Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1908, p. 5

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8S . nen - - : Own Sea vest for baby, Lest ¥ 30u, Try ""Albert'* Tal Violet Scented and | Saturday, When a y i come sluggish ; <when she has head. | aches, dizziness, faintness, and ex- | hibits an abnormal disposition to | sleep; dislikes the society of other | «girls; then the mother should come | to her aid promptly, for she pos. | sesses information of vital import. i nice to the young daughter, | At such a time the greatest aid to | nature is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vego- | table" Compound. It prepares the | young system for the coming | change, and has helped to bring | three generations safely from girl hood to womanhood. "Read what | LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND i 1 Jag accomplished for Miss Olson. | Miss Kllen M. Olson, of 417 North | East Street, Kewanee, I1l, ina letter | to Mrs, Pinkham says: | ** Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Cor- | pound cured me of backache, sideacho, | and established my periods after the | best physicians in Kewanee had failed | to help me, saying that an operation was necessary," FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. or thirty years Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and ber pou been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irre ities, 4 y backache, fats bear ng-down feeling, flatulency, indiges. tion, rnervous prostration. ,orne 'Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice, She has led t a ule housands to Lyun, SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN, Is Rivaled By Human Hair Where Dandruff is Eradicated. Sealskin is admired the world over for its softness and glostiness: . and yet the human hair is equally as soft and glossy when healthy: and the radical eause of all trouble is dandraff, which is caused hy a pesti forons parasite that saps the vitabity of the hair root. Newbro's Het picide is the only preparation that is] fatal to tlie dandruff Without dandrufl there no falling hair; but growth of soft hair certain Scouring the scalp! won't dandruff Kill the dan-| druff Thousands of womer thei to at its germ is a luxuriant glossy, is cure owe New- germ beautiful bro's Herpicide Sold by leading druggists. Send 100, in stamps for sample to The Herpivide Co. Detroit, Mich. Sold in two sizes Oe. and £1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. wits. of hair EDUCATIONAL. dvb er tend The : Kingston Business College Limited, of Quesst street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, lo graphy, and all com al subjects thoroughly taught by competant experienced teachers, Day and sight classes. Falter af any time: lates very 'moderate; 'Phone, 440; HV, METCALFE, President, J.B, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. DODTTOOTOVO000T00I0000 (MPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day and Evening. Classes at the Frontenac Business . College, : | Barrie and Clergy Sta, T: MN: STOCKDALE, 880, girls thoughts be- [an early date. | pss "| American I woes JOHN M'INTOE, NIAGARA FALLS, THE VICTIM. and Failed to Notice proaching Train---His Badly Mangled Falis Body Niagara (int few mor 1 taract kept a boarding and instantly killed by a and sand train on Queen jing. Mofhtoe was east Track and {engaged looking at a | was waiting for the M.C.R | fore passing over a level crossing. { thotich Engineer Payne, of the M.( |eng whistled to attra { MeIntoe he paid no attention to | Belore the engine could stopped 18 the 4 Ae: ad po CK i {h the use of the air brakes the man {was 'struck, his body being frightfully | { mangled. | j ma : I'he train consisted of a dozen ears | {loaded with stone and sand. Meintoe leaves, besides his wife, three chil dren, He was about fifty vears of | age. It is said he was hard of hear | ing, | 1 before ww r Melntoe, re where he minutes avenus, house, standing or to treet car i seemed be that train , Al viciously t it he 2 ! ten. i | WHAT IS PROPOSED, i Fmt i Radical Civil Service Reform Coming. { April 27. The held a sitting, « legislation | | | Mtawa, cabinet, on f long | cusging of * tance to be presented to parliament at Ihe principal before the ministers was the pro posed new civil serviee act The hill now contemplated be of a radical charactor, and will practically revolutionize the civil serviee respect to appointments, promo tinne, classification of the various of ficials, employers and so forth. It is that the act will be largely on British civil service system, and obviate far as possible the ey the tronage system complained of in fis | | large wmpaor- | (ques tion ax will ry&tem m understood new the will based as ils of pa the report of the civil service commigsion It is probable that board will be establidhed independent all partisanship all appointments and The minister and deputy minister of each | department will larger thority