LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW. J. B. PENSE. Hall Racks New 1008 variety, 50 styles, for wall and Boor, $1.50 up to $50 Some beauties at $8, $10 and $13. Largest stock we have ever had, new finishes, new shapes. round and sjuare $6, 37.50 up to $35, Dining Chars Big variety Toe S0e., 65¢ Rocking Chairs to watch, Carpets varities. Curtains Lace, Tapestry, Silk, ete. Some reat values in our new Lace, fmport of = this season, $1, $1.25, woftld $1.50 and $1.75 Linoleun and Oilcloth. YouRs, T, F, HARRISON CO All new SAMPLE ENDS Curtains. 166 pairs Sample Lace Curtains - (Nottingham) ® ® #® * ® # * e . ® ® ® * . ® . . ® ® : 50c Per Pair. : 119 Single Half Pairs : of LACE CURTAINS, : 30c. each. ie The demand for sam- : ples is very great and ® nee a year is as often : as they can be got. % : * * e 4 * # . 4 % . % 4 ® » Come at once for . McFaul Kingston wesancsceseeeeocRee identinl THE SPORT REVIEW THE KINGSTON BASEBALL LEAGUE MEETING. ¢ ¥Y.M.C'A, Harrier Run To-Morrow ~First Lacrosse Practice Early Next Weel--Baseball To-Mor- row, The first meeting of the executive of the Kingston Baseball League was held iu the Randolph hotel, last evening. The following teams were represented © Senior, Mic-Macs, R.C. HA. CLA, Y.LCB.A. Victorias; junior, Crescents, C.L.A. and Victor ins, and president, Frederick McPar- land, E. 8S. Webster and Secretary Hipson. The by-laws, drawn up by the three officers, were submitted = to the executive to vote on. They were adopted with only two votes being taken, on the junior rule and one on the amendment to it. The playing in the junior ranks of men under nine- teen years old, who had plaved two senior games last year, was fully threshed out, and it was finally de. cided that as long as they were in good amateur standing, according to the C.A.A.U., and were under age, thay could play junior this season. The other rules were discussed at length. The president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer will draw up the schedule and submit it to the execu- tive at the next meeting, to be held at the Randolph on Wednesday even- ing next. ; -- Y.M.C.A. Harriers Run, The Y.M.C.A. Harriers will have a good run on Friday morning. They will run from the Y.M.C.A., out Mon- treal stréet to Kingston Mills and home by way of Barriefield. Some of the runners are in good condition, and will enter the twelve mile race here on Victoria day. Nelson Me. Cartney, the all-round champion, of the Y.M.C.A., is running well, and should finish among the winners, First Baseball Match. . The first game of baseball of the season will be played at the cricket field on Friday morning between the outside students and local students. The game should be fast and snappy, as there are many good players on each team. Lacrosse Practice. The lacrosse players will commence practice in the cricket field the first of the week. The boys are all anxious to get out and into the game as soon as possible. They will likely have a game with Brockville here on Vie. toria day, -- A Pool Contest. The pool "match, to-night, between Willey and McDermott is causing quite an interest around town. A side bet of $100 has been posted, and quite a few outside bets have been placed on the men. Both are good players, and a fine game should result. ---------------- 'TWAS THE DOMESTIC. How a' Student Got Himself Into a Nice Mess. A rather good story is told on a student in the city, His friends say that he was walking home one rainy evening about eight o'clock, and com. ing up Princess street was immediately behind a fair young lady, whe acci- dentally dropped her glove. The young man picked it up, gave it to her, and as she did not have an umbrella, he offered to give her his, or to escort her home, which the damsel agreed to. The student was in such a state of excitement after he left the girl that 'he forgot studies and everything cise, only how to meet her again, and that he still "had a glove of hers, which he had put in his pocket down the street. Threo. nights after the young Loch- invar got himself braced to the striking point, and went bravely to the house and rang the bell. © A lady opened the door and he politely asked if Miss So and So was in. He felt rather funny when the lady looked at him, and did not say much * for a moment, and he repeated his question, One can imagine his surprise when he heard her say, "Oh, certainly, she is in, just step around the back wav, she is busy in the kitchen. She is our maid, you know." Wall the young man didn't know, but after recovering himself sufficiently he thanked the lady for troubling her, assuring her it would be the last time anv thing of the kind