EE oe. 9 Paver § ox : - 2 wu WE GER Nay WiLLiaws STovE PIPE ENANEL "gives a high gloss 10 stoye pipes. It works easily under ithe brush and if properly : applied 'doesn't smoke or blister, It stands a high { laiy "Corbett's HARDWARE MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT, MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIONT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LionT, MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIGHT. Order from wffur Grocer. + JEW. GILLETT goara TORONTO.ONT. FIREWOOD ! | Good Sound Hard Wood, § Bach and Maple. 4. Herdwood Slabs, sawing, real good value. 4. Kindling, dy Bi aud Fuctory Cuttings, cover, re or Split, in Neagths to our own § ne Slabe, kept under it any stove. Prompt delivery, Higing teamsters. Write, phone, call or give order to soy of our carters, and it will revive careful attention, ; - | 3. ANGLIN & GO. Foot of Wellington St. Will not be complete without looking over your Mattresses. The best place to get new, fresh, sani- tary mattressés or have old -oties 'renovated like new, is at 110 Clergy street. Prices right. Kingston Mattress Co. New Granite Works "Largest Selection Latest Designs Well Selected Stock to .. choose from. _ A call of inspection invited. ~ F. A. Kilpatrick, 149 Sydenham St. Near Princess. "J at once. The 1 IE + Daily Whig. THE POLITICIANS AT WAR. The open quarrel in the demoeratic convention, following a flagrant ma- nipulation of voting power in select. ing New York state representatives, bids fair to bring about a politica) reformation. Therg never was amore isorderly gathering. 'Men = became noisy and demonstrative as they real ized how designing men were directing the business in their personal inter- ests. There was a free fight, with po- licemien in the midst of it, when cer. tain men realized that they were he- ing robbed of their standing in the party, : One mon must have smiled as he read the proceedings, namely, the governor of the state. He suffered some humiliation by the conspiracy of democrats and republicans against him when he projected his reform in the insurance department, and when he sought to put an end to gambling op the race track, Some of the men who lost their standing in the demo- cratic conyention, who were practical iy unseated and expelled as delegates, were the keeneSt operators in the state senate against Mr. Hughes, The governor may not be influenced I by cross breezes in political life, but he is human and he must find some satisfaction in the dispensations or degrees that bring his enemies to the dust, and as a result of a quarrel among themselves, CENSURED 'BY. FRIENDS. The Toronto World does not sce the necessity for the gerrymander to which the Whitney government has re- ported. In two years there will have to be a general readjustment of the electorate in accordance with the new census and the only object fo the muti- lationsof electoral boundaries now is for political purposes. Our contempcr- ary, which is certainly. very frank and outspoken, has this 'to say, aller 're ferring to one of the changes : "It is things like these that give a government a bad reputation, and persisted in, eventually wreck it. Had there been. any necessity for it, and it is not a solitary iustance in the re- distribution measure by any, means, ong could pardon the yielding to eir- 'cumstances. With g majority of forty three, had Premier. Whitney any fears of an adverse verdict with the people? Witld the hitherto excellent vecord of the party did be fear * the defeat of his admirable and highly respectable whip ¢ Should that contingengy have oceurred, "the rules of the game are to prodide the defeated but important and necessary official (the whip of the 4 party), with a safe seat elsewhere. "No one can suppose fora moment that such a thing as this ean-really belp the party. If Premier Whitney had done nothing else, this is ¢nough to convince a wavering grit that after all Whitney is no better than. his pre decessors, And if Mr. Whitney at- tempts to justify the action, he can only have the sad reflection that his effort must tend to demoralize his party by lowering their ideals and their sense of righteousness." . Mr. Whitney has advertised 'himsell as a man who is bold enough to be honest, and honest enough to Bbold, but the motto does not fit him, iw view of the bad, the wretched, the evil record of his last week in the legislature. He may have meant well, but he was made to capitulate to the clamoirs of the pafty or the wicked partners in his government, and he must share the ignominy 'of 'their work, DOES INDEPENDENCE PAY? "The Canadian Courier is authority for the statement that thére will be another remarkable "change in the newspaper press of Toronto. The Mail was launched many years ago when the older Leader was Supposed to have J 1dst its power. Tt was Rere# 'enoigh to suit any one for a while. Then came a change under the gifted Far- Jrer. There was a' strain of indepen dence in ils tone, and jt : i # is H : BE ii. I § £ ; i Ti £1 sf i 2 i E #4 Ty to wake it- what they please. The pro- perty of a pronounced 'conservative could hardly be used very much for the