THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1908. THE SPORT REVIEW FIVE BOUTS ARRANGED FOR 14TH SMOKER, © ---- Kingston Baseball League Execu- tiv Meet: :To-Morrow Evening ~--Qutside Students Have a Big League Pitcher--Play on the Cricket rield. This evening the 14th Regiment smoker will be held ih Untario Hall The officers have done everything pos- sible to make the affair a success, and it is hoped that the citizens will do their part. A fine programme has been arranged and some good boats will be pulled off. Each 'member of the hockey team will be presented with a handsame gift, from the citizens, Baseball Executive Meeting. The first dar meetivg of the exe- cutive of Kingston Baseball League; will be held at the Randolph Hotel on Wednesday evening. Every team, senigr and junior, must have its entran® 'foes then, and every team must have its two representa- tives to take their place on the exe- cutive. The new constitution and by- laws will be submiticd at this meet- ing. CITY AND VICINITY. The Wilkinson $2 Derbies. Are hat wonders. To be had in Kingston only at Campbell Bros', the leaders in men's hats. ' -------------- Attended The Funeral. The funeral of the late Mrs, George Mowat, took place on Monday after noon to Cataraqui cemetery. Joseph F. Mowat and his son; son and erand- son of the deceased, were in the city attending the funeral. down - the trees referred. to 'in the board oi works" report be reterred to Ald. Graham, the mayor, the superin- tendent of parks and the city gngi- neer for report. . Ald. Elliott declared that when tree interfered with citizens' property, and TE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Re- membered, -.: - William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's, "Phone 778. The Merry Widow shilors. Well, no- body need kick about their size. There's plenty of room in this coun- try H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering'. Leave orders at Me Auley's book store. \ One hundred and twenty delegates are expected here on May 25th. to at- tend the convention of the Labor Edu- cation Association. Easter gifts * of high-class candy from Gibson's Red Cross drug store by special delivery. Don't lerget this. Alexander Tair has his quarry run- ning in full swing, at the corner of Montreal and Joseph streets, getting out stone for the city's use. "For that tired weary feeling," lack of ambition and energy, take a bottle of Burdock and Sarsaparilla Com: pound, ¥1 bhottles for The., at Gib CY COONGL NEETNG LONG DISCUSSION ON CUT. TING DOWN TREES. {the owners asked that they be out {down, the city council had no rieht Aldermen Don't Want to Lose the [to refuse such request merely for the George Street Trees--The New purpose of relainine a fine, shady Gas Holder Under Review-- [street for the benefit of a few visitors 1 and to the suliering of good citizens, Hare Sonstets Walks Ordarid Ald. Angrove said that there must be a need of the trees coming down The city council had a two-hour ses- | when citizens like Mr. Kent and Mr. sion, last evening. One hour was oe Blackeby petitioned the council as cupied in discussing the cutting down they had done : of trees on George street, reported by | Ald. Nickle objected to the citv en the city engineer as necessary, in or- gineer and the suPerintendent of parks der to build a concrete walk, and the being on the special committee. Ald. majority of the council sceméd to be| Hoag withdrew their names and sub- of the opinion that trees were only for stituted Ald. Free. decorative pprposes, and that whether| Ald. Graham declared that the trees or not they injuredproperty or health [on George street were a detrimént to or were an obstruetiy to progress, | property and health. they must remain Ox be admired.| The amendment of Ald. Hoag Those present at the meeting were : [carried on this vote : Mayor Ross, and Alds. Angrove, Car- Yeas--Mayor Ross, and Alds. Car- son, Chown, Couper, Craig, Elliott, |son, Chown, Givens, Hanlev Harty, Givens, Graham, Hanley, Harty, Henderson, Kent, Nickle, Rigney, Rob- Hoag, Henderson, Kent, McCann, Me- ertson, Hoag--12. Cartaey, Nickle, Rignev, Robertson,| Nays--Alds: Angrove, Couper, Craig, and Toye. Elliott, Graham, McCann, McCartney, These communichtions were referred Toye--8. to committees : A. B. Cunningham, for Charles Dia- mond, issuing a writ against the cor- poration for damages for injuries. T. J. Rigney, notifying the city, un- der section 600, of the municipal act, of an injury to Alfred Davis. B. 8. Buck, offering 860 for lot 60 west side Victoria street. W. J. Fair, for Gentlemen's Driving Club, asking for the fair grounds for the balance of the season. pomee Nem 1 I com eos LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW. J. B. PENSE. We Are Very Proud of Inspecting Hotels. License Inspector Clark Wright, is making his annual inspection of the hotels this week, and will have his report ready for the commissioners, when they meet to grant the licenses for the year. ----t---------- Easter