Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1908, p. 3

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"omen's earables Walking Skirts White Waists id kk abba i Neat well-made, strictly tailored | White Lawn Waists, Embroidery Ladies' Walking Skirts, in Brown. ana Walenciennes Insertion, long Buiack, Blue, and Grey, nicely|,, 4 short sleeves, front and back stitched and trimmed with self- § § 2 1 1 'trappings, all sizes, $4, $4.75, |/*stening, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65, $5.50. ; 1.75, $2. $2.25 to $5.50. Wrappers Vi f ¥r nh #5 Good quality Prints, Fancy| Ribbed Cotton Bnd Lisle Thread, Stripes and designs, Dark and| white, long, short and no sleeves, Light Colorings, turn. down lo acne ribbon and lace trimmed. collars, flounce on shirts, fitted . Bs. 80. 9Bc 30e bedy, linings, sizes 32 to 42 bust,|®!! 512% 158. >» 2 id fcr $1, $1.25, $1.50. 33c., 35¢, 40c. to 75¢. each. Petticoats Black Mercerised Petficoats, ac- cordeon plaited floufice, frills, strappings, etc., lpngths, 38, 40, 44, for 90c., $1, $1.10, $1.86 to $2.50. Corset Covers Corset-Covetd, of fine Nainsook, full fronts, trimmed with lace and en.broidery, all styles and sizes, for 28¢:,"d0c., Bik., 65¢., 75¢., 90¢. ts 2.25. Hosiery Fancy and Plain Sum- Cotton and Lisle White, Tan, all 40¢., B50c., 75e., Corsets All the popular makes, FE. T., D. and A, P. G., ete., White, Drab, and Grey, all sizes and styles to suit every figure, BOc., 7he., $1, $1.25, $1.50. Belts and Collars A great showing 'of Faney Belts | A full stock of Faney Spring dnd Collars, for spring and sum- | Veilings, on ground floor, plain mer wear. Impossible to describe | and dotted Mesh, Silk and Chiffon all different styles and qualities. | Veilings, for"284;, 80¢., 33e., 35g., Be sure to visit this department. 40¢. and 50c, per yard, Ladies' mer Hosiery, Thread, Black, siges, 28¢., 36¢., pac pair, Veilings Cash Coupons. Fors =TRAINING For Stout WaMEN You will be Stylish if you weir his * ior Model-+"The Corset withon! a Rival", wld oll good ores through- out Camden 5" duns 0 : -yodyced her ab- 2 Gold in - Guwilight | The prineipa} of tueen's apd Mew Daniel Gordon added "to their' many sucessful hospitalities, on * Monday night, when they gave a reception for the gradustes in the diferent facul tides, br. Gordon and his wife re ceived, and the two daughters of the house, Miss Katie and Miss Minnie, were about among the guests, énsur- jog thelr enjoyment, In the Supper- room were Mex John Watson, Mrs Daniel Jordan, Mrs. J. €. Connel and Mrs J. C. Gwillim, whose husbands are heads of the various faculties. The supper table was decorated with red and white carnations and Queen's rib- bons. 'There was some music, Miss Muriel King playing, Miss Mona Knight singing, and Dr. Beggs, of the hospital stall, playing and sing- ing. There . were about half a dozen girls from town asked to come and equalize the sexes. : - o> = After reluctantly saying good-bye to Miss Heatriee MeGilly who intended leaving for Toronto yesterday, - her friends were overjoyed to find that her visit had been lengthened, and that she won't go back till pext Monday. Miss Helen Chmpbell, Sydenham street, who stayed over lor *Zephra, : last night, went heek to Havergal with her little friend, Miss Elaine Conybeare to-day. Mr. and Mes. Arthur Klugh have let their house, on Wellidgton stueet, for the summer, and ave going up next week to Guelph for a visit on their way to the Georgian Bay region. - = = Mrs, Corpelies Bermingham gave a delightful little luncheon on Monday, with the Toronto visitor, Miss Evelyn Kerr, as guest of honor. Cov: ors were laid for twelve, the other guests being Mrs. William Berming- ham, Mrs. J, J. Harty, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Mabel