Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1908, p. 2

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-- MAY 2, 1908. CITY AND VICINITY. PAGE TWO. SEARCH FOR PRIVATE MOIR. | BEDOUR'S SENTENCE. Will Spend Eleven Months in Central Prison. Perth Courier - Alired Bedour was leven months in the Central, nesday, by Judge Senkier, gpos the charge of abducting Annie "Thompson, aged sixteen. The parties live ' in South Sherbrooke amd are neighbors They went off in the nuddle of the night. In the morning the girl was missed and Chief White was requested to locate them. He red them in Kingston and 'brought thgm back. The trial was well attended and was quite spicy. MARINE MATTERS A TORONTO SCHOONER TO GO INTO DRY DOCK. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY} = me, vi" woe With Business--The Case Still FOR RE-ELECTION EOW, J. B, PENSE, 5. mn oe Soldier Wanted on Murder Charge | Still at Large. that detectives wanted on} sentenced on Wed House. The tug Frontemae is here loading witheg for Garden Jsland. The steamer Belleville arrives this evening from Montreal for Toronto. The steamer Aletha brovght a large number of passen ers from bay points to-day. The schooner Jamieson cleared for Oswego, to-day, after ' being wind: hound for two days. The sthooner 8. H. Dunn arrived from Toronto, this morning, and will enter Davis' dry dock. The Dunn car- ries coal from Uswego to Toronto. The steambgrge John Randall is being loaded with grain at Richard- sou's, for Washburn. Yesterday the water was so high at the elevator, that the work had to be suspended, we Furs Made Over and Re- paired here at reason- able prices. Sti. W. F. GOURDIER, 16, 78 asd 80 Brock St. Phony 700, "The Red Mill." The sale of Milli ngagement Thursday, May Tih, day' morning at 9 a.m. many inquiries for seats, mail orders with proper remittances. when accom: panied by a stamped addressed envel ope for return, will be filled fn the or der they are received, and seats sel ected as near as possible to the loca: tions requested. "HUNT'S" WR JUST ARRIVED" real swell lone of Men's Shifts, in Blue and Mauve, Madras very latest thiig for sum- $1, $1.95 $1.30, 51.75 and for "The Red the Grand om will open Mon- Owing to the seats at Odd Pieces for the Parlor. (Jive tone and effect + to your parlor. We can help you by our large seleceion. A great variety at % 50, $6 up to $50 each. Some beaut fes at $4 and $10 each, pe t------------ Quality First We are showing a very fine line of first quality Cut Glass just suitable for wed- ! ding presents, with prices | lower than is often paid for | inferior goods. SMITH BROS., Watch Makers and Jewellers. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 KING ST. COMING TO THE GRAND. The Primrose Minstrels to Be Here on Tuesday. George Primrose and his company, of bhck-faced artiste, will do and say funny and decidédly fool- ish things at the Grand on Tuesday, May 5th. Mr. Primrose (himself) heads the organization and has taken parti- cular pais to surround himself with a company of comedians, singers, dane ers and musicians of the first order. The second part of the entertainment will be a new departure in minstrelsy. Along with vaudeville, there will be introduced some very novel ideas, de motor boat of Clark Wright, for the |picting negro life in Dixie with song, use of J. W. Tawdvin, fishing inspec- | dance and story. tor, for Teh swnmer months. Th -------- © in- spector has already made one trip on "The Red Mill." The Red Mill," the much discussed the lake with the boat, and will now be ready to look after all violaters of {comic opera by Henry Blossom and the fishing laws. Victor Herbert, presented by Charles Dillingham's company, will be given at the Grand on Thursday, May 7th, in the same complete manner as dur- ing its all-year ron at the Knicker- bocker ' Theatre, New York City, where the innumerable features of the escape from the mill, the Dutch Kid- dies, the Broadway Soubrettes, the Fifth Avenue Girls, the Boxing Dance, the Motor