Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1908, p. 4

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RR re CE al bie ain 5 - mb Pamnany dn | Customers Are our best advertisement, We make it a point to satisfy, If we have not jyst what yot want, we'll get it for you, Our stock of Hardware and Stipplies Is extensive, large enough for almost every one ; but you. may want something special. You are then, the one we want to sat- isfy particularly. We know we can do it. Hhgrancue gry or (OR3EIT HARDWARE, t te » billons stato of the system, ch a8 gainess, Nausea, Drowsiness, J Distress Sam ti Jala in the Bide, &v. While the!" 16 sticcens bias been shown Beudg SICK Jot Carter oe Ite Liver T7 ab Jeadas pars nstipation, caring aid pre- wating aa Ou complalnt, while 'hey Ti rroet al disordarnof thestomach stimulate the # sud rogaiate the bowels, Evon If they oii "HEAD Sehe they world bo slmost priceless in £7. «ns whe pe from thi distressing complaint; but forte Be uly their oud nesdoes notend here,ana thosy Wao onve try them will find these little pills valy i 80 many ways tha. they will hot be be aad #0 do without But aftor all ACHE $a basie of #0 many lives that here is whose kone rt boast, Cur Pca while a litte Liver Pills are very smali und omy to take, One or two pills makes dese. y are strictly vegetable and do not gripe af go, bat by thelr gentle action please all Iu vialsat 25 conts ; five for $1. / Bam everywhere, or seat by CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York} pal Al Ind Zo fpall Pm Tota relieve all the tro tics fuel F. W. BOSCHEN Member Consolidated Stocw Exchanges of Now York, STOCKS, BONDS and GRAIN Bought amd Sold for Cask or bE Margin, DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TON.Y ~W. HECTOR H. HUME, war. FIRE ESCAPES! All lengths, all sizes and to suit all condi- tions, Built to order and erected in place on 'short notice. Estimates Furnished on Request.) Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. MONEY IN CANARIES Et name et Bap rian Aba, As Birds of d Send andar: Stamps of con. anywhere Adve 1 COTTAM BIRD SEED #2 Rathurst St. London, Ont. hat 'be is prepared to give his time, DAILY BRITISH WHI ne King street, Kin ear. Editions at 2.30 and & o'clock p.m YT WEEKL Y BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, pub- | lished in parts on Monday and Thursday morn ing at $1 a year. To for ¢ has to be made §0c. for S0c. for Weekiy. Attached is ome of the Offices in Canada: ramd, stylish, and cheap | work; nine improved presses The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. | EDW. Ll Ix PENSE, g Director. Daily Whig. A CIHIANGE OF SCENE. "The reform candidates in Hamilton, | express, their anxiety to reach an agreement with the a purity campaign. From which we gather that they are willing to admit a past not entirely pure for their own party. But are they prepared with a pledge that means anything for the | future ?""--Exchange. There is another purity pledges were in the conservatives. published at 806- side to the ques tion. These great favour with ed of success, demanded an agreement that would guarantee a clean election, It was entered into, and the result is well-known. With a government on the side of the the there the challenging party, and with promise of patronage, it entered and had it succeeded some serious reflec- contest, would have been tions. liberals could and without win fairly and resort to ille not squarely, gal measures. The bluff has had its day. rals have invited the conservatives of the city to renew the covenant that means a clean campaign, and so far the call has not been answered. What is the That the conser- vatives cannot hope to succeed with- The libe- conclusion ? onit money and its influence ? DEMANDS FOR OFFICE. . * } Fhere difference of opinion as | to the 15s a shrievalty of Belleville hand it is alleged that Mr supplanted by Mr. Morrison; recently an member of the legislature On the other hand it is declared that Mr. Hope resigned his office, and that On one | Hope was until the appointment of a successor was made by the government as a matter of cour. The mply of the Belleville Ontario is that there "resigna- tions and resignations." is led to infer that Mr. out of office of his own accord, are By Hope went this one sur- rendering a position . of emolument which he very much appreciated. bx cause it was desired by a spoilsman. That the has vacancies by of places the desirability their retirement is very well known The of any man who is competent, and innocent of wrong-do- ing, however, is without excuse. He is not expected to surrender