THE DAILY BRITI SH PEESIRNcseesesseesesestnsensssenseIsesesesINs : : : : : : ICrumley's| For 'Housefurnishings" We want to. see all our old customers fu crowds:of new ones in our Housefurnishing Department thi¥*month, for we are showing some of the greatest values in "these -seasonable goods, which we have ever had to offer to the public. Time and thought have been lavishly expended 'on this department and everything is ready for the most careful and critical inspectfon. Come and compare prices and values. Be- low are a few of the many articles showme=4 1 ¢ 3 Linoleums All widths, Black and Floral Patterns, Dark and Light Colors, fully guaranteed, special prices. Qil Cloths fresh goods, different For Floor, Stairs, or Tables, all new, 30¢., 35c., 45¢., €0c. widths, nice clean patterns, for 25c¢., Rugs Some of the finest to be seen in town, all harmonious colorings and pretty patterns, from $4.50 to $25. Lace Curtains' All the latest patterns and all new, fresh pedi stock, differ- ent lengths and widths, beautiful designs, from 28e. to $10 per "pair, Cash Coupon Premiums All kinds of Housefurnishing s to be secured "yy * cur CASH COUPON System. Chairs, Iron Beds, Sofas, Desks, Tables, Cutlery, China, Clocks, Glassware, otc, Come and see them. ' CRUMLEY BROS. "CASH COUPONS. sizes, beautiful different qualities, fad ES 100 0000000000000 INIT ITN000000000000000000000000000000000000U000000000000000000 JoNssssssssscs 3 THE WEARER Owing to its being fhe Tost successful corsct design ever created. Tt isa well-known fact thata "D & A" Model greatly edbances the beauty of a per- fect figure, while if improves ordinary figures ~ut of all recognition, A"D & A.De Luxe Corset" is the clixie of elegance, smartness, refined dis tinction' and 5 Ligh as air, yet guara two ordinary cocshls, PRICES $1 1.500 feet by 1.500 mn y lognte a Siaim Fey, $100.00 must other requirements complied claim may be purghased at $1.00 acre, PLACER MINING CLAIMS jxnerally, 100 feat squaTe. Entry fee, $5.00. DREDGING. ~Two lenses of five wile each ofa river may 9, issued to one a plicant, for a term of 20 yours. Denial; $10.00 wile per nanam. 24 per cant after the. A W. W. CORY, Deputy of dhe Minister of«the Interior, NB. Unauthorized Publication of this advertigrment ji not be paid: for of an intending ho application for cancellation rust be CABS! ul Cilia SAT The. Old Stand and the . least si : i id culivagion' en the Oud thy term of Synopsis of Canadian Northwest ne MESTEAD. REGULATIONS. NY wyven-numbered s.ction Do- minton 1 Lands in Taba Gi he Northwest Provinces, excepting 5 Bot reserved, may be home any person the: sole head of 2» OF male over 18 wears of age, Xtent of one-quarter suction, of BCs, more or less. Sie for homestead entry wntist made in person Ap the applicant at a 4 ¥i Proxy om Sy Pver, he ma "on omtain Conditions made son, daughter, brother or westoader. J does SOCIALISM: SPELLS DEFEAT FOR WHITNEY IN ONTARIO, HE SAYS. ee Senator Casgrain Quotes Leading Conservative Organ As Auth- ority That the Whitney Policies Are Sccialistic, Montreal Herald, Asked by thé Herald as to the truth of the statement that he had been im ited to address u few meetings Ontario Senator J. P. Uasgrain said : "Yes, 1 was asked some time ago. | have taken part in a good many elec tions in Ontario in the past filteen years. "Have you any special interests Ontario 7' the senator was asked, 2 Yes. been vice-president of Cook & Bros' Lumber company of Foronto, proba- Lly the oldest lumber firm in Canada. in with the Georgian Bay district." he bad beiore him, and turning to the editorial entitled ** tion,' Senator Casgrain said : '4 want no' better foundation while in Ontario. of repeating what Voltaire said, my enemies. A more damaging article against Tio. Mr. Whitney s ment could not have been writien its worst enemies, and coming as from the leading organ in the .province of (Quebec, should have a notable effect on sound thinking wen who stood Mowat for a long tion, "Why, the