Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1908, p. 3

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Pl errr Bi i iim THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1908. ee} Ladies' and Children's Spring Jackets rdl lity oTts ; es the latest in Shower or Raincoats. Our New Spring Coats for women and children, include Venetians, Broadcloths and Faney Tweeds, all sizes and styles, as well as the New Spring Colors. $5, 7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00. Ladies' Shirtwaists. Fite White Lawn, Mull and Organdio Shirtwaists, some embroidered @ Swiss Muslin, some alliover Embroidered Kronts, lace collars 'anf _three- quarter = sleeves, back fastening, baby tucks, sizes 32 to 44 bust measurement. $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25 to 5.50 each. cial ih 'ONT 000000000000000000000000000000R00000RRARRCN VININGS IREN TENSE cide EF wd sig oes ARISE SRI SIRI LCRUMLEY + BROS. CASH COUPONS. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080000 000000000000 0000000C01J00000000000000000RNCNS ssessesesesissessensestsisassissasssnsndned TRADE MARK. GIVES ADDED CHARM TO THE WEARER Owing to its being the most successful corset design ever created. Tt is a well-known fact thata "D & A" Mode 1 great)y enhances the beanty of a per- fect fi gure, while it improves figures aut of all recoguition, A"D & A Do Luxe Copset™ is the elivie of elegance, smartness; relified dis- tinction and comfort, Light as air, yet guanntead te outlast two ordinary corsets, 8 D0. to ig Py Au * x 1 ---ip hd LA vay Fe ee In prett desi , strong and In patty de he Hercules Spring to Al and Sanitary Mattresses at sale price, Y3..3.3 The Leading Dade James Reid, i talker: 'Phone, 147 . Goppers: Lead Ting Zinc. ia Metal Metal Co.Ltd." a -- THE. SPORT REVIEW MOVEMENT TO ORGANIZE A BICYCLE CLUB. Lacrosse Players Not Yet Out--Y. M.C.A Intermediate Road Race--The Kingston Baseball League Executive to Meet. A 'movement is on foot at the YM. CJA. to organize a bievele elub and a meeting for the purpose of organiza- tion has been called for to-night. It is the intention to hold runs on Na- torday afternoons duritig the sum- mer and a most pleasant time is be | ing looked forward to, ! Kingston Baseball Executive. The executive of the Kingston base ball club will meet ai the Randolph hotel this evening, when the schedule will 'be shbmitted. There are a few other matters to brought up at the meeting, Every team should have| two representatives present at thi meeting. A Word To Lacrossists. The lacrosse men have not made their appearance yet; and it is to be hoped that they will not drop the game now after having gone so far with it last season. A team could be secured here and good] matches areanged, a------ School Boys Playing. The school boys are certainly en joving their holiday. Every worming and afternioon the ericket field is well filled with Willerent crowds boys! playing baseball. Victoria and Fron-| temac parks also have their share of | faithful baseball players, good some of Intermediate Road Race. | The intermediate road race to bel ym by the Y:M.C:A., alter the big) road race on Victoria day, promises | to be a most interesting event. ral of the members are getting fine shape, and some of them shown great speed, Seve into] kavel Sporting Notes. Chaucer Eliott accompanied Montreal vunner, Emil Cote, to ton for the Marathon raee. Sutton, ' an Buhl boxer, caright faking at the C.A AU. at Toronto and was ty expel-| led. | Ty Cobb is playing a game for Detroit. He is batting like! a demon. None of the hig pitchers | have yet been able to puzzle the Geor- gian, Many leading oarsmen from all parts of the country were present last night at the banquet at Toronto in honor of Captain Joseph Wright, of the Ar- gonauts. Many leading public men were present, The C.L.A. has issued catés to players. It has declared in favor of amateurism again and has