Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1908, p. 10

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Nei § : = PAGE TEN, © 'rw "vs ess TE TEER. THO REMARKABLE CURES OF ECZEMA _ 777 Over Twenty-three Years Ago Baby had Severe Attack--Years Later - Grandfather Suffered Torments with the Disease --Virulent Sores Developed from Knees to Toes, BOTH OWE COMPLETE RECOVERY TO CUTICURA "In 1884 my grandson, g babe, had attack of . i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 18. 1908. FOR SHOW FOREST FIRE PROTECTION. | { The Need is Very Great Say Those! i Who Know. { AN. | Fire is the { | In Toronto the association has done' {excellent work in providing three such! READY ! homes for business girls, and it is lat the present moment soliciting Shel co-operation of the government in es tablishing a residence for the normal | school students 1 he 'nfluence | refined home being the strongest edu It Was Organized Nearly Fifty! cational force in the life of a young American woman, it 1s but fitting that some i : : | Years Ago---It Wards Of | provision should be for those ame Among the Artisans of [out of it, so that there Sav be soma Paris certainty of our having a forest to Danger For Many a Young Wo- | who come to our city from all parts i rh ; y man in These Evil Days. of the The builling which { anage ae Bmp of damage dove | It was but fifty veais to that a Lhe anxious to secre is to the pets by fires in tines before Pars ago £* ami ny protective syste § os Is litthe group of women met in the bug- the beautiful of Judge Cassels Fed i tad i Stall ht i " : srosyenor street. ) / it 5 Amp) a ; MK has often | lish town of Bristol to consider «the | 9% Grosvenor sire ' A A | been said, and probably falls i even problem then being forced upon them ishort of the truth, that for every | of protecting and caring for the girls | EANISH PIMPLES. {dollar's worth of timber taken by the Whe wre Suing Yo that town to earn | lumbermen from the valley of the 3 | their hiving, and who were thus de: | tawa river, one of Canada's greatest | privedd of home care and guidance. lumbering districts, fires have hamid i I'he necessity for such an organization ed ten dollars' worth. i even then," when most of the proles- Most in evidence is the destruction sions and businesses were shut against done by "'crown' fires, fires which get | women, was so great that the effort up into the foliage of the trees In| spread rapidly into all the principal | responsible for the deprussed cond. tion many tracts . of the wooded districts | cities and towns of Great Britain, | 4.4 feeling of constant tiredness of Canada mile after 'mile' of country | and over the sea into the continent which afiecis so many people every has been swept over by such a fire, | enh, fer, branch ofthe Nun prin, Thin condition. mons shat 1s OR | |. eee A . "| blood is impure and watery. That is orest only blackened stumps and | formerd, until at the third international what causes pimplis aad unsightly 3 2 tree trunks remain. Sometimes the | connate, of he, Workis Young, Wo-| tome 3a somes others ave thie comeuencs See tiem mare. seriou, | in say. 1996, a company of 509 tele. os of rheumatism, or the sharp, stan- a Bur' TI 5 Aruperty is de- | een Sori twenty-one coun. | Ping Pains of neuralgia. Foor appe. October 1503 po 0 160 1 fire ol tries, with many visiting delegates tire, irequent headaches, and a desire a quarter of : a Noha v rhs | male up one of the largest conferences } 1° 8Y0Md exertion 18 alo due lo bad ing in property; an DE he x] of an intermational character which blood. Any or ail of these troubles in Wisc, si Abe Yeshti o fre { sa has ever heen held. French, German |"®" be banished chy the lair use of i the Hi skley fire oY -- . » : 4 aie tonic asedicips as Dr. Willige' and the inckley fire of 1994 were re- | and English were the languages used | 5% bh a tonic medi a LA nny sponsible for the loss of 1,700 lives | in the work of the conference, but | 1k Pills. Every dose of this medi. and manv millions of dollars' w My many others were heard in the com-| $i" belrs to make new, rich red blood of property. - mittee meetings and in the corridors, | Stimulatis every organ, strengthens A vast amount of loss is alsa done a constant reminder of the world-wide | ®¥¢¥¥ Dirve and Lrings a feeling of by "ground" and "surface' a streteh of this great work. new health and new energy to weak, fires which burn in the