Gazette has it in and white that the policy of Mr. ney is a step towards socialism, it adds that few conservatives will enthusiastic over it.' "Mon. Mr. Whitney has acted like a bull in a china shop as far as the fin. antial interests of Ontario are con cerned, and if 1 had no invitation to go to Ontario to help in the coming elections 1 would deem it my duty to see that a government which has reck- lessly wrecked the credit of Ontario Dominion should not be entrusted with the administration of the affairs of Ontario for 'another term. is not to protect British and' foreign capital invested in this country, where is her future ?™ "Haye you beeu wonlerring with any of the: captains' of industry in Ontario in regard to this matter 7' "Yes, and some of the principal ones, conservatives as they are, strongly deprecate the tendency towards cialism 'shown by the Whitney admin: istration. | could mention the names of the greatest financiers in Ontario who are absolutely opposed to Mr, Whithey and who will prove this with their ballots in the coming elections,' 'Bho you mean to say that Hon. Mr. Whithey and his colleagues are inter- fering with vested rights !" Senator fCasgrain. was asked. "Precisely. Large companies have been formed to develop water power in Ontario, Naturally they have risked their. money and; more particularly, that ;of their. hondholders in new en- terprises the success of which is pro. blematical. 'They were prepared to meet opposition from other private companies similarly situated but not from municipalities which can make by-laws and freeze out private énter- prise. - Much lass are they able to compete with the government of the province itself which has unlimited eredit, thanks to the wise policy of the Mowat government for thirty-two pears," "Well then that why « nearly all the securities have heen offered hy Ontario London market. sold at a large count 1' "Yes, ii 'yon follow. the financial pa- iperg in England you will see it. is now impossible to float bounds for private entdrprises in Ontaria with. anything like success." "Do you think the Whitney ment has a strong hold in Ontario "You must remember that the Whit. ney government has been put in power hy the liberals as much as the con: servatives, If it had not bepn for the. liberals who voted for Whitney in the last elections he Would not have been elected." must be the reason which the dis on. govern yrs WAS ROUGHLY JANDLED. A Young Man Attacked on Satur- day Night. As the result of an encounter he had with three men in "Skidoo" Park, on Satindday night, Jolin Fille, a young man living on Wilkam street, is con- fined to his home, suffering from se- vere injuries. It is claimed that Filtz was engaged in a altercation with an- other voone man, when two friends of his opponent took a hand in the af- ir, Filtz was kicked in the face, badly beaten, and was found ly- n the park in an unconscious con- ition. He is now under of Fy Bet' and the latter informed the Whig, that Filtz had received very se- vera treatment, It was stated, to-day, that the cuse would not y be brought before the court. Filte's Lniion will confine! him to the house for several days. inp For gu number of vears 1 have In that capacity | have had occasion to become particularly well sequainted Pointing to '@& morning paper which The Ontario Situa- on which to base my political arguments it is another case 'Save me from my. friends; I will look after govern= by it conservative it the by political genera- black Whit- and be and of the rest of the provinces of the If Ontario TUESDAY, MAY 5th. America's Most. Papwar Leughisg Trust. GEO. H. PRIMROSE CONDENSED ADVERTISING PAGE THREE FOR SALE, RATES insertion Ler hall --_ Mintmum charge for one in- SUITABLE McoCann, 51 BAKERY for same to rent. Brock street. PLAIN SEWING DON OF ANY kind. Cull or write tu Mrs. Cayiess, OR BUILDING Apply TY MINSTRELS STAR 884 'King street, over Armstrong's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH WANTED-MALE, 10 Side-Splitting Comedians. 