'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1008. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. ABy even numbered section of Domina fon Lands tn Manitoba or the North-West evibces, excepting 5 and 26, nul re served, may be homesteaded Ly any pers #00 the sole head of 4 family, or male Dyer 18 years of age, to the extent of section, of 160 acres, wore Application for homestead entry must be meds person by the applicant at a Domimon Lands Agency or ub-aggucy. Entry by proxy may, however, be wade at AR Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, broth #F Or sister of an intending homesteader. An application for entry wor cancells- wade Jerseusily at any sub-agent's } may Wired to the Agent Ly the Subagent, at the expense of the appli- cant, and 69 1he land appisd tor is vacant OR receipt of the telegrain such applicas tion is to have priority and the land will be held until (he necessary papers to the tramsaction are received by sonation't or fraud the orfett all priority of claim granied it will be ly cancelled, sas application for cancellation must be . jn Person. The applicant must be or homestead entry, and only one for camwellation will ro- #ived from an individual until that ap ion has Misposed yg aE entry js cancel subsequent institution of cancellation proceedings, a t for cancelistion will be en titled prior right of entry. Applicant for cancellation must state in hat Jaruculary the bonesteader is in defaul A condings may approval Ly felinquish 1t in favor of father , Som, daughter, brother or er if eligible, but to no ome elise, on ing of abandomoent. ESA settler is required to per- form the duties under one of the follow. plang 'w ns At least six mobths' residence up- on a altvation of the land in each Year tl term of three years. (3) A bo may, if he so de aires, perform the required residence duties by living on farming land owned Solely by him, not less than eighty (80) in extent, in the vicinity of his id. Joint ownership in land will r has on salely by him, not less than BO) acres in extemt, in the vicini- the bhomastesd, or upon a home entered for by bim in the vicinity, bomenteader way perform his own residence Quiles, by living with the ather {or m ") 4) fern "vicinity In the two 'receding paragraphs is defined as mean- Bot more than nine miles in a direct der intending te perform his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or n land owned by himself must may the Agent for the district of such on. : Belore making application for patent he settler must give six months' notice writing to the Commissioner of Do- inton Lands mt Ottawa, of his inten on to do sos X¥NOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~Cond mining rights may be assed for & period of AWOnty-one vere an rental of $1 SHIRTS The Colored Neglige Shirt is the lar shirt to-day. A short time ago neglige shirts were worn only in summer, Now the best dressed men wear them all the year round. They find them much more comfortable, for daily use, than a stiff-bosomed shirt. Not only are they more com- fortable, but they wear longer, because they make fewer trips- to the laundry. It is not the use of a shirt that wears it out it's the laundry that does it The name Tooke on a shirt means Fit, Wear and Comfort-- look for the mame. BD 9,080 acres shall be leaped to vidual or company. A as at five cents per ton hail merchantab) lege ox over, having discovered mineral in ace, may locate a claim 1,500x1,500 feo for recording a claim is $5. t least $100 must be ex on the claim each fear or paid to the mining recorder in liou thereof, When $500 bas len or paid, locator may survey ma and upon chase Nang hs Pur " prpviden for the Sayment of a royal Placer Binion Sabu rr + cent on Heuerally are 100 square ; entry fee $5, renewable your- y. An applicant may obtain two leases rode or gold of five miles oath be termr of twenty years, renewable at the om of the Minister of the Ip- terior. - The lessee shall have q dredge in oper- a within one season from ihe date lease each five miles. Rented annum for each min of river . Royalty at the rats of aH per omit collected on the output after it ex- ceeds $10,000. CORY, ww Poputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.