Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1908, p. 4

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WiLLiams 'STOVE PIPE » ENANEL 'gives a high gloss " ~40 stove pipes. » It works easily tinder 'the brush" and if properly applied doesn't smoke or blister. It stands a high - Corbett's HARDWARE ABSOLUTE 'SECURITY. ~~ Genuine : _ Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of EEE 5 ARR. XS ~ Daily big. RUSHED HIS POLICY. In the legislature last session, M. B. Morrison, M.P.P., of West Hastings, proclaimed in his one short epeech that there was no virtue in fighting elections if the party didn't get the offices ! His policy is a sacesss. Tle has been appointed sheriff of the county. ------------ A REASON FOR RUSH. There may be some reason for a de- sire to get the local election over as soon as . possible, It is feared that scandals are brewing, and that soon er or later there will be an" explosion and the good name and record in which some men 'have been trading will be gone forever. There is as suredly something - under cover in connection with the Cobalt business. The provincial treasuger and kis allies refused to Jet the probe go op in the Public Accounts committee, on the ground that actions were in court and that the parti of them could not be discussed. t the lid cannot be kept on murh longer. The Guelph Mercury has heen looking into one case, and finds it by no means credit- able to the Whitney government. There was a dispute between two com- panies over the title 'to a certain mining property. The government elected to give the title to one of the disputants on condition that a royalty of twentydive per cent. should be given to the provincial treasury. The other party had to he pacified in some way, and at the very ciuse of the session a grant ofl about $30,000 was made to jt, the $30,000 for ex- penses, and the $100,000 in payment for information furnished. to the gov- ernment, which made the twenty-five per cent, royalty possible. It hap- pens that one member of the syndi- cate which gets this large sum js «a brother-in-law of. the . minister ; of lands and mines. Tt will be bard to get the public to believe . that nepo- tism had not as much to do with the grant as the value of the information had. CANADA'S CHECK REIN. It will be remembered "that when Mr. resigned the .auditor- Iship of Canada: the impress: Member Consolidated Sto Exchange of New York, ' | STOCKS, BONDS and BRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash or pS Margin, k DIRECT PRIVATEWIRETON.Y W. HECTOR I. RUME, mon. | Provailbd that he was in some man- ner restricted in the performance of his duty. He had collided with the treasury board and took the position that he should be more powerful, that the audit act should, be amended to the end that some of the transactions to which. he objected should. not y through. . Now 'the object of an audit is not that the man who makes it shall be- come g dictator; one who has to do with the accounts of an individual, a company or a nation, fulfils his obli- gation when he-lays bare all the facts, If a wrong has Eeen committed his i ing An Effective Cure. sens I you ste a woman or a man with luxirignt glossy hair, you may be sure to In nearly every case where ve thin brittle hair 'Plbre are + hundreds of preparatidng that "elaim" bit not one «but Newbro's Herpicide tells you that dan- _yetrall is the desult of a germ burrowing neither has dandruff to amount anything. women and men hy : "hey owe it to dandruff. to eure dandruff, the seplp, and that permanen = anto a of wore falli " by killing the germ; and there is other } 70 KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM "Is the Only Possible Way of Hav: dandrufi and its consequent and baldness, can only be had no that will destroy Newbro's Heepicide. the cause and you remove py -» : duty begins and ends with its expo- sure. Publicity is his great weapon, and when he uses it discreetly. he can accomplish all that he desires. Now the idea that Mr. McDougall was hampered in the discharge of his duty has been disposed of in. a some- what unexpected way. The civil ger vice commission incidentally. put the present auditor-general on the rack, and Mr. Fysch called up the McDougall difficulty. He elicited the fact that the auditor-general fond the government A curred. As for the present auditor-general, who has shown himself to be compet- ent, vigorous, faithiol and indepen- act requires smendment. It covers his work completely. It gives him all the freedom he wants. Ha has 'access to the public records, he has every op- and in the publicity of the blue took he has ample for ervors, indis- sh sete | another to secure the end which points