PAGE OTO IN - 10, NO. 108 TRAROR| rerow AWAY iamimenrs = Pd -- : : Is CAUSING ANXIETY AT Heres the: Present hw wt Cure Rheumatism. . The Man is "Unktown--Every Officer, Designer and Workman is Watched, But' Still Secrets Ars Given Away, them. They siniply Seadell' the nerves Berlin; Miny- 2--The presencé of an | for a time. When the effect weArs' unknown spy or traitor either at Wilhelmshafen, the Weser chiprards at Bremen, gr in the very offices of the navy department is causing the naval authorities cousiderable anxiety and a quiet, but very thorough investiga- tion is going on in spite of all olli- 4 w cial denials. Every naval officer, every [v Bd 1.1] i designer, every workman in the Bye men yards is being closely watched, 08 but in spite of the system of keeping tab on the movements of hundreds of persons, nothing has béen discovered which gives a clue to the identity of the persons who has sold or gives away valtable naval secrets. In the Weser shipyards the German oy b W ; g . .] i 3 y ve he 21 yi + 4 i pA : he 7 oh i government is building an armowed | Doing too acid, And the only way . . i fa i ; g od a i cruiser, as yet only known as I,' | do this is to take *Fruit-a-tives™ PRCT LR wb {1 4g » BD d pectin J \ which it desired to keep a deep secret. : Nevertheless the naval autBorities p f nto ' 8 \ were shocked a few weeks ago whey a ; a \ organs-dowe' EE ; 1 1 } copy of a London "yellow paper "as | gis kiMoeys and skin-and it thems REM WED 1 fea) hee. which Shae ab didi db | o Derfect condition. That fn the oul ] 3 the inlormation, whi the covert secret great success | . 1 i ment wanted the outside world. to of their t in curing yw nothing gbout. 5 rheumatiam, solatita and lumbago. "The sTuiser will be of 19,000, tons 800 a box--§ for "Fruit-ay . displgcement," the London paper says Uves," Limited, Ottaws. "Her armament Will consist of twelve i ------ pleven-igch . guns of - fift caliblres f ry longth, ten of them capable of firing Lia osm, on sither hroadeide, and' eloht either oo ay Ss. ~ Corn - ahead or astern. The accompanying SO'AS NOT TO OFFEND THE | GERMANS, | A Town's Fire Engine Carried OF a Piss Fa po Som ie Co q es ih 3 1 -- ER ---- By Burglars--sdow An Italian Sait Antough. a Hospital pi, h : i X En sketches show how the armument will Seeking An Enemy. Se a ak ar : y Jn , rr ed Paris, "May 2.70 avoid ¢ ' 4 Bete ; z i PR ATUR INTERMENT. bo rapoed. of fweui fou khot¥ i¢ fo hs ane wher ri © ar i J J t i | attain Thi¥ is not tO He the the, kaiser who visit the annual. ex ' . . 5 . 3 Feasant suds Ohia Are © Buried arin rp ot the sed goin speed, TO MS MAJESTY. THE KING + hilfition af printicgs and diayings of | : : ive. and will, therefore, 'wake the vessel Le Pow the. National Soewcty of Bea { d Vienna, May 2.-Two eases of pre- | Quite a fast as the Invincible, which Sir John ré& Sen Lew. thaipolice have had to remove fr ! hi mature burial are reported here. it" desighfied for a trial speed of fwen: the salan several. brutal earicatur i By The first occurred, yesterday, at | by:five knots. The Germay, yewsel, Jike the ietian emperor. : "The ost con | Mackovice, Galicia, where a sexton the, Hrifish, _ will be eatipped, with shifliousl anong those wis a paintin was filling up the grave of a' peasant | Parson; turbines, develop, mg, 44,000 of Jean Veber which veprosented the : . when he heard knocks from within the | horsépower, and she wall be fifted for kailler jn the automoiile races held last | b : = A coffin. He rushed away in:terror, | bining oil fuel as well as con. --_-- shouting" to the disappearing meourn+ y Thy eley envineh ger with which the BULL BUTTS A TRAIN, Herpicide is Used to Cure Dan druff, EH. Lyon, New York, N.