THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1908. Now prices will enjoy dncreased Popularity this 'séiison. We have teady a handsome variety of the latest novelties, oni ids Lg We have received a number of choice designs in fust tlie | latest, and newest thing in Combs. A special feature is the quality of the ornameaia- tion which is 18k. gold de- posited into the surface of the Comb, giving a very rich effect in the hair. We have made the very reasonable. Spangenberg JEWHEBLLER, Issurer of Marriage Licenses. prices The Season for, Paint Is here, and®' wy tre® hotter wnippod than #ver before to furnish you with all wirements for every kud of a job PAINTS are leaders, $1.60 Get new e8lor curds. very ah guaranteed, al A. Mitchell's Hordware, 85 Princess St. i of iba Re * anplilet . IN MARINE CIRCLES. t iS Transpiving' 'Klong the Harbor Front. barge Lapwing has arrived at h's, from Oswego, with coal. steamen Aletha hrought a large ber of passengers from bay points Bertha Kalkins has from Oswego hooner i at Sowards', eaal. Crawford's wharf: Barge Dun. and schooners Acacia and Trade from ~ Oswego, and schooner Ann Lyden, from Fairhaven, all coal, . ¢ steamer Kitchen, which arrived . Bath, where the vessel unloaded is at Mavis! dey dock. Some * hing bas to be dane to the ves » steamy pent Rowena. arrived at 's wharf this moming, from it, on her way to Montreal, She first sieamyacht of the season me down this far. It will be days before she can get down the canal, but will go down "a8 she can to-day. : hos Pembroke shteet, ag 2 wtargaui street; chona John Mullin, Ordnance street. pe 2 LOY. s wedding, ten, bald es mn A GOOD PRODUCTION. Cowboy Lite Vividly Portrayed at| The Grand. "The And the drew a very appreciative audience last night at the, Grand Opera House. The| story centri around Bronche Bob, "Mountain Lion," as he is called In| Silverheels, the sweet™ little Indian! Squaw. Broncho Hob, the champion! tj rowboy, has unwittingly won the w heart of Silverheels, who finds a rival ne in Ruth Tompkins, the daughter of af visiting Chicago business man. She threatens to kill this paledace, - and says she is Bob's squaw, but upon] being assured by Ruth that she has! no desire to take another man's hus | band, she asks forgiveness and avows| her love for pale-ince becanse Bob. | loves her too. Mud Hawley, a val champion of Bob's, in wpite sults | Rath, and a constant war do in as al result between the two men, Little Silverbeels and her "father, Bear's Tooth, a Crow Indian Chief, are the principal protectors and allies of the Mountain Lion and his fiancee, = The| thrilling situations and escapades en | amour admirers of adventure and mis adventure. The pathetie fingle of lovers' takes place during the ding festivities of Broncho Bob. Hawley and his men fire inte room and the' brave little squaw divs | protecting the happy couple. The| reveals another rival, | Long Pete, Bob's conlfrere, who brings the bride and bridegroom a gobi | watch. He avows his love for | Ruth, mt sacrifices her as Silverheels! does, to Bob's worthy supe riority. | The ride to death through the blz: | zard of the Montana ranges, introdu-| cing a fine steer awed the squaw on her, broncho, is par excellence. fhe while]; + company pourtrays vividly cowhay life, Cowboy Squaw CHRISJIAN ENDEAVORERS Held a Rally in Queen Methodist Church, In Queen street church, on Friday! evening the quarterly rally of 'the | Christian Endeavor was held, a large congregation being present Rev, A. Mackenzie, of Bethel church,' pre wicked Prayer wag offered by the Rev W. H. Spadling, after which Mrs. J_| Ross, secretary of the union, the quarterly report, showing there