Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1908, p. 8

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J : (] » YAGE EIGHT CLEANED STORED AND INSURED Telephone waggon to call. 480. John McKay Fur House, BACK 3 COMBS We have received a numbe: of choice designs in just tle latest, and newest thing Combs. A special feature is the quality of the ornamenia- tion which is 18k. gold de- posited into the surface of the Comb, giving a very rich effect in the hair. We have made the very reasonable, ! Spangenberg JEWELLER, Issurer of Marriage Licenses. prices WEARRLIKE 1nON AMISH GRADE VARNISH AND STAIN COMBINED Works like magic; actu- ally transforms old furni- ture into new, renews the finish which has deteriorat- ed on all articles of wood or metal. A child can apply Only 20c¢. a tin. Handled exclusively in Kingston." MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. THE 5 P.M. EDITION ST [ PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People--What . They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. Waugh left to-day, for Toronto. John Sheard, Alfred street, is visit-| ing friends in Watertown, N.Y. George Oliver Clow, Bagot striet, is visiting his parents at Parham, Mrs, J. J. Harty returned, on Wed- nesday, after a visit in Chicago Charles Powell left, to-day, for Wa- tertowa,, N.Y., to visit friends. Howard 8, Folger, left, to-day, for Clayton, to open the summer offices, Miss Ethel Leunox, Wellimgton street; in visiting friends in Roches: ter, N.Y, Sidney Salsbury. Barriefield, left, to- day, for Utica, N.Y., to spend Easter with friends, Samuel Reid, Union street, leit, to- day, for Syracuse and New York, on 8 business trip. Miss A. Simpson, ol this city, has left for vill spend the summer. The many friends of Ira A. Breeck, Barrie street, will be sorry to hear that he is setiously ill. Halstend Murray, Albert College, Belleville, is spending the holidays with the Rev. 0. McTavish, Queen street, J. Abramsky has returned from a business abd pleasure trip to Toron- to. While thege he was the guest of relatives. A. McKee, driver at No. 2 fire sta- tion, is still on the sick list, suffering from rheumatism. His comrades hope for a speedy recovery. : Driver MeKerracher, of the R.C.H. A., hms recovered from the injuries he received from being thrown from his horse, and is around again. J. Sheldon Landon, advance agent for "The Great Divide," is in the city, to-day, arranging for the production here on Thursday evening next. Rev. W. A. Cameron, ane of the McMaster band, is being pressed to become Y.M.C.A. secretary for the United States at a salary of 85.000, Miss Frances Sulliven is spending a few days in Ottawh, with Mys, Henri Panet, -en route for Winnipeg, where she will be the guest of Mrs. Hugh Osler, Maj. Sharp, of the House of Com- mons staff, came up from Ottawa last evening to be present at the annual meeting of the 47th officers, to be held at the. Armovuries, to-day. Mrs. Matilda Godwin died, in Wa- tertown, N.Y., on Wednesday, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Me Govern. The remains will be brought to Kingston for burial on Saturday. Seryeant-Instructor 8, Jordan, of Kingston artillery school, is at Otta- wa, as instructor for the provisional school for Ottawa garrison, to open April 27th, and continue for six weeks, Strawberries From Louisiana. New potatoes from Bermuda, new celery from Florida, and new aspara- gus from California, at Carnovsky's. "A beautiful lawn' adds 25 to 50 p.c. to the valie of & home. Kentucky jawn grass sed makes the most Leau- tifal lawn of any seed you can buy. Sold in Kingston only at Gikson's Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phoiie 230. It's queer how the pennies come to the top of the pocket and in reach when the contribution box is headed our way. : "Remember Crosse Drug Good Friday. The man who works and stands a better chance to than the one who only wishes. this,"" Gibson's Red Store is open all day wishes succeed Try Bibby's special $2 hats, The Men's Store. PALS Ag 4 PR ON Pe gh ONS. * y + ' This season we are better § prepared than ever before to %: offer you Clothing of superior ! cut and tailoring. We c¢an truthfully say that the Ready- 3 to-wear Garments we are: Alexandria Bay, where she | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1908. OTHER CITY HOMES. Should Run Fellow Down. living om Division street, had an experieace with a tramp, yesterday afternoon, believed {to be the same man who called at a { Queen street house, on Monday. The unknown has not proved at all dan- gervous, but his behaviour has caused a good many women to be frightened of him; and the tramp is sure to be given a warm time some of these Some people would appear ac if the man is some- what out of his mind, for his talk at times in like that of a erazv person. At a home on Division street, the tramp called, and asked for a lunch. He displayed the same nerve as he did on visitine other houses, asking for a special bill of fare. In the course of the conversation. the wo- man told the tramp that 