Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1908, p. 8

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i ¥ i = PAGE BIGHT. urn wismwerwesiewewres THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. =- - a THES PM.EDITION GISE STIL 6065 ON ss: I THE POLGE COUNT] oN me-- question "FRONTENAC CHEESE HOARD |ppe BUCKEYE STATE ACCl|_!» "wossexamination, by Mr. Kine. [T#0 WOMEN INVOLVED IN ® AN ASSAULT CASE. Selling Price on Thursday Was { 11 sae, Tr nefisiied ot hole hroug} : dg 'Ihe regular meeting of the Fron- | Strong Case Made Out For the M. | 7° he went through One Was Called Upon to Pay a tenac cheese board, was held in the = Company--~The. Buckeye' inner stem or mot. He said the hole Fine of $1 and Costs--Some Whig hall, Thursday afternoon, with State's Captain C gos Negli- Trouble Over Boys. biitge had settled about | An assault case, in which two wo- 3 Vali in the chair, in the ab- 3 ts T Cavtais --_-- ha Zrotident, a a sitti . ie Ra ly court foet in the mud amd he did not | men figured, eame before Magistrate : ngs J any other injuries. The witness | Farrell, in police court. this morning. shown a photograph showing | Mrs. Kate Hagan, of Montreal street, white cheese and 60 boxes of coloured. | were resumed Wednesday afternoon, gi- ! . Alexander opened the bidding at is lords iwidi a Sw) v 0c. and - at 1 5 10e. Me: Nucohy had proche fey po injuries and be stated that they | charged ag neighbor, Mrs, Mary Hays, : We have just received another secured everything 'on the board, with or ADE Oeation + Rho have been in the mud. To Mr. fwith assault. Complainant said that| ° A : 5 o cxtoption of the 1buty bones of | impr mt Uuetu's university. . Be. , Witness said that: he could 00% | her little boy was fighting with Mr ; : case of our famous eind by Fina Ill Tackiyes [Lelie wa ati ert spmina. (say what was inside the real stem $0 | Hays' lad, and she was airaid that her n i Yim by Me. Cline. said that | siop the water from going in. Helhoy would be stabbed with a knife. ee Anaared Inverary on. April an he exauiined the boat | 41s stated that some of his results hShe went to Mrs, Hays' house, and \ 31; Glenburnie, 30 Pic Will, 30: Sun. in the dry and examined thet yore secured by feeling, and 'that the | asked that she punish her boy for his bury, 35; total, 161. ne bok Surnil So. An Jo: * hole suight have been there and be | conduet. While at the door she | Colored--Latimer, 36; Morning Star, Nos You steps, th Ay hn find it. 4 claimed that Mrs. Hays grabbed her i : . B; total, 60. pected with them. Fully an hour wa ater mar amen, of the Bost: |by the throat amd choke her, and J We were completely sold out of At the cheese board meeting a year spent while the ke Stly a. os A tate, was" pext called by Mr. threw an umbrella handle at her, i e w ' E » ago todny (Thursday) the selling | gh" depth wh water, ut high and low] cory a staat thy Ldting he past lout of the window. Complainant said : TA | this make for two weeks and dur. 3 q 5 » b i - a ctniba - / \ » + ¥ . a i » Telephone (488) our Gries, "ar, 145, Four yon hes | water"et he Vio the ment wi cy he Suge of tho M7. pany. Mi 0 100 rik. bk a Mr ing that time had so many inqui- Waggon will call, 64c., and colored cheese at we. Sahel #4 the present time. 3t took: some Wj od once, when the Robert 8. Andorson, a witness call: I } ries all wanting "same silk as be- i: : : : ng i pro at Lachine he |od, said that he happeasd slong at th / fore" that we are glad to be able John INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. int and ov os xy A ny of - time the aflair took nace. He saw de: ¥ fn f the "same Silk" | : 'MoKay Fue House, i Bali diacneued At Dard ce" pha Pilon to to Ton 1 gee tig Mary | fondant grab hold of the defendaut by to say the "same si 1a8 arriv- s aragr: eked figured ow, plays LF; enson's - | the throat, rad rg Reportar On Their Rounds, [na ie Drvts being vebcumd b |ing.'on the ante of Ms. Crile man: | an Uhr the. abil: havi ed and will be offered to-morrow. : both sides. Quite u discussion touk | ager of the M. T. company. Witness |, The thirteen-yoar-old son of the com: Crawford & Walsh. tailors, Place an So what Steps hit the buat, eon of the last tip Pune. Witness |. 