Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1908, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 190s. a em -- THE WHIG, ernment into a hasty adoption of the high Poy the favoured men of the] WHERE CREDIT BELONGS They affected to be-|niilitia service in Canada draw pen ------ (V ARNISH IT DAILY BRITISH WH fivbed at Pettypicos bil. a fle : = a lieve it was just. They gave people | sions wot only for themselves but for The Sound Financial Condition | 'W | 1 H KO AL EEA hited Wh 15 pak pub to understand they wanted to see their wives and. children." p Was of Liberal Making. o a eve To 0 Dies { Savon, chasse eterbore xan ier. 3: - become law. Yet when they bad the! This alleged non-political department The fi i egy soe" los Daly xprocsion to. heir is getting the special Btbention of the | tarts. cee eg Oh Ake Bréviuce. of On. Soe. Boh chance to give expression GQ heir ing special a ion of Whe ltario are in a splendid conditi Wi, in Is it a Door? Offces tn is one of the best Job b Brinting views they shied from their duty. The| conservative press, and it is the one|®pite of the tremendous onslaucht i Is it a Boat? Canada: ony particular department where the pa-| extravagance made upon our a 1s ita Carriage? even pow, of tronage committee cangiot be said to TTSOWICes during the past couserva- 1 tive ade 5 on ¥ Is it a Bath-room? Ln | If he were he would say so, and} have a pull, and a gtrtion Pool agi, Shurve he would not assume to humbug the EDITORIAL NOTES. tis tobe AEE 4: + La | ee treasurer is not in favour, increasing the railway ta Isita Store front? ' : 4 . rtadily inal nt. ae ited 9 the credit of the pre . . . or 0 prese 5 : wi wn T x Is it inside? Dailv rr jRefils #3 he yi ky A premier that is big and brave and | condition 1 Bo cinment that "this . . - v The farmers are the fools to stand i a R18 possible only through Is it outside? ' TR old ought to he able to do the richt | sources of revenu . 5 . " this discrimination agamst them. Not without. the ttre' of the o ti al gave n . provided by a hb Is it dull and dingy? BID FOR ELECTION FENDS. withstanding the disadvantage. which position, £8 gave Wnent. ll To He, con There is no excuse for any conserva-| they suffer under. the gerrymauder they| The Ontario Alliance appeals to the | of 8 revenue of $3.7 705 900, eh Vv A RN i S H i T tive member to kiek on the last hour] can make their votes effective, and it] temperance people to be up and doing | °c provided by a liberal govern KOPAL vin of the governuient ia guaranteeing {i time they were thinking of them-|in the provincial election. There are i hud nearly all, il not all op- w i T H the C.N.R. bonds 10 the extent of two | elves pather than the pot-house poli-to be no heel-taps about this busi- th oy the cohservative opposition 5% and a' half millions of dollars. The Sicians, Heat el 5 y is spending the ig made . , ' ie to wh BY. Wrre obo Kopa/ 8 made as good question was no doubt considered in ; ---- This Hharly i ipa od as a varnish can be, caucus. The object of the deal must |< Hagen, of New Brunswick, like Whit- | Ts it any apolory for Mr. Whitney [of the following items : Succession ar It's for reneral use. have been understood. Mr! Whitnev-- [név. of Ontario, professed to be very to say that he did not dare do right ties, Sai S08; suppleme: ntary revenue, , : ; $672.2 in that last awful week of the legisla- 1; T. & N.O. railway, $235 000. It wears. so much opposed to railway grants grateful for his election to power. * : Tiining sale ig : and subsidies--surely offered some rea-| They are alike in another respect-- | ture because Mr. McKay did not eluly |, 0-0 3 ADC sartases, 31,154,719, SOLD BY * : him into it? . ung royalties, $207,945, and, if to i ! son why he was supposed to make the | they forgot that they promised to be of this is added the revenue of nearly £300,000 Per year, to be obtained froan greatest somersault 'in his life. Bome {fair men, and abused their privileges Mr. Lemnox, M.P.P., speaking. at |the beheading = th power companies at Niagara F 'alls, explanation was no doubt offered at|by perseeuting and 2 ® | Tomiscamin . 