promotion of liberal™Success, but the News has to show what a modern paper ought to be in the vigour and cleanness aml absolute independénce of its' editorial work, It is confessed at times, with some degree of sincerity, that no political party has a mono- poly of the virtues, aad that the modern journal should commend what is good wherever it may be found. The News had an occasional word of commendation for liberal principles and liberal plans, but latterly it has seen nothing it could approve outside of the conservative party. Indeed its fitnebs for the special distinction that is now likely to come fo it, of being called the official organ of the comser- vative party in this province is seen in its sanction of the sins of the Whitney government which the alleged "hall-raters," the Telegram and the World, have unreservedly condemned. The confirmatiog of current rumours will not surprise any one, It. may cause comment as showing the versa- tility of the genius that can undergo Conversion as often as there is a seeming need, and it will certainly give prominence to the fact that the conservative party, or the conserva- tive leaders, despite their professions to the cdntrary, have no use or no love for the independent papers, EDITORIAL" NOTES. As one reads the Toronto News he concludes that the record of the Whit- ney government is: simply spotless. Some person is colour blind. The annual expenditure in liquor in England is $530,000,000. The trade could stand a little curtailment with- out any damage to the nation. The trouble in the Gould family is laid to the fact that they have far too much money, Why suffer when it' is 80 easy to give some of it away. O---- Metaphorically, Mr. Roosevelt has been authorized by the U. 8. senate to take the cat to Mr. Castro. The president of the smaller republi®, who has been a very naughty' hoy, is com- ing to his own. ------ In 1903 the expenditure of Ontario was $5,000,000, The estimates for the current year call for an outlay of $8,000,000. An increase of sixty per cent. in three years ought to satisfy the average spendthrift. Justin MeCarthy has an idea that there are breakers ahead for the As- quith government. Douptless: But there are the same breakers ahead fon any government that attempts the re- forms it is up against. The salaries of 'the 'Ontario minis ters--$9,000 to the premier, and $6, 000 to each of his colleagues--to not appear in the estimates. Why ? If they are all right why should they be buried in hooks the people do not see ! "There never was a gerrymander," said 'Mr. McKay in a late spepeh, "which gives 'such an absolute lie to every statement made in its favour, You cannot find any principle laid down by Mr. Whitney that he has not deliberately violated." ---- How some people did howl because the Whitney government would not for a while surrender to the spoilsmen. The acceptance of office by the member for East Hastings, is the evidence of a complete surrender on the part of the government. -------- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W. F. Kelly, Picton; James Thomp- son, South Lake; G. A. Whitmer, i. Woodhouse, London; Dr. Black and wile, Gananoque; C. E. Hubbs, Al gonquin Park; J. F. Drescher, Hamil ton; E. C. Brown, Brighton R. Chas. Billingsley, Sydenham; George H. Rogers, Hudson, N.Y.; T, J. Nagle, Erie, Pa.. Joha Osborne, Rome, N. B.; F. Whitehead, P. Quigley, Hamil- tow; M, MacDonald and wife, Glen: garry; 8. Simpson, Prescott: Gi. Ross, Brantford; J., M. Peterson, Windsor: R. G. Waight, J, IL. Costallo, Addi son A, Pegg, J, D, Webb, W, B. Cookiton, A. W. Parsons, N. Barker, George W. Laird, J. B, StevenSon, G. Whitney, T. C. Elise, N. Bannerman, Toronto; H. C..Douglas, H. E. Blateh C. Carter, W. J. Joyce, A. B, Bailey, Montreal. \ "The Pain Mast Go. \ The worst aches and pains quickly disappear after Smith's White Lini- ment has been ied. i penetrates, sooths inflamed parts, draws away the soredess, and gives re- tiel as if by magic. Get it \ have it handy, costs bu 3 Wade's Drug Store. : WHIG, TUESDAY, {APRIL 21, 1908. ---- A Resident of West Africa Scores An Faglishenan Who Grumbled About Canada--Let Him Go Back 'Ome. Toronto, ril 15~4To the Edit or): aria of a resolution passed at the dominion convention of 'The Woman's Christian Temperance Union at Winnipeg, last September, and i view of the appalling increase of the cigatélte habit among the boys and -- sad to say--the girls of our fair Uan- ad, a bill is being jroduten into the spunte Hon, George W. Ross. It is Ei law, fashioned along the lined of the Scott act, but with the area enlarged from a county toa province, One clause reads: "Every person' who manufactures or imports. or: brings into any province or else: where, or sells or offers for sale, or gives, exc , trad®s or barters any cigarettes, shall on summary con- viction be liable to a fine and im- prisonment, and all such cigarettes shall 'be forfeited, and may be seized, and "any magistrate may issue a search wafradt to starch for and seize Such' cigarettes." The act shall not 'eomé inte foree in any Province nti & day appointed by act of the logi re of that provine. This pro- vision is eminently