Che Haily 0 gy Whig YEAR 75--NO. 01. : : KINGSTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APKIL 16, 1908. LAST EDITION ; | PARIS' S LATEST SENSATION. | { REFLECTS FAVORABLY, § FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. i re Probabilities | English and Americans Blamed | Upon the Credit of Province {The Business at Annual Meeting | | | dn Toronto, Oat., i For Stage Exhibitions. ! Ontario | Held Recently, 5% > | Apnl 16, Ottawa i | The annual business meeting of tl Fo Valley and Up- ! Paris, April 19,--According to { London pril iA srapgeinia | | First Baptist church: was held on mans, it 3s always the demand rod $ * Jwere made lay, whereby the | -- ¢ f : 3 ND) { foreign visitors that (reates the sup bills for the provincecof Ontario for j evening of April Ist Lhe review of { per St. Lawrence May Have: Treaty Adopted ply of indecent literature and ities Irish, win Have to Face! nearly: &o00 000 sterling, are 1, Despatches From Near And the year's work was evidence of gra - (10 ae m.)-- ine {which is a blot on their capital, Now | placed privat in Lombard roe | tifying prosperity In all thirty-tw 5 . by Sovermument, jhe English and Americans ate bein Question. The bills, » nie dated May 1st, | Distant PB es, were added to the membership of the ¢ [and cold. Friday, blamed for the nude exhibitions in the appear to v wen discounted broly iwenty-five of whom were mn . easterly winds, § tHontrie al shows which brought out the low rate : | cei ved cn profession of faith . fine, not . much | the recent letter of Senator Rene Ber- i 5 pointed out, ertainky reflects | | The report of the treasurer showed a - RI THE Hl COURT z=: the Anthony Comstock of HOME RULE ISSUE 15 ly « we credit of Ontario. | WORLDS TIDINGS: cléan balance sheet for current ex-| change in temperature. Paris, to the public prosecutor. Une pe ' fpenses. The treasurer of the building] per sys editorially A These exhs- | WILL SEND FINE SHIP. 3 ! | fund reported 3500 paid off the or | : he | ns, as everybody knows, re ally | ly » 5 | EY all ies est amd accounts paid, [FETT 3 Ii no respect respond to our idvas. | hited States Navy to Repre- | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST and over F260 in the treasury WILL THE FISHERIES DISPUTE | They are created only to satisfy the! | ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIBERAL sented. | SIBLE FORM. POS. The Ladies' Aid and other organiza-| BE, REFERRED, | aston of Americans, who dare not in- | PARTY HAS CHANGED } © Washinptos April 18.~A favorable | [ tions have been looking toward the ---- jdulge in them at home." { 5 : fesponse | i wade by the Utiited | pa shing - the prospective new isi | The editor failed to explain how this! [States navy departmedt to the cour. | Matters That Interest Everybod ullding and now bave over $500 jn The British and = United States | can be at a time like this, when Am | Through the Advancement of teous invitation of the de Ae wn i Notes From All Over--Little | the hank for this puzpdse Government Are Planning to |ericans do not form two per cent of! Asquith to the Premiership-- | ernment represented at (uehee | ft E thi Easil R The meeting unanimously voted to This End--A New Issue Comes | the audiences. This epinion is a soli | --Cannot S Churehil thy a war on the oc aSioh 9 veryl ung asily ead | crease the pastor's salary $100 pep a urpert Churehill. | W a wi : a and Remembered. year. A. C. Singleton, derk: W. GQ Up | tary gue. Anatole France expresses the | Th abi | the comin of the Prince of | . e Question Must Be i R . hd } Strain " ". nore general French yiew when he! G ust Up | Wales to Ca + in duly. The pre i Havana is to be paved, at a cost of | Strainge, treasurer: Dr. Lake and W, says : "1 think there are many mat. eneral Elections. | sent inte 1 i to despatch the fine | $15,000 000 R. Campbell, retiring deacons, were all planning to submit to the permane nt] catlo Wherein. the legislature is no | Dublin, April 16.