Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Apr 1908, p. 4

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DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1004. ; " 00000000 OQOCV00OCOQOOCOCLOICTVARAVA OURAN ET rho. Hh west Ju the latter SPIRIT OF THE PRESS THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published st 808 | constituency the exceutive of one ward fo Jireet, Ku os. 4 aria, ut $6 Der ssociation has already 'put forward a br Tells About a Lot of Things in RL BRITISH WIG, 16 pages, pb | ns), and it is said the other ward What Concealed ? Short Metre. ing TE a ir o and, charge | executive is to name one at its meet- | Hamilton 7; jis 6 Easter novelties, Edwards & Jes . e 3 A £ L - . oO - for has made Soc. for Daily; | . : Hes. 'obal kin, 274 Princess street, " he ing on Tuesday night, aud these two Tubs the of that: U t Lake ihere is a marked lating off in the boc. for stew. The je will be much - of hed is nd of je Dest | Jab Printing names are to be put before a conven- prised if public will In ie not oo: exodus to the North-West from this i Bi tion composed of delegates selected by closed, district this season. . There are many forms of nervous de- work; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co, Ld. these two executives, . -- bility in men thai yield to the use . a ion, The fedr of jndependent action at : Very Inquisitive. of Carter's Iron 1 mis. Those who are WitLiaws the polls does not paralyze the World. : troubled with nervous weakness, night Province is 'to guarantee $1. sweats, etc., should try them. : Stove PIPE D il bi It is not at all concerned about the 500,000 Sock. of t Cane. | *™ ENA MEL a y g. fate of the government, and it ecoun- | dian N ei a a _E. Mallen has resigned as teacher --- : i uk Wha thern ze - 'lin school No. 1, Cloyne, to return to oi : sell its friends mot to be carried away t are these gentlemen to do io re. p : H . gives a high gloss i . ; torn? agston, seeking treatment for his HEADSMEN OUT OF PLACE. [or made panicky by talk of what may : eyes. to stove pipes. : : "The Whit -- Th int 1 ~ It is a curious commen that | happen to the party. » Whitney e Strongest and surest point _in It works easily while one rire of a Ns clam- | government," says the World, "would | Wohrciiod Surrender. favor nl Salada Teo Is quality, ie - , Herald. a er in tory uct vi under the " brush ouring for civil service and reform! not be in danger though half the| Tord Carzon js ihe latest conserva the_Conadian ly such . and if properly another section, and its Press, gre jus: | seats in Toronto were lost, 'but the tive statemhan to climb on to the sweeping endorsement of merit as has 'applied doesn't) tifying the spoils system and"on mer- |government, the perty and the pro- Jasig huis, me ng is She trap| heen accorded "Salada." One out of ke or blister. cena unds, * Supposi wty| vince would all be in danger if the | up gpgp ppt TY NOU HOY overy six Canadians drink it and this yma or : a eae TT a 8 Dury | \wthuy 1n the legislature were] "TN SUSIE panty, | number is steadily increasing. he It stands a high - wy owes for Hire Yours; flied with madioerition, clique-chiosen Wise Words : The rowth of public spirit in China degree of heat and a has made uring al hat une ) nd i shodies." . is evidenced by the great number of - appointments which are justifiable on |nobodies and semi-som Pa Landon Witten fro. said ise thing] "C™SPapers which have sprung wp ) Easter Thin S Are ea long. their merits. A change of govern Meanwhile the liberal party is bid- in the gl 8 Wide. ing since. the close' of the war with Jo 1 § g y. : ing i i occasion to 4 n. ; , Use it on your ment does not necessarily mean a |ing its gh I has mo alld to' the clared that anking was the greatest Pee those who would like to win a The old saying is that good luck' will be yours all the year. stove pipes. change of officials. rush into te meee A; 1 A remedy for cigarette evil among! straight