should happen with him in the leading role. The Test Of Years.' Has proven' that Campbell's hais ard 'all that hats should be. New derbies, $2, $250, 83 $4, at Camp- bellBros'., Kingston's style centre for men's hats, Many invitations have been received in the city for the annual Faster ball, given by the Gananoque Canoe Club, in Turner's hall, on Monday night, April 20th. Quite a number from t ity will attend. eak women get prompt and last ing by 'using Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. ; soothing, healing, anti- ¥eptic suppositories, with full inform- ation how to proceed are in i of in my book omen." The od : free, Simply write Shoop, Racine, We, for my book No. 4. Sold by all Six tramps lined t the police station, last night, Pee ih gn i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1908. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By! Reporters On Their Rounds. Photos taken at Weese s. } oC Llean-up day is comang. | Easter neckwear. Livingston's. { dee Waldron's special gdvi Saturday, 'night. 2 i 'he green grass is an inspiration to the man wita the rake. For your mext suit try Crawford & Walsh, fashionable tailors, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley"s. 'Phone 778. The interprovincial convention of the B.Y.P.U. will be held mn Broekvilie from April 16th to isth, H. Cunningham, piapo tuner from Chickering's, Leave orders at Me Auley's book store. »/ : it will be wise to make no spring suit sclection until you have seen our new tweeds. Livisgston's. Your boys' clothing will cost you less if you buy them at Livingston's. The Wiulinmson estate household ef- fects' sale continued to-day. The priges secured were unusually high. Beef, Iron and Wine, "our own" make, pint bottles, fifty cents, at Wades Drag Store. Four new members were initiated at the meeting of Court Earl Roberts, LO.F,, held on Tuesday night, This morning the thermometer regis. terad twelve degrecs below the freezing point, pretty cold for the middle of April, Quite a change in men's suit styles for spring. See them at Livingston's. Large numbers of Kingstonians are returning to the city to spend the Faster goldays with' relatives or friends. Johuson's annual spring flower show will be held on, Good Friday after noon and evening at the store, King street. Admission free, The Royal Military Collese' cadets will enjoy a holiday until 6 pao, on Tuesday. Many have gone home taking friends with them, We want mothers to see our boys' clothing. Livingston's. The horse attached to the rig of W, Powers, grocer, Montreal street, rah away on Montreal street, but was captured before any damage was done, Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver, Pills. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus, To the eyes of the male the "Merry Widow" top piece looks like a cross between a horticultural exhibition aud an ostrich farm, loaded on a flat car. "Ask yourself the question" Why will' a' gentleman pay 60c., 5c. or $1 for a box of inferior quality of candy when he can buy Huyler's or MeCon- key's high class candy for the same money. He may not have tried them, but that is no excuse in the lady's mind. McConkey's and Huyler's are sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Always fresh. You don't buy goods to please the man who sells them--or because you think it a patriotic duty to support bim.- You buy goods te sell, - Buy ad- vertising that will sell the goods. kinds of tea deterioratus - with age. The flavor consists in an es: sential oil which decays. . Take only fresh tea, and it. only" in the sealed lead packets of the "Salada" Tea company. On account of its delicious strength a pound of "Salada" will go as far as a pound and a quarter of other teas. The property committee of the Board of Edycation met Thursday af- ternoon and made final arrangements for the fitting up of the new quarters, in the buildmg at the corner of Prin- cess and Sydenham strects. That languid, lifeless feeling that comes with spring and early summer, can be quickly changed to a feeling of buoyancy and energy by the judicious use of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The restorative js a genuine tonic to tired, rundown nerves, and Lut a few doses is needed to satisfy the us- er that Dr. Shoop's Restorative is actually reaching that tired spot. The indoor life of winter nearly always leads to sluggish bowels, and to slug- gish circulation in general. The cus tomary lack of exercise and outdoor air ties up the liver, stagnates, the kidneys, and oft-timeg weakens the heart's action. Use Dr. Shoop's Re- storative a few weeks and all will be changed, A few days' test will tell