ue iz i GF | THE DAILY BRITISH whIG, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1908. ET : a ®old in' ----J1} 1 1€ Buwilight em on S---- TO-NIGHT LAST TIME HERE The Beautiful Operatic Spectacle. AT DAVIS' DRY! DOCK CO. ALL THE {BAKERY OR BUIL DING SUITABLE] TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS. 60 end 63 WwW lkers Uheli CAD gobs for 'same to rent, Apply MetCaun, 51 Wellington street, Apply A. B, Cunt Ee r------ Besesnsersesssersncsrtsnsnsessasesersesersns Brock street. singham. W du J haraday afternoon, Mrs. R. . I. MéRae, Prock street, gave a 4 A CARRIAGE WOODWORKER. ON ; Ra S 7 ¥ Bargsin Prices, 18¢., 85¢., 3jc., 50¢, « . Ea : es leasant" little t be ' at ing. Steady Ad TWO-SEATED GLADSTONE. IN GOOD | A GOOD TEAM OF HEAVY FARM Pleas ca in bopor of 1 "W worker," Whig office. condition. State lowest cash price to Maves, one with Foul. Apply Db, seventy-eighth Loni i th 8 of Se Ig piversary of the ale ats for Box No. 14. care Whig ofhice. + Shechan, Westbrook birthday of her mother, Mrs. M. Yan. AT ONCE 3N FOR UNPERGROUN wpe luven. Mrs. Vanluven made a neat fit- "THE RED MIL work. ages Fi per ay oars 1 SEWING ne Oud ARYL GOOD MILCH COW, FIVE Yi ARS tle speech in answer to all the good | 8 38 form » Wilbur Iron Ore Co, Oayloss, dn good condition. Apply to A, and strong, and gives promise of Ladi Prices, 26c., Sc. T5€., 1, $1. a AN EXPERIENCED ENGINEER, 7T0{rBE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISRIBLACK MOULD FOR FLOWER BEDS reaching the century mark, -------- handle a pew scientific invention for estimates on Siehirie work, 44 Kies or top dressing, Also ashes removed "- w the preservation of steam boilers of work prosplly Spe 2b J. Bireh, Prop a card to Albert Stansbury, $41 TUESDAY, MAY 5th. Representatives will have full gon. Biectrician, " strost, Barrie street. Rehearsals of various Kinds, for the A uevica's Mons. Papulet>Eaughiog 7 'rol of their own district, Heferences . is sovicty maide, and the syperiateni } Payaty Shing Tron to. To, a hug Be 'SP lsoME MORE EROPERTY SELL. | FIRST-CLASS PIANO, USED ONLY A dence of housecleaning, for social GEO H PRIMROSE pound Ca., Peterk Bey St. IH you have any, ue de Rui We few months Will give credit to re and 5 J En a will surg It into yo . +A sponsible party Apply Box A lenders amony the metrons, have call: Dobbs, 171 Wellington street, I." Whig office ed a halt to pretty much all gaiety. ALL Te --- Even the little tea has been showed STAR MINSTR LS A JOB CLEANING APR OF INO. 188 URIVERSITY AVE, DounLme aside as wasting t06 much valualle 10 Side n y A PARLOR MAID AND A HOU BE yards Oe oT "ven, : house, hot ho S time, and the evening bridge has 0 Side-Splitting Comedians. mid. Apply to Mrs. R. Kent Sarted, AR Nal? S hi uinting PP . peared foo wearing to close a ay Emon Splendid Ringers; King street, Lytle, General ve 8 alg Bt. on Harents street, ous day, ap opt 3 INERAL SERVANT. AP-|ORESSY GENTLEMEN TO GO AU TOMOBLL E, STEAM RUNABOUT, FEGBLES, nie show for nice people, | 4 GOOD GENERAL calle : 0 : © sly in the evening to Mrs, Palmer, their Sore Suits wade at , first-class running condition, a abe soc" 7he. A ym. 154 King street. way's price and Soish Miss Jennie Eni martiogh to MP Prices, 2 id five, must be sold at on Lindsay Malcolm will take place at Seats now: on sale. : INING ROOM GIRLS, ONE the