adopted a residence rule. A man must reside inthe town he intends plaging for from the first of January. Charles Peteh, of Toronto, who join ed the Federation Athletic union, so] that he could compete at Boston, oc-| cupies the"Wiique position of having joined a professional body so that he might compete in an amateur race, The pool tournament for the nation al professional tournament, in pro- gress at Chicago for two weeks, came to an end Saturday right. Frank Sherman, of Waslington, D.C wag the winner. He finished with six victories and one defeat The 'Teronto baseball line-up the opening Eastern league match Jersey City tomorrow will be as fol lows : Gettman, of; Schafly, 2b; Mertes; LE; Grimshaw, 1h; Wottell, rh; Cockman, 3b.: frown, ¢.; Frick, #.8.: McGinley or Rudolph, p. Toney. Barng, the world's champ jon henvvweight, who knocked out dewey Smith iw the fifth round of} their ten-roand contest Saturday, at} Pacis, could have finished him at any] stage of the contest, but kept stalling | off the knockoat. Burne left the ring! without a scratch, and it was one of the casiost battles he has fought on this side of the ocean. The men fought for a purse of $12,000. wines the | wonder ful 1.277 certifi-| for} at A PECULIAR CASE Promise Not to Marry Binding ? Sandwich; April 22.<At the spring assizes, begimmitig next Tuesday, Jus tice Anglin will be called wpon to decide whether a promise 16 not marry is binding. A suit has been brought by Miss Susan Bradley against her brother, a Windsor man. Miss Brad- ley alleges that in 1905 she gave up a lucrative position'in Toronto to be- come 'her brother's housekeeper and cate for his motherless children upon his promising that Be would not marry again and that he would ak ways provide her with a home. Mr. Bradley married some time in Janu ary and his sister sues for six thoa- sand dollars damages, or failing thix for a salary at the rate of $150 per year for twelve years. The defendant claims that even if the promise was made; it would nbt be bi i, as it would be public interest, and further that Miss Bradley still lives in a House dwned by her brother and that he still tries to progide her with all gecesmries. THE MISTRESS SUES Ta Recover Property--Angry Wife Also Hustles. Montreal, April 22. The sequel to the discovery cantly or sh a Staviey street flat, ergu- sa, a witlf Lena Anderson, by the amgry wile who arrived on the seene from Spokane, is aii action by Is a { and ah Hmusements. (BRAND OPERA, HOUSE J THURSDAY, APRIL 23:4. HENRY MILLER Presents. The Long Awaited Gréiit American ¥ THE GREAT DIVIDE WILLIAM VAUGHN Over 500 times in New York, Prices, 205¢., SUec., 75¢., $1, $1.50, Seats now on sale. By MOODY. | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 24th and 25th. ybargain Matinee, Saturday, at 2.30. HH: Sallivan offers the western sen- sational melodrama "The Cowboy and the Squaw" In four masterly acts, shewing life in the Foot Hills of Montana, Race for Tee of Bronco Hob Roped toa wild Steer, {and Silver Heels Mounted on a wild bronco---sensational and excitig, Hargain Matinee, &hildren, adults, 2535 EVENING Beats: now on sale BLJOU mn Be. ; NOTHING HIGHER. There is nothing so hitcrestng to intelligent people as watching pic' turesque phases of foreign life, which they, had the time op money io wit: ness "in reality. FRENCH PEASANTS MARING CIDER Is such a film. It and instructive, and simple people mingle make a pretty arduous toil, But if you want a good {hearty laugh, do not miss {the comedy DOWNFALL OF A MODERN SAMSON In which you will see a gimple country juggling with trained athletes por- | forming many: other wonderful stunts and meeting defeat at last through the coming of a Modern Delilah. Po not miss hearing John Davis singing " i00D-BY KB HEART GOOD-BY LF. «5 CENTS WONDERLAND 'HE PIONEER HOUSE, Progrinms. we nh. Fab AY and PHURS. "A WORKMAN'S HONOR" A Tragic Diama, "THE AHEAD" A Yacht Race, Very