7} ' Dr. M. A. Carmichael went to North | to put the hole in her hull, if any chine on November 274, in ov of njaant Ae. ad That he Bay. Jody. step Bit her, just when she would |the Mary P. Hall, ax far as + {bay. The boy et angry because ac a € it i - i iii iad ~ Bu-du kidney pills are sold in King- | touch the gate; would she touch the in to { he could mot strike the ball, ad came i . ston at Gibsons Red 'Cross Drug railing on top of the gate, and many ornw ' i Jk | Store, : ly . J A to witness, threw him on the ground, SCs :} | 5 ontinué to visit th li diiyer things, wan tu find out. ifthe Fe ' ' and tramped on him, at the same CHIFFON FINISH iramps continue to Visit the police [{oree of the blow was enough tolon up to lock 20. He stated he pull- | oo showing witnowe a Jnife, stating % station. Four were given shelter last | knosk a niaw, who was standing on jed the barge through the first lock hat he 'would use it on him. Witness Y d 3 MoArih tuddent the deck, off hiv feet. HR with his steam winch. When he was | gid not think the boy would use the 65¢c ar * eit Jolt ob au; , fon 2 Alter ax hour and & hal ylswtiott in She lant lock, two of lis men were | footie By a + Yorday, lor [ing hid lordship stated that he thought lon basin, one at the sterfl line TA : ? . 3 x ; Muryfield, Man. -- connection between the tug and and one at bow line. The tug Be es outt thet Mss A beautiful clear black. The finest, hardest, simplest and Buy tooth paste and powders at | ¢he barge was more important than|pulled the bare? so far out that the the at Witness said that his - A lithe "or he | goons Wed Croes Drug Store. all the figures and questions asked.|deck bands had to Jet go of the lines: mother made no attempt fo strike at highest deiteon found in gems, Frosh there, ' At seven o'clock the eross-questioning| Witness said that when he was~ far | pre, Hays. Mrs. Hays also attempted 7 : fi] he market was very poorly attend: | of Mr. Lisstio was brought to a close! enough out, he put kis wheel hard to to si¥ike Mis mother with s curtain hs diamond will continve to ed, to-day. Butter dropped to 2c. | nd court adjourned until wine-thirty| starboard and I the mate to tell | te 3 the highest pla i k i hod an the ing ir? Brestouy =e Ib, and there was a good supply of | in the morning. In the evening the| the tug captain to take care, but the When called fo give evidence Mrs Sane. and Smporary ups and EI. : . , | vounsel met belore his lordship at the! latter took no mptice. Me called out Hays denied the charge, and #bcused wos in trade conditions will not Benson & Hedge's special tobacoo is British American hotel but nothing| te the. tog again not to pull them so Mov: Hagan of being u -quasrrelsome dG d i d materialiy affect its value nor de- [N Id in Ki bv i : Ktroy the cherished sentiments as- [if [50/4 In ingston only at Gilson's very important was gone over, far over, hut the eaptain would not | 5 a that = Mis. agclated, with it 4a a gift. | Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230, When cotrt was resumed this morning | stop, and he called a third time, not Hagan® fr aff a Dur. solitaioss snd. Chico stone dhl Mrs. Grady, wife of Sergt.