soil of the The keynote of the association has | tired out, ailing men and women. forest or run along the surface and been, and is, sympathy and love, and | Hive is proof that Dr. Williams' Fink lick up the dead leaves and other de- there are thousands of young women Pills Js the greatest of all spring hris of the forest. While not nfuc! who look back , to the little social | Medicines, "Henry Baker, Chipman, N, timber is consumed by the fire itself. Sherings the association rooms B., aay % og Sing 1 ry oo weak the fire damages the bases and roots or "home as the beginning for them of | and miserable that could ardly te . : y ptr » i. or auing a and lone. | drag myself about. My appetite was | *ne*, has jubt finished the large bie oF x tress; sin] Surough the wounds Iv, one says, "and thought no one | Poor. 1 did not sleep well and dreaded | ture which be is to send to the Salon i aE: fitin wah Le the cared for me, but there | found a |work. My blood was in teriible condi- | des Artistes Francaus, and which mea: | wood. In parts of the largest doi friend, and somehow after that it was | tion, which caused pimples and small | #9¢8 10 less than five metirs w ides {ion forest reserve (the Riding Movn- easier to believe in the Divine Friend." | boils to break out all over me. These It reprisints the paralle ct' the {tain reserve, in Manitoba). espe ially The education department, with its| would itch and pain and caused me Bible, "Phe Wire aud the foolish vir {among the ' aspen or white poplar libraries of good, wholesome books, its{ mueh trouble, I tricd several medi- | 20s,' and its composition, while very {three out of every four tree: are classes and lectures, its redding cir-| ines but without the least benefit. simple in its arrangement and EREoy {found to be damaged in this way cles and literary societies, aims at | when one day a friend asked me why | tion, does honor to the artist. "The area has been repeatedly burned | the development of woman's intellec- I did not try Dr. Williams' Pink parable means that men sh ded be ver: the trees were thus wounded. | tual nature. Browning's words : Pills. He spoke so 'highly of this me. | ready to meet the judgment of ( od| ihe fungus spores gained entrance | My business is not to remake myselt, | dicine that | decided to take his ad. |] and that those who have been. tmpru {and the above result followed. But 10 make the absolute of what is vire and give the pills a trial. § got 4 | dent enough not to prepare dog as willl * 1 cocts may also gain access to the 3 indy 2121s half dozen * boxes and the result was | P® e¥cluded from heaven. Acc rding tol ive trunks in this wav, Yoleo the aim of this department. that by the time they were finished I | the old custom, the bridegroom went! 1. view of these facts the impor- The physical department, with its! felt like an altogether different man, | 10 the bridels.house when the evenmu li, 00 of fire protection in the forest | gymnasia and outing clubs, tennis | They purified my blood, built up my| came, to bring her to his own hous. | can easily be realized. The great courts, lectures on physiology and hv- | whole system, and 1 have not had a where the wedding feast awaited! thing to be done is to discover and give, Ras an inestimable value in pimple on my flesh ot a sick day | them. Young men and women went Lo put out the fire before it gets a start, awakening and stren, thening in the | gine. For this reasof I can highly re.] meet him with torches, and this is the great aim of the fire | members reverence for their bodies commend Dr. Williams Pink Pills asa "Then, shys the gospel, "shall the patrol svstems instituted by the do let Physisal frakh Jud blood buifder and purifier." Sold by kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten several of the provincial tered here and there all over the sil_saadicive dealers rol ud] at 50 : es i : el a box or six hoxes for $2.50 world afford accommodation for thou- from the Dr. Williaws' Medicine Co. minion and virgins, which took their lamps and | governments. went forth 10 meet the bridegroom. sands of young women, amid helpful Brockville. Ont and pleasant surroundings, all under o e, Unt, And five of them were wise and five TOLSTOI A MUSIC LOVER. i foolish. They that wore foolish took . { Cliristinn influences Ti8 Tu whi def their lamps , and took no oil with | Prefers the Classical _ For Its | and restrooms, where wholesome food them. Bat the WhsS took oll in their Soothing Qualities. is furnished at a price within the yestele with heir nr hile the Petersburg, April 18.