were nine societies in the union, | four Methodists, three Congr sation | alist, one. Baptist and one Preshyter ian. The fonds of the in a healthy condition. The address of the evening was de- liwvered by Mrs, Spender Walton, of South Africa general missions, of which Rev. Andrew Murray, the fa-| ¢ mous author, is the leader. The ad-| dress was a most mteresting aecount of South Africa and Swaziland, where the headquarters of the mission: are. A vote of thanks was moved by Mr. | Sparling to the speaker, and adapted: 1 AT THE POLICE COURT. | Street | ! read | that | union, are also Woman Given Month on Vagranev Charge. Sophia Carson, well known in police dreles, was noctised of vagraney, in police court, to-day. Several com plaints had been received by the po-. lice *aboit - her going around the streets begging. She was given clothes ut several places, ahd thesg she would sell and with the money purchase whiskey. She protested against the charge, stating that her son gave her $2 a weeks The magistrate «aid that if this was the case, there was no ex- cuse, 86 he sent her down for one month. The ageused said that she was begging for a poor family, and char- acterized her work as that of charity A drunk was fined £3 and costs, with the option of twenty ELOPED IN THE NIGHT. Bathurst Couple Taken Home By Cofistable. | Ciyiet of Police White, of Perth; wr rived in the city this morning and returned home at noon with Alfred] Bedour and Annie Fhompson, eloped from Bathurst. The girl will be handéd- over to her parents, and Bedour will be tried at Path on a charge 'of seduetion. Bedour, so it appears, was a neigh hor. of the 'Thompson's, and it is| further . stated. they eloped in the) middle of the night. In the morning she was missed and the police noti file The affair caused a big sensa- tion. in the village. It 3s claimed that Bedour does not Jive with his wile, and that she is now in the States, s GIVEN TEST RUN, p---- Firemen Make Good Time on Fri- day Afternoon. After the meeting of the fire and light committee, on Friday aiternoon, the members sent in an alarm, for a test rum, for the firemen. The mem- bers of the committee journeyed to the corner of King and Union street and there Ald. Nickie pulled the box. The flirewen from both stations ar rived at the corner exactly at the same time, making the run in three minutes, and considered to be ex- cendingly good time, "The Girl Question." We have on sale tho hig voeal hits from the néw musical comedy, "The! musie by James FE. "There Js No lace like "Waltz Me Till I'm Dreamy," *'When Ayes lise Yours Into Eves THES P.M.EDITION DEGREES INOUNGED b HiRes. /IN ARTS, '| Eighteen . Masters of Arts, #ifty-} Tuck, J. R., Hughes, Jordan, D Livoett, R. IL, Melntosh, W. D., Mackenzie, | MeRiel, i w.; MeMic ol Nicol, Parker, H. k., Pierce, Pratt, Pauline 1, Ralston, G. D., Reive, Aumie L., Rintoul, A., Robinson; Skene, Stevens, R, S. Simpson, Valens, Q. Wallace, W. G., Motealle. Weaver, { Sask. Wilson, Q. 1. Wood, Whitehead, J Downey, R. F., Lingwood, F Speers, J. A., Mcbougall, I. M., days. ville. Arthur, who) ing) Speirs, T., Appleton, Unt. Course Orford, C., Course ( "Cummings, A., Fernie, B.C. Kidwell, F. Dutton. Sevoml, Schiotickd. 5. J, (MA) , Kingston : gi} Fhe theology degrees and Sosfame rs were not to be announced SCIENCE "AND o'clock, this afternoon. PEDAGOGY FACULTIES, | ---- ee ---- j INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. : -------- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Jibby's $2 bats for smartness. When in need of a cab, "phone 600. The degrees and prizes in the facul- | rawiord & Walsh, leading tailors. es of arts, science and education} Frogress Brand "elothing. ere posted at Queen's University at Soma son, to-day. The list is as follows: | 'aeorge Crawford, wife and davgh- | ' f ter, are home from New York. i Degree Of M.A. | The Collegiate Institute and public | Aliord. Ethel 'Brockville | schools wid reopen on Monday. | Eos a R C Stratlord New brown derbies, $2, Bibby 's, Ellis, b. 8. 