--~Unauthorised publication of this advertisement will not be pad for. % » Typewriters are divided "into two classes The ONE made seemingly modern by patched-on im- provements--the OTHER L.C. Suilth & Bros. Typewriter EE (Writing Entirely in Sight) with modernness inbuilt. Every device for convenience, time-saf- ing and labor saving is inbuilt in the L. C. Surrn & Bros. Tyre warren. § Every known element of durability and dependability is there--Bunr In. § This insures the most and best work both from machine and operator. That's office economy, EE ------------.. ------ SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 1. C. Smith & Bros. - Typewriter : TOOKE BROTHERS, LIMITED. MONTREAL 21 Rad Palptation of The Hear : [ ¥ ® : F< i ks i ¢ £ | 3 3 il g 1h Bag i g i fi i i hi H fi E i i E I 3 | F i ii § iE ji "r 7 | Newsome & Gilbert, | ° i LIMITED pt bs, "fact unfit to use. a" Iii tet uy me REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. than the Reruse SUBSTITUTES. W. GILLETT I0TS a] { tions for the purchase of the business NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points | in [Eastern Ontario--What | People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. \ Bad Fire At Arden. i Arden) April 13. --Early Saturday | morning BB. R. Newton, J.P., lost his farm residence and office by fire, with nearly all the contents. The loss is dbout two thousand dollars and the insurance six hundred dollars. News Of Sydenham. Sydenham, April 13.--Miss E. Law- son entertained a number of her friends on Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. R., Reid will leave for To- ronto, on Thursday, to spend Easter. Mrs. Decean will go to Shelburne and Miss Baker to > home. The sugar social in Wesley" hall, last Wednesday evening, passed off very pleasantly, and a nice sum was realized. Notes From Westport. Westport, April 13.--E. Sickler has purchased Mrs. W. McKim's residence, on Rideau street. Mrs. McKim in- tends moving to Edmonton in afew weeks. Thomas Egan has gone to Taylor to get his cheese factory in thape. Mrs. J. Johnston has return. ed from visiting her daughter, in To- ronto. Francis McCue, of the Windsor hotel, Kingston, spent a couple of days, last week, here. Miss ; Minnie McCann is on the sick list. Clarendon Happenings. Claredon, April 13.--Sprvices are to Be held here, Tuesday and Friday nights of this week, by Revs. W. H. Smith and W. Halpenny, x Sharbot Lake. Water at the sink-hole is re- ceding and the track is nearly clear again. J. Lake and D. McDougall are shipping pulp-wood from Robertsville, Master James Campbell is home from Ardoch. Miss M. Leishman, the effici- ent school teacher, has the temple of learning artistically decorated with historic and royal portraits. Arthur Robinson and children have removed to Copper Cliff. Josepli A. Burke has commenced sawing lumber at Lillies mill. Joha Cain has lost two valu- able cows. Brasse's Point Notes. Prasse"s Point, April 13.--Sechool has been closed for the past two weeks owing to the resignation of the teacher, Mr. Ellis. Miss Sadie Tough has been renewing acquaintances on the lower end of the island. Henry Knapp has purchased a thoroughbred pacer, Uapt. John Jarvell and broth- er, Frederick, of Port Hope, have been called to the bedside of their father, Henry Jarrell, of this place, who is seriously ill. James Tuttle has re- turned after spending the winter at DRAMATIC CIRCUMSTANCES. Shot By Woman He Would Not Wed. Geneva, April M.--Arthur Weber, a young man employed in a tobacco factory at Reinach, in the canton of Argovie, was shot by a woman, yes- terday, under the mest dramatic cir cumstances. For some time past Weber has been pestered hy the 'womaw-a beautiful voung Italian. She declared that she had fallen violently in love with him and implored him to marry her. Unfortunately, Weber's affections were engaged elsewhere, and when he informed the Italian of this fact she threatened to kill hitn if he did not marry her. \ She pearly cartied out her threat, vesterday afternoon, when, with a re- volver in her hand, she entered the factory, brushed by the workmen, and going up to Weber, shot him in the back. "This ix my revenge," she said, and throwing down the revolver, she walked out of the factory before any of the astonished workmen could in- terferc. She was arrested the same night. Her victim is dangerously wounded, and there is little hope of his recov- ery. : ------ Don't Invite Rheumatism. Rheumatism and. a variety of other painful affections 'cannot come as lon as your blood is pure and abundant, These aflections are due to poisons in the Llood which must be expelled. Keep your vitality high and your blood rich and red by use of Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store, Money back if not satisfactory. The Bosses Win. Major Rathbun, M.P.P., Fast Hast- ings, is opposed to the alterations by the Whitney