Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1908, p. 8

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THES P.M.EDITION CONCERT AT Ms PAILS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1908. -- THEFT OF PEANUTS | By Two Young Children on Prin- AT THE POLICE COURT. To-Day. "How Ann ? It is believed that Ang | appeared before Magi i | this morning, a charg: OV, 1B setenty-six Years | wa a froguent tation, bat, to-day, she gistrate that it was two vears she had been before thw ) | #ay® that she has been stay ing at the House of Tudastry, but that x i | in the general hospital from fi 4th to April 9th, Last night {ed at the police station, and protection. She denied being grant, and told the magistrate she had been Johnson street. 'And why didn't yon stay there Jast night ?" asked the court, "Bec ause they wanted to steal mv i coat," was the reply. "Nl remand you for a week," the magistrate. A vagrant was given a chance a drunk was fined 81 and costs, the option of ten daye. 7 1 JB RADE VARNISH AND STAIN COMBI Works like magic, .actu- Lally transforms old furni- ture into new, old js ire trate on . She the i the mag in visitor at police told court STORED AND INSURED Telephone waggon ) to call 480, Janosry she call a va- that staying al a house on said and with COMBS | We have Yeeol¥Bd a number of choice designs in just {le latest, and newest thing in Combs, A special feature is the quality of the ornamenia- | tion which is 18k. gold de oi posited into the surface of the Comb, giving a very rich effect in the hair. metal. A child can apply] it. Only 20c. a tin. Handled exclusively | Kingston. mes va MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. We have made the I véry reasonable. S pangenherg | JI Wi LLE R, Issurer of Marriage Licenses. prices N The Great English Femed, Tones aud invigorates lo whois Bioud in old Velna, "wres Nery | ome Debitity, Meniid and Brain Worry, Des | , A Weakness, Fniseiona, Sj patna, "be rd do i} Forcast ox, Hix for One will ploase, | wit HE all on Feoel ot of price. New pamplie | 1 The Wood Meu ot ine Co. | ma hadi wal 000000 The Most Essential Feature in READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS 1S FIT There is usually plenty of style in all the garments shown, and by paying a fair price you can easily obtain quality of material, but of what use to you is this if the article does not fit? We always pay particular attention to the tailoring of every article we offer and can {UARANTER ABSOLUTE FIT. New Spring Suits, $10 to 50.00 each, no two alike. New Silk Coats, $15.00 to 35.00 each. New Spring Coats, very latest styles, $5.00 to 25.00 each. New Voile Skirts, $7.50 to 25.00 each. New White Coats, short and long lengths, $10.00, 12.50, 15.00. BLACK DRESS GOODS The color and dye of Black Goods is equal- ly as important as the quality of the ma- ~ terial. We pay particular attention 16 the dyeing and finish of all our goods, and can guarantee them in every way. Black Voiles. crisp finish, 60, 75, 90c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, Black Panamas, Pebbles, Armures, 7 Henriettas, &e., &. Black Broadeloths, spotless finisl, 90c., 4 335, Li, 1.30, 1.43 yu. , plain and fancy weaves, , 30, 35, 40, 50, 60c yd. in Black and Colors, | Three Cases Before the Magistrate | wan | asked for | renews the * (finish which has deteriorat- | led on all articles of wood or in 'Wood's Fhosphoding, | BOrvOus system, Mnkes pew | al | druggists or mailed Jr | Ont | extracted, the | sued cess Street. A curious case of theft, hy two small] immigrant childeen, a boy and a girl, neither 'more than sight vears old, oe curred on Princess Attendance Was Very Large !ing. The two children at Both Sale and Concert-- | up that street, the little girl carryin i a d Sun a Snpty basket. They passed a Guite G w an emp 3 Realized pe 3 { store, in front. of which was a large ea. . i peanut roaster. Both children looked | The sale and concert held by the la- lat the nats with longing eves for a dies of Bt. Paul's church, Tuesdayaf-| moment and then passed on. They | ternoon and evening, proved a most | went only a few steps by the store] The ladies spared no | when they came to a sudden stop and the ¢vent a most | entered into earnest conversation. are Hager cing of Finally, the plan was formed and much credit for the way all the {both children again walked down the {| rangements 'were carried out. The | street. This time the boy stopped at various booths were very prettily dé | the store window, just near enough cotated, and presented a fine appear] the peanuts that he could reach ance. At the concert, held in the even-| around the post and put his hand in ing, the room was crowded to the the glass case in front of the ma- and the programme provided | chine. When he gave the girl the sie- most delightful one. "The | nal, she