| Fy Easter Millinery To jou want your New Hat for Easter Sunday ? Of course you do, and to be sure of it let us have your order now. The last two or three days before Easter Sunday 'are such very busy ones with our Millinery people that it is almost impossi- ble to fill all orders for that date unless they are in early. Hats to suit everyone, Tow prices, courteous attention and prompt delivery. Tvy. Crumley's for your Hat this spring. CUBITT IC0000000020000TOTO00000000000000000000000000000000008000 oo] EASTER JACKETS Just a word about these Jackets. You will find nothing in our stock that is not up-to-datc and pleasing, © New spring shades, best materials and low prices will soon sell our large and varied stock, HAVE k NEW COAT FOR EASTER SUNDAY. ; CASH COUPONS. - ARREARS ES CRUMLEY BROS." 00000000000000000000000000000000 i ® : § : i i : * ® ° ® * . . » 9000000000000 000000000 reesscecssonsen » 4 LOREEN Ta The 20th Century Policy issued. by :the Canada Life Assurance Company fits into any case requiring life insurance. Before placing your insurance correspond with, er eall.into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS WANTED----Apply--Office, 18 Market 8t. J. O. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont. & : a . ¥ Eo! Fancy Vests for'Easter In Light Shades, Pearl Greys, White Cashmeres, Plain and Striped; and, in fact, all ns - colors. ne styles, O18. Parfect fitting. _ Nols from $1.50 to $3.50. In addition to these we have received another 10 [ght Fancy Vests, + ! y : cham As It New Patterns, worth from $1:50 to 2.60. These to put on sale at $1. > A 10. be seen to be appreciated t- this ; price while sizes and patterns are-here. LPs forget we havo 20th Century Clothing. § Fi THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1908. \ DETR CRUSADE AGAINST ALIEN FEMALES IN BAD HOUSES. All Undesirables Are to Be De- norted--Ten Per Cent of Detroit's Outcast Women Are Aliens, Detroit, Mich., April 11.---The police, acting for the local immigration of- fice, iast night, arrested four women of the temderjoin district on - the ground that they age aliens, brought inty this country for immoral pur- poses. Warrants are out for eight tore of the safe class and the police are looking for the women, Twelve are {known to have come from Canada in the past three years. An investiga tion by the local immigration offivials hag shown that nearly ten per cent. female outcasts of the eity are aliens. A crusade has begun to deport all of these women, the new law making it powsiblé to deport any persons found to he undesirable, within three vears 'of his ot hér arrival in the vountry. TIRED OF LONELY LIFE. Graduate of Toronto Suicides. Witmipeg, Man., April 14 ---William Clark, M.A: honor graduate of To- ronto University, a resident of York- ton, Sask. 'committed suicide, on Monday, by shooting himself. He was fifty years of age, and a hie land owner. The lonely life he led is said to be the cause. He left a note say- ing that he was tired oi. life, and was alotie to blame for his act. His body was found by the mounted police. University Drugged Liquor, Took $1,000. Syracuse, N.Y. April M.--Aleide Brishois was mrrested here at the in- stance of the' Montreal police, on a charge of having done up Paul St. Denis, a Montreal grocer, to the tune of $1,000, Brisbois and a pal, it is alleged, coaxed St. Denis into the Jacques Cartier hotgl, started to play cards with him, drugged his iquor, and then cleaned him out of fover a thousand dollars. Prishois will he extradited. Piles Sufferers, Attention. It isn t relief but lasting cure want, and that comes quickest by using Dr. Hamilton's Ointment, Very healing, soothing and penetrating. Quick relicf from pain, results guar anteed sand all for 50c. Get Dr. Hamilton's Ointment from your drug gst, you St. John To Port Hope. Port Hope, April 14.--Rev. J, E. Bevington Jones, St. John, N.B., has heen appointed rector of St. Mark's church, Port Hope, and will take up TE mn 1 Hmusements. To-Night and very Np this week, Matinees, Thursday, Fridey, Saturday 2.30 o'clock. ny Pathe Freres Superb Production. THE PASSION PLAY A Maguificentiy Colored Moving Picture THE LIFE OF CHRIST As produced at Oberammergau. 