than at present in the matte of appointing and promoting officials Fheir recommendation will then to the civil board, which will upon I the intention of the act to take the service polities and make it dependent of patrohage committees and partisan influence Ther: little doubt that this will receive the hearty support of all the members on both sults of the house, to whom the gues tion has bother and a cwil ervice of to supervise promotions exercise a au go SETVied them, in out of practically in always heen a constant beto noire, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Owing tor tack 'of Amides the Ottawa improvement commission has laid off o large Staff of 'men The motion to quash the local on tion bydaw, of Hamilton townslap eame before Justice Teetzel, Toronto, and was disafissed. At Quebec the trial of chette "is nearly through, will certainly be in the hands of wiry this @iternoon The C.R. is closing down their shops at Winnipeg until after May lst, when the new schedul: goes into ef feet, forestaling the strike of the men. Burglars bound, gagged and Charles Hauser, night watchman in Browning King & Co's store, Buffalo, N.Y. on Monday morning, ransacked the place and stole clothing valued at {00 There ad from steamship Dominion, seventy-four re cently converted Mormon, on their way to Salt Lake City. They were re cruited from Norway, . Sweden ani England. the Ottawa building trades council has called & sympathetic strike of all union men from the Y.M.C.A. build ing. This is the only development in the strike of bailders' laborers for twenty-five cemts an hour Roventia Ofhcer Edmond Trudel made a clever seizure of an illicit still few days ago at St. Pamphile, county of 1 lslet 'Lhe still was brought to Quebec. The operator, carrying on work for some two years, will have to stand trial, Péesident Baz and 'his cabinet are in confer Porn ihe Central reament., Rumors that Gattemald and Honduras are on the ove of a struggle which threatend to embroil Costa Rica and San Salva- dor, gré practically confiemed. The Canadian teachers will vi:it the schools of England, Walks, and Feot- land. Canadian steamship companies have agresd to give a rate of $25 for the round rip. Boards of education will be asked to. scléet the teachers who afe to represent the cities and townse Phe 25th Regiment, Essex Fusiliers, will go to Quebec this' summer with its fall establishiont to take part in the Quebee' 'ter<contenary celebration, Col. Bartlett having decided to ac « he Wltefative offered to (ity regiments of taking their full t anil getting transportation Tegi- subsistence, but only four days pay. and PI a Of Mischief. i 'Sdabbs (after engaging cobk }-- "There's one other thing | suppose you should know, Mise Flannigan: my 'wife is a chronic invalid, confined to her room." Miss Flannigan--That's fine | I wor aleerd she might be wan iv thim chronic kickers that ar-re con- fined ¢* th' kitchen, begobs 1' Omer Ro- The case the beat landed Quebec the His Term Expires Friday. Campbell's term ag Jight Died At Napanee. " Napanee, Ont., Apil 27. John Gi rd, died at Napanee, today, ninety. fou yegrs of ». WT Cibiedrd rnjture company. alternioon. SEE 5 Funeral Tuesday plant expert advisor to the city ex. pices Friday. What is the Hght, at and power committee going to age. He was father of do about a successor if Mr. Campbell for $17 It's wp to the present chair ang F. Gibbard, of the is to step out? Does the committee man to give an "intend to ask. Mr. Camptell to con ' Fie Was Looking at a Street Car, | An Ap- | deeply { tired dergyman of thi { riage i ing, 'groom had prospered | FAHAAAAAAIAA AAI | The Building Was Valued at $8.- | building dollars, with onty ening of the season the loss is a bit- a a of club. The fire is supposed to have for another period THE TOTALS GIVEN _. Death and Ruin By Recent Tornadoes New Orleans, La hand, to form led about pa 1 thou i wrecka wre Ji homeless veral OWS 16; | practically towns, reporting | | serious abitations and ness hos these omplete 2.500) { bu 1s ir * above chage figure on f rms The dead will | Known number of accprately, for 300 of them wer ty were buried in many communities without careful re. { turns being made of their number damaged the | on that about wgroes, and they AN OLD WEDDING FEE. | Receives Payment After Thirty- five Years. April 27. ~Thirty-five Rev. J. R. Phillips, re 8 Cily, married Tapleytown. The day be vesterday he received his mar At the time of the wed ding the bridegroom put a note into his hand which, * when Mr. Phillips opened it on his way home, he found Prv- of a disappointment exe but bri Woodstock, vears ago the a, couple at fore, fee it Contained an excuse for not on account in not receiving money from an Hé waited lon at last. 'lhe pected source was rewarded HEEAAIAE AAAI MAY TELL THIS WEEK. 27. -- this he the this to Toronto, April Premier Whitney, morning, stated that hoped to announce date of the elections. week, if they were not go over till the fall. FEEELERESE » MAGHT HOUSE BURNED WALKERVILLE CLUB SUF- FERS A SEVERE LOSS. 000--Only a Small Insurance-- The Building Was Struck by Lightning. Walkerville, Ont., April 27.