--Speaking at a new ho New Hampshire, re { Thicves shattered the door ef the Je eluted: to bx a" a arto court of arbitration at The Hague {he } bpou to. intervene. 'The task of | meeting, Yeaterday, of the United d- joently OH non [Cie in Leamington. post 'ollie, bur R Camp fl, J P, ( i mn, N task of interpreting the Newfoundland] 0§0Nt must ke left to the average|ish League, John E. Redmond, the Pw : | ware tightened away | Huxley, Wo H: Prioddanin. Hos fisheries treaty of "ISIN. Tr ag dud entiment of the crowd in such things. | Irish parliamentary leader, said the | A Bright Youtk. {| Mrs. Playfair, London, known on Pik ruxiey, gs AMR, ary tion of the general arbitration treaty| Therd is no alsolute morality, amd the changes in the ministry, resulting \ the stage as Lenn Ashwell, was; 'to. The 0 Wy hohe ips pl recently negotiated between the tus PUPHE® taste should be soveriign | from the assumption of the premier- | ; day, granted a divorce vo annual church social and report} €oultries will 'he necogs.s: Lolo no Oue of the offenders, Mme. Colette] ship by Mir As uith, has proved a The Ontario government was asked : : y , Hague court can be called upo to Willy, the. character of whose latest | alteration of the attitude of Ireland jlo take steps to provent the annual Was & fine attendance. The reports| take jurisdiet } pon 10} asic ball sketch is suffici-ntly indi. | toward the liberal party. and he did { flooding of the trend river trom the various departments of work #i¥iscietion, but this ratification | ated by the title, "The FI sh,' snot think Irish voters could support | Rev. Henry liickok died at his home | gave evidence of a healthy activity is prodieted in well informed quarters ' A say¥ i Fin Fast Waterton; N.Y. on Monday {and were all hopeful A very plea Fr settling this controversy the | evening, aged eighty-uine years sant social time was enjoyed es cibunal HL av " n toy id 3 ontinuing Mr. Redmond declared | ( ollingwoor 5 counetl decided tp | ulations shall be pe = oy RWS anc. mel oon why it is more embarrassing to that the attitude of Prem R Asquith ; | appeal against the decision of Just ite . The School Results Be with th a I ey d Fu nie! show gu little "of ong" thighs 'than the and Secretary for Ireland 'Birrell to ? | Britton, quashing the license by-law Ihe [ollowing are the marks obt air ie terms of 5 trea ! es 8 { ome . x diree | b. | iss Julie owe 15 ving serious. |e winil i TD } . Iatter question has recent ahont ] thest.. he utd female is only ure a he it Waa 5 Sir E. hal i pe 1 We ov fin. Marien in ving Hi ae Jed by pupils of thd j gic r fo eth class , { beautdul and chasté > y { 2 . ¥ nar, Mie b Fa mes ie} lows 3 i nance. solid A Whesy fXIamina rica tdminlutration in { tude iu justified by he cn the atti. Nartied Mt A quith to remember the a: i Bh jase result of a nervous Erakdow tions held since January Marks 3 & wl oeriod or the tic hich: ia or | Jate of ord tosebery. Ireland, her i He 8 | An explosion mn the old mine ut tainable STH Marjori na. ypery 9 W ROMION which 18 "Pro { self, would have to force the home {Canmore Alberta, resulted in the | Madeline Saunders ie Saun That under the treaty of 1816 Am iy wor. bon that ste has neith next 4 ; Jens of three men and the injury of ders, 749. Francis "Whit ing Mar i a Be : utili 10r beat { ei A i g as Jet a. sae Sing er 2 ng a jo iain Soo wi £ x The Ca ion Northern elevator ti 1 I Farin he ie » a Je nuts, go as we gaines in * nation : ; ie Canadian Not elevator a arold Godwin, 623 t o tish subjoots, is the American conten. | THEY ARE NO GOOD. alists from Westminster [ Eden, Man., containing seven thous| 615. any 612 bin 8 Tice, tion. The British view of this qu i d---------- {1 f ; i { and bushels of grain, was burned on | mon, 606. Irene Hoag 601 Fern tion is that Americans were given such | Wishes Forty Policemen Would STOP EXPORTATION. Pod Lape { Monday | Smith, 599: Isabel Hall, Mabel Burtch | tights only as British subjects thon, or | Die Over Night, ; Br : { The dominion government has in | 58: Wilhelmina Grass, 583 gia | at any subsequent time, should pos-| New York, April' 16.