rau mAND pis. DISAPPEARED, Left Bank Account in Hamilton of oT $500, 4 Hamilton, May 1:--~West Flamboro has 8 semsation which the Hamilton polite have been asked to investigate. ; Had Cooley, a young farm hand, has been midving n'ne days. He digdppear el as though the ground Bad swallow: ed him up, aml the neightors feel that he has met with foul play. Coo- ley was lust seen alive on April 22nd, He was employed by Charles and Wil liam DBushner, farmers at Rock Chapel, who secured him from the House of Providence at Durdns, when be was cightpn years of age. He is now twen- ty-swen vears old, and "Had always lived with them on the farms the night he disappearsd he worked until eight o'clock, whieh would seem to dispose of a theory that he was drowned white fishing. His disappear ance has cawsed so many rumors that neizhhors notified the police. Cooley was a ve indi rious, young Jellow and never talked of 'go- ing away. He di red in his work- ing clothes, and a bank book shawing a deposit of over $500 in » Hamilton bank. -------------------- The London, T.<in the Bow street police douft, today, the mysterious Lemoine sealed packet, an ordinary white envelope to which are affixed fine seals, was ordered sent direct to Paris. Every ove concerned, concurred in the order, The packet has been in the keeping of the Union of London and Smith ¢ bank for many weeks, The (® bank several times refiged a demand for its surrender in order that the Paris police might determine whether it really contained, as alleged, the formula for the making of genuine dinmonds. : oh L-=Bightoen months 0 . Hunter says hb will twenty four carat the te of BI00,000,000 an Tnsmutation of silver -- . he ean produce the bot "in quality 10 defy the gov- 'A810 its origin and to keep Phitadelphia mint ~rosind.! jor 'is in Chicago attending details of getting a huge at Philadelphia mio operation, tock walls, without indowy & single door tothe turrettec Ae castle, 'which is to a hall million dollars' worth of tely tuned machinery, this mo- wizard promises to revolutionize hd erop of the world, "We are now at the point of putting ot excoution the result years of to thought 'and experi ting," said Mr. Hunter last wight. "The Inst demgnstration bax been <j that a to prove that my ae Sckentitionlly and cone and the completion hh whith is to begin at onee 'the beginning of a new oi in. the "eommeycial history of world" Mr. Hunter is an inventor and en # in the svientific cover the trolley, I « Was A Londoner. ! London, Ont., May l.--Isanc Fav, the motorman led in the inter ur- bin wreck at Ianti, Mich., was a son of J, G. Pritchett, South Lon- don, by a former wile: After the death of his mother he went to Hye in Detroit with 'his grandmother, Mrs. Fay, and took her vame. Pay stuck to his post. He had both feet torn off, and his body 'was badly crushed, Mr. Pritchett haw gone to sev aftr *this son's remains. \ A nid ] ad: 2 My. Galliher Hered Solicitorahlp. antowver, LO Areil S0-W. AL Jit rel (Hane to Lh et Guilibor, M.P, who has notified his a presidents; whe, i he tn YaletUatihon that he with New York and Philadelphia , fi- at the next wave hornishing on, . estern solicitor and ative ot | a5 agent for the GIP, with heuduar- flood ta y Had It is stated. he Was Founder Of Cold Storage. ¥ Brockville, Ont, May 1.-Charles PULLED TH THER GUNS Claim They Are Land Settlers--It ¢ the Stephen, ty of gold avd The arrest: was: very 'spectacular; the chief 'and his men pulled their guns and foreed the suspects to throw their hands. the eattied a repeating pump gun, with buck shot, but put when arrested: names as Joseph Stogger and. Henry Kater, $60 in United States gold, a guantity of dynamite and way yards. seekers, He INDI 08 THE SUSPECTS AND LAT * TER GAVE IN. , is Thought They Are the Men Who Robbed the Stephen, Minn., Bank and Shot Several Persons. FL Emerson, Man., May 1.-Chief of Po- ice Joseph Wilson and & posse of itizens, yesterday, captured three armed tach, believed te be part bandit gang which looted the Minn, bank, stole a quanti- shot several persons. as up Two of the robbers entered the home of William Robertson, a farmer, on of the town, at eleven o'eloek, dnd asked for fooll. They Foaded up no fight The 'men gave their but refused to talk. - They had The rail- land ells. many sh hird man was eaptured in They say they @ve ------------ DEBS FOR PRESIDENT, Will ' Undoubtedly Be Socialist Candidate ANG Taken by Police and Posse phere of a cave ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1908. big LAST EDITION IS A HEAVY WEIGHT. Has 'Had Benefit of Long News paper Training. i : 1. 