Daily British Whig (1850), 1 May 1908, p. 3

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Fr Te Tem N---- FOUND NOT GOIN marusements. 9 THREE YOUNG MEN WIN erm rrr n S : OUT AT LAST : Bi or Periss CONDENSED ADVERTISING wv. vf L¥OR SALE, RATES In a Charge of : Perjury Made Against Them--They Had ; G =a SIE MOS i» id The Beautifal Operatic Spectacle. PLAIN SEWING PON OF ANY] TWO GOOF HOUSES NOS. 60 and 63 he Beautifs atic Spectacle kind. Cail or write to re. Cayioss, Wellington. street. Apply A. BL ute : 3 . Lr? : 3 Shasgea te Wrong With First insertion ic. sa word. Bath oh 834 'King street, over Armstrong's. ningham ; ca § 5 aA es Sandwich, Ont.; May 1.--Roy McGre- vos. Malet charge for ooe it |, 0% OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH Ee A ' gor, Aylesworth Calder and Arthur}®' ; ra unate pPoap ily oF. 3 inde ua Nokes, of Tibasy West, Pincipals in SATURDAY MATINEE WANTED--MALE, Eisctricien, 206 on' Atrest, a fight that has been in the courts for Exactly. iio. sii as evening it : -- , two years, were acquitted on a charge 1 Be A CARRIAGE WOODWORKER. 4 3 LAC LD YAR 3S ey of perjury brought against them in | Special prices 25C.. 35C., BOC 00d at repairing. Steady SOME MORE PROPERTY TO SELL. BLACK MOULD FOR FLOWER 8% DS i tion with a suit in which they ------ dress "Woodworker," x vy hate any. sve Seen. O° Drop a card to Albert Stansbury, 4 » . . . connec will ura it imto 4 ah Barrie street : We Skirts White Waists were prosecilgrs ata former court. TUESDAY, MAY 5th. AT ONCE _MEN FOR UNDERGROUN Dobbs, 371. Wellington street, : They charged Oscar MeCracken, al: aX 2 : work. Wages $1.75 per day. Board, v i neighbor, with shooting at them one America's Most Popular Lapghing Trust. $ per Week, Wilbur Iron Ore Co, [A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF| (.o0 acy prano SED ONLY A Neat well-made, strictly tailored Lawn Waists, Embroidery | i ht as (hey were driving past his GEO H PRIMROSE Hie +8 Picea. Fiabe. £05 WEE] few months. Will give \erwdit. © to Leflies' Walking Skirts, in Brown, [apa W®lenciennes Insertion, long | house, but McCracken proved an alibi, . . " : Lytle, General Carter, 55 Mala St. Ho Whi . Apply Hox "A. Biacy, v ¢ ! howing that he was away ~etting y p ¥ ANTED-FEMALE, y Blue, und Grey, nicely ard short sleeves, front and back brie] that day' 'and Justice Riddell, ALL MINSTRELS w. aan To amr ; Stitched and trimmed with self- fastening, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65, | before 'whom the case was heard, felt STAR A GOOD GENERAL' SERVANT, Ap. {DRESS Sp ABNTLEMEN | TO GET|\o. 188 UNIVERSITY AVE. DOUBLE I paral (sizes, 4, 34.78, a i it his duty to order the three idiot. | 1 SideSplifting Comedians: & - ply in the evening te Mrs. Palmer, way's. Style, price and finish guar folid brick house. hot Water beat. -50. $1.75, $2. 32.25 to $5.50. ments on & perigy charge. In dis 13 Splendid Singers. 164 King street. anteed to please. 131 Brock . Bt. ivan climbing, Army hi os ' 4 missing the charge, Justice Anglin | Symphony Orchestra. TWO DINING-ROOM GIRLS, ONE mext ta Bibby's Livery, 5 TRE 'Ysaid the j did right in bringing in 50 PEOPLE, nite, show for nice people chambermaid. Apply at office = : : Vests a verdict of not guilty. Prices, 25¢,, B0¢., 70c., ¥1. British-American Hotel, NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. 1 MOBILE, STEAM RUNAROUT, % ' ------------------ % Seats on sale Saturday. -- tone up your fixtures to look dike ¥ s. first lam Tent ing GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENCES pew, Silver, Nickle and Copper Plat- Shivies vee Aust fe Wrappers A Frances Hijl ing. House Wiring. Repair work § §- cole Good quality Prints, Fancy Ribbed Cotton andl Lisle Thread, fRURCE 700 FEMININE. , Marne, 254 Pina street dope quick. Large assortiuent of Gas Cottages, King Nt, West. : ho -~ 2 -- White; lobg, short auc no s1es¥e%. [Dc Gladden Pleads For Man ESSMAKERS, ALSO APPREN a St An, 79 Princess Sr Phone ulorings, turn OWA | peeding, ribbon and lace trimmed, Power in Religion, DR A oh penn Tar 441. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALW WHIG, *FR] 1908. : PAGE THREE. collars, flounce on shirts, fitted wit 18¢., '0¢., 25¢ 30¢ Detroit, May 1.--Governor Frederick Jatter. Apply Steacy & Steacy Double house, on Johnson street, the : sives, ty hs oa - ' foperty of the late Jeseph Jamies body, linihgs, sizes 32 to 42 bust, M. Warner welcomed the delegates to " = on HOW used as a dweling and a Ter $1, $1.25, $1.50. @3¢., 38¢, 40¢. to 78c. each. the fst national convention of the APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION SITUATION WANTED, i. 20% uted ng wn i Apply wa Messrs, : % of pupil nurse, Jn the Pottsville Hos 4 " Congregational Brotherhood, in the : ~ pital, Pottsville, Penta, = One hun | ov LXPRRIMNOED | YOUNG LADY alten Wing First Congregational church. Dr. Wash- Do you happen to dmow that wood- dred bed Hospital, Haining Tn good stenographer, bookKeeper, or Fy : orset overs ington Gladden, 'of Columbus; Ohio,| on shoes are still the fashion in rural with a IE Cg ol Le general office assistant, best of refer-| PROPERTY AND RUSINESS OF 1. B $ "a FOR f. or | France, which is not unnatural te Ohstetrics ._ 1a & New Lov LH \ utieés. Apply Hox "B. 189." ' Whig Warteisky, Verona, consisting of ir wd y gadis a vigorous Hien or man wer ET I cars and, three hundred dollars (9810.00) difice. fraine. ators and dwelling, wail estab w pr gli e churches, The venerable elergy-|¢ y cost only. 15.cents a phir mid during the . lished general store. business, good ¢ Black Mercerised Petticoats, 'ac- Corset-Cavers; of fine Nainsowk, {in t chure ey oy dirculars of information and applica- reason for selling. Apply to J Sk : man said that men should have a jon b furnished n_request to , 3 gut gordeon . plaited flounce, frills, [full fronts, trimmed with lace and greater port. in, the establishment of "WOODEN SHOES 3ion a Miss BE. ¥. Darl SITUATIONS VACANT. MeCann, 51 Brock St. Kingston, Wirappings, ete., lengths, 38, 40,|enbroidery, all styles and siftes, | the Kingdom of God in this worlds po 9 ng. . - - I BY, for 90c,, $1, $1.10, $1.95 to rr 280, dO0.. 60c.. 08c., 75c., 80e, | 107 the church should not be feminine, FOR FRENCH GIRLS WER ANT WOMEN 7G LEARN BAIL | Criy PROPERTY CHEAP: NO. 04 3 'y ' va " % . ' . . . anki : J i trade. © t St., pear y Park, oa a0: : : : : ' ut rather masculine in character. gy. ary Sally ads AMONG" The +. AGENTS WANTED. eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure provements, 9 rooms, args exten. A ts 2.95. : de said the men should be enlisted for forest. Comm to The Biju and sco a positions. = Will ie 7 shops. 0h sion ; No 204 King St, well built . the sake of the bovs. Without the succession Of pretty' moving sce with | wi; WANT A GOOD, LIVE MAN. WHO| gtent pracuies --Uerelw liruelool | atone house of avout 12 rpms. No. men it is impossible to reach the boys. |g > A ed is keen, energetic and reliable, to 1 . A rte. aM Ontario St., roots, all Lue rsels 0st n 3 ' figures, We aiso present a Comedy. Ww riies, in King ORue _ Iree. ne 0 arber provements, hot water healing, = 2 church t a well-rounded, svm- ' handle. Western prope im Callege, Toronto. let. : RT The ch a4: not. 8 i: ston and vicinity, Splendid inducéd snap, Uen. CLff, Real Fstate, 95 metrical institution when two-thirds "THE TROUBLES ments to the right mas.' Capitak is : Clarence St. All the popular males, E. T., D. Ladies' Fancy and Plain Sum-3 1% nanbers are women. ROL necessary, nor 48 it. necessary to OF HULDA'S LOVERS" have an office. References required d A, P. G., ete., White, Dr mer Hosiery, Cotton and Lisle } Sl TINSMITH WANTED. MUST DI ia y > : } ' ¥ ab 2 Hatfield & Mclaren. L re OR Fer first-class hench worker, capable of TO-LET. sud Grey, all sizes and styles to|Thread, Black, White. Tan, , i WORKMEN IMPORTED yuk No re SxLy Financiers, Armstrong making up stock weil and ast. When i 1 .s BOe., . v . pplyin idly state the number of [FURNISHE ; 3 OMS ty aE, B0e., '95e, .1, putzm, de B5e., . 