LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW. J. B. PENSE. PARLOR FURNISHINGS 1s easy with us, both in selection and price, over 50 suites on the floor, rang- ing from $17 up to $200. Our are imported and are the newest designg and colors on the market, You select your own covers and have Your old or wew furniture covered to YOUR TASTE. » Covers way suite REPAIR and UPHOLSTERING work done prowptly and cheap. rd' Our Dining Room Furajture is entirely new in design this year. Mission, Golden Oak and Surface Oak being the prevail- ing styles' in Tables, Sideboards, Buffetts and Chairs. CURTAINS New stock at reduced prices handsome creations, at $1.25 and $1.75 others for less and up to $40 pair. CARPETS Direct from England's best mills. RUGS and designs SOME none color Austria and From Emgland better, beautiful effects. LINOLEUM widths. and OILCLOTH, all tt Youms. T. F. HARRISON CO HONONPL 0000000000000 If You are Wanting - %|YOU CAN FIND Every Size. Every Price. Every Quality. Every Kind Manu. factured --AT-- R. McFAUL'S Kingston Carpet Warehouse, REARRRLLERRORLL OD 000 WE OFFER An exceptional chance to secure 'REAL ESTATE _ INVESTMENTS Qed and Wellington St "The aan Pro, consist ig Store and Prenl , and met Dwell ata ago to "reatisg vy : i : : :' : : : &* Per cent. net on Quebec and Gherry Sts. Dwellings with stone] com. price pre Shs, eo t. ei A Neat Home wi Fo 23 BY Ta 20 Dwelling, in McCANN, 51 Brock St. orex SATURDAY x svinma, at a net on le THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1908. THE RESULTS AT QUEEN'S' ------------ HONORS IN ARTS. Latin--Class |, H Ww Class 11, Jessie Muir, C. J. Groek--Class 11, C. R. Graham. Preliminary, honor Greek--May L. Macdonne?. Class 11, C. A. Shaver. 1; Class 111, Mabel Marshall, W. W, Warnoek. German, el Code, W. E. Class 11, J, J, k j Class HI, A. Lipman. Medallist, G Bin | Stillwell Macdonnell.| Animal Biology, Final--Class I, Burns. R. Tuck, J. W. Forester, J. Frc Class II, A. Lipman Animal Biology, J. 4d rat \P Preliminary--Class F. Boyd, J. C. Hooper, R. V. Me¢-| Carley, A. M. Patterson, P. C. Ken-| drick, J. E. Benson. Class 11, C. M Crawford, G. 8. Clancy, C. H ott, A. B. Klugh. Class Ill, Gertrude | Steele, &§. G. Chown, J. Anderson, J.!| L. Carmichael, P. McCameron. 1, Eth- Foley. final honors--Class Hanna, R. S. Edwards, Fdoa H Pierce, Winewood McKenzie. Class 111, Edith M. Davidson, Ada Hughes. German, preliminary honors--Clgss |, Sr. Hortense, Sri Lioba, equal; Jessie Muir. Class II, Winifred Girdler, Sis ter Alberta, Sister Constantia, tr ce Corkery, Class 111, Muriel GG, Sher on . IN Ms. Junior Latin--Div. 1, E. Shortt; Lexa Howson, Helena G. Raitt, equal; Annie J. Stewart; Mary D. Harkness, Lizzi C. Henry, Laura'yjet Watson; Kenneth S. Macdonnell, | M. Phillips, equal; Helen Walker, Mar-| William Seott, Gertrude Lushunes, i Thomas; Effie Belfry, Edith C. equal. Div. 11, J. F. Kinshan, A. E. Goodwin, Gertrude Lachance, equal. O'Neil, equal ; J. L. Tower, By A 1. Aunglo-Saxon--Div. 1, W. Dobseon,| Price, Easson MeCroger, C, M. Scott, W. C, Clark, M. J. Patton, May His-|Mary 'E. Mac Donell, C. M. Reid, Flor cock, Div, Il, Helen MacKintosh, A. ence Bailey, Robe Holmes; Hazel P. Menzies, J. H. Macdonald, Hilda| Sanderson, Edith C. Goodwin, Chris. Winifred Gerdler, A. E. Maclean. Div.