bride's home, Mack street, om the ub TR maid. poly at office evening of May ith, and will ke fol- British-American ey SEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC £0 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE lowed by a reception and dance, ub lic . tion. * ' on Ee a" MNickls Sod Copper Flat- Tate a be 2 humo OY De GENERAL SERVANT. BEFERENCES ing Report work Dopey 9 Wo Jamie Pl le, guar y . Brook St, owner leaving town. Apply 23 Hales' » Lt M Cottages, King St. « Went | aie of Baltimore, Maryland, apnounce the Hijutdat LAKE ON. Tincoss St Phone ia ANY, 10 IWERS--MAKE SANITARY Ham ar marriage of their daughter, Frances, offer for f io hun a' their LADY SE VERS : MAK ANITARY 441, PROPERTY AND BUBINRES OF Fh i . 138 We have secured from they manufacturers 5,000 yards of the finest Print Shirtings and Ging- hams it has ever been our privilege to offer to our gustomers, All pretty light colorings, fast colors and suitable for children's dresses or blouses, wo- men's house or street dresses, and men's and boys' summer shirts. This is the time of year to pre- are for the hot days of July and - August, so eome aturday night and secure some of this material at special bargain prices. Wartelsky, Verona, consiSting of . Aoron- r hundr Particulars stam , Sih, sat 2 Hs ior et 597 Dearborn SITUATION WANTED. frame store and dwelling, well estab. ¥ lished general store business wood to, Mr. Timothy Jehu Rigney, on Wednesday, April 29th. . oe - ie Specialty Col, Chicago. ao------------ 4 0 &) nd 8Y PXPERIENCRD 'YOUNG LADY :] Iason lor selling. Apply to J.S.R. Mrs. Ww. 4 + Baker, Clergy street, : 3 APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION Y os pher, bookkeeper, or McCann, 51 Broek St., Kingston, gave a little thimble tea, yesterduy } of pupil nurse; & the Pottsyille Hos Eo ce Aton host Of Tulare] + r~r-------------------- Penna. One hue "Gnees. Apply Hox "B. 189 Whig; BEES SIX OR SEVEN SHOCKH A Be bed , trainin, eners! Mice. With four large winter boxes and 25 sone of her girl friends. Te ¥ord with a a rae . -- sumaner- hoxes, ang about 20 cases -» . » . wet - Ma filled with sections. $50 will take the BC i ars (300) 00; SITUATIONS VACANT. otc or $6.50 per Alngle shock. Aj Mre. James Maclenpan of Ottaw . A 3 Ream and three hundred dollars ($800.0¢ ttawa, | engines, and was : A during the three years" En ply to George Mills & Co, Hatters presided at the ten table at My. iter soa g ns . i Bircutars of information and applica- MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- and Furrigrs, Princess St, Kingston aniel Gordon's after convocation, at Keolsons. and. #tes) arch my Sie tion blank furnished upon request to trade. Graduates earn to a Queen's, on Wednesday, fore and aft. se the Superintendent, Miss BE. F. Darl dollars weekly, Hip secure cry PROPERTY CHEAP: NO. 98 afternoon, for Mise Jessie Fils' aml pital, Pottsville, v dred a 1 ositions. Will equip shops. Con St., ( Park, all fm N Ed ro 1 Rar © {oe Danadian rine ¥ = 2 Scant practice. Careful instructions. Ba a Bn ey fn the Mrs. Edwarc tyan, Rockwood in good: condition with Se LOST. Few weeks complete course. _Cata- fon :© No 204 King St., wall built House," will not receive on Tuesday, ment complete, including. - Ne free. nite olef . Barves of about 13 Foous No. May 5th, btt"wiil be at home on the|plan