'her hus- was a great pity that her husbawd did not fall and break his neck. His whole talk was like that of 8 man whose mind was un- balanced. The man also visited another house on Division street. He was given a hanch, but refused to eat it outside the house. andl had to be given a chair in the kitchen. The police have been oiven no de- scription of the man, and thus they iust have to take a chance on ecatch- ing him. When he ooes into a house, a hurry up call should be sent to police headquarters, and in this way the officers could get trace of him, and have him locked un. Some ladies on Upper Johnsen street have promised to give the plied that it vo that wav, and others in verions parts of the city have promised to organize and give him a reception that he will not soon forget. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. The Opening Meeting of Season on Thursday. 'With a good attendance, the inau board, was held, on Thursday after- noon, at 1.30 o'clock, in the Whig hall. The president, Christopher Langwith, occupied the chair, In his opening remarks, he said that the pas season had been a fairly good one, and expressed the hope that the pres- ent season would turn out still better. "I think 'that this board could very easily be made one of the best boards in the province," said Mr. Langwith, This could be brought about by all the buvers and sellers doing their duty. He thought that more of the blame in regard tog the sales on the board, rested upon the buyers amd not on the salesmen. M the salesmen knew that they were receiving the very best price for the cheese, they would be sure to sell. The outlook for a good season was most encouraging. Mr. Langwith, in closing, thanked the members for the support they had giv. en him during the vear. He was about to retire from oflice and he wished to thank one and all for their as#istance, By a unanimous vote, William Faw- cett, of Wolfe Island, was elected president, and on taking the chair, was greeted with cheers, The new president spoke briefly, thanking the members for the honor conferred upon him. Like the retiring president, he said that much depend- ed on the buyer. He himself always wanted to offer his cheese on the hoard, if he kiew that he was getting the best -pricé" possible.» i Ihe. members were then called upon for their usual fee. The secretary an- nounced that the board at present had a membership of thirty-five. The other officers are ag follows First viee-president--Frederick Val- leau, Cgtaraqui. Seeond vige-president--William Craig, Glenburnie. Secretary-treasurer--William Glenvale. Pillar, land. Auditors--dJ oseph G. Wilmot, Directors--Wolle Island, A. Kingston, W. Craig; Loborough, James Keilly; Howe Island, Thomas Prior; McGrath and P. W. J. Frghklin; Storrington, Freder iok so Hinchinbrooke, J. E. Campbell; Uso and Olden, GC. Val leau. OA ROUNDS i A NERVY TRAMP VISITS, ing and left at the Whip office, where Good Many Women--The Police days, if he continues his work. It | band had been sick, whereupon he re- | tramn a good threshing if he should | gural meeting of the Frontenac cheese! Marker--George Rattray, Wolfe ls. Hough; Portland, Thomas Leonard; Pittsburg, There was a good deal of discussion by the members in regard to the day CITY AND VICINITY. Found A Muff. sable muff was fonnd this morn | the owner can have the same hy call | ing. < : Ee ' {His Behaviour Has Frightened a Headquarters For Green Goods. Water cress, mint, spinach, vege- oyster, cauliflower, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, radishes, green on- {ions, ete, at Carnovsky's. I -- ct---- Would You Like To | Wear a hat hike King Edward ? The | "Woodrow" hat is one of his majesty's | favorites and George Mills & Co. have | the sole Kingston agericy. ---- i A Good Exhibition. | An interesting game of baseball was { played in the cricket field, this morn- ing, between two teams from St. Mary's school. The boys put up a good exhibition of ball. ------------------ A Grand Success. Thémas Mills & Co's, great removal sala certainly is being availed of to a very large extent and citizens are making money by purchasing Easter | requirements from this bargain-giving hrm, | ---------- Association Football. There will be great excitement at the cricket field, to-morrow (Friday) morning, at eleven o'clock, when the first foothall match, this year, will be played, between the Wanderers and "A" battery. A Great Hit. The famous Hawes hat is admittedly the most popular three dollar hat in North America among well dressed men. George Mills & Co. are the sole Kingston agents. -------- Opening E&ster Saturday. T, J. O'Connor will open his new | commission rooms 86 and 58 Brock street Kaster Saturday morning with a stock of pianos, organs, antique and other furniture, fine pictures, Bri tish plate mirrors, ete. Call and see what great bargains are being of- fered, Farewell To Students. Miss R. Holmes, of North Hastings, | and Miss Annie Anglin, of Melntosh Mills, students in arts at Queen's, | were tendered a farewell by their fel low-boarders at 