LEAGUE TO MEET. " -- { It is Possible That Sonie of the Regulations May Be Changed ~The Latest Sporting News. The St. Lawrence Baseball League is {called to meet to-night to draw up a schedule for the season. It is hoped that one or two more teams will be entered from other towns. It is pos- sible that gone or two of the rules wil} be slightly changed. GA chain is no stronger (than its weakest link. Upon the care of the skilled artisan depends die safety of the traveller on 'the modern highway. Each rivet must pass inspection, q Careful inspection in the factory at every makes the placing of the stamp on a pair of SLATER SHOES is important as the Bank signature to a $5.00 bill. Qf the Sliter Shoe is got worth . $6.00 it. is not stamped $5.00, Gq Always look for the stamped price, and the Slater Seal of Certaidey, F, G. LOCKETT, KINGSTON, ONT. | emma athe ogee 37 * ORANGE MEAT The lellowing Mat of PRIZES will be awarded to ® the partion sending in the largvet number of CARTON BOTTOMS on or before May 31, 1909 The FIRST PRIZE will be a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY.TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week During Lifeitime The manufacturers of ORANGE MEAT will purebase an Annuity by dhl ty ons of wo Sop life Insurance Sumpanies nl Janads, t nn will contraet the winner - the math two Dollars ring hack sud every af eo a A Second Prize of Ode Hundred Dollars Cash will be paid and in addition thers will be disteibuted Ten Cash Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each Ten Cash Prizes of Ten Dollars Each | Twenty Cash 'Prizes of Five Dollars Each One Hundred Cash Prizes of One Dolls¥ Each goed 2 Tato wil teas number of RES stage of its manufacture, President's ano finn EET Bren? raven BANE WERT! Kido CONDITIONS oT Beso ai on and thats Th pa ly, Uy ma E i 4 sare are abd silo yilaly on th contest acpurate co 1 Compan y will a! 3 Read Carefully or = don, foi Jame nda of the hum! Xn so send on ledge ge setipt <t Es Tn Ho SE The JUMBO or B80. Package of ORANGE MEAT will count equal to THREE of the 'dtdindry she. BEGIN NOW TO COLLECT GET YOUR FRIENDS TO HELP YOU be We Ip sr. SU S---- Bm Victoria Day Sports. Eleven entries have already been re- céived for the Marathon race here on Victoria Day. Five of these are from Brockville. and two from Deseronto. One of the Kingston runners will be Elliott, who played right hel back on Queen' # senior rugby team last au- tumn. It's expected that twenty-five runners will start in the race, Rumor: says that the horses of W. H. Carson and George Darragh will simply ren away from all the other gompetitors in the races on Victoria Day. These two old-time horsemen are husy daily getting their nags into shape, and are ready to bet all kinds of money that they will come under the wi first, in" the 2.25 and 2.35 hin Ve ---------- Baseball League Schedule. At the request of baseball fans the schedule of the Kingston baseball lea. KWe games is again published. "The sebior games are: May 16 Victorias REHA. vs. C.L.C. May 23-YJ.C.B.U. MicMaes vs, C.L.C, May 30--Victorias vs. YiLC.B.U. ve. Mie Macs, June 6-C.L.L, ws. Vietorias, H.A ve. MicMabs, June 18-MicMacs vs, Li€. ve, Y.1.C. BU. June 20--Y.1:0.B.U, CLC, ve. RACHA. Jane 27<R.C. Ha A, vs. Y.LC.B.U, vs, R.C.HA., RUHA, R.C. Victorias, C, Victorias, ve. Y.1.C.B.U., vs, CLL. vs. Mi Joly. 4=R.€. A. MicMacs vs." Y)L.C.B.U. July 1)-Victorias vs. Macs va. RC.H.A, July: 1B-Vietorias vs. LE.B.U, vs. CL.C. July 25--Vietorias ROCHA. va. CLO. » Mug. 1=Y.LC.P.U. MicMaes va. C.L.C, Aug. B--Vietorias Y.LC.B.U, vs. MicMacs. Aug, 15---C.L.C. vs. HA, vs. MicMacs, Aug. 29-MicMacs vs. Victorias, C. LC. vs. Y.LO.BU, The following are the junior games : May 16~Crescents va, C.L.C. May 23--Victorias vs, Crescents, May 30-C.L.C. vs. Victorias. June 6-C.L.C. vs, Crescents, June 13--Cresvents ve. Vietorias, Juno 20--Vidtorias ve, C.L.C. June 27-C¥.C. vs. Crescents, July 4<Crescents vs. Victorias. July 11=-Victorias vs. C.1.C, July IRCrpscents ve, O1.C, July 25--Vjetorias ve. Crescents. Aug, 1-C.L.C. vs. Victorias, VS. Victorias, C.L.C., Mie MicMacs, Y. Y.LCRBU, --at vs. RCHA., V8. R.CHA., R.C. ve, Victorias, Sporting