| Wilson, H. D. McCultoch, David Ill, Jessie J. Mackenzie, Beatrice Lau-| Marsh, P. L. Jull, Stella Ruttan. Div. Hague, A. L. Harris, Mabel Marshall,{11I, Armond A. Halliday, May L. Winifred Girdler, A. E. McLean. Div. Chown, Jennie Tweddell, Andrew Bor- TH, Jessie J. Mackenzie, Beatrice Lau- ake" Frederick Summerby, Milne, Har | ¥ t RI Hugh D. Hub» der, Florence Corkery, Gertrude Came-| Mills, F. W,: Danby, ron, W. T. Hall, Jean Reid. McArton, Nellie E. Spooner, English, jotermediate--Class I, Edna! M. Young, D. M. Jemmett, E, A. Millar, Lexa Howson, M. A. Nel-|bell, Geo. E. son. Class 11, Donalda G. Dickie, W. Richardson, «J. Feasby. Class Ill, Sister M. Lioba!M. Jerome, Lizzie C. Heury, Harriet W. Watson,|Kelly, B. M. Stewart, C. H. Hooper, Daisy W. Maxwell, J.|B. ww v. McDougal, ota MacDiar. I D. Ferguson, Frederika Summerby, J. mid, . Mitchell, Roy B. Richard- A. Buchanan,.Lulu M. Philp, A. R, son, Carles Harper, Albert Sullivan, P McRae, H. V. Laughton. iA. White, Helen W. Drummond, Anna English, final--Class I, Jessie J.B. Anglin, J. W. Gibson, F. N. Lloyd, Mackenzie, Isabel Maclnnes, A, Voa-iLillian T. Birley, J. W. McIntosh, E. den. Class Il, L. Fuller, A. Ek. |H. Wood, Bessie I. Wilder, Edythe Maclean, E. ol Class Il, Jas. | Hunter, Cameron R. McIntosh, -F H. Smith, ¥. W. Drysdale, Violet B. C. Whalleo, W. L. B. Penfound. Graham. § 'Senior Latin--Div. 1, WW. C. Clark, History, Final Honors--(lass 1, D. | Marion L. Hewton, equal; Geraldine A. McArthur, B.A., (medallist), G. A. | Hazard, essle H. Wilson, a A Platt, B.A., (proxime accessit), Arth-'L. S. Mills, F. Archibald, 8. °S. ur Voaden, B.A., Jessie J. McKenzie, t Cormack, Hasiic Davidson, Ww. F. Martin Colquhoun, Thomas Fear, Ar Dyde, G. W. Ritchie, equal. Div. IL, |, ired Wilson, B.A, Class 111, S. Beatrice G. Lauder; Jean Campbell, I Skeene. J. D. MeMillpn, KE. B. Wylie, equal; I History, Preliminary Honors--Class Mary R. Anglin, Annie Haight, equal; ( I, N: MA. Miller. A. W. Baird, Edna [Jean Macalister; Sister M. Carmelita, Vavidson, Annie Haight. Class 11, Nora Cordingley, J. Craic Laura M. Sister M. Lucilla, R. E. McLaughlin, Phillips, Winnie M. Wallace equal; A. A.B. Turner. Class III, Beatrice G. L. Harris; Etta Bailey, Jessie S. Kil- Lauder, Mabel E. Nesbitt, Gertrude | Patrick, Wn. Maore, Eliza A. Rich- Dayis, Martin' Kerr, ardson, equal. Div. Ill, Hilda L. Philosophy, Preliminary Hague, W. C, Buchanan: Hugh A. Class MH, TX. J. Jewitt, R. Brydon. Shisholm, AnnieS. Hendry, equal; G. I Class 111, W. D. Mcintosh, A. MoRee, |: "cUonalc « 6 Neish, G. 8. ¥ D. J. McLeod, R. H. Summerville, R. Sue, Mary roy E. Stewart, lal W. Knarles, J. R. McCrimmon, N. W. | .c* (= 'chardson, A. Yul y 2 3 . n; Sister Bathilde, Ethel Dupuis Campbell, Violet Graham, J. R. Ur- CW. § . puis, quhart, C'. M. McIntosh. To a equal; Ahan, Florence n a onl onors {Partial Course)--W Donahue, iG. C. Valens, qual; YW. I. Final Honors ( Complete Course)-- \oxruthers, A. G. Dorland, G. 8. Fife, A. Laing, Class 11. Draven, abel EK. Joke J. 8 n cRae, ura « } Db. P (Section A.) P. F. Munro wolle, Henrietta. Twohy, equal. Junior Greek--(lass LE. CMe Eachern, Albert E. Neill, William dcott, Kenneth S. Macdonnell. Class ll, E. B. Wylie, P. L. Jul, W. Ww I Aennedy, George E. Whitlden, M. Craig, T. G. Loudon, . R. Owens, F.| W. Danby. { Senior Greek--Dbiv. |, H. J. Black, ( W, F. Dyde, H. T. Archbold. Div, 11. A. L. 8. Mills, G. E. Macdonald. Div. Il, W. F. Orok, G. W, Ritchie, H. A. 