Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1908, p. 7

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© mpplicant will a ------------------ ~~' Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATION 8, Any even mumbered section of Domine | fon Lands in Manitoba or the North-West Frovivces, eXCepting 8 and 26, not re served, may be homesteaded by any per- son tie sole heud of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of suclion, of 160 acres, more or pe PPlication for homestead made Domindon Landy Agency or Bub-ageacy, bY proxy may, bowever, be made St an Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, broth- #F Or sister of an intending hotest eader. An application for entry of cancellg- Heh made Jemonaliy al any sub-ageut's Lo may Wired to the Agent by the Sub-agent, at the expense of the appii- cant, "and i the land appiad (0 is vacant ol receipt of the telegram such applicg~ fiom is to bave priority and the lund will be held until the necessary papers to Somplets the transaction are received by . In case of " houation™s or fraud the orfeit all priority of claim or if Bas beens granted iw will be Bmwanily cancelled, An application for eancellstion must be son. applicant must he ligible Jor Beeston entry, and only ome application for camcellation will be re gived from an individual uptil that ape Plication has been disposed of. Where an entry is cancelled subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings, the Svplicant for canesilution will be en- titled prior right ol mtry« Applicant for cancellazion must state fn | Ret particulars' the Lomesteader is in default. A homestoader whose eatry is not the eubject of cancellation proceedings may subject to the approval of Depart ment, relinquish ft in favor of father inolher, son, daughter, brother or mister if eligible, but to mo one eise, on fling wclaration of abandonment. DUTIES --A wettler is required to per- form the duties under one of the follow- (1) At least six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each { y, it sirds, perform required residence Wuties by living on farming land owned solely by bim, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicioity of his homestead. Joint ownership in landgwill mot meet this requirement, (8) H the father (or mother, if the father is deceansd) of a homesteader has permanent residence on farming land OWned, solely by him, not less tham eighty 180) acres in extent, in the vicini- y the homestead, or upon a homer #toad entered for by him in the vicinity, uch howestender may perform his own Ge duties by living with the or mother.) he term '"'vicinity" In the two receding paragraphs is defined as mean: fap not more (han nine miles in a direct Rine exclusive of the width of rond al Nance crossed in the measurement. 8) A Domes i ing to perform his residence dilies in accordance with the above while living with parents or n farming land owned by himself must otity the Agent for the district of such tention. Before makimg application for patent Be settler must give six months' notice writing to the Commissioner of Do- inion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten- on to do sor ¥NOPSIS OF . CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~Coal mining rights may be 'ased for & period of tWenty-one years % an ual rental of $1 per acre. Not 5 "3,500 acres shall be leaged to Yo Jaividuat ve Sotiaay + A Joyslt al ri ol ve cents per ton all be sllacted on the merchantable coal mined ARTZ~A person eighteen years of Jee or over, having discovered mineral in ace, may locate a claim 1,500x1,500 | Coughs , entry must in person by the applicant at a { | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 19508. 3 : - » or 'Shiloh's." ww Gf 'Cure 'Cures thesharpe: © cough ~iry it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anytlang you ever tried, Sale to take,--nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure-- 26c., 50c.. $1 315 and Colds QUICKLY No mat y what you may payforacoliar, you can't buy anything better than our 2oc collar, The linen in this collar is made specially for us and no better linen ever been used in any collar, 'These collars have an indes- tructible buttonhole, with a reinforced eyelet et the point where the greatest strain comes on the collar. These buttonaoles will outlast the collar and are an exclusive feature of | | i COLLARS The * Achilles," which is illustrated here, isan Iron Frame Brand wing collar--a stylish collar for business or semi-dress wear, There's no better collar made. Sizes 14 to 13, heights 2,2 and 24. Price 20¢, each--3 for soe. TOOKE BROTHERS, Limited A MONTREAL. 