"Possibly at Christmas you @veriooked a very dear fiend in sending your Christ. Mas presents. If such is the apse, Easter is the oppor. tine time, Pearl and Ame yst Crosses are being eatly worn. They make a handsome pendant. In lid Gold, beautiful finish- . Price ranging from $2 ~ Kinnear & &'Esterre | o Jewellers. : Princess St., Cor. Wellington. REAL ESTATE Now'is the time to dispose of that property of yours, WE CAN SELL IT. Better let us book it. i i 1 J.R.C.Dobbs & Co re EE BE ranks. IMPERIAL Whett you buy Underwear usk [3 for the HPERIAL CROWY BRAND | FEvety garment guaranteed. Durability comfort only by KINGSTON HOSIERY CO. LTD., Kingston, . Ont, 8 onumenis] 14 Owing to the fact that we have a large number of Monuments in stock, and a number arriving, we hive decided fo sell at greatly reduced rates to make room for new goods, ES MULLEN, SHILOW'S Lick k ease for the worst cough--quick the heaviest E cold--and SAFE buck. 34 years jloh's Cure. 20c., Er Err F. METCALFE, President. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary: 2 OTOOTOODITOS : MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER 'Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business « College, Barrie and Clergy Ste, ™ N. STOCKDALE, Princess St., Opposite Y.M.C.AL = i g 1 fl th i i iid i fi £ -- ; Aoi -YOU-LIKE-TO-READ~TIHE: STORY SEO R - THE E FURNACE? semi Just write on a post- card, "Send Bookict A" and mall struction will do? operation? "called gladly at- tend to. 7 ------ LONDON... ® onan snags and ~Just how arect princi les say it 2 should be: ced? Just why no other plin of con- s=Just wherein fies its ability to be easy af fuel, quick in action, simple in The story is briefly told in a Jude booklet Furnace Faces.' fsement. Ng furnace rune is sientioned, and you can read the wholcistory in 5 minutes. To the party contemg 'ating purchrsing a furnage it points out the and st ows exactly what to demand of an archi- tect, contractor of, deales, in furnace i i wr we { fo work It's not an adver- construction VANCOUVER BY. Joan. Ne TON a CAteArY attended the funeral of the late Mps. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. | ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points! in Eastern Ontario--What| People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. At Chaffey's Locks. Chafley's Locks, Apsil = 21.---The| cheese factory began operations on | the 13th. Reports say this has been | an exellent sugar season, maple | syrup selling at seventy-five cents piv | gallon. Messrs. Bartley and N. H. | loward have rented pasture land from | W. W, Brown, here. Miss M. E. Flem-| ing is spending the holidays with her | sister, Miss Lillian, in Montreal. Miss Ruth Howard, Newlwo, and Henry! Fleming, Kingston, are spending the holidays at. their homes, At Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's 'Falls, April 20.--Miss Mary Quinn arrived home from Clyde Forks to spend the holidays. John Poole has gone to Innisville to visit his brother, William Poole. Charles Hollinger left last evening for North Bay on business. The farmers around here are ploughing now. Alexander Ruttle is having an addition built to his house. David and Richard Hor | ricks are the carpenters employed. Rev. Father Keaney preached an elo- quent sermon on the pesurrection here on Easter Sunday. Sangster Jottings. Sangster, April 21 --School closed for the Easter %iolidays, the teacher, Miss Mayme Walsh, returned to her Kome in Oates, rick Walch and mother left last week for Shepherd, Mich. A number of farmers around here have started their spring's ploughing. Vistors : John Daley and sister, Mrs. Johan Comnors, at T. and Mrs. P. Egan at D. Robinson's; Mre. P. Corcoran at Nicholas Mur- phyv"s; Michael Daley at T. Barrett's; Mijssés Katie and Maggie Murphy at Janes Murphy's; Mrs. D. Magnet at W. Ryan's; * Michael Connors and T. Barrett at O'Connor's. has and has Pat- News From Picton. Picton, April 21.--Rév. Mr. Emory will soon be able to fill his pulpit again. Miss Robertson, teacher, No 2, is away for her holidays, accom- panied by her sister. teacher at the orphanage. Miss M. Rorke spent Eas- ter in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs, W. Me Caw, who have been visiting in the country, have returned to town, Miss Margaret Fox, Salem, is spending the Eastertide under the parental roof. Navigation has already' begun here, as the schooner William Jamieson left for Oswego to load coal last Tuesday. Thé pupils of the public school donat- ed their Easter offering of eggs to the orphanage, as usual. Lombardy Locals. Lombardy, April 21.