39 Exquisite Scenes--39, secompanied by ap- propriate Vocal and 1 Music. W. Seott Hiatt "The Holy ,'* and Miss Frankiyn and Mr. Hiatt "A v deste Fideles. Prices, -10c:-- 1he~-and 20. gents. Seats now oh sale. o TUESDAY, APRIL 21st. MESSRS. MARTIN _& PF ERY'S Colossal Production of Hichard Wagner s Mystic Festival Drama Parsifal ON | ENGLISH) Adopted by Wm. Lynch, Roberts presented on a scale of leur fore attempted. Evening Performance at Tud5. Carriages at 11.18. Prices, 25c., 50c., 75¢.. $1, $1.50. Seats 'on sale Saturday. ~~ CABS! The Old Stand and the Old Nuinber OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended to, night or day. The undersigned are the: drivers using the above "phone at the old place: R. Boyd, LU. Diamond, E. McFadden, J. Coyle, J. Sinott, G. Boyd, Wm. Jarvis, AUCTION SALE. THERE WILY, BE OFPERED = FOR sale by Public Auction suliject td a Ye serve bid, on SATURIMY, (he 18th day of April next by Wriliam Murray, Auctioneer, at his Auction Rooms, Market Square at 12 o'clock noon, that part of Rectory Bleek "OC." known as lot number 12 on, the West sida of Alma ' street, Kingston, at present occupied by Patnick Fanning. The above lands have a frontage of about 75 feet on Alma Street and there is a frame dwelling and barn upon the premises, both of which aN in a fair slate of wopairs - TERMS. Ten per cent cash at the time -of sale, balance within 10 days. and never T. James, Wm. McQuaid. URRAY, his duties at Easter. Mr. Jones came to this country from England gbout a year ago. Primate Of Ireland's Visit. Dublin, April 14.--Cardinal Michael fou, Roman Catholic primate of all nd, is to leave here Easter Sup- diy for New York, where he will at- tend the centennial celebration of the New York diocese. W-------- Spring Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received ree wsids of imported goods for his order thing department, isti of Scotch and English el atatiog serges, « is and vicunas. A great variety of | to choose from. ------------n Oarnegie's Gifts. New York, 14. ~Statistics show that Carnegie has given nearly fifty millions for libraries in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere. Buenos Ayres, the second Latin city in the world, contains more than a million inhabitants, has theatres, op- ova; music of the first class, and an export trade remarkable améng Am- erican cities. ' Arthur Ruhl will give his impressions of this eity in May Scribner: 1 The Lockett shoe store has secured | the "agency for the famous Regal! shoes. Tneir spring stock has arriv- ed anll they will be glad to shoe Re- gals to 'all, he king of Tealy Says the "Black Hand," as known in America, is sim- ply an 'organization of detached male factorsy not a branch of an Italian iving," a society. . E "A I hint for Easter box of MoConkay'§ or Huyer's high- class éandy from Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Phone 230, Judge Cassels, to whom has. been entrusted. the task of investigating the charges against officials of the t, will 'begin his n- quiry at Quebec. : Why take any other cough cure at any price when you can get Best's Short Stop, the guranteed cure for fifteen cents. William Tomblin, - aged forty-five years. of Toronto, is dead. He was gy son of the late Rev. My. Tomblih, of Belleville, HOW TO TELL BRONCHITIS. Always Recognised Bv Dry Hacks ing Cough and™wugh Breath- Any debtor will tell Fou that only by a remedy carried by air direct to the afiected parts can pga 2s cured. The very reason why Ca 0 hr is weg it contains a mewcine ter than air, "which is breathed Shrough the bron- chial tubes and lungs, carrying soothe ing balsams 'and essences as it goes, WILLIAM M Aik Auctioneer. AUCTION. Under instructions from the Executors; I will offer for sale at Public Auction on Wed- nesday, April 15th, at 10 a.m.,at No. 118 Gore Street The household 'effeéts of the late Adam Clark Williamson, consisting of Walnut Parlor and Din Room Sets, several Bedroom Sets. Carpels,. Webér Square Piano, Pictures, Mriuding two famous Steel Engravings Entitled "Meeting of Wellington and Hlocher After Waterloo and "The Death of Nelson, ™ Kitchen. Stove and Utensils, and other useful household articles. Terns cash. WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctionger. Valuable Hotel Property. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL on the premises that wel known four storey brick building, the Frontenac Hotel, Ontario street, Kingston, ou WEDNESDAY, April 29th, at 12 o'clock noon. Frontage 130 feet more or less, One reserve bid. Terms and conditions at time of sale. For further particulars, apply. to Kirke patrick, Rogers & Nickle, Solicitors, or J. LEACH, Auctioneer FOR HIS WIFE'S CRIME, Spent Ten Years in Prison to Shield Wife, Hartlord, Conn. Apel 14.--'Ten years -of the forty-five years of my married lite have 1 spent.in. State pri son for a crime my wile committed,' said Benjamin Altman, - 77 years old, in the police court, when charged with assaulting his wife. Altman had been sentenged to pri son for setting fire 10 his house, but his wile, he declared, was the guilty one, and he had accepted the penalty in order to shield her. ' When he was rolessed from prison four years age he sald' he found his wife had turned against him. She and her thildren are now well to do, while he is poor, he asserted] Altman was fined $5 for the assailt, bat execu- tion was sespended and he was put A The Ottawa, Kprit 13.--Fhe tai mission w meet further congidbr the' : incorporating trains connection with . posed to confer farther in i 2 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le. a word. Each dons secutive insertion thereafter hall cent a word. Misimum coarge for one io- sertion, 35c. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF HENRY P. ARCHITECTS. fee, Uor. Yueen and SMITH, ARCHITECT,|™ oto. Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone, 845 Bagot sweets. WANTED-MALE. TWO MORE CARPENTERS, ' P APPLY OWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- 's Building, corper Raok and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213. 8 at once, Jvis' Dry Dock, A BOY. APPLY ANY AFTERNOON, at Henderson's Studio, 90 Princess street. TWO GENTLEMEN BOARDERS WHO will be willing to room together. Ap- WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second Boor over Mabood's Drug Wore, corper Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'I'hone, 608. BE TO-LET, ply 170 Rideau street. FOR :AUTO-SPRAY." SALESMEN, Best hand Sprayer made, compressed LARG al WITH E FRONT BEDROOMS, ody King il =m 0 conveniences, 160 St., near City Park. air, automatic. terms. Cavers Bros., Galt, Ont. TEAMSTER, MUST BE STEADY AND NOS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, 8il modern improvements. Possession 1st May. Apply A. B, Cunningham. strictly temperate and understand handling and tak care of horses. Apply to W, F. McBroom, Washburn, Ont. 2 FARM HAND FOR PRIVATE country club. One experienced in truck-gardening and care of good horses and cows. Address, statin wages and experience, Murray Ho Bartley, Mgr Opinacon Club, HOUSES, B FOR SALE, HOUSES NOS. &@ 1 Apply A. Stree and a2 B, Guns INDAT TON sold cheap, PAN OF SHIRE high, weight 1 Gas, FROM White Legh prise winsing per settiog, I. EST FAMILY STEAM VACHT, BOATS Bouse amd camping utensils. pPrOporty of late Jobs Routley Paguire of Mrs' Routiey, personally; over store, 178 Princess street 51 UNIVERSITY AVE. COR. JOHN- son, § rooms, hot water furpace, B & C. Apply et McCann's, 51 Brock street. ¥ AT §7, 88 and 89, FROM ERY FINE HORS? DARK DAY, cowing 5 years, 14 hangs * Mighy - sound and quiet, wel boed, Will iunke a fine driver. Apply al lol Bao St, or 10 St, Catharine St May 1st Apply R. Chas Bell, Real ale and Insurance Agent, 171% Wellingston St., Kisgston, Chafley's Locks, Ont. WANTED -GENERAL, BY A k DAILY WORK, YOUNG HOUSE, WITH SIX ROOMS, "CISTERN and garden attached. Iuunediate posstayion, Also another house 3 sm May 1st. Apply to Will fam Allen, Barriebeld, married woman. Address Box N. 2." Whig office. TO RENT FURNISHED RESIDENCE, FROM 1 Earl Ny Ss ST MW 908, NUMBER 1858 street, at "present occupied by Lieyt.