Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Apr 1908, p. 6

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EEC CRE RAILWAY Easter Excursions ; Single Fare going April 18th, 17th; returniiig on or belore April 2008, ers' Excursion anitoba and North-West Territor- it 14th 'and 28th, May 12th and % good for do days. Fulld particulars at K. &£ ¥V., and C. P. BR, Tigket Offic, Ontario St. ® F. CONWAY, i Geo, Pass, Agent; : Senor BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train lea on station, Ontasiy ves wu Strat 4 am, dad Sund Snceplediy ped, Spit, Naples rth - $ 1.90 To. uses to B nock: quick despatch ant % nts on Central , Fouts your shipments via Vay nay, For further particus DICKSON, Agent. IEDR Ss EASTER, 1908. urn tickets will be issued at GLE FIRST-CLASS | FARE uo pr returning to ng Thursday, April 16th, 1 , «inclusive, 20th, 1908 from destination oa or rol: o i fares, apply - between a)l stations and all, and backed by the most: elaborate method of tests in use in the world. Every minute of the day we test It is based on skill DOMINION AMMUNITION If We Could Look at the Heart of a Pale-Faced Person! 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1908. LOTS OF IMPOSITIONS nnn, He Thinks it Outrageous to Pay Special Faxes Besides the Cen- eral Rates For the Public Bene- fit. The engineer pres:nted a report on road building for the present year, He was against putting dewn permanent limestone macadam in the downtown district. He wanted to get offers from | permanent paving companies to pre- sent them to the committee, for it to judge, dnd then put down the roads by local improvement, Kingston, April 11.--{To the Edi- tor) : ia the Whig of the 10th April, k noticed the above paragraph. What | does it all mean ? We are asked to raise money to buy quarrys; and that done contracts dre given to the peo- ple owning other stone mites to pro- vide other stoné, and after all this, it appears our engineer comes forward with a report on road building for the present year, end states that he was against putting down permanent limestone macadam in the downtown district and wanted to get offers from paving companies to pgssent them to the committee for jt to judge, and then follow up this proposition by the suggestion t the roads ke put down by iocal improvement, The deuce he does | Is that not rich and decidedly cool ? ask your permission to allow me to draw the attention of your readers to other freaks to which they are sub jected; and 1 have mo source in which to draw their attention. for justice, but to an independent, fair newspaper for protection, as there is none fairer or more just than the Whig. ** At present, and for some time past, the citizens have heen held directly res sponsible for the building of dear ce- ment sidewalks and drains, which, as THE SPORT REVIEW. ; ---- Baseball Game and Harrier Run on Good Friday. The first baseball "game of the sea- son will be played © op ood Friday, when . the. 'Bingston studenis at Yueen's will play the outside students. This game has bey "a feature on Good Friday for some years, and the locals have not yer been defeated and are going to try to defend their titls this year, The game always arous's considerable interest around the yil- lage, and no doubt will be largely at tended. The wanagement of both teams are busy signing gen. Harrier Rua Op Friday. Un Good Friday the local Y.M.C.A. Harrieg club will hold a six mite run around Kingston Mills. Quite a pum- ber will enter in preparation for the twelve mile rug. on Vietoria day. -- . Sporting Notes. McFarland knocked out Britt in the sixth 3 round In a boxing contest at San Francisco. Frederick Thompson, of Toronto, was elected president of the National Lacrosse iation, he San raneisco, Cal,, "Jimmy" was floored in the sitth round by "'Packy" MoFarland, in one of the fastest scrape. that have been afiorded in, nany a long day, 3 the enormous programme of th Olympic * council wilt carry Vaious sports along until the lust are (is posed of in October, when the lacros: se, football and other "Winter sports' of Britain come on, > A Regina despatch sqys : Megina is to enjoy a week of high-élass : sport the camng summer, An up-to-date race meeting is being arranged by the Western Canada Turk anoraon "gt is the intention to give between $5,000 and '86,900 in purses 10 the Kovdemen during a four days' meeting, which will be held here carly in August. The meeting will be 'one of the number scheduled for the cireuit which begins at Cranbrook, B.C., May 18th. The starting machine will "he used for Insure Them Good Bealth, Nin€ty per cent. of children, under twelve years of age, are being poisoned and parents dou't realize it. Irregular bowels are the chief cause. You parents know that your bowels should muve every day. You know you must be as regular as clock-work, {or the blood will! become tainted. | Don't you re that the children | must be ag orderly in getting rid of the waste matter of their system? Then, if you find that any of "the little ones go two or three days with- out action of the bowels, don't run to castor oil, senna tea, calomel, cascars or harsh "liver pills" Those simply purge the child--strain the bowels. "Fruit-a-tives" are the ideal medi- cine for children. They are