and Miss Doro- thy Brownfield, Miss Beatrice Tandy, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Marie Carruthers and Miss Phyllis Short. Daffodils decked the luncheon table, - = - As usual Mrs. Daniel Gordon's luneh- eon table lengthened itself to-day to accommodate notabil ties in town for the convocation proceedings at (ueen's. A cup of tea at the prin- vipal's residence, after the strenuou. afternoon was over, was welcomed by the grave and reverend seniors and others of the learned, who appreciate refreshments of body quite wuch as the lesser beings to whom they im- part refeeshment of soul. » - a Particular friends of \the being allowed to go to the rehearsals of "Alice in Wonderland," over which Miss Beatrice Tandy is waving the condiictor's wand. The characters have been 'well "atfotted and Lewis Carroll's 'clever nonsense is going to have interpreters who have entered in: to its spirit. we we Several favored ones went into the| principal's on Sunday 'afternoon for a cap 'of! ten; alter the baccalaureate sermon at Queen's. Phe magnetic charm of the agthorpreacher, who ix a young man, a spite of his grey hair, is being spoken of by all = who met him for the first time, or re-met him after the lapse of years. - oe - On Saturday afternoon Mrs. 8B. W. Dyde, University "avenue, asked a few girls to tea to meet her ebarming lit tle grandwiece, Miss Alexander, of Ot tawa, "cast" are - - - There was an 'Annandale' party, on Monday night, with theatre Miss - Miss Hattie Young has been down from Picton for a few days, visiting her brother, Mr. Avohibald Young, Sydenham street. Mr. and Mrs. G. taken rooms at for some time. Mrs. John Waddell will hegin, on Friday, to establish herself and her family in their mew home on Earl ® Mrs, Honry Casey, of Macleod, N.W. T., is the guest of Mrs. Henry Hub bell, Bagot street. Miss Ardelle Eikiexr wetdrned to Ot- tawa Ladies' College on Monday after her holiday with Mrs. James Eider, William street. seins Sl MM Mc pssst oe 0. Mackenzie have 200 Wilkam street Is ag point. for style and quality in the Suther- § ¢ +land. Mews 'Footwear list for show you wh a Wis ang od J will be b Miss Emma Pense has been in town for a little visit at her old home, King street. Miss Byelyn Kerr returned to Teron- Fie today after her little visit at *'Anmandate."' iss Kerr's marriage to Mr. Marty will probably take place some time in June, Miss Catharipe Eldridge, of the Miss "Maud ee y rat t to on Monday. went up 8 at the ke | A rs. amy. T0-NIC Evélyn Kerr as its conteal attraction, | and Every Night This Week, 8.18 ix SATURDAYS MATINEE, 2.30. . "The Besutiful Operatic Spasach, NEW ZEPHRA UBIGCER~BRICHTER-BEPTER Than Ever. . te 4p New Musie~--New Dancers-- New Costumps --~New Bcenety---Néw Light Efiects. 200--Ja the Grand Cast snd Dance En- sou bles--~200. Prices Evening, 25¢c., 45¢., 50¢., The. Mataywe, 25¢, 35¢., §0c, Seats uow on' sale. BIJOU Did vou ever see the mysterious capital of the Turks--Constantinaple-- the city of turbaned men, and beauti- ful women, whose faces ate always veiled ; the city of Circassian beantivs, and Npbian slaves ? Perhaps yon didn't, for ii has al ways cost a lot of money to get there. But you ean see it now for 5 cents at The Bijou, "MYSTERIOUS CITY 'OF THE TURKS" (WITH MOVING VIEWS OF THE BOSPHORUS AND THE DARD- ANPLLES.) We also preseot a Moving Melodrama, which tells the story of a fine fellow, who acted as postman for reral delivery, He is falsely accused of a erime, conviet) ed and sent to prison, but ds eveptuslly exonerated, Don't fail to see this melo drama. "POSTMAN HARRY FALSELY ACCUSED." You should certainly hear Joha Robert Davis singing "The Belt Of the Bail," ~5 OENTS-- 5c. be. WONDERLAND THE PIONEER HOUSE, Progra ioe, WEDREShAY