Notes. Creed, the Irish-Canadian high jump- er, is training with Longboat at the Caledonian Reserve, At a meeting of the Toronto cricket league it was decided to send a picked team to the Ottawa carnival in July, McCarter defebted Jack Atkin, top waight, in the $10,000 Excelsior Han- dicap at New York. The mile and a sixteenth was run in. 1:46. The New York, St. Louis and Bos- ton. teams of the American baseball league appear to be much stronger than 'last year, which augurs well for an interesting pennant race. | might. ---- About a Lot of Things in Short Metre. Bibby's for Fooke's shirts. Special sale at Waldron's Saturday Tells Water on. the brain is seldom due tg a thirst. for knowledge, Raspberry and strawberry jam, 35. a pail, 3 for $1. Gilbert. It isn't pleasint to fall, in with peo- ple who are always falling ovt. Hibby s for Tooke's shirts. You will &lways find the wrong way the roughest om the last quarter and at the home stretch, Try Bibby's 20e. cashmere hose. 1f you want the best bacon and hams try Coleman's, Gilbert. The Lord will exetise the man from praying if it interferes with his wdrk of helping the suffering. Bibby for French balhriggan under- wear. Thoughts expressed in words become living instruments either for goad = or evil. Therefore, think right. Special sale at Waldron's Saturday night, Try Bibby's 25e, cashmere hose, The millionaire and beggar meet on the same level in the cemetery, but it is not because of the goed planning of the beggar. Dr. Price's Wheat Flake Celery Food on sale at Gilbert's, two packages 2c. Ribby's for :Semi-Ready tailoring. When a man gots drunk to drown his sorrow, Je finds out when he gets sober that sorrow was provided with a life preserver. LIVED ON WOLFE ISLAND. The Woman Murdered at Brown- ville, N.Y. Mrs. Sarah Sreinah, murdered at Brownwille, N.Y., was horn inv Fre- and fifty-five 'years 'ago. She left there when quite young and lived for a time in Moutreal and other cities in Cana- da, and finally on Wolle Island with Mrs. Agnes Brown, the mother of James Rattray of No. 16 Griffin street, Watertown, N.Y., where the Farmers told Mr, Brennan, Mrs. Farm- er wanted the goods she had packed up sent. These consisted of personal trinkets, old pictures, letters, hand- writing of ber daughter, a hand-bag, bric-a-brac, ete. All these were care- fully gone through by the officers, but nothing was found among them tend- ing to shed "any light on the crime, Mr. and . Mrs. Brennan were married about twenty-seven. years ago Mrs. Brempan had lived on "Paddy Hill" opposite Brownville, for nearly a quarter of acentury, and was well and favorably known: by all. She was of a'kind and charitable Sieposition, and had a great fondness for chi They hat only ene child, a dnughter who died alfoui'Seven yess do. Mrs. Brennan griévedwover her th vp to the day of the foul murder Two years ago, in hopes of drowning her sorrow che paid 'a visit to bez. tative eoun- try and 'mét: after lon separation her two sisters and 'a brothes; MARINE NE NOTES. , What is Frasepiring Avast Pha kes The * pioop? bevra mn #4 fii... Swift's + Schooher Keawatin rienred pressed hay ot the city wha for Oswego: steambarge Robert Mc- Donald, from Oswego, 'with coal; steamer Aletha, down, to-day. The sloop Idylwild will clear for river ports, and load stone for Wartman's wharf, at Bath, which sai fered great damage by the high water, The Cape Vincent steamer will not make two trips "a day to the Cape till June 1st; Monday is the only] day on which the Cape steamer makes two trips. | Navigation has opened on the Ri} deau canal. The steambarge John! Randall, was the first vessel to ar- rive in Kingston. The vessl reached] [acres SALE Saturday Morning, 8.30 0'clock. 