20e From Montreal to Ottawa--A| ACHING HEART" ten quart | pails, ales ew Sir | © © storage for huraitare. tte, BeCann' ¥ . Ff pair. 3 . staple li ou ¢ prepared to make o * * » § per pi Briok. Amalgamation. SUNG BY JOHN ROBERT DAVIS. ARCHITECTS: in a day of Yen hours T Also wages 81 Brock streel. v oT e brick ki Ls , required and: experience: Apply P. iT TTT A-- Ottawa, Mey, }~Thase brick making ~5 CENPS- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF Leslie & Son. Alexandria, Ont NOS. 77 ard 70 ALFRED STREET, t ili : * Vi companies of Ottawa have consolida- ¥ Ba, srosta. ell modern improvelnents. Possession Belts and Collars eumngs ol ith an authorised capital' of én, Cor. Ques ard Bugot sirimts. | "gi 'de, dmproreng 3 3 - Se. - be, | -- ' $150,000. 'They are: Odell Bros, » NRY _P. SMITH. ARCHITECT, S CARDS. I ween esmmermp-- A great showing of Fancy Belts| A full stock of Fancy Spring |y,rris & Ballantyne and 1. M, Mulli- HR Anchor Building, Market Square. BUSINES " { FURNISHED oR sud Collars, for spring and sum- | Veilings, on'ground floor, plain [gan Co. They will locate a big plant : Phone, 845, . ELECTRIO aca hd rSLPANING, W Hn With ep wer wear. Impossible to describe | snd dottéd Mesh, Silk and Chiffon at Billings, {ridge, as the Peerless TOWER & BONS, ARCHITECTS, MFTy| and Pliows. cleancd hy steam. H, | all different styles and qualities, | Veilings, tor 25¢., 30c., 33c., 35c., yi am - rg hi ae (TBE PIONEER BOUSE). Et Pink Hullo. sorant Brock Milne, oh Be ot. witeet | 00 sdreito visit this department. 140¢. and B0c. por yard. acest all pone building Programme, FRIDAY and' SATURDAY snd Wellington streets, 'Phone; @13, wi gaton { FRAME DWELLING. 9- ROOMS. TU Ey ' lhere, and who are delayed hy the A. GOOD JOKE" WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. with or * . ox A a . : " I. FOOL I « strike of bricklayers and laborers, (A Polag Bea, in. Kingston)e fice, second Boor. over Mahood a De ug PERSONAL __kood Jand, McCann 4 this morning... imported a earfoad of ¥ : . Estrence oa Bagot . Cash Coupons. men from Montyeal. They pre mt work "WHAT-A-GOOD-WINE" 8. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, | SOLID ' BRICK RESIDENCE, KiNe Re © # Ron St. West near Alwington AVE nine \ gent stseet, Known as the Lindsay | property with X ace rock St at the building, and no disturbance (Comedy) Rr i RoI, permanently, rooms y a x ' : 4 Po has yet occurred. The labor men ave | Song--" ONLY AS VE : : 3 . d 8 ; ; . Song--"ONLY AN OLD FASHIONED] re mer. 3 al en rooms, ns \ : seriously annoyed. COTTAGE, BUT "#'S ALL THE MONEY AND BUSINESS. on Dr ma A nag] harm. and a Bn . WORLIY TO ME," Published by Jas. M. : Specialist, 258 Bagot street. a. hro A fo Y d _-" : Stern, sung by Uldre Smith. QUR POLICIES ' COVER MORE OF . Rowe Was Nol Properly Qualified. J. THEO. EX, Mgr. building end .cobtents sham any other ¥a ¢ Ck Toronto, May 1.