«Col. Hudon, C.M.G., Bot water heating and modern fmproverwnts. to Armstro McCormick, 102 * NDELL MOTOR, @ H. P.,. VOLTS 115, speed, 1.250, aliost new, For further particslars, apply A luminumse and Crown Stopper Co., 106 Front St. Bast, Torbnio, Ont. rete ECONITIAND DOG CART seated, newly painted and also runabout buggy Daas rss waggons and lorries Fas Laturney, Carriage Maker, Princess street for July; August possibly Sep tember. eCann's. SE shock 8st PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF ANY kind. Cull or writs to Mrs. Cayless, | 884 King street, over Armstrong's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work, All kinds of work promptly done. F. J. Birch, | Electrician, 206 Welliagton street. | Apply Centre street, or Clarence street. LOST. OLIA FASHIONED broach, containing braided valuable only to awner, on evening Reward for dts ret Whig of COLLIE DOG White feet, to name of ' turn to © Corner Bagot and B owas Mille. TV LARGE hair YELLOW BODY, black tip on nose indoor SOME MORE PROPERTY TO SELL. If you have amy, give us details. We will turn it joto cash. Jo Re CQ, Dobbs, 171 Wellington street, i FOUR please re. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF : BETWEEN yards or celiars, . or gther carfed. Prices right. Apply to . Lytle, General Carter, 35> Malp St. PENDANT Lower Union St Andrew's Churcl King Sts. Heward for 64 Barrie street PEARL City Park, Sts., and I'rincess, or its return to A DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring buits made at Gallo | Way's. Style, price and finish guar- | OLD BROOCH, anteed to please. 181 Brock St. | lily of the valley design mext to Bibby's Livery. | day morning, either on Clergy ! cess Or Queen Sts. Finder will rewarded by returning to Carson, 278 Broek street, 8 Satur Prin be Miss KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT | Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co' are always ready to do repair w . at moment's notice, Kstimates fur- nished for wiring. Beautiful import. ed fixtures a specialty. Fresh Bal- Series and Sparkers on band. Tele phone, 441; 79 Princess street. SITUATIONS VACANT, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to Sightoun dollars weekly, Help gecure positions. Will Sanip shops. Cone Careful instructions. lete course. Oata- ite Moler Barber FOUND. ON PRINCESS ST per ON APRIL 2ND Kingston. a lady's watch son giving full description and paying expenses m applying R. J. St Ont. © it hy Keeler to ville, BUSINESS CARDS. CARPET Sewing, end lLmying. Feather and Pillows cleaned by steam, Milne, 272 Bagot street. stant practice. Few weeks cuntip Jogue free. r College, Torgnto. PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc., removed permanently without scar. 'Twenty years ex euce. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Bye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist ELECTRIC 3 Beds H NOATS CHEAPER THAN BVER, WE system ; Launches, Coward Old Block the easy payment builders of Cruiser, Boats and Hacders Deane"s Hoar Factory, House, Kingston Speed ™ . 208 Bagot street. a GOLD | Answers | Hookbinger Sts. Yor | Sydenham | IN PEARLS, | same | CLEANING, | PROPERTY FOR SALP--- Double house, on Johnson street, the i property of the late Joseph Janis i son, now used as a dwelimg and a lutbber's shop Apply to Messrs, mike & Walkem, VALUABLE Monday | CHESTNUT STALL TONY 168 HANDS ti sound kind and i ve p orm ¥ bhandiad ny Dr. 3 information, apply to Stratford, 387 Princess streety Kingston | CITY PROPERTY Bagot St. provements sion CIVEAP ty No stone house « Ontario "One, Clarence St MONEY AND BUSINESS. 3 MORE ahy othes tham at a, Marks WES COVER g and contents th yy offers Exar v's lasurance ot Square. LONDON AND Company, . In addidie yholders h secur®y the unlimited- Hability the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving now business got rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. "Thone, BOS, SRPOOL, Insurance | LIVE are prepared to bujid 100 boats on | expert | MARRIAGE LICENSES. & | KIRKPATRICK, ISUER 42 Clarence oF St. 10; 8. { Marriage Licenses, TENDERS. ---- -- w---- THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT. Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, The Grip Of Truth. The Unitarian principle goneerning truth is that it is not something hold, but something to be held No man can really believe until the truth forces itself upon him. Belief ig based - upon the inability deny, Truth is not a toy to.be played with and cast aside at will; it is a stern master, commanding obedience, If your possession of any truth depends upon your grip of it, let go, MM it is truly truth, it will retain its firm TENDERS. TENDERS ADDRESSED TO "THE undersigned at Ottawa, and endorsed on the envelope Fender for Lighthouse Supply Steamer," will received up te the E16 rEENT H DAY OF APRIL, 1908 for the charter of a suitable steam vessel to deliver supplies .to the lighthouses above Montreal, commencing at Montreal about the 24th June next Particulars as to the vesssl required ean be obtained oh. application to the Department here; and ut the Cust Houses at Kingston, Toronto, HasuMon . i n Sarnia, Owen Sound, Midland Colling+ grip of you. I it goes from YOU | wood and Sault Ste. Marie, and at the mind it not--it is not the truth. Fores agency of the Department of Marine and yourself to accept nothing, Be will Fishelon at Mont rent od 3 3 iow i ach tender must be accompanie vy ing to 'believe anything. tai accupted cheque on a chartered Can {adian Bank gual to 10 per gant. of tha dress | whole amount of the tender, which Ad . Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 cheque wil be forfeited Bea: ree Bosto if the wsuccessfud li oon #t t, ,, Mass., for the tenderer declines to enter into a contratt iterature, or fails to perform the service. Newspapers inserting this advertisemen With a New Number without suthorily from the undersigned PHONE 600. He ------------ will not be paid. : ¥F. COURDEAU, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisher- Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. NOTICE TO. CREDITORS Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada, 4th April, 1908, TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Town Clerk up to 4 o'clock p.as., on TUESDAY, APRIL 21st, 1908, For all labor necessary for laying Hon Newer Connections nd whiter: Works Services, according to Town By-Laws, that are to be laid between May 1st and November 30th, snd at such other times, earlier or later, ms the Superintendent may direct, Materials to be supplied by the Town-- Labor, Tools and Sxplosives by the Contractor. For form of tender, copy of By-Laws, and other information, apply to W. ¥ Boyd, Chairman Water Works tee. : J. A McCANMBON, 8, McCANMNON, 4 ry Town Clerk. Gananogue, Apri 18th, 1 to by. be to MAIL GONTRACT. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the Postmaster Generdl, Will be re ceived at Ottawa weil Noon. on FRI. DAY, the 15th May, 1908 for the con- veyance of Fis Majesty's Mails. on =» proposed Contract for four years 6 sod 12 times per week each way, between Kingston'and Cape Vincent, N.Y. From the lst July, mext. Printed notices containing further formation as to conditions of prof Contract may be son and bhiank of Tender be obtained ai t in- somedk orms Post ios of Dgeton. Contract a. C, ANDERSON, Superintendent. "Notice to Contractors Commend - J. LEACH, "OUR AUCTIONEER." 58 Brock St., Kingston. years experience in England sures business methods promptitude. Sales booked. Many en- and Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ote., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned om City and Farm Proe erties, Municipal snd County Debens res. Mortgages purchased Deposite ecgived and miersst allowed, 8. C. MeGill, Managing Director. iF IT IS To get a sink set up or a bath room enstalled. I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial, DAVID 06 Brock 66 Brock St T. J. O'Connor POS, PENDERS WILL Bl RECEIVED BY Be undersigned up to Boas of MONDAY. A Businems Man Did. > Tnmeilute and Pubile Seb " alls, Ont., April Id.~-Hen- . Austin, one of the best known amd ost highly 'réspected residents of Fenelon Falls, died, last night, about midnight, at the age of hey six voa ry Austin had been tified wi , business. interests of this place for Your Laundry member of | Well Cared For. It wilt be ealled for, careluliy washed nd iaanderied and Frromspaly | delivered, take good care of © clothes. 'PONG SING, © 395 Princess sireet. s Public School ARTHUR ELLIS, ! tert. i Jenkin, g 5 settlements given to Household Furniture Sales. Auctioneer and Comupission Merch. « ant 86-88 Brock street. All sales carefully conducted Prompt marie peCial attetion EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, "quality guaranteed. STRACHAN"S