Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1908, p. 14

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PAGE POURTEEN." ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1508. En i nti, I " TE -- ---- -- " - os RAS oes Hy . Te LRN 3 Tad Shc wail Ton GIVES THE RELIEF ELDERLY PEOPLE SHOULD VALUE THIS HIGHLY. | prompuy Believes Kidney and | 7s Bladder Trouble and Rheuma- es rope Mo : : tism and is Easily Prepared at C << ZOOL | : . | Home. : ; | The great majority of mien and wo eS 3 {men at the age of hity years begin to i Sal , {Teel the first sighs of advaneing age in 3 \ LZ OPI CQ ; Ba i some form ol kidbsy troubd and \ Z 2 Az CZ wires wa {bladder weakness, Few are entively fee 252 ZS DATS DELLE Fe {from that torturous d.sease, rheuma- 7 [tism, which is not a disease in dts we ; ne . - S 1 ' » most poetic of blooms, the sweet, ha § {but a symptom of deranged function Violet She developed a passion fo | 3 of the kidneys which have bedote violets--thousamds, tens of thousands 4 of all varieties and of all costliness Violets became her charming, clogant hobhy, to such a degree that she crav jelogged awl sluggish, failing jn their jdaty ol miting und straining . the poi- [Sonos waste mutter, uric seid, eto. ed to be the creator of all whose fleet {irom aod, Desmitting it Yo re ing fragrance she breathed. Her home the ints. at pe I ing about Kenilworth, did not aliord her the fa Re J is, an usclts, causing in Ae 2 g | tense pain and suffering. Well she oN r. McReynolds hast i EN | Fhe bladder, however, causes the old ot ar bors Subs not buv =a . he most annoyance, especially Iagn somevhee™" {a {eh aud early morning, She bought the farm, at Glencoe, 3 2 ; i. tiki ed isharity m a vetent and he paid for it as de would have or antable itn that he has wonderful nad @ny other bill that might come Ses 8 with the old-time "vegetable . reatment. He states: "Of sixteen N "ihe violets came, vast masses of 5 5 offs . tas # of bladder troubles and rheuma them. making the home: one gréhf, de \ To } ism which have been (reated with lickous conservatory, overflowing to y the homes ofthe delighted friends building up, upon. an odorous, beau tiful pedestal, the social position that i= eraved by women when they near {this treatment only one very compli cated case failed to Tully yield to its jremarkable inflijente. It is the most {harmless treatment 1 have over found to clean the system of rheumatic poi middle age, apd i= to he commandeer 3 Ach: remove irritation of 'the blad ed by those who, having e wealth | der and rele: 6° urinary difficaltics contrive Ty de some strikingly orig i {the old people. It is a true vitializing inal thing. tonic to the entire Kidney and urinary : i cued George McRevnolds, as héad of the i structure, reinvigorating the entige {Hs wile was sure lie was a gmillion- Jem of McRevnoldt & Co, operated 2 a . system. z oe ! , [nee Net hat he aver tokt here; three grain elevators, an a i 3 What he terms "oli vegetable treats 3 a man, when date begin to dog} true love. McReynolds was a fairly] rats, § Atm Feorge belonged YO concern, even in a centre where the fren! Sontsts ot the following sim. $ in | good looking, ambitious, earnest young | MEY Chass o Wisiness men who di | grain trade draws upon territories he po | ition, the ingredients which i Tha fupkind blows thst are to Tu 1 3 | Vorve. &B A » Ng: . " > " 5 aoa tune oF your business, do yom man, - whose most notable qualifica-| "OF" @H8 lately, the office from the grehter thaw Enropean kingdoms. (hi stained from any, good phar . 