Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, . i ¥ -- " - . os Dassansesessssessrsssansencsssesssseisnssrie ¥ 9 me sem Lo you want your New Hat for Easter Bunday ? Of course you do, and to be sure of it let us have your order now, The last. two or .three days before Easter 'Sunday are such very busy ones with our 'Millinery people that it is almost impossi- ble to fill all orders for that date unless they are in early. = Hats to suit everyone, low prices, courteous attention and prompt delivery. Try Crumley's for: youn Hat this spring. : ESgsTTrrTiy EASTER JACKETS Just a" word about these Jackets. : You will find nothing in our stock that ismot up-to-date and pleasing. New spring shades, best materials and low prices will 8000 sell our large and varied stock, HAVE & NEW COAT FOR EASTER SUNDAY. : CASH COUPONS. (¥riyys CRUMLEY BROS. Ton smn w----n. » - ak - a A cease eee re EINE TET TENET OTe ees terete seeettassessees . . ® * * ° . * . 4 ° . . » * . * » . * . * . . * * # . @ * ® _. ° nt ® . . . - * # * . ® o i : * . © : . * " * * » * : * » * » * » . * » . » . * # # ° . * * » 4 * » @ . § a The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Assurance Company fits into "any* pase requiring life insurance. Before placing your nee 'correspond with, or call into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS WANTED-----Apply+Office, 18 Market 86. J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont. 'Me:Swell Dressers wo bévin' fine rip. 9 Have you decidéd {0 go ob 'a trip for the Baster Jolidays ? If so you'll need some mew. Clothes and Fou'l need them whether jou go dwav or sty at ) you in quality clothin sell you poor cotton * stuff in our : day matinee. AT THE- POLICE - COURT JAMES SLAVIN DENIES VAGRANCY CHARGE And Has Great Deal to Say to the = Magistrate--Contractors Must __ Observe the Building By-Law. -- a a pa "James Slavin, you are charged with vagrancy," called out Magistrate Farrell, at the police court this morn. ing. "That's my name, but 1 am no Vagrant," said a big, husky Jooking man, the only occupant of the prison- er's dock. Slavin's face if be hod not consulted a tonsorial artist for several weeks, and his bands looked as if he had been hand- ling econl for several months, Hig make up was that of a typical vag. Last night the accused went to sleep 'in the harm at the Albion hotel. He was «given his walking ticket, but agains went back to the hay. This morning the police were notified and "Wonstable "Harry' Filson took him dn charge. 'Un the way to the police station he endeavored to go a "round" with the officer, but the blue- coat had him well in hand. . » 'Several complaints have been made mbout this man," said Sergt. Litt, to the magistrate, "They sdy you are a vagrant," the court to Slavia, "No, | am pot," he replied, becom- ng very sogry, "What are yon doing said reply, The accused at the same time exhibited his hands to the magistrate, saying, "Look at these, doesn't that fook like work 7' "Where have you been working ?" again asked the court. 1 Anywhere and any place," was the reply. t "But where did you work last?" "I was working with a minister." "You must be more definite," "1 don't kmow the minister's name.' ; Constable Filson was ther" called and told of Slavin going around beg- ging. "What's. the matter with you ple? 1 was not begging," said prisoner, with a very cheeky air, 1 '"Uouldn't you give me qo deseription of the minister you speak of 7" asked the court, endeavoring to get at truth of his story, y "He was a'big stout man. | ama stranger here, and 1 cannot remem- ber all about him." "Well, | will remand you until Mon- day," said the court, "All right," said Slavin, as he was escorted out of the room, "hut 1 want you to remember that | am not a vagrant." 'The prisoner was arrested a week ago by Constable John Naylon, on a charge of vagraney. A contractor was summoned charged with an infraction of the building hy- law, but when the facts of the onse had "been explained to the magistrate be decided not to impose' any penalty. City Solicitor Melntyre explained that the by-law must be earried-out, and that all the contraetors must under: stand: +The wity enginedr must hit kept in todch with all work that was being done in order that the publie could be safeguarded. Magistrate Farrell also stated that the by-law must be strietly observed, in otder that -the public might be protected. ! peg- th tis cr---------- COMING TO THE GRAND, "Raffles, The Amateur Cracks- man," on Monday. Playgoers will enjoy a genuine treat in the engagement of "Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman,'"' which will take place at The Grand on Mondav. Ap- ril 20th, with a_ special Easter Mon- 8, Miller Kent is .the star of "Raffles." The fame of this play has preceded it here, because E. w Hornung's stories from which this drama has been made, have been wide- ly read, and because it was . well known that this was the only drama to remain in New York 200 nights, season beflre last. '"Parsifal,'"' Tuesday Night. No grander spectacle, no more sub- lime subject, no greater Christian Jes: son or more intense dramatic action, and no more beautiful or interesting story was ever embodied in a play in any period of the world's history than is witnessed in the magnificent world-known mystic drama, 'Parsi fal." Tt will be presented at The Grand on Tuesday, April 21st. Artists have vied with each other in perpetu- ating its glorious scenes upon canvhs, our own land to-day the famous paintings of Edwin Abbey grace the walls of the Boston library, heautiful- ly illustrating the "Quest Of The Holy Grail." Tt remained, however, for the geniug of the immortal Wagner to gather and study the manv legends, myths and mystical stories pertaining to the Holy Grail, and with all this acauited knowledge, supplemented and aided by his own poetic matars and artistic temperament. -------- Charles Diamond, who has been laid i wt three months, on ies sustained by his fhe "corner of | Nes- "Working, of course," was the sharp thes To-Night aad every Bight thiy week, Matinees, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 2.30 o'clock, Pathe Freres Superd Production. THE PASSION PLAY A Magnificently Colored Moving Picture THE LIFE OF CHRIST As produced at Obersmmergau, 39 Exquisite Scenes--39, accompanied bY ap- propriate Vocal and I tal Music. Hear W. Scott Hiatt Sing "The Holy City," and Miss Fraskiys and Mr. Higst Duo, "Adeste Fideles. Prices, 10c., 15¢. and 20 cents, Seats now on sale. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 20th. Special Easter Monday Malinee, at 2.30. The English Dramatic Success, S. MILLER KENT As the Amateur Cracksman, in "RAFFLES" A Company of Notidble Players. Matinee, 23¢., 35¢c., SOc. ; Children, 20¢ 10 any seat. s Evening, 96c., 8%¢., 50¢., T5¢., $1. Seats now on sale. TUESDAY, APRIL 21st. MESSRS. MARTIN & Colossal Production of Richard Mystic Festival Drama Parsifal (TN ENGLISH) Adopted by Wm. LymeB Roberts presented on a scale of grandeur befors attempted. Evening Performance at 7.43, Carriages at 11.15. Prices, 25c., 50c., 75c., $1, $1.50. Seats on sale Saturday. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going on in the Business World--The Markets: " British railvoads increased their gross receipts by $18,500,000 ip 1907. W. W. Hodgson is retifing from the managership of the Unidh Stock Yards company, Torbiite The Nova Scotia SY and Coal company will send in the vicinity of 0,000 tons, to' the St. Lawrence this John Hendry, who for years past has represented the Great Northern interests at Vancouver, as un result of a dispute, has resigned. Toronto railway eprnings thé week ended April 11th totalled %62122.79, or $2,724.44 more than in the corre sponding week Tast' year, The Bell Telephone company has been constructing « through line from St. Thomas," Out., to "Bufidlo, NY. The only' intervening seéflion" Will be Simeoe, The Toronto street railway receipts in March amounted to $277,298.12, an increase of $9572.07 oVér the' feceipts in March, 1907. The city's share * in percentage fast month totalled $33 - S38.80, Wagner's and never Cnondian balks were $89, AY present the amséts are $90),500000. The deposits in the binks forty vears ago were $36,000,000. "Today the de posits are $53%,000,000. f The new pefigion system, put in force on Jangery lst, by the Grand Trunk railway, has had three months' trial, and the officials are convinced already that it was a wise move and that the money "is-well-spent. At Edmonton, Alta. building per- mits issued during .the first ten days in April totalled $125,000. The total to date sinee the first of the year. is $1,452,350, as compared with about $700,000 for the first three months last year. MacKenzie & Mann, Canadian North- ern railway, may purchase Joseph Wendel's hall interest .in twenty . coal locations on Bear river, in Northern Cariboo. The areas comprise scores of seams of bituminous coal, adapted for cooking and steaming purposes, many equal in size to the Crow's Nest district, Death Of A Pioneer. The death of George Crogier occurrea on March 30th, at the old homestead, where ho lived with his youngest son, Alexander, Mountain Grove, Deceased was one of the earliest pioneers who settled here when that: township was a wilderness. His wile died ten years ago, leaving a large family of child ren all grown up and married. His illness was of short duration. He was taken ill on the Friday previous to his death and the funeral took pinte on Wednesday, April 1st, to the Mountain Grove® Methodist = church. t Thete was a large attendance which showed the estgem in which deceased was held. Rev. L. M. Sharpe," assisted by Rev, Mr. Lockett, Arden, officiated. 