cash prize of $700 we advise if you wear something new on Easter Day, At any rate, every ! . At Ottawa, some conservatives and | excitement. The political game g Joys. The virtues of the rod havel them to read the advertisement off man wants to appear his test on Easter Sunday. SOLD BY they ~ealmly contemplate latyely been lost sight of in these ¢, Orange Meat people in our columns| HN the battle of the regulars and ir- atter days, 8 today. Ail it needs is an immediate] J It's the time for Springing Spring things. ies start collecting Urange Meat pack. y fy y of all political influence, and it must he ti and : i ad xg aug i 0 ive cam i» : be said that public opinion is giving [regulars in t Soliget vas in p oes It Was The Last Straw, ages. Get your friends and neigh-| M . bl trength to this demand. Mr. Sifton |the attempts of e opposing Toronto Globe. bors to help you and keep up to th q : Easter uggestions . ; : t ; some liberals want the service relieved | gests that ® gt 3 i ihi or, Mr. Rathbun's refusal to sctept 'the! fini made the point clear that patronage] t© annihilate each other , r cep finish. pa Palion gertymander is incomprehensible to] Wh, gave the bride away?" Her| B - ; . A handsome New Suit, $10, or $12.50, HARDWARE mot source. of pleats to the re-| ppp WAGE OF PRISONERS, | Premier Whitney, at least he so da [jiu pedo. 'or. stood up right in clares it. Mr, Rathbun has always| the middle of the ceremony, and yell Se A Perfect Beauty, for $154 presentatives of the people. It is, per- Th i ttempt- e Quebec legislature has a a Po od i i i i ment, but ' . many, , % haps, the most obnoxious feature of | \ 4.0) practically with a ques: Taste 4 the gy | he ed, "Hurrah, Fanny, you've got him| ¥ A Stylish Tov Coat or Medium Length Spring Overcoat, $8 public life, - but until both parties] ,. ; ve. When men |S : | v BNC. al does) 44 pst | . tion of great importance, not require wopdetful acumen to un- . . : $10, $12, or $15. take a stand against it the patron: to jail for lengthy | derstand that, Piles are easily and quickly checked plan will conti have been sent to, jail lo : with Dr. Shoop's Magio Ointment. To Grosvenor English Raincoats, $12.50, $185. a. ot a. periods, 'at hard labour, the product Ge Prove it 1 will mail a small trial box Our displa f Easter Neckwear is worth coming miles to 3 When Mr. Whitney took office he of their handiwork has gowve to the Brodeur"s Good Work, a8 a convincing test. Simply address| KX ve ge yo) &agier Ye was against the removal of any man state. The dependent ones, the wives Morirel Witness. ol aie _|Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., 1 surely| fj S¢¢- New shapes, new weaves. : - . < hb L8 : hail re the posi : i ] Lartest apes in All lengths, all sizes Jf rom the public service hocauso he had | 1g chikdren, have suffered. To has | ion taken hy Mr. Brodeur, whose. se. | Look net' send Pant Tae One] Bury Br; Bowing the erpusvul and smartest shaves, in and to suit all condi- hom a Sheeal a Pi Te Lb been an argument oft and any : . puriment Wag Singled out by the re ment would stand the test. Remember | your Easter Hats. ? : P on je p : righ T Y ani vi on, 10 nots ; ' 5 i tions. Built to order BI li i what he said in thi,|'i™e that some HHoSitten ; Tous 1 losing a in rising to demand gwollen eaici Le Z0 dlos. Jot We are selling all Our Celebrated Hats at one price, $2 and erected in place on J respect, but he fell from made. for the . families ol ¢ '| the fullest possible investigation. He | wile sith ' gi or / ect, grace and it is right to punish them but} yi] 8 piles, either external or internal ess ses--------n" short notice. soon the heademen were at work that 9 1 ge . an these Jat ih Toney toi mpathy ln Hujrhs Large jar 50c. Sold by all dealers. ; , not t nnoce ones, Pe " V. RF © 18- = ei-------------- (several of them), and the one hun- ies i vi » | sion and" to acouse it of havin one J { 2 i : ter, deprived of the bread winners are Rifa 1. 