Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1908. ° PAGE SEVEN. " mm ---- i -------- S-- Ee ---------- A FINE GATHERING] m= ecm somes. | Telis About arLot of Things in Short Metre. THE PROGRAMME WAS OF | Biti's 1 hate for sours. AN EXCELLENT TYPE. | Pineapples. Edwards & Jenkin Nothing jolts a sarcastic man more esen i jthan a dose of his own medicine. Pr tations ot Certificates to | Get Weese to frame your pictures. Various People--An Uniortu- | Many a man stops his friends on nate Accident to a Little Gixl { the street to tell then how busy be is --Latest From Newburgh. See Bibby's swell $1 shirtts. Every time you desert a good prin- ; The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. Newburgh, April 13.--The thankoffer- | se making progress towne : The best known Remedy for ing service of the local auxiliary of ra i Maing pogres Tawar . ei Il 8h for Ladies! z thé Methodist Jn.S., held in the i Try Bibby's special $2 hats, a 008 { church, on Sunday morning, was very | po ok E be Fouki . ndere l de Tha 3 pe tomatoes. Edwards & Jenkin. i COUGHS, CoLbps, successful. The attendance was large Beware of the man who is only as | | 3 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. ' ---------------------------- es | Are comfortable Shoes, un-| ged the programme YerP apmropeiate |) tuST 0 Tye [in who a suly 63 . i to the octasion- Mys, G. B) 'thom | 2 der all circumstances, and ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. hon; president of the auxiliary, pro- | Yhonet ashe can be 5 et wear longer' than the f ; sided and led a responsive service on | Wease's wall paper sale is booming, Tyr > Acts like a charm in x Easter thoughts. The Bible reading " : : . average footwear. KVERY | DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. hu the attituil uf the women 'to |, Tout wait witifesmonow to per Saturday Mornin SHOE is finished as cares | Effectunlly cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those (oo Joss in Jagsion Sack Wis fondueted TG Yung® You shoud ney - ¥ | offen fatal disesses -FEVER, CROUP asd AGUE. . iy Airs. o). <0. Veives. mm, Wn The real new things are shown het fully as the best makers can | Tan ee Hs. TRY : NBS Courtuey read n Paper on' "The Ori. | 5, 2 al sow n he do it. Made of excellent] : gin Of Paster As A Church Festival.' Ch 5 @ liquid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady. Mrs. M. J. Beeman read Longlellow's material handsome and sty- It invar, relieves pain of whatever kind at, cal fresh 2 "Tm atid " : chorus : y allays irritation of rs nervous systems when atl other remedies fant poh: Legend Beautiful, giving a very lish. $3.00, 3.50 and 4.00. no bad chiects : and can be taken when wo other medicine can be tolerated, correct and, mpathetic rendering of dle wards & Jenkin a ' * that beautiful poem. Mrs. D. E. a. : i . INSIST ON HAVING ; CONVINCING R of Tamworth, distrie The appearance of the tax collector a 1S pring H JENNINGS, King St. Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S af MEDICAL TESTIMONY roe the addres of Sietrict argue, is an incentive to most of us to tell : CHLORODYNE, gt WITH EACH mteresting and comprehensive review how Pit bes for hat Oo { BOTTLE. f the ork of "the Ww < 4 try iDDY § or Your hat, EDUCATIONAL. The immense success of , { ol the. work of 4 ALS. She also Faste velties. Edwards & Jenkin 3 | Sold by all Chemists. Presented certificates of life member- De. iE Ove M PP Picton. it: a. " i ; ship of the Mission Band to Miss t. Currie, M.P.P., icton, it is te ' 1 * p 3 Prices in England: Elsie Stickney and Master Meacham derstood, is not so well again, and it " 11, 2/9, 4/6 Denyes. The Mission Band had aie |1* Pot expected he will return to Pic Regular values $15.00, 18.00, 20.00 for N NB. Every bottle of . : | Bend The p Geavise Chlarodyse JRSOWS ORER