15 Splendid Singers Sympuony Dtchestra, . 50 PEOPLE; nice show for nice Peo we. Grand Street Parade, at 4 pw Prices, 25¢., 50c., T0c, Seats now on sale. THURSDAY MAY 7th. CHARLES DILLINOHAMS 'Chwplete Production The Red Mil A CARRIAGE A PARLOR MAID GENERAL, SERVANT. REFERENCES 11 estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly dome. ¥. J, Birgh, Electrician, 208 Welliagton street, WOODWORKER. ON Steady job. Ade good at repairing. ** Whig office. dress "Woodworker," WANTED-FEMALE. A SoMp MORE PROPERTY TO SELL. If you have any, give ua details. We ®il turn ft into cash. RC Dobbs, 171 Wellington aL AND IOUS E- TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS. Wellington street. Apply ningham G0 and. 42 B. Cun A TAYLOR doard of SAFE Fducati APPLY a, Cerner TO-THE Hr he in BLAC K MOULD FOR FLOWE BR BEDS or top dressing. Also. ashes removed, Drop a card to Albert Staasbury, 441 Barrie street. RUBRER Cutter once, Apply YOUNG HORSE, TIN ¥ n A har Runabout, Harness hin if sold at "Tum maid, Apply to Mrs. R. E. Ket, 85 King Street. OF A JOB CLEANING ASHES our yards or celia or other to carted, ht. Appl Lytle, General Carter, 35 Mala St. GENTLEMEN T™O GET Prices \PRlY te Mrs. Frances King street, By HENRY BLOSSOM and VICTOR HERBERT, Company of 685 Auguenvéd rchestra, Chorus of 40, 2 Scatery and Fifects. The Famous Dutch Kiddies Ths with JOHN FORD WM. RB. SWOR as "Kid Conner. with Music, Mirth, Girls, Songs, Cars het pr," Tees Dantes A GENERAL SERVANT. DRESSY their way's. amteed to Sprang Suite made at Gallo- a price and finish guar- peease, 181 Brock St. mext tq Bibby's Livery, NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. tone up your - fixtures to look kikg new. Tver, Nickle and Copper Plat NO WASH- References required. ing or ironing. T, Connell, 11 Apply to Mrs. W, Arch stréet, ARCHITECTS. and Travesties. Prices, 25¢., 50c: ee S130. Seats now on sale. ARTIIUR. ELLIS; ARCHITECT, OW and Hagot streeta. HENRY. ing. House Wiriag. Repair work done quick, Large assortment of Gas and Electric Chandeliers, Fresh Bat- Yeties Just io, 'Phobde 1. fice, Cor, Queen Pr. 79 Princess St. SMEtH, etey r Building. 'Phone, 548, ARCHITECT, Market Square. a SITUATIONS VACANT. BLIOU POWER & SONS, h SARC HITECTS, MER- chant"s Bank ilding, corper Brock MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN R- and Wellington streets. "Phones, 213, ber LEA BA trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen doliars weekly; A mixture of Claude Du- val and Robin Hood --a bold, handsome, courtly rascal --was Mandrel, smug- gler and brigand, whose life is depicted to-day and to-morrow at The Bijou Paw boa wM, a ERNEST pomitions. Will equip shops. stant practice. Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course. Cata- logue 2 rite Molex College, Toronto. TINSMITH WANTED NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- ce, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Priucess and Bagot streets. Entrance om #treet "Phone, h MUST BE Street, FIRST-CLASS few months. sponsi Bn." PIANO, USI D ONL x Will give credit to r party. Apply Box "A g office A NO. 188 UNIVERSITY AVE, DOUBLE Solig Bn Divck house, bot Water beat- climbing Apply W, a hen, retice street. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Double house, on Johnson street, the property of the late Jeseph Janie son, now as a dwell and a lumber"s shop. TTY ws . oy alkems & Walk PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OF H. i Wartelsky, Verona, consisting ot frame store and dwelling, well estab lished general store business, good reason for selling. Apply to J S.R. McCann, 51 Brock St., Kingston, ory Bagot provements, sion; No stone house 82 "Ontario provements, snap, Geo. Clarence St. PROPERTY CHEAP: NO; St., mear City Park, all 8 rooms, large extens 204 King St., well built of about 12 roots ; No. St, 12 rooms, all ime hot water heating, = Cliff, Real Estate, 95 os fro ENGINEERS. BECKWITH, BE. M. Ontario Association , Consulting Engineer and 18 Market St., Kingston. first-class bench worker, capable of making up stock well and fast. When applying kindly state the number of ten quart pails, also a few other n A. M. CAN Soe rchitects Architect, MONEY AND BUSINESS. Also wages Apply r Ont in a day of ten hours. required and experience: | Leslie & Son, Alexandria, "LIFE AND DEATH OF MANDREL, THE SMUGGLER." SPLENDID SCENERY, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE oF | BUSINESS CARDS. building and contents tham any other com pany offers. Examine them wat Godwin's Insurante Emporium, Mark. ot Nguare. | FLECTRIC CARPET and layi A n ® Pi illows cleaned by Miloe, 272 Bagot ee Feather Beds | steam. DRAMATIC SITUATIONS, HANDSOME FEi1C HTH ENTH CENTURY COSTUMES. is from "the Studio of Pathe This film unusually fie. "Po not miss Freres, otc. © JOHN ROBERT DAVIS SINGS, "THE BEST THING IN HI FE" ---5 CENTS PRINCESS "The Home Of Vaudeville Ju Kingston." GRO. HAMMOND, Mgr. C "Go Where the Crowds Go." LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | Company, Available | assets $61,187,215, In addition te | which the policyholders have for | security the unliinited liability of all | the stockholders. Farm and city pro- | /* perty fusured at lowest possible | rates. Before renewing old or giving | new business get rates from Strange | & Strange, Agents. 'Phones, 568. LOST. A WALTHAM WATCH | Finder kindly jeave at | with name and be re-| Fire Insurance PERSONAL. BIRTHMARKS HATR, MOLES, warts, etc, without scar. ence. Dr. Throa Nose, Specialist, 258 Bagot strest. FOR SALE OR TO LET. FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH perty, in village of Sydenham farther particulars, apply to W. Lake, Sydenham, Ont. | | | | IN SATURDAY, | For Sten Winder Whig office, warded. CONTAINING Al ROOMS TO LET. sum of money, Staday,' on: ' Quee en | ee iBarrie, or Colborne Sis, Finder | BRIGHT please return to this Office and re-| street, ceive reward. and conveniences. FOUND. BROWN VURSE, AIRY ROOMS, ON near street car junction wife preferred. 'Phone and Apply Box PF. UNION Man All This Week, Big Vaudeville, "Afternoon and Night" "The World-Renowned Dancing Shaws" {direct Fromy New York City. «The team that sing the latewt' songs ; The two that dance all kind of dances Greater than the Greatest, Better : than the Best. Eugaged to please the patrons of the Princess, for one week only at a large salary Romember this; is a Big City Vaudeville Act, never, in a fiye oent house before. We cater tb the or nothing. To see themy opce medns you will come again. Our Pathe Freres Life Motion Pictures. We change Qaily, No exception. This is positively done. Geo Hanunond Sings to-day, "MONTANA," a big western Bit. City of Kogston Debentures Pebentures, of 44 per cent. atnualiy, of from $550 to able January, | | | i | Whig office. CARVING SET, ON BROCK ST MARRIAGE LICENSES. Owner may have same by calling at} Whig office, proving property and {0 8. KIRKPATRICK, paying expenses, Marriage Licenses, 40 [HE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV, Vg Cry CASSOm, The Risk Of Religion In the grander enterprises of religion the risk must always be reckoned with. Nothing that is worth the ventur: ever absolutely assured, All men have those who, sight on the journey of life high and splendid ideal, wiling to take the risk attempting Hs attainmer great soul in reli to-day the past, that who dares the risk involved in a venture for cause of truth and the greater ISSUER OF Clarence St, = great catching of some have heen of THE: CITY HAS bearing per annum FOR SALE $8400 interest at the rate payable semi The Debuntures are in amounts F900 each, and are pay ih from 9 to 20 years from 1st 1908. For further information, apply to F, C aa MLAND, ity Treasurer. 