Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1908, p. 3

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: 0000000000000 000R000 (HAN NDOEOOEO0OODO00ROY --_ a ee ee 000000 IUNEIN INOS ROITRIGOIS OSE S000 000 RROOROERROSG ARecssnsssncesnre ct, Do yon want your New Hat for Easter Sunday 7 Of course you do, and to be sure of it let us have your order now. The last twogr three days hgfore Easter Bunday are such very busy ones with our Millinery people that it is almost impossi- ble to fill all orders for that date unless they gre in early. Hats to suiti¢garyone, low prices, courteous attention and prompt delivery. Try Crumley's foi 'your Hat this spring. EASTER JACKETS Justa word about these Jef! You will find nothing in our stoch ih ks not upsto-date and pleasing. "New Spring Shades, best matérials'and low prices will «soon sell our large and, yaried stock. .. HAVE A NEW COAT FOR- EASTER SUNDAY. FON ete00teteetsernstneteccstan resent esses isascesstiarmssaan You will beStylisk if you wear this Superior Model--"The Corset without a Rival", sold in all good ores through- | out Canada. . 3 A Horse to Water---§ But a Pencil Has to § Be "Lead". of the latest vau- , that our 'ad.' man recepily hear We are not in the yaude: ille business. But--it me Rohine around to has,_got the very in Spring Shoes. i MONTREAL TO BE ONLY EX- CEPTION TO THE RULE. Gradual Scale of License to Second Offence Cannot Transfer. Quebeg, April 15.~No mediate or general raduction of liquor licenses in the province is provided by-the new government measure, introduced in the legislature to-day. the bill establisties a gradual scale of license reduction; owing to the pro- vision that in future, when once a liquor licensé has been withdrawn for infringement of the law, a second and Offender certain Bmit is reached, In Montreal this limit to be gradually reached is to be placed at 400 licenses instead of the present minimum of 475, Quebec and other cities and towns the reduction is to proceed until minimum of one license per hahitants is reached, This indicates that Montreal is to be the only LODO people, -- TROPICAL LOVE STORY. Vivid Life of Mexico Seen at The Bijou. Zhe splendor of tropical scenery by daylight and moonlight, and the pie turesque cffect of foreign costuming and architecture, lend unusual interest to the melodrama, A Mexican Love Story," to be sen at "The Bijou,'j to-day and to-morrow. The scenek "A Luxurious Siesta," "Dancing the Cachuea," "Moonlight in a 'Tropical Garden" and "The Midnight Duel" are alone worth the price of admission. The play combines education with heart interest. "The Troubles of a Fresh Fiend," 'are very amusing. John bert [iv wings a beautiful "Consolation," Air Ro- son, Purchased The Works. Robert 8, Gourlay, of the well: | known piano firm of Gourlay, Winter | & Leeming, Toronte, was in the city today, concluding the negotiations for the purchase of the McMillan Piano company's works, on Ontarig street. Mr. Gourlay says that jt is the purpose to carry on the factory in connection with the Toronto works; thus enabling Kingston to profit from their enterprise. The CGourlay piana has a well-established name in the west. The firm comes here because it findg economi¢ conditions much more fa- varable® than in Toronto. MN these conditions continue it is quite pro-| bable that the business will expand rapidly and another prosperous con- cern be added to Kingston's industrial life, Delegates Appointed. At a meeting of the Independent La- bor party, "Held last night, Messrs, Reduction--| Be Cancelled onl On the other hand! of: | lence. iF shall not be renewed until al In! the! 1,000 in| eX ception to the rule of one license pet) A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1906. LIGENSE REDUCTION 'Amysements, [OPER MC - { To-Night and EE Big me, WANTED-MALE. The People's Forum. ANY AFTERNOON | Matinees, Thursday, Friday, Saturday i aan of 90 Princess A BOY. APPLY al Heuderson's Studio, 2.20 o Gs Pathe Freres Suphrb Production. ps nee THE PASSION PLAY A Magnifcantly Calomd Moving. Pictuse Ol |THE LIFE OF CHRIST {As Broduced at "Xguisite Scepes--3Y, Scgompan: propriate Vocal and Iaggrune { Hear W. Scott Hiatt "Sing " Holy {€ity,"s and Miss Franklye