'hisholm, W. A. Dobson, C. A tin, J. 'R. Webb, S. D. Skene, R. Somerville. . Junior German--Div. 1, Alma 1.171: Price, W. J. Lowe. Div. 11, Sister M.|F Jerome, T. S. Duncan, W, T. Uglow, ft J. A. Macdonald. Div. II, Glance! Wilson, J. RB. Widdis, Liliau Birley Frances Gi. Cheney, B, W. Thompson, Nellie k Senior German--Div, 1, A. 1. ris, Geraldine Hazard: G. 8. Otto, equal; J. * Craig, Jean|} Campbell, Div. II, Mary Anglin, 3 Hattie Davidson; Ann Leslie, He w MN, ' ol E ] ; a s y- Wella eros Yi wy b ED rjetty Henderson, Nora ( 'ordingly, ger, D. W. Shaw, C. A. Yau) 'G B squal; Gertrude Lachance: Winnie [8 rr 2 r . » | Wallace, A. E. Kmuight, equal; Jennie| oar, W. Doxsee, C. Mellroy, Elliott, s.thel Jordan; Jean Macalis- . "" ter, Laura Philp, Mattie Robertson, |® " Phericl gnomes w. equal; Donalda Dickie Div. MHI, Ww, A, r i Honor Mathematics, Group I, Pre Jatt . Humbal), iminary Honors--N, Miller, Y. J " Lamb, G. B. Stewart, W, Buchan- Robeos, Jessi Kitkpathiok, : ' guerite Stuart, Florence an,' Apna Leslie, C, Scliroy, A BE equal; - Ethel Dapuis, N. A. Nelson, H. R. Parker. " equal; C. A. Paul, Ethel Wellinger | We Preliminary Honor Physice--Class 1, Etta Bail Lilli Ch S. H. Henry, R. W. Warwick, W. W. Nicolle. ater, Lillian urch, Doxsee, W. A. Skirrow, D. 'W- " . | Ww. ot Lamb, F, b. Wallace, ary Junior French--Div. I, J. A. Brunet "NM Stewart, J. A. McKae. Class 11, W. | 3- L- Tower, amma L." Price, C. ¥ Weir. eid, Glance Wuson. Div. 11, Experimental Honor Physice--Clags | Marsh, Claude Bluett, W. MH. Gardi- i H. Henry. Clase 11, H. W. Mo. | sets Mary E. Nsboutell, Aus A. k3: WwW. W. Doxsee. Class III, J. A. eldon, orence ley obina | 7, Anderson. 2 ass : A Holmes, A, Marion Neilson, Mabel |i Botany, Preliminary McAuley: x F. Hume, A. F. Byers. I, A.B. Klugh, L. v lian Birley, C. M. Sone} Patterson, WwW. NM eda a 1 0, (Carmichael, Gertrude ek Srophen. Edith Wilson, 3 Harper, w= Sister ucilla ue . - emmett, Les} Botany, Final Honors--Class 1. J. lie W. Rogers, Delle ba Ste-| W. Gibson, J. R. Tuck, J. C. Hoope: wart, J. 8.' Fraser, J. Melver, | Preliminary Hon. Chemintry (Arts) W. J. Lamb, G. 8. Otic, B. W, Me] + Clase I, W. P. Ferguson, J. O. Dougal, artrude E. Fleming, William |$ ooper, Squal; J. A. McCrae, R.'V. berhar rances Cheney, N. M. A. McCarley, Bovd. Class in H. w | Miller, Anna B. Anglin, E. Irene Dun-| MeKiel, J. 2 Tuck, A. Leatherland. lop, Lona J. Walker, Jennie Tweddell, | & Ww. Gaon, G. G. B. Kendrick. Class a R. Pasko, Jsatuelly Drysdale, Lilian | ty. 8 udson, alda MacArthur. Final Hon. Geology--Div. I, W. Ma)-| Senior English--Div. . N. Miller, B | Milne, W. ri Clark, (A L Harris, J_| b. MacMillan. Div. 1, E. C. Mac! n, A. M. Warner, B. M. Stew! art, H. A, Chisholm, Hilda Hague, Jean Campbell, G ine Hazard, A. i o-L Garald re ------ - Brisay, John Craig, G. E. - "Macdonald, : i R. F. Kelso, Bonnie Mitchell, George Scott, Mary Naismith, iB a Archi- 8} bald, Helen Drummond, Philp, a ---------------- Arthur W. Long, Sister I Leslie V, Rogers, de W. M. Bready, ¥ I 1 f Honors -- ( Class 11. Ph. D.~L. M. McDougall, M.A, Political Science, Preliminary Hou ors--Class I, F. C. Kennedy, D. 1. Mc Leod. Class 11, G, H. Wilson, G. C. Valens. Political Science, Final Class I, A. D, Cornett, D. ley. Class II, T. E. Fear. G. E. Meldrum, N. A. Mathematics, Final Honors--Div. 1 D. Elis, A. D.