Realistic Scene: 'SONG ILLUSTRATED. "I'M STARVING FOR ONE SIGHT OF YOU," Published -by Chas, K { Harelg; sung by Clare Smith, of this city Ju THEG, BK, Mgr. Sale of Property. for sale by Hotel (follow Property), on is both picluresque shows ROW these frolic" With work ceremony out of Robert SWEET- The undersigned will offer Auction, at the Frontenac ing the sale of the Hotel WEDNESDAY, April 29th a comfort. able dwelling house, situate, 24 Charles St. Kingston, in thorough répair, stand ing on lot of about IRD ft, by 36 ft Usual out-buildings, good garden, rig entrance mmy be viewed ahd further par ticalars ob tained of J. LE AG H, "Our Auctioneer," U8 Hrock st, Kingston, HAMILTON'S VICTORY OVER THE LOC) LOCAL YM.CA BASKETBALL TEAM. {| The Visitors . Won By 44 to 13-- The Ambitious City Team is a Fine Aggregation--How the Play Went. The basketball CA, last might, team, and the team, result in a vigitors, by a score of 14 to 13.--At half time the was 25 te 7. *Al though beaten, thecal vam put up a strong defence, apd at tunes the champions were pressed Very hard Their showing altogether was a most eréditable ope, Theres wax a good turnowt at the mateh. The Hamilton team -plavs a great combination game. They are accurate in their shooting, and very quick in their passing. One member of the Hamilton team hag been plaving the game steadily for geVentcen years, and he has the game down "pat," as the saving goes. All the Players are fast, and are certainly deserving of the praise which has been given them. The team has played twontyeight games this season, and won Wil of them, and this is certainly a fine showing. A fast intermedinie 2, was also t on, hetieen tenths taptwined hy Nees ossrs. MeCartusy andl. McCormick, Capt. MeCartney" winging out Ly the close score of 19 to 20. v 9 ! 3 mutich at the M between the local champion Hamilton victory, for the sCore ---------------------- "Homse cleaning' sods ' Ammonia, silver polish, chamois skins, lve, borax, awd sing scrub brushes. Gibson's Red The infaiit child of James Norquay, of Grosvenor; Al wandered away from theless a Party hae and was lost. sbare ¥ has Cross Brig? Store. WANTED-MALE, SITUATIONS VACANT. APPLY Ont. CHEESEMAKER. Swith, Parham, BOY TO ANSWER 'PHONE. New Cab Office, Clarence St. Domileion Express Office. WOODWORKER. Steady job. Whig affice, A CARRIAGE - good at répairing. dress "Woodworker," SALESMEN FOR AUTO-SPRAY." Best band Sprayer made, compressed automatic. Liberal terms. -~r, Galt, Ont. Cavers Bros., WANTED-FEMALE, A KITCHEN GIRL Iroquois Hotel APPLY TO CHAMBERMAID. APPLY AT of British-Anerican Hotel OFFIUE PREPARERS, AT MRS, Nt. city. MILLINERY Biyth's, 59 Division GEO. A. |MEN AND WOMEN.TO LEARN BAR- { APPLY | below | ONE] Ad- | ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighicen dollars weekly, Help secure Will equip shops, Uon- Careful imstructions. course, Lata Moler Barver positions. stant practice. i Pew weeks complete { logue free. Write i College, Toronto. i SITUATION WANTED. AS ENGINEER OF NARY engine LXPerience of thirty-one years. Wm. B, O Neil, 2339 Earl St. ro-LEX, FURNISHED DWELLING, OR stowage for furnitare, ele. 01 Broek street. ROOMS, McCann, NOS. 77 and 79 ALFRED STREEDY, all moderna improvements. [ossession ist May. Apply A. B. Cunsiogham. LARCE FURNISHED ROOM A DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY AT Yukon Restaurant, 343 King St. good Also sta Box "'G. private family Apply for horses, Whig office. A GOUD GENERAL SERVANT AP: ply to Mrs. Palmer, 164 King St. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN THE evening to Miss Hora, 43 King Se. GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENCES required. Apply to Mrs. Frances Hil Macnee, 252 King street. MIMLE-AGED WOMAN TO Apply opposite GIRL, OR assist in general housework. at once to 225 Bagot St., Milk Dairy. SER Refer. once, The Montreal EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC vents arriving April 27th ences 'on view. Apply at Guild, 71 Drummond St. Telephone Up-town 2.261 WANTED---GENERAL. PLAIN SEWING PONE OF ANY Kind. Call or Write to Mrs. Cayloss, 834 King street, over Armstrong's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly done. F. J, Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. PROI'ERTY TO SEI If you have amy, give va ditails. will -turn it into cash. J. R. Dobbs, 171 Wellington Street, SOME MORB A JOB CLEANING ASHES ouT OF yards or cellars, or other heEgage carted: Prices right. Apply to Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET iheir Spring Suits made at Gallo. way's. Style, price and finish guar anteed to please. 131 * Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. FAIR SIZED House, in a Terrace, in good locality, descriptions 934 Brock THREE or seven roomed either down town, modern improvements, and terms to "'B..)"" Box ville, Ont SPRICGS ELECTRIC CO fixtures to look lke Nickle and Copper Plat- Wiring Repair work Large assortment of Gad Fresh Bat St. "Phong NEWMAN & tone up your new, Silver, ing. . House dome quick. and Electric Chandeliers, tories just in, 79 Princess 441. REMOVED. PRESSMAKER, 280 'Syden- MISS CcoulcH, Modiste, has moved from ham St. East, to West. ROOMS, OR SIX | AND | 83 Wellington St. | NO ST.. © LOOMS summer Kitchen und 1st. Ap 464 ALBERT bath and closet ben house. Possession May ply to T. R. Carnovsky. SOLID BRICK HOUSE rooms, in good locality ¢ may be had May the first Dr. Bell, V.S., 110 FIGHT Possession Apply to Clarence St, CITY PARK. DE drawing and din- bedroom, small electric light- first-class IN VICINITY OF sirable front rooms, ing room combined, sitting room, gas and tng, telephone grate beard: Apply ©X.'" Whig. MAY IST, SOL 128 Union Si. nine improvements good Appiv at White's St or write Alfred St POSSESSION brick residence, rooms, modern barn and stabiing Inturance Offic Bagot } N. T. Greenwood, 359 { {FROM 1ST MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 Earl street, at present oecupled hy jdeut.-Col. Hudon, C.M. hot water heattg and modern fmprovernents Apply to Armstrong McCormick, 102 Centre street, or Thomas Mills, WV Clarence stfeel. v BUSINESS CARDS. CLEANING, ELECTRIC CARPET Sewing. anfl Lavin Feather Beds and Pillows cleans by steam. H Milne, 272 Bagot street. TITAN EVER, W¥ on BOATS CHEAPER are prepared fo bwild 100 boats thie easy payment system builders of Cruiser, Launches, Speed Boats Racers Coward & Donne's Factory, Old Block House ton and Boat Kin { LOST. ! TERRIER Laddin St. RR ON TUESDAY, answers to Please return ward FOX name of to 133 Union IND TALS ¥ Net ween Pin Finder kind a GOLD Loc KET ols AR last tect and Opéra ly leave at Wise with ening House alice WITH TAN Answers who res and save office. WHITE DEER: HOUND, somes tan on back, "Sport. Party moved chain please return trouble to Box "W." Whig : PURSE, CONT AIN piece an sma Knox's Store Rigney & Saturday leave {LADY'S SMALL ing £2.50 gold change, either in Princess St between Mickey's and Rooney's Arril 18th. Finder Whig office. on kind} | expert | FOR SALE, se ---------------------- TWO GOOD HOUSES NC Wellington street A ninghan HARNI Yard CART Wood I and BLACK MOULD FOR vB or top dr Al ash ret Drop a car Barrie st SECONID-IFAND Register, business. Will sell 20,°% Whig office. DS NATIONAL ASH gpod as mew s oie wut of cheap. v thax DOUBLE beat 1s NO. 138 UNIVERSITY AVE, solid brick house, bot Water ing. open plambing. Apply Wy Sullivan, Clarence stree THAT established cigar at 136 Princess health, must sell atl location dn the cily Egan, at above address WEIL-KNOWN and VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAL Double house, on Johnson strect, ihe property of the Mte Jeseph Jamies fon, now used a8 a dweling and « lamber's shop. Apply to Messrs, falkem & Walkem, CHY¥ NO cry PR OPER" ™ Bagot St., near Coty Park, all provements, § rooms, large