303 University avenue, last night. The affair was a very jolly one. A few very pleasant hours were spent in games and music. Mrs. Richardson's Condition. Mrs. A. W. Richardson's condition was unchanged this afternoon She is just lingering, No hope of recovery is entertained. Her brother, Hillyard Robertson, of Reyvina, arfived this af- ternoon. Dr. Richardson's brother, James Richardson, of Montreal, and his sister, Miss Richardson, slo of Montreal, are with their brother. A ---------------------------------- Collided With Street Car. A milk waggon, owned by a man named Robinson, was struck by car No. 11, at the corner of Market aml Ontario streets, this morning. The | waggon was going alongside the track and, at the wcomer, tried to' 'turn across. Motorman Willison was not able to stop the car in time, and it hit the rear end of the waggon Very little damage was done to the waggon, but the front step was brok- en off the car. 3 ns. So-- St. George's Cathedral. Thursday, ¥ p.m. service for the! 'preparation of the holy communion, Good Friday, 10:30 am., Mattin's, preacher; Canon Starr; 12 noon, three hours' meditat gn upon the sui- | Aerings of our Lord, conducted by Rev, one|. G. R. Beamish, Belleville, "Any can attend for a part of the service, but those entering or leaving are| requested to do so during the singing | of the hymns; 7:30 pom. evensong, preacher, Canon Starr. Late William Bowman. The late William Bowman, whose death occurred at the General Hospi tal, on Tuesday, is survived by two sons, William and Harry, of King- ston, and two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, also of this city. Deceased is also survived by one brother, John, of Cataraqui, and two #isters, Mrs John Kilgannon, Fruesttown, and Mrs. G. Link. The funeral will take place on Friday morning at nine o'clock, from 103 King street west Rev. Archdeacon Macmorine will con- duct the services. The remains will (eo taken to Bath, for interment. ® MARINE NEWS. EHDENGE WAS TAKEN CONCERNING DISAPPEAR. ANCE OF F. C. MARSHALL. His Wife Wants Him Declared | Dead, So That She Can Collect His Insurance--Two Witnesses Were Examined. On Wednesday afternoon, at the | court house, there was an investiga- | tion into the disappearance of Fred- | erick C. Marshall, who was thought to be drowned in the harbor here aj few years ago. Two lawyers from | Toromto, Mr. Lawrence. for the A.0. W., and Mr. Henderson, for Mrs, Marshall, who is now a resident of Toronto, were present at the hearing. Mrs. Marshall is applying to the A O.UW. for life insurance carried by her husband in that society, and wants her husband declared dead. Two witnesses, T. F. Harrison and Joseph Kimpeon, were examined. Mr Harrison told of his relations with Marshall. . Joseph Kimpson, who, at the time of the supposed drowning of Marshall, was employed as night man at the G, T.R. outer depot, was called. He sta- ted that around that time, many cars had been broken into at the outer station, and all the men were out looking for the thieves. He was on duty about midnight one night, when he saw a man who seemed to be hid- ing near an engine, but before the train started the fugitive stepped out in front and Kimpson remarked to his companion, "That looks like 'Fred.' Mnrshall, he must be going west." Kimpson swore that he knew nothing about the disappearance until the next day, when he read it in the papers, and he remembered that he had seen him that night. Under cross examination the witness would not swear positively that it was Marshall he saw. No other were examined and the lawyers have gone back to Toronto with their evidence. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Sv Reporters On Their Rounds, Bananas. Edwards & Jenkin. Get photos to-morrow at Weese's, Rhubarb, 10c. bunch. Carnovsky's The very newest things, "'Hibby's All kinds of green vegetables at An- derson Bros, Jack Frost surely does hate to let go this spring. "Open all day Good Friday," son's Hed Cross Drug Store. The moving vans are in great de- mand now. Many people are moving earlier this year than last. Have you seen the new brown suit-| ings for spring ! We have them. Craw- | ford & Walsh, 500 Ibs. Windsor sausage, 3 lbs. for] 25¢. Anderson Bros. The depot car was offi the track, on Wednesday afternoon, and took about half an hour to replace it. The work car came up and pdlled it back to the track. Boston head lettuce. Carnovsky's An invitation is extended to "every citizen to visit Anderson Bros.' large new meat and provision store, corner! witnesses Gib- Ours have the type of finish at the shoul- ders and about the neck which ost nearly approaches the high-priced made garments, turned out by first-class tailors in Montreal. If you like a smart Covert Jacket for Spring or a Suit, strictly up-to- date, see what we are showing. Suits from $13.50 to 32.50 Coats from $5 to 10.00 With.adargd®ariety between, Make a selection and have it placed aside if not quite ready. Frincess and Division' streets, from 3] to 6 p.m. Friday. "Kentucky Lawn Gress Seed," will { grow on any