--The ! Tecumseh the Boat Club wes burned to the ground during -the prevalence of a severe thunder storm night. Four shells, six rowhoats, three canoes amd two launches were fost in the fire, but the loss 10 the clab is that of the barge "EN," presented to the club hy Frank Walker, of Walker & Sons, and valued at £1,000. The to- tal loss approximates eight thousand ol last racing rey erest ten oared twelve hundred in- surance. Coming as it does at the op- ter blow to the enthusiastic members been caused by lightning. It hurned so quickly that nothing could be done to stay it. One of the Detroit: fire boats eame over, but the building was by this time wholly the flames. involved in SHOCK CAUSES FATAL FALL. Electrician Instantly Killed in Peculiar Way. Brantford, Ont., April 27.---A accident occurred at the of the Western Counties pany, when Markhall, foreman in charge, met his death. As a result of a heavy windstorm, a portion of the rool of the building was blown Marshall remove some of the debris with galvanized iron he iron was highly charged 'with electric ity, and knocked the unfortunate man from his position. He fell of thirty feet, striking his head on solid cement floor, and expired imme diately. He was fifty-seven leaves a widow and family, fatal power house Fleetrie com Jonathan the off. went wp to which was covered a distance a vears old and Protest Against War. By Mary Baker CG. Eddy For many years 1 have prayed daily that there be no mare war, no more barbarous slaughter of our fellow beings; prayed that all the peoples on carth and the islands of the sea have one God, one Mind: love God supreme: Jvy-and--love-theip.aeighbors..as. then selves National disagreements should be, . arbitrited and: fully settled. It is unquestionable, however, that at this hour the armament of navies i for the purpose of pre and presérving | peace and fairly, can be, wisely, i® fecessary, venting wat among nations, May Again Wear Plums. April 27.~When President Carnot was assassinated, at Lyons, in June, 18M, the 5th Regiment of Light Cavalry was acting as his body- guard. As a punishment for allowing the assassin, Caserio, to commit the erime the regiment was deprived of the plume of cocks' feathers that or- namented its shako. Gen. Picauart, minister of war, after fourteen vears, has restored the plume. Paris, Under Secret Orders. Philadelphia Press. "Are you the man from Sodder and company's ta do the repairing of the water pipes 7" asked Mr. Subbubs. "Yes," repliqd the plumber, "and Mr. Sodder sa®® it'll cost you 360.7 "What ¥ Why he hasn't seen the job: he doesn't know how muh I want done." "Mebbe not, bit he told me how much to do." The Gas Question ? The light plant financial Statement is ready for the eity council. Are the aldermen going to discuss how gat that costs F126 to rrodme is sold Zhen! explanation. 1 scares of which were struck and | could, ed market cash comliiture and dicate Grass To Save ground shootz and seed, which forms established ett 4 AT THE 'SAME PLAGE BUT DIFFERENT SECTIONS; SUICIDE AND DROWNING. The Two Despatches Reached the Pffice on the Same Sheet of Paper--Deprived of Liquor Too Suddenly. Ont." April of neighborhood tt, Frederick King this and i WET frowned in off Rocky Reef, yesterday Fhey y Lumber were emplovetl by whose yoo burst three men ith boom chains in a 1 hey by Mr. Stewart and family, Reef, tite | bey "elaim no boats were at had to watch them dis ihe bo redid vet and started w canoe 0 repair damage, were next seer from water, hand appear one Rocky floundering in so they after the other. dies have not been recove particulars knowr no further | are A Suicide Of A Young Man. Dunchurch, Ont. April night Harry Swain a young man, and ¥ histrict, committed his throat with a razar. drinking for time previous in the week had started to fo the Graves 27. --last well-known popular in this cutling had lwen but work suicide hy H some early big We Foreman cook oud Me river as lumber company, ur Millian, on the Magnetewan drive, Byng Inlet. lis thought that suddenly deprived of liquor his He hived itl this morning. Ar inquest probably held He leaves two brothers and a sister in England, der neal nea r feranged sO mind three o'clock will be WOMAN GETS REVENGE Upon the Stock Enemies Husband. Rochette recently, of Her When the rested, financier Paris of outside brokers in the anticipating for sold heavily Rochette of tention ol their per the was ar in a number and others interest stock market, who had been the and that purpose, immediately all the st n which interested ed event had com bined whe in forming t the un to least that few was with later at a price Fhen if was ndicate buving bear" Ls sort i i back on cover sales at fifty a I francs each A few days and astonishment dicate, the Rochette was