Beauties, the Bowery Belles and the no end of Victor Herbert brilliant and popular mus'e, will all form an entertainment of refreshing refinement and cheer, with all the requisites of clever performance, LIMERICK PRIZE. The Buckeye State Case. The eross-examination of Capt. Hunsen, of the barge Buckeye State, was concluded Friday afternoon. Jose eph Gallagher, mate of the barge, Earl Grant and Harry Hansen, two of the sailors, were also examined and cross-examined during the after- noor. This concluded the plaintifis' case. When court opened this morning the M, 7T. Co. witnesses were called in rebuttal. It was hoped to finish the case by to-night, after lasting five day=. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OR. SPANKE 10 AUN = ! Has Put Off. i | The military * tournament which it It is reported are | AGAINST 1S. S. GALLAGHER | ++ hoped would be "put on this searching for Private Moir, IN FRONTENAC spring at the Armouries by local aud a charge of murder, at London, at his} - joutside corps, has had to be reiuc old home in Lansdowne. The murder] {tantly postponed, owing to the mili- and escape of Moir has caused gpite| The Liberals wil Not Have al -- activites pe to the Probable a stir all over Ontario, and the fact} ndid jappearance of the forves at the Que- that he has been able, =o far, to es-| Sand dateDr. agle Wi tw tercentenary. It is, probable that cape the clutches of the law, is a puz-| pen the tournament will be an anticipated rt Will Supvert Him. {fall event. . | Moir attended'the camp at Barrie It has been practically decided that] . field last summer, and the case has! the liberals of Frontenac will not nom- | B. A. Hotel Arrivals. caused much interest among some of; inate a candidate to oppose J. 8. { J. J. Smith, London, Eng.. C. M. the soldiers bere who were acquainted | Gallagher, MP, for the Ontario le-| Rudel, Charles L. Brewer, Perey T, with him. { gislature. At the present time they! Danford, R. Smeall, Montreal: W, H. The Kingston police received a cir-| have no one.who will contest. There | Collier, Peterboro; A. W. Benjamin, cular giving a description of Moir, | dre several leading liberals in Fronte-| Yarker; H. Bryant, Belleville; Alen R and similar circulars have been dis-| pac who would give Mr, Gallagher a! Gillies, Gananoque; E. E. Allen, T. 0. tributed to the police all over Canada | elose run, despite the fact that that] Peck, Boston, Mass. M. B. i and the United States. The detec-| county has bedn one of the hives of | Philadelphia: Js Wi Wilkinson, H.R. tives working on the case have fol | toryism since elections were first held! Maddosk, J. F. Birchard, C, Gurney, lowed out every clue, but have been) in the province. But those who are(T. W . Munson, Toronto. : unsuccessful, capable of ousting. Mr. Gallagher from -------------------------- It is believed by some that Moir has| his seat have uno desire to enter poli- Real Estate Booming. crossed to the American side. No re-| tical life, : E. B. Purdy has sold several dwel- ward has as yet heen offered for his! The liberals may give their support! lings thei last few days, and has a capture, and it is the general opinion|to Dr. William Spankie, of Wolfe 1s-| number of brick houses, with ail mod- that one should be offered. land, who will enter the field against! ern improvements, on east side of city Mr. Gallagher as an independent can-| for the moderate price of $2,000 wo didate. Dr. Spankie, it i= understood,| $6,000. He bus also a few lots, farins and several thousand dollars to loan at six per cent. Apply to E. B. Purdy, 128 Vaughn terrace, Princess street, 'tor the New Windsor hotel. mammoth An Actual Experience. A gentleman went down to the sta- tion the other day to see some of his friends. He was on the train when it started out; he went to get off, but alas, he met a lady with a Merry Widow hat coming down the aisle. He thought he wotlld go the other way, but on looking round, much to his sorrow, he saw a Merry Widow com- ing that way, and so was obliged to