4, SoLincE The public at large, but business wad fipincial circles, manifestéd gent interest in ap intent recently fRade sy Roostrelt thas SFL. A. Coolidge assistant secrétary of the treasury, aneceed My. abds, who, like n of his predecessors, leaves the ment service 19 8ccept a responsible banking position. Mr. Coolidge, who is & native of J mchusetts; je forty-seventh He is a graddate of * Harvard, pr of 18833 dnd, like many another mgn who has served ae assistant secreted of (he treasury has had the benefit of long newspaper training. fis ealrt into public life was, made as #cretary to Senator Henry Cabot "Lotliee, and he |} cupiod various eomgressional p During sthe la presidential ca he was ome of the Prominent workers at the headquarters of the oi an national comimiftes, -------- A Sixteen-Year-Ola Widow. Vancouver, og 1 1. --Newd \seached -in the Granby com pany's mines, neat Phoenix. Christo Martin, aged forty-five, Ope cially have ap as to many govern in his and 2 i suv Hour On Saturday. Une dozen good bananas and doen sweet oranges, or one apple, or onedazen hiv lemons quarter, nt Carnovaky's, Bate, for over "thirty-five vears ga commission merchant here, died Thars day, aged fifty-nine years. He was the patentee of the celebrated Bate brand and founder of the cold stor age syste, on which he was always con sidered au authority, He leaves a wife, hut no family. | Bros' Se -------------- | A a | TO REGISTER. ; ote pine- for a DAILY MEMORANDA. To Te certain of style Huy vour Hat at Campbell Basketball at Y. M,C A Sen Weldron's Special advi. Bight. t | 8 pom Saturday | » we | th | 41] ai #11 * Opera | Morrow New House, RAS at 2.30 p.m Aviotion Sale (olding Market Square, 11 a.m Auction Sale Cathragui vesidence Murray's Rooms, 12 o'clock, Saturday. This isa Kat stores of renown, And pearly every man in town Comes hore with this one fact HEE George Mills. & Company sil the lew Rijou Thedtre-Lomody Troubles Huita's Lovers' © Spones is Heal Life Wooden Shouse For French Girls." John Robert Duvis Sings, "Your's Is Not The Unity Aching Heart." bait pt WHIG TELEPHONES, HHAIAAIIAAAAAAIANNNE | HBr Tre R oom. i jin Erman re. AQUITHS POLICY: Lae! Forms, all kinds, wt Whig. The Daily Whig Is always on ale, M Wibson's Drug Store, rket | v Open till late anch evening. Toilet Sets . Special prices for a short © time only. Best quality Sets, 6 Pieces, $1.40 / 10 Pieces, $1.65 all colors. Zephra Grand Poe Matinee, to i & Kingston will have regis- tration courts to be held between May 11th and May 15th. The registrars will fix the dates themselves, The act provides that the registrars will be the county judges, the police magis- trates and the local mas- | "ters or clerks of the county =| ¢ourts, ¥ | and Two Cows LO-MOTTOW, TO STAMD BY BY FREE TRADE, | EDUCATION, LICENSE BILL. | | I r Home Rule Overlooked--The Liberals Declare Their Loyalty to the New Prime Minister. i London, May 1.~The liberals held a || party: love féast at the Reform Club, |, to weltome their new chief, Premier Asquith, apd giye him an opportunity of publishing a declaration of his poliey. Resolutiobs of loyalty to Mr. Asquith were adopted by acelama- tion, after which the premier wroceed ed to outline his programme. He nailed to the mast the Hags of free trade, education, Heensing bill and old age pensions, but he fought she of the romors following the defeat of Winston Spencer Churchill in the {north-west division of Manchester. that the premier had notified Nim of his disapproval of Mr. Churchill's pledges to the nationalists regarding f 1 t ¥ cot sitter {was tand Debs and and ropes. ed every moment to see sents this Foglish suétess before Price of Wales, as the reprefentative | Lf were working on on Sunday afternoon, when Li pletely buryi 'efiort was ma |McEwen, Englishman, } loot r Riniston Smith, a Jouns p, 3 level, an enorm ous mass of rack was dislodged, com- "thiem. Though every 3 was not until sev eral hours liter that the bodies were recovered. |. Maghin loaves a sixteen year-old widow, Smith was uninar d $100, Ey he of 0 on gx-Mayor H, A, Rosthern, found guilty of lottery, involving 8700. of two months conducting a | HEAR DEBS, The leader FUGENE V. York, May 1. he movement, which, willed over 100.000 votes for Fagene Debs for president on the ticket of he socialist party, met Monday to candidates and platform, PD. Havwood's chances weoming® the part candidate gident is waning. When he