1B. A), Kingston William Su a, piano Jumes, Orders Ferguson, W. P., Osnabruck Centre | juited at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Forrester, J. W., Westport. { J. M. Campbel, Sydenham street, Froats, J., (B.A), Finch. 3 lay. home. irom Albany, NY, to Gibson, J. W., Kars. day Hagan, "Huyler's Peppermints," fresh. on J. W., Walsingham, Kingston, H. R., Picton: | friday 2 ~ Gjtcns ed Gros} ioe MeArthur, I. A, (B.A), Putten. i MacDonell, A. D., Lancaster. Mis Babel Lloyd, Maclnnes, Tsabel S., Vankleek Hill je for the Queen s MacKenze, Jessie J., Bruce Mines, | SVemibg. Platt, G. A. (HA), Portsmouth, | De our new brown suitings. Living- Stillwell, CG. B., (BA.}, Meaford. Monk a wl Thompson, B, W., Hintonburgh. | James T. Sutherland, jdaugbter, returned home Mashoro, (BA | York, yesterday, . ' Bihby's 2 derbies are it, * Degree Of B.A. | "Double strength" Farine moth Anglin, R. W., Cork, Ireland. jproof sone At Gibson's Red (Crops lidcroit, W. &, Wosdsill. Mig Stars; Bow, M. Re, Regituy Sask. Irs. Thomas Making, who has been Frown, b., Beltran Jidting in this City, has returned Burns, ©. 3). iCahnington. {home to Lindsay, Chandler, Pearl, Norroor. Mobhicst hats, ¥2, Hibby's. Code, Ethel M., Almonte. apie Bessie O'Neil, Gananoque, was Davidson, Edith M,, Kingston, {up for the farewell dance at Queen's jon Friday evening. Davidson, Kdna, Bowmanville, | Ho Ellicott, 7. W. H., Montreal. | chi x urningham, piano tuner from fBhoss, 8. , Porat. | eli iy orders at Me fear, IT. E., Brandon An. a ) Flyun, T. A, Mortishuny, Milton Moore, of the Dental Col- Fuller, I L., London, lege, Taremto, Pent 'yesterday in 'the Gilchrist, W. A, Glamis. | ty, on his way to his home in Graham, O. R., Arnprior. | Smith & Falls. Hampson, E., Ottawa. Kentucky Hanna, W. E.; Toronto. grow any Hendry, Annie S., Hamilton [only at fd B, Kingston Big can't » Angston, " han Kennedy, F. ©, Winnipeg, Man. Miss Cotnam, «of = Peml roke, and Garden Hill, { Miss Donevan, Gananogue, are visit. Malloch, T, A., Hamilton. fing W. H. Godwin, Pine street, for Muttock, Maud, Almonte. { conyocation. Maxwell, niey W,; Kingston 2 Handsome new Millar, Edna A a Calgary. Alta. { hosiery. Livingston's Mills, R. M., (M.D.), Kingston. | #3 Laura Moore, | Pickering. | botida: to day, North Bruce. holidays with Wikewood, St. Thomas. { Division street. Guelph. Five large cases)" of high class Owen Sound. {candy received at Gibson # Red' Cross » Mary W., Williamsville, | Brug: Store, on Friday. A: RN, Ave. Halstead Murray, Margaret A., Napanee {from Herchimer, N.Y. Ishorue, N. A., Waterville N S. {days in the city, bafore returning to 'Calgary, AMa. {Albert College, Bellevile. , Boneard"s Corners. | New neckwear. Livingston's to-night Toronto. | The heavy wind to-day cpused the Hamilton. | white caps to appear on the lake. The Markham. | water. was washing very high over all Tatlock | the city wharves this morning Mubel G., Kingston | Today's rain put a» damper on 8. D., Grand Coulee, Sask. | trade in the city. During the past few four Four Bachelors of Arts," and] Thirty-Four Science Graduates | ~Some of the Prizes. Gananoque, was dance on Friday wife and from New Wilson, A. V Warkworth. y Lawn Crass Seed," will I lace you throw it. Sold Gibson's Red Cross Drug \ beat Bibhy's for $2 hats styles in fancy