KO to the outer station to get off. si RH OR SUITES--50 different styles, 17 up. Some beautiful designs in band- na Silk Covers, 325 to $50. A Brown, Grey, Goods. The mer Wear $2. See Curtains New stock, better values, vich and' chaste patterns. | Something to please you at $1.25 and | $1.75 pair, Boat For Inspector. The government has leased the our special $1 Madras Shirt Drawing Big Crowds. The vaudeville and picture show at the Princess theatre is drawing large crowds, this week, The bill is one of the best ever put on at this popular theatre. George Hammond has been suffering from a severe cold, and Ern- est Prior, of London, Eng., has been singing the songs. Mr. Prior possess #s a good voice, and his songs have been much appreciated. Last night he rendered "In The Wildwood Where the Blue Bells Grew," in splendid style Mr. Hammond will sing op Monday of natty Wash Neckwear ih Purple and Gr A new line Tan, Green yy Lisle 5 New Spring Hosiery Cashmere, 25¢ and Fancy Watch our ething new week, windows for son Chartered For Season. Sn George Hammond's yacht has been undergoing extensive repairs at Davis' dry-dock, and it is expected that it will be ready for the season, in the course of a few days. The yacht has been chartered for the season, and a bugy time is in store for it. P. J HUNT, BROCK ST. RUGS--CARPETS imported direct fromy England, Germany and Austria. A choles that will please; in all the new- est color tones, etc, LINOLEUM--OILCLOTH, and -patterus. WINDOW SHADES The latest effects in Lace and Insertion fFeimmings. Repair and Uphoistering work prompt. ly done, L44P FPP P IEEE TIPPEE COAL! The sudden changes In weather 0000000008000 COIOIOIOINIOORSTS % bught to suggest the wisdom of putling in some good coal. We GLASSES FOR § EE Ba a ol READING makes the Hoe comfortable ; it's DR. WILLIAM SPANKIE. is opposed to the Whitney govern- ment's educational policy, and would like to spend four years as a member of the legislature to urge some re- visions for the betterment of the pub- lic schools. Me has had many years experience a¥ county inspector of schools and is ably qualified to speak on primary and secondary educational matters. It was his interest in edu- cation that prompted him to accede to the wishes of his friends to nomin ate him in convention some months ago. Unfortunately for him Mr, Gal- lagher had his followers together, while Dr. Spankie had not, and the fermer © won the convention. Ever since "there has heen friction between the friends of each of these men. It is thought that . Dr. Spankie can carry the county against Mr. Galla- gher as he 1s k £8 every nook and corner of it. ' front man he will poll a heavy in this sec- tion, and the refir townships should carry bim to victory. | all widths, Tendered A Farewell. The members of the Bible class at lethel church, tendered a farewell on Thursday evening to Misses Edith and Allison Black, who are leaving the city. The Bible class presented Miss Edith Black with a gold-headed um- brella, and a similar gift was handed to Miss Alice Black, by the members of Miss M. Holland's class, Miss Hol- land making the presentation. The presentation for the Bible class was made by Miss Pearl Veal. Durin~ the evening, a musical programe was rendered. The Misses Black carry away with them the best wishes of a large circle of friends. WON BY RED HUSSARS (THE DRILL CONTEST AT "NEW ZEPHRA." The Young Ladies Defeated the Little Cadets--The Production Last Evening Witnessed By a Large Crowd, The fourth SUNDAY SERVICES. The Filling of the Pulpits To- Morrow. St. Aundrew"s--Rev. Dr. Mackie. Ser- vices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Strangers welcome, Liethel Church--The pastor will preach morning and evening. Morning subject, "Showers of Blessing'; even- ing subject, "A Message of Comfort to the Bereaved." a YOURS. T, F. HARRISON CO good an unusually the best money oan bLuy, aad ! there is nove better mined . 