~in (con- reach of all, are all part of the work bric groom tarried: they all slumbered | pection with the celebration on) Au- of this great organization. and slept. gust 28th of Count Leo Tolstor's eigh- The work accomplished in the indus- | trial centres during the past decade | WINES 1B. YOY WHAT THE Y.W.C.A. HAS ACCOMPLISHED. WHAT 1S THE NUMBER OF YOUR Talking Machi Have you a Gram-o-phone, a Victor, or any other disc talking machine? By disc ma- machine, we mean one which takes the round, flat, disc records--NOT the cylin- ders. We publish a Catalogue everygnonth, containing a list of new Records and other interesting matter, which is sent free to those who have disc Talking Machines. Tell us what make of machine you own (give name and factory number) and we will put-your name on our monthly mailing list, to receive, free of charge. our S---- ee | m---- record catalogues. This will keep you in touch with the very latest reproductions of the Berliner Gram-o-phone Co, and the Victor Talking Machine Co. A new catalogue is just now being issued. Send in your name to-day so you will recdive regularly. THE BERLINER GRAM-0-PHONE CO., OF CANADA, LIMITED DEPT. K. W, MONTREAL, greatést enemy the fore | jest has, and, before it is worth while jatiempling any scientific manageinent | jof the forests, some means must be | Negro Adds to His{put in operation for keeping the fives | TANNER COMPLETES * OTHER PICTURE. ol a made pros nee association 1s home Everyone Needs a Tonic in Spring to Purify the Blood. H you want new health and strength in spring you must build up your blood with a tonic medicine, Indoor Ide during the long winter months is ease and suffering, 1 recommended Cu- ticura and in a few weeks the child was well. He is to-day a strong man and absolutely free from the disease. A fow years ago 1 contracted eczema, suff hd A lerer. A whole winter once having on shoes, my ankles and nearly from the knees to the toes being covered with virulent sores. 1 tried practitioners, specialiets, dermatol- ogists, ete. to no purpose. My daughter- in-law reminded me of having prescribed Puticura for my Sanden more than twenty ago. at once procul the Cuticura Remedies and found im- mediste improvement and final cure, to-day, though well along in|years, hough 1 had never that am well kngwn in the Vie ville and Cincinnati, and all could be verified by witnesses, M. W. LaRue, 845 Seventh St., Louis- 'wills, Ky., April 23 and May 14, 1907." as The mizing itching and uring of the ekin, as in eczema; the frightfu sealing, as in psoriasis; the loss hair crusting of scalp, as in scalled ; the facial disfigurement, as in acne wall of extraordinary Jirtues to successfully cope with them. Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills wre such stands proven by testimcnials of ble cures when many rem- edies and even physicians have failed, One set is often sufficient to cure. 0 a oy A a RT world. Pot & Chem. vi Cutieura Book on Skin Diseases. it IL. 0. TANNER ; x Paris, April 15H. OU Tanner, of New York, the painter of Biblical "SPRING FEVER" The need of a Spring medicine seems to be universal. This is due to the fact that during the winterithe blood becomes im- pure on account of the hearty food eaten. This causes that %ired, weary, all-gone, dont-care-to-work' feeling which is soy prevalent at this time of year. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS in vials of - Hear the April Victor Records smal Pe Dawson & Staley's i. 217 Princess St,, Kingston. High Grade Plancs at living prices. Wicton Gramopliones on easy terms. Phoenix Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers, oillllgms* Sewing Machive--Agents want. That Tired Feeling. Mr. F. H. Leard, Saskatoon. Sask., writes: "I hive Burdock Blood Bitters builder and think it Uses it Every Spring. $7,000,000 HALL. Mr. H. Nt Plans of Obscure Young Arcaitect used Langléy, Hamilton, to Be Realized. London, April 15~The Loadon county council has decided to proceed Ont., writes: "1 have used Bur . + as: a Mr. Tanner hae placed his subject in| tioth birthday, every detail of the | blood an Blood Bitters as a spring an atrium, the ground of which is|great writer's daily life at Yasnaya | paved like a chesshoard, with white | Polyana is being followed with the to of the 's We