8 THE SPORT REVIEW HAMILTON BASKETBALL TEAM IS HERE. To-Day's Baseball Match Called Off --The Y.M.C.A. Harriers-- City Baseball _eague Schedule} General Notes on Sports. i The final game of basketball be tween the senior teams of the Y.W.C. A. for the silver cup was played off last night in the X.M.C. A. gymnasiom The Royals won from the Stars by the score of 18 to 4, The teams lined up: nies elenon, Miss Ethel Bushey, Miss Nellie Bows; centre, Miss Fthel McNamee; forwards, Miss May Ro- berts, Miss Janet McKenzie. Stars--Defence, Miss Flora King, Miss Florence Filtz; centre Miss Annie Clarke; forwards, Miss Ireme Bews, Miss Ethel Kane. Miss 1. Bews played a strong game for the losers. iss May Roberts played a star game, getting six of the nine goals, Miss Janet McKenzie get- ting two more. Miss Ethel McNamee, the strong centre, scored the remain- ing goal, Stanley Parkhill refereed the game satisfactorily. Miss May Hamilton of ficiated as lime keeper. This is the second. year that Migs Ethel Me- Namee, Miss Nellie Bews and Miss May Roberts have played for the team that won the silver cup. After the game dainty refreshments were served, Basketball This Evening. The basketball game between the Hamilton champions and local Y.M. C.AY will take place at the Y.M.C.A. gvmnasium to-night, and the match should attract a very large crowd. A good intermediate match will also be put on during the evening. The Y.M.C.A. Harriers. The Y.M.C.A. Harriers are running faithfully every evening to get in shape for the coming races They are thinking of running a five-mile inter- mediate race here on Victoria day, 80 as to give the local runners a chance to enter. . Football Missing. After the football match .at the cricket field Friday, between the R.C.H.A, and the Wanderers, it was found that the ball was missing, and up to the present it has not been lo- cated, - It is the property of the Wan- touring through Ontario, which is the same privilege a8 the American eol- oes have, as the CA AL cont stitution prevents that, it wes not granted. Heory Chadwick, known throughout the United States as the "'Inther of baseball," is dying from and heart trouble at his residence in Brooklyn, He "8 eighty three vears of age and was bora in England. He bas written many articles on baseball and other popular pastimes. A Rochester d¥spaich says: From the Rochester viewpoint the Eastern baseball league race should be much closer and more interesting this viar than last. Toronto looks even stron- ger than list year, but is sure to have more opposition, especially from Rochester, Providence and Newark. Those teams should finish in the first division. Bufialo will pot set the world afire, and Baltimore and Jersey City, while considerably strengthened, will have to go pretiy fast to do better than fifth. Montrea) bids fair to be heard from pext summer, and the noise will probally not come from the bottom of the ladder. BRUCE WALKER'S SLANDERS. The Blame He Has Shifted Upon Others is Refuted. The chairman of the emigration committee of the Church Army, Eng- land, protests emphatically agajust the sweeping condemnation of the emi- grants gent owt to Canada by this or- gumisath. During the period when those altacked, 1,585 emigrants, were sent to Cemada, Bruce Walker was as- sistant superintendent of emigration in London. He had no personal know- ledge whatever of these sent out, al- though he might have seen them from time to time at the Great Central railway terminus at Marylebone. He is entirely mistaken in saying that the Church Army interests itself in the emigration of young men who are "sowing their' wild oats," "are beyond parental control" or those whose relations are interested in their getting a fresh start in a new coun- try. The great majority cl the men emigrated in 1907, were persons of the working class who had always been honest and industrious, but who, from no fault of their ows, had become destitute throdgh being out of work a long time. Some of the emigrants and their friends found a part of the cost of emigration, and all the emigrants agreed to repay the money advanced to them by instalments spreading over several years. Most gratifying is it that whereas £1,715 liécame payable in November last, over £1,100 has