--A curious point - company offers. Examine them at - FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR PURNY mss: a CE - : : . : ) urance Ei um, Mark ture, goods, wi Tr a ; was raised in 8 motion made before AUCTION SALE ne 8a parm FOR SALE OR TO LET. your own Jock ve : x Justice Teotzel to quash local op-| Solid Brick rasidence. with stable and -- i Cae Storage Agent tion by-law in' Howick township, in |drivehouse, "in the yillage of 'Cataraqui, | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH FRO- 290 Queen St. the county of Huron, The grounds for | ¥ill be sold at WM. MURRAY'S Auction Fire IRsurapoce Company, Available erty, in 'village of Sydenham. For the motion Mot this 5 ol Hooms, Brock S¢., On agsets $01, 215, In addition to urther particulars, ppl ta. Calvin . ti Are L 4 lotmer clerk SATURDAY," AT" 19740'CROCK | + which shes. polic fave , Aor W. Lake, Sydenham, On FROM 18ST MAY, 1908, NUMBER 188 there died, and. the widow continued ' NOON Socurky the Soll od Fattliy of al Fart pt, Promit cocupied by oN : " p m d ts MG » the duties of the position. She mar- he Tan Ioan MARRIAGE LICENSES. Se ok Augen, CMG hot dies ried again, her second husband doing AUCTION SALE rates. Before remewing old or giving Apply to Armstrong McCormick, 108 the work and she signing all the] _ . ein MARKED mew business get ram, from Steange | 0; 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Centra street, or Thomas Mille, V documénts. It is claimed that by ber sTAN BDAY at ia HAR 16 & Strange, Agents. hens, Bo8, Maxriaga Licenses, 43 Clarence St. Clarence street: marringe again she lost her personal | hands high, six-Years-oid, . 1,150 Ibs. rst kind, single or double, Algo 2 New "Mich ( ity, and is no longer clerk. Jud ment ie Sale at 11 0 clock, WAL. MURRAY 2 | Tt LL, re. Em THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT T | Five Degrees At Dalhousie. | AUCTION SALE. + Lal ' ppv ; h E : | a HB 3 (Halifax, N.S. aay L--Dathousie | 4 op 0nnia: Chatniess Bievels, ta first Fo T University, yesterday, conferred = the | crise shape, will be sold at MURRAY'S No Prejudice. F. OR 9 vo. . D. C. Fraser; of Nova Scotia; Premier * a LT 4 : t © 50 TOUT WOMEN [oer oer sbi non Goromnee| eos" SFE | Gity of Kingston Debentures, +. viric, "shi. o suc | Sh A . : ssi, Murray, of Nova Scotia; Alexander You will be if you wear this Robinson, swperintendent 'of educa Fl THE CITY HAS FOR SALE $8.400 sath look askance at one having wu | Superior Model Corset 4 tion, of British Columbia; President : Debentures, bearing interest &t the rate|iierent belief. It is willingly con 5 , s of 4 per annum, payable semis | ceded that all others have just as thr Piet" 1 without 'prejudice. Its members sel 4 per cent, R. A. Faleoner, Toronto University a : annually: The Debentures are in amounts | good a right to consider their con a Rival ' sold in all good flores and Robert McClellan, princigal of o& ol from $550 to $V00 each, and are pay- | oo { roll 4 Wil out Canada. & Pietou Academy. TWO JUMPED BARRIER AND [ic "trom © to 20 years from 1st | Pion o Teton tus. While it : c 50s Hn in # ary, 1908 ab © accept a belief ir tiple No stout wamait had gyer yet riduced her ab- d Hailed By Elect LANDED AMONG PEOPLE. |' 1 dur information, apply ta LGoll. there is 10 objectilin to. aid domen with comfort and perfect safety, by the ots hh y REloTS. JF. C. IRELAND, has ing as many person en cotaet * No. 575. Santiago, May 1.~Gen. Jose Miguel : City Treasurer taal pi w choos . A eof any Se" 44" Na. Gomez, rebéutly: nominated for presi- One Boy Badly Clawed--Serious| Kingston: 24th April, 1908 per . y ible re on i ba except oH b POSS © IOV One RNAVIERG any con Itis impossible to accomplish iui vhs by § | dent of Cubd by the Miguelists © Tas Panic Was. Averted By the C ception of. God to find lace in it any other method #thete is nor substitate $35. arrived here and given an enthasias Prompt Action of a Police SEVEN MILES LONG. broad fold. It is the spirit that Renowped D&A Form Training Corset Style tic reception, not only by the resi Sergeant counts most, --the spirit of honesty Sr? ent the eit but by country de- " wi 4 TT ! ! L y 8 ol O : . mnt Man of thee wary de | Baltimore, Md., "Api 30.