¥., anys IL 8m very fond of Meppieide and enjoy wsing 16 It is refreshing." br. J H. Dusk," Toledo, Ohio, writes : 'Newbro's Hepdcide has daughter of the late Nouri Bey, the : given better a itbiony thr any- Parkish forcign minister, whose sen- . i thing | have ever used sational escape from her father's house 4 " 2 Mrs. Borkey, of Chadron, Neb., sava in Constantinoplg two years ago at- of Herpicide : tracted universal attention, is engaged 5 "It Pleted my bead of dithd riff and to marry Count Ladislaus de Rohoyin- a ; F : ; stopped my Lair from falling out. It ski. 3 ' i the best remedy for dandreaff | ever Mile Nouriveh and her sister fled : : a used, and I have used: a great many from Constantinople accompanied hy RN f iy i R. 8. Coleman, Aun' Asbor, Nich. their governess, and although the = Rah § ; oy wavs Farkish authorities attempted to have 3 gi rm bo 1 Baye used two bottles of Hexpi them arrested at Belgesds and Vienna] | ° 00 Sw 3 LR cide 7: derived bedelit=therefrom. they . sdcceeded in. veaching Paris, ih Sold by leading druggists. Send ihe, where they have singe lived dnmoles ak A 3 o . ¢ in stamps for sample 10 The Herpicide ted. oye RA TNS : Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold vin two sizes Their father, Nouri Bey, made them ' 4 Ch § nT pak Doe. and #1. G. WW. Mabood, special a small allowande, and the elder sis ; 3 Lig 3) ; agent. ter, whose engagement is now an a # : ; A Queen's Bungalow. nounced, has supplemented her in come by writing articles foe the sews yout in the 'Thaunus. The picture | digoovered that the gate of the fire . "oh h it | i} showed the kaiser leaving his private | house was open aud when he looked a : -- i ers E ship wi 0 Armediig ow new weapon, Box: oh 'life way to his auto. lasghing | inside ho. noticed that the engine was Queens (oiage .~ = ] I'wo of th» mourners returned, and Jone althougly iv fives a shot lghtér by in & way which surpasses any of the | gone Arousing the whole town he Hist the hd of the voflin was quickly re Sd --_-- pounds than the British . wor | taken © wosident | boo a sears the stole ire : ; : moved. The shroud twalve-meh guh, if iv ite Nebaelt "Phe eaving . " - pega ht r - " _ i " rol le The bill introduced in the House of Commons by Mr. Birrell, | reds and the oo a the it in fighting Pate nd a oid ast stand are same time execddingly Tuniny and wx | Tr A rs Torna io a 'wool Shief secretary Joi x nd, eaten a Bojan, Catholié wiiversity or Peasant were bruised. He had, how- renge such as modern naval enoave. Of high P of : , y ' : 3 ete Dublin and a Presbyterian ene in ' e ompo ever, died before the lid was ments are folght the nd\: writy. ingly malicious. iar the t . All that was left, by 4 ey ; : ibi i1di » died helore the hid was removed. # the ndvantage . Sy in pnintings were removed th rp wo the ood n whedls of 3 new university in Dublin, for Shieh the old exhibition buildings | A, inquest was held and the jury factunlly Ties with the lighter German especial from the salon for" political reasons, from which even the brass hubs had will be utilized at a cost of £150, and in which will be incor retwned a verdict of "suffocated by | WVeaDon. itis cia y among these, a large painting by] been removed. orated the existing Queen College at Cork and en s Soklexe, confinement in a collin." The description is correct on every recommended by the Rewousrd, showing - the Dreyfus trial] The town people are now prayfog ay (both founded 1845} Queen's 2 pw ast: (oun In the second case a child was plac Point, and no stone will be. leit uns Mediva! Profession or at = Heghies. The painting showed! (hat ne fre will break out until they! 1845) becomes » Presbyterian undversiths : 8 Angiioana altcady ed in a coffin at Rrosedal, Hungary, turned io fing; out how the. paper in account of iar Count Vaterany satsog Sn his af Eee dadin. ghilss to. retgustnet. the. eyed va.d university in Trinity "Colleg2. Dublin, which is unaffec by the day before the funeral And the Jauestion got its information. oe ct a J thé Wooden ¥ olonel ~ Tenky gine on the basis of {3 four remaill ~ bill} 3. Was. Closed. When: the: lnl wax SS cutis siSuiiogeh DRYN _ This connt looked morachke a ghost] he wheels, Ini -- -- ---- p-- Yomi sarily removed next day it was AN ESPECIAL PRIDE than a' him Deihg "and even lesst That an Malian, goaded hy tha & it | soaded" in arresting the man after a ound that the child had changed jts I p= . : flattering was the portrait of Mercier] it 'of Vendetta fears nothing, is proves | fight in which he was nearly kitled. Position, aml a doctor who was call | Is the Sturdy Four Months Child IN ALL WALKS OF LIFE. who lo Mad oniwith a smile of ape by a story which comes from Rom® || In court the