0 . : ah ; 'aming, said that umless the {which Mr. Whitney wants to relieve ; : oo 3 the. same ' lime . Why the transaction [ihera] officials. riding returned a Conserv, ative member entirely and make "as free by wiley ' ' it would not get' anything from the | We shall have a total of nearly three] vl wiv SIBTI TATE a x EEX + EEX was kept under cover, a profound + I! LICENSE LAW SCANDALS. SeCTe i t on pag : seers, wat] the Thtryday pelote he At Ottawa Hon. Mr. Hanna claim- | government. Is this not a species of ad Yes' ques ter millions, which, , if > ouse rose, why there was occasion to \ he Whitney govern-| intimidation? onservative opposition had its rush it through in twenty-four hours, [°d that under the Bey «govern ---- foa¥s would pot have been available We don't ask you to judge these Suits by HARDWARE, and why the third reading of the bill ment there hid been a fair enforce- Col. Sam Hughes wants it to be ie Purpose of the provinee. So . - - 5 ; icense act. ) 4 ¢ » | that whatever credit is due e : rats ) © wor i was given at a session called hall an ment of the Liquor focus act Hark understood that provided the money | cellent fori ial Position he es : our praise of them, for w ords are cheap, hour earlier than usual. Anything [the expression--a fair enforcement. 'big, ,5¢ put in fups and feathers the |Yinoe, belongs to the liberal govern- We ask you to come in -- examine the used to be a non-political enforce-{ devoted to 'militia is very well ment administration, which has in.| b which required all this stealth of ac- i . 8 Z ROOFING! 81 cian "thi sod ment of the law. This Mr. Whitney spent. Evidently the colonel dos sok creased the *provineial expenditure Suits and tiom, 'this mystery and suspicion, must : : ¥ he ; have been conceived in iniquity, and|Was to give the people, if permitted! of; much on dress Parades; fice. I i in itsishort term of of- ROOFING ! if | the inference grows stronger that the |by them to direct the government of hs resale Ca wy ! the province, The first act was to The Jiberal opposition was the sal- A Gift Of $130,000. SEE FOR YOURSELF. election fund could tell the story. The ep i das ] liberal opposition knew nothing of dismiss the license unspectors and|vation of Ontario, in the legislature, London Advertiser. T are i ¥ it--a ih To "here will he little time 1. he and the strong- boards. The boards were composed of [it appears! But for it--judgin- re e for the ven what was "going on sults hy the open confessions of the | 1ilation of the La Rose deal and the ) Try the garments on--note the excellent Oshawa Galvanised Steel [| er i i I 1 eo ives. The ne X ol ive t in Ontario pro- [liberals and conservatives. new C li x . Shi Jes, made by the Ped- J est conservative prin g : 4 3 . : . he anadian orthern guarantee. The e . : . ng y government would have no one who | tory press--no man can imagine what gift of a cool $130.000 to a mining workmanship, the quality of the fabric, lar people, will make a first- tests that the case, in its delay and { " " : ho tg at a moderate smuggled tabtics, is absolutely without | was not a partizan supporter. The might have happened. company of which a relative of the ; cost. a defence, inspectors were not sto be trusted. Mr. Whitney 'as the big poli : Miniter oy mines is a member, de : the style, and then tell 1s, if You can, i i I} ------------ The rere iticians 1 the situa- he x 4 policeman { {mands a fuller explanation than the i They can be easily laid by [i . . fi the O'Brie They were politicians, anc the STA] He liked the phrase. It catered to his | bald assertion that the government where and when you ever saw the equal any handy man. No solder, | The World refers to the 100 | tion was "improved" by the selection vanity. Put where was he wh I received "information" worth - t} : § i | oh fiat . - AA . 