3 home, y bos srr macy at smal cost : Com i Kars 3 . tell vour| tion was that he had the eapacity for 4 cago at large, and Hattibel McRey ~~ SS y pout oid he " a A ops falling very deeply, ardently and de He never egrried any troubles home |, ids in particular, no wore dreamed LelE 72 Zo jon, one ounce ; Fluid Extract Danide- + od pre ¥ | ) 3 i ' : \ np 3 ar, ; N, ¢ { ounce Ra | votedly ia "loge with a, certain prétty to worry lier. Apparently, gird in re-| if the possibility of the firm becoming LseE AS 2 oe 3 tion, onehall ounce; Compound Sy 3 a Hts keeps Fon. (dealing its! girl named Hattibel. ality; for many, many years, he didu't embarrassed than the little cash girl "1 <<" {rup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Bhake . ot ® * oy . 3 y 3 . " 1 # " lo BEN: and twin is near, do von tél] The girl was intelligent, educated, | have "uy. He simply went 10 the dry, |), 4 big store dream of the possibility | «he sped him for divorce befor Judge el a : gu © and woke in togspoon Shon , { fond of flowers, fond of home, fom! of | old office avery morning like other| i white violets (iibbons. 4 TELEGRAPH TRIUMPH. fal. dosis alter cach meal and apor do voll conceive it your manly the innocent pleasires that brighten | Chicago men wha pass their lives in Suddenly, two vers apo, came the "Whan did Sol sebardte yout going to bed alsg drink plenty of toi bear your busden: alone, that lilo in the most worthy stratum of | business, with never a thought of re { failure of the powerful grain firm. Ii band *" her attorney a Boy. Whe Found His Man Amid ons AIS prescription, though sim a ot enjoy the few days| American society, with a special fi | tiring until they resignedly drop would be hard to find a worse failure On December 16th, 1965, fs vo 121,000 Spectators, | in aw ays effective in the diseases EE EE kh puma to! culty for appreciating the affection of | the harness, die with decent satis- | _s500,000. of liabilities acainst a piti plied, when Mr. McRewnolds was P : : wily to. a Glns and affictions of the kidneys and the happiness you dread to see| some ose particular man. jiattion_ in having worked hard irom |p, 2950.000 of assets. It was.one of | convicted by a jury for frautitent use oP legranh or amet: William bladkler, gtod py 4 ! "From thesd salicot details it willf they time they were kids, ahd leave | por fibres which could not happen {of warehouse receipt Riel a 0 Si rag. tela oe ed ? » there 4 r= 3 1 T : \ a Lichardson. hp Satarday elegram a woman, married dor twenty] be apparent that MeReynolds and the Mr. Rs aes migrihis _ unless somebody deserved the pentten "Do vou know where vour husband Reh EY ved a the on olfien : ad The Apple Before Bed. to a hashand devoted to your | girl he loved were sn remarkshie pair 3 Tk re; Melievno ds Appiociated fim o jaggy. x now 3 Tadiid Ls . fie ndon Globe. lost' whim---t@ o 'man Who = bas! so remarkable that they werd jie - ge Sh. Moule ni ta Rn Somebody did deserve it---eorge Me "Hee is in the Joliet penitentiary.' HARRY JOHNSTONE I "the apple iscsushi: avommon fivit g i ri : rR the mil : Ae ie :hrotght te Ther Reynolds. The authorivies proved; be The judgment in the convict hus : . : i sikh ' ", t the cruel; and vending fight jciscly like the others among : . A skin ah , & July ¥ fpectator says a medical writer, that very few Bodern: trade Hoy 35 and E Shkht Hons of American men and wombs who splebdid home th duis ne paper vou any doubt, that he bad mamipu: [hand's case was handed to the court. art ! ih sys. ine i ul. wii iat » oy 4 es ry Ws y : NOWEDA DES ng "atcounts, mol ant ore [ated frandulent pehonse reclple to 1A pegitertinry, sentence ia statute Bi ione ' i BS 8 " k oof t scek his happi never get into the newspapers, Fh ; 3 to to raungdient wargho ¥ 3 I ney } tatutory t ; : bl officcg od " 3 ht a night--{ To them, as to others