and Mr, Hiatt { Duo, "Adeste Fideies." | Prices, 10c., 15c. and | Seats now on sale. i -- i , APRIL 21st. { MARTIN & "EMERY'S | Colossal Production of Richard Wagner's Mystic Festival Drama Bartley, Mgr, Opinacon Club, Chaffey's Parsifal 7% SALESMEN, FOR "AUTO-SPRAY." Best band Sprayer made, compressed air, automatic. Liberal terms. Cavers Bros., Galt, Oat. FARM HAND FOR PRIVATE country, club. One experienced in truck-gardening and care of good horses and cows. Address, stating wages and experience, Murray HH. Bartley, Mgr. Upinacon Club, Chafiey's Locks, Ont. WAN TED-FEMALE, + FOR SUMMER COUNTRY, CLUB SEA- son, of 1908, Woman second guak, three general kitchen girls, five waitresses, two chambermaids, also girl 10 care for two children. Ad dress, giving references, Murray H 20 cents. i ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, oF TWO BOUL See, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets : HENRY r. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone, . POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS; MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock sad Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF Ce, second foor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 'Phone, 608. hence SOLID BRICK HOUS h § i vie THOROUGHBRED TO-LET, red LARGE FRONT BEDROOMS, ell modern cobvemiences, 160 St. negr City Park. WITH King EAM YACHT, B A BUTUHER SHOP near Division, hors. ON BROCK ST wtabhing far Enquire at 298 Albert S¢. also (TN ENGLISH) WANTED GENERAL. and BY A i Adopted by Wm. lynch Roberts never Address presented on 4 stale of Undeur " , before attempted a" DAILY WORK, Eyening Performance at. 7.45, married weman. Carriages at 11.15 Z.'" Whig office. Prices, 28c. 50, 736.. 81, $1.30. Spats On sale Saturday. YOUNG Box N. CARPETS TO CLEAN, CALLED FoR . 3 and delivered very reasonable. Apply MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 00th $0 7. Couke, 260 Jobnilin street. Spetial Easter Monday, Matinee, at 2.30. } TO RENT FURNISHED RESIDENCE, The' English Dramatic Success, for July, August and possibly Sep- tember. McCann's, 51 Brock St. S. MILLER KENT As the Apateur Cracksman, in "RAFFLES" A Company of Notable Flayers. Matinee, 25¢., 85¢., 3 Children, 25¢ to any seat Evenigg, 20e., 3G¢., be, 75¢., $14 Seats on sale Thursday BLIOU | . DRESSY { their Spring Way's. anteed to please. 181 next to Bibby's Livery. PLAIN SEWING pPONE OF ANY Kind. Cuil or write to rs. Cayiess, 334 King street, over Armstrong's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estiates on electric work. All kipds of work promptly dome. ¥F. J, Birch Electriciah, 206 Wellington straet. SOME MORE I vou have any, will turn it into cash. J. Dobbs, 171 Wellington street, PROPERTY TO SELL. wive an details. ° Rt. JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or ether "baggage carted; Prices right. Apply to Lytle, General Cartef, 35 Mala St. GENTLEMEN TO GET > Suits On to-day and Thursday we present a most: picturesque, and heari-stirring Melodrama "A MEXICAN LOVE STORY" The Lazurious Siesta, Dancing The Cachuca. Moonlight In A Tropical Garden. A Mexican Coquette. The Midnight Duel. many other scenes. illu Lid Tropical Broek St. EINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric Co'y are always ready to do repair work, at moment's notice. Estimates fur nigshed for wiring. Beautiful import ed fixtures a specialty, Fresh Bal teries and Sparkers on hasd. : phone, 441; 79 Princess street. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help cu ne positions. Will quip shops. ons stant practice. Cureful instructions. Few weeks gomplete course. Cata- logue free. Write Moler Barber College, Toronto. Together with strating the vivid ein Mexico. This is an especially. clear and striking picturs, rendered nore picturesque by the foreign costumes and tropical sconery "TROUBLES OF A PERSONAL. HALSTEAD, PALMIST AND apologizes on account for not keeping appoint will reste Readings to Earl strest. PROF. Phrenologist, of sickness, ents, but night, 237 William Kdly and Frank Corkey were blected delegates to attendl the Inde FRESH-AIR FIEND" All 'of You Nave sullséd fra the dutics| BAIR, MOLES, , BIRTAMARKS, pendent Labor party, to