| MacDonell, H. R Kingston. Liv. 11, G. D. Ralston, J M. MacKay. Honor Mathematics--Group II, Cal culus I, R. W. Warwick, D. W. Shaw W. A. Skirrow, J. Whitehead, W. J Weir, C. Mcllroy, F. D. Wallace, J. A McRae, W. W. Doxsee, C. A. Paul, A E. Nelson, G. B. Stewart, W, J. Lamb. Synthetic 8 ¢ Honors C. Caver Class 111 Osborne. Solid G eometry--W. A. Skirrow, UC, A. Paul, W. J. Weir, I D. Fallacy, G. B, Stewart, W. Lamb, C. Mecllroy. The: of Puretions--. H, Hearv Har-|™ Marion Hewton, 5 A. Skis 1G equal, | Turner, | V- Honors--Class Taylor, A. M. Baise Finals (Arts)--Class 1, G. B. Stillwell, W. P. Ferguson, R. ©. . Class 11, J. A. Anderson. John: Rowland, A. E. Rel G. N. Steer, Jean MacAlister, Marion Hew- ton, A. Halliday, G. W. Ritchie, Ethel Jordan, Etta Bailey, Gertrude Steele, Donohue, - Kilborn Div. HI, A. ------------------ JAMES MULLEN, : 379 Princess St. Opvoatts YM.0.A," A ey v {Max C hown, | Mt. | Beech, G, fa. B. Wylie, List of Passmen in All the Faculties of the! fm ees Institution. |¥. Gitbe l Be el, PD. .L ts. | O. Lilian Chureh, T N. Gardiner, [A. P. Elli- | T. J. { Donald, 8. Gillivray. PASS RESULTS. oul, pir | Anna A. Weldon, | Acton, { E. Holmes, lock, R. MN. Fisher, C. Melnnes, Wilson, "WW. PB. Ada Richardson, [7 { Ross, J. (W. L. | Hudson, D. Marsh, Marion Neilson, Ger- | Scott, r, A. MeKay, mett, Scott, Whidden, Elizabeth A. 3X Ache, Mabel I, A. Acton, Jennie equal; A. T Phillips. Nora Cordingley, son, A, Brunet, Frances B. Rg Sister M Miloy. . A.M. Giredleg, Robson, art, DesBrisay. Macdonald, Ray, A. A 8. Otto. J. L. G. trude Elliott, Richards, son, smith, W, A. P.!chell. Ashe, J. B N. Miller, Macdonnell, E. ( A. i | Harriet Watson, W. ( | Black, Ethel »{ Helen .|na Davidson, A. Weldon, . Spooner. Li. Gertrude Elliott, J. M. el McL |G. | Kaine, A.A {Marguerite Ada Rid, A . L Maude Mattock: Adg| Hague, Roy 8S, Ada Richardson, aqual; Bertha tT, Calvin W Osborne. | Laughlin, J. M. Laura | MeC ulloch, Florence Bailey, A IB la Dickie, R. Ww. Calvin, Nellie E. Spooner, F. N_ |: M. "! Dunn, Florence Turner, A. A. Jordan. | McTavish, Kinseller, Sister] Ellicott, AB. M.D B Carmel Agnes Acton, W E McKinnon, Gladys Y A. Kinsella, George Copeland oy Anglin, Jou G. Cadenhead, A Young, L Noon: Gordon, T M.. Wa Macdonald, Ada Pay, R. W Saunders, Hicks, John ennde - Day json, Hattie Davidson, Hicks, J. R. Reid, C. Smith, Allen, E. W. i Bl M. Beat Gilbert, N ie, C.-M ng, 'W. W- H. Fl H. R. Parker. Junior Hebrew--Div. I, J. Menzies, A. R. McRae N. Caldwell, A. MacKay. Galloway, W. F. Orok Senior Hebrew--Div. 1, R. J. B. Manoukian, J Divi ll. R. W. W. A. Dobson, HL, D C R. Gr Div, Div, Anglin. Al ol {ay Junior English--Div. 1, C A. W. Lang, A Jean Campbell, Div. % Florence Bailey, D. McCullough, Boia Wilson, ot. { Playlair, Wilson, W Mary E. Macdonnell, Fi Abbott, Percy J W. Se ott, . Dig 111, Anpa Anglin, R. E Benson, G. C. Mitel E. H. Wood, Li ower. B. Penfound, rude Fleming, J. W. McIntosh, G. E. Whiddeg, Lena J. v Frandes Cheney, A rice, Joseph Weaver, A. Borrowmn . C. Day, C. Harper, D. M. J B. W. W. McDougal, G Lilian Birley, F. M. Bready, J. W. Praser, lamilton, J. F. Kinehan, L. Gi. Bell, Butler, W. E. Hume, F. W sabella Drepdale, Lita A Milo, Florence Pannell, eresian, Nellie Spooner, Jennie a Dar dell. English Constitutional