Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Apr 1908, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH W HIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1908. R. formal--and all other occasidns -- the glove that is. correct in style should be chosen, own GLOVES '§ 1 are ALWAYS torrect and' are well made besides, v There is no substitute for Fownes Gloves, any more than there is a substitute for good manners or good taste, yw Never sold under any other name than Fownes, Special Glove Sale TO-NIGHT $1.25 Gloves for 69c. St -- Don't wear old shabby Gloves on Easter Sun- day when we are offering you such a bargain. 125 Pairs Ladies' Fine 4 6 "IE Kid Gloves . Three shades of Tan, all sizes, neatly stitched and finished, perfect fitting, two-dome fasten- ers, regular price $1.25. To-nightt only"?69c. a pair, ; All'sales for cish. Sald at 7.30 p.m. CRUMLEY BROS. VEL RY The 20th Century Policy issued by the Canada Life Assurance Company fits into any cage wequiring life insurance. 'Before placing your insurance correspond with, or eall into the office, where full information how a policy on this up-to-date plan will shape for you. AGENTS WANTED-----Apply--Office, 18 Market 8t. J.0, HUTTON, Manager, Kingston, Ont. / 'Mr. Swell Dressers. na;fine trip." ¥ Have you decided to go on atrip for the Easter i If so you'll need somé new Clothes and n 28. ; + iy You'll need them whether yo way or whether you ride in a car on pay you to be well dressed. . | We can clothe you in quality ¢ price. We cannot sell you poor og we don't keep poor stuff in our ster 'wool price for a part cotton sait or varCoat, a in and see what sort of a Suit or Overcoat { stopping the wedding 7" COMMITTED FOR TRIAL GEORGE HEPBURN ARREST. ED ON BIGAMY CHARGE. Evidence Taken 'in the Police Court on Saturday Morming-- Three Witnesses Were Called. George Hepburn, the marine fire man arrested a week ago, on a charge of bigamy, was, on Saturday morn- ing; committed for trial, by Magis trate Farrell. The police court room was crowded to the doors, for the hearing of the - evidence: J. Meh Mowat appeared on bebalf of the ae cused, and Orown Attorney Whiting conducted the prosecution, burn, No. 2, was sot present in eourt. Edward Smith, her father, who laid the complaint, was present, also a younger daughter, Miss Ada Smiths both of whom gave evidence, snd a neighbor of Smith's, James Cranston, was also called. Counsel for the ae- cused entered a plea of 'not guilty." James Cranston, ton township, was the first witness called. To Mr. Whiting, he said that he knew the accused, George Hepburn. Hepburn, he said, bad worked for him two vears ago this winter, "Did he tell you he was married 7" "Yes, he did." Witness farther stated that Hepburn talked about renting his farm, and bringing his wife there. Hephpirn did not rent the place, however, Mr. Whiting submitted a copy of the registration of Hepburn's first marriage, which showed that the first marriage took place at Manvers, Ont, m . Ada Smith, sister of wife No. 2, said that she was present at the marriage of her sister, to Hepburn, in January last. The terbmony was performed by Rev, My, Roadhouse, Methodist minis- ter, ut the latter's home, in Inverary. Miss Roadhouse was also a witness at the ceremony Exbward Smith, father of wife No. 2 said that he' had known Hepburg albnt a year. 'Hepburn had told han that he was married - but that he was trying to get a divorce. This con versation took place last summer. "iid he say anything about marry ing your daughter 7' asked Mr. Whit ing. . 5 . "Yes, he asked me, and I said 'no, that 1 was not willing." To Mz. Mowat witness said that he had told his daughter not to marry Hepburn. About a week before the marriage took place, Hepburn spoke again of marriage, but he (the wit ness) did not know for sure whether the ceremony weuld take place. Hep- burn, he said, came to his place and took away his dwo daughters. He said that Eva was wanted by a wo- man at Inverdry. Witness was of the opinion that 'they wént away to get married. His house was about six miles from Inverary. "And what did you do towards asked My Mowat. * "I.did not do anything." "And yet you believed him to be a married man all the time." "Yes, sir." Witness sald that his married danghter was