-~Expressing the! This is Aim of the Canadian | k : ny j duced the British authorities to con- | Ferris. 573 Exelyn Power, 5. Nich- | toss, [wis <h that "forty police captains | ;. Pulp Users. . tinue the subsidy to the over-seas [olas Timmerma , 341: William Town would die aver night," that effic vient Montreal, April 16--Twenty of the mail service send, 534; Harold Seruton, 317: Ethel To 'Rerort One Treaty. | men might be put in their places, Po. leading Canadian wlp and paper CHARLIE "TAFT, An international conference to dis- | Lee, 512 Rov King 509: Myrtle Washington, April 16.«-The fisheries | lies Commissioner Bingham, at the Im kine firme Bl 2 of the pulp Master Charlie Tait is the + . | cuss the laws 'of sea warfare, ix ac-| Baves, 801. Rosena Pitt, 497 Grace treaty between the United States and|onnval dinner of the City Club, re! and paper section of the Canadia h Id ecretary * Wilini i. Taft | cording to a' Berlin despatch, to be Smith, 413; Edna Rea, 108. Thoma Great Britain regulating fishing in the | vie wed the work done by the depart Navifacturers Association, met in | and x better example of the t vy i held ext fal Smith, 301: Ida Smith, 314 Robert lakes along the boundary line betweey | ment in the last vear this city yesterday, to decide on al Americ 1 hov of Id he I d Yon Wes Peterboro liberals nominated McKee, 250. Grace Spence, 156: Herb the United States and Canada, yes | "1 wish forty police Captains would line of "action in vi w of the likeli | Shar ) a a wil B Lime or life and George A. Gillespie for the legisla- | ert Kelly, 131 terday, received the favorable en: | die over night." said the commission hood of the American povernmen at or "i » , a trathh ly a tr ture. Hon. XA. G. MacKay spoke at dorsement of the senate committer of | or "Not that T wish them Any per lcaerying out the president's suger is unio niembe r of ti y Eo r po the foreign allairs, Secretary, of State | *onal disadvantage. but they are no tions ad removing the duty on | Taft is g oiluble , He es I Raat o Root went over the treaty, in detail | good I do not know how to nso pulp. After some discussion, it was { around the Rolukie and im Been ha ; with the committer, and also ex | them, Most of them never should finally decided, with unanimity, that | ered with nth muon everywhere he bas the adulteration of maple sugar ain Oddfellows will attend divine service maple svrup he strictly enforeed in Grant hall. This is an innovation, plained the treaty providing for the bave been placed above the rank of | this agtion on the part of the United | heen, but he has emerged from it all a " The big C.P.R. liner Mowgt Temple, as all previous services have taken demarcation of the boundary Between | Sergent. Many should not have been | States' shold Kave no effect on the frank, simple | i the: Luitod Bates and Canada, Upon made sorgeants.' | attitude ofthe Gunadion fram; but hei ha v, -- Ro go ashore Ab the. mouth of Labave. river place Th ehuireives: Fhe speakers: have the conclusion of his remarks the sont | ---------------------- | that they should still continue to | ghe ald block." Charlie is about ® ter since November 20th last, WAS sus Io ot vet been definitely chosen. W. P mittee decided to report the fisheries s| No Sympathy For Him. {fight for the absolute prohibition of yours of age and Sa 