Historv--Div. Atwater, A Henry, H. E. Stella Ruttan, Jutler, Gertrude Cameron, laycock, Emma M. Macdonald, W red A. M. Girdler, H. A. Chishe Elliott, A. E. O'Neill, May Margaret S. Hall, Div. II, Cecilia F A Hattie Davidson i. Dorland, Phoebe R. McKechnie, B. Shaw, Fdith Compton, Lillian Bitley, Chuistopher Wilson, C Jwens, Gertrude Davis, J. C, G. E. MacKinnon, J. R. Ray. Div. Denne, J. A Jerome, Gertr Liaie C Rose M aylor, Helen I Lane, Buropean Mistorv--Div. T, Wipni Annis L. Reive, Jessie S Bessie H. Wilson, Bertha Maude Mattock, B. M Geraldine Hazard. Div. 11, A Mabel McAuley, Emma Phoebe R. M¢Kechnie, ). Hicks, E. W. Bradwin, Acton, Ethel McDiarmid, J. M. Lillian M. Church, R. W. Anglin, H. Laughton, J. M. Si J. M. Kane. Div. II, A. Richardson, Gilchrist, R Wal McClutchie, Bonnie 'atton, patrick, Neshitt, Bell, ferson, E. ane, Mattie Mental Philosophy--Div. 1, 8. ormack, W. K. Beech Wide lig, E Wilson, May McEachern, Alice L. Clarke, Nellie M. Warner, W. Cecilia Bessa, H. Pie H. Wilson. Div. II, Code, W. Kidd, A. M leming, Edna H. Pierce, C, W, I A. L. 8. Mills, Maude Playf Drummond, Muriel Shortt, Lexa Howson, Helena Gi. Raitt, Hall, R. C. Day, Frederika Aberhart, R. V. McCar Forgie, (. on, serby, W. Mitchell. Div. III, BR. S Ettinger, 8. G. Chown, .J. rt, W. C. Buchanan, Stuart, J. A. Hughes Annie J. Jennie Frascr, Harris, Hilda Foley, Day, eorge C. Valens, G Ritchie, Sister M, Hortense, H. Donahue, T. S. Mi D. Melnnes, Bernice Alford, i MacDon; ot rt, Annie Haight, J, Bews. Moral Philosophy- br. Y, acdongell, E, B. Wylie, ister M. Lu illa, E. H. T vA: Malloch, Lulu Phili Milne, iE . Black, W. Dobson, Shaver, Div. 11., Jennie Elliott, Menzies, F. C. Kennedy, attock, Mabel Nesbit, Lechnie, Apnie Reive, C. Kaine, W. H. risay., H. GOO» ADVICE, Now the moth will get busy and improve each mom- ent by adding to it's family at the expense of any furs left getable. Send at once to us and a man will be at your house, in a jiffy to take 3 away your furs and we i see that not an egg of moth remains in them Fh they go into our storage de- partment. This is the best time to have your Furs remodelled-- costs less by far in the dull season, and your gamment is ready in the Fall when need- ed. Such fur garments leit with us now to be repaired will be stored free of charge and you have the satisfac- tion of knowing that your furs will be safe from dam- age by moth, fire, or bure- lar. Phone 238 George Mattie Robert Nora Cordingly Wil Essie Pow-|w. Macdiarmid, | Caldwell, "J .-N Ramsay, {jiott, A. A. Halliday, A. L. 8 M. Reid, S. R McGre- | | Robie | thell, May B Pe ck | N. Stephen, | Is Mabel Richards, Rose | ry 1) Atmold } lomis g, W. W. Kennedy, J. D. I'wed- | Margaret | Laura Robin- Reid, Robina Holmes, M. J, Stew Frances B For Ger- | Mabel |ertson, Hazel San- Marv Nai- | Mil Mabel | Philp, Anna | Victo Sum- Stevens, E Davidson, May M."Taylor, J. Halliday, Della M. Stew. | E. Rubie Holmes | Jean Macalis- Jenmie Davison, B. Kendrick, ( « Des E. Hampson, | Steer, Dongl- Maude | Phosbe Me. | Qeok Graham, | Cae R. M. |i. Klugh, E. i Sidiccer AN vi i ep ic Edna Davidson, F. W. H Shaver, M. A. Usbogpe, R.