Bf differences between the former were threshed out at the time they ac: dent, he does' not see that the audit | portunity to make his position known me the new north will have pretty. sharp things to say to the Whitney party. There will be a dull thod as some* 'thing drops on election night. There may, likewise, be some sur Prise in the gerrympmdered constituen- cies, too. It is one thing to alter electoral boundaries, and by the changes indicate how the government want the people to vote, and it is 18 aimed at. In the days when g con- servative government réigned at Ot- tawa, and an attempt was made to manipulate the electors by an iniqui- tous bill, there was an experience which may be repeated. The designs of the government were frustrated, and in & way which has not been for- Eotten, ---------- POINTER TO YOUNG MEN. The man who knows is the man who is in demand nowadays. He is peculiarly constituted. He is not sa- tisfied with any employment which he does not understand. Mr. Sliter, of the Collegiate Institute, illustrated this idea beautifully in his Sunday al- ternoon address before the Young Men's Club of the Queen street Metho- dist church, The talk was on the ancient Greeks, who flourished three and four hundred years before Christ. Mr. Sliter was describing their characteristics, and he remarked that if one of these Greeks were acting as a motorman he would not be satisfied with knowing how to turn the lever and so direct the power that took the car around its circuit, He would want to know all about electricity, and in becoming master of the situation would quickly qualify himself for advanced service. Or if an early Greek were employed in a grocery store where prunes were for sale he would not be satisfied with identifying the article and knowing' its value, He would-know where prunes came from, what fruit they represent- ed, how they were grown and how they were cured. Incidentally Mr, Sliter pointed how this large and qualifying informa- tion was to be acquired. By the study, the exercise of the spirit of research, the investigation which meant great activity of mind and body. This made for health and usefulness, Yes, it is the man who knows who is going ahead and the commercial and financial papers, Success, System and other 'magazines, tell how young men of studious manner are climbing the ladder of fame and fortune. If there are failures in life they can he largely accounted for. Idleness is not com- patible with success, with progress, or with rewards. out EDITORIAL NOTES, / The "cat" is' prescribed by some of the judges in England in correction of serious offences onthe streets. It is a common sentence for the foot- pads. -- The educational system of Ontario is lauded hy some prints. But the farm- ers. will not forget the attempt to force class legislation upon them, to make them amenable to features of the law not enforced in the cities. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has gone to England to convince the imperial government that the C.P.R. is now the "all red line" Perhaps Sir Thomas may try his hand in the conversion of Lord Stratheona at the same time. -- The Globe reported an agreement between the government and the Elec tric Development: company en the power question. The World pro- nounces this a fabrication. The World is out for war. What is the matter with Mr. Maclean anyway ? -- The conservative machine has begun operations in Toronto. All the inde- pendent candidates are to be retired. Of course, they will show their inde- pendence, their disregard of the ma- chine, by doing just' what they are told ! A board of experts (of which Col. Sam. Hughes is chairman) is report. ing upon the Ross rifle factory and the model 'arm it has been erected to make. Now we may expect to hear something. The government is not looking for any whitewashes when it appoints a special commission with a consarvative at its head. ' Pretty Hard Lines. Belleville Ontario. The k are not wanted any. where in Cansda ¥ have even been refused admission 10 the Central prison. Well Put. Toronto Star, » W. Fowler has issued a writ for $250,000 against 8 number of peo- ple. Naturally, it is their opinion that a Fowler deed was never done. One Kind Of Notoriety. Toronto Globe. Just as a vile play or a hook of q i morals 'gains currency through Being abused, so Mr. Bennett gets noticed for his exttavagant, not to say. h con- ducting himself in parliament. undoubtedly true, but calling atten- tion to the mattér ix one way at least of abating a nuisance, Mark The Result. 