THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1908. -- WAS A GREAT CRUSH), == zo=c==-= NEWS-OF THE. WORLD! _ === la Couple Hurried Out When Wife | ! Pow Have Definite Aim That a Man Has. WILL APpaszet. RRENCES IT COST HUNDREDS Moutial April 16 Charles 11. For. (OCCU RECOUNTED | yan is. generally spenkin- a creas TO REPAIR {guson, a gailway contractor, of Spo IN BRIEF FORM. | ture of purpose. By the tune be has - { kane, Wash. is being ought be. the reached college (or at the . samé age : { police, on a charge of non-support | Ratters That Interest Ev body | in a non-cellege career) his "way . of Flood Caused By Ice Jam--| preferred by kis wife. Meo Ferguson --Noies Fo olf Over oat ite has genérally crystallived into a D ¢ came here from Spokane a fe fays ; certainty. His future is orderec he ape Bone so Dock and | am to look _-- oy : -- i i of Everything Easily Read | and plans for so many vears of Ss a layton. and Remembered, | additional training, such and such a phase and plane of life, and sooner or later--and it is not exa- erating when--a wife, homes ; H kdown about tows, and found him lis Natoctonn, X , April a Reports | ing in a Stanley® street flat with Lena Vesselaien are expecting a quiet trade are reached this city of a remark-| Anderson, the divorced wife of John {on the Jukes. * : a a able ice Jan which formed in the St. | Roche, Spokane She walked in onl Oswogo N.Y. is to have auothes jor sav he plans in making coffee right. But do your part Langence river, a few davs 820, - ex- them quivtly, when both were at home } democrats newspaper and children § right and vou need have no'fear of the results Without quibbling or' evasion, savs ' J © OTT'S tefiding from Clayton to a distance of Mrs. Ferguson ha § I y i LA »" 8 possession of the thiebec general elections il be bel i ¢ ~ SC a half mile or so below Thousand Is flat, but in the meantime, after fail Cither ih JRE OF Hota. WEL he he the Delineator, editorially, it is unde as long as you use Chas» & Sanborn's EMU I N Jour! Hark, where the river narrows to ing to get her out of town, "Charley" | A consersauve convention has beed niahly ive that seveniy.five per cent ™" Coffee ~z a few hundred feet. | hax disappeared. called for the Brockville riding on] 9 all. women become wives and p-- . Fi Ewingident with t be umisu. | ------ 2. Aa Rees so aly Tigh in| oe bh the jam, She n i . i May Sth. il mothers. That thi destiny is not TV 90 A 4 del fu h . a or whic} SHOT THE MEN. | 'there ape at the {resent time 5,000 unalterably proposed for YOu. does not : ~P = a iL r i 8 : e Al x 3 " B ih Oy rt +d damage o that whic h| men unethployed, walking the streets ! imply that the proportion is not fix : ay doen dite. Basle ents 2 {Who Sought to Take Car From of Toronto. ed pat what proportion of Yom nl ® say that the water is the! » x v de rate trang § the duties highest in twenty vears. Docks have! oe Barn. | The Prussian government is 'about | are dd winds : a uy M Per ¥ ad " r v . . . . { 3 thn a . s & © pM yo " been washed away, flower heds do.| Chester, [| April. 16.--A ticket | to abolish the existing ministerial ban ! ape you have what you consider a strove and lawns wrecked, {agent and motorman of the Chester | against cremation NT clear call to take up settlement work Some time ago the ice from the riv.