9 aVINg -B For Hot x Buns. ty. Every man, that is a good dresser, looks well Estimates Furnished J dra and sisty odd sacrifies reported | (0 (0000, oly Tato the poke in Inquiritg not| Yeece orders early at Edwards &] K Gloves on Request. by the . Provisie) wary. pre thel que proposal in Quebec, where Pris | ineo jis administration. What it the Jenkin, 274 Princess street, See Our New Gloves, $1, $1.25, $1.50, Best English makes gr Saas i the thirty odd ones can be employed outside the | commigsionsry did go more than they Nobles Skate For Charity eo ears | . . .. , . iri . : 'than v. THY Suring Ely fed. yoars jail, is that whatever their service is] were appointed to do? Was it all The Duchess of Bedford, and many Selby & Youlden, Ltd. they had been in opposition, the worth should be paid by the sheriff to necessary 2 'The pohatry ould like of the fimest figure skaters in the tories became desperately hungry for the wives and children. It is a radical a. ou rig rem a Pot world, gave a display at the Prince's of Our Dumb 4 . LJ MEN'S GLOVES--Gloves are always an emblem of gentili to is rink, London, in aid Kingston Foundry. public favours, and one ean recall the idea and quite socialistic, though the | heaven and a new earth. in I : meetings that were held at certain men who are behind it, jncluding some Friends League. N he duchess, a py i 1 . . st the Nati Skati - points, and the resolutions that were! "yy 1's 'best business men; SIR JOHN STORIES. tic, nied anal Sutin As. passed, threatening disaster to the are not extremists of their kind. The a Adoiphustonn Oxia Grenander, ex-champion, amid ap- | 0OOOC000TC000000O0OOVOOODOTOOCODOO0O00000000OMR own an's Opinion ause of spectators. The Earl of lj | government unless it surrendered to t dertaken 10 FIREWOOD ! ll | the spoilsmen. The surrender is not [8% r+ has hoy, Cette of Him. Plaine with three others, took part J Sm SSSS-------------- po n carry the proposition into law. Mr. 1) ll | something which can be condoned or | & § : Sat Night, Toronto, in a musical quartette, after an' ex- ng Gouin, the premier, will be satisfied | Jn } Nir John Macdonald was a [hibition of waltzing etwas sight LENT DOES NCT ENTAIL ANY PER- FIREWOOD ! i Somsdod Hh fthout' the ofl for the present if he can get the sub. candidate lor wo, titties... lady and gentlemen members of the | t may be that without the offices | . : ' i those nnox arieton. It was | Figure Skati Club. Among oth ject fairly discussed in order that pub- expected that he would have a walk- ods rie on : Hi SONAL SACRIFICE IF YOU USE ll | and the rewards which they offer, the|' 'i i lic opinion may be expressed. over in Lennox, but the opposition de-| Vincent, Mrs. G. Smith (this year' 3 V y i i : 3 . HL year's Ba ood piloung Hard Wood, ff pasty Runot Sod the Sliegiancs The labour element is against it. veloper! sich strength that the old champion of Great Britain), the Miss- 2. Hardwood Slab i jand advo o a i e ors, They will not tolerate the competition chieftain felt, compelled to spend the |oq Richmond Brown, Herr BB. Mever poi lardwood 8 Salus Ur own fi | but there can never be civil service of prison labour with free labour in | Seater part of the two weeks before! nd Herr Arne Dolsum. One of the 3. Kindling, Dry Pi Sat relann if the principle of it 1a . not any form and under any circumstene- Shontion in hat ter : Was] finest displays was by Mr. and Mrs I Farts ¥ oot, ne aabs f rinei- a ho! Ald excitement raniSyers, pioneers of the modern figure and Factory Cuttings, kept under [ff | honored by all governments, provinei es. Against. this contention i» that of | high.. Many of the older resitents had ti! TS riche modern gui were : Lady Helen cover, i y i | al and federal. the petitioners for redress in Quebec, | known Sir John from boyhood--some graceful motions as they glided round Sawn or Split, in lengths +t -------------- : a" og i i . ' Sigs ote. "Prompt deivery, | BACKING THE CORPORATIONS. | who hold that the employment of the Nanos Al ONES Shon ho. 