4 xo ol ' cesslully floated on Wednesday night. ty Gibald:* dominion parole afficer, "treaty but final action on the other] Modtreal, April 16. "Squandering ({pulpwood exportation and should | J, hool aril 2 ih thie John Goer, an employee in J. Y. convention. was. postponed until an | your money with dissolute companions, | petition the dominion government to | YOulaor Ro : be pk iy ere ole Grillin « pork packing plant Winni nun "another meeting, i men and women spending right and this effect Among the firms repre i Tow ye A bi vel ies 1s re pupils Alpen. was impaled on tWo me at he aks | "The Great Divide." left, ordering fur 'coats atid: antomo {sented were Eddy & Co. J.R | '-¥ a 3 ago, inci era V it may be and so horribly injured that he died | Quite the most interesting DAILY MEMORANDA. hiles, living a tast life with money that | Booth & Co., Riordan Paper Mills, | Roe h : YR Taft ar) Quentin 2 turin Hanan, Shimacted es the | toéal draft naws is the delis 1 Erion i pry khan ! b ih url le Paper Co., and | Son, are imp ta t rnb pes a or : ab it phe Wy id : of nouncement that Henry Miller p « oO Re t t « [4] Ay douatim wp O he - r i ne . yor re t Or { and twice seven years in penitentiary." -- -- ba eball "nine" that plays on the lot| tuberculosis and" paralysis in Sar ho production of 2 Rh i Bb : Five Dollars - { This § i Judee Cl : x back of the White which is. conceded by I any Invested in an Faster Hat | This is what udge Choguet told ku | Fined $10 For Flirting. Al Campbell Brus | means satistacidnm | gsne Baviboau, who pleaded guilty to New York, April 16.-Ma | two accusations of theft and wo of Higginbotham, ia 'Brookiy: forgery committed in" the Montes) George Braun 319, because he flirt He open : } 1 ed Tonight, George Mills & Co { postoifice, where he wag employed. 1 eiwith Anna Martin, a handsome olin { received cight years on the Ova girl who declined to give her address rent tongties His favorite pas The Whig will not b ssued « 3 & I Friday. . be istued on Gon " tharges. ! Miss Martin after the man had greet.| U™¢ nest to baseball roller skut About Lethbridge, Alta., praicie Court PEuhtengie FLOP, Meeting | od her as "the prettiest of - aid. ing, fires are ragir « and considerable dam- ous | IN | fH Es: Seats lor P fal on sale Saterday a street corner. shot out her left a: vi age. has beens done. The mount eed 3 ™ a Company 4, at the Armouries to -ndght INCURRED E ENMITY dnil "staggered the n - 07 1 ice are acti after 'those Passion Play, Urand Opera House, 8.13 oon a with 'the right. at d aw fires. Six arrests were made Mad i | LADS BURN A B A BOY AT THe; pt, y sprawling to the sidewalk Leod See Waldron's Special Advi , Saturday : i Cie I br. Koch refusinie all 11 2 night: started to "run after he wot up. but { er orn tx relusine all _publie:at AKE. THE MOUNTED POLICE AR | 5 si "pase" Sin ob ol" WHILE OPERATING MA.|ovion in chiro Fi 2/5 pis ST 6 Japan with his wife his health Campbell Brow' Hat Store Open "* " night. "| RESTED NINE DREAMERS rhase of two blocks, he 'was capt ed! CHINE IN GANANOQUE. [having been seriously undermined hy! "Wild West" Tragedy Repeated Meeting of No. 8 Company, 14th Regt., by a policeman f i frica 'With Serious Results on Phila- -- ee per cent, which +44 440440000 Washington, April 16. The British and the United States government are EASTER ITEMS Fancy Neckwear Embroidered Collars. Merry Widow Bows Fmbroidered Bows. Fancy Silk Bows Silk and Elastic Belts, Leather and Wash Belts. Novelty Beltings Ostrich Ruffs Feather Scarfs. Chiffon Scarfs. Lace Scarfs Dorothy Dainty Ribbons. Ready-to-Wear Tailored Suits Walking Shirts. Tailored Coats. Silk Skirts. Silk Dresses Silk Blouses. Lace Blouses Muslin Blouses Whitewear, etc. meetings was held last evening There! FLEE IFTEL E0404 000440444 | Winston Churchill in the