Sole Masufactorcrs: a life membership certificate to pre- | ton for some weeks. With Mrs. Lar the Many a man _who joins the anvil would be ashamed to play Sean on the nas RODS 1. T. DAVENPORT sent to their leader, Mrs. E. W, Stick. | ric the doctor SXpucts to spend fame t WAY he sy, who wi i summer quietly at Muskoka. . investor, Pr. J. Ba A ENPOR, LONDON, i iy hy nd hie. through ste, There are many forms of nervous de- : . ot Gen : Collis Browne. brug) SE. Stickney has for four years boen the bility in men that yield to the us 5 7 very able and faivful president of the of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are ® . CAvana's HicHESY GRADE S band, The thankofiering presented troubled with nervous weakness, night tusirons schiool, Daokkespidg, foi was the largest in the history of the | *We8ts, Lote., should try them. runnad, LypevriLing, te ! auxiliary. The prayer, in consecrn. Try Bibby's for your hat, graphy and all commercial : A 3 4 prayer, in consecra 3 "subjects thoroughly tion of this offering, was made by | Mrs. John Archibald passed away . Mrs. C. Clancy. A duet, Competent eXperienced by Miss | on Tuesday afternoon at the residence Day and night clasees. Enter at Wi Limbert and Mr. M of her son, John Archibald, Belleville ' rate, * » " 4 NE. Moore, was a fea- | © y ATE , , w . one. $40, Rales very Sindetios I he Real Superiority ture of the musical part of the ser. | For the past fifteen years the der ean 1 6 Onl 1 ' H. ¥. METCALFE, President, vice. ed had been a victim of rheumatism. ¥: BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. f h Newburgh musical talent has been | She was aged seventy-cight years 0 t ec much in demand lately. They assist- Ganong's and Lowney's fresh choco 2000000000000 0000000 . ed in the pro ramme at the Morven | Jates. Edwards & Jenkin. * * | World Ss Best and Camden Fast Sugar socials last Bibby's ¥2 hats are wonders rm ui a) DOCO000000000000000000 week. P. G. Wintle received a cable-| Rev. V, H. Emory, pastor of th. gram, last week, angouncing the death | First Methodist church, Picton, who 99 rn IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION { Breakfast Cereal of his brother, Hamilton Wintle, at| has been so very ill at Mrs. Emory' Regular ralues $20.00, -- 00, 25.00, for Thornbury, England, Inspector Spot-| home in St. Catharines, is now and { ton paid bis: annual visit to the high | valescent, and word has come that INCREASE YOUR EARNING becomes immediately apparent after the school last week, Little Miss Kath: | the doctor expects Mr. Emory will POWER ' leen Stickney met with a very unfor-{be able to be sitting up in a fw Deg amt Bvaning Classes st the first spoonful has entered your mouth. tunate accident some days ago. While day. dish kind -- that makes Kellogg's Toasted ak : the stair railing, and fell to the floor, | night, Barrie and Clergy Sta. ous results wore feared. She has re. | April Sth. aged © cover lon on : Vanluven, Kingston, with her daugh- | cause was heart failure. She is sur ' ' » ¥ : playing at home with other children ,b. Chocolates. Edwards & Jenkin. Frontenac Business It's the flavof--the I-must-have-another Bl | he lost her balance, while high up og| See Waldron's special adv Saturday College, striking her | : 3 of Ao . . . } 8 ig her wad, She was unconsci- Bibby"s $2 hats are wonders. Corn Flakes so enjoyably different. ] ous for some time, and the most seri-| Mrs. James Judge, Chantry, died on Every single one of these suits has the i m PT. N. STOCKDALE, WwW. 5 covered sufficiently, however; to be al- {The cause of death . was primarily fullest guarantee attached. They are ab- "Plone, 680 Principe, K. K E LLOGG. A lowed out of bed, Visitors : Mrs. | chronic diabetes, but the immediate solutely the very newest spring styles ters, Mrs, 8. BE. Sager and Mrs. F.