fruit juices and tonics in the form. of a pleasant tasting tablet. "Fruit-a- tives" stimulate the liver, causing more bile to flow, It is the hile, given up by the liver, which moves the bowels. the liver and bowels, and thus com- pletely cure constipation. They sweeten the stomach, and are the fin- est tonic in the world to bulld up the system and make children plump and rosy. §0c a box--six for $2.50. Sent on receipt .of price if your dealer does not handle, them. "Fruit-a-tives" Limited, Ottawa, Ont. SAVE THE CHILDREN! "Fruit-a-tives" regulate |* € Weare showing a wide range of fancy worsted suit- ings at $20. Stitching was little known in those days of pelts. @: Cotiipare the painstaking methods of clothes making of to-day with the garb of early years. @ Tailoring has become an art, and but few can exhibit the talent and refinement that are embodied in M, TUESDAY, April 21st, 1908. Re- du An .s 5 the first time here, and a paid and | experienced steward will be in the! stand, i Ottawa Citizen: Play fair! This principle must be made dominant in our Canadian lifes It must rule in our school yards, Our hoys must be regards the formek, is vrong, for thes: sidewalks are made for the use and benefit of the whole community, and should be wholly paid for out of the general revenue, The sewers, being somewhat differently situated, as the side drains for private property are / « From mil stations in Canada Mich., Port Huron, Mich, N.Y. Black Rock, N.Y. Suspen- 3 , N.Y., Niagara Falls, N.Y. ¥ ake Covington N.Y mbna, 4 il distress but was i ; worse. Xeon of Milbaen Hi in CLOTHES » ¥ «Xiy ¥, NX. fofotia, ,, Massene' Springs, N.Y. Vi. Fi N. Point, ny. Swan jell Powd, Vt. ahd vice versa. farther particulars, apply to . P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontarie Ste. MEI RAILWAY Royal Mail Trains i From Montreal ¢ to Halifax . PONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax i to Liverpool (anada's Famous Train © THE MARITIME 9 EXPRESS Ledving MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 bogynge Tals, reaching tho steamer' at HALIFAX the following Satur L TRAINS carrying passengers and mails w Yaar Asean: | A in' with the MARITIME AX and points west. TICKETS AND FURTHER IN- TLV 28 it GRAND + OF tO Third-Class, $37 and full 1 sa St, John, April w) Ph new Steamer, gr : First-Olass, $70; Second Cl $45; 50. of Typewriters are divided into two classes-- The ONE made seemingly modern by patched-on im- provements--the OTHER L.C.Smith & Bros. Typewriter (Writing Entirely in Sight) with modernness inbuilt. Every device for convenience, time-sav- ing and labor saving is inbuilt in the L. C. Surru & Bros. Tyre- warren. - § Every known element of durability and dependability is .there--Bunr In. § This insures the most and best work both from machiné and operator. That's office economy. -------- A AA stb SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE -------------- SS L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. No. 9 J Halifax, N.S. Ottawa, Ont. Maa, all makes of m Second-hand Type *| Newsome & Gilbert, | - | heli rdan St., Toronto. Branches, Winnipeg, «LOCAL AGENTS NEWMAN & SPRIGCS ELECTRIC GO. "79 Princess St. Kingston. A foil stock of t Ty I ar writers. attached to them, and in that way are more exclusive and personally beneficial than the sidewalks; and now a third or fourth proposition, the worst of all, is suggested, viz, the making of the roads.and that chiefly for other people. Is that not outrage- ous ? After heiing saddled in voting de- benture by-laws through for money to make roads, sewers for streets, and schools, we are to he asked to make the roads ourselves, are we? Then where is the general taxation going ? Won't the next thing be a general city delivery ? for gho' will be left, after all this to pay the required funds to run the city generally, te pay the salar- ies and interest on our borrowed funds ? considering the amount of taxj es lost which should be collected, Please publish these impositions so that your readers may be enabled to | speedily see them, Were I enabled to publish an independent paper of my own, I would not bother you, but that it should be seen and ols:rved, is essential. --CITIZEN. BURIED TO NECK IN SNOW. Postman's Life is Saved By His Pipe. Geneva, April 11.--The Swiss post- man who daily mounts the Jungfrau from the village of Wengen to the highest station on the electric line, the Mer de Glace, with letters for the railway employees, had a theilling es- cape from death, yesterday. His departure from Wengen had beeri "telephoned to the Mer de Glace, and as he did not appear several hours after the appointed time, a Jeareh party started out to look for im A careful inspection of the ordinary route was unsuccessful, and the search party were about to return when oue of them saw smoke rising from the spow down a Slope across which an avalanche had fallen. On reaching this spot the searchers found the postman calmly smoking his pipe. He was buried up to his aod in the snow and unable to move account of his skis. - The postman, who was dug out un- harmed, stated that he had been swept away without warning by the avalanche, and knowing that a search party would look for him, he took matters calmly. He thought that he had 'been carried only a few feet from the route, but he had been swept along several hundred vands. Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, April 10.--Marold Neal has J arrived home from Rainy Lake. J. Hillier, who had a stroke on March 30th, is somewhat improved. Mrs. A. Gray expects to move to Ardoch on the Ist of May. Mrs, McDopald, Miss E. Morgan and J. Perry, Myers' Cave, t Sunday with Mrs. Wood. ny 8. Wheeler and little da Rachael, and Miss M, H ; d, spent Sanday last at Mrs. A. : "s.. Messrs. er, F ing . | having & box taught to regard the unfair as the contemptible. We must teach them to cherish and develop the spirit of fair play that should be our heritage as 5 child of the British empire. It should role in our sports as it dots in those of the motherland. The player who takes a mean advantage should he hissed off the field. Unfairness should be classed with horse-drugging, dice. loading or card-marking, Toronto Globe : The next--and the hody-blow--will be the withdrawal of the Y.M.C.A, Athletic league of - Am- erica, This jis the result of the Sul- livan interference with the swimming match in Buffalo on Thursday night between Capt, Fields, of Toronto Cen- tral Y.M.UA., and Mann, of Bufialo.. Prompt + action will he taken, and Mr. Sullivan will back down or be cut out entirely by what §s mimetical- ly by far the largest organization now affiliated with his union. The col lapse of the Sullivan pretensions dates from his combination with the pro- fessional organization called the Cana- dian Federation, Vancouver Sunset : The action of the Lacrosse. association may also he said to be the severest rebufi which professionalism has received in this part of the Dominion, With athletic matters in much of an uncertain state it would not have heen surprising had professional lacrosse heen tried as an experiment, if for nothing else. When the lacrosse men rejected the proposi- tion as if it were a loaded gun they dealt a crushing blow to the profes giopal, and it may, be taken for grant. ed that it will be some time before those with professional leanings feel strong enough to make the qliestion an iksue again. Ladies' Shirt-Waist Suit. My or The design for a shirt-waist suit is especially adapted for plain white or colored material. The skirt is nine gores and had an inverted plait each seam and at the closing in the back. The shirt waist is made plain, plait in front. The sleeves are long and have cuffs of con- trasting material. The collar is made of the same material as the eufis, MAKES YOUR CAKES Liat. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIOHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT, MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LianT. Order from your Grocer. EW.GILLETT 0Tres LimiTED TORONTO. ONT. YOUNG MOTHERS i Tm i Jiysical {condition transmits to her ¢ iid the {blessing of a good constitution; |sickly, ailing mothers, the reverse. { The tiny babe brings to her a liv- ing responsibility. At such a time reat ,-care cannot be taken to to up the mother's general con- stitution, and restore her feminine system to a healthy, normal con- dition. The greatest assistance that ing this all-important - work is LYDIA E. PINK 'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. M. Gilmer, of West Union, 8. C, writes to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, "1 was greatly run down in health, suffering from a weakness peculiar to my sex. 1 to take Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I was not only restored to health but sm the proud mother of a fine baby girl. I wish every sick and ailing woman would give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial." . Paal Oliver, of St. Martin. ville, La, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: " For years I suffered from the worst form of female troubles, pnd the doctor said I could not get well without an operation. Lydia E. Piokham's Vege- table Compound restored me to perfect health, and I have the sweetest little gh I will never cease to ydia E Pinkham's medicine," FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. | For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- (ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and "herbs, has been the standard remedy for female Js, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with the worst forms. Why don't you try it? any woman can have in accomplish- }| The H. D. BIBBY COMPANY, 78-82 Princess St., Kingston. Reid & Charles HAVE For Men, $5.00 , REID & CHARLES, 111 PRINCESS ST. OurRoyal Shoes for Spring ALL ARRIVED, For Women, "$3.50 to 4.50 - KINGBTON: 00000000000 00000000000000000000000000000080 Stoves Stored A09D 0000000000 0g We Take Down, Remove, Store and In- sure Stoves at moderate rates. Anything we do, is done right. Any facilities we have are at your com- mand this Spring. customers, try us. If not already our SRO OGANIPOIOIROIRSN SG [Ja mes Reid, The McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St A000 NNN0N000CORCERCOROIROO OTRO R OE oF BRASS and IRON BEDS In pretty designs, stron and durable. Also Hotties Spring to fit, and Banitary § Mattresses at sale price! - Leading Under- taker. 'Phone, 147 Copper, Lead Tin, Zinc. ¥ »

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