| Traction company, the conductors and| John Manuel, one of Ottawa's mil- 8 oF an overshadowing aptitade for ma- : mn x i x f ich © a BA i 5 wi & M 6 er in the vicinity of the Thousand Is- Motaen of Which ompany are on ionaires, a Sonuted LOO to the the matics. Vere well, but the number lands passed off down the river, ex J ©, because the company reduces | a hes Jat ied 4 h i. of Hi : of girls who have such defibite aim is cepting small portions in the hidden their wages ten per cent, were shot| Five he talk of lie 30 eally small." Most: of them are drift- Wea re Pre pare d foranUnu- bays. Later on huge masses from the| 20d severely wounded, early to-day, (far gutinted hs She i from the Lun {ing ves, "drifting. there is no other S., fishing fleet, $ lake regions began making their ap-| When they attempted to take a carfenburg, N.S, ; Tword ! ) Bea u tI fu I Wal J pearance. A few days ago it jammed [Ut OF the barns. The local police| H. A. Fisstawlt, late law clerk of They drift through high school, or suall y bus y Easter Sdtu rda y ' S y . > . > 0 {th vs i - o nw in the Narrows opposite Jolly Oakes [ were unable to control the crowd. andthe railway aml canals department, finishing school or even college. tak- the jam accumulating as the hours ® coll was sent for the state police. |UOttawa, is dead at the age of eighty. |i, ona veneer of intellectuplity with UGM ENTED aper, passed until it formed a lwidge fo TE i | ioge Grunwell, 132 Lindsay a little depth of meaning Displ f Clayton, "allowing the" mail man to] The First Arrival. { nue, Toronto, was sentenced to one} "gq time after leaving her college ispiays o eens lor three davs between that vil- | xo Colborne, Ont, April 10. FE the Lentral prison for house-1 school she is mmrried. Yes, gene beautiful Easter : lage and thé park. The damage | Navigation through the Welland canal | reaung vally---she is; there's no gettine around ae Etre lor Every Soom, wrought will cost many hundreds of | was practically opened at seven| Foronto ralohiayers are to be asked it, despite the attitude of impatience illidery and all ready for your inspection. A J dollars, Wclock, fhis Morting, with the ficat I ote , ol fons " ie Sonata Yoni regarding his future fomsibitiny that mu anery require- at i » S---------------- , f ai of the season, the steamer Im-| ot esti : 3 "seems to be fashionable with many J hon oe How You. Ke ig MYSTERY SOLVED. perial and Barge 11, bound from Sae- | Humber. sand of Mes Seuss ; college girls And how duh prepara: ments, ed Sowt look through this stock. . ----_ + ia fo. Toranto with oil. « awe iid TH bu > 18 made J oy veeie hdd tion for this life has she had not umes, coats, s irts, Even though you do not intend 'Murdered After Asking For Return h on i a a iat i arrived off the | ok ro. aul he a PI mmr , merely in housekeeping, but in the blouses, underskirts i of a Loan. arbor, last evening, but, owing. to years ago, a ants $h our ' 1 higher, the mental, ethical and so ial d to decorate now it is to your in.| : h 08 alc the "heavy ice apd fog. did not at. ] declare him dead. preparation, ensuring both easy od- and corsets, and at terests to find out just what we New York, April 16.--Tha Brooklyn tempt to enter the harbor until day-| Dr. Alexander ®. McDowell. a phys | Prepurat and practical' successhil co most moderate are offering, so that when the | tiolice declare they have solved thel jo)" The ice extends for quite a dis- | iclan of 119 West. 120th street. New operation in the new condition : If : time arrives, you will know where | mysterious murder of Giovanni Card- tance up the lake, and towards Bui-| York, eut his throat with a razor and | The American college girl likes to prices. you ve You may obtain at right prices: | lo, whase body was found la vacant falo, and in places is very solid | died soon afterwards. i consider herself independent, and the still to complete that which will make your walls | lot in South Brooklyn with a cord eee ne | The invitation received "from Great jogire ix praiseworthy. She does not : look miost beautiful. knotted about his neck and two flour Jailed For Election Frauds. { Britain for the Altantic fleet to visit * like to feel that her life has been one your preparations { Let your own good taste be | socks over his head. They allege that New York, April 16. Frank Dufiy, {a Pritish home port will not he