-Muj. Captain John Baptiste Deggroselfier, to pull kim over too far. Court then antl her dress 'Was torn. Withess then _ rings are Jewels of beauty, B | O'Grady, is quite ill. She Was re- | of the tug Jessie Hall, took * the adjourned to meet at two o'clock. grabbed hold of Mrs. Hagan and hiff Fini h Our moderate prices win [i | move, '© the general hospital, this | cand. Witness stated 'ho' was in a pushed her out of her door. Whiness Chiflon ¥inigh, } surprise you, IE] ins cmnis Jroquais Noveuthar Inst, iv _-- the CITY AND VICINITY. said that the umbrella handle fell out Raven Black, J sarge Buckeye Stato a ie pier there, f the window, hut was not throw: x . x v ilk | -------- (E HENS CAUSE TROUBLE. When he arrived the barge was sink-| Attending A Meeting. bv In. Bote ta Wor Hagin oi Ka Made by the famous French 8ilk E po x i = ing and her captain asked witness to! The Bishop of Ontario and Dean od up the umbrella handle and threw F rm, C. J. Bonnet & Co., at The Latest Complaint Made tol (uw him to shallow water and put a] Farthing have been in Toronto, this 24 wp ihe Usa hasile Sd ie the Police, pump on her, which he did. He pros et. at a meeting of the mission] words owe the boys, and Mrs. Hagan JEWELI ER ' Here is the latest in police circles. | duced 4 signed statement of the" work iy © said to witness, "You are a lar," and s 4 y Hens allowed to wander arotnd have | done,and how long it took him. Wit i ---------- witness in reply said, "You are a C ar . been causing considerable trouble, and | ness stated that the vag Mary P. Hall _ Sale Of Pictures. jady." : | | numerous complaints have been made | came along later and took his place,| R. Uglow & Company will hold their The: evidonte given by Mrs. Hava I] to police headquarters. The hens de- | as she was a bigger boat with stron-| annubl sale of framed pictures for was. corroborated hy a son, thirteen | stroy vines, lawns and gardens, and | ger engines. In cross-examination Mr. | one woek commencing Saturday mora-] years of age, S| otherwise do damage to property. Cline went over the memorandum |ing. Some great bargains will bel" The magistrate, in summing up the An authority has the following to | point by point, with the witness, who! offered, case, said that the evidence was rather say about this nuisance : "A person | told of the work done by him, amd of conflicting, but there was sufficient to owning hens, and allowing same to | pulling off the stem of the harge, License Commissioners. substantiate the charge of the com- run at large, can be held responsible | Captain T. J. Murphy, of the tug! The liquor license commissioners are | plainant, and imposed a fine of $i . w for all actual damage dope by them, | Mary VP. Mall, was the second witness) to. meet this evening for the year be-| and costs, or ten days, upon Mrs. and any nuisance cased by them can | called by Mr. King Witness said he ginning May 1st. Inspector = Wright | Hays. db d f d : be restrained by action against the | was lying at Prescott when he re completed his inspection this after owners." ceived orders from the company to golnoon, NEWS OF DISTRICT. to the bier Buckeye State al Iro- . The Men's Rally. is, He stated that when fe ar ' * ; a . ' Halifax churchmen have H¥ed with the tug the Jessie. Fill eS Reash Was, Sudden. |The Tidings From Various Points . Known as the Imperial Quality, $10,000 for missions this rs apd was there and that the barge was onf LW COUR was sudden, 8 Kilmal- | in Eastetn Ont M ) made by J. C. Bonnet & Co, of behall of the laymen's Movement, | the bottom. Part of the stem was|Sonh Scotland, of Jessie Calder | The death ocurred in Montreal, Ss N .d Edw, J. B. Ponse went down from | pulled off above the water, but he Follok, widow of the late Rev. Dr. |Sunday, of Mrs. Perry, mother of France, which is a sufficient Kingston. He spoke on Sunday last | did not know about underneath it. Coll A long principal bf Queen's James huey, Sabstitown, b guarantee as to its wearing in old St. Paul's x the morning, at | Witness stated that when he had made] © ge, ingston. Frederick Street, smpivillo, - liti the workingmen's mission in the af- | fast ho was told by the captain of the ® snk Robboe OF on been appointed to o oo Eas Bo (uat 108. : ternoon, then to a Wmecting of leaders | bargo that there was about seven feet] a Bobived Of $7,000. public Ba tic. iy Saya Chiffon Finish. of six denominations, and in the | of water in his craft and to get hig roakston, inw., April 30.