without a cause, and the government will hesi- government caused suggesting to the occu- pants of -surrender tate about pushing out of office any one who is attending to his duty impartially efficiently. The Whig knows of one case where the government, through a minister, asked for the resignation of an official, and and he met the request with a demand for a public enquiry iuto the facts. This ended the matter. The Hope removal has not been cleared up, and it should be without There is something questionahblo about it, and about the appointment of Mr. Morrison. He had accepted a nomination for a second term in the legislature, and accepted office in a hurry, before any one had become delay. conscious of what was jg ing on, and the impression prevails that he - was playing a deep, mysterious game. EDITORIAL NOTES. Socialism in England is not making much headway when its representatiye in the Manchester 276 votes; election got only So many of the teachers do not ap- prove of the education department's circular on the examination question ? Some more bungling, eh ? Are there to be_anv-medel--sehools this year, where ? Is there any sense in the mystery or silence of the government on this point ? -- Winston Churchill will be a different man in time, though he will, like his father, be always eccentric in some re- spects. With a few more knocks such as he received in the Manchester elec tion, he will not he quite so bumpti- ous, and if so, ---- Dr. Pyne must bave sat up straight and done some thinking when he read in the Mail that "all the examina- tions are not to be condemned as things incapable of usefulness." Who is responsible for the recent circular on the subjeet * : a: -- New Ontario's dhumeration will not be complete so as to be revised by a judge, as understood. The voters' lists will, therefore, be the work of "the party henchmen, and Mr. McKay stes the opportunity for deliberate, downright, dirty work. The railroads of the United States are said to be figuring that they can raise $150,000,000 & year by increased freight ratés, and that "the consumer Will not feel it." Of course not. The filching of an hundred and fifty mil- lions from the peaple is a mere trifle. THE WHIG, 75th YEAR| ii: money and his help, to elee tario, at $6 per best Job Printing | | conservatives for | One would have been that the | day, and v THE DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1908. the conservative candidates for the Yogis- in Ottawa. As at the latare there is not | purity agreement capital nited States, charge remark is very significant, Daily; | /] The Toronto Telegram announce that "a month ago the Hon. J. P. Whitney was of more val- government than of a mighty cam- the good name of [ue to the Ontario i the riches i paign The | C.N.R. agreement becoming more and great fund." meaning of | more apparent, i | CITY AND VICINITY. | | On suspended Sentence. A sixteen-year-old lad, arrested ona { charge of stealing a gun, pleaded {guilty before Magistrate Farrell, Sat- | urday, and was allowed to go on sus- { pended sentence, as it was his first ap- { pearance before the court. Spring Importations Of 1908. | Prevost, Brock street, has received | three cases of imported goods for his In Kingston the party, feeling assur- j order clothing department, consisting |. eryope 5 Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. | Trouble With Tramps. i Chief White, of Perth, who was in the city, Saturday, stated that the { people living in that vicinity were | baving a great deal of trouble with |r. The trouble appears to be | very much general, and a term. in jail will be the only cure for these offen | ders, Women Given Help. Two women, whg arrived in the city several days ago, from Brockville, in almost destitute circumstances, were given assistance hy the Y.W.C.A. One of them was offered a position in the Children's Home, of Hamilton, and she has left for the place, the amthori- ties at the home paying her railway fare. Origin Of His Illness. Thomas Donnelly feels a little sinee he reached home oa Fri hopes to be able to be around next month. The trouble from which he has suffered for the past vear or more ' originated from a fall at the curling rink. le tripped, and fell heavily on a curling stone, The blow he received caused internal trou- ble. Capt. better To-Night, 'Our Boys." There is feature about Royal Alexandra Players, who to the Grand to-night, direct from their home in the beautiful Roval Alexandra theatre, Toronto, and that 18° that every player is an artist of tried merit. They do not claim to be the greatest on earth, but their past works