interested shegan prove the ent. lower stocks went down to a later, to the of the "bear" various stocks surpfise syn which to in mm in price, and at the settlement found themselves short in their ca ations a stun of $600 - 000, instead of making a large profit, they have lost heavily, It stated on good authority that the originator of the move which led to the unexpected improvement in price Mae. Rochette herseli, Im mediately on hearing of her husband's arrest she returned from Biarritz to Paris and met Wer husband's business "nssoeiates learned the "'bear" selling and at once decid- 'hears' hy so that, is now was of She SOM ol ed on action, resilized 'on everything she and with $500,000 thus ob ave orders to numerous je brokers and other intermedidries to buv for terms for mnmediate of each of the principal dif Nhe tained Joly ge bers, outs mar ket "spot" as' 'manv cash on delivery ferent kinds of shares as the means at her: disposal would allow. ' She devot attention to the threatened newspaper reporters her high and low, she sat four hours « for the watching the special hares were most While the hunting for in a little which were for ery 1 order viously the impulsion of her day gi and an rise of pri on pur The re the svndicats ame clear in the met her husband outsid "hear' and when she the Pex igstrate = weeping into his } to tell him she had was able RG00 000 for Arms made him through her in forcing the "bear . to her price shrewdness A to agents sto than they had time deliver at a much hivher sold, while the tion had tended to allay and hmit t at same her shareholders' pani ngland"s Coast. Daily Graphic Londen » evidence Giving F¥rosion Commission, yesterday Coast Dr hi before the Otto Stapf described the reclamation work performed by Spartina grasses, which, he. said, spread by under- WAS and currents. and Lertain, easily, digpersed by tides bleh... water. birds themselves and the roots and bases of the dense clumps effectively fixed the mud, and where they ocaurred in dense patches they formed a protecting belt for the shore or bank behind them. Crockett And The Mules. It is told of the famous "Davy" Crockett that one day while standing on Pennsvivania avenue, Washington, a swarm of mules trotted by under the custody of an overseer from one of the stock farms in Vireinia. A con- gressman from Boston attracted Crockett's attention to the unusual sight, saying : "Hello, there, Croek- Here's a lot of your constitunts on parade. Where are they going *' Crockett looked at the animals with a quimical glance and answered ~uiet- lv, "They are going to Massachusetts to teach school." Darkest Place He Knew. From Puck. "Well, 1 d' know," donbtfully said Farmer Hombeak, relative to the proposal of his nephew, a recent gra- duate from an agricultural college. "Mebbe e's money in cultivatin' mushrooms, but where could we plant 'em * They require a damp, dark, dank place to grow in, don't they?" "Yes," was the reple. "And TN tell vou what, Uncle Ezra; we'll raise. them in the parlor" A Separation Granted. Not by process of law but by the ut | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1908. KEEP MONEY IN FAMILY. A Confession Overheard Railway Smoker. Gaetie representative of the largest pa- company in the army who in dont real the per Canada, who bright have found making captain in of Americans Canada a great country, stepped into the Slater Shoe Store James street bought a pair of shoes is a young om Nt and This 1s what he said been m bat this vesterday, for hist Canada the of ( I hae some years 18 time I have bought a pair anadian shoes. I am glad 1 came in. You know all Americans are taucht to be lieve that we make the finest shoes in the world. But | was in the smoker of a sleeper.coming out of Boston, a few weeks ago, and overheard a con versation between 4wo men who were evidently in the shoe trade. Thgy were telling the usual story of finer finish and better styles, and were agreed in concert that the Massachusetts shoe was the better. Oge of them conclud- ed by saying : I'he Canadians are learning fast, though our exports to Canada in the finer not increase any. We are just holding our own. They are etting the styles and the finish. Then Canadian shoe surpasses ours. honest. 