--Miss Teresa Jordan, teacher at Parham, is home for the holidays. Several from here bh. C. Thursday. Healy at Smith's Falls on Miss Nora Ryan, of Smith's Falls, i8 the guest of Miss Marie Dooher. Some of the farmers of this visinity have bégun ploughing. Seed: ing will be in progress soon. John Wood is able to be around again, ai- ter hi¥ recent illuess. 'I'he several high school students of the vicinity are at their homes for the holidays. Charles O'Reilly, Smith's Falls, is having extedsive repairs done té his houses here. Budget From Folger. Folger, April 21.-<The product of the maple tree is scarce this year in this vicinity. Philip Cameron has his saw mill running at full blast, with quite a gang of men at work. James and Robert Simpson left, yesterday, inthe saw' mill at Ompah. John Manion has returned from the porthern lumber camps. R. Simpson has moved into the house lately va- cated by J. Burke, who has taken reoms at A. Stewart's. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Burke, a daughter. Visitors : Misses Aggie and Laura Manion spent Faster at home; Miss Macey Davis, spending a few days at A. Stewart's; Mrs. Leakey and Mrs. McGonigal, of Flower Station, at A. Stewart's; T. G. Burke, at his home, at Oso, A Wedding Soon ? Westbrook, April 22.---The Indepen- dent Evangelists intend holding meet: ings in the village, beginning on Thursday evening, 23rd Mrs. H. Knight, Kingston, is spending this wook with her pavepte, Mr. and Mrs Dillon. Mrs. G. W. Smith has re turnesl home, after a pleasant visit with friends at Ottawa and Carleton Place. Mise Schoals is spending the holidays at her home in Kingston. Miss Jennie Howie t the week-end with friends in Kingston. James Gates is recovering from his recent ill- ness, Rumor says a wedding in the near future. mn -- Sota To Start Work, Bell Rock, April 21.--<It is daiotied that work will be started in i here this week. of the farmers daughter, - Salem, and My, Thompson at CG. Bares. Mr. aud Mrs. Burr's; Burridge; Mr. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL. 23, holidays at her home here. Mrs Walker and daughter, Oreta, of sissippi, are visiting irignds Er Mis- here. Mr, and Mrs, G. Howes spent Sunday IW. at Parham. - W, J, Wagar is at V lam MeCumber's, Miss Julia Myrtle and T, MeCumber spent May at George Raymond's, { ------ Burridge Jtems. Burridge, April 20.--Most of farmers report a good run of sap. { few iu this vicinity ave sik with | grippe. Miss Viola Barr, who was at- | tending Kibgston Busimess College, returned house accompanied by Miss B. Storms. Miss Peatrice Bmr whois | sewing in Westport, spent Sunday at | home. \. Stinson . purchased a 'fine | new okgan last week, Kev. WH. Philip preached to a large songfegation on Sunday last. Visitors; Mr. snd Mrs R. Norris and family at J. Hart man's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Barr and and Mrs. J. Butril at J. Bares; Misses M. and Beatrice, Albert ami Abrabam Barr, Ross Anderson, and Flmer Botting, Westport, at E. Barr's. William ! i { M. Porterm a¥ C, Stinson's. Others too numerous to mention. Ompah Tidings. Ompan, April \ 21.--A 'very sad death occurred on April 9th of Mrs. Wik liam Dedore, She was aged only twenty years. She leaves to mourn her joss a hushgnd and mother and sister. The fu I services was held in the English church by Rev. Mr. Lyons and was largely attended. The remains were placed in Ardock come- | tery, Une of the old residents passed away on April Sth, lsasc Baldwin. He leaves a widow and three sons to mourn his loss, "The remains were taken to Ardock for burial. The Am- erican saw mill is booming again. Daniel Massey has had the misfortane of losing three of his cows. Miss Alice Moore has returned home after ¢. Edward Hart, Roblin. A. 'Wat. i i { and | Sua- | William Simmonette iG. the | A {Cronk, who i ston. {ing the Tending three weeks with her sister,y rn son made a business trip to Sharbot| Lake last Friday. ! Doings At Charleston. } Charleston, April' 20.