sid MURS 2 - "THE YESTAL" (Colored )~Of The ROMAN FHA, Or how a young girl, when her lover has gone to War, and declared to be a great wader by the pridets, receives news that he has been killd, decides to take the veil and becomes a vestal in' the church. The soldiers returning, she sees the report was false. She forgets her vows and is condemned to death, bar a miracle happens and both become py ever after. A BUAUTIFPUL SUBJ Song" WON] COME HOME UNTIL MORNING,: sung hy Ulare Smith, of this city. J. THEQ. EX, Mgr. "AUCTION SALE" Antigue Mahogany. Furpiture, Steel Plate Bngravings, etc. Part of Mr, J 1, Hirkett's Housthold Effects, at 148 King St. West, Thursday, April 30th, 10 a.m. A NORDHEIMER CABINET GRAND UPRIGHT PIANO, SOLD AT NOON. Ch Very Old Mahogany Sideboard, Centre Fable, Dining Chairs, Card Table, Grand father's Clock, ete, Walnut Bookeane Mahogany Finish, Walnut Wardpobe Black Walnut Bedroom Suite, Tron Bed- stead, Bureaus, Raw Silk Parlor Suite Centra Tables, Lounge, Largs Mirror, Brussells Hugs, Stair Carpet, Tollette Sets, Curtaing and Poles, Grand Duchess Range, Refrigerator, English Saddle, Jawa Mower and numerous other articles. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone, 253. 243 Sydemham St. Auction Sale of Furniture Thursday, April 30th, at 10 am." The undersigned will offer for sale as va, the household pts. of the late MRS. JOHN HAMER, removed for con- vendence of stig 10 248 AMpred St. com- prising Bedroom Suites, Couches, Parlor Chairs and Rockers, Tables, Stair and other Carpets, Hanging and other Lawps, Souvenir Range, Hall Stove, Springs and miscellaneous other articles. J. LEAGH, 'Our Auctioneer," G8 Brock St., Kingston. AUCTION SALE Solid Brick residence, with stable and drivehotise, in the: village of Cataraqui, will be sold at WM. MURRAY'S Auction Rooms, Brock St, on SATURDAY, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. of her sister, Mrs, F Miss Constanee Alexander, Mra, - Ro- bert Meikle's guest, whose honor it is to be the granddaughter of much-he- loved Her. Wardrobe, will go home to Ottawa he Mrs. James nbleniit of Bftave, is staying with her people in town. Mrs. James Gildersiees yore street, (was called away to Mo Monday, owing to thas step-mother, "Rosedale." Strange, Wil: - - ee > \ Mrs. A. E. Nrooma, Whe his been visiting Mrs. Lowis T. Best, Union stat, has sutuinah to ! ns. n uch sympathy is alo Mrs. Henry Bates, Hales™ Cottag®, and her family, Mrs. Bates having gone to the hespital, yestorde: suffering from an - . Pe : Dr. James Douglas isin town from New York, { Prineion) o Mr: Horbert V. Wood, of Toronto, is in town, X - ar - Miss Lillign Birvley, Queen street, has Jom to the North-West to teach for summer, Mrs. Pdward Tow, of Ottawa, in the their tender. § An aceepitest cheque f le. 19 the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1908. CONDENSED ADVERTISING | RATES { First insertion 1c. & word. Bach cot | secutie SOBER, COMPETENT CAPTAIN, FOR | Behooner. Apply P. O. Box 504, Napanee, Ont, A CARRIAGE WOODWORKER. good at repair Steady job, dress ""Woodwo J Whig office. AT ONCE MEN FOR UNDERGCROUNY work, Wages $1.75 per day. Doard, #8 per rr Wilber Iron Ore Co Wilbur. WANTED--FEMALE. A GIRL TO WORK ON SKIRTS, ALSO an appreptice. Apply to Miss Glos son, 100 Earl street. GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENCES required. Apply to Mrs. Frances Hill Macnee, 252 King street. APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION of | nurse, In the Pottsville Hos- pital, Pottsville, Penna, QOoe bun dred bed Hospital, training genera with a three mouths course in obstetries in a New York Hospital, and three hundred doliars ($804.00) pafd doring the three years course Circulars of information and applica- tion