you that vou are using the right re- medy. You will easily and surely note the change from day to day. Sold by all dealers, THE REMAINS ARRIVE To Be Taken to St. George's Cathedral, on Saturday. The remains of the late Rev. Dr. Henry Wilson arrived from: New York, this . afternoon, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Madele Wilson, who ac- complished a very deep desire that alll. that was mortal of her father should rest in Cataraqui cemetery. The re- maine were met at the G. T. I, sta- tion by KR. J. Reid, undertaker, and a few friends, and taken to Mr. Reid s undertaking patlor, where they will remain until the servicé in St. George's cathedral, at 2.80 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. They will then be' rémoved to the cathedral, and gocord- ed the fullest' honors of bis old chursh, The service will be conducted hy the Dean of Omtario, Immediately afterwards, carriages will be taken to Catakaqui, where the re mains wi interred beside those of his- family, who died misny vears ago. A --------" Easter Cards Excellent. Raphael Tuck & Soms Co., whose Canadian branch is at 9 St. Antoine street, Montreal, i The ead Jur She icons or mci pe) « tl i and will be public. !- CAUGHT BY THE LEG BUT CHICKEN THIEF MADE In His Haste He Dropped Bag Which Contained a Hen--Ex- perience of Williamsville Wo- man. : A chicken thief who endeavored to get in his work at a home in Wil liamsville; the other night. had quite an experience, and although he was not captured, he dropped his game in hurry to make his escape. It was early in the evenin~ when the' thief paid - his visit to the hen houge Unusually loud cacklin~ of the hen¥ 'aroused the suspicions of the lady of the house, who was the only one home at the time, and she set out to investigate, having read a great deal of late, about chicken thieves being abroad, She played the role 6f Sherigck Holes, and although she was unable to capfure the thief, she put up a plucky fight. As she neared the hen house, she heard some one moving ahout on the inside, and she stayed at the door until the stranger came out. When he walked out, she grabbed hold of him by the leg, and held on as if for dear life. The man was too much for her, how- ever, and he succeeded in breakine away, and running out of the vard He carried a bag under his arm and in his hurry he dropped this amd did not stop to pick it up. There was a hen in the bas. and as soon as it touched the ground a hen jumped out. As it was dark, and the man made such a hasty exit, the woman was unable to get a good description of him, although 'she reported the case to the police. It is not likely that the fellow will make a return trip to this hen house, and he is now, no doubt, 'congratulating himself on the narrow escape he had from being cap: tured. A GROWING BUSINESS. Prosperous Shoe Trade Carried on By Reid & Charles. A little short of a year ago, two well-known -Kingstonians, Messrs. Reid and Charles, purchased the boot and shoe stock of D. J. McDermott. The new firm soon won the confidence of all the old patrons, and of all their new ones, until now they are enjoving one of the best trades in the city, which they have earned by their strict attention to business and their courte. ous treatment towards all customers, Reid & Charles have one of the finest stores in this district, and a finer class of shoes cannot be found in Ontario than they are carrving for men, wo- men and children. The best grades of Canadian and 'American factories are handled, and their success speaks of the high class of goods they carry in stock, ---- Secured Biead Contract. R. H. Toye has been awarded the contract for supplying the Richelieu apd Ontario Navigation company steamers, with' bread at this port. Mr, Toye has been successful for eighteen years in speuring this contract against outsiders. He is also tenderng for supplying the steamers for their whole Hamilton-Montreal route. $2 Derbies. The kinds 'that are not excelled in America, at Campbell Bros'., the lead- ers in men's hats. ---------- Premice Whitney says the provincial elections will be sooner or later. Busi- ness men are pleased (7) over the ua- certainty. For style and clothing. The close - season for black bass commenced Wednesday, and will" con- tinue until June 15th. Ripe tomatoes. Edwards & Jenkin. See the grand. displyy of flowers and Plants for Easter gifts at Johnson's, the florist, King street Livingston's for "Progress Brand' clothing. The schools will close, to-daw to re-open until Monday, 27th. Bibby's, the men's glove store, Try oar special 31 glove. Holiday tratlic on the railways was quite brisk, to-day. . Bibby's ¥2 hats are favorites. Lettuce and parsley. Edwards & Jenkin. 