Hats, Your particular style is here. Better buy your Easter hat early in the week, and avoid the rush we always have the Saturday before Easter. Campbell Bros'., the style centre for men's hats. Dining Room & Library : Furniture. NEWEST IDEAS-You might as well have the latest. We have it. in early English Mission Style and Finish, or in Golden Oak. No trouble to find what you want here. Chairs to match Table, buffett and China Cabmet. was EATS ge rn The 'Move On' Crusade. Now that the mild weather bas s:t in, the police have started their usual crusade against the corner loafers, Last spring several offenders appeared 4 ; before the istrate and were fined | #00's Red | Cross drug store. Phone one dollar. and costs, and a similar 230. penalty is now im store for other| A convention will be held in To- guilty parties, « |ronto, on Good Friday, by the Inde- pendent Labor Party. Wiliam Kelly Taken To O'Kill Street Drain. | "ill represent the Kingston branch at . | this convention, Ly ee up saas Saf us tahen Lovely browns suitings at Crawford » » I ' % 1 i used by William Lesslie in construct. |& Joleh's, tailors. ing the sewer. The car was taken on The reputation we have made in business, very glad that we have pleased our patrons se much in the past that they stay with us at present. We have made it our trade maxim (0 keep only reli able goods of the best qualities, to g to our customers prompt and efficient, charge only the ost References To Reports. Ald. Elliott referred to the clause in i the board of works' report, regarding making request of the Dominion gov- ernment to do the necessary lighting to make the dry-dock and wharves as secure as possible against accidents. He claimed that the proper , way would be to draw Hon. Mr. Harty's attention to the matter, and it would be attended to at once. The city, he RT Sl Tables for ---- Student Baseball Game. Library The student baseball game to be Friday, promises to be a good one. Friday, i eo be agood one. The outside students have a good bunch, and the focals can get a good nine among their own flock. The out- side fellows have a "big leaguer" service, and to reasonable prices. W. F. GOURDIER. CARPETS to harmonise with Parlor Suite, your Carpets. Our new 190% stock is or Pari Sui or Suites to malch Some o e grates on King Som f th grates on King and Princess streets should be fixed, or the in, and is the best selection ever shown here, CURTAINS Lace Stock, direct from England, Austria, Switzerland, Some fine values. \ Repair and Upbolstering work prompt ly and well done. Deputy minister of militia and de- fence, re Cedar Island. Thomas McGuire, asking to rent the water tank field in Williamsville. Mrs, John Gaskin, returning thanks to the council for sympathy and flow- ers. said, should see that its own wharves the street car as far as Barrie Table and Whipping were properly lighted. Mayor Ross said that the govern- ment dry-dock property was a dark place when the lights around the dock itself were not in operation. A sailor had been drowned there last year be- who has pitched with the Boston Am- ericans, but the Jocals promise to hit him out of the lot. Baseball On Cricket Field. Every day the Cricket field is filled and King streets, and then pulled on the road to O'Kill street bv G.T.R. freight teams, "Three Swallows." city will have some damage cases on its hands. caught yesterday, and ankle badly twisted. Two people had their feet in a grate, on King street, one of them had his The fur question often causes a lot Don't worry, CREAM wn J on of worry in the spring. it's bad for you, Moth cam phor (the strong kind) double strength tarine moth proof bags and moth killers are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The Smart Set for May opens with a brilliant novelette by Elizabeth Robins, "The Mills of the Gods." A more unusual storv has seldom been printed in a magazine. It depicts the character of a noble ne'er-do-well, handsome, fascinating and ervel. He wins the hand of a beautiful girl, about whose personality there is a veil of mystery, and a woman of his early youth works out an exquisite revenge. "HUNT'S" Your Hat for Easter All the snappy shapes are to be found here, Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standamd of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." Jobn Mcintyre, asking for the re- moval of trees on west side of York street. John McCall and Thomas Reid, ask- ing for the water tank field for pas- thre, Bases sscsvsessessesene Be . ; ® | city for compensation on account : SAMPLE ENDS :| "ci « ruw Lace provement taxes, Richard Bovd and thirteen other eabmen, petitioned, asking for per: 166 pairs Sample Lace Curtains - (Nottingham) mission to range their. cabs on the . 50c Per Pair. south side of Clarence street, from On- 119 Single Half Pairs tario street westerly, to the east lim- it of the British-American hotel build- of LACE CURTAINS, 30e. each. ing. The demand for sam- ples is very great and once a year is as often e as they can be got. e Come at once for ® choice. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Gesemeveconcecernces ~ Hear the April Victor Récords -- Ri Dawson & Staley's with voung boys and old boys glay- ing ball. The field is beginning to be divided up agmin, each team, using the same plyce every day. Five teams were Working out there on Monday. cause of lack of light. Nickle asked Ald. Toye if a report had ever been made regarding the explosion last year at the light plant. Ald. Toye, ex-chairman, re plied that the matter had been refer- red to Me. Campbell for report, and that he had not seen the report, if one had been made. Ald. Nickle said that was not a proper answer. The city council should get a report upon the matter. Ald. Givens promised to look into ' the matter and report at the next council meeting. GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sta. ay Wood's , Pani Shatish, Rewaty. f n, makes pew YouRs. T. F. HARRISON CO PHONE 90. Let His xlorses Fly. A drunken farmer caused many a citizen to take a quick breath on Princess street, Monday afternoon. He had a team of rather spirited horses, and he let them dash up the street at breakneck speed ' from Wellington street to Clergy street, on Princess street. It is marvellous 1hat he did not hit some one, as the stvet was crowded. Expected To Be Charged. "How much does it cost to get out of here 7" The speaker was a tramp who had been sheltered at the police station, last night. He had no money, but was of the opinion that he would be charged something for his night's lodging. When told that there would be no charge, he thought the officers were trying to jolly him. It was his first night in a police station. ------ Davis, making demand upon the of Sporting Notes. Manager Lajoie has issued an order prohibiting race track gambling among the Cléveland baseball players during the championship season. Manager McGraw, of New York, is disgusted with Texas. He says it will be California again for the Giants baseball training next spring. The big basehall league season open- ed to-day and closes Oct. Sth. The National league plays 154 games and the American league 152 games. The National baseball season opened its - thirty-third consecutive champion. ship season to-day, with a splendid outlook for a successful season, and a' closer race than has been the case since' the beginning of the new cen- tury. 0. B. and Miss Amy Haycock, Ot- tawa, champion figure skaters of (a- nada, who were requested to go to Australia "aml give exhibitions before the menibers of the Melbourne Skating associatiol, Whve declined the invita- tion, 3 ' The CA. A.A. which won the cham- pionship of the Brockville city hoe- key league will engage actively in sum- mer sports. A harrier club has been organized in commection with the or ganization and two lacrosse teams will take' the field. Thé senior ag- gregation . will move towards forming a league with Almonte, Perth, Smith's Falls and Carleton Place. Other local teams, notably the A.A AA. may be indpeed to join the proposed league Lacrosse "bids fair to be revived with enthusinsm ih the Island City. Belleville Intelligencer : There seems fair ground for the assumption that baseball will boom in this city this summer. An association known ' as the Belleville baseball club has been formed here, with the following offi- cers : Honorary president, H. Cor by, ex-M.P'; honorary vice-president, J. V, Jenkins; presilent, Fr. Yen mans: ¥ice-president, De. Gilbert; se. cretary-treasurer, FE. V. llsey; com- mittee, W, J. Wilson, W. Carnew, W. Maclean; manager, Robert Colling. An effort will be made to place a team in the St. Lawrence league, or failing that, in the Midland league, re local im- wd oot Betco i potion Stor 8. cure. Sold by all . Ou ~Jree, HW ned nowt Gas Holder Question. Ald. Graham again brought up the question of the new yas holder, which he termed a sink hole. Mr. Camp- bell, he said, complsted his service with the city on May lst, and the council should get a fil report upon the leak in the tank. Ald. Graham held that Mr. Campbell should be held responsible for the work, and not Mr, Tait, the contractor, part of whose contract price. had been held back to make repairs. This same matter was belors the council last month and Mr, Campbell guaranteed a perfectly tight tank be- fore it was completed, and showed that Mr. Tait bad given a written order {or the repairs to be made at his own expense. Ald. Graham moved, seconded by Ald. MoUartney, that the salary due J. M. Campbell by the city be re- tained until he made the gas holder good. All Rigney expressed disapproval of the resolution. The eouncil couldn't retain Mr. Campbell's salary. Ald. Carson pointed out that Mr. Campbell had guaranteed to leave the tank in perfect condition. The mat- ter had been threshed out before, and Myr. Campbell bad satisfied the coun- cil. Ald. Hoag hoped that Ald. would got from Mr. Campbell a full report of what he intended to do about the tank, in view of his term of service with the city being" about