blank furnished upon request to the Superintendent, Miss E. F. Darl ing. f AGENTS WANTED, WE WANT A GOOD, LIVE MAN, WHO is keen, energetic and reliable, to handle Western properties in King: ston and vicinity Splendid indues ments to the right man, Capital is not necessary, BOL 8 it necessary to have an office. leferences required Hatfield & McLaren, Capitalists and Fiuanciers, Amustrong Block, Calgary Alberta. ---- ARCHITECTS. SHITECT, OF 8, ARCH 3 ARTHUR J uecen and Bagot strebts, fee, Co HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete: Amnehor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 845, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER: chant"s Bank Building, corner Brosk and Wellington streets, "Phone, 213, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second fluor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Futrance om Bagot "Phone, 608, PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARES, warts, ete., refi permanently, { without sear. ~Twelity years ex ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Har, Nose, roat and Skin. Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot stredt. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 0; 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St, PAGE THREE. S---------- -- WA FOR SALE, PLAIN SEWING DORE. OF ANY | TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS. 60 and. 0 kind. Cull or write to Cayioss, Wellington street. Apply A. B. Ouse street, over ningkam ME 5 TO-MORROW FOR] BLACK NOULD POR FLOWER i rk Teénderioins, Spare Ribs or top dressing $0 ashes rén Kidneys, ut A, Maclean's, On- Drop a card to Alber tario stepet. | Barrie strest Stansbur THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH | uh y aE RP pps A 4 estimates on electric work. All kinds | NO 15S UNIVERSITY AVE, DOuBLE of work promptly do ne. F, J. Birch, ing, open plumbing. Apply W pt Electrician, 206 Wellington street, Sullivan, Clarence sireas: * * * SOME MORE PROPERTY TO SELL. ; : x i you have eny, give us details. We] VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALP- will turn ft foto cash. J: C. Double house, on Jo Mn street, Lhe Diobbs, 171 Wellington street, property 'of the late Jgeeph Jamie: On, now used a dwelling snd a lumber"s shop. Apply ta Measrs, alkem & Walkem. : PROPERTY AND BUSINESS oF 11. 1B Wartelsky, srona consisting ! frame store and dwelling, well estab. lished general store business, good reason for selling Apply to J SK, McCang, 31 Breck St, King LAWNS TQ CLEAN AND . IMPROVE large experience at gardening and boauntifving lawns, Apply at once to Box "RG." care Whig offiee A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards . gy Juhat 3 carted; Prices it. 10 to N Lytle, General Carter, #5 Mais St. CITY PROPERTY CHEAP: NO. 98 Bagot St., mear City Fark, ail im provements, ¥ roolus, large exten. sion 3 No 204 Kisg St, wall built stong house of about 18 Tools ; No 82 Ovtagio St, 13 Youms aU im- provements, , hot water Pete, n snap, U Luff, Res) ®, 95 Clarence Bui x @ LEMEN TO GET Suits made at Gallo. ish guar to pleases. 181 B . Dotted dita. a0 TWO MORE GOOD CANVASSERS for city dirsetory. Those with some experience preferrefl. Apply at once to Business Manager Whig Odfice, between 12 and 1 pam, NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. eo mn BOR 5 ip ---- tobe 8p your fixtures to look lke INISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS new, Silver, Nickle and sCopper Plat- Sad a At a SE Bitiann' ng. ' House Wiring. dy work SRE or urate, ae. MiCann done quick, Large assortinent of Gas Ci : and Electric Chandeliers, Fresh Bat- - teries just in, 79 Princess St. 