lawn. It has no equal | for making a besutiful velvety lawn. | Sold only at Gikson's Red Cross Cress Drug Store. The choir of Princess street church | will give a recital on"Good Friday at 8 p.m., assisted by Mr. and Murs.! Gibson, Ottawa, Mr. Rutherford, Arn-| prior, and Mrs. Sproule, elocutionist.! Silver collection. | Something doing Saturday night at! Carnoveky's fruit store E> At 11 am., on Good Friday, in| Brock Street Methotlist: church, Rev. | F. H. Sproule, B.A., will preach to | the Methodists who gather for al united service. t "A straight line is the shortest dis! tance between two points," bat Mo Conkey's choice of royalty candy is the! connecting link between two hearts. Only high class candy sold at Gib- son's Hed Criss Drug Store. A great many of the city's ployest have found work &t the roller | rink. Thirty men work all | day Wednesday and Wednesday night, removing the ice. And about twenty! men were at work to-day i 300 sides bacon at 15¢. 5 1b. by the! side; 18¢. sliced; 300 lbs, pea weal Windsor bacon, 1%. to $e. a Ib} Antlerson Bros, } The annual mecting of the 47thi regiment was held in the Armouries to day. The general business of the ses son was mapped out Nearly all the a. distance were present! | i ; | unem- were at KID GLOVES for SATURDAY A great variety For Boys, For Girls, For Ladies, Stockings FOR SATURDAY SELLING Cashmere Stockings for Ladies, Cashmere Stockings for Children, In ribbed or plain, all weights. Black or Tan Shades, ER -------- a La YEE officers from at the meeting. About tem o'clock this morning a young lad fell in the lake off the Kingston and Pembroke wharf © Two the bdard should meet. offering are superior to any in § by the mo the market. Some favored the meeting held on ---- Saturday, but upon being put" to a The Items Gathered About the vote it was decided: in tavor of the Harbour, icles ripen ee ---- A Great Array of Men' A * Easter Suits In all the lines you need for Easter, our stocks are notice- ably complete. Prices are $ low. Time is short now. Bet- ¥ ter make best use of it. » why Suits, $10.00 to 20.00. \ Overcoats, $12.00 te 18.00, Raincoats, $8.50 to 15.00. Boys' 2-piece' Suifs, $2.75 Wo iace Suis, 3 'Suits, $3.50 to 9.00. day, at 1:30 p.m. The following factcries boarded cheese : Cold Springs, 35; Gletihurnie, 20; Latimer, 25; Sunbury, 30; Me Grath's 25; Model, 30 (colored), To- 165 bowes. The bidding opened 1lec., closed at 1ljc., but thers were no sales, The buyers present Alexander and Murphy It is of interest to mote that just a ago there was boarded 236 box- present day of meeting, every Thugs | Messrs, Kerr, Gibson, Thomp- year es of white cheese and 242 bors of The steamer George Howe cleared from Richardson's to-day. The steamer Glenmount amd © con- sorts Ungava and Hamilton, left, to- dav, for Fort William. The schooner Clara cleared this morning for' Oswego to load coal for Robertson's, at Gananoque. The steamer Aletha is off the dry dock andl will Jikely make her first trip up the bay on Saturday. The schooners Bertha Kalking and Ford River, lying at four mile point all day yesterday, were able te clear for Oswego. The government steamer Scout is at the Kingston and Pembroke wharf. Many of the buoys in this section Capt, J Corkey, of the steamer Navajo, was treated to a cold bath at Cape Vincent, on Wednesday night. coming a his steamer plank and fell icv water. His none} ister at men who Were standing by = quickly pulled him out, of the water, He re- owt fuged to tell his name. The ice has nearly all been removed from the roller rink and the floor was found to be in good condition. The planer will be put on the first of the week, and the rink will likely open a week from Monday. } "Reason it out in a business-like way." Does it pay to spend 75e. fora moth proof double strength tarine bag io store your $150 fur coat for the simmer. You have the coat and the moth bags are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store, || ---------------- Worth A Trial. Pittsburg Times, Cyrus Townsend Brady told at 4 dinner in Toledo a s#tbry about char. ity. "A millionsire," said Dr. Brady, "lay dying. He had lived a life of which, as he now looked hack on it, he felt none too proud. To the min. his bedside he muttersd weakly : "HI lave 5 lumdred thousand dallges or so to the church will my salvation lw assured ¥'° "The minister answered cautionsly "Ft wouldn't like to be positive, but it's well worth trying." DOOC O00 0000OCOOCO000 00000 C LOCOCO DOOOOOOOGOO00 @ ~ Regal Shoes Are Here All ready for you to try on. We've just received our stock of Spring Regals--and the're the handsomest "snappiest" shoes ever shown in town. You'll say 80 when you see them. No matter what your choice is you'll find among the wide range of shapes and leathers a Regal that was made for YOU, Our showing includes aligthe newest authentz Spring styles ~models that have the "thor- oughbred" uppearance that ap- Boe emma wre" Price $5.00 ; ETT SHOE STORE gi . ie nh » SOOO 000000000 VOVVVOV CCID I00

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