8 pl Canadian Northern bonds was authorized by the legisla- tive assembly during the last hours of the session. The amount ig large, and - the = assistance is & great boon to Mackenzie "and Mann. It will be interesting to note the considera- tion as it" apparent. The usu- al quid pro is m to spent in Sin oie eh Sine who campaign funds against them, will do wy keep a sharp look-out for facts that will aid in de- tecting the source of the corruption fund. ' A Great Delusion. Hamilton Times. i i The Toronto News, which is uhder- taking 10 gild a halo for Hon. Mr. Pyne, tells its readers that "when the boys (of the public and high schools) took positions as junior clerks they could neither spell nor write." But that, of course, was ! magic touch was felt. According the News, immediately on Dr. Pyne casting his eagle eye over Young Can- ada at the desks, every pupil develop- ed a hand like copperplate and could spell words of sixteen letters in Rus. sian and Choctaw with kis ees shut. From His Own Friends. Toronto Telegram. Ontario i$ not an entire stranger to the | belief that' Hon. J. P. Whitney has cold-shouldered the power policy which was his greatest glory. Public rights is a cause that has enemies in- side the Whitney government, Hon. A. J. Matheson i$ an anti-progressive ex- tremist of the Monwreal Gazette type. Hon. Frank Cochrane is a wily reactionary, Hon. W. J. Hanna is misreprestmted by his own silences and his own actions if he can be recogniz- ed as other 'thdn an open fighter or secret plotter against the whole cheap power movement, If Hon. J. P. Whit ney had 'more friends and fewer fiat- terers inside © the cabinet he would have "been saved from the weakness that made 'a show of his' government in the closing 'days of the session, PITH OF THE WEWS. t -- The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. North Wentworth liberals nominated . A. Thompson for the legislature. Italy has despatched a squadron of eleven battleships to make a denfn- stration in Turkish waters. James Millar, formerly mathematical master at 'Parkdale Collegiate Insti- tute, is dead at Beamsville. It is ried that Joseph Cham- berlain will shortly resign his seat in the British House of Commons. Mayor Oliver, Toronto, states that the question of civic salary increases dapands entirely on the estimates. iss Ruth Rumpth fell from a belt line car, Toronto, and was uncon- scious at an early hour, this mornin, G. H. Watson, K.C., and J. L. Ver- ron, K.C., have been appointed coun- sel in the marine department inguiry. A charter has been granted by the Ontario government to Charles Ogil vy, limited, Ottawa, with $15,000 ca- pital. That the provincial elections will be held on June 3rd is the "tip"'that is said to have come [from a reliable source, ! Thomas Baker, Salina, was ehgsén by the liberals of West Durham to con- test the riding in their interests in the legislative assembly. The bridge across the Waterberg, on the T. & N.O. RR., has been com- pleted and laying steel negthward will be taken up thie week. The Standard Fuel company, will supply the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario railway commission with 50, 000 tons of bituminous by Edward Nolan, Chatham, Ont., aged knine, colored, fell off the C.P.R.} idge over iregor's Creek, and was drown: ed before assistance reached him." EE It is understood that the Dominion Coal any has as yet made he offer to Dominion Tron and Steel Company, and the negotiations are still "in ' : s Hon. Richard Harcourt, for thirty for That is | bags | taxes.--J. C. SWAIN before Whitney's Q to}; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1008 - SPIRIT OF - THE PRESS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: -- Another Comment on th: Low Price of Lots. Glenvale, April 18.--(To the Editor) You headed my letter, "A Reference to the Cheap Price of Outer Lots." I meant lots all over the city. In one instance 1 sold a lot on York street I a residential part twelve years ago for three _ hundred and fifty dol- lars to the late Mrs. Veale. I was of- fered it a year ago for one hundred and twenty-five dollars. Mr. Chadwick offe *d me a price that I would not consider at all. 1 will sell it to him at two-thirds the ofier he made me twelve years ago. "Flail Thrasher," property worth from two to three hundred dollars per {foot frontage. Now if that same property pays half that value in taxes, I will give ton Pags of potatoes to the charitab}: institutions of the city. I think 1 have proven that the rich. folks are not taxed like the working man, but if your assessor would tax those pala- tial houses to the limit, the same as the poor mén's home js taxed, thers would" be enough revenue to build roads, sewers, sidewalks and lower thd spoke of some ------ At Hoards, Ont. The home of Mr. and Nrs. Frank Williams, Hoards, Ont., was the scene of a very