satisfactory as it obviates . the: somewhat cumbersome wadirin J of a popular vote. Now is the time for all who have the real interest of our young citi- zens at heart to. act. We request church, . . Christian organizations, Sunday schools, young Jooples socie- ties and missionary auxillaries to im- medidtely pass 'a resolution endorsing the bill, urging upon all a hearty sup- port, a ¢ of "this resolution to he forwarded, to the member of thejr re- spectiVe constituencies to Hon. Mr. Ross and to Mr. Teliord, Ottawa. All readers are uested to' make 'the matter a ibiioc of prayer--earnest, believing, unceasing prayer. Special offerings to atigment the funds of this anti-cigaretle "campaign, where fa- sible, may be taken up. Yours in the war against ovil, and for the best life for voung people ~--(MRS.) BLANCHE JOHNSTON, Dominion Press Supt., W.CT.10, Ems Grumblings About Canada. Fpe, Lagos, West Africa, March 17. --(To the Editor): In the Hritish Whig of Feb. 3rd, which has just ar- rived here, | notice an article headed "Bitternows and falsehood uttered |v an 'Englishman in a home paper" | am not acquainted with the author, "George Hampson, ex-post office sor. vant, Manchester," but along with yourseli feel plsased that he is soon to shake from Bis feet the dust of Canada. As yoff remark, it is the only cheering point in his letter. 1 believe I would be willing * to help George purchase a third-class passage back to the delights of Manchester rain and fog, on the ocendition that he would sit "jn 'his favorite "pub" (likely the Bull and Rush Osford street) and tol] his troubles to « friends of the same ik. NL Every™ week an Hoglish rural paper finds .its way. to this camp, one of those Jourtiale" which encourage every. one, from thewicar down to the champion hep-picker of the country, to air grievenees." here are about four pages of "Letters to the Editor," and it seems as il one page wete reserved for "men like George, with their gram- bling Ietters' about Canada. I must own that the most of them don't toweh on the spirituality of the Ca- nadian 'chifches, but perhaps they haven' had the advantages of George and have not Been pied lo the sub- lime degree of "local preacher." One of the principal eomplaints: seems to be that the price of beer is ten conts in Canada, . instead of two-pence or three-penté, as in ' England, and that in some places you can't even get it for ten cents, or at all. Ht cergaiuly ig irritating to a Cana: dian abroad to continually have grum- bling letters served up at breakiast with his egg and bacon, but it serves as an antidote to peruse a rebuke jike yours of Feb. 3rd. Only this morn- ing I read a letter telling about the hardships of the unemployed in To- ronto, and how séveral of them had walked twenty miles out from the city king for work, and called _ at aboul twenty houses without finding any. Weary and discouraged they once gore turned their faces toward the City. Some were more for- tunéte on the homeward trip and suc. ceeded in earning a few dimes by shov- elling snow. Now if these people were able to walk twenty miles out and twenty miles. back, not to mention the snow-shovelling in the meantime, it cortaindy speaks highly for the To- ronto charity "breakfasts, cand is a credit to the generous-hearted Cana- dians. But to Soul : An English. man _of a gertain class will gromple no matter what you de for . him. It seems to he one of the privileges . of the Magna Uharta, © Yet even grum- bling gets monotonous if persisted in. Notgi ing all this, the English "aver one another to get out of England and go to Canada, so \ bad with the good. TALKS TD THE EDITOR bad | couldn't nthe event of a military parade be ing held on that day, to vite the band of the 94th Infaftry {colored), now statiomed at Madison Barracks, " ez ---- . | Backets Harbor, to take part in the BILL PROHIBITING SALE OF | same. I have heatd them and can as sure you they are a crack musical or anization, numbering about thirty- ve pieces. Should the matter be brought to the notice of the celebra- tion committee and an invitation be extended and accepted, they would furnish quite an novel feature to the parade and the gallant old 14th would = to look well to their laurels. -- am sir, yours respectiulle, A KINGSTONJAN. 3 -------- DEATH OF MISS ROGERS. She Passed Away on Monday, at Lachine, Que. Following close on word that Miss Grace Rogers was on the mend, came the news that shocked and inexpressibly grieved all who knew her, that her illness was a fatal one, and that she could hold out bat a few days. On Monday afternoon the further message came, saying that death had taken her. Her oldest sis ter, Miss Aileen Rogers, has been down, in Lachine, nursing her for sev- eral weeks, and to her and to her sisters and Brother, here, is the most tender sympathy given. It is but a few months ago since the mother, Mrs. Francis Rogers, was taken from her family, afi now the third daughter has joined her father and mother in the place of rest, Miss Grace was a great favorite here, bright and gentle and sweet, and her death, just as she was stepping across the brink from her teens into womanhood, is par- ticularly sad. The burial will take place at Catarnqui cemetery, on Wed nesday afternoon, alter the arrival of the afternoon train from the east. -- a GUARD ROCKEFELLER. As He Walks to Church. New York; April 21.