Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. PAGE SEVEN. ---------- i --t---- TH Burns. Burns is guite willing to fight : ] f SPORT REVIEW the pegro; but he has his eve op the { financial side of the transsgetion . and i ; ree rae Styles will want big money. Jf kLaghsh WwW rth THE BASEBALL TEAMS ARE |" Ametionn style otf thet 1, 5° in EVIDENCE GIVEN BEFORE o HARD AT WORK. J do is to bring two a i ROYAL COMMISSION. | would be a great hight, with ods wm Se in a favor of the clever Canadian cham. { £ ag Beinier is the RB. OC. H.A: Crack {8a rm. haandian : cham Population on the Decrease-- | 3 pion, Pitcher--Locomotive Works Haves, who was second in the Bas- Cottage Industries Have Dis-!| TIRST of all we Will. Have Two Fast Teams-- | 1, Marathon race this year, will glso couraged Emigration. . Victorias Same As Last Year. |go to England to represent Uncle " { g e A ask you to view Al the hashall te { the city | Sem. Hayes laid back a bit too] The New York Herald Jrints a spe: | The best part of breakfast, tg' i lena he Masel Ton halt AY 1 long, and was ouly beaten fifty yards] cial cable despatch from Lion on on most eople is thei £ correct styles -- Jeagua are pra Salty ith ame. Jin the final burst to the tape. Right ih Poverty ad iy i An people, r cup off 4 we 3 or L Opn £ games les fror . : - which Its says © eC ovidence w oe ! » Fit-Reform sets the [hn May 16th. Very little is hucwn of Miles from hams Hares mas in thirty, gard to the poverty of Ireland and Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. . them, but they ave all said to be A emigration to America given before . . . fashions, What fast aggregations. A fow new en A ie pot pot oaumitcn Her the royal commission on the Gongres- Perfect berries, careful selection, : appears in the Fit- [jew been ig a Mowing | the Canuks were dis. ion in island. wax published "fh expert blending, insure the rich : 8 Ws . Sta risa hs . | qualified by Sullivan, orm oO : tia i - sy Reform Wardrobe ee siroug this opel 10 Soy dave [9 Jitass sated that te Hoon of | color and delightful flavor of this . 8c J v . e S-- -- Ostommon 8 Jou, y 1s accepted, without Bernier, the star hockey player, is q ; i : . in 1901 it had sunk to a little over best coffee. Po 4 good pitcher, with a good record be | [ 4 100,000; the present estimate being un- question, by Can- }hind him He threw for two years for ; he der 100.000. the fastest amateur team iu Montreal 8 4 In Cas le Teeheen, where. the | nd | ada's well-dressed and at the beginning of the third sea- " h ' a Bini pier ind) at ten shil. son, his arm went bad. Alter a rest ? lings per acre, the population had | men, of two seasons, the arm was as good ' Cah ; failed eighty per cent., while in de 4 as ever. While in camp at Petawawa i dagh north, where the valuation was | Let us show you ony, Ju tn Sorin ety Shaw : Te tix. shillings aud, efx-pew per thews | , | Ain't there things some of the many [5% ine o better shape t) ¥ aps ation. had Jnllen cnly: theo | Z Y [sas his arm is in t shape than $ per cent. « SHY That folks could get | ' t SF A | Zs [o keep them from ever this year. Other good men are 2 A witness, John Hayden, contended This April wet ? new Suits and Over- also available for the other positions 3 that this showed that the people had : The Mic-Macs, champions of the » from the Good Land not volun- | coats for spring. Kingston Amateur Hockey Associa- A OH 3 be nase the: wore obliged Fs -~ . wy tion, have entered a team and they 3 to. should have a snappy bunch. Fhey . * Sd ? Peter O'Malley, describing the po- | | | | ° fi lied some' good men wad. ur a et ph ient TH : \ necessities of life could, in many in who threw for Urientals one or two | [SESE n Stafices, not be obtained from tho | = Fugues last year, will likely be in the | { ; ! land alone and the people were large- | ly dependent on help from friends who i E> ; ~ had emigrated to America. Lace schools had been established in the district and had done good work, CRA W I ORD: & WALSH \ Schools and the money earned In 3 y : ~ Jcottage industries had discouraved i 8 emigrafion to America, some girls Sole Agents for Kingéton, With Primront Ha EARD, The Grand, on fom at cottage industries earned TY TRL on Tuesday, May Sth, more than the emigrants saved, While | ihn America and lived moré comfort i ¢ Dog Steals Jewelry. ably at home than they would in | [ J » lis Browne's Lo Geneva, Switzerland, April 30.