derers, ------ City Baseball League. i The schedule for the city baseball league has been drawn up and will be/ submitted to the executive on Wed- | nesday night. The games will be started us soon as possible, the teams! being anxious to get to work. jes. The emigrants Match Called Off. The return game to he played be- | has been received: already without ex- krising any pressure. This shows cliar- ly that the men were both honest and industrious, and have been fully em- ployed. Many persons who applied for emigration last year wer: rejected as unfit and cases were only ace:pted af. ter carcful examination, medical #n- spection and. investigation, of referenc- were sent out in hatches under the charge of Church Army officers and on thelr arrival in. pneumonia | -- mE ------ rr E ENGINEER APPOINTED : {BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF GANANOQUE. {T. B. Code, of Smith's Falls %" Chosen at $900 3 Year--Canoe Club Dance--The Possible Liberal Candidate in Leeds. Gananoque, April 2.--The Gana- nogue Canoe Club held its s:cond as- | sembly for this year in Turners Hall fast evening. There was a large at- tendance among whom was quite a contingeit from the Limestone City. | Rees' orchestra furnished the music. The liberals cf Gananoque held a business meeting in the Reporter of fice last evening, to appoint their de- legates for the convention at Delta, on Wednesday next, April 22nd inst. The only name mentioned hereabouts AS. a gsible candidate is that of Firman Cross, of Lansdowne, as W. J. Gibson's business will not permit him at present to become a candidate again. At a special session of the town council 'the question of enjaying « town wngineer was settled. The appli. cation of T. B. Code, of Smith's Falls, was accepted. The town cerk was also authorized to notify Mr. Code of 'his appointment, that his salary was fixed at $900 per annum, and that his duties would begin April 20th. This engagement also permits Mz. Code to do work in his line out- side of the town, when not intirfer- ing with 'his duties bere. Sidewalk work 8 to be commenced at once on Mill street and South and Princess streets will be proceeded with in due time, The following Gananoqueans have spent some time during the Easter season in Kingston: Maud Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBroom, Mits| Mayme Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Gibson, Miss Essie De Long, C. C. Skimmer, H. W. Brittor, Miss Julien Stevens, Walter Bennett. The following Kingstonians are 1is- iting with Gananoque friends : Miss Whitney at Miss MM. Wilmot's; Mrs. and Miss Wilmot at Mrs. Clarke Tay- lor's; Miss Edith Kirk, at Mrs. Clarke Taylor's. The following list of Gananoqueans are' spending the Easter season with friends and relatives at a distance: Mrs, T. P. Richardson, in JLgronto; Mrs. Charles Bryant, in | Bellevitl, Meg ¥. H. Hurd, in Brockville; wil Salter, in Toronto; Miss 8. A, Cross, in Lansdowne; Mrs. C. W. Tay- lor at Saranac, N.Y. Miss = Hattie Connor, Ring sireet, who has Leen in the Brockville Genes al hospital for the past month, wher» she was operated on for appendicitis has returned home. 9 Miss Gladys "Yule, of Qué n's. why hag been holidaying here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yule, King street, left to-day, to take a positiof as teacher . at the Fairfax public school. PAGE SEVEN. * Where Shaking is Respectable A Draft off furnace dows, with se other assistance, is poweriess to overcome the dust nuisance in shaking time, Only gurpics dust rises of itself above the fire, Great Suik descends intg ash-pit, and unless hagiti- mate outlet is therein provided, dust will escape through ash - door slits and inte " opefator s face In "Sunshine" Furnace the legitimate dust outlet is pro- vided. It's a great big dust- pipe running straight from ash-pit %o dome, thehce to chimney, ' When big pipe damper is opened, all dust in ash-pit aseends to deme; then, when direct drafts are opened, all dust passes up chimney. Alwaysjthe clean and quick dust rotate in ** Sunshine " . Furnace -- via grate; to pan, to dust « pipe, to, dome, to chimney, to open gir. M<Clary's LEMMON & SONS. ot TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG Write t> us for "Sunshine" testimonials | received from your own townspeople. VANCOUVER ST. JOMN, N.B. HAMILTON 1 CALGARY How Much Do You Wish to Pay for a Spring Suit? $15 to $35 is the Fit- Reform range of prices. $15 marks the lowest --and $35 marks the highest--that any man should pay. Fit- Reform Suits at $15 mean reliable fabrics, handsome patterns, perfect fit and absolutely Fit-Reform correct: styles, *Suits at $35 are the finest that Fit-Reform make; --and that means the finest in Canada. tween the two student teams dt the | Canada, went to places prepared for cricket field to-day was called off, the| them by the Church Ariny stationid outside students not being atle to at Montreal, Torgsto amd Winnipeg. gét a ton, H is quite trae that a small propor tion sent last year had been reclaimed Clifton Johnston, of Trinity Col lege, Toronto, is holidaying here with his parmits, Mr. and Web. George 1. Johnston, King stre-t. . Misses W, L. Heaslip, Toronto, ©P. if fon 1 recording a 'claim is $5. At loast $100 must be 3 8 at $1 'per acre. patent. provides for the yment of a royalty of 24 per ceat on the sales. Placer mining claiing generally are 100 foot sguare ; entry fee $5, renewable year. An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold ave mies each for a term. of twenly vers, renewable at the inure tom of the. Minister of the In. rior. 'The lessees shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for. each five miles. Rented Jo per sasum for each eo of river , Royalty at the rate 24 per cent collecied . on. the output aftér it exe ceeds $10,000. WwW. W. CORy, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.~Unguthorized publication of this Rdvertisement will not be paM for. Typewriters gre divided into 'two classes-- The ONE madé seemingly modern by patched-on im- provements--the OTHER L.C.Smith& Bros. Typewriter TET (Writing Entirely in Sight) with modernness inbuilt. Every deviea for convenience, time-sav- ing and labor saving is inbuilt in 'the L. C. Surret & Bros. Tyre warren, § Every known element | of dhrability and dependability is - there--Butir Inv. This insures the most and best work both from | michine and operator. That's D FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 5 EE ---------------------------------- i f L F i EH so © Cinderella Shoes for Ladies Are comfortable Shoes, un- der all circumstances, and yet wear longer than the average footwear. EVERY SHOE is finished as care. fully as the best makers can do it. Made of excellent material, handsome god sty- lish. $3.00, 3.50 and 4.00. Sporting Notes. N Hans Wagner has signed with Phyis- | burg baseball club at a salary spill to! bo $10,000 tor the season. During the eighty days of raving on this summer's cirenit in the Canadian | North-West about $108,000 will be | distributed in purses, | Frank Goteh"s offe to wrestle | George Hackenschmidt Behind closed | doors and in the prdsence of the! New York newspapermen appears to! be a game one. Hack, however, is] not likely to accept. | George Moriat$, 'the third baseman! and outfielder of the New York Am-| ericans, will not leave his berth inl the California league this. year. He will make the third leaguer to go to coast "outlaws" this season Strick- | lett, the Brooklyn twirler, will pitch | for Santa Cruz. Yale was victorious over Cornell at soccer football, winning the game, which was played in a pouring rain| and on a muddy field, by the score of] 2 to 0. This victory ties Yale with Haverford for the United States inter- collegiate championship. Ottawa College asked the C.AAU. that their baseball team be allowed to compete with a professional team, $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleas. ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that js Catarch, Hall's Catarriy Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medica fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al disease, requires a constitutions! treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blsod and mucous surfaces of the system, there hy destroying the foundation ofthe dis- case, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist- ing mature in doing its work. The pro- prietors have so much faith in tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars \for any case that . Send for list of 'testimonials. ot FP. J. CHENEY & CU., Toledo, io Sold by all druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for const patio! through the agency of the' labor homes but they are doing well snl send grateful messages. Rich Color And Soft Skin. May be imitated, but beauty is more than skin deep--it is hidden in the blood. Eliminate the poisonous products of