retarned to spending thw Ethel Dupuis, Asselstine, after Miss McLeod, D. 1, arrived to-day, » bo spend a few McRae, "Kdna Hl Shaver, ©. A.. Osmabruek Centre. weeks trade has been quite brisk, but Delta. the wet weather stopped a hig trade Eleanor, Regina, Sask. | -day. C., Brandon, Man. ! Tiy Bibby's CAlio an $2 hats, To Wonderland," in three x ' { acts, wi w presented at the city Wuchanan, | Li on May Sth, by the King's! Daughters, in aid, of the General Hos pital. Admission, sand 35e. | Good rubber tired cab always when or phone 600. Bibby 's $2 hats are it. Stuart Robertson, Sydenham sireet, H. Walker, Sydenham strect, Anna Mahd, Montreal. Peterboro. , Rossmount. A.V, ww | Degree Of B. Paed. { (B.A), Port Berry. Mrs. W, (B.A), Cornwall. C Bermingham, and Mis. (br.) Mor H., (B.A.), Simeoe. _|rison, Bagot street, returned to-day (M:A.), Alliston. jafter pending Baster in New. York: -- Tog pairs boyd' knickers on sale to night. "Livingston's | | After the mecting of the Frontenac | Chewse Board, Thursday, all the | {cheese were sold at 10§c. F. Alexan-| der got 150, Mr. Thomson, ° 1] ol, and | {1 Ww. Murphy, 200. The quality was | [very fine for this season of the vear. | R. | "Flake camphor," « amphor balls gn | Lavender camphor. Fresh at Gibson's {Red Cross: Drug Store. "Phone . 230. | \ Science Diplomas. { JW. 8t. Pierre, ladies' and gentle | A. J. (electrical engineer- [ raen's tailor, of Montregl, will be at Carleton Place. the British-American on Tuesday and | (electrical engineering), | Wednesday, 28th and 20th, with a full | { line of spring samples ahd desagns, { | and will be pleased to show them to | those interested Any orders taken | will be tried con later hy the fitter, who will make a special trip for the! purpose. Smartest hat, at Bibhy's, $2, i The Canadian Magazine for May is! an unusually strong number Fists place is_given to "I'he Japanese | British Columbia," by Margaret Ehdie i Henderson, which just now every! Canadian should read. Wiss Hender | Keys, §. J., Degree Of Ph.D. (M.A), Brack- Degree Of ME. Dobbs, G. G. Melaren, G. Degree Of B.Sc. A., Mifiing Engineering :- Brown, E. W., Hawkesbury. Cordukes, J. P., Elginburg. Harding, W. M., Oshawa. Huber, W., Bracebridge Mii "w. C., Belleville. Nekay, B. R., Cornwall. Delamar, Idaho. Rockwell, D. B., Kingston Trueman, J. B., St. John, NB. Twitchell, K. 8., St. Albans, Vt. ----- { the Japanese. There is also a fine { semi-historical sketch by Dr. Louis | Frechette, Other interesting con- ! tributions are: 'Glimpses of Can- | ada in 1796," "Grant and the No: tion" "Lake Louise," "Fhe Dramg in Canada," "The Cradle of Seottisk] Liberty," amd good shobé steries and | poems, i ; Mineralogy and Geology :-- Fleming, A. A., Craigleith, Hill, J., (M.A.), Harrington West. Schofi i. J., (M.A), Kinoston Sine, Fi, (M.A.), Kingston. Course E., Civil Engineering == Dempster, H. O., Gananoque, Findlay, A., Winnipeg, Man. Milder, A. J., Cornwall. Milliken, J, B., Strathroy. MelUgll, C. R., Chatham. Me Kenzie, M.. Lake Megantic, Lue. Stanley, Ji N. iN. Ax Port Cel i ------------------------ Hull Council Refuses. Ottawa, April 25. --Hgll council, in refusing to reduce the namber of li- | conses there bv ix as requested by the Quebee logisinture, have put them. selyes in an untenable position. Tea a tue passed the laws as a re su many petitions. Now they must Quel, Que. force the hand of the council, who are most. wewilling to use the axe and t a Meehanital Engincering'~{ chose between their pe fx an an Marshall, J. H. G., Stella Ont. + licenses, Course (i., Electrical pa intetinge-- &leming, na Lira i a Meriepich, N 5. a, * a Elder's Mills, z Jeffery, Bes Elder's Mills. y Bo Cp Stolt, J. ' Sapperton, B.C. 7 v Le Selene holon first vear Ahold. H,, Cen- Sweery, R, 0. . Steamship Reported. Fame Point, Que, April Dominion, Dominion line, from Live pool, | or Quebec and Montreal, am, Martin River, Que, April 25-88. Corsican, Allan line, from Liverpool, for Quebee and Montreal, juward, at 7.30 am, "Sam's" Black Cat. James T. erin heaught a He cat' howe from Florida, to Sa WeCallough, the trainer of the vidtorigns 11th hockey, 'team. Samuel. 