|G, M. Urie, Margaret Hall, A. W. R ule, [Rosa Nelfio Php, Jomds' EoLinson, E. {A Dorland. Div, 111, J. A. Moore, | have begun ploughing. M G. v. Skene, Myrtle Jenkins, W. E. son, C. Hither, Miss 8 Hay, M. P. Craig, W. A. Dingwall, J. ]« Thompson were A.D. McMillan, G. E. Ross, Mabel Rob- | George Com an, iinson, Stella Ruttan, Frederka Sum- ing. Mrs { lsh, | merby, Heatrice Lauder, Ethel Ross, | new house (G. N. Wilson, C. R. Owens, Mabel |W. Black spent Fast em- Wilson, J. W. Campbell, M. Beaton, | J. Miller made a R. Morison, W. W. Warnock, Eliz. | Northbrook this 4, Cram, 8, W. Code, A. Donnell, G. E. | sold a nies G. MacDonald, A. B. Fraser, W. H. Ken- §son. Miss | R nedy, Margaret Stewart, Isaac Nor- | the Cedars Me on, | mag, White went to Northiwool Economics--Div. I, G. W day. Frank McK a Felford, C. W. Bolton, R. C. Day, | visiting at Geor a¥. Nannie M. Miller; W. T. Carruthers, | and Mr wd wer ests ig. M. Stewart, J. A. Dawson, J. A |T 11, | Macdonald, W. Scott, R. 8. Stevens, | left for FROM THE COUN TRYSIDE. Harlowe Ha pruings. P Harlowe, April 21. --Son guests wr's on Wed i Milleg is hay completed Mi Skene, G. e Conn Whiteman on Frida Edgar Bish the ov al hospital . W. Ritchie, R. M. Fisher. Div. II. | ston. to Me- 7, E. Burke, C. W. Bradwin, A. Cum: | moeting ac Uiing ss, C. B. Pitcher, W. A. Dingwall, P| A. Dotson, G. 8. File, R. H. Rin- | We T. 8. Mills, Gertrude El Mills, G. 0. Hicks, A. G. { Dorland, H. D. McCulloch, ¥thelwyn | Welling ger, J. H. Rattray, G. C. Mit- "Maude Playfair, Mima Ellis, I. i Norman, Bernive Alford, J. W. Kelly, { Lala Philp. Div. 1H, P. LL. Juli, L.D | Bothwell, J. M, a Margaret Hall, 1G. Grier, J. M. Donahue, Florence Mc dith | oa cher, W. L. B. Penfound, A. A. ull, Acton, Hi. A. Chisholm, A. Mackay, Ww { Jennie Fraser, J. B. - Stinl- | mgs F. W. Danby, Flizabeth Richard- hel, on, Frances Roy, Eli;abeth Cram, 8, lan | ¢ Curtin, @. H. Davis, A. D, Pringle. C. TM { Mullin. GG. E. Mackinnon, Mabel Nes- alk. | Dit, Ethel Ross, R. W. lane, N. 8S. Macdonald, G. Brunet, James Annes- ey, W. B. Morgan. '| Polities--Div. 1, S. S IN. Urie, N. W. Campbell, W. Bolton, B. M, Stewart, | Beech, G. W. Skene. Div. 11, W. T. Carruthers, E. B. Wylie, J. H. Mec- Donald B. Pitcher, J. W. Kelly, A. C. Day, 8S. Curtin, T. E. B. Skene. Div, III, W. A, Mac- fillan, J. MacDiarmid, A. GG. Dor- ant G. E. MacDonald, Annie Reive, R. Reid, J. B. Stirling, V. W { Crawford, Ww. W, Wamock, A. V | Wood. K. PF. Williams, J. R. Hamil ton, G. Grier. teacher. is Senior Mathematics--Div, I. W. C. John Wilki . "| Buchanan, R. F. Kelso, R. P. Allin. | Peterboro a fiving Im. Div, IT, A. M. Warner, R. H. Leigh- | Harry Howe, Cue ym (ton. T. A. Malloch, Div. TIT, C. K. | his holidays h he. | Wallace, P. F. Pilkey, W. Aberhert, | McEwen' and Mres "\ [Florence McKeracher, W. R. Lead: | Tif: the order \ |beater, J, W. Gibson, Jennie C. Fras . Fier A. V. Gilbert. I '| Junior Mathematics--Div. I, Anna A. "{Weldon, J. W. Fraser, Mary' E. Mac G. {donnell, G. W. Skene, J. W. Russell HI | Div. II, R. W. Anglin, E, CC. Mac- J | Eachern, J. F. Kinahan, Alice M ude | Peresian, M. Scott, WIS. Steele {Lena J. Waiker, May Blacklock, Jen fred | Ni® Tweddell, R. W. Ross, J. I. Tow- er, C. Harper. Div, il Anna B. An. Kil- | lin, Florence Bailev, J. W. McIntosh. w.|E. BH Wood, Hazel Sa Gert | rude Elliott, Alma Price, S. R. Mec ¢.