A------------------ EDUCATIONAL. i * eo * : ° * . s : successful at Tn wi is, 1,8 Kingston Business ' College Mmited, Sead of Queén street, CA ADA'S HIGHEST GRADE shorthand, choy graphy, subjects competent Ee Phone, 440, B. ¥. METCALFY, President. J.B, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary: Voss eseGNOOPIRIOOIMOY, BIOOOOOTFOGOOO00 IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION 3 and E INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day sand Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy, Ste, ------ PT N, STOCKDALE, 680, Principal, 9 EOD O0O0N000000H 0000000 SRVRANY SUVIID SUS SOL Seevevoccoevececrvusy | I ------ ONCE MORE WELL "FRUIT-A-TIVES" ALONE SURED RIM Clarence J. Placey is a farmer of Ulverton, Que, known ss a man of : infegrity and good judgment. He writes | in no uncertain terms of the great | benefit he derived from taking "Fruit a-tives™ for a long standing kidney trouble, Ulverton, Que. 1 suffesed for many years with kidney trouble, with bad pain in the back and li Symptoms of disease of the kidneys. 1 took every known kidney kidney pill but nothing gave me relief and 1 was getting discouraged. I was advised to try *'Fruit-a-tives" and I did so---and this medicine cured me when every other remedy failed, 1 used aito- ® Typewriters are divided into two classes-- The ONE made seemingly modern by patched-on im- provements--the OTHER L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter SE---- (Writing Entirely in Sight) with modernness inbuilt. YEvery device for convenience, time-sav- ing and labor saving is inbuilt in the L. C. Surru & Bros, Tyre writen, § Every known element of durability and dependability is there--Buiir In. § This insures the most and best work both from machine and operator. That's office economy, BEND YOR ILLUSTRAYED CATATOS US EE ------------------ L. C. Smith & Bros. gether fifteen boxes of "Pruit-a-tives" and from the outset they.give me relief and I am now practically well again, no pain in the back, no distress, and all the symptoms of severe kidney disease have entirely left me. Iam very thankful to be ofice more well and I freely make this statement for the sake of otlicrs who may suffer as I suffered and to them I say "Try "Pruit-a-tives," 153 (Sgd) Cramrexce J. Pracky. * Proit-a-tives "' -- or * Pruit Liver Tablets' are sold by dealers at soc a box ~6 for $2.50~o0r will be sent on receipt of price. Fruil-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, CRESCENT WIRE WORKS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 135, 1908. mem me ---- NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. | ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Made A Record. Holleford, April 13.- George T. Bab- cock, Portland township, has a brood sow which breaks the record. having brought forth forty-nine young pigs from February, 1907, to February, 1908, Maberly Personals. maple' tofley pull, Easter Mouday night D. EB. Rogers has resigned his posi- tion on account of Ubhealth and has gone on the road. James Barrington slipped and fell 1% a sap pau ane got his hand badly scalded. Some of the farmers have already started seed- ing "Getting Ready to Work. Crow Lake, April H.-W. L. Barker made a flying wip through here sell- ing stock food. The shareholders of the cheese factory have not secured a maker for the season ag yet. Miss N. Miller, Oconto, was the guest of Miss R. Cendron, of this place, on Satur- day and Sunday last. Miss Eve Knapp, Bob's 08 visiting her many friends here. Alexander Mphon, home from Nicollette, Que., is visiting his brother, James Mahon A wee Maberly, April 14.--Frank Curl has sold his team of horses. A fine price was paid for them, Thomas Wesloy has sent for another car load of hay. Adan Acheson is visiting® his brother, J. Acheson. Miss Sarah Buchapan is spending this week with friend at Harper. Miss Hughes "is visiting Mrs, Thomas Briggs. Took Away Piece Of Dam. Innisville, April 14.--Mrs. John Cook is having a veranda put on her house, which adds much to its ap- pearance. There is plenty of maple syrup, selling at $1 a gallon. Thomas Hollinger, Ferguson's Falls, called on friends in the village on Sunday. J. H. Morris made a business trip to Carleton Place, on Monday. Miss Bertha Crampton spent Sunday with ber friend, Miss Pearl Bolton. The henvy ice going down the river took a piece out of the dam, on Saturday. A Run On Good Friday. Toledo, April 14.