-The | Dairymen s a van old dauahite: 20 inches wide. Ar . hoy ing. He at tar Scandia State bank was robbed of] Mnbel, the . evening at Dartmouth, J. 8. ilcox- pumps waking, a nr 9 rtd about 7,000 hy safe blowers, who te [of 'Mr. and = Mzs, -Matthew Bradley, A . 4 and ey Sialifaz. lay. he released her. He produced a state |forized the town hy firing off their | Brockville, died Tuesday afternoon aft on for Paint Monday eveni there. was a joint ment showing how long it took him. pistols, finally making their escape, ter an illness of only two days, . Y \ Bie er gh extuipped conference of A i. Lieut -Gov. | He started for home with the barge, cat ar fe Pepi ee ay C. ar . x for every Kad ol 8 Joh Fraser, lately the eloguent member of and bad/ po lie at Prescolt because Here For The Burial. wellknown hotelkeeper of Smith's \ NTS are leaders, $1.50 | the House of Commons, spoke in the | the barge 'was leaking badly. . Later] Andrew Shaw, of Ottawa, Jaies Falls, died $ oy weil fftvanioe Gav. new color cards. Ewery | Presbyterian church at Dartmouth and [he went fo Clayton, laid there alli Shaw, of New Brunswick, N.J., and|! 20 died Saturday, aged fifty-nine . presided at the inter-denominational | night and then went on to Cape Vin-| Robert Shaw, Montreal, left for their YY int lding took place at Belle- conference. The attendance of men at | cant, where he bad to pump 'her out| homes to-day aftér coming here to at- ul a a Wad, ng a " th Jo these meetings was remarkable. again. 'The cargo was thkea off atjtend at the burial of their brother, bors. Ph mn a vod A 'meri . Cape Vinceat snd she was brought] who died Some time ago in Boston, org. Phy Ww was hited in me inge to Miss Ethel May Baker. Both par- EE -------------------- Baseball On W i ednesday. light to Kisgston. He stated that Re ties are residents of Thurlow. o ' GIVEN A WARNING, National League--Fhiladeipha, 3; | while he was towing the bost up, What May Happen. A sud death ocurred in Crookston, All 1 hese Silks Brooklyn, 1. Boston, 7. New York, G.| the tug Mary had to use her pumps! The liberals in Feo e¢ have not! Tuesday, whe s Florence i © Lads Found Guilty of Tap-| Pittsbury, 2. Chicago, 1. : to bn her from rinking. The Mary|yet named a Fob me tl. en. Wat a ee a ping a Til. American Loaguo~Philadelphia; - 3; | was with bim. all the way to: Capel 'hers iy u likelihood that Dr. William [ver Bolieu, passed awhy. The youn : the juvenile court this morning, | Washington, 2. Chicago, 6; Detroit, 3.| Vincent. Witness stated that alter Spankie, of Wolle Island, will oppose lady, only filteen years of age, was a Are made to stand censtant wear and © lads wero found guilty of tapping | Boston, 5; New York, I. Cleveland, | the barge was lightened at the Cape! My Gallagher as an independent con- | general favorite. She had been ill for Are mac ( ¥ ve ill, but were allowed to go with al ® St. Louis, 3. y one of the men of the barge showed servative, amd not in Wecord with|some time with lung trouble give satisfaction in Skirts, Waists and fing. The case was the one refer: Eastern Leaguo--Baltimore, 7; Bos-| him the leak; on the starboard Baw Whitney's educhtional policy. The friends of W. R. Kelly, formerly mat . " HY to in the Whig yesterday. Both| ton, 6. Jersey City, 3; Rochester, | [up from the keel, Un cross-exaMina- i -------- C.P.R. operator, will sympathize with IT rommings. There are none batter at or velv Newark, 5; Moutreal, 4. Provi tion witness denied positively that i im i s dies is: wife: ie . . a ate about twelve years of age. | Newa outreal, 4. Providence, | tion ¥ New Music. him in the death of hiz wife, formerly near the prices asked. \ ir parents appeared in the ecourt|6; Toronto, 3. any of his crew were drunk on that! «pi Denar fn