-During | London Petition Against the incerity, tolerance, loyalty to that | . od groes. Arrangements have been made | the performance at, the Zoo, last Licensing Bill. hm Bg Bight a for the feting of Gen. Gomez for the night, two leopards fupiiped the: bar New York, May 1A cable des Add Rn : J a next three days. rier, landing among the audience, A patch to the Herald from London Be, * Ree, W¥o ©. OL Quason, at #5 { De art t f Mili i & D f 3 hoy, louis Long, was badly clawed | says: A mammoth London petition I acon street, Doston, Mass, for the Pp ment o lita eience about the face and neck, and a panie, against the licensing bill, seven miles | literature, NOTICE TO CONTRACTOL r i i . : : Carnegie Train Stoned that would "almost: certainly have | jong and threswuartérs of a ton in PETAWAWA CAMP GROUNDS. ---- Srimawich, Nd. ay. Jett: meant the loss of Many lives, was | weight, with 650,000 signatures, will TENDERS. SEALED TENDERS, MARKED ON t od ofp : 9 a b ain hay averted by the prompt Action of Po- | pe presented on Monday to the House ------------ -- thie Shvuls he Fender for bulldings, 1% 4 ue f Tp. A Y ae hagint lice Sergeant Barranger in closing the | of Commons. The Wesleyan temper ecre th x Pine +i 5 ce Che arn field oy Xa) yaad exit door and allowing only one or ance petition, with 500,000 signatures lr eda partment M x and Jan sa -- | Bin pi nenr ere, two of the terrifind people to descend | will not reach the house until later wi 1 be received until ------ and hbo ely - Ts op 4 8 CHF the stairs at a time. The Protestant Alliance petition, with . ) ad aap i ee other eh br pe ow od There were sevens' Bi 100,000. signatures, asking for a tom : « Oke a window ~13 SR Y vd a {tir ; jured 'a Wonian and TitUe giel, it is |. the audience AIH ih a 11 -smantcmn of enquiry into the tondition Tenders for Bending Machine, Sorel Owing to the fact that said ' were let into ¢ ! sur- | of conventual and monastic institu- TENDERS APDRESSED TO THE and fu nt Iakas number of All orders promptly attended to 2 % | rounded by eG n - } tions will be presented next week: Mndersignd at Ditaka, and endorsed on Offices ] ' » + § v ¥ 2 or Bing | vies § Fe r Vilg. we have " ance. Two of i . BY, it Machine, Sorel," will ece Ned ORES Sunbe: previa. vy | night or day, ....: al: 2 New Yorker Gets Job. one is said 40 WAY been Terftated by 'A Universal Exch Department of Matin aud' Fishe lon ment oo Handi \ ® . ttt al Totabto, May L-Dr. E. BE. Grange | Long, who was tlose to the top of the Ont a a bo BRS: i Aha RA Akt neon, of Sari y J. Mackie . # A £ . : i awa, Mav - ie resu oO J AG Wy Ww f, 1908 the Speaarslined a . walng | has een appointed principal of the rd jutped toward the : Sa) va tt astronc. Jor the tarnishing of une machine J Untarie Veterinary College, which has ed oVer the top of attendance of a government astrono bending steel boiler, plate bees taken over by the Ontario gov- age, anliwos inimediately Tol- | mer at the Hague seismological . con- ed at the Government || ernment to be run as a provincial in- ¢ one of the beasts. | ference, last October, is seen a and detai stitution. Pr. Grange Is a son of the|The first one wed Long savagely, | every ¢ important earthquake, Dr. can tana And eth) late sherili of Guelph and graduated | The people in pudience were tefror ¢ Blotz, of the Dominion i ro ond Haripe sud Sisheries. Orta . ; rom the Outario Veterinary College | stricken g obtains from all parts of the wo i rector of Sovernment 3 4 I the Dafty Wo iinet : p" . Reds v, {Sorel, and from the Agent of the De oo, 0° PRY Re ' in 1873. He has been practising in| One of the %w § dashed down | details of earth tremors and = some. | S000 BMC (yy TE Loli, a to a comiract in accord with New York, the stairway tor theloffice and Bar. [times copies of the uctual record. He! real, PQ « hn Diepartment fois tat Hind Healt 1a he ------ ranger slainmed 4be 1 . Then the | has those from 'Tiflis, in Asiatic Rus _ Fach jeuflet must be secompanied bY ST pcoopt the lowest or any tepder. | , : . § cheq! n a ny y \ | 5 Pretty Brockville Wedding. crowd rushed 'toward him. but. he | sia, and from Rome as part of ain "to's he yum of 8800.00 10 the order HQ. 8511-12 ail BARRY IR, Brockville, € Apri po held them back until they were eflim | umiversql exchange planned at couler|of the Minister of Maring and Fisheries. LQ 87--=17--12. tim and defune ville, t., April 30.