uit ted reels becom icity in the murder Steunenber of Idaho, he | only eandidate mentioned, | declared that Haywood mast | we the party's champian at the polls, New of | William we wis af if exioV the Aeronaut's Fall. Fort Worth, May | nig from a height of 2,000 feet, to a disabled parachute which hipped him about in the air like a op. A. MeCormick, an aeronaunt, i Umaha, was dashed to the esterday, hut miraculously escaped death. He was picked up unconscious | was seridhsly injured, but will Plung cling Texas, S. Cover McCormick had made an ascension wiore a crowd at White City, and as from his balloon a long in the parachute ame down abnost as fast-as--if he + wad no parachute, which at times ecked him clear over the iron ring Once he turned a complete and the spectators expect, him w reached | but he hung on. we cut loose ip was made vvolution, rom his grip, To Appear Before Prince. Quebec, April © 30. --Rostile Knott is | © appear before his royal highness, | the Prince of Wales, at the terten- | enary, So enthusiastic was the large and fashionable audience present for | Roselle Knott and company in "Alice | Sit-by-the Five," arrangements were whereby she pre the immediately made The Chronicle and 14 11 four years ago, | a earth, | © He | 8 home rule. of Commons, in the te a some political homie rile Bpetider electoral The subject Winston . the I he ign at ter. hrought up by Walter Long. con- servative, who asked 'the premier if Mr. Churchill's had' his sanc- tion and authority, and if so, BN er he would give the house an appor- tunity of es this change in the vernment s vi "There has replied beet no hiner in he a + of the BY the chet cerelary for fn a ae by an myself in this doen 30th. 3 did not aathorize ramg® ag Churshill te wake, nod [ am sativhed that he bas tereontenary medal will be officers bration foundation, so far as the military Soaestued: It the Battlefiehds Canadian actress. Telegraph, today, claim it ge the best play in years, and Miss Knott never acted to better advantage. ---- is April Customs Revenue. Ottawa, May 1-The customs re venue of the dominion for the month of April was $3,497, a decrvase of $1,015,446, last year, due to vontinned thecrense in imports, consequent apon caution now beng exercised by wholesalers, and others ih the matter of purchas ers from abroad during the period of depress; gompmred with April of JOM. No Tercentenary Medal, ttewa. May |The report that "a fheued to tele without is 18 gpuite possible that Assguiati taking part . ine at Guebed, © is # THE SUCCESSOR, # ---- New York, May 1.--Rev. William T. Manning, assist- ant rector of Trinity and vicar of St. Agnes' chapel, is looked upon as the most + likely choice for successor to Rev. Dr. Dix as rector of Trinity Church. The rector has under his immediate control nine churches and twenty-six clergymen, and also he has great responsi- bilities in a business way The salary of Dr. Dix as rector has been $25,000 ¥ A Hearing And Sight All Right. Chic A i ment sted, was fined 820 Municipal May 1 supposed deal Hy blind arre and terday, and evesight w took 350 from one counted out fhe He was then sea: and a bank of his amount hed book showie yan Thomas Canti SIXiVSeVen vears old. Ia 8 naan and he is sixty-seven is Ws TAM I} MURDER? TRAGEDY OF FA YEAR AGO AGAIN DISCUSSED. Believed That + Ferdinand Now Family Met With Foul Play-- Said to Be Burfied to Death. Berlin, May. 1.--Un January 16th, 1907, one of the most pathetic funer- als took place here. A whole family, named Ferdinand, consisting of fath er, mother and three children, heen burned to death in Calgary. Mr, Kre cf Berlin, was Mis, berdin- President | had PITTSBURG GOES DRY. Probabilities Toronto, Oat. May 1, Ottawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrence (10 a m.)-Strong winds and gales. westerly, decreas- ing toenight, fair Saturday, continued No More Liquor to Be Sold in| That Township. cal option went into effect in| {i Township of Pittstarg on Friday I morning, May Ist, and for the next | three years at least there will be {drouth in that prosperous township | From midnight, April 30th, it became | {unlawful to sell any liquor of beer | jor ale in Pittsburg. - The local option | [by law, carried last January by al j majority of mix over the required Sixty per cent. An endeavor was to have the by-law quashed on | [mace of alleged irregularities, one | { being that minors had voted. Oue | gy IEFEST POS- [decision was given against he appeal, | and a second case was 'not taken, Pittsburg