of the ik TIRue of ith, ney hore and ich procure. the fneowme which, for "some | cron] for rv divorce, Mrs. MeRey- Nothing Tages this varueness Exervhotly at Draper ties would vou da, if you should Bons, the time arrived when both regs nt yo : Rua hug thin ke is to el time, Thad enabled hit to, mainhin | polds recedved hers in ten minutes by at inf nced wot a Ntde b the Lvery Lest thing they can do ah h a 3 v 3 3 > i: aa aon) Her fram home to seomst. di<gpaecls . en Res Of . fe ais . u sive. hot roRE i a ' , ' wii HEY FRA ¢ : er, suddenly Sernshingly, that he Be nr made for pleasures, oc had that linison, long Se heavy expenses of his wile antl hi She Shoe he Sh gave her' renson for bot Kate a look at the ~ame fapples just before tetiving for hs you the fos of A les, han 84, 19 ™ tonsly cherished, to startle inte The 2 Bhe stood by him with a Th. Shin siistake a men in rather than to display his ingenaity jh { y were . * . 3a woah ¥ re grea axe ¥ " in finding } i : CRONE unin ti i a ering Ais i: marine tes Gradually ORL Jones Sos Corin. cont io pug deeutige. d I meB e s ps | 1 the ean Sogkoivn | Begigns in ined In he cri { assumed characteristics that' served to in his imeprity, tht. made WEY Wo- {of his business affairs. Of course, he | Hampden Park by train. > Bat sith ber George there was never \ . {their hands in horror at the visions differentinte them from the rest of the ; ! pe ge dor that mater {does it hecanse he wants to shiekd] 0 sv al 3 {of ' whi . WOR we ; % . n arfival at the ground he tried of dyspepnin, which such & » eution Any exert. never even the possibility' albstiicaco ig Me- thor Irom unpleasantness. but it is not a € i nguestio povalation, iit 1 : v 1 the pdt Meot k de: | MAY Swmmon 1 k } . 4 Re i : ow : " . z H {the press box ecting with no ste AY Sammon Wp, but no hatin car Moos alii mal todo. graduatic of la the office " a ky Reynolds and his charming wife's fad only a mistake. bet an insglt to a } { : : Yi . v ~ office . ; grew more . | millionaire, which is one of the health | fost' {hinge Tor credit {hat has ever | been contrived, pemema-- iS can | ------ Rhe-hot in. a, mall for; vialots, it wits walbiCcapBABad | wotsan's rent dity + | eeas there he hori himsell hoarse | Cotte ave to a, delicate wvatom wy the ait a ' A we ' 2 : y as + « n's. mentality." ton the erand stands. ating of the ripe and juiry apple be wayodor that would have Jeft him posi adh ow hoor a. ha, de thrilled aver the brave, fond, pi That is all. That is the wav Hatt hen dg als siueere towards Fae going to bed ya "01 in the class 'of the aterr.d ote Was th div... wide hbk 1 with of the: will whose husband could odoil hal Conk MeResnalds decided the pro {the reserved _enclomive, where being | The apple is excellent. brain food, gen. Ie ported FIs ybonward ni o him . o aang: tn od re blem when it came np to her | rather uncomfortable; a single call or jee aure it has more phosphoric acid 8 y ng fairly | . J . dhe jury convicted him, amd the Samui pom {ts stich fe © 5 {in easily digested shape th 1 Seo far as Mattibel MeReynokls could |. ) ! two satisfied his conscience, 5 Hy ape an any the expnosion of rhed gi seren, Rohe, judge sentenced him to Joliet, Yi Ran : Baby's Teething Time. | Spying a place vated hy a break {other friiit. It excites the action of + whe wonders ans: * 2x Frven when it came to that last {indeterminate sentence. Thoug haut When bby is. teething the whole {in on thicimbankment, "he hied there, | the liver, promotes sound and healthy querulons ome cracif] test, money, he was ae liheeal | the trial she sat at his side, bouschold is upset. The tender litle | After shouting "Go it, Quinn," seve [sleep and thoroughly disinfects the wer over the r enjoyed + ne the most extravagart of ¥ women him the confort of * ker compinion- gums sre inflamed and swollen ; the {ral times, he remembered "Harry (mouth. This is not all, the apide "hull be toll He ep Hg could wish. Her agi udntlily al- {shir eof Tig Songtautly. belo = poor little chibl wulfers and often cried | Johnstone," and, calling ont once | Prevents indigestion and throat i = : fi 5 $1,000. The household { g87e of ry. the speetacie 8. 