1 must confess that 1 a Canadian shoe myseli, When go to Montreal 1 buy a pair These are Canadian shoes which 1 have on. They are Slater's. They have wir style and finish, but one pair be and now, shoes do the It's wear ever 1 all «¢ will cutwear two pairs of ours, cause they're honest through through.' "Now confession was the most convincing testimony I ever listened to said the young man. "and 1 there and then decided that the Slater would be my next shoe invest Besides, now that I am a resi of Canada, 1 believe 1 should keep the money in the family When we spend our good money in foreign countries we rob our home industries Whatever money iz lost to the coun to the individual resi that shoe ment dnt try is lost dent Mineral Riches Of Africa. The British South Africa company is raising $15,000,000, much of which will be spent on new railways, in Rho A correspondent of the London draws attention to the rich ad t of Katanza. This dis portion of the desia I ime joining distri trict the northern province Urientale of the Congo state the Belgian Katanza company holds and rubber concessions; and. carries on the administration, both civil and military. The state re tains the higher judicial functions, the ustoms and collection of taxes In the district is a great belt, a tin belt and several other munerals. The great belt 150. miles. They are not copper mines in RKatanza, they are copper quarries. There are moun tains of pure hematite, which can be used atone as a flux if'a central smelt Other mines £1,000,000,000 land, mineral L appe r bodies of copper runs are ing plant is established are self-fluxing. Over vorth of copper has been proved, and, asserts the correspondent, alter a per visit, "it would be safe to pre dict that the actual wealth is ten times that amount." Coal ix also proved, and the whole is estimated as worth ¥150,006:000. Copper 1s being produced at a cost of #15 a ton without any appliances. lime (gray dolomite) reefs of (hematite) the vicinity cop- Some mines have bodies of alter thus sonal Large bodies of and small abound iron in of every mine impregnated with lime and virtually free smelting Diamonds, petroleum, found, but not paving quantity, The climate is such women cau live per heavily nating sandstone iron reefs, being gold are sufficient and also vet in that whits there men and and rear hildren Pipe Buried In Tree Trunk. Kennebec Journal I'he other day George Braun, of sawing into stovewood a large tree that near the old when their saw encountered something hard the They kept sawing however, until they the stick cut off, and then investigated and found a clav pipe imbedded in the very centre of the Aree. The pipe was in a perfect state of preservation and filled with tobacco, the same as when it was left there. Explanations rife as to the presence of the pipe in the centre of the tree, but the most plausible one was given by one of the old residents. He that forty vears ago sothe devil driver got after a yoke of oxen in that town and ran over this tree, and that time, bent it to the ground About this time he thinks that one bent the tree for a pipe rack and then forgot to remove the pipe, and the tree after many vears grew around the pipe until it in the centre of the tree Ranney aod (feorge Passadumkeag, wer elm stood hotel, in cut had were said SOM . 1t being small some was very Getting His Own Back. llustrated BRs, An iron worker, having had the worst of an argument with a friend. decided to get even with him Waiting, therefore, until his enemy had atired to rest one might, he ap proached his street door and knocked loudly in order to wake him. Opening the bedroom window, the other hurriedly inquired what the noise was ali about. "Why," replied the outside one, "one of your windows is wide open.' "Which one ?"' "Why. the one vou have vour head through." chuckled the other, as he went away satisied with the sudeess of his plot. : Sight Omission. From Pusch. ' Wife of distinguished artist (to de- parting visitor on show Sanday, who has heen tea-ing sumptacusle for the last half hour) "Good-bye. So nice of you to have come. 'l hope you liked the pictures T° Visitor-- "Pictures ? "There ! 1 knew there was something I'd forgotten !™ Child Killed By Montreal Car. Montreal, April 27. Yvonne Seguin, silent worki of "Putnam's" are corns separated from aching toes. Any corn or wart that Putnam's can't cure a certiin reasun. 2 2 Tha Whig has sta Is it 4 hasn't been discover ed yet, Insist on buly a six-year-old girl, was killed by a Centre street car, on Saturday. The child was plaviog on the street with some companions and ran in front of the ear. Death was instantaneous. COFFEE Waar He Sap: "Mother never made such delicious coffee as this" WHAT Sue Sain: "Mother never used Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. \R That's why." i -- Brown Shoes are in great demand, and will be very scarce ina short time. a very complete range and High Shoes for - Light Shades of At present we have of Brown Oxfords Women. $1.75, 2.00, 3.00 and 3.50, Tan, $3.00 and 3 50, For Girls we have the range in Kingston. Girls' Brown Shoes and Oxfords, accord. ing to size. $1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. most complete We have. a very pretty Oxford Tie for Girls -- "THE ADAMS," in Brown and Patent Leathers, $1.50 and 2.00. Also Specialties in, "Baby Boots." PENDABLE 2 SHOES --~ Cowan's Maple Buds, Cream Bars and 'Milli. Chocolate are superb confection.s. Nothing to equal them THE COWAN co., Limited, TORONTO "* Leh a3 PIC METALS sors. == : Tin, Zinc. We are headquarters. fend us your inquiries. Canada Metal Co..Ltd., ssw 5 +s TORONTO, ONT.

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