speaks for them. See them to- night. The come one Magnificent White Pine. Some of the finest white pine that was ever shipped to Kingston is ar- riving for the Calvin company. The pine is from the Temiskamine district and 150 carloads are coming. Some of it arrived on Saturday, The tim- ber will be taken to Garden Island, and later on will be rufted to Que- bee. An Old Resident At Rest. The figure of Patrick Hamilton will be missed from the streets by many a citizen. The old man died on Satur- day in the House of Providence, where he had lived for some years past. "Pat" was a war veteran, and had lived in Kingston for a great many years. He was an old friend of the Whig whose ollice he daily visited for his paper. Instructing In Ottawa. Quartermaster Sergt-Instructor Jor- dan and Mrs. Jordan, of Kingston, are in Ottawa and will be there the next two months, Q. M. 8, Jor- dan will have charge of a course of lectures to be given in vonneetion with the provincial artillery school. He will likely be one of the Ottawa con- tingent to go to Quebec and later on will conduct instruction classes in Toronto. for Avoid Biliousness. The dull, sluggish condition usually termed biliousness, and which in cludes constipation, headache, nausea | and other symptoms, is due to clogged 'condition of the system. Both stomach and liver are involved. Day's Dyspepsia Cure is an infallible remedy. This preparation has diges tive, tonic and laxative propertics, Each. bottle contains sixteen nt. only at Wade's sale days' Lug A Quiet Wedding. Luke's" church was "the scene of wedding on Wednesday even- 8:30 o'clock, when the rector, Forneri, performed the which made Miss Annie England, - youngest daughter of Thomas England, the wife of John J Macsh, eldest son of John Marsh, of this city. The bride looked lovely in a gown of soft white silk, carrying a shower houquet of white carnations, Miss Laura Tomkins acted as brides- maid and was gowned in white, carry- ing pink earnations. assisted the groom. St a quiet ing, at Rev. R. 8, or remony bride, ments were served. Permanent Road Pavement. "The board of works will recommen to the city counéil this evening that the offer of T. 8S. Kirby, of Ottawa, to construct some permanent road pavement here be accepted. Mr. Kirby afore to canvass the property owners the business streets where it is to lay these pavements, and induce he property Cas Yo sign for. These blocks will be laid under the local improvement on the city paying- forty per cmt. of the cost. the property. owners sixty per © The Océan Faurnal's man boasts cent, as inthe one ith concrete walks, " the | fton; T. las a farewell Arthur Graves After the cere mony the immediate relatives of both ¥ people repaired to the home x the where dainty refresh- BYREV.R.E. KNOWLES, B.A, at in A Very Large Attendance Service Which Was Held Convocation Hall. The hgeealaureate © sermon was preached at Queen's University terday afternoon, by Rev. Kobert E. Knowles, BA, of Ualt. The ice was held in Convocation hall, at three o'clock, and the attendance was | very large. The text chosen by the speaker was Matthew xix, 22: "But when the young man heard that say- ing, he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions." The young man, starting out in life, was pidtured by the speaker. He re ferred to the time when he was drawn towards God, and would have to de cide the all-important question. But for society, rivalry and disappoint- ments, there would" be much more happiness, There was a struggle for to go through. A person must turn his face one way or the other, and he knew which way he should go. A great many had fallen, just when a little more time would bave saved them. Fvery day one was called upon to make a choice, and it all depended on how we cultivated our taste. What was Christ's programme for meh ? It was not his purpose, that they be poor. The speaker believed that they should have the best of life. He also believed that there was nothing too good for Christians. But life was not only one for wealth of money. Was not wealth of friendship to be considered ? This was certainly something to look for, and the young man in going out into life, had more to think about than the seeking of riches. Ves sery INCIDENTS OF THF DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. hen in need of a cab, "phone 600, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. The storm on Saturday night put a damper on business in the stores. Good rubber tired cab always when you 'phone 600, Three tramps were given shelter at the police station on Sunday night Junches of hepaticas wefe seen, yes terday, telling us that spring has really begun. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, leave orders at Mo- Auley's book store. The umbrella sized "Merry Widows did good service during the heavy ram storm, on Saturday night! Hundreds of citizens' admire the beautiful court, house lawn, Ken tucky lawn grass seed will grow when all others fail. Sold only atyGibson's Red Cross drag store. W. St. Pierre," ladies' men's tailor, of Montreal, the British-Américan on Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th and 29th, with a full line of spring samples and designs, and will be pleased to show thew to those interested. Any orders taken will be tried fon later by the fitter, who will make a special trip for" the purpose. and gentle will be at B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W. McMinnis, Angus Orr, F. W Meagher, George B. Frank, C, D. Mc Farland, Frank Charters, Montreal : R. E. Mason, J. Hi. Watson, J. Wil son and friend, George Beli, Toronto: C. Bissell, Galt; J. T. Drescher, Ham. ilton; C. Ardicy; Dave H. B. Gam ber, New York; L. Faleontridye, Grimshy; J, H. Gilleland, Utica, N. y N. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs New York; W. P, Faulknier, Guelph} B. Shortt, P. 8. Gray, St. Paul; Alfred Snidir and wile, C. B R. Murray, James Stein, New York; 0. H. Hertaler, Lancaster, Pa... W. Moxam, Belleville. J. Thornton Haley, dradford, Eng.; A. Northeote, Brigh- Chrysler, Detroit; Beni. Wal ters, Chris. Stevens, Rochester; (0. Ar buckle, Chicago. Meecham, Given A Farewell. A song service in Queen Street thodist church, last night, was given to Miss Reta Mitchell Bradley, the soprano and They have given execel- service for several years, The Me- and R. M, | bass soloists {lent a | church people appreciated them hich ly. The music last night was of a (fine type. Rev. W. Timberlake, of Gananoque, preached mnie [BA CCALAUREATE SERMON | ™: ot rie tat -- SERVICE I UFEN'S A LONG LIYE oF 4 0 | Fow to Conserve Energy and Prolong Life. the iile forces beg little harder up stairs, oar 2 a walk Nig- vd we. feel is draw ul or 1 less to chmb a h Exercise is abandoy r of active service orousiy is more than probable that over-driving the which will give chine if overtaxed, immediately take the gear, build and restore the hie have been of the any me should change strength To end cious cod Vinol, er tonws because it is made by a scientific, tractive, concentrating process fresh livers, combining peptonate of iron all the medicinal, healing, body-building liver oil, but no oil As a body-builder dren, weak, run-down, delicate dren, Leak, run-down persons, sickness, and for chronic colds, bronchitis and all throat fung troubles, Vinol is unexcelled. Try it on our offer to return money of it fails. George W. hood, druggist, Kingston, Unt MARINE NEWS. like we to ont and steps up bowly cods strength chil- after coughs, and and your Ma- Found About Wharves. The sloop Maggie L. arrived Glenora, light. The steamer Kenirving has arrived at the penitentiary from Oswego with coal. The schooners Tradewind and Acacia will clear for Oswego. to-day. M. T. Co.: Steamers Bothnia clear ed for Oswego, to load coal; tug What is from the! forces. | this nothing equals our deh-| fiyer and iron preparation, | which is far superior to all oth-| and cod liver preparations] eas from| with | the | ------ EI _-- -- -- FAEF PEEP E4004 0040 PP E1000 400000000008 when | ' we machine i elements of cod | | OUR FIFTEEN DOLLAR SUITS ; We were determined to have the best 15.00 * Dollar Suits that could be made. We've accomp : lished our object. Handsome New Spring Fabrics, in the same style as higher priced Suits. and well tailored in ever y particular. Handsome Blue Serges, Neat patterns in Fancy correctly cut Trimmed Fmerson, from Oswego two coal barges, cleared North Fairhaven, | and Big Sodus. { Ihe steamer Aletha brought a large | number from bav points, to-day. On April 28th the steamer Belleville will leave Toronto for Montreal, and on her retarn trip will leave Montreal, May Ist. The steamer George Hammond, was towed to the Kingston foundry, this morning, by the steamer Wolfe Islander The steamyacht will undergo extensive re Her engine will be compounded hull will be scraped and painted. The Eccleweat underwent a thorough repairing last spring, and when this work is completed she will be one of the best yachts on the river The steambarge Roberg MtDonald is at Swift's with coal from Oswego for Eccleweat, owned hy pairs. and her Advice For Backache. When stooping hurts, and lilting is tedious, that's the time to rub mn lots of Nerviline--it eases in ong ap