digestion by Ferrozone and complexion rapidly impPoves. Iu- crease the red coloring matter in the blood, give it more nutrition and red cells, do this and cosmetics won't be needed. Give up cosmetics, they with- er too quickly. Use Ferrozone and have your complexion firmly estab- lished. There isn't a case of blotehod skin, poor complexion or lack of col or that can't be quickly remedied. hy Ferrozone. Try it. Price 30c. Steel In Place Of Leather. Steel bands or belts, as a substitute for ordinary leather bells or rope drives, have heen introduced by ¢ factory of Charlottenburg, Germany. Such belts may be reduced to about one-sixth of the size required for Jeather belts, they do mot stretch, pulleys may be made marrower, and in some cases shafts may be smaller. Either ordinary pulleys or pulleys with a special _sovering to increase friction may be used. A belt four inches wide and one-fifth of an inch thick, transmitted 200 to 250 hovse- power at a bejt speed of 5,400 fect a wpinute, gud tests have shown that Reel belts may run 12,000 feet a min- ute. Where Wade's Ointment Differs. There is a combinntion. of bealing remedies that cures everything that ordinary ointments can and many skin troubles that few remedies can reach, such as the parasitic skin dis cases like Salt Rbewm, Dandcufi, ete Wade's Ointment heals everything and cures Fezema, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Cold: Sores, Frysipelas, Piles, ete. Iu big boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's Drug Store. * Se Te ------ Absent-Minded. Sir John Burden Sandersow was no- toripusly absegt-minded, Of the cycle of anecdote that gathered around hin much was fabricated. The story of his boiling his watch while holding egy in his hand often related also of Newton, is Yin la Bruyere's "Cerac-| when he ters." But seems to be some J. Heaslip, Petergoro, and Frederick: Heaslip of the government printing bureau, Ottawa. who have been spend ing the Easter holiday time here with their mother, Mrs. P. Hea.lip, Kins street, returned yesterday. WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. The Ferry Steamer Fare May Be Raised. Wolie Island, April 21.~The mem- bers: of the hockey club held their Easter dance on Monday evening and it was a grand success. Davis orches- tra furnished the music. The town hal', always used for a smoking and cloak room when 'there was & party given by the young men has been cut off by three members of the council This is classed as "'knocking." | William Bolton bas the contract of building a cottage opposite the Eng: lish church for Mr. Tandy, of Kiug ston. It will be completed by June Ist. Capt Charles Cummings has wot | a position at Port Arthur at a salary | of $70 a month. John Laughlin has] rented Miss M. Quirk's farm for this | season. John Greenwood, Jr., 8 on the sick list. D. H, Hinckley is hav-| ing a floor laid in the Wolfe Is'sni cheese factory. John Hogan has pur- chased the hay of the late Michael Ryan. Mrs. William Henderson, Jr., is | having hor house remodelled. Miss M_ | A. Boyd lost a valuable cow last | week, The council has partly decid d on raising the fare on the forry steamer for three months in the summer. Ji this 'x' done, which was nevir known in the history of the island, it will be a great drawback to the village sum- mer tourist and the renting «if cot tages. Visitors: Victor Dawson, Wat- ertown, at his Mother's Miss Eva | Pyke, Ottawa, with her parents, in the village; Miss Sadie McArdle, Bells ville, visiting - her mother; Frederick Whitmarsh, 'Arden, home for Easter. Ls al e------ * "Thies Swallows." : Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for 'over a century, Of highest standard of purity, istillers to His Maicsty the King." The dector may be quite intimate with a patient, and yet cut him dead No matter what price you pay, the Fit-Reform_ trademark guarantees satisfaction. : 312 Tl=Felorm CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston. TOASTED - CORN FLAKES "NO GREEN IN HER EYE" She wants Kellogg's, for she knows that there's health as well as deliciousness in every flake. A food for thinkers as well as toilers --a food the dyspeptic can thoroughly enjoy, and children thrive on. Such is the genuine BG GLEARING SALE BRASS and{RON BEDS RB In pretty designs, strong and > rg Also Hercules .~ Spring to fit, and Sanitary Mattresses ab sale price. ¥ i» a ns "7 8.

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