'was pleased] with his gift, and says that it will bring success to the tens next year. A lis is a poor substitute for the 2.88. | i | Living- | oes, an {death list was {nearly {ports .show an in | on friends son certainly has a good opinion. off 34 B - j= AN IRISH PEER. I They Demanded $300,000 Ransom | and .Got Nothing--Emissary Lured on Ship--Threatened to] Hang Prisoner. April 21.-Visc Irish peer had ay a party of outwitte London, amusing adventure with Moorish brigavds, whom he very much mn the sams sult outwitted Kaid Maclean. Cape Juby party of Bedouins came off in a dinghy and told him that the French steamer, had" gone twelve miles to the south, and the captain and crew, of nineteen, had been wandering brigands. The local kaid was well-disposed toward the prison ers, but he was helpless against the brigands, who Frenchmen on the ashore to the captured by spot The kaid sent a message to Mount but warning rescue would Mpuntmorres thereupon morres begging for help, him that if he attempted to thg Frenchmen by force they all be Killed. set sail for Las Palmas, where he re- worted the afinir to the 'rench consuls, and the French con sul commissioned Cape Juby and negotiate for the re lease of the prisoners When found that the brigands were into parties. (One party own ten Frenchmen, the other party claimed nine. Those with the ten demanded a ransom of 20,000 Moorish dollars per head; the other held that théir nine captives were worth Moorish dollars each. The total ran som demanded was about 2300000 A debate ensued and Mountmorres offered $1,000 jor all nineteen prison that it must be ac divided erk, and added cipted before would wait on board his answar. Next morning from the shore, earrvine from the brigands rowed hy vants of the kaid: Mountmerres took them on board, asked them politely efter health, and told them they were his prisoners. Leaving the brigand on hoard. he went ashore and met the brigands. "If am going to hang vour man at ance' harrified brig that they an enyssary three ser wae his solution. |The ands replied immediately would accept the $1,000 "It is too Jate now," motres, I will agree to exchange my one brigand for nineteen Frenchmen.' The brigands? protested that itfwas an unfair bargain, but stood fiom, and the nineteen ship wrecked mefl were duly board his schooner, much entertained by their rescue. eaid Mount THE TORNADOES WRATH. Way Claim Fully Eight Hundred | Vietims. April 25. here, Atlanta, Ga., ports reesived show that the tomadoes in and Louisiana are suddenly victim in Missigeippi, swel ed Iy one hundred and Mclaurin, Miss, towns from up to midnight. The indicated that four-fifths of the ic tims were negroes; but the later ri creasing ms that of the t« seventy-five ar whites, It now deaths at st whites. The reach eight number hundred. Junetown Jottings. April' 21.