WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1508. ---- and the government had the backing of a majority of forty-three ! ---------- THE DAILY BRITISH GOES TO REGINA. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR ant man; tomwcrrow he might be a DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 208. | god. But Hishmen will not worship at 210 King street, Ki tario, at $6 per year, itions at and 4 o'clock p.m. J WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub-| Qi, the battle is on in earnest, and lished § Monda; Thursday morn- { re United States, charge | the first of the ministers to fell the be Abe. fos Daily: | lows of the Irish in a bye-election is '{ Hon. Winston Churchill, in Fest Man. chester. Ho is strong as a free trader, but the Irish vote is expected to. go | against him. In demanding now, how- ever, national independence for Ire land, Mr. Redmond is going further than he demanded at the outstart. Local ' government as in Quebec or Ontario was then said to be good enough for Ireland, but Mr. Redmand repudiates that, and in so dolpg re pudiates himself. W. J. Burton to Take Up Work | in a New Field. W. J. Burton, who has been physi- cal director Y M.C.A,, for the | last twe years, as already announced, | sovers his connection, here, on May | plist. It will be welcome news to his | many [riends to know that he has re-| ceived a cull from the Regina ¥, M. | '."A., and begirs his work there. on | June 15th, Regina is a new assgeiation, with all the optimistic prospects of the west. They are very fomiunate in se- | curing the services of Mr Burton, as | he has had a training which fits him for any field. He spent two years as wsistant to Mr. Crocker, of the Cen tral Y. M. C. A, Toronto, alter serv- ing on the leaders corps. During the ast two years, he has done excellent work for the local association, and merits the advance he has made in seeing selected to organize the work in the Regina physical department. Mr. Burton will be missed by the boys. He has been a friend to many since coming to the city. A very in- teresting ceremony is to make him! supremely happy, a bout June 1st, wd it is to he hoped this new inter rst may not make bim forget his old! friends. Congratulations are due to] Mr. Burton on both counts, { VERY FIRST SIGNS OF KIDNEY TROUBLE ARE IN THE BACK. if start in right now to take Abbey's Salt regularly. A dessert. spoonful, in a glass of water, every morning rids the system of all impurities--starts the liver working properly-- and purifies: the blood. Abbey's Salt is the best spring tonic for young and old. 25¢ and 6oc a bottle, | his sheine. WHO ARE THE ELIGIBLES ? | you The retirement of Hartley Dewart K.C., for the contest in South Toron to, is to be regretted amd for many He is mentally constitat.d being critical, pro- ~ "Spring Fever" won't catch you at the reasons, for legislative work, constructive, conscientious, and gressive. He is a man of pronounced. ability. The Kingston people had the opportunity of hesring him discuss public questions in an election paign, and his was a splendid review of facts and prineiples. Mr. Dewart is the type of man who should be in parliament. He has no , WiLLams : OVE PIPE ENAMEL 'gives a high gloss to stove pipes. It works easily under the brush and if properly 'applied doesn't smoke or blister, . , .Itstands a high degree of heat and wears long. Use it on your Daily Whig. WHY NOT PLAY FAIR? A commission of officers at Quebec is making a new test of what appears to be an improved Ross rifle. The thing, proper in itself, shows what prize bunglers the Laurier ministers are. They order rifes in batches of ten thousand, and then sond experts to see if the weapon is a good one.-- Montreal Gazette. Why not play fair? Why not state the facts about the Ross rifle factory ? The government has done a patriotic thing in seeking to have the small arms required by the country made at Sir Charles Ross has in vested a lot of money in the enter- prise, and if there has been any ques- tion about the quality of the rifle, the fault lies largely with the militia council, The manufactures should be {o some fixed plan, and unfortunately the eouncil--that expensive' institution which has usurped the functions of government to a large extent, and is alleged to run its business on a non- political basis--has not been able to pursue one line of action very long at a time. Now, and apparently as the result of an attempt of thy gov- cam- blockade with troublesome people ih more of his kind were in the public assemblies there would be less of the nuisance of which Mr. Whitnéy com- plained, namely that the lobbies are blocked with troublesome people in- tent upon the advancement of legisla- tion whichis 'of doubtful quality. Mr. Dewart gives up his political am- bitions becanse he finds that politi-s interferes with his professional en. engagements, and be is not free POLITICAL EQUITY IN QUEBEC, Mr. Leblanc expects an early pro- vincial election in Quebec, and he has the conservative indulge in prophecies as to The theory is that the last two elections sin