sion: No 204 King st , well stone house of about 12 roows 82 Ontagio St, 12 rooms, provements, hot water snap. Geo. Chiff, Real Clarence St. 08 ime Estate, MONEY AND BUSINES COVER MOR} ow building and comtents than any other company offers. Examine them at Codwin's Insurance Emporiusm, Mark et Square. QUR POLICIES crLonm LIVERPOOL, LONDON Avaliable Fire Insurance Cg assets $61,187 215 which the policyholders socurdy the unliinited Liability {he stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest rates. Hefors renewing old new business get rates fy & Strange Agents ) PERSONAL. AND . BIRTHMARF removed permanen Twenty years eX} J. Lake, Bye, Far, Skin Blemish street. HAIR, MOLES warts, ete without scar ence. Dr JE lmer Nose, iroat and Specialist, Bagot ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT OF streets INR Pr. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Hyilding, Market Square "Phone, ARCHITECTS, MER- corner Hrock Phone, 212 POWER & SONS, chant's Bank u and Wellington s NEWLANDS, Al 5 T, OF. second floor over Mahood's Drag store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street "Phone, 608 "BOARD AND ROOMS WM. fice, or on | TAR BOARD AND «| ps 10 let, at 32 W a ----------------re------ -- MARRIAGE LICENSES. FURNINI Hing te $ oF St. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER 42 Clarence | ile: 8 a Marriage Licenses Unitarian REV. C. wW. CASSON, The Wider Worship. "Every action, every hor est thought, every sincere effort to do right, reallv a part of the workhip of God" said James: Freeman Clarke Is mot this a better conception of wor ship than that it is merely a cere monial bowing down before God. Tru Iv. Wordhip i® Wore matter of werk than of words, more a matter of ser vice than of services, more a lifting up of our fellow men than bowing | down before God. Tt is this hetter kind of worship that: the witarian church is triing to practice and pro claim,' It, seelis to worship God by working for man, to serve God by serving mankind. - -------- Address, Rev, OC. W. Casson, ad 25 Beacon #treet, Boston, Maes., lor the literature. SPLIT, BRITTLE, generous DULL HAIR. Caused By a Germ. Split hair, hard hair, lusterless hair, brittle hair, falling hair, all owe their origin to dandrull, which is caused by a measly little micrdbe that burrows into the scalp, throwing up the cuticle into dandruff scales and sapping the vitality of the hair at the root, caus ing the several disessed conditions of the hair till it finally falls out. Mod- ern sence has discovered a remedy to destroy the dandrufi microbe, which is combine! in Newbro's Heérpicide, the delightful hair dressing. Alavs itch- ing imtantly and makes hair soft as silk. Take no substitute; nothing "just as good." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. i stathps for sample to The Hempicidy , Detroit, Mich. Sold in two sins, oe and $1. G. W. Mahood, bpecial agent. A STRIKE AT OTTAWA. Union Brick Layers Object to Re- duced Wages. Ottawa, April-22.--A strike is om, to-day, on the new Y M.C.A. building, 'of which Peter Lyall & Sons, Mon treal, are contractofs. The trouble is that the tmion Bricklayers on the jo | refuse to handle material cupiied [them by non-union builders' laborers, and this morning twenty-five of them walked off the job. The wmion wage for builders' Mborérs in -Ottawn. i twenty-five cents per hour, but owing to the large number of newcomers to 'the city, the contractors were to wien from @fteen to sighted cents por Hour, and. so were not paviag i t The wark is conipletély tied up. 4 Sr ------ 211 Come From Dandruff, Which is THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT, | Tenders for Chain, Swivels and TENDERS ADDRESSED tindersigned at Ottawa, y the envelope "Tender for Chain and Shackles." will be peceived at the De {partment of Marine and Fisherjes, wa, up to ndon of the FIRST DAY OF MAY for the furnishing of ahont 3,974 