LE "1 cash] AN AMERICAN $10 GOLD PIECE a Ta provement Ate tar to tag TE. Ps 4 ME AD F0L. ECE, ove! 8, of on " S to ios oF The time 5 le; ant near the Bank of Montreal Tinder!pinguirs WANTED; MUST BE| siap. Geo. CW, - Heal Estate, 05 BoDibs will be rewarded by leaving dv a first-class bench worker, capable of Clarence Bt. oA balance iti twe, four F004 P40 "the the Whig office. It and fast. When] ~ pr v--r----r-- a op = making ub wtock well and fay CABIN MOTOR BOAT with 40 HP. 6 evi Tyesdays followi - Miss Vera Carson, after her holi-| with 8 per cept inter 7 it C J | satisfaction of the LT. tor. appivisg kindly state the number of | FIF TY -FOOT day with Mrs. Robert Carson, Brock i of tho Aghdato 3 CHITECTS. on tart pails, also a few _Other equipped ; street, has gone back to school at obtained upon apphcat® A ER : AR staple logs you are prepared to make engine ang bagherk Elec xix Li f lar . Sons ; ft ours SO WAG or fighting ane on K Foronto, Clarkson & Sons. 4 Scott St.. Toropto, ARTHUR PLLIS, ARCHITE or. oo fn 8 00Y 50 RE men: Aap Ny I Bait of old mahogany. and Miss Madge Dawson and Miss Mar- ron mhom ay be also procured 'con' fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot sir Leslie & Sop, Alexandria, Ont mighly equipped and furpished. A guerite Elkios, both in town for the!" The boat will he sold subject t6 a re htful craft for cruising Price SMITH, ARCHITECT, 3, 500 Can be inapected holidays, have gone back to Toronto!serve bid. $ 3 to school. 5 SUCKLING & Co. . Building, Market Square AGENTS WANTED. ston Foundey Company. | Mrs. W. J. B. White lniversity ave Auct hvets. Phase, . : YT " WC Me Cansland, in core ss ¥W. 4. B. , Un ¥ ave- : AGENTS $36 A WEEK: EXPENSES British Whig nue, is home from her visit in Detroit POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. no ex pad r £ perience or Capital re and Toronto, Mr. Anthony Malone Auction Household chant's Bank ' Buil jog, covner Broek : P Moto Pillow Tops B0¢ will probably be down from Toronto, Furniture. and Wellington stree Phone, 213. Fala Fg J Portraits Framés Art TO-LET. . $ : ! joods AWent priges. apples A ------------------------------------------------ next week, to visit Mrs. White, Lato Miss M. A. McMahon's, 214 Wig. | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF: catalogue free. Daniel #1. Ritter Co. | PEESITTHEN DWELLING, OR ROOMS, S TUESDAY MAY 5 Hg 10 a0 fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug #19 Van Buren, Chicago, li. storage for furniture, tc. McCann Me, and Mr: G., G. Poblow and A oy Tatios EY bei gh store, corner Princess and = Bagot ' 51 Brock streel, Miss Maud Publow, Clergy street, re-|Dutch Carpets. Lace and Chenille Cur- roots. sod Tans on Bagot street WB NANT A_So0D, L1y EB MAY. who > >, tains, Cosy Corner, Bookcase and Books - - us t turned gn Wedne day, from Picton, ag-| thins, aon praia ad Booka: handle Western prope hiss i King: Lawrence . companiec hy, or accompanying, the OOM Suites, Rr Mattresses ENGINEERS ston and vicinity, Mplendid induce to McCann. Bl Paper St, bride and groom, Dr. and Mrs, C. A.