be held «at Toronto on Good Friday. delegates will be chosen but they were] not appointed at this meeting. Dele | gates will he present at this conven-| tion from all ober the province, and) questions of vital importance will he! taken up. { Mullin's Weekly Bargains. ting corn, peas, or pumpkin, pure cornstarch 25, . pure lard, 25¢. sliced roll hacon, 25¢, . packages assorted jelly pow- Adie der, finest cocoanut, 20¢ 1 Ih. 40c. Japan or black tea, 25¢ 1 th. pure 4c, Java coffer, 26c At Mullin's grocery. Where To Build The Wharf. Dr. Evans, who was the means oi getting the Hoard of Health to pe | tition the city council regarding get:| ting a lense of Cedar Island for re ereation purposes, says that the best! means to be adopted towards making a public landing at the island would] be ta build a wharf in the bay at the] north-east end of the island. HM that] was done the ferry steamer Wolle Is! lander could land there regularly, | i "Can't Be Beat." ! We have received another lot of nice | jam, While it laste, 7 Ih. pail for | 35¢., or 3 for $1, at Mullin's grocery." | Seo Bibby's nifty #2 hats, At Montreal H. Lawrence Price, son) of H. M, Price, the lumber king, died } as the result of falling 160 feet down! a shaft in the Victoria mine, Algoma. "Only 'one place in Kingston' you can buy Kentucky lawn grass seed the kind that is used on the court house lawn. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stoce, . . See Bibby's dressy $2 hate. Hon. Frank Cochrane, minister of lands and mines, will be tendered the! conservative. nomination for the new siding of Temiskaming. We carny the largest and most care fully selected stock of woollens in the/ oily. You are cordially invited to in Spect. same' Crawford & Wald, lead ' gonditions in the west were never better. : AN IMPORTANT BOOK "THE CAMDEN COLONY Jist lesntd BY Mev, W. How Tacker, TAL TAD V Fowmad Three other his troubles sud pun AUCTION SALE. See Bibby's dainty Faster cravat. | . , e Jutgrio sirest, , on mpm Frontage (U0 at wb oc b+ og Boon. One remerve and Sonditions | rrodit of this action without ? oe The vendors will only be ay of sale" " Patek, oe dan. Auctioneer. watts, ete, removed permanently, without stat. Tents Sears expert ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Far Throat and Skin Blemish of the Fresh-Air flend. Come and see "CONSOLATION." made at Gallo- | Style, price end finish guar | NOS and 79 ALFRED STREET, | =--mem---- all modern improvements. Possession] VERY FINE Ist May. Apply A. B. Cunsingbam eomihg Oo soungl and a a ne dr or 10 St 7 POSES HORST years, 1 HOUSES, AT §7, $8 and $9, FROM ay 1st. Apply R. Chas Ball, Real Fstate and Insurance Agent, 171% Wellingston St., Kingstos. SECONI=IFAND pou CARTY Iwo sealed, newly painted and ry ed also runabout blagre oss waggifis and lorries. rhey, Carriage Maker, ¥v 88 HOUSE, WITH SIX ROOMS, CISTERN and garden attached Iwmed;ate Prastssion. Also another house 'ossession May 1st Apply to Will. Barriefield. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAL Double house, on Johngon street, the property of the late Joseph Jainios son, now used as a dwelling and a plummber's shop. Apply to Messrs, atkem & Walkem. jam Allen, FROM 1ST MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 Earl street, at present occupied by Lieut .-Col. Hudon, C.M.0G., hot water heating and modern Improvements Apply to Armstrong MeCormick, 102 Centre street, or Thomas Mills. IV Clarence street. A CHESTNUT STALLION, 1 HANDS high, good action, samund, Kind and broken. Formerly bandiad Ly Dr. i For information, apply ta Stratford, 257 Princes sireet, r-------- x t YELLOW BODY FOUR black tip on nose. Answe "Hex S TOLLIE IM CITY PROPERTY Nt Rear Uy { CHEAP | Park 'all {A PEARL PENDANT BETWE City Park, Lower Union Syde Sts., and St Andrew's Che nroveinents, Princess, or King Sts. Heward snap. Ce its return to O64 Barrie street Claren ns, a renlinge Estate, GOLD BROOCH, SE? IN lily of the valley design day morning, either on Ulergy cess or Quesn Nis Finder w rewarded by returning to Mis Carson, 278 Brock street - -------- YE : A FIRST-U} Priv fr. long Il " two e) t motor and person with FOUND. HAVE | DOG. OWNER CAN upon and paving for this | tisoent at BULI