'The body was interred in the Moun- tain Grove cemetery beside the graye of his. wiles (Arden 'and - Mounthin tirave Orangemen pawl tribute to the departed brother, Mr. Crozier was an industrious man, an honest neighbor, a loving father and one who gnjoyed the fidence and respect of all who knew m hi Mullin's Weekly Bargains. 3 tins corn, peas, or i Be. inted, howeyr is mid to he an ex- operator. 2 'EMPRY'S Forty years ago thé 'total' mesets oy ance elonred ven : APRIL 16, 1908. « CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c. oa word. Each con secutive insertion thereafier half cent a word, Mini one ia- sertion, 28c. " umn WANTED--MALE, SALESMEN, FOR {AUTO-SPRAY." Best band Sprayer made ressed - 3 + FOR BALR, or ~ TWO COOD HOUSES NOS. 00 an Wellington strest Apply A. B. Cuns ningham GO-CART, IN gQOn CON climing ok. Will be so Wale - Phy an NO. 138 UNIVERSITY solid brick Bouse, hot water hea ng, open plumbing. Apply W ily SITUATIONS VACANT. EN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR. ber trade. Graduates sarn twelve to eightevn doliars Weekly, Help secure positions. Will equip shops. Con- stant practice. Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course. Cata- logue free. Write' Moler Barber College, Torcato. . 5 RE na 0 AVE, bpousnl ARCHITECTS. - SOP , automatic. Siheral terms. x aur Cavers 08., 'Galt, On FARM HAND FOR PRIVATE country club. One experienced in truck-gardening and 'care of horses and cows. Address, H Sullivan, Clarehos stree. RTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF lice, Cor. Yueen and Bagot streets. SOLID BRICK HOUSE Bouse and stable, in Cataraqui. Apply at 70 er. 11 Queen Ni... UNxy. Glib PRIvE the vil horry od ¥ ARCHITE ENRY P. SMITH, 20T, riot Square. ote. Anchor Building, My 'Phone, 3435. se of H wages and experience, Murray . Club, Bartley, gr. Opinacon Chufley's Locks, Ont. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- POG CART, Wo painted and Amma. chant"s Bank Building, corper Broek and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. SECOND HA ND ted, newly WANTED-FEMALE, A GOOD STRONG KITCHEN WOMAN. Apply 6 Hotel Randolph. w CONUPETENT HOUSEMA1, ny May 1st. Apply in the evening, to Miss Macdonell, 28 Sydenham St. A also rénabout buggy businus$ Waggons and lorries. Jag. Latufmey, M. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, sec Carriage Maker, Princess street. floor over Mahood's Drug Store, corner Princess and = Bagot Streets. Entrance on Bagot street Phone, 608. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALV-4 Double house, on J ohngon street, tha property of the late Joseph Jamies S00, Bow used as a dwolling aed & TO-LET, FOR SUMMER COUNTRY CLUB SEA- son, of 1908, Woman second cook, three general kitchen girls, tive Waitresses, two chambermaids, also girl to care for two children. Ad dress, giving references, Murray MH. JF Bartley, Mgr. Opinacon Club, Chaffey's Locka, Ont. L WANTED GENERAL. LARGE FRONT uniber's shop. Apply to Mossra) ARGE FURNISHED Nulken private family. Apply I Whig oflice. stem teeneee URNISHED DWE , OR ROOMS, Storage lor fy MiCann, 51 Broek ROOM IN lox G, F CITY PROPERTY OHEAP: NO os Bagot St., near City Park, all $m- Provetucats, § rove, large exten. 4 sion; No 204 King St), well puilt stone house of about 12 rp No, #2 Optario Nt. 12 sooths, I provements, hot water heating, shap. Geo. Uhl, Reel Estate, Clarence St. street. BEDROOMS, all modern conveniences, 160 5t., sear City Park. WITH King YOUNG DAILY WORK, BY A "N tarred wemap. Address Box ZZ." Whig ofi¥e. A BUTCHER SHOP, ON BROCK ST hear Division, also stabbing: for 5 horses, Mnquire at 298 Albert St MONEY AND BUSINESS. PLAIN SEWING DONE, OF ANY [IN kind. Cull or write to Mrs. Cayless, | 834 King street, over Armstrong's. QUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents tham say other company offers, Examine them at ¢ Godwin's Insurance Fmporium, Marks 08. 