men a%el "upommnber you I" exclaimed the The Laté Rev. George Churehill.|Am. Car Foundry... ..... 32} 321] ] aa?" S19] leather cases, from $2.50 to . aga - . ® graphy. and ira] an explosion early this morning at you are ong of the landmarks of the | ivi "word of the denth of Rev, | Baltimore & Ohio . F. METCALFE, LE Burned : a il. F. METCALFE, President : In The Fire. Philadelphia Ledger. years a missionary in I Mil & St. Paul 173 PORBOOONEG000000008008 | (iii. morning, the bodics of three per. | teen minutes by the clock, when a Complications. Fuel & fron ..... 4 Bi Lofidon; April 13.~1t is anfounced | houses were auick to vealize the dan- | appearance in public with any degree) Pastor Springs Surprise. OOOO OOOBOOICOOTOIOOPOU naught has resulted in a great in- [trees and telegraph poles. Owners of | ~ Plumbers' and doctors" bills will ~ be congregation, - at the First Baptist| ¥ ---" Youth's Companion. he would conduct no further EDUCATIONAL en. vespbnsible. for a number of house A New England man, who flatters| him, in brave array, at the head « NEW YORK STOCKS. | - a, of RAZORS. The BO000006000000000000808 | duy, to two years. less one day, in cently revisited his old home in Ver-| his uniiorm ?"" the colonel asked his : entering the, house of James Claxton ~ Among those he met during the first | body else," "said Dorothy, loyally, | Stocks, Opening. Ciose. | : ! . A with Limited, Bead of Queen Four Are Dead. "Pm Miss Mullins. You don't re-| you have a drum to play on." Am, Sugar Refin. Co. .. 12 UR ww i J. Safety Razors, in morocco Sunloees whol, BE reported Killed! several fatally injured | = England gallant. "As ii I could John, N.B., April 13.--The Baj-| Anaconda Min. Co a a | {BLADED YP s| $5. 50 peraet subjects thoroughly taught by x do f 3 ee we t Sompetant cxpetioneed lanchers 3 he etn il milly Io ie ont tyr town 1" George Churchill, af Bobbili, Tudia, Brodklyn Ra dT... 463 ny Princess night ¥ ---- 2 th. tive en. Leath ; wa - ote etn Hates. vary modstules * four are known to be dead. an March i He was g native o Canadian Pacific ... ......0 1 2) i] i 10 Io0sS., 2 J.B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. fg " . ae rs en a 3 : heen' sngaged_just, seven Calide oso Ih | rAFELIS E0404 04 EVER PFE I GE 1444S HAT sons. so badly burned as to be unre scornful look appeared ap ber face Louisville: Courier-Journal, \ hive that was caloulated to wither the play was full 'of complica Col. street ies Ph She North Grove orange loc . tions, I unc nd," ee i St we Delndare & Hndaon wsire 1523 4, ANOTHER STRIKE PROBABLE. | Cook's Corton Root Comporndh offic "Y can't imagine, dear," he said, hgot the wrong seats. I mi my | Distillers sos, ...... co 31§ 0 1 fer have been officially reported. sadly, "what has come over vou so | overcoat, and the girl I took finally | Erie Railroad .... 4] : The Longshoremen Will Not Ae he erent Uterine Tonle, om" suddenly. 1 ¥ simply asked if you were lomted ext _ So d gentleman island 8, North By. ek R - cept Previous Terms Joulaios enw je, who monopol r entire conversa: | Ransas *Xaa, " Montreal, Agwil 13. Another long. tutti 2 re "Oh, George, forgive me !" she ex- tion." Missouri Pacific op Bic ri 2% F shoremen's strike, at the opening of i da ha, 1. A claimed; 'with a convulsive sob, as she Mio. St. P. & 8. St. M. River St. Lawrence navigation, is Sh all or Ni thew her arms about is neck. A Lost His Treasure. Jntional heart pr ae foreshadowed in the action of the erat t t you asked me if I was rheu- | Louisville Courjer-J ournal *hlra isi R men at a meeting. yesterday, when therine Elkind, who, it is said, is matic." - "Well, where's that cook 7" demand: | Northern Pacific . - =a - it was determined that they will nof ey the Duke of the Abruesi, un ed his wife. "Don't tell me she wasn't | Peun. R. R. . , - accept the Shipping Federation's ofier | 3 overcome. APs ; on the train." "She wan 148 the l : : i of ie. and We. per hour for day -- ying Scheme. train," timidly explained fom: - ge and night work, Neither will themen | wm Not hb Estate. . Jo oueibedtonnat ibu | muter; "but I got to playing errs, » , . . J & recognize the honus system put iafo Nandi. 13. The Lata, od t Soni tions, Lonelyville man won her at Roc » a " foree last semson, when tho men were " tot. *It's a paviey i seetne; tana. paid 2fe. per hoor extra at the end : of the season, if they had dgoed and % . * 4 stuek to an agreement fo stay at : 13. ~<A wage LU. 5. Sleel. . fe work for the i aw i. a nn re------ reduction averaging ten per cent. went! L. pr Cpe want straight pay of We. ane ang : fate elleck, today. in the tion cloth, ; . oper vue Ad hour. Nn Owing to the lust that, thread mills in New Eig : \ ee a large employing of " nutter Arrivy preg = uta) & _ Apri . Death Of A Mother. decided Lo well : 3 im, Ont, April 13-Mrx, Ap Save gh i twenty-five years, who gro Hives at Ridley, s small place about pix miles from here, died, suddenly, on a CATIA [Baturdav pight. Her eldest von found 873 Priocess Bi, Opposite Y. M4 Lr so 4 643A ther dead on the Jyor, a ressing : : ' the younper childrén, led led them to the] The Allan stenmer Cordicen' End Ba. ae oes of. iho ro he tole 84. Joba, eriivid ab Liverposl on

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