sare MONEY AND BUSINESS, QUR POLI i buildin, Company Godwin's et Square. i Kingston, a lady's watch son giving full description and paying expenses may applying to R I. Stanley, ville, Ont LIVE , ire Insuranc BUSINESS CARDS. } CARPET A Sewing, and Laying. Feather and Pillows cleaned by steam. HH Milne, 272 Bagot street which the poli ol securty the ¥ ed | the stockholders. Farm and cif perty sured at Forse rates. Before renewing old of giv | new business got rates from Sirange \ & Strange, Agents Phonan, HES, BOATS CHEAPER THAN EVER, WER N he te prépared to haild 100 hoats on | . ® easy payvieent system ; expert | cop Builders of Craimer. 1 onches. Speed | MARRIAGE LICENSES KIRKY RICK Hoats and Hacors Coward & Marriage Licenses, 4% Clarence EL} Deage"s Boat Factory, Old Block [C. 8S House, Kingston Nose, Specialist, 258 lagot street. A splendid song sung by John Rebert Mavis, «5 CENTS- Be. ND HB PIONEER HovsinL Programme WEDNESDAY and PRURS- "Swedish Dances" "A Princess' Idea" SONG ILLUSTRATED. GYPSIE® ANN," sung by GEO, B TOUHEY, J. THEO. EK, Mgr CABS! . The oud Stand and the ion is vours as well. Old Number Ps aa | Address, Rev, C. W, Casson, at 25] 490 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the OFFICE NO. 1. literature. All orders promptly attended to, night or day. ~ _° The Old Cab Stand With a New Number The undersigned are the drivers using PHONE 600. the above 'phone at She old. place, R, - Boyd, Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT| Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON, The Mission Of Jesus. Jesus did not come into the world that he might die for it. His mission was one of life, and not of death. His dying was but the natural end inevi table sequence of his Jiving. His mis sion was but the mission of vs all, the living of the noblest and highest life of which he wus capable. This ha} did, did "sb well, that he has] and | of mankiml.. He has stimulited all} men who have heard of him to high- | er endeavor. He has shown how large | and splendid a human life may } when! it is wholly given to the vice of God and man. And be ser this mis C, Samond, E. McFadden, J. Sinott, Boyd Jarvis. unid. * Judicial Sale of Property in the City of Kingston. PURSUANT TO" THE JUDGMENT and order for sale made in the cause of | Hickey v, Trowell, there will po offersd | for sales with the approbation of the) I Master Yt Kingston, by Robart M i Allen, Auctioneer, at 37 Brock street. in| the City of Kingston, on SATURDAY, | is & frame dwelling aid barn upon the | Seioer | yy Hd a0n ln] - owing | promises, Both of which ard in a 07] oarinls or Jous of lund : J state of ep at Lot No. '1.--Np. 2297 Earl street, he! aa ing a tWostory detached frame dwelling. | house Wilh extension kitchen. Lot No. 3.--No. 229 Earl Street, Ten be aatiogss 4 e fio 9 sale, i a two story detached frame house. WILLIAM MURRAY. ing a semi ot No. 3.~No. 218 Far! sireet, i~detached roughcast two-story setioneer, Mouse With brick frost and extension Chey - . Lot No. 4.--No. 235 Earl street, he . Valuable Hotel Property. ing a semi-detached brick and frame two- - THE, GNED LT Less Hotel, it THERE WILL BH OFFERED FOR sale by Puble Auction subject to a8 Te serve bid, on SATURDAY, the 18th day of April next by Wiliam ¥, Auctionwer, St his Audi Re ot Square, at 12 och Wopl, © that part of Rectory Bj wt Kpown as lot number 12 on the West of Alma ' street, Kingston, at pres occupied by Pathick Fanning. - x The above lands have a frontage of about 75 feet on Alma and there o'clock in be he- | property will le offered Tor sale abject 10 & reserve bid. The chaser aha a ar -- vendors | a! ! or their solicitors, balances in) thirty days thereafter Ante Court to the on uired to for nish a strar's shetract tie. and © produce such deeds, topics thereof, evidences of titleas sre in NS sion. : In all 'other vespects the Eat of ssle will be ibe standin of this Court. particulars Sehr Bad from MACDONNELL & FARR Seticitors 88, Clarence St, Kingston. ¥ story house with extension kitchen. A SELL| The = wa four - cent nd SE JB Jo Ri Ses Ribby's hanglsome $1 shirts.' "But, why do you ell your horse ails 77. asked Misd 3 no woman oan' ve Bim," said J.B. WALREM. '} Dated at Kingston the Td ar ot a Favri A.D. 1908, | o 5 gained the admiration and adoration |], | Swivels aud Shatkies, or fails to enrrs | TENDERS. a TENDERS TENDERS ADDRESSED undersigned at Ottawa, velopes and marked on the envelop nder for New Cruiser for British Columbia will be received up te the FIRST DAY OF MAY NpEX7 for the construction of a twin screw steel Cruiser for Fisheries Pr i in Hritish Columbia following leading 1 eth i TO in sealed tection Serv Waters, of mensions na over a feet, Breadtl b peuided "88 feet und Depth fr te keel plate to top of beams st 17 feet, wand 0 be delivered at V ctoria, B.