Quebec were heid close to the federal elections, and that the liberals governments helped each other. The local conservatives now have it that the Genin government will have an early appeal to the people upon its merits, and the conservative party | The pity is that this is so. In Eng has "ground for hope," in the com- [land the sons of men who have an ing contest. "This the announce- |abundance of this world's goods serve ment of the Montreal Gazette. the people as an occupation, and they, # It is not diflicalt to recall the posi- | have been regarded hs very public tion of the party 'in the last general | spirited. In Canada the people 2s a elections. The conservative party in [whole are engrossed in the stromuous Quebec was so annoyed because of the | life. "They axe making their com ot-* dissolution of the house before they |ence and the future of the country at were ready for it--though all the [the same time. The worthiest are not while boasting of what they would do fren to take up the burdens of politi- when the election occurred--that they [eal service, and men go into ernment to put the matter in a pro- | refused to make a . general fight for |harliament for what they can extract per light, a model rifle has been sel- | representation. The idea of the lead- [from it, one can realize the thing that ected and a commission will report as [er at that time was to let the con- |i likely to happen. The land scandals h test go by default, and there would | oveqled by the insurance commission have been no opposition in the as lis an object lesson in this vespect. Efter-; | e-- -- - -- D000 0VOVVOOOVOTOODOVICOOO0V 0000 OOO00O0CO0VCLOO press his success. home. to let one suffer on account of the othr is 3 Gives a Recipe to Prepare Valu- able Mixture Which = Anyone Can Prepare at Home at Small Cost. Take of backache. A great many cases of kidney complaint are reported about here, also bladder trou- ble and rheumatism. An authority once stated that pain in the back, loins or region of the iidneys is the danger signal nature hangs out to notify the sufferer that there is something wrong with the! kidneys, which should receive immedi ate attention. Only vegetable treat ment should be administered and ab- solutely no strongly aleoholic patent mechicines, which are harmful to the kidneys and bladder The following prescription, simple, harmless and inexpensive, i known and recognized as a sovereign remedy for kidney complaint. The gredients can be obtained at any good prescription pharmacy and anyone can mix them : Compound Kargon, one | ounce; Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-| half ounce; Compeund Syrup Sarea-| parilla, three ounces. Shake well inal bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at when care EXCELLENCE $1.00 Shirts Look the Sir, and that you'll Dollar Snairts with ours, to the production of it in the Ross factory. The distinguished gun-maker ready to give Canada what it [sembly had this fool advice been act- wants, and the commission may be [ed upon. able to determine just what ghis is. The opposition is weak enough as it : n and it is calculated to remain [his enquiry into the fishing permits, The attempts that have been [whith the federal government granted. The Saskatchewan legislature, now made to. dispirit or dispossess the Has anything happened to his probe * m. session, proposes to have a re- government have been rank failures. distribution, but Hon. Mr. Scott pro- {The only really live campaign which ' . mises that it will be a fair one, and has been waged in the name of the house occurs in June there will be an in all probability quite acceptable to party was that conducted by Mr. carly election. The fonseryatives do the opposition. He is reminded, by the Bourassa in the bye-election of last not appear to like this, and they can- way, of the lault-finding of Mr. Haul- {0 pp attorney-general. rosiened not expect to win out. tain enough in the previous adjust- his seat, as a means of vindicating ment that gentleman's lines had ben his political character, and the form- followed as far as possible. Mr. |. member for Labelle, the pictures: Scott's assurances may - be accepted que nephew of the great Papineau, conditionally, and one cennot wonder. | oo invited to oppose him. That was The premier of Saskatchewan may | a, incident of note--the political event mean just what he says, but he will | ;f (he last three years in Quebec--and Perfect Fitting Underwear Is EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Ames has not been following up is, LOADED UP FOR DEFEAT, weak. Yes, Sir, you can find here Underwear that fits ly. & all over, right sure no One compare town we're find to "= Phis woman says that Lydia E, while serfoct. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hil perfect saved her life. + Mme. Emma Chatel, Valleyfield, Rellariver, Quebec, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "1 want to tell you that without Lydia "E. Pinkham's Vegetalle Com: pound, 1 would not be alive. For . mths I suffered with painful and rrogular periods and inflammation of the. feminine organs. Doctors could "vit nothing for me, and said I must sub- mit to an operation as 1 had a tumor. LOne of my cousins advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable If the prorogation of the federal in + We Sivote special attention to our Underwear Stock and Come see these Shirts. every line is right. We were determined to have the best One Dollar Shirt that could be made, and we employed a skillful maker to do the work. c Fabrics Better, Styles Newer, ir. Winston Churchill * is "making his peace with the nationalists. After th next election he says he will be an out-an-out home ruler. The process of conversion is now going om. Merino Shirts and Drawers, 50c., 75¢. a garment. bed time This preparation is said to restore the natural function of the kidneys, so they will sift and strain the poisonous waste matter, uric acid, ete., from the | Balbriggan, 50c., 1 garment, 0c, $1 4 Has Mr. Asquith changed his atti Lisles, Gauze, Silk Net 4 Rompoting as it had cured her. v "1 did so and now I have no pain Land am entively cured. Your remedy tis deserving of great praise." see the importance of giving some |jt wvidence of it in his . proposals, says he will lollow the splendid ex- ample of the Laurier government, and He | provincial bleus stronger. The party of seven did not give any proof that were getting the | tude on the home rule guestion ? He any | was two weeks ago int 'favour of local government only. in the legisla- |manded an Mr. Redmond de independent government. blood, purifying it and relieving rheu-| matism. Backache will be relieved, the arine will be neutralized and cleared | and no longer a cause of irritation, thereby overcoming such symptoms as Work Better, Fit Better, Natural wool, medium weights, for between seasons, be. 2 Yes, all these features are 75¢., §1, $1.25 a garment, better than the best Dollar y ACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink 3 ham's Vegetable ompoud, made "from roots and herbs, has been the Listandard remedy for female ills 1 and has positively cured thousands o + women who have been tronbled wit! "displacements, inflammation, nleera - tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities ppeHiodic pains, backache, that bear "ing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges. "tion, dizziness or nervous prostration "Why don't vou try it? i Mrs: Pinkham invites all sicl women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands te health. Address, Lynn, Mass. F. W. BOSCHEN Member Consolidated Stoc -- lxchangs of New York: STOCKS, BONDS and | GRAIN | Posen amd Soka tor Casi or bm 1 3 Sold fur DIRECT PRIVATE WIRETON.Y W. HECTOR H. HUME, mor. come closer together ? } p -- Ary . Our Special $1 per Suit Balbriggan. weak bladder, painful, frequent and other urinary difficulties, This is worth trying and mav prove consult the opposition upon the sub-|ture may be very hopeful. = They [Have they ject. : could do better work if they had j a Mr. Whitney said the same thing, |few additions. An active and aggres- and we all know what happened. He sive opposition--all that the party named some liberals on a committee |in Ottawa is less its dishonorable but he expected them to pass the gov- | tactics--would be a good thing for roment's schemes without hesitation, | Quebec, but it is a thing of which ar hat without a chance to reconsider them. | there is very little promise at the him. Nor did the government reveal its present time. ' hand at one time. Gradually glimpses rt i dere given of the gerrymander, and within a few hours some of the least defensitde alterations were wade. Eventually the' whole thing became 80 {.,,,.0 Hon. Mr. MacKay did not o8 [not one at present. Mr. Taylor's time obnoxious that even certain conserva- |...) {he guarentee of the Whitney gov- and service 'must ke very valuable. tive priuts pronounced against it, and the Canadian Northern w---- the World said there could only be! u,v and such terms as to ona conclusion, namely, that the par- |. 1s the deal impossible. The gnswer ty was afraid to face public opinion |. their complaint has been made by | upon the ald lines. Most of the Whig'a | yr MatKay in a speech which hel reader's will remember Mark Twain's {nade on Saturday in East" Welling: story of the jumping frog. The cham- | 5, Ile is reported to have said: pion jumper was léit too long in the | «No proper consideration whatever hands of a designing person, and the | ..; he given by an opposition to all result was that when time for the cot | the matters that are rushéd through petition came it was unable ta move. of the s ssion. [t had been loaded with buckehot. 2.700 ,- Mr. Whitney's redistribution act has boon loaded so as to make political competition impossible. ---------- 3 " Shirt you ever saw. Come Sir Adolphe Caron is no more. How in and we'll prove it. the old guard is disappearing cne by one ? Sir Adolphe was a somewhat just what many people here, need, picturesjue. figure, and an able man. , . B. A. Hotel Arrivals. It was only on rare gecasions, how J. Chadwick, B. McKeawan, I, . . . he showed what was wold, Alex. Geey, W. McPherson, ( KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. in Smith, C. Simpson, of Hamilton; 8 C. Brennan, St. Catharines; F. W. Fuller, Lieut.