14 We deliver it to you cleat and without slate, at the very bottom Booth & Co., Phone 1383. Foot of West St | FILE PLETE SOT EP Ee St. George's Baking Powder Lime- rick Prize Winner. on ks ik Ridiiai The third of the weekly prizes of $5 8 at Chueh of Chiat Seiantist- for the best line sent in each 'week for Sunday, a.m., subject Everlasting |g, George's Baking Powder. Limerick, Punishment." Wednesday, testimonial h ) carded to: Mrs: F.' H. Wall ' : Free reading room, | 0a ton & E00 0 nicer. meeting, 8 p.m, ree reading room, | agg Gwondoline sireet, Winnipeg. every alternoon except Sunday, 3 to e 5 o'clock; Monday and Thursday, 8 to MUST SEVER THE TIES 9.50 p.m. Cooke s Preshytevian Church, Brock THAT BIND QUEEN'S TO THE CHURCH. If You are Wanting A Rug | : BEST'S SHORT STOP (STARR ol TE ALWAYS, AND COSTS BUT J. LEACH, "OUR AUCTIONEER." 88 Brock $t., Kingston. * years . experience in England sures business methods Promptitude. Sales booked. OU have undoubtedly sat an optician"s chair patiently submitted to "the trying on of glasses in his en- deavor to give you reatling glasses Not so here. The new way is to measure the inside the eye by ravs of light tedious trying on of glasses then changing them "wery weeks When you need wlannds come in let me 'show you the difference between my wa¥ and the other way. DR. A. P. CHOWN, IGIST AND 'QPTIUAN, Princess St... Kingston. £ 000000000 OOOOOIOIOIRONDS street--The pastor, Kev. W. ¥. Mac na Tavish, Ph.D., will conduct both ser- vices, Sunday school and Bible class es at 3 pam. Young peopl' meetin at X15 p.m. Strangers courteously welcomed: St, George's Cathedral--8 a.m., holy communion; 10.13 a.m., matins; 11 a.m., ordination service, preacher, Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald, vicar of St. Paul's church; 3 p.m. Sunday school and Bible class; 4 pwm., baptisms; evensong, 7 p.m., preacher, Rev, Ey- erton Ryerson, missionary from Jap- an. Queen Street Methodist Church-- Rev. W. H. Sperling, pastor, will preach at both services. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administer- ed at the close of the public service in the morning. Sunday-sgacol, 2.45 p.m. Young Men's Club, 3 pam. Mid- week service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. First Baptist Church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. 1 am., "The Table Prepared"; 7 p.m., "That Other Comforter."| Master Charles Carson will sing at the even- ing service. Sunday school and Biole class, at 2.45 p.m. Strangers ever welcome to all the services. First Congregational church, corner of Wellington and Johnson stre:ts-- Pastor, iy J. Charles Villiers. Div: ine worship at 11 a.m. Memorial ser- vice to the late Mrs. A. W. Richard- son, and at 7 p.m., sermon on "Our Daily Bread." Sunday school at 3 p.m. Strangers are invited to the ser viges. A welcome to all. Seats are free, Brock Street Methodist Church--Rey. T. E. Burke, B.D., pastor. Seryice at 11 am. and 7 pm. The pastor will preach at both services, Sacrament at the close of morning service. 10 a.m. class meeting; 3 0 Sunday school and Bible classes;" Monday, at 8 p.m. Y.P.8. (social evening Wednesday, at 8 p.m, prayer meeting, Strangers te Ofer Carpet BJYOU CAN FIND ~ LICENSE FFE FIXED For Americans Fishing in Cana- dian Waters in . Lawrence. Fishing Inspector Taudvin has been notified by the gddernment, that a license f ee will be rged Ameri: cans, this season, for lUshing in Cana- dian water m the St. Lawrence river, There has always been a fee for Am ericans fishing on the lake, but no fee was asked for the river, as for this privilege it was agreed that Canadians should be allowed to row the visiting Americans: to {ithe different fishing places. Jt is elaimed that this priv. ilege has not been gran ted, the work being given #n Americans, and for this reason, the government has seen fit to impose a fee for the privilege The General Assembly Must Do This Or Guarantee Adequate Financial Support--Trustees Can No Longer Dally. In discussing the church separation movement, a trustee of Queen's Uni- versity stated that the geueral.assem- bly