happy event on 'Thursday, the 16th inst. when their coldest eldest daughter, Alphedo Madge, was United in marriage to Charles Herbert David, son of Ira David, Northport, The ceremony was periormed by Rev. Herbert Clark, of Stirling, in the pre- sence of about sixty-five Promptly at twelve o'clock the bride, of her father, en- d drawing-room to the sweet strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, played by Miss Carrie Doxsee, Has- tings. The bride was beautifully gown- ed 1n white silk eolienne, with veil surmounted by whiter he and carried 5 bouquet of bride's roses She was attended by her cousin, who looked charming in point d'esprit, and holding in her hand a posy of pink roses, while the bride's sister, littl Miss Nora, acted as flower girl and wore a dress of the same material. The groom was assisted by Charles Peck, of Big Island. At the copcha- sion of the ceremony all repaired' tq the dining-room where a sumptuous re. past was gerved. The presents were A Wedding In Tharsday's issue in a letter from | guests, | numerous and costly, the groom's gift to the bride being a gold watch and fob, ta the bridesmaid, a gold ring set with rubies, and to the flower girl a dainty gold bracelet. The hap-| py couple left amid hearty congratula- tions and good wishes on the after- noon train jor a short trip to Toron- to, Guelph and other Western Ontario points. The bride's going-away attire consisted of a gray suit, with blouse of embroidered net, and hat of Copen- hagen blue. On their return Mr. and Mrs. David will take up their resi- dence at Northport. Mrs. David will be greatly missed in her home com- munity, as she was a general favorite among ner large circle of friends, A Last Tribute. On Sunday, April - 5th, Wes, Mary Judge closed a long and well-spent life at her home in Beaverton, Bastard township. She was the daughter of Patrick McCann, of Kitley, where she was born over seventy-five years ago, within a few miles of the home of her married life. She was with her hushand one, of the pioneers of Bastard, also a faithful member of Philip Neri's church at Belling"s Mills, where her remains are interred. 'The new church is Toledo loses one of its ardent workers and 'devoted adherents, The many friends, who received a cheery welcome in her bright home, will miss: her sadly. Her aged husband survives. Of her children Patrick and Miss Ella are at home; Mrs. Hagerty, at Beaver- ton; Mrs. M. Freeman, at Elgin: Mrs. McDonald, at Saginaw, Michigan: Mra, O'Connor, in Michigan; Mrs. P. J. Me Namee at Beaverton. ci ---------- ~ Your Stomach Is All Right. Few cases of dyspepsia or indiges- tion are due to: any natural disease of the stomach, but to lack of tone and to imperfect secretion of digestive fluids. "Day's Dyspepsia Cure restores toria and an increased flow of gastrie fluids. This preparation has digestive, ton- ic and laxative properties. Each bot- tle contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store. -------------------- The Russians have bombarded, seve- ral Kurdish villages in Persia. Twe- stores were robbed at Wheatley by a couple of daring burglars. AN AGED PHYSICIAN. After Y of Experience Gives the Following Advice. "HM, you have anything to do with medicines at all be pretty sure you know what you are taking. i Our local druggist, George W. Ma- hood, says this is a strong point in favor of the valuable cod liver pre- paration, Viol. Everything it econ tains is plainly printed on the label, therefore it is not a Vinol contains i | The Best $2 Hats The Best $1 Shirts The Best $1 Gloves The Best $12 Top Coats The Best $15 Suits The Best $5 Boys' Suits IN CANADA. THE 1. D. BIBBY CO. 000000000 DATO 0N00000OTOOVVOON SELLER 0 400 EEE F RAPP SEP 4 EAE 44 4 You Want a New Pair of iShoes for Easter Our new styles are here. They are very swell. 'Our selections are from Utz & Dunn, J. & T. Bell, Geo, A. Blater's Invic- tus, Miss Canada & Victoria. In Gun Metal, Vici Kid, Patent Colt and Chocolate, * FLEET ---- i THE SAWYER SHOE STORE PEEELPFPPHPP EE FPP EER FELIPE FOE 4 ES : i i * Absolute purity and cleanliness in the manufacture COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA (Maple Leaf Label) Healthful and nutritious. THE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO HRA OR HORROR ROS ORR Easter Novelties! Chocolate Eggs at 1c., 2¢, 4c, 7c, 10¢, 20c and 35¢ each. Cream Eggs, Decorated Eggs, Eggs in Fancy Baskets, Boats, &c. = Ohicks, Roosters, Rabbits, &c. St Bread of Quality * That's Toye's Bread. No one ever doubts its unexcelled quality, It's not good to-day and bad to-morrow, but ALWAYS GOOD. If your baker doesn't supply this kind, 'phone i»

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