are showing specially new and attractive ideas for our EASTER DISPLAY, EXCLUSIVE and ORIGIN- AL in their DESIGNS, (which is the characteristic of our store), and at prices so arranged to meet ever buyer. Those who can find it con- venient kindly come in the Pearsal . Kingston and Yarker. y WEAK MAN RECEIPT FREE * Any man who suffers with mervois des ty, loss of natural Dover, woak memory or fleient a2 t on by oxcoases, dissipation, un- tural drains or Lhe follies of youth? cure himself at home with a simple on that I will gladly send free, vi " on man will write Tor it. A. E. Robinson, 8.808 Luck Patidmg. Detroit, Michigan. Ae a TR | cin! life, where ffany women are to be has. brought new life and hope thousands of voung women employed in mills and factories. Lunch and restrooms have been established in these buildings and club and classes have been formed, which have bright- ened the monotony and dull routine ) of their lives, and ill-ventilated and unsanitary buildings have, through persistent efforts of the association, become thoroughly efficient and well equipped buildings. Ih a great mill, where hundreds of yirls toil through the long holirs, there is a little band on whose faces new light has come, Many changes have "been made in the scene of their dav's work. Properly conducted, the Young Wo- men's Christian assoc ation is one of the strongest forces in moulding the i coming womanhood of the countries, and in determining the future life of the nation. In countries where wo- men have little opportunity for edu: cation and great nged of healthy so- t k found in factorses, in shops and in|° like occupations, and above all where women have already shown themselves possessors of much native strength and ability, the association has great scope for its various activities, Miss Carrie Macdonald, the secre. tary sent out by the Canadian asso- ciation to Japan, thus writes : "The problems of Japan's young womanhood are agitating the serious nen and women of Japan, and the association as an aid, has been hear. tily welcomed. Requests have already come to , organize in more than' one centre, not only to work among stu dents and graduates, many of whom|t are young women of leisure, but to grapple with the more distinetively city problem among the girls in shops, offices, stations and factories." In a very particular way the same is true of our own land. Never. has the womanhood of dur country heen so surrounded by subtle and insidious dangers. One of every ten of our women is a wage-edarner--many of these thrown into positions with many trials and great temptations. Howes and churches are in many cases quite unable to aid; the association is one of the main hopes under present con. ditions. ) An effort is being made to extend the sgope of the work in Canada. The asgpociation has enrolled between five and six thousand members, stretching from ocean to ocean, and comprises about fifty astociations. . Bub. tie is a beginning. i tates Pong associations andkl 00,000 mem: bers, while sivten travelling secretaries are constantly employed visung the jit ying places, presenting the work organizing tions t i t © t with county hall the banks of the Thames at Westmin- ster, $7,000,000 and be consumed in building it. about the remedy is of far more portance than what we say. We refer heen cull harmless, inexpensive made rectors of the general manager. director of the company nounced © and editor J. K. MeMaster, service Weigh yourself again. flesh, strength and appetite will be better arguments for Vipol thaw all is is because Vino! contains in a concentrated form all the medicinal elements of cod liver oil taken from fresh cous' livers. but it is a better the building proposed on the site selected on It is estimated that it will cost that seven vears will The architect is Ralph Knott, who j4ll he won that position by competi- tion was an obscure assistant in ¢ity the architect's office. He is twenty: ine years old. His fees as architect will amount to about $200,000. They Had Rheumatism, They are now cured. What they say im¢ locality who have cured of rheumatism by Dr. lall's Rheumatic Cure. If interested and let us refer you to well nown people who can tell you just o those in this what the remedy will do. Dr.' §lall's Rheumatic Cure is a remedy that of rhumatio trout les ures all | sorts whn other remedies fail. It hides been so thoroughly tested hat doubt as to its remarkable mer- ts