would-be revenger de-| Derails Engine, But is Killed By Sid stated that it had only just 1 RY gual, Towards midnight on Thursday 8 clared that he would not care what Impact " : The reason this painting was - re-Fyoung wan appeared outside 'one of they conn ot he i that he would i ¥ ' = mt ; : i got an int he would | 3 ai ; ' mobed was because the authorities] large Roman hospitals conducted by uns rest until he had found 'and] i adeid May 300A large ASd Snviige TURKISH CGIRL'S ROMANCE. feared that the champions of th} 'the "alithoritiss "of the vtienn, "and | killed his victim. bull tried I> abd : ne $ he a nah Aste 1 § army might make a disturbance. But| demanded admission. When the door: | A strange discovery has been made eh i hres MN Ny a inte he is Now Engaged to Polish 8 oven ap: matters -and not hurt thei keeper tried to keep him- out bein the town of Paradelba, on the wit is Jens. he ball Jag 1 3 Noble. feclings of = the belisvers in Dreyfus) thueatoned him with a stiletto, and boast of Portugal. A few days ago "While the a was travelling at Paris, May 3.~Mile,"Nouriyeh, * the a large silver medallion by Haflier| after having tied his hands and feet | uring a heavy wind storm a partofl, a , of iy a on ho the was an exeollent, though somewhat he went ingide. Terrifying all the the cliff upon hich the town is built] fhe, Fats on en $4 ne a idealized "Tikeness of Utneral MOF, nurses whom he mel he walked] was washed away by the waves, and " dy wh ye Hahonale: hy was also taken away. + through 'all. the wards of the hofpital| jhe next morning the people were| ME. he ha ver could sll wp, the The people of the, late town of Mary! heandishing his. stilleto. and. examin | Surprised to "sev that a great treasury | oi rushed at the ex} I With low yes da Thquettes in the southern part! ing" all the patients | evidently, used by pirates had been! grad head and the impmct was %0 ol Franee, are mowraing the loss off First when he had Jound out that! revealed. : terrific that the engil@srwhs dérailed their only ¢ fire cngin®; whish thoy) the man § whom he wanted 16 "kill| 1, , dave was found a great many! 1), driver applied the brakes just in bought a Tew weeks © 4 and which! was not among the pationts he leit | very old gold and silver coins, jewelty| {ime to prevent the entire train fall was ohrried away by bhursdars. A few' promising te repeat his visit. In the fings, sacred vessels, ste. lwmmediate-| in. over an embankment wight ago the solitary guardian oii meantime one of the nurses had called | ly évefy man in town started to work] After the remaiiss of the bull had the poten of the town at midnight up the palice and 'a policeman saci i, dig for more tremsures and gold {heen swept away and.a fresh engine -------- - . rm -------------- sn wes | GOIN amounting to forty. thousand | secured the expréss proceeded to Cor | francs have been found. dova, arriving t%6 hours late, S IERIE \ oy ry op . @ ate, Senor ENGLAND . MOST BEAUTIFU L WOMAN.! Moret, the ex-premier, was a passen- ! | Have Perfect Circulation. ger by the xpress. | You whould have good circulation of | blood and also see to it that the blood | which pirenjates is of proper guality | Walle's Irom. Tonic Pills (laxative) | These pills are a frud lonic because {and energy. They are a great nerve! | stremgthener and blood maker. - in} { boxes, Ibe, at Wade's Prug Store. | | Money back if not satisfactory. | } ' | placed by 'the Orient company for alli { i8 tJ Be made on a large scale for the | "Fiurzon S18 for exeerding the speed | Both results can be secured bv use of they build up the very gpuree of life; New Australian Liners. Liverpool, May 2.<Orders have heen | the five steamers which are to be adds) el to the company's fleet es the ref sult of 'the new mail contract with! ths Australian government. Prowision | carrying, of government emigrants or! troops, and wirdless apparatus will be | installed' oh the vessels. 