ae! preparation and expectancy to the we re splendidly ready to serve you quickly and Jui I " P Y ) h 9 ) . Bopt by Giuseppe and Vite Bonzetti in Carello was killed in a bakery shop cepted for lack of time. . { an" : ~ : of i coming therein "ol a man This satisfactory on Saturday. Come. T South Brookly and that Carello : alar , = ] Ed > § THERE IS NO BE ER WALL " F : thirty men to register falsely at the alarming reports in cirenlation to the! any definite expectancy of any thing D - d went there to follcet $100 which he | {effect that Chief Detectiye Carpenter, | else, or did she not de liberatelv shut a Vv 1 . P e n C e, an election district captain, who had : been convicted of having assisted | There is no foundation for the! would be well enough did she have last election .in the seventeenth as. 4] N AMERI had loaned them. | ; conta | Sn ires H AF pve , . " * 18%s PA ER IN I A R CA. sembly district, was sentenced to not {of Montreal, is in a serious condition her eves to the very possibility of a = i A a 52 . ase less than. two years and three month, |. City Engines Rist ar ition. | marines; Either Yhe Saracen by ot! i The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. -- ------ a, it w H M McCARREN OUSTED. and mat © more than four vears and | ronto works committee, said the new: | statistical probability, or seeing it, . pe i The ish- | ly-arrived Englishmen were a grumb- refuses to make any weparat f . . edley three months in prison. The punish- | ly-¢ 2 } refuses ake g preparation for + 9 | Declared Not to Be a Delegate to ment was meted out in spite of more | ling lot of men and raised trofible on. it. Kither case argues against her | Cor. Clergy & Princess Sts, Convention. than 200 letters, asking for clemency, | works. jratem food sense. i New York, April 16.--State Senator | A wellto-do farmer near Bellevil: -- wood's Ph : $ Patrick MH. Ngarren, leader of the | Broke Jail ; Shot Dead. | has received a letter signed Black | > Their Origia. caphodine Kings county democrat ¥, was unseat St. Petersburg, April 17.--A gensa- | Hand," demanding ¥a00 He has pur- New York Tribune : ' . i gtih Homed, »d from his plate as a delegate to the | tional prison breaking is reported chased a revolver and takes the mat These kisses vou sold we vesterday Je makes party's State tonvention, last night, {from Penca, which resulted in ten | ter seriously. are hard and stale," growled a cus- in old V | Grace F. Fletcher, 14 Fuller street,| tomer at' the candy counter in eins, "ures Nor § after 4 two days" contest deaths. Fleven litical pri t % " 1) 5 «Fa political prisoners at- | i . Mental and Brain) ores, pe | + Disorder reigned in the convention | tacked and stabbed two wardens to | Toronto, is suing her husband, James' thought you clamped to keep only { D. Fletcher, Winnipeg, for separation; fresh candies ? and in the , meantime asks $35 al 'We do. generally' replied the sales Weakne: " » } and Effects of Abuse or Expense | early, this morning... A fight occurred | death. I hey then threw a number of | E ! » man was knock&d' off, the confusion. Guards. hastily Whi | month alimony. lady k "Those must have come from { pursuit and shot eight of the mey | The stables of the Mattawa Hotel, an old batch. TWO MEN DROWNED, tead. {at Mattawa, were destroyed by fe, ---------------- Sixior Sa. Une will plea on the convention platform and one | bombs and escaped from the prigon in ---- { with a number of other buildings Pal NEW YORK STOCKS. Launches Capsized Near to Goose Feast Of The Passover. | (ramps in one of the buildings were Bay Last Night. The Hebrew feast of the Passover | severely burned. i rn i f y - p y y f y By ville Ot April 16.