approaching "I confess that. I should Le Uneon. bye-election at Manchester cerned by the total exhibition, I can iol understand local modesty not HAH rule question to the front in the EPPA ERE SPP III IIo t. FOP TOTOY +4 e convention - Oddfellows' Service The minister of inland revenue has On Sunday Inc ning April 26th, the given instructions that the law ac aims hers of the three local lodres of | may be one Kid Gloves for Easter "DENT'S,"! "REYNIER.," "JOUVIN." Three names that mean something when stamped on a «pair of Kid Gloves, Gloves that fit well, wear well and look well at all times. You can get them here - enclosed in 'a dainty Easter Gift Box without extra charge. House every Sat |nia. 1 i to | urday afternoon. Charlie Fait began In spite of the request of Preside nt | PO an erat Etta : » 2 . = re writtey ON 0 tek up foreign languages when hel Roosevelt for appropriations for four | ©! Plays ever : i will he seer the lwr'st d with his parents in the Philip. | new battleships the House of Repre- | *87 . | this city 6n Thirsd pril 2 the Grand + a + ERE » win + and can now converse in several | sentatives at W ashington refused to authorize the huilding of two more SPE EE ES 4 4: tr - Steacy's. ne | 4 ib -- | ines for Lighthouse Supply Steam. Sensation Near Medicine Hat-- Good-Bye To Dr. Stephenson. Fish Inspector Toner Seized Some | of the eleepine sickness . delphia Streets. + PEELE PIA his two wears' investigation in A ase setense PEPE TAAIIEE S040 0 42 R FES 4 4 24 80 04444 FEET Tr 430 er received till S 1 i -- : : ol a , AA i aturday. | Settlers Threatened to Fight Toronto, April 16---The } pworth Nets--The Culorit May Lose| French-Canadian families are ipa ) {ing Quebec to so in the North | Philadelphia, April 16 Sale of Lot 12, Alma St, and House | Saturday noon, by Murray . use, Arson is the Charge. { Leagues of the five central contereiices His License--Other News of the Wade. | West ; The col Tl eat ap 1 ville MARRIED. Vocal Students Recital ~~ Chalaiers | Medicine Hat, April 16.~The arrest | of the Methodist church, viz 5 Kron 'River Town, : Ih Paul - i le b and | ti il i J Thre, a 3 pa, Friday | of nine Jeadors 'of the weet known as | don, Hamilton, Toronto, Bav of Quin f A : Jaen | : aul de Metis. in hert the Sta € a of be aSBion ay Grand Opera House | 8 ry . By " dk . v , rananoque, April 16 ng wo- | whore there is vende oR na- | ly inflicted serious injury Hot r § eH : % 3 eats sensation te and Montreal, are sending Rev, F | ) i ai 2.80 and B18 paw. Fray Dreamers is enusing a sensa » BC {man named Melntyry ding 'ort dian colony of cpnsiderals . their heavy Mesplans, ten w | Joseph Lehr, a farmer, is alleged in | C. Stephenson. M.D. the « cretary of 4 Basketball, Hawiiton ¥ MCA. Cham. oseph 3 orth stiee and an « i in the Mooney Frans fons. of Canada vs. YM CA » Tuesday] some way to have incurred the en: pthe forward move for missions 5% Peta, {mity of the sect. Lately he received | away with Mr StepHénsen - for sjxl Vor tr bowan amd Britt on Com DIED IN NAPANEE Ae ording to the cast Fran IAL Five Dass. City Hall, E ter | fotion in German, signed "Revenga," months! holidays, dating from the lei |! A : ni ge thie of etatng a ~ | the role of horse thief. After } . te Ros Sear Crosby and O'Connor 3! threatening to burn his house. On (Of April, He and Mrs Stephenson ranehi 0, tal y this 3 ie acti | While on a Visit to Her{ed chase around the block } cas} : k 18 lugs He You can hold up your head | Saturday night his Young rou was | leave in a fow days for a trip acros | few idol 'ay her « O Both lor a Daughter . captured. : be + Cathed at, Where ever you go | awakened by hearing a noise, and dis- | the ocean, . R :" Mant the 1 panve, Apiil 16 --<Ernest Lovst Then the augered anchmen Te uy B Jone new, Janter, Hut ¢ covered the house in flames. The fam ---------- 2 i ve 3 unt » at SHIRA "1 to-day, for San Francisvo, (him to. a telegraph and Bijou Theatre iden . # A Love ily barely escaped with their lives and] Police Had Wrong Woman ; d Haglan bo ih, hi nm a : for the Benolit of his health. He newspapers bit a firesgr be fo * Sn 2 = poe) a J « i : s Bir PORREER: j aries i its in » : hay 'h : : Br : thoats ; ) ; tarted _ Story "iu Tropieal Mexico': Comedy, wight gear, everything being JORSUm= | Brantiord, April .16.