must, sdoner or later, sever the ties that bind Queen's to the church, and it would be against the universi- tv's best interests if the petition of the senate is not granted. He holds that the Presbyterian church cannot support Queen 's. Two vears was the time given for raising the half million dollar endowment, and vet in nearly five years, only $310,000 has been rais- ed, with-the promise of the last $100, 000 from Andrew Carnegie, In reality, he declared that only 2150,000 has heen raised since the general assem- bly decided to retain Queen's, as $100, 000 was promised. before that time; $30,000 is merely a verbal promise, and £30,000 is contained in a will And the enthusiasm that was kindled by the assembly meeting of 1903. has died out. "The general assembly." said the performance of "Queen Zephra," at the Grand Opera House, on kriday evening, was witnessed by a large audience. Since ite initial per- formance the production has been im ploving every time presented, and last evening it was Riven better than ever. Never has an amatear perform- ance taken 80 well in this city as has the "New Zephra," and it ct rtainly deservbs commendation, as a better production has nwer Leen witnessed. The many dances and choruses were well put on. 'the prancipals handlsd of fishing. The fee has been fixed at | their parts in a highly ereditable men #5 per single rod, for three 'months, | mer. Mrs. Adida lelgmann as the and 810 for a family, or $2.50 per | queen proved herself a talented ae rod, providing the American is living | tress, As the princess, Mise Ada Rose on the Canadian side {vear was all that could te desiied. EL a { Miss Kosevear possessed The Trusts and Guarentee Company, | beautifully clear hr numerous Limited, of Toronto, has been ap-|songs being well received. Me! Cum pointed administrator of the cstate| mings, as Juna, Prince of -Nerseland, of John Clark, late of the city offand J. R. Booth as the king, were Toronto. both well suited to Die To trustee, "must free Queen's of church| Creamery The song hit of the evening was conpection, or it must guarantee to| Gilbert's. "Louisiana Lou," sung ia, fine voice by Miss Norma Hughes, Miss Hughes support it, and not merely recom- ---- mend it to the liberality of the Pres- | ------------------ | Who has before appeared before hin ston audiences, has always beem a byterian *constituency- in Cpnada, as 'Everything In Men's Hats." 0 it did in 1908. The trustees cannot : prime favorite and her work in Zpphrs shoulder the burden of Gnancing the has won her a host of new admirers institution unless a larger endowment Miss Jessie Reid, ss 'Miss Commo- fund is secured very shortly.' dore," handled her part well, her song being one of the hits of the evening. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. The "drill between the Red Hussars and the Highland Cadets was well put on Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Sy Many en- and 0 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 » * . » - » @ * » .. . 1 » » . . * * ® ° » » . . * * . Every Size. Every Price. Every Quality. Every Kind Manu- factured THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--S$ir Richard Cartwrl Money loaned on City sand Farm Jat perties. Municipal and County tures Mortgages purchased received and interest gliowed 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. fT > R. McFAUL'S Kingston Carpet Warehouse. 200080 Deben- Big Clearance Sale oi Lace, 1 Jeposits Insertion and Beading, alse is of a of Remnants Embroidery voice, and Insertion. Prices up to For IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room enstalled I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial. DAVID HAL GET THE BEST. T. J. O'Connor Commisdlon Merchant © and Auctioneer 86 and 88 Brock St. All sales carsfully conducted. Prompt settioments made. Your patronage kind 8c. a yard a quick clearing of the lot we mark them 2l4c a Yard - butter in 5 lb. crocks at C900000000000000000000000000 Phone 335 ? 