--The Herald says : In place of the one man who did like service on Sunday of last week, six private detectives acted as a hodyguard for John 1. Rockefeller. when he walked with his two grand- children, Fowler and Murial McCor mick, from his home to the Fifth Avenue Baptist church. The guard was maintained on the return home from church, the detec: tives walking a short distance behind Mr. Rockefeller and the children, wha were in the care of a nurse. In view of these extra precautions, the "Black Hand" threats against the children recently received by Mrs Harold McCormick, their mother, to- gether with demands for monev had evidently been renewed, but no infor- mation on that point could be tained. and From ob Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. BSc. ------------ Grand Duke As Hotel Proprietor. Munich, April 20.--The Grand Duke Carl Theodor - of Bavaria has bought the Hotel Guggemos at Tegern she, ~Insteasl of spending thew money ir paying travellers' salaries and ex penses, the Orange Meat people are appealing direct to the consumer. You will notice their advertisement in ow columns to-day. Al! that is required immediately begin collecting their car tous, cutiing out the bottom part ane mdiling them periodically to Orange Meat, Kingston. Begin to-day and ger your friends to help you. It is argued that the compulsory adoption of the incandescent system of electric lighting in mines will great- ly cut down the death roll The appreciation of the Canadiar public for the merchant who always, under all conditions, gives the con- sumer the best, is reflected nowehere as strongly as in the enomious and ever-increasing sales of "Salada' Tea, It -i8- necessary to place some men behind the bars "in order to induce. them to live the simple life, Have You a Sneezing Cold ? Is your head stuffed up ? Are you sniffling--gag in the throat --fullness in the nostrile--eves watery and weak ? You have all the symptoms of spring catarrh, the kind that hangs right on till sultry July unless stamp- ed out now. For quick relief 478 sure cure. inhale the soothing vapor of Catarrhozone As it passes over the raw irritated membranes it leaves its antisoptic, soothing balsams on the spots that need medication. You feel better in an instant-every breath of Catarrh- ozone means cure--in half an hour you're well. Nothing so magical, so sale, 20 pleasant as Catarrhozones It's good for Catarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma--cures them ds thoroughly as it does a simple cold--all dealers sell Catarrhozone. Terrible Breathing Sse. 'i Well Known: La'e Mariner De- scribes Ten Years Suffering. "For ten years," Stator Cant. Moy Dona, of Kingston, hh, ve been a terrible sifferer. from PBron- itis, Asthma, and often it was so that for nights at a time 1 I spent hundreds of doctors and medicines, but "outfit of Catarrhozone cur- "Four months later Capt, Me- n writes : "Lam still perfectly and have no bother from my old reason Catavrhozone is §o sue is because it's lsams the reassuring in order to win their first prize Is t« § EXCELLENCE $1.00 Shirts Look the oe a Dollar Sairts with ours. Perfect Fitting Underwear Yes, Sir, you can find here Underwear that fits perfect. iy. * town all over, we're right sure find no Ome to compare We devote special attention . te pur Underwear Stock and Come see these Shirts. every line is right. We were determined to have the best:One Dollar Shirt that could be madé, and we employed a skillful maker to do the work. Fabrics Better, Styles Newer, Work Better, Fit Better, Merino Shirts and Drawers, 50c., 76¢. a garment. Balbriggan; 50c., 75¢., $1 4 garment. Lisles, Gauze, Silk Net Natural wool, mediwn weights, for between Seasons', 75¢., §1, $1.25 a garment Yes, all these features are better than the best Dollar i Shirt you ever saw." Come in and we'll prove it. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. ary Our Special $1 Suit Balbriggan. per NATURAL FOOD IS.A RELIABLE ARMOUR AGAINST FICKLE SPRING WEATHER BE = WH EAT plies in digestible form the elements necessary Triscuit Toast for Luncheon . 901. to build up the human body and fortify it against disease. Biscuit and Milk for Breakfast. All grocers, 13¢. a carton, 2 for 25e¢. Satataraiagtrtatat OEOHCHORCROEOROHOROND Easter Novelties! Chocolate Eggs at 1c., 2¢, de, 7c, 10¢, 20¢ and 35c each. Cream Eggs, Decorated Eggs, Eggs in Fancy Baskets, Boats, &c. Chicks, Rdosters, Rabbits, &c. | A.J. REES, 166 Princess $ IT'S THE CRIMP --That's the part that counts. $i And the Crimp that makes Washing Easier, and practically Does Away with any Danger to the Fine Linens, is the Crimp that's Right. 1 You'll Always Find thé Right Crimp in 'EDDY'S WASHBOARDS Your Grocer has 'Em---and Eddy's Matches. Bread of Quality That's Toye's Bread. No-one ever doubts its unexcelled quality, It's not good to-day and bad to-morrow, but ALWAYS GOOD. If your baker doesn't supply this kind, 'phone us, and we will, i cdl pps