148 Spring Coats Regular values £6.00, 7.50, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.50, 14.00, 15.00. Your Choice For $4.98 Each Owing to the extraordinary cool spring, we are Campelled to make this heavy sacrifice in order to make room for sum- mer stocks. Every coat is guaranteed to be this spring's newest styles and have the broadest guarantee. They come in all the newest shades of Tan and Fawn Covert Clothe Full range of sizes for Ladies and Misses, Alterations charged extra. See Window Display. * R. Waldron. L. C. SMITH LEADS LIST Big Dividends In Setvits. K Hh 1! . & Pemerok: RAILWAY : IN OOJSNECTION |; Canadian [Pacific Railway Homeseekers' Northwest Excursions Leave Kingsion, Tuesday, April 28th, nd every second Tuesday following until September 29th. 60 DAYS RETURN LIMIT Second class round trip tickets at VERY LOW RATES To all #mportant Northowest points Full particulars at K. & ¥., and C, P, R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agenty Pe BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Sir LP We for Tweed 8 + Napage : te north, Bansoc nts on Central rio, que Jous Ripments via Pact we abidy to Be wi DICKSON, a CRAND TRUNK Homeseekers" Excujions to Mans itcba and the Canadian North. wert and return, good going May 12th, 26th; June 9th, 23rd, July 7th, 21st, August 4th and 18th, geod returning within two months of going date. The fol- lowing" are fares to some of the principal points : $34.50 P. Albert -$88.50 38.55 Souris ~~~ 34.50 =~ 40.50 Vermilion » 41 ou 42.56 Yourkton 40.00 Regina - « 30.00 Winnipeg =: LEN CRN Moose Jaw «- For resérvations in the Tourist car and any other information, arply to ' J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Car. Johnson and Ontarip Sts. INTERCOLONIAL =F: SER 7 24 RoY41 Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax to Liverpool Canada's Famous Train THE MARITIME EXPRESS Leaving MONTREAL Fridays at 12.00 bury 4 {acen) carries Suropeam mwils, res ih the steamer's dock at HALIFAX the foliotying Batam y afternoon. ph an AMAL TRAINS carrying 7 e and malls when inward s ers do not connect with the MARITIME EXPRESS, leave HALIFAX fmmedietes iy after the arrival of the steaaner, make ing commections for Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit and points west. FOR TICKETS AND FURTHER IN. EP OBRMATION, apy to nearest GRAND RUNK RAILWAY AGENT, pr to Montreal Ticket Office 141 St. James Bt. Public opinion is the 1. © <Bhnith Typewriters lead over all other wen ing machines The rapid rise of the L.. Smith in Popular favor is shown by the tre inendous volume of sales and the | ever-increasing demand. Investors in L. U, Smith Tepewrit- ers all over the world are aglving » Enormous dividends. These dividends are paia" in the form of splendid servion, which 1 just as good as the GOLD Richardson's this moming, and will] Joad grain for Washburn. | The steamer Jumieson could not clear for" Oswego, last night, owing to} the rough Weather. Marine men states) to-day, that. the weather was very rough on the lake, during the night. | There was a strong north-east wind Many Kingstonians are lealing to morrow fbr Toronto and other places to join the crews of the boats which they will sail on this season. Quite a number go to Toronto, to join tha crews of the steamers Toronto and - There's absolutely no speciation in Kingston. These boats will be fitted | = \ a hd # buying L. C. Smith Typewriters [ho out immediately. dred eents on the dollar--never 'passes' a dividend, never sullers a Eugene Hurtubise, of Peterboro, ex- amateur heavyweight champion of Canada, won rather easily the wrest ling bout with Frank Kennedy, of New York, the German light-heavy- weirht' wrestler, Albert Corey, the Chicago runner, has been offered a place on the French Olympic team, the 'offer including his nassage to and from the games. Corey is of French birth, although he has apent most of his career @s an ath- lete on this side of the water. It is) not likely that he will accept the proposition, The Hamilton rugby. club state: ment shows the receipts for the hall year to be $7881 and, after all ac. counts were paid, a balance of $1,790 in the treasury. Of this 31.000 has been added to the perpetual grounds fund, which how amounts to $5,000, Adam Zimmerman, M.P., has been appointed honorary president, to sue- weed the late Hugh Murray, and Wil lam Southam to take the late Mr, Murray's place on the grounds com. mittee. + The largest gate of the year was on Thanksgiving Day, when the! When vou make a receipts were 81,790. sake it's genuine. The rice committee of the Brockville Bibby s for exclusive neckwear. fair have