---A America. Other girls were keeping | ; : dog dealer and his wife living at house for relatives and earning af - Zurich have recently lost several pieces | pound a ween at lace making besides. | of jewelry and silver and gold eoins The witness mentioned lace as an | in a most mysterious manner. The example, and advocated schools for | other day the dealer's wife was look- varied cottage industries. | ng out of a window into the garden, Another witness, the Rev. John | when she saw. a terrier. dig up the | Flatley, speaking of his experience iy | : earth and bury something shining, A Clare Island, the Leenage dastrict. and search revealed all the missing jewels Tuam, said its lace making classes | THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, and coins had heen a great success, and he was | The parious part of the story is astounded at the amount of money | The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. » - that the en, away from the | girls wero corning. Few girls woukt | : on ouie Girectly after its hoard was op. now leave the districts mentioned to | The best known Remedy for 3 earthed. No trace of the absconding go to America, or go to service in | animal has been found, England or Scotland. COUGHS CoLps - TT -------- Another phase of the question w as ! ! Have Perfect Circulation. supplied by the Rev. James Keli, y A; G. BERNIER You should have gdod circulation of who gave evidence of the roneostion | S I HMA, RONCHI i IS. The Crack Pitcher of the R. C. y blood and also see to it that the blood } in Connaught. In spite of the fe i ; ao eens | Whit} circalates 1s of proper quality. | creasing population, he said, Con- 7 ; { { Acts like a charm in box for them. He has all kinds of § Both results can be secured by use of | naught still suffered from Cromw rr They se ve a double purpose in keeping you DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. speed apd plays a good, steady game. | Wade's Iron Tonic Pill Laxative). f lism, and its after effect, nakely, the (dry and furnis ng a good-looking, serviceable, all-round tenure spite q The Canadian Locomotive company | These pills are a (rue™tonic because bad system of land . . ' Effectually cuts short an ntiacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too has 'two teams entered, one mn (he they build up the very source of life ol the appointment of the royal com- |COAt, Only fa rics which we can guarantee go into often fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. enior and one in the E The ¢ and ener Th rout mission and the sixteen year, work of The ont list: se me ¢ junior he d energy, ey are a great nerve ss ' p, SiX mrs work ¢ z i Only palliative in NEURALGIA, GOUT. RHEUMATISH. L.A. Players have alway taken gq strengthener and blood maker In | the congested district board in Conne, ' Chlorodyne iy a liquid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady, keen interest in all kinds of local boxes, Me, at Wade's Drug Store, | mara and elsewhere, the fringe of the | are waterproofed by the best process It smvariably on of hee OF Whatever kind creates a calm refreshing steep . sport, and have always been well in Money back if not satisiactory. economic problem had not yeb been | Th h b ~ : . bon so ptem when all other vemedies fail leaves the running. Their jugior team is al bss touched. About one-third of the 190,. 4 ey are the est You can get at any price, effects; and can be tak, has 9 g ted, A KE . Sis an - ® nedéoine Cass bg tolerated young fellows, wh have played be- Spring Hat Of Straw. 000 acres in Clifden Union were held r prices are noticéably low. INSIST ON_ HAVING " CONVINCING +f fore in the junior league. All the em. -- hy ninety graziers, while the valuation . ps Or. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ll MEDICAL TESTIMONY plogees of the company have taken ---- ce per head was only a fraction over] ® aincoats at $6, 7.50, 9.50, 11.50, 13.50 and 15. . CHLORODYNE, $1 WITH EACH keen interest in their teams and ape A The population was decreasing. The Waterproof Coats at $2.25, 3, 4, D, 6, 7.50 and 0.50, h BOTTLE. going to spare no Pains to see' (hem able-bodied were emigrants to Ame : hn Renta Succm of Oa Sold by all Chemists. win out. ; i 2 5a rica the weak and sickly remuining | Rubber Coats from $2.50 to 12; y Bas given rise The Victoria Baseball Club, winners { he : There way still congestion owing to] Remembeirthe same qualities. cost from $1.50 10 3 fo many imitations. Prices in England: of last year senior series, have als Ral pA id the undue occupation ' of land by a Iscwhere NB. ~Every bottle of two teams in the league, and will ! A few persons. There were vast tracts jn re elscwhere, Gengine Chigrodyne . ol Sole Manufacturers: make 5 hard fight to successfully deo \ 3 ! of reclaimable land im Connemara, | . Bears on the stamp JPHIOR N 1. 1. DAVENPORT fend the jaurels won last season, he h , which: were not fit for game How, and O Y & i y O ti 4 ¢ if the whole of Connemara were divad ey he same of the rs 3 senior team will be neatly the - same investor, Dr. J ty LIVER as last season, od up, except the residentia | f : ' ( | 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace, | ------------ -------- | | i iN rie Collis Browns, Per o SE" b which no one demanded fF people Kingston Lacrosse Club. | ah. 9 wy would not be eco ically relieved, A meeting of the Kingston Lacrosse but would stillg to America or Scot club. was held, [ast evening at the land. Verpfow from that part emi Frontense Business College building, x K grated Logland. ® " a and it was decided to re organize and § - 4 A weird story was told about three b 4 try and revive favor in the n rticnal = A thousand families whe lived on bogs | 1 ure urni ure és 8 mn | marshes in "Clifden Uhion Their | # ® \ ach, | game, which years ago used to Hour ish in Kingston. 7 hose officers were oldings were valued at £4 va elpoted : while cighty-eight non-resident gray | Hon. Presidents--Hon: William Har i lers held between them 68,530 aires of | Goods Arriving Daily for the Spring Trade. id | ty. EB: J. B. Fense Mayor Ress and A Hexible creamy straw nbling | the best land in the district. The re. | OP k ? i 'anan 8s used for the rfodel hat | sults + ere destitution, diseont t and | . . 4 . £ 18 W. F. Nickle: i ARatha, s are, Ao " ia : The - lander lntent and | China Cabinets from $12 to 60. JIN { Hon. Vice-dresivientep-J. MoD: Mow. | Bere shown, the sh and trimming | emigration landlords' exorhi. | being youthful and at and Dr. E. Ryan, 2 racelul. The tant demands had made. land pup. | Combination Buffets from $25 to 100. President -- Dy J. J. Harty rather high crows was hudden at the chase almost. impossible | On a . front and sides' by the trimming, The Rev. Canon Malpine, in giving | Brass Beds from $26 to 75. Vice Presidlent--T. N Stockdale, : Dalby wich concsted of light silvery-blue | evidence in favor of the development | Dresser and Stand from 6 00 to 50 9 o « + ty .t . * and a couple of large. creamy pink | said that hundreds of people who now | Solid Mahogany Dressers & Stand from $50 to 150, Secretary-Treasurer--W, H, Laptain--Leo Singleton, Manager--F, Kinnear Phere were a number of the oli v Players present, as well as a number > ------. a cagar might be smploved in the | of new ames. and f he ¢ g If You Don't Sleep Well. o ax arble and granite quarries | rR KR BE I D Ww new ons, and from the nthusiasm F of the districts These were dose tc } " * Ee displayed, the promise for a success It's because your Nerves are in a : o . . ro rpy ful season is assured, weak, irritable condition Ferrozohe the railway station and there was an | 230 Princess St. Telephone oid Ambulance, abundant supply of water, hut neither | - ® - v » ® i Meal. Spices, Sugar, ete., is in tin. They Su, on ra ari eh a % 3 . ames are to be arranged with | will make them strong and correc 18 > a nlf are then safe, clean and dry. We have 2 Belleville and Gananoque, besides the trouble that causes your insomnia. *f povbpongested district Saar Er the | . 9 i ---- strong lithographed tins of all sizes and mone with Brockville here on Mayi95th | fell inte a--state of nervous exhaus. thing toward apart sibel Cd | x ERROR DRE es ere aera. ® . » . . " . . * " . velvet ribhon and clusters of cosmos | of - the marble Quarries by the state; | emigrated to America from Clifden roses, The nicest way to Keep Flour, Bread, fooscccssiesssscesssevenes # | kinds. Come in and see them. prose ite ied time Kingston and | tion last fall," writen Ars. J. Stroud 1,08 Vewa specimens hoi os) ' ee he ro . ae : 5 : 3 +a Ouldn' ? 