government in Hastings county. East and West Hastings had each a population of about 17,000 people, phils, the North had 25,000 people. lu the mew arrangement the East has 20,000, the West 17,000, and the North 22,000, putting the county out of balance. He could not see why a township giving & majority of 162 conservatives should be thrown into a riding which at last the largest number of vates of any riding in the compty. The change ar- rogates the power of Hastings and Prince Edward to the bosses. a small group of men living in Belleville. ------------ Pain, anywhere, can be quickly stop- red by one of Dr. S8hoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Pains always means conges- tion--unnatural blood pressure. Dir. Shoop's "Pink Pain Tablets simply coax congested blood away irom pain centres, These "Tablets--known by druggists as Dr. Shoop's lieadache Tablets--simply equalize "the blood circulation and pain always de- parts in 20 minutes. 20 Tablets 25c. Kingston Dairy School. Mr. Kane, of Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for free package. Sold by all dealers, Seeley's Bay, is in the vicinity trap- ping. E. Mallen is home from Cloyne recuperating for a time. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. ---- The Keeping of Pigs Close to Princess Street. Kingston, April 13.--(To the ¥Edi tor) : In the Whig's report of the last meeting of the board of health, it is stated that a complaint had been made, "that in the yard of an hotel on Princess street, seven pigs were he- ing kept." Can it be possible that-in the business" part of this eily, and within a few feet of the principal street, that seven pigs are being kept in one yard, and that it is not con- sidered necessary to have them re- moved ? I think any person must know that this number of pigs cannot be kept in an. enclosed place without them becoming a nuisance to the neighborhood, and | am told that other complaints 'have been made about this nuisance, but without any results, Why is this? I a visit was paid to this yard without first noti- fying the persons concerned about it, then the ordinary state in which these pigs are kept womld be known. I hope for the credit of the city, and the health of the people in this neighbor- hood, that the Whig will take this matter in hand, for, no doubt, this is a'case where the power of the press should make itself felt, and I am sure you will be sincerely thanked by per- sons living near this hotel--Yoprs Harry Stoneburg, who expected to move to Toronto and manage a large farm at 3500 per yaar, has been given a position-imthe Ounadian Can- ners' factory of Wellingjon. He has purchased the residence of John GG. Garratt. "Do you" feel the effects of the hard winter on your system. Take a good spring blood remedy and follow that with a bottle of Beef, Iron and Wine. You will teel like a new person: Buy these at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. You will know they are fresh then, Mrs. Pauline Metzger, an actress, of Altoona, Pa., was married in the par- lors of the Waldorf-Astoria, on Mon- day, to Dr. J. Munyon, the Philadel- phia millionaire patent medicine man. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will vield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. Even a first-class woodworker can not necessarily Sill a position in a chop house, Many a noble young idea has wen themped to death on a Jypewriter. Have you son our range of suitings for spring. Crawford & Walsh, Nobody censmies the actor whose wife supborts him. Doctors All Advise truly, SANITAS, i COMMERCIAL MATTERS. | ------ What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets. The exports of manufactures of the United - States have averaged more Suitable Spring Tonic Pays You to Get Nourish the Blood During Change of Seasons. In the spring time the vigor and re isting power of the body fall very than: two. million dollars a day dur- ing the entire \year, including ry day in the calendar. year. On June 30th, 1906, the total single track railway mil in the United States was 224.363.17 miles, or 6,262.13 miles more than at the end of the previous year. \ The United States Steel Corpora- tion has about completed prepara: of Corrigan, McKinney & Co., Cleve land, Ohio, probably the wealthiest iron interests not in any way affilint ed with the trust. Suit for the recovery of $167 449.58, claimed to be balance due from sale of stock, has been entered by the Sil- ver Leaf Mining company, agetast the well-known New York brokerage fiom of Douglas, Lacey & Co, fnormal strength. . The