came walking up, and as she presided over hy the fol-| passed, two handfuls of nuts were lowing ladies ;: Fancy work, Miss dropped into the basket. She came Wales, Mrs, Stover, Mrs. Monk, Miss! down again and the same trick was Sherratt, Miss Rath, Miss Ethel Weir; | | ropes tec The trip up and down was candy, Missos Bawden, Miss Thurston | made three times, and then, after the and Miss Newton; home made, Miss! hil Raffles bad filled his pockets, Savage, Miss Arthurs, Miss Noble; tea| he calmly walked on up the street. table, Mrs. Gowdey and Mrs. Weir. [The plan was certainly well formed, At the concert, in the evening, R.F. { and the proceedings went through { Elliott wax chairman. Every number | without a hitch. HW any one had { was enthusiastically received, gnd the | not seen the first part of the small { whole programme proved a most de- | theft, they would nat have noticed | lightful treat. The programme in- | anything unusual. | cluded violin selections by Miss Goldie HOME MISSION SOCIETY | Bartels, solos by Miss "ugh, Rev. Mr. { Bikey, Miss Phelp (Arnprior), Mi | { Ovser, George Gillespie, pinno selec-| of the Women of the Presbyterian rions by Miss Vera Burials, dub by | Church. Mrs, Fitsgerald and 5 i." and anf qq. regtilar monthly meeting of the bei h reading by Rev. W. F. Fitsger, { Woman's Home Mission Society of {the Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday. This sofiety is a union one, { composed of members of the four | Presi j/terian churches in the cit: : pi {is trying to do its share towards the | See How Its Made and Consumed | religious and moral upbuilding of the in Kingston. | remote places in our own province, | The apple crop at The Bijon theatre | as well as the great" west, This lat- now ripe and to-day and to-mor- | ter is, of course, the most pressing a large body of peasants al There has been sh a tre France will go out ta pick it, accom | mendous influx of foreigners to that panied by their wives and children. { part of Canada that it is difficult for fhe men carry long. poles and the wo- [the churches to provide for the con- fnten bas kets, and they will knock |stantly increasing needf and an excol- {down and pick up the beautifal, ripe, | lent paper on piones¥ work in Sas {Huscious fruit. { kutchewan was given by Mrs. Chis When the baskets are full a pictures- | holm, whose husband is one of the old cart, drawn by a team' of | missionaried in that province. It was | dignified oxen comes along and is | hill of the difeultits and trials of soon filled. | théik life, but &lso full of the joy of Thep the harvesters form a proces { be Iping to make our county a great sion, and with songs and deuces pro- {one in the Milfest sense of thé word, | cond, precede the oxen to the barn, | The president, Mrs. Laird, gave a re | where the apples are placed in heaps { port of the annual meting held in Afterwards the fruit is placed in the | Hamilton in Margh. The meetings she and all the juice having been | | described as most enthusiastic and in- precious licuid is put | spiring, special mention being made jiato. barrels, and the last scene of fof a report by Mes, Kipp, who had this interesting film is an old wrink- { bee n appointed. to visit the various fled couple drinking a cup of their be- hospitals, established hy the W.H. M.S. [loved cider, a smile of utter content | and the enormous amount of good fon their happy faves. Many a hearty | they are accomplishing. A | SUCCESSFUL AFF AFFAIR GIVEN| BY THE LADIES. sty were successful affair, | pains to make pleasant one, and doors, was a booths were The net proceeds will amount to $90. | eS. A DRINK OF CIDER. row | gue | presses, set this morn | walking | al port--The "la sudden jor that shook {ation there was found to be 4 large | i -- IN MARIE CIBCLES { { | | { i } IN TROUBLE. Hsin, Had to Be Injury i Placed on St. Lawrence. | steambarge Lloyd KR. Porter, | {which i= now in Belleville harbor with | ia cargo of coal, had quite an exciting jexpesien e while going up the bay on | Monday. The vessel was Just opposite {Northport in Big 'Bay when there was the boat from stem to stern, 'l here was eonsid- erable ice floating, but the captain says it was something more solid thaw ice that was struck. On examin- 1 he thole in the port bow of ih vessel, and that the water was pouting in very fast.