--Messrs, Wil- | son and Hickey are the new proprie- | tors of Cedar Park Hotel. Robert Fos- ter, is spending a week in New York | city, Miss Eva Jobnson is spending the Easter holidays at her homie here, | 1908. Deline, Kingston, at Bar's, and with other friend the village. Mr. and Mys. Gananoque, at William Hack's and D. Bisek's; Mr. and Mrs. G. A Smith at C. Ball's; Koss Bertram and | at W. b. Bert-| ram's; My'? Aylesworth, Bath at G Lake's; Miss M, Grit at her home; | Howes, Sr., Mr. and Mrs Roy | Wagar at G. A. Smith's. Sampson started for Cobalt last week, returned en Monday. Mrs. J Goodiellow is visiting friends in King 6G. A. Smith is repairing factory. has Reports From Wilton. Wilton, April 21. --Kgrah Storms re | ceived the sad intelligence, on Sum | day, of the death of his sister Haltic (Mrs. Donnelly), of Watertown. Har vey Mills, Sr., had the misforfune to lose a horse from Jock-jaw: "he | Preshyterians have commgioed repait church, this ny and until the repairs are completed, service will be held in the Methodist church the usual hour. James Davidson is spending the h lidays in Wilton. Miss iva Gallagher is ut home from her school at Brewer's Mills. Miss E. J, Williams, Paris, and Miss F. Wil liams, Toronto, are visiting at the parsonage. W. B. Storms, Montreal, arrived, last evening, to visit his mother, Mrs. R. Storms. Oliver As selstine, Owen Sound, is at his fath- er's, N. A' Assolstine. Miss Ethel Baker, Harrowsmith, spending a few days at her. grandiather's, James Forsyth. Miss Mary Stewart, Utica, is at her brother's, William Stewart Miss Stella Skinner, Camden East, is the guest of Miss Eva Gallagher. at 18 Ida-Hill Ideas. Ida Hill, April 20.--W. Randalls is in the employ of W. Jaekson for the summer. Thomas Robinson, one of the oldest pioneers of the township, and highly respected, was called to his re- ward on Monday morning, at the age of nincty-three. Deceased had been a resident of Storrington for some seve enty years, and had got together a nice property by thrift and persever ance. His funeral will take place on Wednesday, and the remains will be taken to the Sand Hill cemetery, and interred in the vault. Farmers. report the frosts at nights hard on the new meadows and fall grain. Local factories are now all run ning and réccive a good sapply of B. Slack and L. Batsford spent Sum | ilk. Some farmers are ploughing, aud | day in Brockville. A. W. Johnson and | say it 4 turning micely. The roads arc family were in Brockville on Satur- ly ww ood. The coolness of the sf ring day. Ms. J, Schofield has returned | 9 the little growth that has Leen after spending a few weeks at Phil lymade cause many farmers to frouent lipsyille. W. C. Taylor has installed a | jy ohserve the amount of hay 'that machine for making butter in his fac | Jill remains and some will doubtless ; tends starting a store. Mr. and Mes. shire; who hes been attending - King- ston. Business College, setarned home on Thursday. Visitors - ting and sons, dt J." Hannah's, Tich- horne ; and family, at Bob's ridge; Ross Morrison, Hartington, af B. Botting's; Mary and Jessic at E. Barr's, Burr daughter spending a few days in the village tory, and last week he wade about | thirty-five pounds of Sutter from | whey, Mr. Webster was quite ill last | week, The sugar season is about over, ! and a great many have - gathéred | their sap buckets. Thomas Foster has | two cows that gave birth to twin| calves this spring. Miss Mabel Morris bas Fecovered from an attack of jaun- | dice. | Desert Lake Jottings. Desgre Lake, April 21,Miss Olive Snook entertained a number of her friends at Easter time. Mr. and Mrs H. L. Bruder, Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Snook k tea at 1. Snook's, Sun- day last. Johnnie Wilton is visiting friends at Holleford, Miss Apuie Snook is on the sick lists Me. and Mrs, J. Abrams spent Faster with Mr, and Mrs, J. N. Abrams. Hugh Camphell, Lacey Mine, lias retirvned home alter visiting | his. daughter, Mrs, E, H. Snook. Miss Jennie Canipbell and | Miss Alma Snook havé rotarped home | after spending Easter with their cou- | sin. Richard Wilson, Glendower, called on friends here recently. E. H. Snook is improving bis residence. Willet Babesek and Géorge Morvy made a flying trip thromgh this vicinity. Mrs. A. Bb. Page has recovered after af severe attack" of | grippe. Miss Alma | Snook presented her uncle, William | Snook with a lerge bouquet of the | first spring flowers. The ica is still in | the lake. There has not beem much | seeding done owing to the cold back- | ward weather, A Budget Of News. Fermoy, April 20. --Georye Butyil's | saw mill has shut dows for a couple of weeks on account of the water wheel breaking. T, C. Rogers, who has been the general merchant of this vil lage for the past threo years, has moved to Hartington, where he in- Rogers and family will be greatly nissed in this vicmity. Aubrey Derby- Myre. P. Bot- Nr, apd Mrs. A.. Patterson Lake ; Mr. and Mrs. George Butril at J, Barr's, Bur- Bot- ting, Clande ahd Aubrey Derbyshire, i, 8, Barr, at arge Steele and B. Botling's; Mrs have retorped howe aftr Florida Matters. Florida, April 21.