| Toilette Sh. Prather Bud. od Fish- : Rigats oS the right. man. apital 2 -- gr p y t Buress, copodias nece y, a IVE Pablow. The happy couple stayed in faved Buel} Frott Buti, nly Caok E RYEST, R. BE CKWITH, 'A, M. CAN have an hes References required. modern Improveinonts. Possession Kiogston over night, leaving onl stove, yr Heater and numerous other Ontario Association Hatflel ww agitalists and May. Apply A. BR, Cunningham. Thursday, by the Cape boat for larticles. Avchiteets. a Engineer 'and Financ LA y ER ock Calgary Ithaca N Y. Aho rv Mg je Wad s Ex. W Auctioneer, Architect, 18 Market St., Kingston, Alberta. FURNISHED on UNFURNISHT CL 3 pleph Ald 252 48 Sydenham St. room with or without BOAT to see that all was well in his de-| _TUSPOT 2 BUSINESS CARDS. Modern "conveniences. Apply 503 Fari partment, the groom | left with his bride MONEY AND BUSINESS, street 3 = for a_lutthoe wagiding trip. They will BLECTRIC CARPET LEANING. | GENTLOMAN. GIVING Lp HpaI: a pa St JOBNTLEMAN GIVING dV) HOLS probably' he ver this way again when] : UR LICIES COVER oni, 08 nts and Keeping 'would rent his New -Eibinet summer holidays come. bullding and contents than any steam. H, Grand Heintzman Plano to a re e ! pany "ol fers. gd them at ilne, 878 Bagol wiréet. sponsible party, at a nominal rents PE : Ty Insurance Emporium, Mark al. Inquire "Plano," Whig office Tin, Zine ae yoru : 3 1 1 3% Solary. Se ------ » - Word has been received from Mrs. Provincial Election. . als dr ei § y BRICK RESIDENCE. KING LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE SOL 1 Ave., B . Sa us "Ingairies. George Richardson and her daughters, . BIRTHMAR. : » on ., Biwe yous who had a very pleasant passage; and Ei Fire ain Sompany. Aveilanle warts, mo vol PEBMALES i Po oS By etic, fol found delightful weather in Italy. To The Electors of Kingston and which the policyholders have f 3 weaty dence, ang ji MW, php "Now arts 5,000 Yards Prints and Ginghams, worth '15¢; and 18¢c. per Yard, for 9c. Au sales for cash. 'Sale at 7. 30. CRUMLEY BROS. SII (UNG te CASH COUPON al IEA Wren I TTIEN1T010S2004024 053004 4004440 1159904494 09058 443004000 MAAS ARAARIARRR EARN - - . » ® ® ® * e ® ° ® ® : : n » ® i + ® * Li : o-oo The ved "inst rue- wired. A Mrs. Frances Hill ing. n - 1 Lari assoriinent of Gas oP. S i. 156. and 18¢. Prints and Ginghams for Se. : Mf. and Mrs. William F. Campbell, Sona fs der) ey or re In- red 253 Kong street; a era. Fresh Bab Pushes oD oh ply Mesurs, » ° » ® * ® * » ° * . #® * ° * . * * . ® . * @ ® 4 * ° * % . ® » ® w ® » ° : # ° . . . - up to Portsmouth : the stockholders. Farm and sity -- -- Miss Craig will remain in Trenton till] Your votes 'and igfluences. to sogure my mew business get rates from FOR SALE OR TO LET. your own lock and kev. W Frost, A GREAT NAME AND-A GREAT « - friends in town. JAMES H. METCALFE. Lake, ' Sydenham, Ont. FROM 18ST MAY, 1008, NUMUER 158 sifeet, near street car junction Mrs. £. 1.x Dickson js jn her . pew married daughter faom the west ar , THE PARAGRAPH PULP : PHONE 600. A Sr night, to pay his moth, Reverent Rationalism: over from New York tl the first of ; : ' » undersigned. at Ottawa, snd endorsed on) phrase Surely the law f God Jute. and Mm. Robs od will ro COUNTY LIBERAL RALLY L at Ott i aws of God do whe, a s {the envelope ""Tender for Bending not preclude the possibility of a free month of -- MASS MERTING OF LIBERALS QF | Ottawa, up to noon of the [boys realities. Reverence is the in Mrs. H. Bates is getling along splen . 