has had three tavern jeenses, one at Barriefield, one Matters That Interest Everybody |(ustendall and one at Joyceville, / Notes From All Over--Little | { cording to friends of the liquor * of Everything Easily Read | i¢: the former two really | required in the township, although and Remembered. {they were convenient, but thev hold returns at Voronte, for | that one was needed at Joyceville, on a decrease of $167,000. {the main road between Kingston and | council struck the rate|Seeley's Bay. The tavern there will | cighteen and a hall be missed most of all. Many a weary | | travellor will his "snort" | BB. Crosby was {at Cushendall, and at Myles Byrnes' | Hawkins, with | well-known hostelrv on the of | | Barriefield hill. The shutters are up Missionary {on the bar windows of Pittsburg's England | taverns, LATEST NEWS -- Deapaiithos Foun From Near And | Distam it: Filet, THE WORLD'S TIDINGS =: GIVEN IN THE SIBLE FORM. a and cool. PRRPR APRA RT ete 'Steacy's Saturday | were Customs April, show Toronto cry of taxation at mils At Halifax, NS, A elected mayor over Mr. a majority of 942 the receipts of the ciety of the Charch amounted to $102,135. At North Day, the coupied by Seralton & Co, Ser, was yutted by fire. G. M. Frv, a quondam North-West policeman, was sentenced in London, Eng., to nine months for fraud. Archbishop Duhamel, has donated £100 gx his personal subscription to the Battlefields Fund. I', T. Dodds & Uo., the big paint manufacturing concern, of Montreal, | father into liquidation C.A Morrisor MPP, for { abo land, is the speaker of the legislature MP, tor the a candidate f« also miss brow ol and nko I' block, | arin. | SON BOXES FATHER furniture | And the Latter Receives a Cracked | Rib. | A prominent citizen, thusiast in Y.M.C.A. work, ing 'from a cracked rib, which he in a boxing contest | his lilteen-yvear-old son. The |@ had sent to the Y.M, |@ something ] who is an en is suffer re ceived friendly with Guebeo his boy learn it the manly art. A few davs ago decided to find what the | had and summoned him t Provencher, | the woodshed, where hoth donned" the ground of ill-lgloves. In a short time he found | the Domin-| that the bov had learned a good deal | about the "scrapping" game and was impressed the more when he re- ceived a blow that cracked one of his | This will be to other parents not to engage in with their for old man get Was gone gymnasium to Donald Northumber New Brunswick J. Ermest Cyr, has resigned on health, ion elections, Tifrty-five was made the age limit for teachers by the management committee of the Toronto Board of Education i he out lad | 5 learned The Latest Novelty Wash ul eflects, 12} nd Bow fan v Netw, of pe match as ' Vv wir years ribs { fond | argument "the R warning ny sons, might some embroidered ickles and clips | times 10% a {trimming | | Died In The Far West. The death of Francis Ja Leader | of Fort uAppelle. took place on April { 22nd, at Indian Head General Hospi | Deceased, thirty-four wears of age | was the youngest son amd thirtee nthi@ child of Mr. and Mrs. John Leader, 3 sr., of Fort QuAppelle, formerly of Rareiefield, Ont. He md been a great & for nearly viwo youre. and an orthe Np months. Mis aged and one child, ister ur Ladies' Leather Belts In Tans White anc Black Metal Leather Buckie stitched edges, 6 distinct lines choose irom, at Boe. es Chamois Gloves PR SRR white. Gloves viet hore ou wenr well and wash well $1.00 10 1.75. hie! 5 and | LA ug and two brothers l wife | eight mo 1 his loss, | Is Critically mn. received "Dent's" Gloves 12 hutton red Tans Word ha { that Dr. 1 of I Kingstonian, is erith tne Hat, Alberta fever and compli [A spe t is treating was manied ina beer Howard Code, 4 [80G, length wrists y form er and Medi-| 3 suffers fromi{5 have arisen. | him. Dr. last Queen's In ally ill He lions nt n. Code | fei abs nuary V, DR. DIX. Trin LATE RI nu rhe Hecto us I HAASE AK | who | exhil Kipling lack of ma a FIVE INCHES OF SNOW, There was five inches of snow at Sharbot Lake this morning. The storm struck there early in the evening and lasted all night. This will be hard on the farmers, as it will hinder them greatly in their work, {a e ed | AAAI AAIAANAN | Pesresrncrnnn a praitis emptying MAKES THE HE MONTREAL LEES MARRIAGE LEGAL. Case Finds Married ar 2 ar will thi ition of An 1 follow that of Australian animal A nbd bm ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, SEE JUST ARRIVED! ---------- {mit his report to the supreme co a His fmdding, it is reported, will be that