=Miss Cas Tennant, of Junetown, and Charlie { high school, are spending their hol days at their home here. Mr. an Mrs. James Secatt, Camtown, calle here this Miss J EK. Washburne, teacher, 1s spending ti holidays at her Soperton J Dargavel, Flan, called on Junetows friends on made a business trip to Roekp Wednes + Miss Nora Kincaid, Cau tov pe Wednesday with here, © Misses Maud and {are visiting in Athens. Mullin's Weekly Bargain List. Strietly fresh egys per dozen, lic armers' butter, prints and galls, per 25¢.; 1 gallon lin, wine measure, map le syrup, Tde. 7-1. nice mild cheese, per lh., 160; ed sugar, Ibs. 25¢.; cat loaf sugar Gananogu week home, thox, 20c.; 2 dozen sweet oranges, 205¢ Corner Johnson and Bigiion streets. Baseball On Friday. Easton League--Baltimore, 6; real, Rochest:r, 4. Providence, Faron; 8 Jersey City, 3. Bufialo 11; Newark, 2. American League--St, Mont 3 Louis, 2: Chi cago, Ll. Cleveland, 2; Detroit; 1. Bos Philadelphia, ton, 7; Washipgton, 0. i3; New York 12. National League--Cincisnati, icage, 2. Brooklyn, 4; Boston, 5; Philadelphia, 3. ii # I i Got Part Of It Back. Ottawa, April 25. 4; Chi- valid wile to stay with. 4 daughter, Mys. Mary Ann Omeara. His wife died amd he banded of Henry Thomas, drowned in the river here, and + some went out in x boat, oF wight. foot of the rapids. * so Flat Brim Derbies. A consignment of the very lates shapes in fat brim derbies at $2.50 have Asi vp to truth, but it is the only one ster Campbeliiiros.', the leadbrs ia pen' Bab CL wt sa ae pen DITS UTWITTED: THE SHREWDNESS OF wnt Mount: way as Rai- in a sail schooner when a | "| 2% Corsets a i { { | Lord Mouwntmorres was cruising off { { i that { number | threatened to kill the British and him to return to Mpuntmorres got back, he daimed to 30,000 sundown, and that he | ship for the | a boat put off | "the negotiations are off. But | Mountmaorres delivered on - - da unharmed . and the manner of Belated re- singe Jost night, total deaths by he | Alabama | about 225, The | Purvis not heard first reports | § number of of injured may | | STOCKINGS Fhursday H. Franklin trend Myrtle Avery pails jam, 35¢.; | pulver- | Ibe. 25 crisp soda biscuits, per } New: York; 1. | Simon Odea, of Perth, came to Ottawa with an in ' the danghter R797.67 10 care for him and provide him with a home. Dwine to dissatis- 25.--~Lorne Thomas, aced about Riteen years, son of this town, was vesterday from which he fell into the river. The curmemt being strong 'he was soon earrial out His body was found at the 0" andi Just been received at TO-NIGHT | 147 Pairs il A partiéularly Good. Corset, me. dium bast, new lengths, suitable for this season's styles of dress. None in the lot worth less than $1, some worth moge. Sizes 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 up te 26, YOURS TO-NIGHT, 65¢c Pair. engineerin te, Sb ahgiono oi 250 Yards Fine White Swiss Embroidered Muslins Dainty designs, alt white. This is a particu- larly good bargain, as these muslins range in "value from 25¢ to 30c¢ yard. YOUR CHOICE TO-NIGHT, 15¢ Yard. | 300 Pairs Boys' and Girls' Famous Leather Knit Black Ribbed Cotton \ These are fast Black, fine ribb, knees, and give excellent wear, We eould only secure the larger sizes, 81, 9, 91, 10 inch. These are wo th 25¢ a pair, > YOURS TO-NIGHT, 15c¢ Pair. with double 3 SPECIAL SALES VOO0C00000000000000000 00000000000 OVO DOOOD 2 "5 GOOD TABLES" I Table Boys' Box Cali Blucher Boots, size 1 to Be. $1.50. 1,Table .adies' Chocolate Blucher Oxfords, size 2% to 1 Table Ladies' Fine Kid Plucher 'Oxfords, Light or Heavy Soles ¥ Table Ladies' Fine Kid Ls ce Oxfords, price 1 Fable Girls' Chocolate, 3 Strap Slippers of 5.0; -flaction, he deft and wanted his money i [nek The judge awarded him $336.0). Ld -- Drowned At Carleton Place, Carleton Place, - April reduced gain - Shoes for Spring We hav thing that i Ha style at are ink a an new as well aw the old comfort BR SmeNew Trunks and Bogs just in. { Ghee Joockett Shoe Store. . 00000000 3X OC OOOGOOITD : Sip i Sada £9QO0IO0000 000 i i