77" and 79 ALFRED STREET, * all modern improvements. Possession ist May. Apply A.B. Cunningham THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH |H estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly dome. ¥. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 ellington street. SOME MORE PROPERTY TO SELL. H you have amy, give us details, We will turn it into cash. J, KC Dobbs, 17k Wellington street, F A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other 'baggage carted. Prices right. Apply to BS. Lytle, General Carter, 35 Malp St. DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET OUSES, . AT $7, $8 ot Square. May 1st. Appiv R. KEotate and lasurance Agent, Wellingston St., Kingston. and $9, FROM Chas Bell, Real 1714 | GLOVER A vailahie ------ LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND + Fire Insurance Company, assels $61,187,915 In addition: ta which the policyholders have for wecur®y the unlimited Dability of ail the stockholders. Farm and cil y pro< perty fosured at lowest posmitile rates. Belore renewing oid or giving ROM 1ST MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 Earl street, at present pecupiett hy jlent-tol. Huden, C.M.Q.. bot water | Mating an modern fmprovements. | . ; Apply to Armstronk MeCopmiek, 103 | BW eoainens gut ates pC Frage Centre street, or Thomes Mills. 7¥ : IRS. i Re Clarence street. Le oT Po a PERSONAL. ------------------ LOST. their Spring Suits made at Galo. Way's. | Styles price and finish guare anteed to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. KINGSTONIANS TO KNOW THAT Newman and Spripg's Electric Co' are always ready to do repair work, av moment's Botice, Katiiate for- nighed for wiring. sutifal fmpori. ed fixtures a apoclalty, Fresh Mal teries and Sparkers on hand Tele phone, 441; 79 Princess street, BUSINESS CARDS. CLEANING, S L CARPET A | PRC AND waecoung Ppoint HA LSPEAD PALMIST int apologi on Hot Reeping § Head H ABLE hy ago. Mrs. MUFF Finder MeCann ABOUT TWO WEEKS! will Please return to I 200 Queen street ci ut { ADY'S GOLD WATOMN | -- " - i movement, also ribhoa and s ka | foh' attached, on Monday rgd, | HAIR, MOLES, PIRTHMARKS, | warts, ete, removed permanently, \ without scar Twenty years experi { Elmer J. Lake, Eye; Bar, Throat and Skin Bldwish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. | Ba ri | or Queen Sts Reward for iis turn to Whig office. re ---------------------- PENDANT, BETWEEN | Lower Usion, Sydenham Sts., and St Andrew's Church, Princess, or King Sts. Reward for ts return to 64 Barrie street PEARL City Park, ---- ONTARIO CHURCHMAN, KINGSTON, has by far the best circulation tu ELECTRIC Sewing, and Laying. Feather Beds and Pillows clean by steam. H. Milne, 272 Bagot street. ROATS CHEAPER THAN EVER, are prepared to build 100 boats the easy payment system ; expert builders of Cruiser, Launches, Speed Bods and Racers. Coward & Duane's Boat Factory, Old Block House, Kineston. § . SITUATION WANTED. S87 ATION A RY of thirty-one 239 Earl St. wE on 0 AS ENGINEVR op engine. Experience years. Wm. B, O'Neil, GOLD BROOCH, Anglican families in Conads. There fore the best to advertise in for SET IN PEARLS, reputation and results Hy of 'the vdlley design, on Satur a. - diy morning, either on Clergy, Frin Cess. or Queen Sts. Finder will be rewarded by feturning to Miss Carsan, 275 Brock street, REM walbbbmiianisbibiliimamiiniabe binds MISS GOUGH, DRESSMAKER, AND Modiste, has moved from 280 Sy der ham St. Fast, ta 2 Mellimgion My, fest rads 3 of OVED ' | i i | | FOUND. N APRIL 2ND. ON PRINCESS ST | Kingston, a ladv's wateh. Any per-| son giving full deseription of same! and paying expenses may have it hy applyiog to BR. J. Stanley Keeler | 0; ville, Ont. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lt BE TT KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF 42 Clarenes Si, 8. Marriage Licenses, TENDERS. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT|_ Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, A Manly Religion. It must be frankly confessed that certain types of rdligious thought and practite' do not appeal to the manly un mind.' Whenever it demands any Rint} of slavish submission as a requisite condition, it cannot possibly enlist the devotion™or even awaken the interest of the real 'man.' But that conception of religion that demands the sturdier! ve Oo Ge up Se to forceful action, must necessarily ap-| peal. A religion demanding strength must. appeal to the strong demanding courage must appeal to the 1, brave. A religion demanding as chief principle that men should be'er peal to manly men. Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. CABS! The Old Stand and the Old Number 490 OFFICE NO. 1. . All orders promptly attended to, = night or day. ; cient The undersigned are the drivers 'using the above 'phone at the old place; pa ihe TENDERS Tender {TWENTY -BIGHTH PAY OF APRIL NEXT. qualities of the woul, and insists upon for the construction of & A religion | the its woulled 35 feet and depth moulded 17.6 "i, Plans and specifications of this steam manly, strong, hrave, will always ap- | Marine and Fisheries, 3 iofMces of the Collectors of Custoans { Toronto, the y ry jeott, snd at the encies of the Depart- Address, Rev. C. W, Casson, at 25 ment of Marine ang : real and Quebec. Similar plans and specifications can be procured by s+niication, from the Tenth Day Each tender must be accompanied by | an _ accepted bank cheque sgual to 10 per | cervl. of the whole amount &f Which will be sonding the accepted tender declines enter ment sud compiete the accompanying unsuccessful tenders y be Depa: atcept the lowest of any New Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisher LL ol ERT ew TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE Ottawa, in sealed en- and marked om the envelopes for comptruction of o Light. use Ten and Buoy Steamer for ongian Bay Service,' will be received to the dersigried at lopes, Steel Twin rew Lighthouse Tender and Buoy sumer lor the Georgian Bay Servier be delivered at Prescott, Ontario, of following leading dimensions, name length over all 194 feet, breath of the at at Pres. can be seen at Lhe Department Ottawa, at Collin Dominton wood and Midland, ighthouse Pepot ANINPOBTANTBOOK © "THE GANDER COLONY" Just jssved hy Futker, M.A PED Price, Cloth Bound, $2.50 Rev. EE M. Tay Schools, Knowiton Vightod with your Lolpny «use FT have the book through the ugh I 3 to go 10 bed and lenve it unfinished Rev. Dr. Shaw, of Wesleyun Montreal, writes "The subject tetise interest relating noblest bands of Keroie tory, our U. KE. Loyalists mirable historital rasutie their heroism. 1 hope the work may | a wide circulation For copies addicss Fisheries at ont- the de Marine and Fisheries up to of April next rtment of fle » the tender the pefrson to nto a contract with ts Depari- voteamer. Cheques will forfeited if returned. J T riment dogh not pled itself Yo! tender s eop¥ing this advertisement thout wothorily from the Department he paid, il 'mot F. GOURDEAU, to partment of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawn, 10th March, 1908. the autbor, st, ce of THE U NRERSIGNED (MILL BELL py 0 » fra he a ay - lo brick ~ buli@ing, § Kingston, on ob ¥ Hi ; Ontario street, WEDNESDAY, April h olciock 2 1 foot more. or less. "tine BI t For réserve Pid. Jevsis and conditions BL « Fron time of sala. - further MMFicuigs, sPply to Kirk. patrick, Rogers & Nickle, Solicitors, or me J. LEACH, Auctioneer. be SEALFID TENDERS WILL to 12 o'Clock noon of the 28rd day April, next PLANK WA quired hy the Corporation of the All € Pi specifications to Be setn 'at the PHONE 600. Engineer's offices during office hours, and hy durin month. tained at my office. The sari Kingston, Ont, April 16th, 1908, - : Notice to Contractors ! THERE WIC BE OFFERED Pos § pole by Public Awetion BUbisol £0 4 ros x ---- "wen at the foows of the Fducation Joseph Adams, arréited and victed on 4 '| church, Belleville, John's, . A The Old Cab Stand With a New Number TENDERS. BE WE. ived at the office of the undersigned up « i Fine City {8) Jor the construction LKS and CROSSINGS K mgston during the year 190%, above work to bd done accord. ail other oe tained. For the supply of a HORSE and GOY for use of ¢ Board of Works partmgnt for seven or sight months | edrrent wear, Jrics to bo per! Any viher information can he information may Orders promptly attend- . ed to, day or night. AUCTION SALE lowest or any tender not notes acces ed. BI CRATG, City Engineer, 3 in fon dhe. shatge of disturbing in Bridge duris~ the recont up BR RECEIVED. BY | ot his Awectlon Hooms, Marx 1 fire "br 2 on the West side of a. of] ARTRUR 'PLLIS, The above lands have a fron , both of whick sre i 8 hi to ont cash at the ! serve bid. on SATURDAY (he 18h ady ok i { April ext by Withnm Murray. Action r ECR on thet 12 o'clock BOwH, Institute. Fuile Shoot | Hector Block "." known Ansit gd Beations v a Boar: . ihgston, af present odocupied by Puts anning rohiteet, | about 75 feet on Alma shrew ifs & frame dwelling std bats w | pred state of rapair, TERMS. Ten per a Balance within 10 days. 3 ) AR MURRAE : Auctioneer,

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