-Col. Biggar, A. R. Dur-| ell, Miss M. Durell, Ottawa; H. B.| Emory, Walter Harmm, Virginia | heating, Carl A. Kopp. R. Cot ton amd wife, of Parsifal company; | W. H. Stubbs, New York; W., Merk. ley, Williamsburg; F. W. Hollings worth, Chicago; A. J. Muncay, W. H. Henderson, Boston; W. Hendeheimer, | D. R. Murdoff,- J. R. Johnson, Lown don: C. H. MeNider, H. FE. McLean F. W. Doran, W. C. McQuillan, J. F Bennett, E. J. Shannon, A. Brad | shaw, W. Gavnor; Gorden E. Fiach, R. 8. Hénderson, 8. 8. Newton, J, | €. Grant, Montreal: Georpa A, Pol lock, Toronto: J. B. McMerrich, Os- | wego, N.Y.; Guy H. Hamilton I O-O-O-O-CUTHOOO00ET 0000 00C 0000000000 OVOOTCOTOVCTCO DTD FVD OC OO TOOT ODTOOD MII OES SOOO LQ George Taylor, M.P., is prepared to 00000TTOOC00VVGO00V0 000VVOOIOOOOOOTC on RUSHED THE JOB THROUGH. [sit in Ottawa until Christmas rather 000 ; » 2QO0UCOO00! Fault has been found by the Tcron- {than that the Dominion shall prepare to {Felegram and Toronto World be [for a fair voters' list, where there is S. BEALE 2EP 244040000044 440 044404444444 485 545953840 The Latest in Oxfords 3 There's no neater, more sty- lish or more comfortable shoe made than a Patent lnvictus Oxford. After having worn boots for the past five or six months, you'll appreciate the change to Invictus Oxfords. We have Invictus Patent Ox- fords in Narrow, Mediam or Full Toes; also in Tan and Gun Metal, Prices $4 & 4.50 ¥ THE SAWYER SHOE STORE PEFIIFIFIH4 0054504590004 4045900049494 990 ernment to Mr. Foster says he likes independent criticism. Then he has a queer way of Under the lash he writhes some Fitter thipgs. Still as one of the wiunded; as the Star remerks, he should Le re moved from the firing line. in showing it and and syuirms says The Good Dressers Long, Are buying hats. 4 Campbell Bros'. nobby One Solid Week At Mullin's. Eight 10e Eight pounds washing soda, 10¢ in the closing hours The question of guaranteeing 000 worth of bonds is of sufficient importance to receive special mention in the oh from the throme if it is then the intention of the ministry to make sach a guarantee. lf it has not at that early date been considered it | is at least due the opposition, who | have no opportunity of ascertaining what is discussed in the ministerial caucus, the press and the peopls of the provinea, to anngunie such mat- ters some weeks before the close of the session in order that the matter may be fully understood. 1 have beer gix years in the legislature, and never during any year Were so many new subjects rushed in and dealt with in the dying hours of the session as the case in that just closed. Moreover; find now, in! looking into the act of 1904, which gave the original guaran. pounds whiting, Eight three-cent packages washing powder, lOc. Cormier son and Division streets Highly Seasoned. Chxago News Lot's wife became a pillar of but most wives become peppery Gillett' John salt, + + We have the selection of spring suitings to choose from in the city. An inspection is solicited. Craw ford & Walsh, tailors. a | You ean only make a woman show the white feather if white feathers happen to be the fashion. "Tafiv." largest "Washington taffy "Huyler"s Washington tafly Fresh at Gibson's Rod Cross Store... Lots of women complain because they have nothing to complain of, PEELE PAPLL 4490004094440 09504 i MEANING OF THE FIGHT. One has to go back to the discus | sion of home rule weeks ago to find the secret of the hostility of Mr. Red- mond and hie party towards the As quith government. The leader of - the nationalists had proposed a resola- tion and it provoked an animated debate. This debate had been carried on without a scene for some time. The opposition had declared itseli to be unalterably against the proposal. The chief secretary for Ireland was in favour of some measure of local gov- ernment. and: local legislature, because the imperial pacliament 'could wot deal with Irish problems as they Drug . + + + "' + + + + + + + + * 4 + hel + + + + + + + + + + + + +44 | } { | | | i { aster Novelties! Chocolate Eggs at lc., 2¢, dc, Te, 10e, 20c and 35¢ each. Cream Eggs, Decorated Eggs, Eggs ir. Fancy Baskets, Boats, &c. Chicks, Roosters, Rabbits, &c. If your doclor says take Ayer's Sar- saparilla, then take it. If he has anything betler, then lake that. yersSarsaparillc If you are all au thin, pale, nervous, go to your doctor. Stop guessing, stop go direct to your doctor. Ask his It was late in the day when Mr. Asquith suggested the addition of a line to the Redmopd motion, in es sence that home rule was to be a con- tingency of national government, that the imperial partiament was to be the supreme authority, that all legisla- tion should be subject to its approv- « That's Toye's Bread. No one 'ever doubts its unexcelled quality. It's not good to-day and bad to-morrow, but ALWAYS GOOD. Ii your baker doesn't supply this kind, "phone us, and we will. Phone 467 » - experimenting,