( Plans and specifications of this steamer be seen at the Department of Marine | ries. Ottawa t the offices of | ora of Custor at Toronto, | n, Collingwood, Midiand, Van cotiver and Sydney, N.S. and at the agencies of the Department of Marine and | Fisheries, at Montreal, Quebec, St. John | N.B Halifax, N.S. and| Charlottetown, P.EI . The same plans and specifications can | Sun ly be procured by application from the De lene ° partment of Marine and Fisheries up to GI the Firwt Pay of May npext and Jy thei ik re Agency of the Department of Marite and | Fisheries, Victoria, B.( { tender must be accompanied sheque equal to 10 per} nt of the tender, | feited of the pers an Particulars which cheque will be | son sending the accepted tender declines to enter uth a contfact with the De- partinent or fails to complele the steam er. Tenders on letter paper will be cone . sidered i . Mor The Department does not bind itself) [ach tender. must to accepl the lowest or any tends an accapt er ph Newspabers copying this advgriisement | Co 0 "gb BL LIEK a without authority from 'the Department | 0300 "O00 SHAW Jo 00 will not be' paid, {chaque wil be forfeited F. GOURDEAU tend a , and Fisher. |' | erer d Deputy 'Minister of Marine i] ws i Newspapers inserting | without {will not | Deputy jes. Department of ws. ; Ottawa, Canada, 14th March, 1908 authori be paid, PF. gouno Minister of Marine Marine and Fisheries Cannda, 4th Ag 15908 Contractors Shackles. ADDRESSED TO THE | Mtawa, and endorsed on NET QW Y vy ny the envelope "Tender for Chain Swivels' TENDERS Wi be EERECEIVED By and Shackles ~ will be recejved at the Des the Town Clerk up i Ma 53.508, OF) pirtient of Marie and Fisherjes; Otta {TUESDAY APRIL 21st 1968 . , ' Wa, wp to soon of. the f FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, [For all labor neesgary fof layieg Hours for the furnishing of about 3.974 fathoms | Sewer Conmections : snd Water Works of difiorent sized Chain with Shackles | Services, sccordimg to Towd RB . and Swivels to suit, to be delivered at | aL Gre 10 be add between Halffax, St. Joka, Charlottetown, | November 30th, and at' suck Quebec and Montreal. earlier or later, as tie Spetifications and detailed Information may direct gan be obtained from the Department of | Materials fo be supplied by Use 9 Marke and Fisheries, Ottawa, and from Labor, Tosls snd Fapivs the Agents of the Departroent of Marines UoBtracior and Fisheries at the cities already named, For form Each tender must be accompanied Ly aod athe an sccepled cheque on @ Charterad hank, | Bo) Chair t ' t for. the sum of MW, to the order of the tow : Mister of Marine and Fisheries. Thi J: A. McCAMMO cheque Will bo forfeited HW the party . 3 whose tender B accepted declines to enter Gananoque, nt bk into a contract to deliver the Chain, | ee iar wn Notice to Contractors The Departioent doos Wot bind eel! ta} ------ scgept the lowest or any tonder i TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY New Pers copying this adverlUaement @ op, undersigned. up to veg of MONDAY, withotit 'authority from the Department' goth inst, for putting fire soe pes on Ye will not be : | Collegiote Institute apd Fobise Sobosd Buildings. Pisns sed spotifivataons may be seen af the rove of the Board of Exnention; . ARTHUR ¥rias, Areagiecty Tenders for Chain, Swivels iictics to i TENDERS undersigned at ry , dem ' + of tender ak, wv ¥. a Met A MMON, wn Clelk, out the contract. BH oahe tender fo not} F. GOIRDEAY » Deputy Minter of Marine ard Pigher: en Deprriment of je and Fisheries, Oitaws, ord March, 1998,

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