very best low Insteail of being rich and nour-| ishing the blood is thin and watery. As a result the bodily forces become! less active, sleep fails to bring rest. An ever-increasing tiredness develops into over-powering weakness. People sufloring from this spring sick ness fecl heavy amd drowsy; _they don't want to eal; they don't enjoy work--about balf sick and half well, This is just the condition that favors pneumonia and typhoid, and you mwst build up as quickly as possible. You must increase your. blood supply and make it rich and ved. The only way this ean be/done ix by using Ferrozome, which #4 acknowl eliged to be the most efficient spring The. marvelous purifying and tonic properties of Ferrokane are quickly felt, because the 'blood. is at once sup- become rich and wed. It iy ironized, vitalized and rapidly brought to its ® ingredients for toning up the system ave contained in Ferro- zope, and if you use it you are sure to get back your i strength and" spirits. s debility, insomnia, H yau sulier from hidte. or tome nervousness, loss of election gave | Sheep--Receipts, Strong and| " PLAN ONGE FOILED TERRORIST CHIEF ENDS LIFE IN EXILE. Escaped From Siberia in Barrel and Made Men Assassins By Hypnotic Spell. St, Petersburg, April 14.--Gershuni, the ex-student pioneer and ruling spitit of the present revolutionary terrorist movement in Russia, is re ported by the newspapers to have died in exile but a free man. He escaped from a life sentence in the East Siberian political penal set- tlement two years ago by getting some fellow prisoners to conceal him in a coal barrel which, with & load of others, was to be taken further nerth The driver wats bribed and "lost" the barrel, its occapant escaping after many perils to Japan, and then to America. Among his young comrades he was credited with strong powers of hypno- tism, by which he became the real pivot of their movement. Most of the attempts against heads of the Rus- sian government in recent vears were Banish: the Underwear That Imitat Get Your Child and Yourselt PAGE SEVEN. -- So fine and soft it makes the skin feel glad. Youn don garments of A comfort every time .you put on Pen - Angle Underwear. In med- \ium weight, natural wool gar- J 1 §, \ A complete line in all sizes for men, women and children, Every garment guaranteed, Also makers of Pen- Angle Hosiery, of his devising. It was his instru- ments who assassinated Prince Obol ensky and M. de Plehve, and since his escape he organized some of the chief attempts of recent months. He never took part in the actual deeds, but by choosing men among his desperate comrades, fascinating and frightening them, he directed the mcs! daring coups. Once, his friends admit, he was foil- ed completely. He had instigated an attempt on the life of the late M. Pobiedonostzeff, procurator of the holy synod, which wes to he carried out at the funeral of M. Lipiaguine, the minister of the interior, whose execution he had decreed. For assas sin he had chosen a young subaltern of radical leanings. After four seances with Gershuni 3 officer yro- mised to kill the procutator. . On the morning fixed for the deel the chief went to his agent's room and found him terrified from remorse swearing that he could not commit murder. Gershuni upkraided and d rided him, finally giving him a bottle of strong wine and telling him to do as he bid. The officer went out obed ently with his revolver and poisoned buliets and took his position on the line of the funeral procession. As M. Pobiedonostzeff approached on foot the eves of the two men mst, and the would-be assassin, who had cow- ered under the eve of Gershuni, felt himself even more helpless as the age] procurator's cold, grey, masterful eves. did not release their hold from bis. It was as if they met and fought in a life-and-death combat and the terrorist was vanquished. He broke down, turned and fled. They found him. in his lodgings in an hysterical slate, exhausted with throwing off the spell of Gershuni. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Paid Centres. Montreal, April 13.--About 1270 head of butchers' cattle, 380 calves, 249 sheep and lambs, and 2537 fat hogs were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stock yards this fore noon. A large proportion of the cattle were in prime to extra condi tion, and trade was good at ads anc- ing prices all round. Extra Easter cattle sold at from 6c. to 6je. per Ib.; prime beeves at 5ic. to near 6c pretty good carte, 3c. to , and the common stock at 3}e. to 4c. per Ib. Jageph Richard bought 10 extra steers at 6ic. per lb.; 5 calves at Tc to near 9c. per Ib., and a mixed lot of 15 sheep and lambs at 6c. per lb. A lot of choice calves from Whitby. Ont., were sold to a (uiebec buyer at from 7c. to 10e. per Ib. Other calves sold at from 4c. to 64c. per lb, spring lambs sold at $35 to #6 each Good lots of fat hogs sold at from 7c. to Tic. per lb. The Prices at Various on -- Chicago, April 13.