eighteen years of age. "And yet, knowing that he was a married man, you allowed your eigh- teen-vegr-old davghter to marry him." "Well, he sail he was getting a diverte."" Witness further stated that alter the marriage, Hepbwii and bis daughter lived at his house. Hepbwen stayed about a week, and then went to work in Inverary. "And what made vou take proceedings !"' asked My. Mpwat. "Because I did not think it right to stand for it." Mp. Mowat remarked that witness had waited three months before mak- ing any complaint, "Did you have a quarrel with Hep- bum ?"' he then asked. "No: Lhad no quarrel' with him." "Then, what started you in this line ¥' "1 did not think that it was right for him to do this." Witness afterwards admitted that he had had some trouble with Hep burn, over the pavment of taxes of the withess. He had given Hepburn 85 to pay the taxes and afterwards he had found that he had not paid the taxes, and he had to pay the ampunt over again. When witness asked him for the veceipt, he said that he had left it in another coat, at Inverary. The taxes amounted to 36.44; He cave Hepburn $5, and Hepburn said: that he would pay the other 81.44. Witness afterwards gave Hepburn the 81.44. Hepburn asked witness how he was TRY AGAIN FOR-HEALTH. these was The Dangerous Weaknéss That Follows Should Be Cured now. One. of the oldest physicians, after it seems to seek out the Same victims year after year, and if the disorder is once contracted, ome is very prone to contract it again. The Symptoms are common--Ho ape petite--turn against your food--ache in back and linibs--nervous and often metancholy--dyspeptio and id. "1 had all the symptoms, writes Mrs. Eva E. Clarkson, well known in Chester. I was discouraged, blue, felt too ly to bother with medicine. But I tried again for health, 1 used Pr. Hamilton's Pills. The very sight of food used to turn me sick, now 1 in flesh. My face cheeks, © bright glear that d the awful, tired, Way, W fits that came on and always with spRtting hedaches, too. I hope my letter will induce oth- ers to use Dr. Hamilton's Yills,--such good; honest bracing. tonic should be n 3 home, both for children and: use. Yoy Nave a woman's work to do in life,--vou have only a woman's deli- cate am to do it ith Youll he feeling of. buoyaney and good spir- - deo El Mrs. Hep-! farmer, Storring- | closely studying spring tiredness, says] ° | Hmusements, | ! | | © TO-NIGHT, } Pathe Freres Superb Production. THE PASSION PLAY A Magnificently Colored Moving Picture o |THE LIFE OF CHRIST i Oberammergau, 89 |B -39, accompanied by ap- { DC and Instrumental Music | Hear t Sing "The Holy i City," kiyn and Mr. Hiatt i Duo, "Adests Fideles." { Prices, 10c., 15¢c. and 20 cents. Seats now on sale. % Special Easter Monday Matines, at 2.80 The English Dramatic Suceess, S. MILLER KENT As the Amateur Cracksman, in "RAFFLES" A Company of Notable -Plivers Matinee, 25¢., 85¢c., dc. ; Children, 25¢ to any seat. Evening, 28e., 35¢,, 80c., T5e¢.. $1, Seats now on sale f TUESDAY, APRIL 21st, MESSRS MARTIN & EMERY'S Colossal Production of Richard Wagner's Mystic Festival Drama Parsifal (TN ENGLISH) Adopted by Wm. Lyneh Roberts and presented on a scale of grandeur never before atfempted. Fvening Periormance st Carriages at 11.15 Prices, $1, $1.50. WONDERLAND THE PIONEER HOUSE, Programme "A Wedding in Brittany" "A Hunchback Brings Luck" All Pathe. 7.45, "WAIT FOR THE RAINBOW DEARIE," sung by Mr. Smith, of this eity, J. THEO. EK, Mgr. Estella Carey, Soprano. Bertha Carey, Contraito. Vernon Carey, Tenor. Della Flatt, Eicoutionist. Ada Twohey, Organist. All of Hamilton. . . SYDENHAM ST. CHURCH Monday Evening, April 20th Silver Collection. EMERGENT MEETING. MEMBERS OF A. 0.1. ARE RF quested to attend an PFmergent Meeting mm their Hall, Brock Si. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at 8 pm to mid Ke arrangetients to attend the funeral of their late Bro, Thos. Kelliher Jo J. CLEARY, EMERGENT MEETING. OF BRICKLAYERS', MASONS" AND ¥ ors" Union, on MONDAY MORN- April 20th, at 8 o'clodk, al their to attend the funeral of heir late Brother, Thomas Kellitwr, By Order, THOS, HARRISON, President. Reve fixed for money, but did not ask for a loan A This concluded thé -evidence, and | Mr. Whiting asked that the accused tbe committed for trial. Mucistrate Farrell then committéd Hepburn to stand trial before a judge and jury, ICE HOUSE ON FIRE. { Blaze at the Outer Station, on Friday. The ice house at the citer depot, owned by the Grand Trunk railway, caught five on Friday afternoon, about two o'clock; and an alarm was sent in to the firemen, who made a very quick response. One side %of the build ing received quite a scorchiner but the damage will not be very heavy. The ice stored in the building is used at the company's restaurant, at the onter depot. It is believed that othe fire wae caused from sparks flying from a bonfire, near at hah Mullin's Weeltly BA fails. tins corn, peas, or opi iif, Me Ibs. pure cornstarch, 25 2 Ibs. pure lady' 25¢. a Ibs. shived #all bacon, 250, 10c. paeka, assorted jelly pow. dor; Boe DEES ammgrat T 1 Ib. finest. coboanut, 20c. 1 1b. 40. Japan or Ilstk tea, 25c. 1 1b. pure Fdava fife, 250, * At Mullin's grocery, teeters ~---- Wedding' fu Britta ny. This pictubpsgim velebrittion will "he presented at Wonderland theateg this evening: It shows the prettily cos tumed Britons, whee theis sturdy wives leaving the church, whore the cat and digest like a growing ohild.J | coremony was performed. The feast is used to feel bloodless and starved-- | next in order. on a W sow 1 am well nourished and gaining | was haggard, dull | eyes, dark circles--now I am animat- | 'Jed, have pink f eyés. A hard cough that used to rack my chest is gone. But best of all is the feast is over, the poor of the vicinity are served. The merriment over, the gliests disperhbe Whout the lawn, where, to the tuné of .the hag + who plays from g waroon, they picturesqaelw "Hawehlack Brings Luck' is a raty scone, Lumbet Jackd In City, The lmmbermen from Garden Telasd wore out on a oelebration' oh Friday. tawni When to Ryan, 3 her solicgor on or olatms CONDENSED ADVERTISING First tosertion lc. a word. Each cone secutive insertion thereafier hall ceml a word, Mimimum charge for one in- sertion, 25e. WANTED----MALE. TALL, NEATEBOY WANTED AT THE Bijou Ti ¥. Call aller 9 o'clock on Monday™ morning. SALESMEN, FOR "AUTO-SPRAY." Best bend Sprayer made, compressed air, sutomatic. Liberal terms Cavers Bros., Galt, Ont. DETECTIVES ; SHREWD, RELIABLE nan for profitable secret ssryice, Ww act under orders no experience necesss Write H.C. "Webster Indianapolis, Ind. FOR PRIVATE One experienced in care of good Address, stating Murray 0. Chuls, FARM HAND country elub. truck-gardening and horses and cows, wages and experience, Bartley, Mgr OUpinucon Chafiey's Locks, Ont. WANTED-FEMALE, GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENUES required. Apply to Mrs. Frances Hill 262 King street HOUSEFMAD ny May 1st An ¥ in the evening. to Miss Macdonell, 28 Sydenham St FOR SUMMER COUNTRY CLUB SFEA- son, of 1908. Woman second cook, three general kitchen giris, five waitresses, two chambermaids, also girl to care for two children. Ad dress, giving references Muarray MH, Hartley, Mgr. Opinacon Club, Chafléy's Locks, Ont WANTED----GENERAL, PLAIN SEWING PONE oF kind. Cull or write to Mrs. Cayless, 834 King street, over Armstromg's. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR. ber trade, Gradusles earn twelve to eighleon doll weekly, Help secure positions. Will Sanip shops. Cone stant 'practice. Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course. Cate logue free. Write . Molex Barber College, Toronto AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS. $35 A r 5 | 8 Ohio. fund TO-LET. FURNISHED ROOM IN Apply Box GQ, F., LARGE Qiivats family, Whig office. FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for furniture, ete. McCann, 31 Brock streel. LARCE FRONT BEDROOMS, all modern conveniences, 160 St, near City Park. WITH King A BUTCHER SHOP, ON BROCK ST. near Division, 'also stabling for 5 horses. Enquire at 298 Albert St IE ROS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREET, all modérn improvements. Possession 1st May. Appiy A. B, Cunningban HOUSES, AT $7, $8 and $9, May 1st. Appiyv R. Chas Well, Estate and Insurance Agent, Wellingston St., Kingston FROM Real 1714 A LARGE FRONT ROOM UNFUR nished, with use of kitchen and ceilar suitable for two. Address Mrs M L. H., Whig office BARRIEFIELD SIX tern and garden HOUSE IN roGIng, Immediate possession wonth, Apply w Wi THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All Kinds of work promptly done. F. J. Birch Electrician, 2006 Wellington street. PROPERTY TO SELL. any, give us details. We inte cash 4. R..C, Wellington stréet, SOME MORE If you have will turn fit Dobbs, 171 JCANING ASHE ouT OF cellars, or other 'baggage right. Apply A JOB « yards or carted. Prices Lytle, General DRESSY GENTL their Sprang Suits made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and finish guar antéed to please. 