--A pretty m Y Phepart twet . > ee i t : ® [This cheqtie Will be forfoited if Lhe party partment of Bae eolebrated in St. Peter's | enough for a few at a time to be al- | ence. . { whose fender is mecepted declines to enter CtLE¥E, Apr th Sot be paid for ihis church, this morning, when Rev. H. [lowed to leaveithe 'uilding; On the into a contract to deliver the bending ae pupers \ they =r ft without JB. Bedigrd-Jones united in marringe | floor above the ncena js a skating | Seeking A Divorce. suaching, oF Jails lo tarry Gui A con authority from the Department. ss Annie only daiighter of Joan rink, and here alo the police Tod < "Vantoliver, May L--Aw action for ee will De retaried. ihe, - --p---- --_------------ J Cawley, and J. M. Dobbie, a promin- the doa ni hele in the tl divorce lus beet © started by Edward | The par ment doey not _hind teat " ent vo business h all danger 3 WBS past. eo i : co ? {to actep e lowest or an r. : os "ny pre man. Among the : aire red on in the of Dupont agaflist his wife, whom he Newspapers copving this advertisement nesses to ceremony was Senator | Popardg fp | married sxteen yeprs ago at Revel [without authority from the Department | Derhyshire, Mr. and Mrs. Dobbie have (fice of the' Zoo atid "thé Wier in 'one hyienn 7a a1. Level (without nt [gone to Wi to DCS and Atlan. [of the dressing rooms, by trainers, stoke. J he couple have as been Jie, | : ¥. GOURDEAU. tic City on honeymoon and were returned to théir cagés, ~~ together for six years. hw respondent | peputy Musister of Marine and Fisher NOTICE. * fe: ; : 2 na . Suppioed bid : oy an Jon: then) of Marine and Fisheries Tenders for Chain for Marine and A Real Corn Cure. Sunvir at thy pressug tine. She fg 4 "Ottawa, Canada, 21st April, 1908 _ Fisheries Lept. Peck's Sabre dinughter of Edward Corning, Prope: TENDERS Routes San or. Pr rn tor of the Chmax Hotel, Heve stoke, . ce ta Ervin G . i and is ssid to be a Woman of may n } 1 : + ones, and with he & ¢ x ders for Chain Shackles #0 Swivel Natbncsn of Ing ( Pl bok 15. pershnal charms. quired by the Marine and Fish ¢ at tr lg ope ------------------ partment for which tenders 1 at Wade's stare. Se to Le ivocsived wp LO -the It is announced that the band whieh May, will be wtunded up to, the 1 hot Wants Marrisge Annuled, will accompany the Fence of Wales, to | yn. ay meat Td AD Rome, Nay 1--Bfiorts are heing | Quebec, wili be the Royal Marine Light NOTICE. Marine Department ai Hoddax, NSS : s , Tor tetantn Fel made Prince De Chimay to obtain | Tofantry "band. . It has sccompanied | Ponders. for Fisheries] 3%.» 8. Aharon et, " ra from ations a t-of his | the Prince of Wales on most of is) @ouioes a Salaing 1 he. Depattinent it, in | marriage with Miss Hither | tours through the empire, x ye umbia. Ottawa, 28rd April I Mme: Riga, » vv Mn : Mp. will cortainly compart his The Vie for receiving tenders for the Ge ag T ------------ fold county of Halifax at the coming gitouded from. the Fiest of May until the AER Anas, : : | fedéral "election, of Junk newt. . hi Wsilie bo. make Phomas Mills sud © Gin Be ws Be PH GOORDEAD, Home People 8 a Milly Ca. for your sp- Deputy Miniaer of Marine and Fisheries, | "hoth ends meet" leave oa gap in the Y * y 220d, 1908, : 3 3 3 Apri

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