2 4 5 p © . » or hat 3 . . ne paint, no dirt. crowd who were given MIRING CONCES: | of another set of politicians o en ac (amount. In the case of the Canadi., $ of Our Fifteen Dollar Suits. All sizes, Rain Proof, Snow Proof, siong "during the dying hours of the |g njayy § lowed. The chief of Party 'was out for the sppils 'in 'that Northern legisiat » "u arian $ ¥ire Proof. - Ses the Shingles I Ross government." The ('Briens are he ey h rigs t jog i th ity of ast: awful weelf? of the, loyislature? misled the islntiom, hy tain rig + a . | ' » © a p ser th at Anglin's Lumber Yard. 088 2 them had their setting iu the city olf gy 00 wos the watch-dog of the trea- bill improved the security oo the pro 3 i | conservatives and the leases were is- |. / ° o.: DOBEe : | cy 0 Cochrane on beat of ho 27700 SE HC CE, ore | Col Matheson? hr enemies of 1064, mer]. 3 S ANCLIN & co ll | Whitney governmeurt, Wonderful how sign because of the political engineer-| It is the business of the opposition | House took the --. gh ion. we wd | 3 THE H ) BIB BY G0 . . x a but subsequent investigation show 3 » % ' + FHP P 44400444 HS +. PHEEEP EFI +: ~ much misrepresentation there lis going ing of the government. The riot that| to oppose during the session as well that the Whitney measure merely gave | Foot of Wellington St. tt | °" nowadays... followed, . ii 3 a the province n serond mortgage and i | SOME INCENSE BURNING. quarrel and Starr exposure, will never And it is also the business of the did nothing to geangthe n its security 3 "+ In some of the American cities, It made many a good| government to do the proper thing at | The assent of the levislature was se be forgotten. 4 towns and villages, there is what is| conservative to blush and hang bis all times whether under the lash op [owed by false pretenses, and the lead > ges, er of the opposition now repudiates head. It made some people to feel |otherwise. the whole transaction. Furthermore EY ------ -- 1 F w BOSC HEN called cleaning-up day. 1¢ is fixed by > . ------------ . . civie proclamations weeks ahead and humiliated more than words tau ex- SPIRIT Mr. Whitney, when in opposition. de i 3 c ress. vounced the ractice o ducing : Member Consolidated Stoex Sl ualant epaaOn wade id Phe explosion of a bribery scandal OF THE PRESS cimilar le hi Wy the f ptrad Jaci 4 po. "The beauty of mv razor is that v .. Exchange of New York. i dl promised to provide thi. car- | at Port Arthur is the latest. Here is 5 --- o the session, but he brought the gL htai auLy orf ny 1 onlay d you ; the charge that money has been used,| . age Advice. anadian Northern bill down only twa can obtain a periect shave under all St. Thomas Journal. days before the date set for the com conditions, wherever you are. STOCKS BONDS | d ters and have removed all the rub- 2 ] : an hish which the people raked off their $1,000 of it, in influencing two of the Clean-up day ism't just for your |pletion of business GRAIN lawns and premises, and the item was | commissioners ia an hotel license trans-| neighbor, It's for you, too ! The spoils system and the gerry I know men who have shaved in a heavy one. It was far in 'excess of | fer. One commissioner denies that he A Promisiag Writer ins moill slery po evn why, the 4 ~ the dark with the "Gillette." Many revived. the money. Another admits = SF paign with the professions of indepen © " use it on the trains--others " Bought amd Sold for Cas or DB what wae appropriatod for the reason Margin, that the people were very thorough ir | that he was given a present of $500,| Rev, 1. C. Hossack may not have|dence and faic play, which were con : £) ¥ while on hunting and fishin DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TONY the service and the city was relieved | which he carried in' hii - pocket for Pritten gu many open letters as Ht. |stantly on his lips in 1905. His virtu- a } ; trips etc 5 ; ol ite accumulations for years. three months before he dared to look} *® $ you must remember he isfous pretensions are entirely discredit EY i gi, . * x 3 : . ouly a young man uw yet, . ed, and he will feel the weight of the 8 . , ' W. HECTOR H. HUME, MoR. {| Mayor Hugo (a formen Kingstonian) [at it. Ho knew it was a prosent, and end he will tel the weight of the! [HSE Np wall If my razor wasn't good wv led in the educational campaign which | curiously enouch he had no desire to Need Checking. and uno-party men who have been un a7 i ro enough for me to use, I Olarence Chambers: «hole, 838, preceded this . general city cleaning, | examine it. When asked if he could| Hamilton Herald. deceiver since 1905. 