'Phoug| NOS. 77 and 78 ALFRED STREXY, $41. nil modern improvements. Possession Apply A. B, Cunpingham, SITUATION WANTED. AS ENGINEER OF STATIONARY engine. EXxperience of thirty-one Years. Wm. B. O'Neil, 2339 Earl St ist May. FRAME DWELLING ¢ ROOMS TLE gent stseet, known as Lindsay property, With or with MX ores, good land, McCann, 51 EXPERIENCED BDOMESTIO SER- [FINE DRY STORAGE, FoR rFupwsg Vvants, ome party arriving about May ture, goods, ete ET 1st, another pariy ay Rh Heder your own lock ar «Noon Antes on View Apply at once, The Mrorane Guild, 73 bBrusmeond St. Montreal 200 Queen St Telephone Uptown 3,261 SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber tradé. Graduates ean twelve to eighieon dollars weekly; Help secure i Will equip shops. Con- a on Lar ul jastructions U 'aw W a cor pte course, 'ata £ logue free. Write Molex Barter FOR SALE OR TO LET. r , "Poronto. . ct Re : R ASS TINSMITH WANTED MusT net ' first-class bench woraer, capable ¢ Rrte making up stock well and fast When applying Kindly state the awmber of! ten quart pails also a few other stapio lines you are prepared to make | we. in an day of ten hours Also wages | XT required and experience: Apply Py. {OUR FOLICIES Leslie & Son Uarries i) FROM 18T MAY, 1908, NUMBER 168 Karl street, at present occupied by Lisut.-Col. Hudoo, O.M.G., hot water beating and modern Lnprovenenti Apply to Armstrong MeUarmick, 108 Centre street, or Thomas Mills, 9 Clarence street. rp-- BLACKSMITH Is orev ' age of Sv 1'ar particulars, apply te Catvin N. Lak Syden) Os MONEY AND, BUSINESS. COVER MORE OF building and contents than gny other company oflers Examine them at } Codwin"s losurance Emporism, Mark. i ot Square. | ------------------ ------ { LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOKER Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets $01 187 216 In addition ta which the policyholders have for BUSINESS CARD JAMES ACTON WOOD AND COAJ, for sale, orders promptly attended to, Office, 154 Colllorne St | | Alexandria, Ont | i | i vg ny as gialhnited Liability of all ELECTRIC CARPET _OLEANING, Mockiolors. Fast and city. pro Sewing, and Lioying Feather Beds perty insured al lowest possi is and Plilows clean by steam. H ten, efure Jonwing gi or Kiving 2 wa ne Uses rales from Nirasge Milne, 272 Bagot street & Strange, Agets. 'Phone, BOK. n BOATS CHAPAPER THAN EVER, WE ars prepared to build 100 boats on the Pa payment system expert | LOST, hailders of Cruiser, Launches, Speed | = mm m-- Boas and Racers Coward &|SUNBRURST PEALRLR Peane's Boat Pactory, Old Block bn rsonds teward { % : House, Kingston. TENDERS. Tenders for Chain, Swivels and hackles. TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THW undersigned at Ottawa, and endorsed on the envelopa "Tender for Chain, Swivels and Shackles," will be received at the De- partment of Marine and Fisheries, Otta- Wa, up to noon of the FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT, for the furnishing of about 3,974 fathoms of. different size Chain with Shackles and Swivels to suit, to be delivered at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Quebec and Montreal. Specifications and detailed information can be obtained from the Department of Marke and Fisheries, Ottawa, and from | the Agents of the Department of Marine snd Fisheries at the cities already named, Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted chegue on a chartered bank, for the sum of $600, to the order of the Mmister of Marine and Pisheries. This cheque will be forfeited , if the party whose tender 8 accepted declines to enter into a coniraet to deliver the Chain, Swivels and Shackles, or fails to carry out the contrmet. 