there never was a marriage to annul This report, # confirmed by the court, will make it possible for Miss i Maloney to again marry Samuel At Fort de France, Tsland of Mar- [Clarkso#f, the young Enelishman to tntque, veral killed {hom she was married last October and a number wounded in a political |i Montreal! i disturbance. One of those killed was | Legally, no second ceremony the mayor of Fort de France | eensary to make the daughter of Mar | it ie understood that the govern |i, Maloney the wife of the Engl - 1 ments pedictribation Bill for Saskat | pe for the effect of the referee chewan will provide for thirty five port, if sustained ™a to declare ed in the Uni a strike Referee in Maloney Helen Was Never Arthur Osborne. New York, May | nalon, to whom the Maloney, asking that her | Arthur H. Oshorne be ning mn ithe are ' to present to months, nditions three yhe twaror intoleral nm oe Daniel | petition « tinue Mount tiot At flames from capped mountains que. | he terey, sate Blown PBotween cured, { marriag now in aethve erap the contrast between cone and the snow most pictures: Etna i night HA set a x is People's State Bank, at Mon Minn., was Broken into and the} with nitro-glyveerige and F2,000 was Gruyere 'Cheese, open £1,500 Limburger Cheese, Roquefort Cheese, Prime Old Canadian Cheese, &¢ Persons were MacLaren's Imperigl Cheese, (10¢., 25e. 2 45¢. pots). in me members. instead of twenty-five. Sas {the ceremony at Montreal. kutoon city will be given a _¥eparate | and's father, and had the remains brought here ior burial. Those whe viewed the remains noticed bruises dn the hewd and face. and foul play was freely talked of. 'There was a strong suepidion that the members of the fa- mily were first murdered and then the house set on fire to cover up. the erime. That is now believed to Fe a probability, as a réport recived from the west gives ercdence to the story, in that it says a relative bas died out there, and before dying confessed to the bratal murder. Nr Krueger was greatly 'concerned when he heard the truth of it. It is known that sy broth ther of Ferdinand s. shortly after the He Favored Saloons A.M. Nanton has been nominated Mattoon HL May 1.-In accord hy the Canndian Vacific railwiy rom- {anes with his statement made four | pany to represent them on the board {wieks before the Jocal option election of conciliation, which will deal with! whith wus Weld on April 7th, that he | the dispute betwesn 'the cotpahy andi 00 resign if Mattoon voted out its their men. { nineteen saloons, Mivor Lewis L. Leh- The Hanee of Commons spent 81 of [yon tedidered hik 'rosighation at the | Thursday heating the discussion of a meeting" of the city council Tass night, resolution hy R. 1. Bewden. condemn band it was accepted. atory of the dilatorine. * the wove | In his statement Nevor Lehman ernment in dealing with the report of ook the fami that without the $19 the evil service Sesmiteion {000 in revenue derived from the sa Exnenditures by William HutPhison, {loon Hoenses the findnees of the city |g of Mitawa, as <Jominion conmistionér {would ecome. So impaired that it | to foreign exhibitions, were enqliired [guild be impossible to carry out | ito ia the committee on public: ac [variots public improvements. and in member, In the oity, includ | Western (Apply to if you are seiling 'put your Jas, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groteries % Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. Farm Lands, in Canada \in best location, EWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and {Insurance Ageney. $ TAKE NOTICE Furaitere, 1 In you would 0 deaths, became suddenly insane and was domfined in ibe Brandon asvinm. hut whether ar Bot be 18 the relative alluded to cannot be ascertained, counts. on Thursday. Tt was shows [gemuch as he had accepted the pd that Mr. Hutchison received a salan mination and was elected by an over | of R3000 a, vear and when abroad S30 | whelming majority a vear spo on a! un day for living expenses jo addition iplatiorm which called lor improve to transporiation and incidentals. Good Weather For out the wishes of the people. Mast af aed it hard, to give the Se of a doubts + Oysters. And poord oysters for 1h weather, Carnovsky' | New | ments, he believed be ould sot caged Hg a, s | oyelef plant, shives, hesit Latur, hue bark, radishes, peppers, etc, May Day Display. Oi early vegetables ut Carno¥ihy's, Potatoes, eabbage, asparagus, wax beans, carrobs, cucum- tomatoes, water cress, mint, celery, parsley, grew. i ba3