3 4 3 wouldn't ask you to use it. and he was more than pleased with|swear he was bribed he said he ould | Bog shpable independent Wetery : ; o ; ; And I will guarantee that the enthusiasm with which the people }not swear. What was the money for ? [in the next legislature are needed to Dishonesty Apparent. J Ei Juan . Sha sop LI EE he ies er he check the tendency , of the 'Whitney [Toronto Globe, : : > after you try it, you will ntered into IC e. hecame ex- atl dic 0 nisslone 1 p er tt Lbere as a ntment or the $ : government to grow arrogant and in- er visappanimen' over thy 2 ; agree with me that it just onume ceadingly popular. It produced marvel- | got the present for ? different to public opinion. weakness, double dealings and dishon ; #|ous results ¢n the appointed day.| And then, the Chatham and other -- esty of the government. In its de 3 ; Vy fits your case.' A Sentiment Only scent to the spoil system, in its hand \ a . u! The Gillette Safety Razor consists of a There never w ul in, cases represent what Mr. Hanna calls ) a ! Reyer as such a raking. and fai p t t the Li Guelph Mercury, ling of the mining situation, in its ad- ' rE yeis a ; ; : "a fair enlorcemen 0 we Jcense a i x N 1 ul » 2 ripie Silver plated holder and 12 double edge 'Fay a man what he is worth," | mjuistration of criminal justice and Senible bindes pacherl in. vaivet Hurd iether ed in. Men, women, children, were af-|Law !"" Mr. "Whitney promised that| sounds line, and has often biought|colajse of its paraded policy of law A § ease. Price §s--at all leading Jewelry, Drug reform the govanment exhibited weak. ha Cutlery, Hardware, Sporting Goods and Owing to the fact that | fected with the right kind of microbe | the Politicians would not be in evi-| gown the house with applause, but we have & large num of He has all the same there is a heap of citi [uess that was unexpected as well as A Department Stores ¥ y Write or ask your dealer for free booklets uw n ' a|for a day, and the effect was aston: [dence in connection with it. Monuments in stock, and Ys A zens who wouldn't need an exjress |deplorabl:. , ; If he cannot supply you, write us, aumber arriving, we have... my 3 n decided to soll at greatly ishing. not kept his pledge. waggon to take home thew wages if| Its handling of the electric power 1 they were paid at the aforesaid rate. |[pro.lim was marked by doutle dealing % GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED : roduced rates tw make | The cost was high and for the rea- fe i : FN room lor new goods : : It does not mitigate the grievance son that the city did pot expect so ; : hi 4 - of a most sinister kind, pretending to x OFFICE AND FACTORY JAM MULLEN complete a response to its appeal. But against Mr. Whitney ane wt that Extravagance Surely. favor Hon. Adam Beck s radial poli y s ? | when the 'work w hen the | the Quebec legislature subsidized any | Hamilton Times. and at the same time sscretly making 878 ess St., Opposite Y.M.C.A, ag over, . W he | railway at its late session. Mr. Whit-| It is worth noting that the United his success imposible. 