17 ihe tender is mot nccopled. tho cheque will be returned. The Department: does mot bind #tself to necept the lowest qr any tender. Newspapers copying this advertisement without authority frem ihe Department will not be paid. IF. GOURDEAU, Deputy Minster of Marine sod Figher- ies. Depart ment of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada, 28rd March, 1908. . TENDERS FOR DREDGING. TENDERS ADDRESSED To THE sndevsigned will be received until 4.30 pm., Friday, 15, 1908, for dredging] required - at the owing places in the Plovinece of Ontario: Tilhn, Victoria 3 be, endar: "vn dev for Dred, Tifa and Harbour." Victoria Cantractors will please aols that the Oredging in the harbours of Tiffin apd Victoria is to be Carried to a depth of 82 fect at low water, but this depth (iRbeml. So 25 fat, it 80, re rtroent. required depth of apd tan be obtained at ue went of Public Works, Tenders t to SAR of tend hel mast ready to begin work hin twenty days afier the date ihey ve been notified of the scorptance of of | » ITHE PARAGRAPH PULPIT : REV. OW Cassom, The Courage Of Conwietion. The great need of to-day is that their X modern days | there comes a new and splendid or ceptions of the larger truth, With the! dawning light ol human kanewledge may be perceived that much of what has passed for réality has been but a formless shadow in the night. Thers needs men to-day who shall yeice bravely the new convictions © that come to them in the Lrightening day Whatever new conviction comes to men shall have the courpge of eonvietions, In you, however revolutionary it may seem to you or. others courageously | confess it. The world lacks truth! less than it Jacks wen who shall not be afraid to speak it CABS! |The Old Stand and the Old Number 490 OFFICE N~, 1. All orders promptly attended to, night or day. ot Sa Tenders forBending Mikohine, Sorel |, '¢, =" SEEN 1d ta Drivers TENDERS ADDRESSED To THA | Re Boyd, J. McQuaid, undersigned at Ottawa. and endorsed on Dis mond, Lawless. © Po "Tender for Bending | E. McFadden, hehe Machipe, Sorel,' will be-vecemwed, ut the Id. Coyhs, A a Department of Marte end ' Fishebies, iJ. Sinott, Ottawa, up to noon of the 1G. Boyd, EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1908. Wm. Jarvis bor the fermish of ong machine for | . Meual bending steel Be Plates. to be del B y Oo be or ed at the Government Shipyard, at ENGLISH SHIRE Bpecifieitions and detailed information | "Normar Royal » San be ohty rd, from the Departmmat of arine an isheries, OMtawa, from the Well-known to i rer Dirpetor of the Government Shipyard ot | enn £5 an w Lhe J od ee A 8 Novel, from the Agent of the Dei present season. Can fe seen ab Di fartioant of Marine and Fisheries, Mont: | W. BEBEL'S VETERINARY ~ OFFICY, 1 real, PQ. 1 4, } on Each tender must be accompanied by an » Torus, $10. An satly coll so) akceptod chegwe on a chartered Canadian | « dar the sng of $800.00 10 the order! Address, Rev. C. W. Casson. at 23 Beacon street, Boston, Mass, for the litera tyre, of th Minister of Marine snd Fisheries. | This cheque Will be forfeited if Lhe party | whose tender is acoupted detlines to entre | inte a contract to deliver the beading machine, or falls to carry out the cun- trace. If the tender ix not sccepted the | ua will be ret ry had urned. ob » Ao Pat the Samadt' of any tena} a PHONE 600. RS ---- Newspapers copying this alvertisement | ty from the Department will sot be paid. : F. GOURDEAU ao Minister of Marine and Fishe Department of Matine and Fighwries Ottawa, Canada, 2st April. 1968. i Orders promptly attend- ied to, day or night. SEALED TRYDERS Will be np. eeivvd af oe SERCH of "th utes sine Wy 0 12 oles RIOR othe. Nd day of ay mex. ah For the wipply of a HORSE ASH MAX far way of the Bosrd of Wook Jor seus or gghi month Ng turret year: Pree 0 be pew r isformation van be obtsited 1owant or any Sender BOL heowis on Vo ei WIE BR te

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