-To the Editor) : I see in your issue of Monday that the local Y.M.C.A. Harrier Club is to bave a run of six miles on Good Fri- day to Kingston Mills. Surely Chris- tian young men mus\ woefully forget themselves to tus keep the day of our Lord's death. Is it any wonder infidelity is growing apace and even Mohammedans are at times puzrled when they visit Christian lands and observe our customs on sacred days. --REV, C. A. FFRENCH. Trevelyan Tidings. Trevelyan, Apeil 14.--Mrs. George Leeder is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. McNamee, Lansdowne. Miss Agnes Leeder visited Belleville friends the past week. Francis Fodey, Out- PARTRIDGE & SONS. Owing to increase in business we re- quire more work. room and have secured Factory (formerly Spene- er's Lock Works), King St. West and will remove there about May 1st. ABSOLUTE Typewriter Co. | Newsome & Gilbert, | - LIMITED Jordan St., Toronto. Branches, N.S Ottawa, Ont., Wianipeg, No. © ~LOCAL AGENTS NEWMAN & SPRICCS ELECTRIC CO., SECURITY, Carters Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Jol Mr. and Mrs. 24th. Master man has come to brighten the home Wilkiam Jones, March 1 _ Robbie Curl at 0. Knapp's. Quite a large congregation gathered at the schoolhouse on Sun. day morning to.listen to George 0. Tredennick's = Easter sermon. The roads are in & most terrible condi- tion, even worse than when the deen snow was on. There are some places where the horses. have to nearly swim to get across bridges. If some of the champion wood drawers would turn out and break the jam on the creek it would soon lower the water, as was reported they cléared the wav in the winter. This is = a remarkable spring for sugar-making; some of the farm- ers have already made several gal- lons of syrup, and Sugar. J. W. Knapp attended a business meeting in the aty on Saturday last. My. and Mrs. S. Kennedy spent go few days in Westport this week, locating a job for the summer. The Bob's Lake miners are clearing out the pits for another season's work, ---- News From Fish Creek. Fish Creek, April 14 --The weather for the past few days has done much towards lowering the snowbanks, and breaking landroads js an important item, as the lakes are no louger in a condition for driving. There was no service here on Sunday, owing to the bad roads. Mrs. William Atwood has returned to her son's, after spending the winter in Kingston. William Bar- ker has purchased a Valuable horse, as his occupation as agent and buyer requires much driving, It is not known who is going to make cheese in the Jocal factory for the coming season. School is progressing favor- ably, under the management of Miss Burns, and *the attendance is increas- let, was among recewt visitors. Miss Myrtle Flood and brother spent Sun- day, at J. Flood's. The young people anticipate a pleasant time at the an- nual Easter ball at McIntosh Mills. Miss Irene Gilleclain, Brockville, spent the past few days at R. J. Leeder's. Miss Hanna Leeder is visiting friends in Athens. Miss Mamie McDonald, Athens, visited friends recently, Lavant Station Lavant Station, April 14-A pum- ber of farmers around here have tap- ped and report a very good run of sap. Frederick Reid spent Sunday with friends in Lavant. William Browning's baby has been ill for the past week, but is recovering. Miss A. Paul is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. William Browning. Har- old Robertson, attending business col- lege in Kingston, returned home, on Saturday. There will be no church service, either here or at Wilbur, un- til April 26th, when R. Somerville, of Kingston, will take charge of the mis- sion for the summer. L. Burnham, of Sharbot Lake, is spending a few days with friends in Lavant. ing 'since the severe weather has sub- sided. Miss E" Thompson has return- ed from Wilton, after Visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. W, Shillington. George Steele has moved to Tichborne. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Atwood, a daughter. Mrs. N. Shillington and Mrs. T. Hickey, Br, are on the sick list. Joseph Steele had a narrow es- cape from losing his team in Fish Creek, on Friday. They were left for a few minutes, while the driver loading, akd, being Young anc ed, took advantage of and ran up the lake, The creek was in a poor' condition. Luckily, one of the horses fell and gave the pursuers a chance to catch them. Visitors : Rey. G. 0. Tredinnick and Misses May and Hattie Steele and .W. Shillington, at E. Thompson's; Mes. E. Barr and Misses M. Burns and EK. Thompson, at M. Shillington's; Mr. and Mrs. b. Coulter, Glendower, Owen Kelly, Mur- vale, H. Wisted and sister, at T. Fitz- gerald's; Messrs, T. and A. Steele, at their parents'; M, Burus, E. Thomp- son, N. Badour, E. Barker, E. Hickey, at J, Steele's. F was 1 spirit- their liberty, An Old Resident Dead. Sharbot Lake, April 14.--Alexander| McPherson, who passed away at his) home on March 16th, after a linger ing illness, "had reached the ripe old age of eighty-two years. He was born ee -- A HOUSE BURNED. A Township of Kennebec Resident Suffers. Arden, April MH.--On Saturday morning last the house of Burghert ns ee ---- DOCTOR'S ORDER | WS: CUTICORN | For a Bad Case of Eczema on Child --Suffered for Three Months -- Disease Reached a Fearful State = Pain and Itching were Terrible. CURED AFTER OTHER PRESCRIPTIONS FAILED | ---- "When I was small Iwas troubled | with eczema for about three months, It was all over my face and covered nearly | all of my head. It reached such a state that it was just @ large scab all over, and the pain and itching were terrible, 1 with an able physician for some time and was thon advised by him to use the Cuticura Remedies which I | did and I was entirely cured, I have not been bothered with It since. I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment but do not know exactly how much was used to.complets the cure, I can safely sey that Cuticura did & lot forme, Miss Anabel Wilson, North Branch, Mich., Oct. 20, 1907." ITCHING CURED With Cuticura Remedies in Three Days After Six Months of Suffering. "I suffered fully six months, The trouble began cn my arms in little red pimples and it was not long before it was all over my body, limbs, face, end bands. It was 80 bad that I'could not rest night or day and daring the months, I did not get a good night's ep. I doctored for three or four months and spent at least twenty dol- lars trying to find a ture but none could 20 found. Then I saw the Cuticura ies advertised, and the next day I purchased some for seventy-five cents | at the druggist's. I used them and I | was relieved of the itching in three days, | end I have never had a sign of any skin | disease since, The Cuticura Remedies are the only remedies to use for skin diseases, they have cured me and they ] will cure others in the same way. J. W, | Bloom, R. R. Telegrapher, Holloway, | Mich., Nov, 20 and Dec. 29, 1906, | Cuticura Remedies are guaranteed | §bsolutely pure under the United States | Food rugs Act, { | Complete External and Internal Treatment | for Fvery Humor of Infants, nildren, and Aduits | consists of Cuticura P to Cleanse the Skin, Cuticura Otntment to Feat the Skin, and Cutie cura Resolvent (or in the form of Chocolate Coated Pills," In vials } oo Purily the Blood Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem , Bole Props, Hoston, Mass Mailed Free, Cuticura Book on Skin Disea® PURE FOOD INSURES (00D HEALTH HAGEC rome INSURES PURE FOOD. COMPANY E.W.GILLETT Soars FORONTO,ONT. S000cncncnesebessesovvee, seco vveae PAGE SEV Button Sack is retaining its popularity, q It is shown as the lead- ing feature for spring and summer. Made up in fine worsteds and fancy cheviots, is indeed a smart style for those who care for more snap in clpthes, HN Lhe H. D. BIBBY COMPANY, 78.82 Princess St. | Kingston. sedition bbb boi dad | | Stoves Store ® ad & * & # Ce, ase We Take Down, Remove, Store and In- sure Stoves at moderate rates. Anything we do, is done right. Any facilities we have are at your com- mand this Spring. If not already our customers, try us, i sesws aw a McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock 8 4 i t ono eevSsRet ed . KOODO0C00000V00S00 00 000000000000 000000008n : 5 ---- R. Newton, J.P., situated about one mile south