--<Mrs Mary | north colintry gave a address on the spend 8 month in Sunny Cali-| With shouts of joy they started a ROBERT J. REID, "The Troubles of = Fresh-A ir Fiend, | ed, The loss i 'estimated at five thou Lows : | nol ount hi co Hornin, and a month op more in Brit-} Indian war dance and the wninching The Leading Undertaker. John Robert Davis sings ¢ Consolatio ogan, lommerly of Lowdon and To! vedds of, and the work in the lumber | Ww 3 nel IW 8 1 i i with t} Howes {y hy OE a Be | saml ws j ronto, was released from custody. af pry $ Tettute rook £43 rare | 1 h Colombian French and illain lawghed with them. OWeser. | 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. Constable Ashe, RN. W.M.P.. at Is Apa} in nn NOC 1 Aduels tine left Monday for lacing | the flames gow larger than anv had mr ---------------- WHIG TELEPHONES. ine, heard 'the story and rode out to| {oF being held here foe the past week, (Bhyrch. evertg. under the aus |peerstite ; : od pated. and shot the --_, vine, hoard the story and rode om *on suspicion of stealing 8360 at Port pides of lodal W.C.T.1 { Head, Sas anticipated, and son they were burn Business 0! investigate the occurrence. He imme : et oe yt | Miss Pearl Grieve and Mise Gerad! ing Franz. SIS oth 3i a ited for reibforcements. Corp. 1 land, Oregon. Detective Voughan, ofp George Toner, the new fish and game Re oa MeLanghi will: spend Eawter) |} 2 kh : a ur Jobbing arument. Giately wired for reinfo A P- 1 Oregon, came three thousand miles to inpodtor, has sectred for Nis Ame "yy | TNE pl dugg 30 e+ RR his agony he shouted to Ris Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. Humby, two constables, and Ashe, af {identify the woman While Mrs. Lo- | new puts put. He went up Ao Big Bay | with fiends 1a Petérbore. Mise' Hye playmates to release him, but the M 1 - S A s © wtp ent up Ac . 3 : ; " or nll wight driving, vested © the | Yt strong resemablante, | the fore part of the wok. and seid | Pots Fox fins necepial a school at {thought he wae only playing = his | ap € yrup heads of mine Dreamers' families. { he did not think she was the one | the nets of Ms will; minx, who holds | Mill Haven. Mr. and Mrs. A awe | part. Neighbors later loosened Frans. | A demonstration of force was noces. | wanted. She says she has pever been | liver 2 for fe use of tw nets. but | Mt, os Monday, for Vietoria, 'B( | but net before his fet and legs were | Has that delicious true Maple eh | Mg they will reside so badly burned that it was neces { flavor, because it is Syrup made safy to overawe tho other ettiers, west of Detroit. Her husha w I 1 three ree. b ; hand as | who had three out, only one of hid : as {who ha } Mr amd Mes George Ruttan, | sary to take him to the Children's ! from the sap of the Ma 'tt T * \ v , t : ie hifi the - neve NE [here 10 heip ber out with an alibi complied with the déparument's | Adolphustown, mourn the loss of their H hic H f ma ; pe te | HPT WEY net ear | YUOIPIMSLY p meopnt hic tal rent t. | J 01 é S ; v Yiberatly | 8 it was ndeded, { quirements, that every net must oe ar le haliy Son. og six month. | HOO! ospital for treatmen We Guarantee It Pure COYNE i Tobe save kedosone was 1 cha tele Lk a ut ak a | the mame and « number of the owner. Death oecutrod on Mom lay last. The Jobin Chariton Vere Low {Now fs the tims to put Bp what usted to 'epsure 'the destruction of the! Mts. Turner Free On Bail {as . { Mr Toner says Williams Heense: will | a k" - i ving the lot-| Torents, April 16.