3 ' r y o x . pr . ir ; idly, at Lie roiral Homitat, + nd] Whig Hall, SATURDAY, May Oth [roving sec Cholfr viel, obese truth, controlled by. the apis of FPROVAIY. F010, hy, All Liberals weigowe, "and single farob op be obtained {rpm the Department of one who is rational in bis attitude to Jrabeie rather than a summer jo Eng- Sergl, and from the Agent of the Pe giving free rein to your retionsl fa ant west shortly, Worked Two Nets, nd Made | acecpted gheque on a chartered Canadian {verence will be but the more real. Rignev, ' Johnson street, who have! Peterboro re Tay This cheque will be forfeited if Lhe party i . rt 1 Whose tender is accepted declines to enter | Beaton gireed, Beston, Mass., for the Old Number 3 A } : or Miss Mona Knight, Miss Katie Craig security the unlimited Hability ot all i ™ : Skin H : mre -------- and Mr, Arthur Craig went 8 Bagot i - "7 . OR % BART SAE EAE a perty insured at lowest - y : vy 8 2 A £2 0 | Irenton on Thursday for a short visit, GENTLEMEN? respectfully solicit rates. Before renewing old Lhe F oi oi Eran FURNL - return as represantative' in the ensuing & Strange, Agents. "Phone . A Monday. legislature. bree | FIRNT CLASS BLACKSMITH PRO.| Sicrage . Painter, . H I MI Miss Olive Burns has gone back to Very Truly Yours, . ' pry. in villige of Sydenham, . For be ® + "Phone hoo Bishop Strachan school after visiting ROOMS TO LET ber perticulary, apply to Calvin a » Kingston, May 2nd. 1908, CER a Car] street, at present occupled by Mr. Robert Pactridge has returned to § BRIGHT AIRY ROOMS, ON ! A Taronto. g AEE ar alireer car junction. Mun| MARRIAGE LICENSES. Rath a mcders Jr svoisente: - - - and wife preferred. 'Phone and all Apply Armstrong Mel Eh 102 The Old Cab Stand conveniences. Apply Box. "F. J." |04 8, KIRKRATRICK, ISSUER OF | Ountre street, or Thomse Mille, 70 Whig office Marriage ticengey, a". Clarence Sty Clarence stroel, house, ofr Barrie street, and will be Wi h Ne Number all ready for visitors by the time her it a w TENDERS. Mr. RF. K. Tothill, of the Bank of Sr ------------------ Moutrea!, Moutreal, is com, up to- Oo $i t d REY, by CHT CASSON, % rders promptly attend- 3 Tothill, Ear] street, a x d igh . Mrs. Ales Shortt gill not come ed to, day or night. Tenders for Bending Machine, Sore! | Is it so strange to spesk of reve TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE enpe and rationalisp mn the same main at "Otterburn" through the Machine, Sorel," will be receded at the Department of Marine and Fisheries, soul. possess' pg reverence for the reli 3 i : EIGHIEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1908, \ Frontenac County,' will De. held in for the furnishing of one uachine . for | YOIUBIArY autcome of recognition of thete are good hopes of a very quick 30 Bain. Sorel' and both truth and love are as 1 pan Sr oeciBcat bans snd detailed information 10 be attained in fullest measure by Miss J. "McArthur, Union streel jon K. & P. Ry. oN arine apd Fisheries, Ottawa, from the has chosen a swmmer qn the boundless R. J. VAIR, President Director bf the Government Shipyard at, "Cligion. - Fear not, therelore, lest in ad apd other paris of "home," where RATS IN ABUNDANCE. partment: of Marine and Fisheries, Mont- fouitiss, yuu may. lcse your reverence ber father is at present, and will go Fach tender must be accompanied by an for the dieper things of Yife. Your ro BR Bank, for ithe sum of $300.00 10 tha order Miss Anna Rigney and Mr. James Qye of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Address, Rev. C. W. Cotson, at 25 The Old Stand and the been for a little Lip to Washington, | Cheong, feports «a vorable : : ' : : Ee deliver the bending |]itera on their way from their brother's wed-| season for catching x Ma. Into contrat Cg Me AE pe literatyre. 