of Cross Lake bridge, ia the township of Kenvebee, was burned to the ground. "Ihe building tock fire ia 'the roof, supposed to he from a defective pipe. . It caught about six otlock am. Mr. and Mrs. Newton were at breakfast and the fire had mate considerable headway befors be ing noticed. Very little of the con tents were saved as the building being frame burned rapidly. The premises were jusured, but not sufficient to cover the loss sustained. The howe 1% totally destroyed, but the saw- mill and buildings" being some distanw off were not affected. The Lenten services held Paul's Anglican church a week ago were well . attended, The officiating clergymen were Rev. W. Cox, jwcunt. bent, assisted by Bev, Mr. Smith, of Sharbot Lake. - Russell Clancy, who has been Wk for some time, is re. Jorted geting better, Charles and 'rederick Mouck have returned home from the west. MH. L. Spankie has resigned the principalship of Arden school and is succeeded by Mr. Whit- marsh, of Wolle Island. "The water is Unusually high in Clear Lake, ET ---------- BIRDS IN HER HAT. ------ Live Ones in Mrs. Harrison's Mil, linery. New York, April M.<& blechird ac companied Mrs. Simon Harrison to the Methodist church at Swinfield, N. J. She did not # she was not in Bathurst in 1826; and moved to Oso when a young man. He mar ried Margaret 'Thomlison in 1859. He leaves a wile and seven childres, Mrs. R. Blakely, Sharbot Lake; Mrs. R. Hanley, Oconto; Mrs. H. McVeigh, Oso; Mis. R. Kirkwood, Oso; George, of Uso, and John and Jonathan, at home. He also leaves fifty-five grand- children, Five of his children have passed away. His remains were plac- ed in the cemetery at Zealand. The service was conducted by Rev, Mr. Halpenny, 79 Princess St, Kingeton. A full stock of Typewriter Supplies for ®il makes of machines always on hand. Typewriters, ; FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions. Built to order and erected in place on short notice. Estimates Furnished on Request. Selby & Youlden, Lid, Kingston Foundry. BIG CLEARING SALE OF BRASS and IRON BEDS In pretty designs, strong and durable. Also Hercules Spring to fit, and Sanitary Mattresses at sale price, : { 1471 £ bis, Budget From Forfar. Forfar, April 14.--Schocl will close on 16th inst., for the Easter holi- days. Owing to the great amount of snow during the past winter, some of the country roads around here are in an almost impassable condition. Miss Estella Young who has been teaching school .at. Mcintosh's, will spend the bolidays with her parents here. Miss Davis, graduate nurse of Kingston hospital is visiting her sister, Miss L. Davis here for a few days. As a re sult of the fine weather of the past couple of wedhs, farmers in this vi din- ity have manuiactured a great guan- tity of maple syrup. E, Baker went to Kingston on Friday, and will be absent for some matithe, EB J. Duvi son opened his se factory for another . Mr. and Mrs. Blancher, A re recent guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Stafford. fh Xt More proof that Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound cures | sick women, | Miss M. R. Morin, 335 Ontario St, | Montreal, writeg to Mrs. Pinkham: | '1 was in very poor health and doe tored for months, receiving very little | CAMA benefit. I had lost all ambition, was | 8 HOROHOR0H CHOLCHCHEO aster Novelties! painful periods each month, "A friend suggested Lydia E. Pink- Chocolate! Bggs at 1c., 2¢, 4c, 7c, 10, 20c and 35c each. bam's Vegetable Compound as the roper icine for me. 1 procured a Crean Eggs, Decorated Eggs, Eggs in Fancy Baskets, Boats, &c. bottle of this remedy and began tak- Chicks, Roosters, Rabbits, &c. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St The Leading Under- taker. "Phone, James Reid, CFO CF OSOF OS OF C5050 Ceseses ests RO ORONO BOROBOHOHES so much better that I continued its use and gave it a thorough test, with the result 1 am to-day well and a much healthier gifl than I was three years ago. I have no more painful periods, dizziness or nervous troubles," hat. a Dow creation and the i the In Bedroom Furniture. Dressers, over 35 styles. Prices range from $6.00 and up. Iron Beds from $250, 3.00, 3.50; 5.50. These have all been reduced. ai Ask for Hercules Springs tf Bie