~Thomas or Pesach * was olnarved by "ue | The hig plant of the Whitman and Prices Furnished By w: Hector H. E ! you will but be sure you come here before you buy your Haaleton and Jgmes Chismore were ! Hebrews of this city, last might, hy | Barnes company, situated on the old ume, arence Bambara. | aster Toggery. drowned in the St. Lawrence river, | the holding of 2 special servite in the [canal, between St. Getharin®y and Seca April rte . est of * here, last | synagogue at the corner of Montreal Meczitton, was destroyed by fire a Thom i Com Opening, Close. Many of the Smart, Handsoiae Suits we are showing are exclu- T "ge vi + * z Thurs ay mor Ai - i 8 ya a Li of oT BS - 3 { All lengths, all sizes night, They left Alexandria 'Bay in af umd Princess streets, and dor the next itera Mitek Wik for \ American Loco., com } sive with us. Every new creation of style, pattern and fabric, i. small gasoline: kif and had got [eight days, services will he Held daily Capt. . \ : and to suit all condi uhout as far as Goose Bay when - a [and also in the homey of the Hebrew | morly lived od Burlington Bay, and ¢ Am. Sugar Retin n = : v {was for many years engaged in the Am. Smite. & Refin. Co LF 2 You are not obliged to buy your Suit or Top Coat here---but tions. Built to order storm 'of sleet and snow struck them, | people, it being also a home festival : fe. died at Sine. On ft) Ani' Car Fords a » I wi : Yai i. ' | lake trade, died at Simcoe, Ont, at, | ar Foundry ws * you will when you see our goods and prices. You can save fr ym and '% i on instantly capsizing their hoat. Hazel ------------ eat. aT y : on a erected in place ton was married, but Chismore was Stetson Hats. [Whe age of ninety years, Anaconda Min. Co ; three to five dollars here short notice. single. ' The standard of American hats, re.| A forest fire that already has swept | Atches, Top. & St. Fe i . pe . drookly Rapid =~ gular #4, can be purchased at gurlo¥er an area of six miles square, de Brooklyn Rapid 1 " ¥ i , r { " o he Ventrano, | Cen. Leather § 22 Child's Body Found In Vault. removal sale for $3. "Thom Js | stroyed standing timber in Veng : . : = - Estimates Furnished Ooo ARE A Loakinir to tals. fu Ba ME Vatars as a or Conadian. Pacii 565 156) i DLO, «XY, Ap . : . { : Taps ad 'hes o 3 oof Request, fine sibel oth ts we io = ES wil | uits, to 20. 3 , r ; i he yan p » have d } o clock, until 11 b'clock, only to find Drow: On "A Wreck. [vating the adoption by the New 1 C.. Mil & St. Paul i wv . hn 3 z . a \ i ' the litt TlIEW" dead in the vault of Gothenburg, Sweden, April 16.--The {York state convention of a resolution | Colorado Southern 204 208 3 by 4 Youlden, Ltd, | the outside closet of their house, isi|emall steamer Goetalel capsized here, favoring Bryan's candidature for the | Cons. Gas, N.Y i i oO oat t 4 the _ Paghgtic experience of Mr, and yesterday afternoon, with thirty or { presidency surrendered after their de- | Col. Fuel & Iron . a3 M43 3 . Kingston Foundry. Mrs. ¥Fedevick Peterson. ; lorty persons aboard the steamer {feat by the committee Distillers secs : 3 James started out to play attire 1] Some of these were rescued but eighy | John Tracy. a discharged employee Frirg Raifroad fin a blue dop coat and little Scotch | bodies have been so far recovered. It] . i a § Nort £3. North Ry ref x A wesc Sms i ™ hor 5 hi js believed that. thore lof the street department at North orth Ry.. pre i The Elegance and Taste rvep:eserted in our Boys' Clothing will rhy, 3 mother saw him start]is believed that there are many. more amblon Bs shot and fatally PiMissounri Pacific : J SATR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. ACTORS HE WERE, antl sending some | in the wreck, Op {ore F Birge, superinten-| Min., St. P, &'S. St 19 y| Please mother. It don't cast much to clothe the Boy here ¥ ---- : . Wo g , : i eg % ie Jone 40 Jook for him a fw minutes : - . dent of streets, and nmmediately re | National Lead 35 55] . - . a3 When it is Free of Dandruff, it Inder was, imadfe to find him. After » Encounter With Bandits. | turpel home. and shot himself NX. Y. Central ¢ Norfolk Suits,' sizes. 