new gong success, | Miss Nina Splane, Renfrew, which them and made a settlement for a day, or that he was running up to by the writer of "Honey Boy.' This| took place at Madison, West Vir money which was taken. The lads Marine Tidings. the hotel. Fo Mr.. King on r¢-cross: song is becoming very popular and| Enis, last week, The body wes tiever heen in trouble before. They| Next Monday, the steamer Rideay|¢¥amination witness ®iaid that it took will be the hit of this season. © 15¢. a | Prought to Renfrew for burial, iver a severe reprimand. King begins her tripe to Ottawa. as mach coal to run the pnp ns r copy "Top of the Morning," a big r-------- The steamer D. D. Calvin arrived at] did to tow and that ho could not dof by Harry VonTilger. 15¢. a All In The Family. Book Sale. Garden Island, to-ddy, from Charlotte, both at ove. : . gopy. MeDermott Bros, 260 Princess] Dr. James B. Angell, the President or one day only, Satardwy, May| with coal Luke Mallan, captain of the tag |g ent, of the University of Michigan, was in , the latest oloth bound fictign, se-| The steamer Pierrepont will enter | Marvy, was nest called and told of the ---------- vited to dinner at the Chinese logs- fod Thom the latest works the | Davis' dry dosk, « to-morrow, for an| work We @id on : tion in Washington some years ago hown writers, will be on sale at] overhauling: She will be in splendid ~Should Be Removed. * The doctor sat at the right hand of Complaint was made today that gn [the minister. The floor of the dising ®. copy. These ave the regular | condition this sesson. \ T ¥ coke antl the best selling fic-| The water has not risen much dup produced old bull of a boat was floating in tho | room was waxed and slippery and is there were no rigs. He endeavored to Suhiisned this season. McDer-|ing the past two days. It may ad- tiver, near Cataraqui bridge, and that » 200 Princess street. vance another inch or two before it . 8 it would prove dangeromts to boats infmove hack his chair. It slipped and Ne -------------- begins to recede. , that vicinity at night. he hall was the dignified educator skid under the d tooth brushes." Buy them at at Bell's "Island, but the high waters] table. n re Red Cross Drug gtore. It's A Wise Head. washed it away from the shore. He arose. mich tonfused, but sot a 230 That covers itgell with one of Camps} in i Fen ; Chinese said a word or gave any sign lord & Walsh, tailors, hell Bros.! now hats. i of having seen the accident. Ten min- TE ; utes later his Chinese host 'tried to move back his chair, and he, too, sig MAKE YOUR under the table. He got up anll re 3 pune bis sent, wud none of she Cui SPRING - SHOES (hr ce SELL X\REGALS. eral aa he ape: + BAKIOEY. \ Becanse Ropalo: aliond you game \ 3 "My dea ir' salil the' host, "w . b > fear sis, suk Ca vg te widest choice of correct new t| Becaufe the famous Regal W. JF. F. Mullagh, of Brantiord, has ment we can. In order t corner ochvd and nl Hovis, i have each mt oh same mis- styles are genuine ¢ styles T d has . , 50 We are brot 1 th Hs ustom he, re es as been Because there"e a Regal fit the business. Me, N TA x iow intlord for. ght ASug Ia Giga, Sulin's, for every Jot | . i MOK. Secretary in thin 1, | 800 |eimter suena 10 nr wots Bn. Cle because Regals are ma orably known AA of qe Siiiet abe 10 be roid § Ma tor 3 shroughaut of the best materials =f. trv i tha he a" At Niagara Valls, N.Y. white mats] We're ready to serve you ; oe aud forefoot maf. ond : "i I avo a wine dies' with the entire line of new - i fg el A a hasveapowee gomerator, uty instar, Spring models. Our salesmen + 2 B linia dup' x . » Cra are expert shoe fitters. It will \ The: ; his ; : ars be an easy matter for them to provide you with the most: i you ever asiwore. Price $5.00. Sold jonly at © ] , Bes a SEIT i Fe = 5F i : ngs and "designs in Imported gen here in a : iE I iz ix: i

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