cam no longer exist. Ten days' reatment. J0c., at Wade's Drug Store. Canada Life Promotions. Toronto, April 18. --Announcement is that at the meeting of the di- Canada Life Assurance empany, Frank Sanderson, joint was appointed a from an- The he head appointments staff are also following office To be secretarv--A. Gillesvie. To be chief inspector of agencies of company's literature-- To be manager of Central Ontario branch, Hamilton--G. DD. Burng To be chief accountant--C. R. Acres. To be eashier--C. %. Rickets. All of the above have been in the of the company for from went fo thirty years. and have carned promotion bv faithful service in various posts, from junior up- wards. THIN PEOPLE ---- Of Kingston, Try This. Weigh yourself. Take Vinol a while. The gain in Jr and green tiles. Between the roof and the beams that support it, end which are humg with a townish-red drapary and wreaths of laurel leaves, there is a glimpse of the skv, of a deep violet blue, shining with stars. The picture depictg the moment when the virgins are called by the guardians who watch the entrance of the hall, and the vir- n several groups others §n mauve gins are represented some in white tunics or blue. The general harmony of this painting i# most delicate in and light, and the movement of the fires is trae to life: the whole work is carried out in a scel of mauve, blue and gold A large picture by My Reswmrrection of Lazarce" to be saen at the Luxembourg, color Tanner, "The is already HIS BANK THE WALL. Equivalent of $25,000 Found in Ruins of a Cottage. New York, April 15.~Convinced that William Jaynes, who died last fall at Hempstead, L.1., had possess- ed a considerable ahount of mone the executors of his will made thoroush search of bis propert finally decided "tg tear down dilapidated cottage Wg which the man had spent his life. After a portion of the wall had been taken down, the workmen found two bags, one con- taining 85.000 in gold, the other $6,- 000 in bank Later they covered bank notes. which will bring the value of the estate to $25,000, y notes aise Drug Manufacturer Fined. Washington, April 15.--As a. result of the first conviction under the pure food and drugs law, Robert N. Har- per, president of the Washinoton Chamber of Commerce, formerl: pre- sident of the American National Bank, a drug manufacturer, and one of the best known business men of this city, was sentenced hy Judge Kimball in the police court tp pay a fine of 23500 on one count and 2200 on another comnt of the indictment recently | re turned against him for manufacturing and selling an alleged mis-labelled vharmacemtical compound. President Roosevelt had insisted that the pro- secuting officer demand a jail sen- tence. Frince Rupert Goines Ahead. Vancouver, B.C. April 18.--Reports from Prince Rupert are that the town is rapidly goin~ ahead. thoush people are advised to keep away until town site lots are put on the market. The Bank of Montreal is about to estab- lish a branch there, the Bank of Com- merce already having ohe. Sabon. tractors on railway construction have started work. A consignment of eighteen hundred lobsters reached' here. to-day. They Pare' to be planted at Socke by the dominion government. The lobsters were htought from the Atlantic const. -------- This is the Gime to paiot with Rem- say's Paints. Paint your rool, pau your steps. paint your whole house. Bamsay's Paints are the oldest and best known in Canada for style, bean. Av, wear ated tear. W. A. Mitchellhas a large stock. Jwok at bis color oi and | the | greatest interest, Some excellent photographs of himself and daughter playing pianoforte duets have just been published in St. Petersbury. The count is very fond of music, es: pecially classic music, his favorite composers being Haydn and Mozart, He only cares for a few of Beeth- | oven's; he prefers Chopin. He takes } keen interest in popular music, and many years ago made a collec tion of folk-songs, some of which he sent to Tchaikowsky, with the suggestion that the melodies would be more effectively treated after the manner of Mozart and Handel than in the style of Schu mann or Berlioz When Tolstoi was recently asked the reason of his preference for classical music, he replied that it was because | classical music had a tranquilizing in i fluence on the the | aim of contemporary was ex. | citement The {ing nerves, whereas muse the neivh y and villages are fre young people from properties