18 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. KINGSTONIANS TO ENOW THAT Newman and Sprigg's Electric Lop are always ready to do repair Work, at moment's notice. Estimates fur nished for wiring. Beautiful import- ed fixtures a specialty. Fresh Dat teries and Sparkers on hand. Tele: phone, 44 9 Princess street. BUSINESS CARDS, ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING, Sewing. and Laying. Feather Beds and Pillows cleaned Ly steam. HH Milne, 272 Bagot street. BOATS CHEAPER TITAN FYER, . Wi are prepared to build 100 boats on the easy payment system expert builders of Cruiser, Launches, Speed Hoats and Racers, Coward & Deane"s Boat Factory, Old Block House, Kingston. | - "- i 4 SITUATION WANTED. | AS ENGINEER OF STATIONARY | engine. Experience of thirty-one | years. Wm. 'B, O'Neil, 289 Earl St Auction Sale of Furniture Mr. J, M, Hughes, 8374 Brock St.. Wednesday, April 22nd, 10Ja:m. Parlor, alse Plush -and Hair Weber Piano, Faney Tabies Axminster and Tapest Carpets, Pictures, Oak Fall Rack, rw} Silk Chenille and' Lace Curtains, } Chairs, Oak Dining Suite, "Oak and other Bedroom Sunes Springs Mattes ete, Toilette Setts, Happy Range, Ideal Range, Oilclot frigerator Platform Wringer Lawn Mower, Hose, Crockery, TMMnaware, Mahogany Cloth Suites Brussels ALLEN. Tha Auctioneer Telephone, 252." 243 Syvdenhan AUCTION SALE FURNITURE 208 Wellington St. Thursday, April 23rd, 10 a.m. Handsome Chickering Upright Couches, Tables, Rockers, Eaglish Brus sells Carpet, Parisian Pictures, Chairs, Stdebourd, Hanging Lamps, Idning Chairs Suites Enamelled Dresser. Loyal adian Square Heater, One Carlind Range Gem Jars, Kitchen Utensils ALLEN, The Auctionser, 248 Sydenham St Auction Household Furniture. The Furnitere in part of Archdeacon Carey, 232 Brock . Sold Walnut : Easy and other Chairs Prawing " te Walnut Book. Denk Tabies i Plate Glass, Mirror, Sols case and Shelves, Roll Top Oak Bronze Vases, ' Centos and other Singer Sewing Megline s@ptension Table, Diwing - Chaxs, Royal and other Chima, Bedroom Hedstedds. Uhild's Fname! Feather Beds, Toilette Electric Lamp, Lawn Mower Tools, Go-Cart, Kitchen [temsjls, ete ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone, 252. 243 Sydesham St. t Suites, From | In the Estate Deceased Claims of March, 1908, are required to sesd in| thelr claims With fell particulars thereof! administratrix, or to] before the First day May mext, after which date 'ministritrix Will distribute the s of said smote, those entitled [therets, hat' rega om ta this of which sho 'them bave notice. { ing your | so much of hell here TARIO offer FRIDAY, April 24th, 10 a.m. [1 inow lying at Dolton Tea Seif | bw Brass Cot, | "hygings Ware, Studeate| Hewister, { Garden {18 alwot 300 1, {fore und afr. ¥ in NOTICE 18 nérEny GIVES pra] obtained suant to B.S. 0. 1897 asd swsending fron THF: UNDERSIGNED on the Pretiises that w storey brick building, the Dated S15 March, 1908, 'x | Hotel, Ontario J. B. wii ROSETTA RYAN.| gris, Ora : | Solicitor, Wolte Island. |," Fron pe 1 eet {al aabe LIT ak For Patrick, BOAT JOUSE r 3 inn water Guir FROM 18ST MAY, 1908, Earl street, at presen ccupied by Jieut.~Col. Hudon, O.M.G:, hot water heatng and modern fproverients Apply to Armstrong MeCormick, 102 Centre street, or Thomas Mills, VY Clarence street. MEER 158 LOST A GOLD BEAD NEC morping. Reward if Gore street SMALL: PURSE sum of money, if returned to this OM KEYS Book, alse recei Finder kindly or the Wh KLACE, THIS re to Lov turned CONTAINING this morning DOOR I'wWo Pocket SMALL: HAND PURSE FHS ing Owner can have sane at office REMOVED. DRESSMAK ER, d fram 280 Sy: Wellington MISS GOUGH Modiste, has n ham St. a West MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. 8, KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, Bothering About Heaven. Don't have no time, if bother about heaven. Y« yon are properly do this life. that any ordinary person. can rightly. You have no right to be sig i fox hereafter for work in One world at a time is ail manage heaven yourself, when there i r olher H you do your part-in abolishing the your fellow 1 time or 1 people BOTTOWS of men vou wil wish 5 of your h nave no over the avenly future et . Help somebody Help | everybody you can, Spend your time mr making the manity world betteriand hu . happier and yourself st ger he future witl surely bring to + that you deserve. 4 Address, Rev, O. W. Beacon street, Boston, literature, Casson, at 25 Mass., for the Public Auction. The vidersigned have pec tions from #5 serim Lig sved nstroc. CLARKSON ir TH} LAKE « ¢ GATION (" » or sale | Public AGeiioh at ot Warerooms Wellington ¥ " Went ely WEDNESDAY, 18h lock pum, , S¢ May 33 Suite, Curtains; Velvet Stair Capi ud wacs| THE PASSENGER STEAMER! "ARGYLE" 3 Kingston, where she son. The Steamer is a paddle we, BW wooden construction ond tras bust in ase A 14 | { whee! | With be In Inland Lloyds long, and. has steel | onisony and sted arch Pinter running | well adapted for: arner Gnd exewrsion business, and hax! { Lin good sondition with Ni * i Cr . {ment complete, including electric night | Seovis Know ito ofice edit j plan Phen. 0 ors. | TERMS OF SALE {to he paid at the of Michael Ryan, | balance in two Late of Wolle Island, Farmer, |!" § per cent satisfac tion license for BOW passengers ix outfit and equip tine of sale, four and six interest srevired to th of the Liguidator - Inspection 'of the Steamer om Be | upon application to FB : Tarkeon & Sods, 88 Seott St. Toron { whom may be also procured con fitions of pile i The Maing will be abd subject to a re | SUCKLING & CO A uct Baneers Valuable Hotel Property. . WILY, SELL #1 kpown four and the | = 1 swerve bid, stroet, more or lems, One reserve bid. Terms and sondd fom] iy to Kirk. H ee # a part 1. attached | SMALL] MOIN- | Whine to rhapsodize | COMPANY, to 1999, Ry 4 25 per cent cank | Catong" The People's Forum. FOR SALE, HOUSES NOS treet. Api solid trick ing. ope Sullivan C SOLID BRICK house and Cataraqu HEMLOCK LUMBER material ¥ Car yard Nu Span Horses ply to Simon al Vide SECOND-HAND pow seated, newiy pai also rua be Waggons and 1 Carriage Make VALUABLE PROPERTY TOR SAL Double house, on Johnson street, "the property of the Josep Jamies son, BOW used as a dwelling and a iumber's shop, APply ta © Messrs, alkem & Walkem. CITY PROPERTY CHEAD Bagot St prove sion ; stone house of sbout Ontario St, 12 provetients, hot Water snap. Geo. Cliff, Real Clarence St Cake TNO sted and MONEY AND BUSINESS, . QUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other company offers Examine thew at Jodwin's Insurance porium, Marks et Square. i teen tae ee LIVERPOOL, ONDON AND ulong Fire Insurane Comp AvViadtald aesets $61 187 whith "tho security the the stockholder perty insured rates. Hafors new business & Strange PERSONAL. PRO} HALSTEAD I Phrenok t { HAIR, MOLES, BIRTIHMARKS, warts, etl ren od petrvanently, without I'wenty ars export ence. Dr. Filmer J. la} Eve, Far | Nose, Throat and Skin Bisnis H Specialist, Hagot street {= na w---- sear ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITIN r, OF. i lice, Cor. Queen and Hagel streets 1 lh ni ah | HENRY Pr, SMITH) ARCHITROT, | ete. Anchor Duilding, Market Square. 'Phone, 845. POWER & BONS, Al chant's Bank Tu and Wellington ste Fatrance "Phone, G08 | | | | { [The Old Stand and the Old Number | 490 OFFICE No. 1. All orders promptly night or day. | "The underss [the alfove phot , d, "wdden Coyle « Banott, Bovd Jarvis, AN IMPORTANT BOOK "THE CAMDEN COLONY" Just fasned hy Fev, Ww. Tucker, M.A, Pin Price, Cloth Bound, $2.50. hy Rev. . WM. M.A Bow; Tayi BIEROY 0 lighted WRK your s Ei the Book through 'houg months. f to go to bed and | Rev. Ir. Shaw, Montreal, writes terme integsst relatin i nolidegt band tory, our 1 { mirabilis Bistorie their Seruisin. IW & wide circulation For oopies address thes an John's, Que The Old Cab Stand With a New Number PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- iculary, "ERK, Avcinsecs, - © to, day or night. Siig rata

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