of different sized Chain with and Swivels 40 suit, to be delivered at | Makifax, St. John, Charlottetown | Quebec and Montreal el Specifications and detailed information {can he obtained from the Department of {Mare and Fisheries, Ottawa, sad frox the Agents of the Department of Murine and 'Fisheries at the cities already named { Each tender must be accompanied by jan scoepled chegue on a chartered bank, {for the sum of $600, to the order h ih Mmister of Marine and Fisheries " chogue will be forfeited if ro whase tender & accepted dec into a etomtract Lo ry the Chain, Swivels and Shackles, or fails to carry out the contract If the tender is not accepled the cheque will he returned The Department does not. bind itself t accept the lowest or any tender Newspapers copying this advertisement without swthority from the Departs will not be paid, TO | Shackles. NEXT, ™y the HH F. GOURDEAU Deputy Minster of Marive and Fisher jes. Departmerit of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Casada, 23rd March, AUCTION SALE FURNITURE: 208 Wellington St. Tharsday, April 25rd, 10 a.m Upright 1908. Handsome Chickering Piano, ors, Couches, Tables, Hoo sail 5 dn barisien Pictures, Fasy Chai Hangg sod Fancy | Lamps, Dining a Oak pad | Muites, Enamelled Dresser, Loyal Can Gem Jars, Kitchen Utensils. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone, 253. 248- Sydenham St Auction Sale of Furniture, Car- ponters' Tools, &eo. 246 University Avenue SATURDAY, April 26th, 10 a.m. Heittzman Piano, Walnut Parlor Sojre ¥ and Lace Curtains, Vesscy und = tn Tables, Extonsipn Tables, Thin ty Ubaits. Hockers, Osk Finish Bec m Suites, Tapestry Carpets, Springs ttreswey, Pictures, Couch, Whatnots Seren, Saver Ratige, Palace Aladin Square Hester, Tin, Crockery and Class are. Piano sold, st 18 o'clock. Tool fest, aol contents of First-Class penters Tob, at 12.15 6'cliek ALLEN, The Auctionesr Telephone, 252. 248 Sydenham St a In fhe Estate of Samuel Harper, ' Deceased. ALL PERSONS connts Sgainst he estate of HAVING AC the shove aa wg Foe Knghton on the twesty-Gret day PD. 108, are requited or od thon 10 the nor De fore the twenty-second dey of May after which dats the said estates will be! SE ih Te. Ji MeDONALE MOWAT. he Clirenes Chambars, Ota fathoms Shackles ities to mer | Fnglish Brus: adian Square Heater, One Garland Range Cnr} THE and endorsed on Swivels i i | | CABS! {The Old Stand and the Old Number | 490 OFFICE NN. 1. All orders promptly attes night or day. ------------ The wndersigned age the dr {the above 'phune at the ola £ Re Bod, J Met Sha id { Diamond, P. Lawles ¥. Mev nodes, J; McFadden, Boyle, - Wm. Boyd, Sinott, J Nolar G. Boyd I. « fs Jarvig, Wins, MN INPORTANT BOOK "THE GAMDEN COLONY" Issued bg Rev, W. Tucker, MA, PRD Price, Cloth Bound, $2.50. Rev. EM. Taylor, M.A, Inspector Hehools, Kdowiton, Que., sads- Am dee lighved wih your book, "The Canes Colony" . . have not as yet read i the book through though 1 found it bard {to_go to bed and leave it unfinished i Bev. Dir. Shaw, bf Weslay Montreal, writesg-- The subject tetise interest relating to one noblest ba of heroic patriots in his tofy. our U. E. Loyalists, and your see wirable historical rieume does credit to their heroism hope the work may bave is wide circulation.' For copies address John's, Que Valuable Hotel Property. THE UNHERSIGNED, Will. on: the premises that well knows four stdrey brick bullding, the Froatense i fatario street, Kingston, on EON FESDAY, April 20th, 33.12 o coek ares MoQuaid, Bowmag of the author, 8S, ied Summed Harper, who died at the) hod, Frontage 139 feet more. or lows. Ove Sungrve bid. Terms and covd tions at thive of sale. Por forther particulars, arp y ty Kt atrigk, Rogers & Nickie Nol TRI LAO, A fhe Allan Hue steamer Pretorian, from Boston sor Glasgow, aerived ug. J omagene at 0 um on the Ih of Age SELL, FE sgRRGae » Fakes aprs %

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