66 Brock Bt: B08AS54008000000990¢ . TO THE Ladies" Fast Black Cotton and received unlimited applause, Ai- Hose, all sizes, special 15e. ter the performance the judges, Col. a pair. PROPERTY Owing to the unusually ge mumber of sales of perty we have made dur- the past two months, list has. been very materially depleted. We desire to replénish our lists, as we still have a number of enquiries. SET0NCI 9000000 0V0000800 We invite you to place any FETOTe00000000OOUDRONS Bessctasassscssnnsscssrse esossve made welcome to all services, % (lialmers Prosbyterian, ' cornér Barrie and Earl streeté--Rev. M. Macgilli- vray, D.D., minister. Services, Il a.m "The Lordliest Word = Ever Spoken, and What it is Doing for the World™; 7 pm, "A Spring Time Parable." Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p. ir 3 Wednesday, 8 p.m., lecture by Rev. B. Manoukisn, 'B.A. "Turkey, a Missionary Work There." Collection at the cloe:. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. Sydenham Street Methodist Clurch-- Pastor, Rev. Charles A. Svkes, BD, 10 a.n., monthly fellowship meeting in the lecture hall; 11 am. public ser- vice, theme, "Joining the Church, ** re tion of new members: 2.45 om. service, t you pants of the police cells Friday night. received at MeAuley's. can you fill it with to make it weigh seven pounds ? boys say "holes Anley's hook = Bet crowd from Wolfe Island. make, Reporters On Their Rounds. Good rubber tired cab always when 'phone 600, tramps were the only occu- Three William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders "Phone 778. U a bargel weighs ten pounds what The Kingston school. H. Cunningham, piano 'tuner from 's. ne orders at Mo fine eather this morning large number of farmers to There was a very large Beef, Tron and Wine, "Our Own" int bottles, 50c., at Wade's he ih, We/want mea to feel at ere. We have such a tment of every kind adwear a man wears he ought to sort of nat- 'gravitate to this store. Kent, Col. Young and Mayor Ros, awagded the prize for the drill to the Red Hussars. The mayor in a neat speech, said that after cdérefal consid: eration they had arrived at the con- clusion that the girls made a better showing than the boys. The verdict was greeted with applause. "Zigphra" will be produced toni for the last time, and those who have not seen it will miss a rare treat. A Grarantsed Contract. In order to meet the demand for guaranteed contracts, The North Am. erica' Life propcses to offer one en tively unique in the history of life in- surance, This contract contains guar antees reducing the cost of issurave: to a point below the rates charged by assessment societies or even eXisti non-participating plaps, and in add tion provides for the return of all excess surplus earned by the company through favorabls moriality. and mar- ginal interest earnings. Members of assessment societics, who have had their assessments increased ow old certificates, will save money by i ga once. For further inform- A - Special in Corsets is § yours for TO-NIGAT. Good quality White Coutille, per- fect fitting, all siges, 18 to 30. The best 75¢ line in the trade. On Sale, 50c. a pair. Can you wear pize 34 Wrapper ? If so here is & snap, 15 only Print Wrap pers marked to sell at $1, for @9¢c., and 9 only marked "to sell as high as $1.50, for 98¢. each. One size only. Ses our snaps in Lace Curtains, at 48¢c. and 95¢c. a | NEWMAN &} SHAW. The Always Busy Store ly solicited. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, quality guaranteed. STRACHAN'S New England Chinese Restaurant 331 Kiang Street, Opent from 10.30 am, to 8 am. the beat place fo get an all round Lusch ig the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest motice. English and 'hinese dishes ne. 655. . Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. "JUST IT." a the Bresifust on a cold Burictiy" Trot "Mig Cured Tam. nd rat Phos' 870. : It ix said to be uclecky for any ope fo pul up an umbrellas in a room --esoept an sveliowser. |

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