24 to 28, $2 to $5.50 * 4 «Grows Luxuriantly, Vath sed¥eli Ah mother became alarm Tokia. April 16.--Four Koreas were | The Austrian Lloyd steamer Gala Northern Pacifu ye Norfolk Suit 29 3: on 87 2 Male preparations and dandrufi§ ed and parties were int out to look | killed in" a' recent encounter near [tha outward hound from Trieste, col- | Penn. RR a orfolk Suits, sizes 20 to 33, $2.50 to $7. i : gh f 0 J |4ba, } , le, are sticky or irritats {for the iboyuHefore the afternoos was Veoul, when two hundred bandits aps lided, bow on, Tuesday, with = the | Reading ing alla®s that do no earthly good. } over crowds had dragged the creeks tacked a village. The bandits were | Moleen Seberic, about seventy miles | Roe k Island Mair, when not diseased, grows na- [and scoured wards. It fell to the fot | driven off. The active number of re {from Trieste. She was badly broken | Southern Ry., com turally, luxariantly. Dandruff is the | of his grandfather, John Galvin, who voldtionists does not exceed four thoy j below the waterline, and sank | Southern Pacific i | i 3 Garment Suits, sizes, 23 ts 34, 83 to $9.50 . Neuse of nine-teaths of oll hair trou: | had. alwavs made an especial pet of | sand. | Officer Flynn, Ottawa, captured al U. 8S. Steel, com HL ~ ble, and dandruff is caused hy n germ. | the Hoe § fly > find him in the 4 rat et pn burglar, ved handed. in . Rideau | U. S. Steel, pref vg hs New Easter Neckwear The Guly way to eure dandiull is 'to vault, 4 Hard Work. : {street store, after chasing away al U. 8. Rabber. com } ; Bil the germ; and, so far, the only { $ Our "side line' competitors finde it companion the thief had Jeft on | bnion Pacific, com 4 1 L. . ; hair preparation -that will positively hard work * selling hats. . Up-to-date] watch The derested man gave his | Wabash, pref : - 3 The swellest, the riches + u «ver saw regula: 50¢. New destroy the germ js Newbro's Herpi- Harrowsmith Happenings. young meu want only updo-date hat] name .as August Anderson, a Swede { West Union Tel Wear, 39¢., all this week ; cide--absolutely harmless, free from Harrowsmith,' Xpril 16. Farmers are] store styles such as are sold by George] Remains of (he man found under a! grease, sediment, dye matter or dan lamenting ovey the coll weather and Mills & Co., the Princess street hat-| sidewalk at Dorval, Que.. have been CHICAGO PRICES, porous drugs. It allays itching in- the lack of feed for stock. William ters. {identified as those of Paules Hadji Ni April 16th . stantly, makes hair glossy and soft as Smith and wife' left for the west on - -- {colaou. a Greek who was employed in Wheat Ontos Close We have all that is desirable. Come and see. rilk, "Destroy the cause, you remove } Tueeday, The machinery for the new Shot His Daughter And Suicided. | January at the C. P, R. Angus shops: | May ul§ 931 921 the. effect. Sold by leading drug Fist ter plant has arrived. The cheese Asheville, © N.C., April 16.--Envaged | He had "committed 'suicide in a fit of | juie 853 863 ----" oe gista Bend 10e, In stamps for sumple factory is agdin' open jor the season at his sixteen-year-old daughter, Nel- | despondency, Corn. , to the Herpidide Co., Detroit. Mich. Ansen Charlton, who has been in lie. because 'of a harmless school girl Attempt made io quash lees] op! May 671 6B i a ae. sod a hs Kingston hospital for A0me tine, is prank, Dr. €. UO Swinney. who. re {tign by-law passed in, Hamilton town- | July : a ; he 633 ai, SEC gent. CN + Se - Methodist sugar | so- cently came here from New Youk, ves- |ship, Northumberland county, kecavs: | Pork. . : 8 To Habr i : - 0s § Be = | | i New Shirts, exclusive designs, New Gloves owsmith, Jt pet. terday, shot and fatally wounded her {the petition on' which the by-law was & May . vere 12.87 13.00 wan a gpod guccess financially. A TH killed himseli. i submitted had twenty-five per cent. of | July y dae 13.30 13.30 % . number of the 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. : Villagers Spent wl Te { the population based. on the voters' pleasant time, on Thursday night, a Great Value. {list of 1906, whereas the voting took fone. Wilton. The, Mills hat at S1LUS is the best|place on the 1997 lists, : Po 1 ) hat you can buy regular for ¥2.50 and] During the bearing of a suit "for Exchange closed until Faster Mon- day "Miss Vera Shaw as "Be honest with yourself." Do vou ; i > 3 A : 8 ' . e " Tn : Ke r | ir teacher. Thomas Yas<on is home from fneed a spring blood purifier or tonic. | the machine which caused the in don't buy Kentucky Jann grassgeed, . : Aan ly Jury. - On the Feturn trip a bullet was' Sold in Kingston en'y at Gibson's Cobalt. Sanford Leeman has put up lf so buy it at Gibson's Red (rise |"D i > dR Gr ead Sap bushes don't | Drag Sto "Ph 230 fired through the car window, and the Red Cross Prag Store. 'Ja new woodhouse. Say : ay =lare, ane > oe nts, including SR fam, were! © takes vece of paper wo a » : Jan pany yell on secomnt. of the cold The U. 8, senate passed the house Ath fra 1% of ilass. nt Ss A : } i La; inde "A Tetle girl has come tosstay Phill, prohibiting rack track betting in | *howered wi Heals ol yan is foe $100, thot a that y 3 ! / BRASS and IRON BEDS $3. Thomas Mills & Co. damages at Woodstock Chief Justice i . ; Clem Slendoyss Rots. 1 ha * Sir William Mulock decided that the Bibby 's ¥2 hats are dandies Cr C) BiG CLEARING SALE th Min fora She : jury should go to Ingersoll to sev! "It's throwing money away" if vou ae) L ~~ i. A Hopping'. There is quite a | the district of Columbia. : . x a i Nl people have died this | 500 smoked hams, 5c. a Ib. by the Latimer Lispings. 5 A ne are Vuk snisage. ie. hy = r ; : ncn de. UE an. eure. "AN. 1 tiumer, Apel 15 Bgur aking in oak pgm, lor" Supday iLL In pretty designs, strong and : i. So. : he order of the day. The sugar soo | \ a durable Also Hercul Bi s for the grandest display of Y % ' ® HN a main takes a hammer worth a Ris ng > 4 § J C8 ve A Look. bhy £ play. Ol cial held at T. Sherwood's was a de dollar and in a day's use éf it earns J og Spring to fit, and Sanitary 4 grand display of Easter hats Oue game of league. hall on Winn. cided sugcess. Mrs. B. Collins Bie two dollars, that is hard work. . Mattresses at sale price, 3 Ape: innings.) cows last week. Little Howard Smith constantly add to that fund. on A hpo! reopened on the 12th. Eruest Fw" new neckwear in Kingston. i windows. = © : been quite ill, mt is recovering . Same folks are so penurions that A prs street Rat dax © Pittsburg, & St. Lows, 1, tten | xrahus and -M. Traves Jost valuable | pL Tink only of the Tainy Tove and 4 oi : Photos Good Friday at Weese & Co's. | rh inde . * 4 Leading U ¥ at s on the sick Jit. Misx Effie Town | "Con Ihe choo wees: wel I The Leading Under- . A conservative convention for North | is spending a few days with her | eo n of ames e1 "i " % . . ) . leon SN r. Anderson Bros. Cr, i Lanark will be held in Carleton Place sister, Mes: A. Smith Saka a aturlay. oe i {ira J taker, '} hone, 147 . theon spent a few days with his | fue § we Mrs, B. Colfina recently. Flank | * | 3 ' - 4 1] Darling and Miss Luella Traves speat oye in OW ; Sunday at their homes. N. Bpodner \ is mene po an attack © of | -- Se emis Bey spendife aha ans That's the question everybody asked today. No wonder. The Joarente. Mrs: B. Curran is suflering - window contained the fimest display of Easter Confections ever from a severe attack of nearillvia , 2 shown here. : iss. mnie" © (es ! Owing Ste he - - Hi & man: Mayen silver mise: het has ares mamas Easter Chicks, Decorated Eggs, Chocolate Animals, etc. and it akon Kim a "mil: Fo : "a :