'Phone 776. The Whig will not be published Good Friday. See Weese's wall paper remnants, A sailor predicts another windy summer. Bibby's collars, two for fit, try Livingston's not oR. os -0, Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Easter Headwear. ? WHAT'S IN YOUR HAT? Hits the sight 'hind of fur. the hat is elastic, light, comfortable and will wear well. All these qualities can, be foynd in our Waldorf $1.50 Hats Waverly $2.00 Hats. Piccadilly $2.50 Hats. CITY AND VICINITY. Scott's London. Is the name of the highest of high | grade hats. Sold in Kingston only at | Campbell Bros'., the leaders wn i 7s hats, Is Quite III. Oliver Menard, son of "Archie ard, Garden lsland, was brought the General Hospital to day in James! Reid's ambulance. He is in a serious condition, but every fiope is held out! for his recovery, | "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." Arm Was Broken, Bruce, the totic ye-old som of C. W. Horne, customs officer at Point Alexandria, met with a iu! acci dent on Tuesday. Wile playing around a separator he bad the mis fortune to fall and his left arm was fractured, Men-} to} ---------- Notes From Barracks. Summer dress weat into effect at Tete de Pont barracks on Tuesday. Gunners Ross and Richardson have fined them to the station hospital, There are at present six patients ip the hospital. Big Preparations. We've made big preparations for do- ing a tremendous hat business - and for some time have been receiving hats from all the leading hat centres of the 'world, until now we have un- doubtedly the largest stock of men's nobby hats ever shown by any Kings. ton firm. Campbell Bros', the style centre for men's hats, No Building Operations. Autside the new RM.C, quarters fo the servants, the outlook for building operations in Kingston, this summer, is very poor. None of the four archi- tect offices have anything new of city construction. A couple of them have much work outside, but none in Kings. ton. A Full Crop of Blackheads. They disfigure many a pretty face, itch and bother you continually. You can cure them, erradicate every one in a short time, by rubbing on Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. For pimples, i skin, erruptions, nothing so satisfactory as Dr. Hamilton's Oint- ment. Try a 60c. box. To Take Ogdensburg Charge. Rev. William C. MacIntyre, of Barre. Vt., a graduate of Queen's, has practi- cally accepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of the First Presgytcrian church, Ogdensburg, N.Y. The action of the church was ratilied at the St Lawrence presbytery meeting at Gou- verneur, N.Y Passion Play At The Grand. The Passion Play was again exhibit. ed at the Grand Opera House last evening. Much interest was evinced in the different scenes. The beautiful col- loring, the artistic design, and the sublime and solemn subjects they pr. sented could not possibly be surpess el. W. Scott Hiatt and Miss Frank- Iyn again rendered the "Adeste Fi deles," and the "Holy City," very acceptably, Tonight the pictures will again be exhibited, and at the mati nee on Friday and Saturday after noons at 2.30 o'clock. ----tts Another Sir John Story. Dr. Parkin, in a sketch on Sir John Macdonald, has this story To the late Principal Grant, whi, ad mired Macdonald greatly, but could not always give him support, Sir Jobn remarked, "I wish you would be. a more steady friend of mine." "Bat, Sir' John," said Grant, "M have always supported you when vou were wight." "My dear man," was the reply, with a merry twinkle of the eve, "I bave no use for that species of friend- ship." At St. Mary's Cathedral. Holy Thursday was observed in St. Mary's cathedral this morning. Pouti- fical grand mass was celebrated by Archbishop Gauthier. During the mass the holy oils used in the various of- fices of the church were blessed. He was assisted by a large number of priests of the diocese. The holy sicra- ment was carried in procession and placed on the altar of repose till Gol Friday morning, when it will be con- sumibd by the officiating priest at the mass of the presanctified. The "Gloria" was sung during the mass. The ceremony is' one of the most sol- emn in the Roman Catholic church. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. William Musgroove, Morristown, N. Y.; H. E. Cain, Lacorica, N.Y.: Geo. A. Barragar, E. L. Palen, George D. Bell, Bellevilfe: C. W. Hellems, W A, Gray, R. E. Hewitt, George Maguire, C. H. Burgess, L. N. Vanstone, ( has. McWilliams, Toronto; F, Craig, Brock. ville: * D. King, Galt: C. B. Durfie Ashland, 0.: K, GG, Seabrook, 1 on- don; R. R. Stewart, London. Eng. : M. J. Laughlin, M. Ard. Mackenvie, Ottawa: Williams Buchanan. Orillia : W. J. Warren, Carleton Place: H. V. Freleck, Napence. M. O'Sullivan, Pittsburg, Pa.: A. C, Knoll, Spring- field: A. E. Fisher, Montreal, . ---- | Another Assault Case. Another assault cas the sequel to the one tried on Saturday afternoon, argued before Col. Hunter, at the division court chambers on Wed- nesday afteyoon. } The ee brought by one S ington 'mer agains t Jnothet for shave and --- ting language. On tarday last, the defendant in this case was plain- tiff. Sauteron withesses were ox the defendant and Jobn L. Whiting for the plaintiff. After review; ing the evidence, hiv worship reserved judg- ¢ Novelties. recovered from their illness, which con-|3 - -- BAA Ds Easter r, The latest ideas in fancy 3 Collars, 25¢. each. Merry Widow Bows, in many shades, 25¢., 35c¢., 50¢. each, Fancy Belts; all colors and styles, 25¢. and up, Fancy Belting, pretty de- sign, at 50c. a yard. The best line of Kid Gloves in the trade, at One Dellar a pair, All sizes, popular shades. Our $1.25 Kid Gloves are the best in the land. Every pair Guaranteed. We .ave } all sizes in the wanted shades, Greys, Modes, Tans, Browns, ete. Nhite $5 Swell range of Waists, from 75¢. up to each. Extra value in White Silk Waists, at $2.50 and $3. Black Moirette Underskirts, the best wearing garment in the trade. All sizes in stock. "The Always Busy Store" MEN'S EASTER FURNISHINGS. Hats Select your. Hat from our collection of thls suson's wost artistic seyles: Gloves ever else you omit you es lor Easter What Have new Clo Easter Novelties wo TNs NECKWEAR, and FANCY OPEN SHIRTS HOSIERY THURSDAY Our store will be EVENING, P. J. HUNT, 63 Brock street. ® * * » ® . » ® * » 2 2 » 2 THE people of Kingston are : thoroughly awake to the : fact that this campaign of eo optical education and demon= 8 stration which | am conduct- $ ing is genuine aad of great : benefit to the community. ® During the past ten days the + most difficult and complicated e cases have been properly, ® and | must admit easily, fit o ted to the entire satisfaction of the patients, and in no ® case did the testing occupy : more than five minutes, | $ regard Mr. Montgomery's ® system as the most scientific e aod | know it is the most o satisfactory of any 'method | : bave ever seen. I urge every e parent who has a child sul+ ¢ lering [roar delective sight : * ® * ® ® . » * * » ® $00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to bring it here while Mr. Mon tgomery is with me. This system is the only correct way of testing the sight of children. = Hours as usual day and evening. -- st ---- Dr. A P. Chown -- Are Very » he reputation we hate wade in business very glad that we have pleased our patrons so much in the past that they stay with us at present We have made it our trade maxim 10 Keep only reli able goods of the best qualities, > Rive to our Customers pr ' Mcwnt rvice, and to charge ouly the most asonable prices. W. F. GOURDIER. Easter | Gifts Sterling Silver Novelties Just suitable for Easter. Not Expensive. | | | SMITH BROS., 350 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage | Licenses. Phone, 608. REN ARI Cures ALL Coug YR TTY £ AND COSTS BUT a POTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY Wholesale or Retail, at A. GLOVER'S, Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. J. LEACH, "OUR AUCTIONEER." 58 Brock St., Kingston. Years experience in England sures business methods Promptitude. Sales booked. Many en and THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro erfiss. Municipal and County Deben res Mortgages purchased Deposite ecoived and interest allowed, 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. Your Laundry Well Cared For. It wil a for, ca washod and Inunderied and |r deliv i take good care of cigthes FONG SING, S95 Princess street calied ered, IF IT 1S To get a sink set up or a bath room enstalled. I can-do it in first-cliss style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID HALL, Soe2e, T. J. O'Connor Corgmiission Merchant and Auctioneer 86 and 88 Brock St. All mais enrpfuiiy comducted, Prompt at Uoapents made, Your patronage kind ly solicited. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, quality guaranteed. STRACHAN'S New England Chinese Restaurast 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m., to 8 am, Lhe best plate to get an all round Looch ig the city. Menis of all kinds om shortest motice. ish and Chinese dishes » peciaity, G3 Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harnese stc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Batorday. 880svssaceccnstststccnstnscances Proud of [ll Cl LL ec fc ton