| Gregor, Sister M. Alberta, Daisy M M. Maxwell, Lillian A. Hudson, Pearl E. Gi. | Chandler, Frances G. Cheney, {Helen I. Denne, W. E. Abbot!, {May L. Chown, Mattie McClut chie. A. Marion Neilson, Gertrude Pomeroy, W. D. MacInnis, Mattie Rob- A. W. Lang, Gertrrde Flem- ing. Phoebe B. McKechnie, W. Wiles, {Isabella Drysdale, Nellie E. Snoonar Botany--Div I Harriet W Watson, lace| W. H. Gardiner, Lulu M. Philp, Nellie It ye Mit-|M. Philp, H. E. Ricker, Agnes M { Fargay, Mary W. McMichael, J. W g (Add, J. D. McCrae. Div. 11, R. P T Allin, Daisy W. Maxwell, F. Boyd ine. { Elizabeth A. Richardson, J. Rowland, kK | Edith C. Goodwin, Mabel 'Robinson, W. D. Maclonis, A, W. Schell, G. A | Simmons; GG. E, Copland, Margaret { Hall. WP McKnight, © S | Russell, N. L. Bowen, I. M Dawson, A. |B. J. MacDowall, Elizabeth Cram Bol. Ada hs hown, Della Stewart Div. 11], ir, {R. W. Neelv, W. R. Hambhly, J. Hill { Ed. Gertrude Elliott, ¢. J. Tulley, Fexic | | Powell A. Flynn,, A. W. Truesdell: { Mabel Nesbitt, Donalda Ma Arthur, {Mabel Wilson, Beatrice Lam ert, M les D. B. Kinsella t Junior Physics th- | Cecil 'T, Ashe, | Stewart, . \{. | Butler, 8 or F. N. E. MacKnight A. Weldon, R. W. Ross, M. Young, A. V. Gilbert, ow. 1am, KR. HN. Dobson. Fi M, | Greer, W. E. Berry, E. D. Hubbell, L. |R. DeLong, R. B. Richardton, W | McCann, J. Weaver, J. C. Smit} Senior Physics Diy I. W ( Buchanan, T. A. Malloch, N. Miller, A. M. Warner, R. H Leighton, ¥. Pilkey, J. Tanton, N. N. Whitt+ CAR Wright, J. E. Benson, A. E Nelson il, H. -E. Rioker, H, B. Frost a R. Leadbeater, Jennie Davison. A How Zavitz, Div. 11, R. V. Fleming, | § LA°0 Gordon, D. L. Hick terns, suitable fo: | Gompball, AE. pj ouria, J J. Ev Windows, at 28¢ i oCrae, - J. W Forrester, o [W. Gibson i i A | Animal Biology- W. H. Gardiner, Div. 1I, Skene, P. T. lay. F. Gibbs had Wis mi Bannockburn News Bannockburn paid Tweed Mrs Laeensboro visit Alice Harris i for Easter holi Special Easter Ewen {| Edith Compton, week Monday. M n from (ge church was under Mrs. James Hunter Alice Harris, a) the cornet M: nounced at Ea the missionary were gratifving tal ~ the of miners pass Thursday to inspect = Now that lent i grand ball will he given in The fellows' hall, here, an Tuesdas Llovd, J. Holland and \ charee of the The Misses Wricht with their me Fweed was a sdav, lo MoFwe eason = 0 Wright ster oforis ver 26 of hiring | with missionary Olle ' < ar past car over 875 i through the wits Ina | ! an, em- Cormack, G. W. Dobson, W. K. | have music and eat ing Faster day Mr. Mellaw town on Tur mill. property, J charge of the Donald, + Friday Easter rthur Ho business ther h roost r after lia | by, { Burke, J. My friends rushing George E pulls are GG. gie, | mp- Wowant style, and Hats come soe range of natty shapes in 51 and 497, at 1 he Wear Store. Sow ree, J. BROCK ST. Tria House Cleaning i Time. Wright , Detla M yr iG, | } i Vv, lls, | b. i i ¥ Boi about a ; new pair ol t Curtains Good pa Bedroom a pair. and Ww. iS | Georgie ans, Div. 1, F. R. Kelso G. H. Wilson, W_ | Margaret Stewart, Pilkey, A. Flynn, A Hampson, Lulu Philp Hl, F.C. Kennedy, J. W, Fra McCammon, C. A. Paul, Agnes Fargay, T. W. Kidd. OX | Allan Donnell, R. B Richardson, Ma | bel Robinson, W Doxsee, Winnie Wal Hace, T. W. F. MaecKnight, Annie #* McArthur, Mary Anglin, 8. McGregor, gic G. Greer, W. BR. Leadbeater, H. M. Young, R. R. DeLong, Helen Wl. er, Hazel Sanderson, H. ¥. Riker. M i R. Kinsella, J. Rowland, A. Schell, A. B. Cooke, Vernon Craig, E. D. Hubbell, Henrietta Henderson, J. M E! Simpson, A. V. Gilbert, J. D. "McCrae, rune Hicks, Mattie Robertson. Junior Clhemistry--Div, PF .T | ifm J. W. Fraser, H. V 8 R UeGregor; R. 8. Stevens, © Wilson, equal; ( W. Day. Div If, M. Scott, A." MN. Warner, Mary | McDongell: BD. N. Davidson, W. | Steele. squal: W. F. Oro, ( { Russell, qual; Gladys Yule: . E | Clancy. 