--J. 8. Weldon has | Sunday I bee's. is in Makins have to buy before the condition for feeding. E. health continues fair grass Ww. To Have Rural Telephones. Odessa, April 22.--On Jue Ros even ing, April 2lst, at a publ meeting, held in Toomey's hall, it was decided to erect a rural telephone service the township of Kmesttown. ers were present from Montreal, To ronto and other places. A dance was given in town hall 'Tuesday evening, and was well attended by the young people. The MetHodist church was very prettily decorated Easter with mottos, flowers. ete. and great credit is due the committe it charge. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Baker, who moved to Winnipeg last fall, re turned this week, William Hillier has opened a barbér shop in the build ing next to Bond's store. John Mc Camus, Peterbore, is home visiting his parents. Miss F., Maund, King ston, at Miss Helena Sharp's, Mise Deckér, Ottawa, at Mrs. (Dr. Ma Malcolm Denyes and family, Newburgh, spent Tuesday at hie father's, J. W. Denves", Paul Arnoldi spent aster holidafs at Brighton Mrs. Runion and little daughter Cornwall, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Runian, Toronto, at R. H. Peter's Miss Rosa Babcock, Watertown, at hér parents. R. Hi, Peters is repay ing two bouses to rent. Mrs. R. W lee and son, Clarence, loft, Saturday, to visit friends at Manolick. Hillier met with a painful acgident last. week. In getting over a feno with a spear the pole broke, the spear going through his upper lip. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peters have moved on] Ferguson avenue, Sidney Silver and| party of friends drove Svdenha { for fishing on Tuesday, came | back with the usual fisherman's luck. | 1 Speak on George fo and -------- o------ IH all the to were ready money, 0. . Making. men of boys is always labor worth while promises pay how plenty cash would a You Have Indigestion. And conclude 'of that stomach is at fault. So it x, but there is a cause away back of the stomach that must be reached before the stomach can be made to do it's work. The camse is nervous distur bance or nerve debility. First get the 'nerves in shape and then the sto mach will be right also. Ferrozone has. accomplished this for thousands of people whose digestion was completely gone. Ferrorone is a foed for the nerves and works wonders in stonuch trouble. Where , digestion, appetite and, assimilation are faulty just = try It cupes thoroughly all druggists, course the HIGH GRADE With its topaz-like C OFFEE clearness and aromatic fragrance--a cup of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee holds out a promise of deliciousness that is. more-than fulfilled in the drinking. For unqualified perfection in coffee, be sure to order Chase & Sanborn's. * You Want Style, Fit, § Comfort, Value. In the Shoes you buy, you want to be certain you're get- § ting all these from the Shoeman = you patronize. The Sutherland Guarantee covers all these x ® points, whether you pay #06, 5, 4.50, 4, 3.50 or = 3.00. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoemaking. ee a IRN 'oe oe Toe Ta ao od wlan D: J Collis Browne's THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. 0 The best known Remedy for ~ CoucHs, CoLbps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effacteally cots short all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too y fatal diseases - FEVER, CROUP and AGUE The oely patlistive is NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. vid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady ein of whiter kind; creates a calm refreshs lee nervous system elem all olher rowed 7 i oa of dren ford; loavs wl canbe taken when ng otlicr medica canbe tolerated CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemisty Prices ia Eagland Vii. 209, ale Sele Manufactorers: J. T. DAVENPORT. tu, INSIST CON. HAVING r. J COLLIS BROWNE'S CIHLORODYNE. Th: immense success of this Reanedy bas given rise t> many imitations. K.5. --~Every bottle of Genwin: Chlorsdyoe bears os the stamp th: name of (he isveator, Dr. J. Collis Drowne LONDON, SE. Wholesale Agents, Lyman Br os. & Co., Limited, Toronto. sn Furniture! Furniture! Goods Arriving Daily for the Spring Trade. China Cabinets from $12 to 60. Combination Buffets from $25 to 100. Brass Beds from $26 to 75. Dresser and Stand from $6.50 to 50. Solid Mahogany Dressers & Stand from $50 to 150, R. d. R El D, 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 Ambulanee; rw SOOO ORORHORACCEOROROE i Bananas, Ripe Tomatoes, 3 Grape. Fruit. A.J.REES,166 Princess St "Plione hi at