1 Viscount Chrgon Fined. Londén, May 2--The Woking magis- | trates on Satarday fined Vietount | Timit with bie motor car at Ripley. ! The viscount did not angesr, bat at letter from hie solicitor stated he did | not deny the charge. Evidence showed | that the' car 'wis going = thirty {oir Palpitation 'of the heart, nervous | ness, WIA sensible: and Teirpinded pea] al) an never quite tale the There has inst been completed' for 0 A Queen Alexandra, at Snetti ,| miles an hour. { Norfolk. an attractive voi unprefenti- ous litile bungalow. Music Dearer Than Life. } us ba ; d ¥ 2~Teholak Antitch, | lrought from the Snettisham pits % o Yeliivnds Susital ( - i the blocks are Inid in the rough with cold not overcame the teehnical dii- Ly lic | ficulties in a passage of Crernv's exer- | 0 CT drvises. He explained in a letter that twien Tobby {he preferred death to being an iodif- | 3 0 iva. apoess. to the offices) Rround | ferent 'player, ! the The outer walls and the attenddnts, and he them # is a small - which queen's aparttaent tins a five-feet- i high dado of dark ' stained 1 boards, and above the Simenled walls tromblings, nervous wre emovusted © with stones of various cold 'hands and feet. pain. in the hack. hues and . mussel, cockle, and other | and cher 1 af woakiun are ro. shells from the heach. papers Coin Within A Coins London, May 2A remarkable fine has been made at Sandwich by a lo- cal tradesman. The shopman took over his counter among other cop pers un penny piece dated 1903. Short- ly afterward he had occasion to part with it, and on'tendering the roin it was thought hy its ring te be ecun- terfeit. The owner, on breaking it up, discovered, to his astonishment, that it contained gu sispence 'of "the dame date. 'The silver com is in exceilent conclitiok. Festival Causes Hair Famine. Vienna, May '2.-Visina hair-dress- ers have received so many orders for wigs for the coming festival in honor of the emperor's jubiles that they are at a loss to obtain the ary hair. The hairdresser of the Volks theatre must secure 1.900 heady of Bair before next month, but although Be has of- fered fabulous prives, the su of women. who have cousentcd ¥o part with their locks is comparatively small. Skeleton 700 Years Old. Liverpool, May 2.<A large numier of human remaine, consisting of sknils jand bones, live just beet wewmrthed neat the rectory st Kirkby -Wiske, in the Cleveland distri of Yorkshire. From the i i manner in which the remains werd terred, and from the finding with them of many spear heads. ete. it is presumed that they are the skeletons of soldiers who fell at the battle of the Standgrd in 1138. A -------------- Vielent' Strikers At Bouen. Paris, May 2. --Seven hundred coal porters on strike at Bowen, being wn: able to persuade their nob-union com- sacwork, pelted them with and, boardin MES. MIOANOND P. HOBSON, Mrs. Richmond I. Hobson, the wife of Congressman Hobson, is the moth tr of a sturdy four-month-old baby, that is the especial pride of the Span ish-American war hero. Mrs. Hol son, tho was prior to her mariage Miss Griselda Houston Hull, and who was. wedded to the hero of the Merriman at a May wedding tlites years ago, is a stricingly. betastiful woman of the prouoaficed brunette tyre. Acc rding to Dame Rumor, she bas ever sno: ber marciage cherished political am- bitions for her husband and encouray- ed him 16 enter the race for congresy in hiz home state of Alabama. Since Hobson entered the national lagisla- ture his wile had proven herself a belpmate in the fullest sense of the term and, incidentally, she quickly won for Jersell a prominent social pasition in congressional circle Prines For Study Of Tibetan. Caleutta, May 2.-X special. com mission, appoitial by the Indian (ov proment with a view to encouraging the study of Tibetan, has decided upon. a course of study and examina tions with government awards 3 rapees for a higher proficiency pans and 5008 rupees for an honors de gree. The exmmination will be open to all officers. Jap Bhipping feels Boycott. Hong Kong, May 2.-The Japanese mail = America Mara has sailed from Nour Kong for San Francisco without a Wiagle puekage of Chines argo on board and with only tweaniy- five passengers, as compared with 730 paseergees carried By the Empress of fwetia, which lefton Thursday. : Hew To Cure Pimples. Cleanse the 'blood, flush out ihe ayy: tem by a courses with Br. Hamilton's Pills. No putifyin'y, 'cleansing fonie so Ment. so sure fo cure pimples ond Try Be. box of Dr.