3. D. MeRae. II. E. Rickes, iJ. L. Toner. H. Wilson, equal: A. Paul, NM. re Div. II, "E. | Hampton; Jennie Davidson, R. Rich ardson, equal; R. R. Delong, E. Hu. Wood, Joseph Weaver, equal; : Anna Leslie, McGregor Fasson: J. Buchanan, J. R. Hamilton, equal: I. C. Maisonner, W. E. Abbett, equal: W. D. Maclnnes, C. L. Bluett. H. 1 gen, Cochrane, D. C. Wiles, Conti Better styles, at $1 a pair And something really swell at $2 and up to $7 a pair { Div, ser, J. ( cic | ¥. Clancy, and Mats, quality large sizes, $2.75 Dainty Rugs fine Axminster sizes, 75c., and $3.95. stuall i White Frilled Muslins and Nets, 15¢c. a yard and up. Spotted Ce ix - Madras Muslins, Muslins, Art Muslins, tain Scrim, ete Buy Curtain Poles, at this store. We sell the kind that § will fit any window for avd 15¢. complete. Laughton, f ¥ 8 8 8, on page 6.) dav services th Hrons Thurs are My of Mre Kin heese jus an it making ish A party Ottawa, sient or hi will have SPRING HATS Ask t New Men's P. J. HUNT, | | {ents SRA AI FH* Don't Sell your Rats un- till you see me. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Quality First We are showing a very fine line of first Cut Glass just suitable for wed. | ding presents, with lower than is often inferior goods SMITH BROS., Watch Makers Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 KING ST. quality prices | paid for and Jeweller The sudden changes in ought to suggest the wisdom of putiing in some good coal We sell good Coal It's the kind that sends out the' most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best money coun buy, and there is none better mined We deliver it to you cleast and without slate, at ihe very bottom prices. Booth & Co., Phone 133. Foot of West St + Weather +44 IEP erro I bbs BEST'S SHORT STOP Cures ALL Cougps LR NE 'AND costs sur [5% J. LEACH, "OUR AUCTIONEER." 58 Brock St., years experience in ¥ sures business promptitude. Kingston Many land en- met 8 and po v Sales hooked THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard c artwrig ht Momey loaned on City and Farm |r or Lies M il wad ir Morton r I received snd in 8. C. McGill, IF IT IS T0 GET A SINK Set up or I can do i at the rizht trial, DAVID HAL GET THE BEST T. J. O'Connor HG Merch or, 86 and 88 Brock St. All sale i'r settlements made w ly solicited Managing Director. mstalle Phone 335 ? 66 Brock St ismion s carefully conduct Your EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, guaranteed. quality STRACHAN'S New England Chinese Restaurant "331 King Street. Oped from 10.30 am., to 3 am. best place to get an all round Lunch the city. Meals of all motice. lish and APECIAITY. 655. ihe in Kinds om shortest § Chinesn dishes "Phone, Wm, Murray, Auctioneer "27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harnese otc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday, L4JUST IT." For the Pronstast oa 8 cold mornin hot slice of "Mid Cored Han * wre trictly pL. prER. a MYERS, oo The lngal fle ident 10 ai the of Ki or font Club fraternity hold three Fron g¥tlon haa finnera toting Ni i = A --------------_---- a