2 lday and night, wearing the mother out | mor, ws - astonished to gets reply. | Sheer, men of Chicago, wdiversal Téspect at. lowe wo Abhi he et, ahvavs wife who knew her husband wos S88in- {00 Loning the rest we the family ge : ' : . rt rm g his an 1? ivrraal with a laugh or .a friendly smile, (bes. os a 9 edge. In the homes where Baby's Own Only The Runner Up. | The Man Who Works Hard a] him with being «a made a youre: total, including that otiet s dears closed upon the Bon Tablets are uscd thers i$ vo suchywor The 'beet man thought he'd rake « | Peraverunoe snd will power be mus generat silowaned of hers, whichjviet; Joliet' Proom faetory received Li. The Tablits alley the inflam look around aud see that everything (have, but ahother he has strength and amoputed to £8600, : another workman: twenty y sooth the irtitatine and bring was' canning aa a fastidious bride | 'igor is another eomsideration. Har | It wént on, in the fine, free. Invish Home Iappiness, twenty years of d- [teeth through painkscly, - 8. Wil- bnould wish. 1, and up in the room jrorking wen rvesually have irritable fashion, year after year. Bhe couldivotion to a lovely and foving wile, iams, St Joseph. Out., save: "My where the presents were dimpled, | nerves (nd should fortify their systems y not make a ofl upon his generosity [remained a memitey, receding With the [frst baby suffored feriitly wien ead alone hd mikappy lookin, he. came iy a urse of Forrogeose, 8 tonic and his sesourees which he did not J¢ months the sentence; for Hing her tecth and the doctor could | upon o vouth, seemingly reads Jike iT rebuilds amd revitelizes beyond wily. whaidly ng though, in si do nothing fir her. T pot a box of the wedding guest of + the English [all telling. Its just wobderful the reatedt de Baby's Own Tablets and they did her | poet. to "beat his breast," Me wis (Strength that Perrozone imparts 10 weet jilensn inden, he found it his gredtedt riche, 1 Lhight to gratify her tastes) However wheg she parted so much, rood. that | cannot way en wandering about, looking at "uilver [Wroked down men. It forms new blond, costiv. 3 from him in the fio ough in their favor. You may be sore] and ent glass without seeing them, isapplion the system with abundant And never ances as so many mea are | eh of the floss Taw, fthat I always keop the Tablets in the [and the bist: man hardly knew how nouridhment, and where formerly there Liable to do, did he "intimate that | waiting for him fo' house mow." - Bold Ly oll medicine | to apypwoack him. 7 was tiredness snd lassitade, Ferraro w was pad. indifferontoor good Taith the frie. sam } deaders or by mill at He per fox | "Er-have vou kissod the bride 7" establishes a reserve of ebergy end 3 Was something wie seed never can give to the ' at- ffrom the Nr. Williams' Medicioe Co, | he asked of fast. vim. Try Ferropore. Price Be, jor worey abont and de would never aw ever ha : | Broekville, Ont. And the ansder told far more than [box i W 4X ¥: ro] Yorn im 5. ith two meagre words might have 1 » § AF voit are right voit can nore the [heh expected to. 1 was "Not late | Regret js hound ta step in the world's opinion. x diy 17% hi ca » of indiscretion.

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