|vived by her husband, one son, Pat and man~tailored throughout, If above signature is missing from Lockwood: Mise Hattie Wagar, Enter- | rick, and six daughters, Mrs. Thomas ( rise, with her sister, Floretice, at J. Haggerty, Chantry; Mrs. Thomas ; the package, the flavor is absent too. RK 1 B Avieeworties Mee. J Huycke, ('Contior, Merril, Mich.: Mrs. James Alterations charged extra. . = er eterboro, at 'J. M, Denges'; Miss FE. MéDonnell, Saginaw, Mich; Mrs. M. S 22 Made at London, Canada. : ; Haight, Canton, at P. D. Shorey's.| Fieeman, Elgin: Mes. P. McNamee, pe 4 wh Mre 1 inter has been, for some Toledo, and Miss Nellie at home. *° 1 ; days, at Selby, with her mother, who Pain, anywhere, can be quickly stop See WwW 1 ndow is ill. Miss Beaman spent Saturday and ped by ove of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Now is the time to dispose of that Sunday with friends in Yarker, ', | Tablets. Pains alvhys means conges property of yours : Part. of the flupie | at-Mr. - Drury's| tion--unnatural blood pressure. Dr. s - . EE -------------- grist mill was cargied away Inst week Shoop's : Pink Pain 'Tablets simply 1 Sp ay SH WE CAN SELL IT. | 2eeseessrsorararssnre varie oy the high: whtee. piressaro in the riv-{cony 'congested bluod away fron nor . . ai vou farty Jost il fave to be tentres. These Tablets--known hy ' » i in ua i £ Better lot us book it., has for some time been wrecking his Tate at pe. Shoop i Heagach / HN | vengeance on the canine population of circulation and then pain always de : g | the village. In some mysterious Way iparts in 20 minutes. 20 Tablets 2% poison has been conveniently spread Write Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis., for free Jd. R. C. Dobbs & C L fof the unsuspecting hrutes and a num- package. Sold by all dealers. : : Having two of the largest store houses in | ber of dogs have 'been the victims, - : ® » some of them being valued animals, LTI : > 3 Wellingran Bt. * dai the city, we are prepared to take down, if] | Such conduct as this implies on the REVOLTING CRUELTY. pewriters ance, Hig 2 : part of some mean-spirited sneak is 's F, § remove, and store Your stove for the sea- j| utterly dispicable and should the per- a Siaitie's Yalis Jacues. Lele is petrator be discovered he will be se- Table and Whipping son. All orders promptly attended to. yore: diet wip: ohn Blnsley township former, living -- George Walker is this week fitting Decorate your walls and ceilings with Bi up his new store and butcher sho | Deen guilty of a most revolting piece - = 0 in the Perry property he recently pur- of cruelty. He and his sister left, last ' a » ° chased. The futerior is being finished week, for. Dakota, without warning 1 ar [ : with metallic sheeting of a fine de-| | Ne Wortgagors of his property, cattle AT lt | sign, the work being done by S. Kel-{and goods visited the place, a few m------ i : RB lar. id days ago, and their visit disclosed one - of the most revolting stories of man's GLOVER'S } : : . ) 3 h it to dum! Is. Ever Sask 3 Elli | womens meen, Dy sins OUurRoyal Shoes . » Cor. Bagot and Earl Sts. ott Bros 7d Princess iihevuaat ism: and a variety of athe In one stable were found six cows | - painful affections cannot come as ong llying dead, five more cows and two | . 9 Street, as your blood is pure and abundant, heifers on the barn floc iy two horse * Plumbers and Tinsmithing These affections are due to pOIsons inf in another place, and the colt and the { )1 § )1 11 1 The reading of bluebooks is one of the, few diversions which conacien- tious members of parlisment permit 4 themselves, : THEE NS the Liood which must be expelled. pig in another. The bodies were lit | Keep your vitality high and = your! te more than skeletons and 'their pro- | blood rich and red by use of Wade's truding bones and emaciated forms | HAV E AL] A R R IVE D £ 4 4 4 . Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). They | told the story of the slow starvation | are a great nerve sirengthener and| that had come to them. Six of the blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at} cows were lying fastened in the bales, | Wade's drug store, Money back if] the colt' had ER tiamboo into the we | FOR Men, For Women, not satisiactory. ary, evidemtly in quest of something, TR ------ to eat, but of food for anv kind of 5 00 3 5 4 North Cobalt Budget. stock there was not a particle to hl $ . . 0 to S50 Red Rock, April 13. The rods are | found about the place - still in a bad condition on account of a thaw on Saturday. Fresh eggs are. y y the rush of the season for Easter. You Recognize REID & CHAR ES N> £ William Deyo bas=deit for his home y : kL. : at Deseri Lake. Eruest Rellar teft | Nasal Catarrh ' for his home @t Odessa. Froderick | . } 111 PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON: Lavack has returned home after spend- | | TE ---------------- -- ---------- ag two months with his sister i | Puiey By Dizziness, Frontal L Cedar Valley, W. MH. Wagar left for Headaches, Nose Cold and 82000000000000000000000000000000000000 uses Tole and Miss Lea Lavack, at Hed|throat estarrh then develops. Unless Stoves Store B® ® ® ® ® % 4 % Rp - * N EASTER MOR.. you may have th i isfacti i : A N at feeling of satisfaction which : : : 0 ¥ ¥ Rock: G. DaWson, at E. Lavack's; W, . rapidly to the throat, bron. : We Take Down, Remove, Store and In- . ® - ® # ® e ® * his home at Parham. e will be! greatly missed. A preity wedding wijl| _ Stuffiness. take place in the coming weeks, Miss ! i lea Lavack and Miss Anna Wagar | starts with a common cold in the made a Hying trip to Haileybury on|lead, whith is added to with anoth Tuesday last. E. Bare, sr.. made aler cold, and because of some extra flying. trip to Cobalt on Monday last, | ®Xposurs or weakness of the system, Sidney Coombs spent Monday in the/it becomes chronic. : city. Visitors: T. Bertrim and D.[ A full case of disgusting nasal and Catarrh in almost every instance ovly correct shoes can give if you have been a customer of thi H. Wagar, at Mr. Miller's, Hailey. | PS: store, We have a very large range of Easter styles in » ; ies ar Ga. Wagar ia able to] chial EN LUNGS. Jungs, sure Stoves at moderate rates. Tan Shoes, Brown, P atent Colt, Gun Metal, Vici Kid and Velour 3 Oranges = + Lemans, i -- mas more than Bap, how 5 J . oy i ps ) 2 dozen, Th & Jenkin. |a new nose; but everyone suffering x with Calf Shoes in High Shoes and Oxfords, laced and button styles, Satagth con get a sus cure by Sahai For Men we have Invictus Shoes, Beresford Shoes and Derb Shoe : further. For Women--Invictus, Victoria, Miss Canada and Hager Shoes, = : : Pen Zor Ocse Everything in up- o-date' styles--like Men s--Invictus, Mc¢Pher- Be Muon 3 yeons ; s ; # + For Girls we have Strap Shoes, Oxfords, Brown Shoes and Patent Colt Ties, 3| Kingston. gen: i Vink a itn was 10 on ties | 3 MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St Ly For Children--We ca 'the Jargést variety in Kingston in Strap Shoes, ook Rory Svdenham, {ing stopped in my eats, So huve my) & Sandals, Oxfords High Shere. dx 0 3 : : ' peed tobi . now' Sein 0000000000000000080000000000000000000ns won't seem like Easter without a pair of our Shoes. : Bunbuty. Mia Sroppings, Catarchal d sod TE -- wg breath. As ii result of rE hp a a PIG META Copper, Lead al; uo, . hegnghinl (yah IW Tin, Zine. ¥ it WORN We are headquarters. Send us your inquiries. nda Matal 31 WILLIAM 87. Any facilities we have are at your com- mand this Spring. If vot already our customers, try us, 4 . - . : 3 - -. . : : C r ' : Anything we do, is done right : » » . . . . . . . - . -. . . » [PAE

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