to crease. Ald. Toye said that Mr. Campbell | had stated that the tauk could mot be repaired before the middle of Mav. He had told him he wguld put it in first-clags condition at no extra ex- pense to the city. Ald. Chown said that Mr. Campbell had already made a guarantee to the couneil regarding the tank and why was the matter being brought up again. Mayor Ross and Ald. Harty stated Easter Gifts Sterling Silver Novelties Just suitable for Easter. Not Expensive. SMITH BROS., 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Phone, 666. P. J HUNT, em. 8 B63 Brock street. About Cedar Island. The deputy minister of militia wrote the city council that the minister would place Cedar Island at the dis- posal of the city as a publiz recrea- tion park, if the Board of Trade would maintain a steam ferry be- tween the city and the island, to run hourly between 9 am, and 8 pam. daily, from June lst to September 1st in each year, and that each passenger Lover twelve vears of age be charged not more than five cents for: the round trip; if the Board of Trade pro- vides and maintains suitable hard at the island, and pay the wages on caretaker for the island during the months from June to September, said caretaker to be appointed by the de- partment of militia and defence. The city council was asked if a lease of the property on these terms would he satisfactory. The matter was referred to the parks committee. ---- Finance Recommendations. These recommendations of the fin- ance committee were adopted : That on the communication of W. J, Burns, asking for refund of income tax for. Mrs. W. J, Livingston, on the ad- vice of the city solicitor, his request be not granted. That on the communication of Tay- lor & Hamilton, asking for refund on account of overpaid taxes, that, on the advice of the city solicitor, they be refunded, the sum of #4 having been improperly @ssessed. That on the communication of D. Noonan, asking for 8100 to advertise the city in Rideap Lakes Navigation company's folder, that this request he not granted. That on the communication of W. J, Crothers, asking for reduction in the amount of his assessment, this re- quest be not granted. Your Gloves for Easter Should be selected now while our stock is complete. Have It In The House. There is nothing else you can have in. your house worth so much that costs so little as a bottle of Smith's White Liniment, It will enable you to escape the discomfort of sprains bruises, sweliings, neuralgia, rheu- matism and the various aches and pains apt to come to any one. Uosts but 25ec. for a big bottle at Wade's drug store. Your Easter Neckwear of neckwear in the no trouble in selcet 8 . . ° bd eo » * * » . . * * * eo » * o " o> e ® ° »® ° ° » - -. eo ° * * The city ing a largest range You will have . Tie here Sa The Coming Of Parsifal. ! z All admirers of the chaste in art, | Easter Shirts all lovers of things beautiful, as well | Come and wee war elegant Tange - ui as. the many weilawishirs for she; Shifta, Sat anieid patiern is the ator betterment of the stage and the de | Store velopment of its possibilities for the] benefit of mankind will he pleased to] learn that the forthcoming production | of Wagner's famous mystic drama, | "Parsifal," is announced for Tuesday, | April 2st, at the Grand. No pro-| duction that has ever been presented | to the American public has been re. ceived with such universal commenda tion and praise that has been accorded "Parsifal" wherever produced. Givens 00 000000000000000000U00000000000000000000000000800000 e . e - ® ® ° » . ® » . eo . The New Automobile Laws. No paid chauffeur shall operate without a license from the jroviteial secretary, under instructions to be fixed. No person under s:venteen shall drive a motor vehicle. If horse appears frightened, or if Stanley street to Pine street. Livingston avenue, east side, from Union street southérly to south limit motor 217 Princess St. Kingston. at liv N Victor Gramophones on po rioas: Phoenix Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers, --iama: Sewing Machine--Agents want. Real Estate Safe as the Bank The Tree Discussion. Ald. Nickle said it was a pity if the fine row of elm trees on George street was 10 be cut down as recommended inthe board of works' report. Surely the trees could be thinned out. Ald. Nickle said he was opposed to cutting down trees. Ald, Carson said he was of like opinion. ; Ald. Graham said that if the above two aldermen lived on George street they would want the trees cut down just 'as well as My. Kent and the other residents of that thoroughfare. Some of the trees branched right over the houses and caused a great damp- his that they would like a written guar- antee. That was the proper thing for Mr, the council to get. Ald, Givens intimated that Campbell had given the committee a letter guaranteeing to put the tank in proper condition. Ald. Graham said be would revise resolution to read thus: "That Me. Campbell be requested to report in writing to this council at its next|* meeting the