--Cattle--Receipts, 24.000; steady to strong. Deeves, $1.60 to $7.30; cows, $2.15 to $6.25; heifers, $4.50 to 85.40; calves, $1.50 to $6.25; westerners, $1.40 to 85.50; stockers+ and feeders, ¥3.25 to $5.25. Hogs--Receipts, 35,000; market, 5 to 0c, lower. Light, $5.65 to $6.15; mixed, 85.65 to $6.15; heav- $3.55 to $6.10, rough, $5.55 to $5.73; pigs, $1.50 to 85.45. 12,000; strong to Native, $1.75 to ¥6.75; western, 575 - to $6.35; vearlings, $6.96 to ¥7.25, lambs, 86 10 $7.75; westerners, $6.25 to $7.75. 10e. higher. al---- Fast Buffalo, April 13.-Cattle--Re coipte, 2,900 head; fairly aétive and stoady; 'prime steers, $6.60 10 $7; slrip- ping, 35.75 to $6.50; butchers, $3 to 26.25; heifers, $4.50 to $6.15; cows, 3. to $56.50; bulls, R350 to $5.25; stockers and feeders, $3.50 to $1.75. stock heifers, $3 to £3.75; fresh cows and springers, good active and strong, common dull, $20 to 850. Veals--Receipts, 2,900 and steady, $5 to $5.25. Hogs--Receipts, 1,500 head. slow and dy. Heavy and mixed, 36.40 to $6.45; yorkers, $6.30 to 86.45; iy, $4.50 to 85.65; roughs, £5 to £5.50. Sta, #1 to $4.50; dairies, $86.20 to head: active 40. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 10,100 head; active; sheep, steady: lambs, 30¢. higher; lambs, £5 to $5.40; a few $36; yearlings, $7.25 to $1.65; wethers, $7 to $7.25; ewes, $53.25 1 $6.50; sheep, mixed, $3 to $6.50. Students ! Students ¥ Students ! Before leaving for home, call at Ed- wands & Jenkin, 274 Princess street, and secure a box ' son's Cross drug store. That will give you mew life and energy. Joy cometh not in the early mom to the mn who has been making a oi of it AJ. Consumers of Announcement to the ORANGE MEAT The following list of PRIZES will be awarded to the parties sending in the largest number of CARTON BOTTOMS on or before May 31, 1000 The FIRST PRIZE will be a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week During Life-time The manufacturers of ORANGE MEAT will purchase an Annuity Policy from one of the largest life insurance Companies in Canada by which the insurance Company will contract to pay {tn the winner of this prize) the sum of Fifty-two Dollars during each and every year of bis or her life-time, A Second Prize of Ove Hundred Dollars Cash will be paid and in addition there will be distributed Tea Cash Prizes of Twealy Dollar$ Each Ten Cash Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Cash Prizes of Five Dollars Each Oge Hundred Cash Prizes of One Dollar Each The party sending in the largest number of Carton Bottoms on or before May 31st. 1909. will receive the first or Grand Prize. The second in order will receive the ond Prize, ete Feiore above prizes are distributed ten day i for parcels to rench ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, sailed on or before above date. CONDITIONS | Save the Carton Dottoms of every package of ORANGE MEAT u buy lollect every carton bottom yom ean get from your neighbors or (riends. Pend i an penodieally, Dy mai! to ORANGE MEAT, Kisdsion. Bes prepay postage. When writin ate that you enter this « and write wr fall name anda} . plainly Beep nccurate af the nutn her you send in. The Orange Met Company will seknow lodge rece { any carton botloms sent in by contestants if postade is presatd. Every earton containing ORANGE MEA has the private mork of the manufacturers on the bottom of tie puckags Lis sri served to dently them Read Carefully The JUMBO or 23¢c. Package of ORANGE MEAT will count equal to THREE of the ordinary size. BEGIN NOW TO COLLECT GET YOUR FRIENDS TO HELP YOU If the winaer of the GRAND PRIZE so elects, the manus facturers of ORANGE "MEAT will -pay the sem of SEVEN MUNDRED DOLLARS 12 CASH iastead of the POLICY calling for FIFTY.-TWO DOLLARS per annem daring life-time. CEREALS LIMITED, KINGSTON, CANADA Chacolate Eggs at 1c., 2¢, ie, 7e, 10e, 20c¢ and 35c¢ each. Cream Eggs, Decorated Eggs, Fancy Baskets, Boats, &c. Chicks, Roosters, Rabbits, &c. REES, 166 Princess St Eggs in v In Bedroom Furniture. Dressers, over 35 styles. Prices range from $6.00 and up. : ig Iron Beds from $2 50, 3.00, 3.50, 5.50. These have all been reduced. oh 5 Ask for Hercules Springs - R. J. REID, Ea