4 9 0 ding, ware expected home to-day. Taylor and his'son, George Henry] tract. Hf the tender is hot actepted the - or - Taylor, set iheir ae. - Pigeon] agus Soll be endo: not 'bina facil Gam: OFFICE NO. 1. a oy mek. The fo caught I, the to accept the lowest or any tender. All Mrs. 8. 0. Taylor came down from . this advertisement orders promptly attended to, Port Hope, today, to spent a few] XR 447, at die 2 te Sami without auth yg Department | night or day. dors SHE hey wince " Nhe Mes. Bemey! 0 , for their fort. wil pep ph poid. GOURDEAY, age ye The undersigned are the drivers using Zutat hy thew "2 of -- ie 3 wy Minister of and Fisher. the above "phone at Ape old place, Malcolm, k paige at Rice | ; OTICE A) oT R. Mr. Lindsay alfa nest Sai i askrat seasgn noun at that Department of Marine gud Fisheries. oR Tan EH wa SoNTNACT OLS. J! Dia ¢ ries. a ief Ui SEALED TE y a J. . Boyd, ills, yd rics le 8 velop aS, MARKED ON |: nay stay in Cuba, and have opened up ial of. the is, hans ; {da Fa to hey: Ts James, their house, Mrs, Sills and Miss etary hs, De- is James Miicheil, been nearly as lucky. As . » id. Muriel, who have spent the winter in pelt, is bei . ? orth Dulane Otixus, ; Melua, Cn 8t, Catharines, will he home shortly: being TNO TICE. f i Be" recpired. us gd ¢ ike "oe at oll : > Mrs. Galbraith, after visiting Mrs, aan Henry Wade here, has gone to Belle prolific source of revenue. ; Tenders for € for Marine and! eR ude at J ras nL F. ville to visit Biss Sills. iept. y ' Mrs, Francis Phillipe has returned to cok re gr Toronto. 'Emer Pur TIME FOR RECEIVING TN { Ser-| NOTICE. ' ir: Chin & Kngpito. Lo nt Wenders for Building Pisheries ! wy oN ' Cruiser for British Columbia. ® ET iment t wo Bata Gok Jo eine Settlers Jor Jl ol i Kin 20 Bohne roma How: 1 Ho os 3 First of Jute nextis FEE A With, ®5- Seg ev } GOURDEAU ant ee hasiottetow ¥ Ff EE oa Bi saptoi 2 1o't Deputy Minister of Siasine nd Pheri : a] oe - ro 3 i A in G p ke from Toronto. eh Row re. W. C. Barber will not be re : » . ag ot Rockwood Hospital om can find them her aaily do wear is. vay Er tree can show ? . a Cont Knight bas returned to a suit from us Saturday, a suit at Alte: He sata. That salt is worth $96 in comparison with "Sen. Gooten Ellis wont, down. to i | 3 25 » 8 i EE by 5 tetown, treal, 1".G. and Quelle, Fa. { Lae order tawa, April 236d. 1 "or we, Zdrd , v r >. pier ® gh foi PE Sg, 15, TENDERS. -r Departusent does | Wael Wo are open 4 up to Campbell Bros'. To-Night. {ome Rei lowest. or any P20 | wean snaY, WAT ob. tr! ' nobby, : Fue wterribing that's new, nobly np q 81 a. ¢ fad . 3,000 Saul Sonne West: J Wilson has axsumed bis | $ ames " gg 4 delivered In Toul Pocket In Mil Yard Mingnion Lowest or any tender pod iy sveeptod, Tondirs 16 be for. 3 freed male caspherry or) Shee wu, Warnnta, hos warded 'fo wo B wm, Be. a pail, tomight: tived frag presidency of the Cava- {refs DOMINION TEXTILE CO, LTD. on page 7.) He then hy WoL Lae dian Teowperanes longue, y Prrchasiog Dept Meutmel Go I ¢ i ig SE ® +H 0