condition of the gas hold and as to its possible repairs." He said he was told by Me. Tait that Mr. Campbell had gone to him and told him it would cost about «$10 ou street northecly to west limit of of lot 48, Queen street, north side, from Clergy street to Sydenham street. Russell street, south side, from Mon- treal street westerly 1,102 feet. Russell street, north side, from easterly limit tat 9 to limit lot 25, Victoria street, west side, from Brock lot 59. William street,, south side, Bagot street to Sydenbam street. The waid for George street was not from included in view of the (ree question not being settled, is signalled to, motor shall stop until hors: pess:s, and operator shall render all possible assistance. Meeting a funeral, the motcr shall turn down a lane: Man in motor must give name and address without - being asked to per. won sustaining loss or snjury. Provin- cial secretary may 'revoke licenses, . Easter Displays. Two show windows on Princess street are those very unique ones of G Mills & Uo, 's, trimmed - with all kinds of headwear for Easter with.suitable announcement 'They are tastefully MY optical room is indeed a busy place. From ll parts of the courtry people . are corning and a great work is being done by Mr. Mont« gomery. If 1 could person- ally talk with all the readers of the paper, | would tell them that this new system of diagnosing errors of sight 1s so perfect that no matter how difficult a case may be 850 to repair the leaks and that would have to sign a paper auihoriz- ing him to have the repairs made. Mr. Tait had signed the paper, think. ing it wouldn't cost more than ¥30, Ald. Graham said that Mr. Tait Oranges or lemons. ¢ dozen 25¢c. Fad- ness. Ald. Graham said because a few wards & Jenkin, 274 Princess street. aldermen didn't want . the trees cat down, the residents of the street in uestion were made to © suffer. The trees, the board of works' chair- man explained, were not on the gene: ral hospital side of the street, but on the east side. : Ald. McCann pointed out that haf . : new concrete walk could not be laid | Ald. Toye said that nothing of the if the trees were mot cut out. | Ald kind had 'occurred. He was in al: Craig said that the wishes of the re- | position to say what occurred for, be sidents and the needs of works' | was present. Mr. Tait went to Mr. department should be met. ven ii | Cal il at the light plant office and most of the trees on one side were io | a: him what st ould cost to come do there were enough on tie | repair the tank. visit was the other vet south "of | result of a letter Mr. Campbell kad the street being 'marred, as i . Mr. street was quite narrow. Alds. Chown and Kent thought that the ig up of the trees would suffice. Cut not the trees down said cards, 'Ihe'upstairs windows of this progressive store are also trimmed with Easter hats and cape. Altogeth- er the front 1s a most unposing one and gives a fair idea of the .great variety and size of the stock they ry. Not even in Toronto or Mon: y is there a bat and fur store quitf equal to this well appointed and popular establishment. They are the only firm in Kingston who mport English hats and caps direct, and who do a wholesale as well as a re tail business, B. A. Hotel Arrivals. (ieor, Nimmo, W. G. Davidsom, William Greig, . Runk J. P. Hen- derson, W. A, Hamilton, Irving J. Benuvett, John J. Nelson, Montreal: C. L. Farssworth, Ottawa; J. N. Thickson, C. E. Swaisland, John E. Henry or how complicated the error it must yield to this grand method. Children's eyes can be fitted perfectly by this new system, and in no other way is it possible to get at the exact condition. believe that through the columas of this' paper | am reaching the thinking people of this city and sarrouad- ings, and I will say this : If your eyes teed help pga never will an oppors tunity like this. Come and see for yourself the difference and learn of the many dilfi- cult cases that have been [it- ted with correct é alter all others bad failed, All this week, dav and evening. Dr.A. P. Chow Bruggist and Optician. @ Sess0se0sesssssnsse Nt tmaEa ree snarh and Twice as Productive "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." It goes without saying that vou will need a new pair of Kid Gloves for Easter Sunday. Better see our wonderful values ° * ® * *® * * ® . . ® ® . ® that are attracting a lot of attention g + * * ° ® *® ® . ® * * ® ® ® . i before buying. "Chautoos'" the best Dollar Glove . in the trade, and Gillette our guaranteed Glove at $1.25. Both these lines are made by the Celebrated French Makers, "Charles Perrin & Co.." Grenoble. We have all sizes, in Black, White, Tans, Browns, Modes, Greys. 16 Button Length Kid, Gloves in Black or White, at 81.75. . "Merrily We Roll Along"' Our "Piceadilly"" derby can certainly stand a lot of bard *koocks." Price Two-Filty, and the same can be said of the famous For the best Glove values come e » . * . » . * # » ® * * » ® . * ® * * ® 2 direct to NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store.