--Mvs. Minuie Tar. | undoubtedly, be cancelled for the of. | death oceurred, i marming. ut Lynedoch. Aoril 16. The eondi tion | YE 8 will require Tor next winter's h stor Parker ix having i Mrs. Nelson Smellie, of Richmond, : use. tors translated for the preliminary ex-| ber is a free womau. Yesterday sho | fenee y { iQue, at the residence' of her son<in. of John Chariton, ex-MP.. has be- | ination: today. y was brought before Judge Winchester | A well-known residént of the town, i Ret H: Cairns, John street | 7OMe very serious: His recovery is Price $1 00 00 Per Gallon. amuny ; v i amd allowed out on bail, to & x | Who is getting ready to have a resi-| 18 * doubtful New designs for the Spring w loads of settlers are coming Pea aged seventydour years and six} tend the trial at the May assizes to answer to the | desce erected this sping, was ap | 22° the. Decahoed as 0h a visit 10] m-------- season. Quaint, odd, old 'ola . od charge of uusring 0 Winters, { proached by two Eaglislimen, residing Ee isuahder Mrs. Cairns, when death! Silk Hats. fashioned shapes and * ars Cuda Whe she appears in May the: charge | in tawn, for the contract of digging The new stvies at Campbell Bros' Jas 8 0 : : Four Te For ey. of murder' will be withdrawn 'and the | the collar. He asked what thes would | called her home. The remains will) i : os, 1 n Dat Apeil Je. -- Alexander : leave for Richmond, Que, . Friday Gudph, " By Judee Chad. | YomWan will be liberated entirely. {rake to do the work. and was told 87. night : : London's great svelem of ni Importers Of Fine Groceries. wick to -- years in the penitentiary. c {He Framptiy mceepted the THO ih : : { ground railways ix in Snancis) diff- | : oncert Songs And Vocal Duets. j started wark on Hst., abd are : Lealtiee : . map arrested for We have in stock a Jargs list of still at it The shen say 'the hangain. LOVED THE ASSASSIN. [+ See: Waltron's wpeciat-advt- Sturdy ' id mt Geosps t Dax... i new eoncert songs, standard straight and square, and t ht. : or the hire me in y ¥. classic concert songs. abe aeleetind anal wus ot completing the work, but wil Ruthenians Consider He Was a | hig 34. Gaorge's conregution whl. next cal duets, songs and ballads. They [ei not get bitten agsin a : Patriot. - { Thuralar, oer 3 its, Jestivel dar R will be on sale this week at one bali} William Wheeler, roadmmster. on Winai 116. ~The Ruthinidns | 3 is i a he thes 10, § chy innipeg; Apri ay . fthiz avnaally, therefore the cathe ular price. Mellermott Bros., 260] his assistants, lave iwen hard at work Sticaensii, vi Of R11 M2 . Fin it lg fhe Jett String. Yau but low LAeL ot Govermes. Fotackt of galas: | aa. wen, sasanl Ror, Dr S------------ ¥%, antl have made 4 ¢ ma 1 } patriot. He was | $ | RrSOn yth, o ontregl, wi great nations! pa Foe Lapenk at the Langues Want A Conference. | pravement. known personally to many residents | j : i rwest RK 1 i. § i found at his home that | London, "April 16.~Losd a , Rn Iie her "and the eTior af the Dalian | ion Ea 1nd heen on valasol sities Hrclhvin com | writes the Times, uri 4 and Mis, Clarke Allen, | paper. in Winnipeg was a fillowisty | { Js Bull A Bargain. t dent of his in the Phe Tigh foe i The Montresl Biock company, 140 Princess street sell poodles at pretty mitted in 1906, i it b | Mai n stevet Mr. and Mes W . Con- : : tion, declari be io, % . t ate time priest | imnigral ng it would , of Arcola. Bask., wire tha guests | ski's brother wae & rte I eS rn, AT pratt weleomed 'by the colonies, who are Mra I : We. Charles of the Greek church here, and hiv vis: oie . Eo att + wt ft wt hat S'S Gr ar | At oud SE "S : ards, _xpent son re Bar. iia 1. should have