7 waste was removed, the city was in. onic) In ould" 16h do such. a States military. and naval bill is al The dishonesty of the gorrymander TT meee | deed clean. Cannot' Kingston have a ney sau \ . WE yg 1 I most $55,000,000 a year, a trifle of [of the constituencies is equalied only LIC SERVICE {| cleaning-up- day 2 Usually the move- thing, and he was sipposed to be a ¥55,000,000 _ more: than that of Great|by its foliy on one hand and its hypo (12 mens iu this direction: is lertaken | TON who kept his word. Britain. He the Lnited States peoplejcrisy on the other, and the Larose ONDS 1] by local i : ---- Lk et alg fou BY grant of $130,000 and the $2,500,000 ¥ some 'oc im copuument society, WAR PAINT IS EXPENSIY E. ee provincial guarantee for the Mackenie $5 0 and anything whi tends. to the| A conservative paper insists that A Minister In Danger. and Mann railway projects are sug- ,00 - Shawinigan Water & Power 5 beautifypmg of the municipality is to| the militia department be investiga-| Ottawa Free Press. gestive of political corruption of the i The Citizen admits that Hon. Nel-| worst kind. r cent. t. Cons. Mortgage Bonds, be warmly éommended. ne , Judge Casse +? The y hehe ted by Judge Cassels, "we Fhe son Monteith is in danger of dele at in And what shocks and disgusts men Due 1934. To yield 5} per cont. Mr. Guthrie, M.P., says the member Whig hus road Re report of the civil] South Perth. Perhaps the wish is|like Rev. Mr. Hossack is that the gov Full, particula.s upon request. . ot x : service commission, and it does not father to the thought. At any rate ent whom they directly or indir - for East Simcoe, Mr. Bennett, is not & ernment, ) J ! liv in the d ' { vel ? he there are members of the party infec. ly helped to elect should take sof Ww. Graham Browne & Co., ving | the days of chivplty. Other has been any "lack of conscience" or high places who would not weep bit-| swift and so deliberate a descent to an wise he would be challenged to make Sy terly if the prediction proved true. Avernus of political incompetency and iP BOND DEALERS, MONTREAL, good his allegations ut others, and | dishonesty in the department. J shonor REP x : Successors to * BOQ 5 abo' » = oy > . Sarkia- . dishonor. HOT Tey Fe fniling be called a paltroon' and o | There are somo things which pariie-| Fish Invisible In Sleep. Signs are increasing in all parts - at oh .. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN ment can discuss on their merits. The|Philadeiphia Bulletin. the province that the liberals are alive 4 ge 2% coward. And the expressio sed. > pre a Rah "oa: b x pr n. Pa h commissioners recommend the aboli That file fish is asleep," said the at- {to their responsibilities, dnd that in| G0 going : NERVOU ; tendant. their campaign to return a large and 5h hi : oN sS was parliamentary. 5 ti { the corps of district pay mas y ion of : ey y 1 "How do vou know the yisdtor]irons liberal contingent they will ot v ar THE FARMERS WAKING UP. fiers for which it is declared Canadaio the aquarium asked. "But I can't have the suppert of almost the entire iin, : o DEBILITY The Weekly Sul has sticred up the|bas no need. It was, in Major-Gene-| seo him, by the way. independent. vote, farmers against the local government | ral Herbert's time, dispensed with, "That's how 1 know. He, like many | New conditions call for new mem, J . § on "the taxation "question. * It has|and has been revived on the ground other fish, changes color on goidg off. | Already at least a gecre of ney men i § 3 : Excesses and indiscretions are the sane inted t that the f : f war field Aston wake he is mattled with brown end of, the very first quality, men of high : A L& of more sorrow and sufler mg than ail other poin ou arms are heagy | that in case of war @ paymasters! dark olive green, a handsome, som- personal character and pro-wd capaci- po 18 Je bis aves combined We "oe the vi tia of oye 4 & viclous habits oun "very a he sallow, ; ing the burden of local taxation which | would be necessary. The auditor gene- brely splendid object. Asleep he is a, ty for publie service are ofiering them Fi whed face durk circled eyes, stooping the railways escape with a anere pre-| ral objects to the manner in which pallid gray, with darker wings and |gulves for election in constituencies TY 42 Fora orm, stunted derelopmeat, bashful mean tence at paying local rates. So great | public money is put in circulation by