'was | aril mow separated. now together Nore whelstoms, and amsters, . ] . : ) called for much miration. Write, phone, call or give order " When the streel' railway case was | Prisoners does two things : (1), helps | hare-footed school boy in Adolphus- prety feature was the a of Raysishing than -- to any of our carters, and it will before the Private Bills Committee of | the women and children, and (2), | town. Amo the lattoF was a retired | "pon, © the rink pony. Drawing the a EES, = se o farmer of nited Empire Loyalist jee plough, he made a tour of the Aly use eps _-- receive careful attention. } : + : the legislature Mr. Mackenzie warned | saves the taxation of the people for f stock, whose name was "Gus" ; odRY : es stomach sweet ' rink, and received many contributions clean and. the Lovie t i i thi the t of the pri in idl . | he uber ag doing anything oh Auppor prisoners In ite { He Was a very strong reformer and | towards the Animals' hospital. Wo- 5 ANGLIN & co | y i ol ) a eet Canadian credit in | ness. ready td time to disci politics. { yuen of rank and fashion acted as ny and active. . ®. lil | the English market. -- Sir John an excellent memory | programme girls, skating with their Try a Biscuit with Hot Milk --a good Breakfast for less than 6 Foot of W, Ili St. | What was going on at the time was > EDITORIAL NOTES. f for old acquaintances, and he never! .rec among the spectators. cen ts. oot o ellingtan Bl! not known, but on the Inet, day of Mg. Flavelle has survived the license | met one without a greeting of some ; / : : o TIRE = | sossi the: po on 8} ay of the scandal and his paper is ready to go | kind. Passing the office of the Ex- All Grocers, 13¢c. a Cartom, 2 for' 25e I ----_-- ession ovincigl treasurer askec A 8, the local liberal newspaper, in parliament to guarantee the debhen- for hy deaf of the. Waisiey open Napanee, one morning shortly before A tures of the James Bay Bail pent, every the spoils uystem and the | ejection day, he saw Gus standing in a CHAIR {x I Trt ECT ayy the gerrymander. the doorway, talking with some | : x EPELDELEEAAESEEEE IIT & New Granite Works || =o: ot Nockesie & Maun. amp iende u 3 : 1905 this same Paternal government | The gorrymander was pretty , bad | "Hello, Gus; you alive yet ?"'. was - Largest Selection Kusanton] Bohl the Totoulo Sud: when some of the conservative mem- Sir Johuts greeting, 2 ging, 4 # | | . wry division to extent 360, or thougi you a bad enough grit' to. be } Latest Designs bers walked the corridors rather than dead and buried long a ad yy, FE NAY ' * ; ? 000. Now there is a further guaran- i i ; ra: ' : Well Selected Stock: to tee of the Canadian Northern -- yale oe ini still Sho conserva "Yo bir John, Fo Ng gy i : he) . exper 0 uve eno! , : choose from. a the stent." of $1,000,000, vn new m---- nal in your, political Solin." : ; : We carry a nice assort- A oall of inspection invited. track - construction, 'and $1,600,000 on Mayor Johnson, of Cleveland, aims Some further sallios 'passed between > " v ao F A Kil atrick terminals at Toronto and Key. The | at taxing all property for the sup- | the two, when finally Gus got off this Your Figure Is 7 ea ment of RAZORS. The ae P . total guarantee is, therefore, $7,560,- { port of the strest railway, so that it | shot: / % . 140 Sydenham St. 000 ' Tn he: people free. This is the | Sir John, when vou and I went to : a "Ever Ready' Near Princess. he nay tarry the people (zee. I school in Adolphustown, you were the you ean improve / an y The Toronto Star deals with the is- { most advanced idea of the kind yet. | wilt hoy in the section, and I'm it by wearing E : ' sue in a somewhat original wav. Men dé | e-- ; darned if you haven't grown up to be 8) ' SPL with 12 blades, for ¢ 1.00, is have again, it observes, proved thei Ninety millions of dollars are go- | (he worst man in Canada. HOUSE-CLEANING. possession of master minds by et. |i tO Various = enterprises, public | Sir John gave vent toa merry CMC | BY the best on the market. Other ting the Whit vernment to and private, during the year. Which | laugh, and in passing on remarked, l Y, Safety Razors, in morocco % ---- 3 i Rey 5° bak means the employment of a large | "The same old 'Gus'. rs | Ea * 1 |e Canadian Northern note for a mil- mp n the 'drculation of eer | 1 Dab #1] leather cases, from $2.50 to 5 § Will not be complete without | lion and a half and then on the cre. Bet al ment n a AFTER TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN The two HAP he orsct Just i ; $5 50 per set '" looking over your Mattresses. The | dit of the people of Ontario discount. | ® 18¥ge amount of money. So exactly where their g influence = Ae - . Ve Dt best place to get new, fresh, sani. | ing it with the British investor. Peo. Where so lace Tks home" lor | TosePh Bone Was Again Taken in |needed. And they clasp securely. & Pp ' Charge. No pins, belts or pads. B " Princess 9% I0S., tary mattresses or have old omnes Phe who contend that in this Mac- some politicians, but Mr. Beck js not George Sullivan, guard at the peni- Insist on getting the "C. M.C." 4 renovated like mew, is at 110 kenzie & Mann show nothing but their one of them. The minister of power | tentiary, was in London yesterday, to S Clergy street. Prices right. | nerve are reminded of the theory that [1,4 been looking for a testing place, | take charge of Foseph Bone, a. ticket C.H.WesTwoopaCo. treet. 5 S-- : it requires genius to think out sue a of-leave man from Kingston, who has MITED . hak aseaais LL & . things. ® {oud ao tae without wecceus. Tondon [ot ult Se Toi Eig mites EHSTSRIENNDAD SIDA TIIITN ~ Kingston Mattress The. Telogram; dussivatie hicks [10 1006" claims him au its own. {05 SE SL ICLC Cy cteaing an . against the provincial backing of a| Mr. Whitney is lauded because he | overcoat. Two London prisoners are tich. pei & i . " i to be brought down, in the course of . private corporation while it will {says the local election will be held a week, T1 Noah, an Indias, con: "JUST IT." not undertake the aid of the munici- | this summer or autumn, The legisla: vieted of manslaughter, and Herbert Er ------------ SE ------------------------ palities by erecting a power trans- | ture has had its last session, and of | Mee, the Stratford embezsier. The In-|[] J USES IT EVERY SPRING. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Mr. . Langley, Hamilton, Be Ceo Mason A pohagui . . Writes: have used Hur Breakfast on a cold of "Mild Cured H ol oe mission line from Niagara Falls, or | course there has to be a contest some | dian will serve twelve years, and Mee Hon: "1ohave used Hur. ud dock Blood Bitters and it is a : : is | Will come for a stay of five years. ters as a spring townie time during the year. The old man is wod 1 find it the best thing § can splendid spring mwdicine. It puri Western ivi secret away. ids t up and o * fiow the blood is th py not giving any y Died At Fine Old Age. he 3 huis me St 'vl and reinedy in the Moria for Tomasi The Canad "Gaz Te (London) en- Mrs. Robert Latimer died in Toron- evllent, for he Blood. © and boils," Try as you may it is next to impossible to escape so-called "Spribg Fever." You get that Weary, Tired, Listless, Worn-out, Don't-Care-to-Work Feel ling. What is needed is to clean out the systemn and make the blood pure. The cleansing, blood-purifying action of 4 Burdock Blood Bitters whereby it eliminates all the pent-up poison from the system, starts the slug- gish liver working, acts on the kidneys and the bowels, and renders it without exception. A REVOLT IN TORONTO. The Toronto World is simply annoy- od with the pretensions of some poli- "Dame Rumour," 2g : if i i felis i 7 A ---- INDIGESTION IN SPRING. THE BEST |r "i tie , Writes © "Last i os Bot the of Purdnck® B bud indigestion blood | . ae 1 . ' : % uy hae 3 dood g E i THAT TIRED FEELING. ¥ 1 x

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