Fon | and provide an orchestra of ouitars | and balalaikas, which plays national | | melodies, songs and dances the | {evident enjoyment of Count Tolstoi | | to Don't Invite Rheumatism. Rheumatism and a variety of other! painful affections cannot come i as your blood is pure and abundant These affections are due to pois the blood which must be expelled. | Keop your vitality high and i blood rich and red by use of Iron 'Tonic Pills (Laxative). are a great nerve sirengthenecr blood maker, In boxes, 25¢., Wade's drug store, Money back not satislactory. : $l your Wade's | They | and | at} if Can't Judge By Appearance. i New York Times : It was high noon when he entered | the crowded restaurant. He stood | fully six feet three inches in height, | was built in proportion, and must | have weighed at least 250 pounds. As i he 'strode down between the rows of tables he looked as if he could eat wp | {the house. He took a seat beside a) { diminutive, fussy Kittle man with «| | bald head and chop whiskers, who was | bravely and suecessiully polishing off | a sirloin steak with onions. The | little fellow, with his napkin tight! wedged under his chin and his mouth | full of dinner, jooked up in wonder at | his gigantic «ide partner. and the: | down the frail canebottomed chair, | which ereaked and grosaed viteously | under its immense weight. But the big fellow took no notice of the little one. When the waitress approached him he gave his order in businesslike fashion. "Bring me," he said in a faleettn voice, "a cup of weak tea and 4 of year." blood, 3 excellent remedy Everyone tonie, and I find it the Lest should take it in the spring to thing 1 can take. It lds cure that tired feeling that me right up and 1 uso it every comes to so many at this time spring. It is excellent for the| "Spring Medicine." quently mvited to Yasnava Polyana. 1 as Fong | Announcement to the Consumers of ORANGE MEAT The follewips list of PRIZES will be awarded (o the parties sending in (he largest namber of cage BOTTOMS on or before May 11, 10Gy The FIRST PRIZE willbe a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Fqual to One Dollar per Week Every Week During Life<time MEAT will purchase an Anns ance Compares 1 ¥ will contract to pay (tof f Filty-two Dollars during each « ty vemcls The manufacturers of ORANG] Peliey t life bry of this prize year of Lis or her ld A Second Prize of One Hundred Dollars Cash will be paid and in addition there will be distr Ten Cash Prizes of Tweaty Dollars Each Ten Cash Prizes of Ten Dollars Each Twenty Cash Prizes of Five Dollars Each One Hundred Cash Prizes of One Dollar Each The party send or before May ils The second in « shove prizes are distrib reach ORANGE MEAT, above date, CONDITIONS Save the Carton | ORANGE MEAT y earton hottomws y or frie rend lod Read Carefully prepay post . and write your I! nan of the number yoy send ir lodge receipt of way carton bottoms tade Is prepaid. lyery carton roniain fe the private mark of the masuflacturers the piekage. © Tios mark serves to xlontify them on the bultom ¢ The JUMBO or 25c. Package of ORANGE MFAT will count equal to THREE of the ordinary size. BEGIN NOW TO COLLECT GET YOUR FRIENDS TO HELP YOU If the winner of the GRAND PRIZE so elects, the mean. facturers of ORANGE MEAT will pay the sam of SEVEN MBUNDRED DOLLARS in CASH tastead of the POLICY calling for FIFTY TWO DOLLARS per snanm during life-time. CEREALS LINITED, KINGSTON, CANADS i vouple of doughnuts" i No Liberties, Well," said Edith's mother when! the child arrived home from the tea! ty, "did you have a good time? | "Yes, thank you, mamma." "And did vou play mice games?" "Yeu. manna." "And did you have a nice tea?" "Yoo. mamma." "I hope. Edith. that vou behaved Yon did you?" boo Surgical Aids maa Authors & Cox Seinal Our Anpliances for Spuasal Cur- 3 vature, Parts] Paralysis, etc, half a century's experience in 135 Church St. Toronto. Eee 1860 Since 1860, we have brought to the homes of the afllicied, with our appiisnces, Lom of arma, feet and logue deforma and misshapen Liuiby l§ and bodies -- rupture -- floating Ridoeys-- practically ALL afflic- tions can be bel 'and, in rps Sata So alas. Write for free advice. o are the result of tasting und Sting such assist ants. We know just what apparatus will relieve, or beip BW £3 cure, each cave, i Our ent also tells and heipfal, ne Junt Bow ae (hat wide a) x

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