tail, Thon of a file fish, practically ow represented: by government sup- Eo » pl 5 4 thnica to Wil the world his Yolby and tend to i the fury of Aho lanl ouch. of Kast] these paymasters, mostly conserva | PYGOE | Le oy, [porte who have cursed deleat. | | SEaea lS R SAR ot rehihtn fie Kent that Mr' Mowyer, one of Mr. | tives, and given appointment by this! the tropics, have this ability to Fieht With A Tiger. or ; g removiog the effects of former indiscretions > ys a ight £ nnd evobuses, It stops all drains and quickly Whitney's most faithful vassals, under-| npn-golitical brauch of the public ser-| change from a bright to a pale, ly gan Daly Telegraph. ho en #80 1osiores the vietim to what nature intended - ~ | took to 'calm his constituents at 'a re-| vice, vague hue when they sleep. Thus they! Two brothers, Khuda Bakbhs and j io 2h So ary od hapiey man with physical, mtn "| cent megting. - He said he bad the] Pailiament bas a right to enquire, sleep safely, Otherwise their slumber |Shaikh Abdul Ghani, of Moradabad, 3 I } : For over 20 years Drs. K. & K. hays : would omd between a bigger fish's | were despatched recently to Rampur he rested with the grestest success elt assurance of Mr. Matheson, the treas- | 100, whether the office of inspeetor-gen- jaws. on an errand, and while entering a 10 SRR re wi diseases of men and women, urpr, that "afer the clction the tax on) eral is uonecessary and "a stepping-| "A wondertd} patoral dispensation, grove at: Khadpura a tiger sprang (Fi & $y ARBRE AE erry So, os Ruy acaret disease tht is 3 railways would be advanced from $60{stove to the retirement of high mili-| isn't it ? Suppose you were a criminal, | upon Khurda Bakhs, who, being an : " ~ oth extablished physicians who do not have to Hor' To. 7 tly, a w ef | athlete, war off t blow aimed af oy R" experimont on Fou. 'pet mie S100, tary oflicers in Canada ou large al beiny hotly, and whenev bile ded off the bl 1 : The colotel- si the necessit for " 1 bas i She grew tired you could throw your- | him with his right hand and caught we - i} ' v We guaranten to eure NERVOUS DEBILITY, 3 -, ¥ lowanices. h.. likewise, self under 4 tres and dove off, con-|one of the paws with the other and ; p- BLOOD DISEASES. STRICTURE. VARICOCELE, coticession that would miollify | right to enquire whether the pay of scious that in your #leep no one | maintained his hold, though the tigen. BT » . = ey AD BLADER INSEASES. Demtulin, 3 X ho on Frese. unable to call, w a some farmers, . who are still powerlul, h i could see you was mauling the other hand. A Va I~ Abdul Ghani now rushed up with a Locetod in Our Own Office Bailing, question Binok for Home Trestment, + | notwithstanding 'that the cities have / been given larger topresaptution 'and i . . t . stout stick, which he forced down the : ok s Py y tiger's throat, making it relense his Susi petite : in |brother's band, when Khuda Bakhs RS. R ® " : at Cl he a Tc th es take oh Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. o culminating in the party] as afterwards, says the Toronto News. .i . . . Kingston's One Price Clothing Store, Deegeess +e F224 4 0404000000400 0 400004509540 scraping a® the populace then indulg- ! indicate or even insinuate that there hand, forci consisted of 67, 000 0 eld from feather dusters, cans all around and | Ghani it with his lath' and an = Soper 108 Sr a ---------------- -------- curtain effect " the The ge was carried the Campbell Bros'. 'Phone, 79. ---------------- Highness the Nawab | For up-to-date fur storage, i Tue BARKER MOTOR Members who have recently had their | of ra? a the skin as a } Sas from the Hint shown itesd to bo Akatetnents_ inetoted in. fraternal ine Mements asd sent Hi Bakhs to i o oo Seman. Mechuniont h a state dispensary for treatment. Clothes may not make the man, but | : . To-Night. payviog for his wile's clothes may break . him, PE $2.50 derbies. No! Nome people sre always looking for a : an excuse fo' make aii excise. .

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