provided for an additional] » good reputation is in a certain stake event for. the forthcoming ex-| 0 collateral. hibition, making three altogether, for ia purse of $500 each. These will em- brace the 2:20 4rot and 2:30 pace. Resides these events there will be a hig trotting and . programme : New York Globe: It doesn't take : Jong to forget a baseball heve. Ban- "dow Mertes was in the crowd back of the home plate, yesterday, but no. Sody seo Retognimd him. The hai -haked insisted on i the view --- the batter's box wouldn't have [man and child in Kingston that we jeve the most valuable preparation known who Mertes was, anyhow. Yet lieve a A eon structor, health restorer and strength creator--we. have ever sold in our store is Vino. Vinol is #dt a patent medicine, 11 the winner of the ORAND PRIZE so elects, the masses facturers of ORANGE MEAT will pay the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS fa CASH instead of the POLICY calling tor FIFTY-TWO peor ananm durin lle time, CEREALS LIMITED. KINGSTON. CANADA ALLAN 'i LINE Montreal to Liverpool Fri.,, May 1, 9 aon May H, ¥ aan. May 15 5 9 ame May 23, 6 am, Rates Ase bf Passage aii full formes nu Stisited trom J, PF. A TR. 8, HACE 1 RICE, Loos TR a Corsiklan, Virginian, ¥Fri., Tunisian, Frit, ee Pepe Victorian, ¥ri., RR py 3 ahi CE Sa Re) "Buy 1. C. Smith's ! Buy L. © Smith's (™ That's the ery of men who are posted on the "inside" facts of the typewriter situation. "slump." and alwa¥s leads the dist Shrowd, far-cighted men--the Bulls and Bears of Bhsiness--are equipping heir offices with L. C. Soth Typewriters EXCLUSIVELY ~Bacause the L. C. SMITH TYPEWRITER (The Standard Visible Writer) has dn efligiency of 100 per cent. every day in the week and from one end toMhe other. It's as simple as A BC, and complete from A to Zs, Iti pieets the nead for rapid wosk With speed to spare. Jt fits into any business gfoove as though it were built Lo order. The L. C. Smith Typewriter. Woriginal in design, perfect in construction bpiiliant in performance. It has overturned all typewriter traditions and precedents--broken cords in the. typewriter world-sas wp a new standard of results. Have our demonstrator cdl} and show you the machine, We hear all expense. Keep your eye on the L. 'C. Smith { J. E. FERGUSON CO., Eastern Dealers, 205 Queen Street, : ~MOCAL ABENTS- NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., 79 Princess St., 'Kingstons A full stovk oft Typewriter 'Supplies fof all makes of machibes &l £5 hand, Secondhand Typewriters. yi Roun =. You'll Be Sorry. Ii you miss getting one ol Camphe i Bros,' new: derbies, ¥2, ¥2.50, $3, $4. / American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application, W. F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario and Ularence. or Investment ge wR : oh 6 © oit it instrance for the comfort of others. Why not take out Io fot your own com] The "*BANN Bed, insures rest and comfort, Because it Ait the body rh foot, So finely * Ee CRANE tely adjusted are the spirals ars The disbursements of the United y States government for last month ex- eceded the receipts by $5,554,364. The same month a year ago showed a sur- plus of $10,600,000, Special sale at Waldron's Saturda night. Tey all re "BANNER' 'will give' wherever there' is *prestamion i, hyp : i ns, cium i te dB It Vesa lifetime c aid satisfaction. post. ==: Hed is the rig ht idea, camried ont. gle iro, 0 make a rigid foundation. sacrifice for love's Ottawa. AN QPEN LETTER To the People of Kingston. To Whom It May Concern : Of date thers bas been a good sea) discussion. in Kingston in regard - advertised a and their value~the papers are full of them. We want to say to every man, wo- 29995595940440900000900000003000 000000400000 sv 2 The pleést way io Keep Flour, "Bread, Meal. Spices, Sugar; etc., is in tin. They are then safe, clean and dry. We mee, | strong litho, graphed tins of all sizes and" kinds. Come in a see them. ta34 4 & BIRCH, §9-71 Brook St sesnsasasaiesnesnsesesnssnsash preven uoise to a "BANE" ping Bake : for iron beds. 3 gt i Tay i ne #POTATOES IN ANY QUANTITY ihilus diuile, sili 6 ». saauliy Wholesale or Retail, af Cor, Bagot and Earl Sts, | ' » *