8 i. ng shown at | ¢ Brookville have met, each winning one of Dexter I _a Fon down, conl In tthe 8t. Louis exhibition and in Cork i game. Sleep und. perfeetly muserable--tried and Limerick. Every th 1 | Practices will be held on the Crick- | Ferrozome and was quickly henefited. blocks of the Finest mab oh ae : ew ® sen . - wv »] dav o is ®t fie id, on Monday, Wornesday ond I can recommend Ferrozone to alyone from Clifden and Recess to Americy. Friday evening, when all interested in suffering from over 'Wrought nerves and the continent of Europe 1 th lacrosse are invited to attend and sleeplessness." N,, tomic is better, fact that the 4 : n pip the The team will play uoder the auspic- ftry Ferrozone. Price Be., 'at all drug : as Ame ie TAC A : a Majority of gists, i proof of their commer. 3 4, ay wiohy to that assoeia- ------------ cial value. The development of the 0 The engagement of Miss Jean Reid, Suarries or i Jott to individual, : i i . Who was hindered as other tish in. Sporting Notes. daughter of Whitelaw Reid, the Us: : " i ! The Ontace oe Club Stakes pe. | ted States ambassador in London, to] Mustries had been killed, bv lack of | 4 ; 3 capital, the of which could | ceived a total of 480 entries. the Hon. Jolih Hubert Ward, brother 2 i 5 Cour al ailing Je The Olympic trial matches in cig | of the Earl of Dudley, was announced roent , oh ated, Decorate your walls and ceilings with bird shooting are to be held at the % Weak women. get Prompt and last- i righ object; : . Exhibition grounds, Toronto, on May | ing help by using Dr, Thoolrs Night dumping or material oe thei" 1, \ 1 3 % Bid you pay Dhak furnace fenton last winter? Did 20th, 21st and 2d. Cure. Thess soothing, bs. AOS | Fhe state sho is see that the uresco da Nis Jiu AT up the bins for yous Funct hooting institution Chicago for the National baseball | #ptic suppositories, with full inform- were properly worked. ' ping wih? Are you now Slaming the house walls, _ | league pennant scoms to be a rather A HETeRting | Stores of expert witnesses had said winds, cracks -- an but the right hing --for the ia . Pitteb 1 New '¥ I Sir hen sige ee ate precing the Cups closely" on aor "ier son | Cong mice, Session 1° 77 Pri ¥ x : 4 5 « The efforts, mostly venomous and medical Bfvies in - entirely commercial value, but with little ro. r Nncess ¥ You wouldn't wer old Clothes, wouldn't hire old men, all illinformed, to prevent Tom Long. | free, Simply write Dr. , Racine, sult. | ait wei oh ahine---tthy fo on Piying the pens | boat frou i ing a the Wis., for my. book No, 4, by ali -- | 9 Street. a A & * - " Bq -- Eton: The cart che At the conservative Svetion lor} | an Swallows." Plumbers and Tinsmithing, ) "en . ah Bet : CAAL. will be sufficient to send hyy | South enirew 4. W. Ys af wer p . is diaply pug hos oo a toon, » entry to England, os Bain sittied un. i the Standard res § for hiss you to. lok fir the furiace wilh Rousopioce Grates The Ametionn punter . Athletiaf bearer, i ess | OF highest standard so (long lasting), - with y Ss umon suspended J. P. Sullivan, a New . po + Hiouons heat-energy), fa ick circula. York distance runner, for competin, b . stiom), with Antmite Damper can Siar against a horse gh a Sharity benefit Fig Te -- 3 Are You Tired Lo bh with Tus Flue Doms {easy ; Saturday night. ; 3 - he \ oe Large Dust-pipe (no dust in face or bh with Bolted v been bred in Canada, Ei ana il 30, , : el | Vancouver. 4 === Of Ordinary Bread ? i fonts t Brtmanent servien }. wirk "Sunshine" would be disqualified by 3 - - " FN J 0 for bs ; 3 : | onperienie,) Se fond. duoos thoroughness i fos I Cleveland the. trotting chim wy --t Sa a Jistribu . If 50, make a change for the better--eat Toye's + Car) t : '§ | ship trotter, Lou Dillon (1:383) foated p_-- Le Columbia, Bread. It's so delicious and wholesome tha¥ * ; , oa n McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St See0sessccecncnscsnnctntttccttcsnctacenons Having two of the largest store houses in the city, we are prepared to take down, remove, and store your stove for the sea- son. ' All orders promptly attended to, | ! ! { | ! # ® withou hoa) every one enjoys it. More nourishing : meat. Delivered to your door. 'Phone or cally TOYE'S BAKERY, _ CorOntario & Clarence Sts, Phono 467.

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