{lhe captain beachid the vésgel near Northport, When the in jury was repaired and the steamer af- ter being pumped gut, was able to procesd omits way to Belleville, ond the damage is being permanently re paired, There i quite a lot of ice ib the lower part of the bay yet Merger Oi Lake Steamers. At a meeting in Hamilton, wees, the Inland Navigation company which will embrace pearly all the Canadian freight lines on the lakes, was formed. "the shareholders of the companies present decided to make the authorized capital = $2 000,000, The board of directors was elected: Wil liam Southam, president; KR. 0. Mac Kay, vice-president; John Milne, Geo. Lynch-Staunton, George Hope, C. 8. Band, J. P. Steedman, F, H. Whit ton, J. W. Nesbitt, and W, G, Wal ton. The companies involved are: Ham. ilton & Fort William Navigation Co., New Ontario Steamship «o., Union Steamship | Coy, Winona Steamship Coy, Buick limited; Rosedale limited; Re 0, B. MacKay, New Ontario Dock s Fel Co. They control eleven big freighters, Hamilton will be given a regular service to Montreal and the upper lakes: The total bond issye is £508,000 with - capital stoek of $417, 000. The gssets are es 81, 125,000, this Welcomed Af Oswego. Oswego Times : Captain John Doyle brought 'in the big steamer Windsor fram Kingston with flying colors yes- terday afternoon. He was carrying the English flag aft and the American flag with the Union Jack underncath at the forepeak. Captain Doyle hae warmly welcomed when he reported at the tug offiee this morning. He is as popular and as pleasant as when in command of the Hathuia upd 1dter of the Iroquois. Being Sharply Criticised. Ogdensburg Journal : The fact that the chanel buoys have nol yet been placed in American waters is proving a source of danger to local vessels and the authorities in charge of his { film, "A Modern Samson and Deli | fah. John Robert Davis sings "Good-Bye, Sweetheart." ---- "New Gueeh Zephra." |HE WAS FORCED TO TAKE This beautiful spectacle which made | a hit in Kingston a year and a | EVE AS WIFE. hall ago, will be presented at The | Siren the week of April 28th. \ Mr. | secture on "Marriage and Cotrt-| Jooth, the director, bas made many | Lars | changes in "Queen Zephra," and the | oy BY av, =. Hactovish| --- as Brimful of Humor theatregoers of this city are assured | of a rare treat in the presentation of | Despite counter-attractions, a goodly | assembled, Tuesday evening, | "New Zephra." The cast will be | number particularly strong one, while the | ip the lecture hall of Cooke's church, | whole dance ensemble has been com- | fo hear a lecture hy Rev. W. 8S. Mac pletely changed. New dances, | Tavish, on "Courtship and Marriage." | Music; new costumes, new light é-1D. A. Shaw, the genial chairman, af fects, new seenery, are a few of the | ter a formal introduction to the lee- many changes in beautiful '"Zephra. *1 ture, called upon Allan Lemon. the On the opening night, Tuesday, the {| choirmaster, for a sohg, which was 28th, there will be a competition drill { well received: The little = brothers between the Red Hussars, twenty-five 4 Brown acquitted themselves admirably f young ladies, and the Highland ('a-|in the duet, "Christ Ts Risen." After] dets. This will undoubtedly ve ihe {a sweetly rendered song by Miss Nita! gala night to » "tend. Seats on sale, | Lemmon, Dr. MaeTavish proceeded | Saturday, April 25th. | with his lecture, In view of the pos-| sibility of a repetition being sought | in other quartees, perhaps a fo ex. trocts will suffice as well as proving? an incentive to that end. "Adam had no choice, Young men build ew | A Muskrat Episode. Late last evening, quite a little ex- citement was camed on Princess | street, at the egrier of Wellington | street. A large muskrat was found | nobody. hiding in Corbett's hardware store | tles (in the air) than cottages. door way, and the crowd was afraid | hé who hesitates is lost, he that mar. to go in for fear of being bitten by | ries in haste may repent at lei isure. | the animal. A well-known city official | Ehgagements should not of more] with a "strong" right' foot, happened | than a year's duration. Sipgle bless along, and threw some mud at the! edness is preferable to double cussed- animal, and as it ran out dealt it a fierce kick, amidships, sending it down the street. Its flight down the main street was stopped by its body com- ing in contact with the feet of a well: known shoe merchant, who was sent sprawlibg, so strong was the contact. When picked up the animal was stone dead, it was Fve or] cas: | While | maore be ness," | The lecturer also depicted the vari ous national customs pertaining to courtship and marriage, dealt with the matters of choice, proposal, re spective temperaments, common sense and sacred obligations. - Deplored the blunders of shrewd men like Socrates, Milton, Wesley, Dickens, MacIntosh, told how Bacon was roasted, and pointed to 80,000 divorces in the Unit. od States. Brimming over with illus- trative and anecdotal wit and humor, the audience was kept in a continuous state of amusement. Following the tecture, the Brown brothers favored with another duet and Mrs. Jackson sang "The Miller," evoking loud and continuons applause, The serving of refreshments brought the entertain. ment to a close. Miss Walker ably ac. campanied the songs. -------------- Colds Cause Headache. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the jcanse. Used the world over to cure a cold in ove day. E, W, Grove's signa. ture on box. Je. ------------------ Farmer Sued For Wages. A wealthy Pittsburg farmer is being sued hy a hited pian for $19 back wages. The infortnation was taken out before Justice of the Peace Hun ter, on Tuesday, and the case will be tried 'on Monday west, i ---------- Sheet Music, At 5c. On Thursday; Fri oy and Saturday of this week, we will bave on sale a selected 1st of sheet music at Be. a copy. This sale will consist of stand- ard and lassie compositions by the best composers, sonatas, walties, marches, popular songs, vdeal gem from standard operas, and sacred songs. McDermott Bros., 260 Prinesse street, A Contemptible Trick. A most contemptible trick was pet. trated on Monday night, at the lingston granite works, when some w thesw a bottle, Doig ie hel, Shrdugh the window, The glass he window was sent flying in all Kites trom, and the bottle was smashed against one 'of the stories, throwing itd contents about wid daing some damage. Another Bloody Fight. At 11.30 o'clock this morning, a lively sordp oceurred at the eortier of Wellington ou Suen, stroots. The te x mill was 'wi bloody nosé and mouth. Held An CAL Home." fen. 1wego, {being put in, | Bocity + work 'are being sharply eriticized for their delay, it is pointed out that navigation began ten days ago and {that Casadian buoys were placed in positign several days ago. Marine Notes. The sloop Laura, D, is unloading pressed hay at the eity wharf Capt. Coombs and erew of the steam er India, Gardin 1s- land, Charles Chambers has Leen appoint- ed first mate on the schooner Kiteh to have arrived at over to building The Ariadne Wolfe island, to-day, mp terial. The schooner at Swift's wharf from Oswego. The schooners Bertha Kalkins, esont and Kenirving, cleared for to-day. The steamer Aletha arrived from Belleville, aud ' leit at o'clock for Picton. Extonsise repairs are being made to | Swift's wha, Much of the planking is being taken up and new planks are sloop went with expected with coal Keewatin is to-day, Jami Os to day, | three BENTENCED AT CHATHAM. Che Year in Prison For Stealing Whiskey. Chatham, Ont, April 2+ Cephere Cedar, who at first was chatged with arson, in connection with the buwning of the Mitchell Bay Clubhouse, but who was later charged with entering and taking thereiromh a gun, was con victed and sentenced to six months in Central prison. Henry: Garby was sentenced to a year in Central for stealing whiskey from a freight car. BE THE EASTERN SECTION Of the C.P.R. Likely Strike in Sympathy. Montreal, April 22.--The merchants of the U.P.R. decided, at a meeting, last night, thet if the company forved a strike on the western section in con- nection with the abrogation of the wnion schedule, the eastern section would strike not only in sympathy, bit to secure another working sche dules to TO SIT MONTHLY. Decision of the Rail®ay Commis- sioners. Ottawa, April 22.--The railway fom- mission has rearranged its proce dare rules, and will hereafter sit monthly. terifinate Stings have produced a great « wi for ane day and tied affairs up. To-day, twenty-two cases had acenminlated. This impressed the merabers with the necessity for a regular sysiem, The time--"Now. The place--"Your lawn." The aced-- "Kentucky y in Kingston at Gibeon's BE un ne ill Ta and the lawn grass STEAMER LLOYD PORTER | Beached Near North- | Repaired-- | United States Buoys Not Yet| [HE FAMOUS IMPIRE Has arrived. This is the second lot this season and is exceptional value, It is distinctly the appropriate and correct material for Spring Suits. The colors are Tan Brown, Havana Browne, Leather Browns, Navy My: - A tle and Hunter' Greens and A Black Other cloths 1.49. LADIES' NEW SPRING COATS This spring styles are particularly chic and attractive and the smartest of them now awaits you here at $5 to $10 With many between, Broad- 1.89, French $1.25, at -------- You are at liberty to make a selection now and have it placed asidé until re- quired if not quite ready to, buy yet. You will in this way secure a choice Impossi- ble to get later when stocks are picked over, Ladies' Stylish Suits $13.50 to 33.50, with man; these prices. a between Children's Spring Coats $2.95 to 5.00. All sizes, from 2 years to girls of 16 years, Ast - ---------- lp VOOO0VTFOOOOGO0O0O00000IO000 DODOGOCHOOO 00000 I{CHOCOLATE! SHOES The most complete assortinent of Ladies', Gents', Girls' and Boys' Tan and Colored Bhoes ever shown in Kingston. All prices from $1.50 in Ladies, up to $5.00. We have just loaded a table with a stock of Ladies' Chocolate Blucher Cut Oxford Shoes at the very low price of Ong Dollar and Fifty Cents. Call early and secure a pair of these bar- gains. Ge Toochett Shoe Store. |

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