plication, brings relief and cure that relapse. No liniment is so soothing, so certain to Kill muscular rheumatic or sciatic pain. Your deal er sells lots of Polson's Nerviline: why bottle, defies not test a 25e, Dying In The Far West. The Whig to-day received a tele gram from M. R. Handley, hotel pro- prietor, Crossfield, Alta., stating that John Maguire was in a failing condi tion of health, and could not travel east alone. It was requested that his relatives here be informed. The mes was handed to Chiel of 1 sage Police Baillie. Queen's Results, Are out and the boys are Teaving for their homes During their journ in Kingston, they have learned that nowhere can they get such nobby and exclusive styles in hats as at Campbell Bros.", Kingston's style for men's hats, *O else centre For Queen's Graduates. ¥2 and , the $2.50 leaders Swell new derbies at Campbell Dros in men's hats, A Nordheimer © cabinet grand. piano will be sold at J. H. Birkett's sale 143 King street, Thursday, April 30th, at noon. G. J. Jackson has been placed in division 1 in hydraulics I, School of Science, instead of division 1, as appears in the pass list. Mrs. John MeNeish (nee Toronto, is visiting her the outer depot, for a few Miss W. Wallace, attending Queen's has left for Kamloops. H. A. Vanwinckel has left on a styles in Elliott); of parents, at days. trip ta Vancouver, B.C. ~--castor oil, salts or cathartics. That was all wrong, but theo of harsh physics is over. know what they do. . Cascarets are candy tablets. bulk. The children's laxative--Cascarets. Candy tablets, pleasant to take, gentle in their effects. Throw out the old-time physics. Look back at your childhood days. Remember the physic that mother insisted on once in a while How you hated them. How you fought against wkice them. How you dreaded their after-effects. With our children i's different. They belong to the day of the gentle in medicine. The day We don't force the bowels now; we coax them. We have no dreaded after-effects. And the dose is a candy tablet. Mothers who , cling to the old form of physic simply don't The children's revolt is well-founded. Their tender bowels are harmed by then. The modern way is to give a gentle laxative, and to give it. To keep the bowels always active. needed, does more than anything else to keep a child well. aobody knew better. One-half a tablet, as often as They ate sold by all druggists, : Worsteds, also Fancy Cheviots. Our $2.00 Derby Hat is a beauty. Cur $12.50 Raincoat is good Rain or Shine. Our $1. 50 Umbrella is a good one, Our $15.00 Silk-Faced Cheviot Overcoats are . the best coats on the market at the price. They : will compare favorably with anything shown else where at $18 or 20. Come'in and take a look. THE H. D. BIBBY GO. PR EEE LEER Et et THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1807 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 5,000,000 Rest, - - Total Assets, - 113 ,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, 2 and in th ia th the United States and Bagland A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANE DEPARTMENT " Deposits of $1 and upwards received ; interest allowed at surrent rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to ne delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. KINGSTON BRANCH CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STH, & P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + By + + + + + + + + + + + + + > + + + * + B. BE. WALKER, Precident ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches HEESEOISEEL ES EEE E EI REEI ESI IIL £44 The Latest in Oxfords There's no neater, more sty- lish or more comfortable shoe made than a Patent Invictus Oxford. After baving worn boots for the past five or six months, you'll appreciate the change to Invictus Oxfords, : We have Invietus Patent Ox- fords in Narrow, Mediam or Full Toes; also in Tan and Gun Metal, Prices $4 & 4.50 THE SAWYER SHOE STORE I IT HH 2X40 004000 IRIN % "h E4544 + )¢ + + * + HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY By Using Our Furniture Restorer Your labor «seems in 'vain if you do not add something new from our well assorted stocks. Brass and Iron Bedsteads Springs and Mattresses to fit Also Dressers and Stands in great variety, at dames Reid's, "of ik, Are You Tired Of Ordinary Bread ? If so, make a change for the better--eat Toye's Bread. ~ It's so delicious and wholesome that every ons enjoys it. More nourishing than meat. Delivered to your door.. Phone or call. TOYE'S BAKERY, Cor. Ontario & Clarence Sts. Phone 467. EO Oe EC YT FE RN

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