20th April, Suda been failure And a in the L100, 18 one fa Kingston beautifully illustrated. A , De. (THE PLONEER HOUSE). "The Night Riders" The girl is a wonder. What shé can't do on a Horse isn't worth doing. NOUGH SAID. TRADING SMILES." sung Smith Children afternoon, hy Cldre de, EK, Mgr. under 10 Tuesday J THEO. "Alice in Wonderland" years Portsmouth : vour return as legislature withng to take the nsk of daning the frequented path, C. W. Casson, Boston, Mass, Address, Rev. Beacon street, literature. at for the Provincial Election. TENDERS. To The Electors of Kingston and | GENTLEMEN I respectfully solici votes and influences, to secure my representative in the ensuing Very Truly Yours, TO THE | Tenders for Bending TENDERS ADDRESSED undersigned at Ottawa, and endorsed on | the envelope "Tender we Bending | Machine, Sorel," will be rechwvid at the JAMES H, METCALFE, Kingston, May 2nd, 1908. Under the Auspices of Whatsoever Circle. King's Daughters, in Aid of Simpson Ward, General Hospital, CITY HALL FRIDAY, MAY 8th 8 pm. 25¢. and BSc. VICTORIA DAY THE VICTORIA PAY COMMITTEE intend putting oma Masquende Parade, on the night of May 20h, and will be plea to meet all participate; ate Pe' Clarence Seats A v Citizens, will{ to Fry 'w-Machifiery: SMR Frat), Ste, on Windows Decorated D. J. DAWSON Princess street. iamns" Ext img Instraments, Departmen of Marine snd Fishier: es, | Ottawa, up Xo noon of the EIGHT FP ENTH DAY OF MAY, 1908. for the furnishing of one machi ne for bending steel boiler plates, 10 be deliver | ed at the Government Shipyard, at | Sorel, P. Q. Specifications and detajled iniormazionl can be obtained from the Department of! Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, from the Director of the Government Shipyard at Sorel, and from the Agent the De-| partment of Marine and Fisheries, Mont | real, P. Each tender must be accompanied hy an' accepted cheque on a chartersd Canadian | Bank, for the sim of $300.00 10 the order of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. | This cheque will be forfeited if Une party | whose tender is accepted declines to enter | into & contract to deliver the. bending! mitchine, or fails toicarry out the cone tract. I! the tender i» not accepted the | HAVE YOUR . i with GLACIER The only substitute for Stained Glass rtistic, Durable, Feonomical, by Successor to Dawson and Staley, 207 High Grade Piapos at ictor and Herlinoe Gramophone Will Sewing Machine. Fhoenix Fire isher ; and a full line of Musical Music, eto. Living Prices. WEDNESDAY, aT a PM, reife gi mar Sis o: Durden Edging, etc. At the actual centage : XO © 1 ren liane. vo anyone buying Slates for Artificial Stone Walks Constructed under mxpert syperiion. 18 Market St., Kingston: He partners tween D. of the Oit name of been dissolved by mutual consest. accounts due the above firm are to . be paid to, said firms will be paid by D. 'who will continue the "SIGNED, § Kingston, "April 29 Late fam St. Books. obtained at ofr * Whe ne are, ue will be returned. rument. does... ig bind taelt to accept the lowest or Nauspapers copy without authority Ho will not be paid. taley, has this day All Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT yA be- ¥. COURDEAU, Won 4+ ulerety Minister of Marine and F' ar tment of Marine and Pighevies. Ottawa, Canada, 21st April, 1908. x red and all accounts ow by the LoD. J. DAWSON. x i EY. 4908. Auction Household Furniture. Mis Na A Slaton s, 214 Wirt J =p A th, am. r i i NOTICE. Tenders for Chain for Marine and Fisheries wept. THE TIME FOR RECEIVING TEN- | ders for Chain sod Swively re he Marton and Fishoriw a i ro nviis tH May, iii Dg mavens up. to the Ath of | May next. Revised Specifeaiions can be en at the Offioss of the 5 of ihe rine Department af Halifax, xB, Charlottetown, John, Pa. pi{ontren) and Quebec. ¥.Q., the Department, Otte we. - 'GOURPEAU Deputy Minister | | Car ALLEN, 2 York, Ne Railroad: The Anctioteer, 243 Sydenham St. Hasen aod the Bnioust bu gots staple lines you are prepared to make | "LEANING, PRO- | Calvin | all | J 9x | | Secretary of the | partment of | advertisement if i delivered THE TO-LET. -------------------------------- FURNISHED DWELLING, stolage for furniture, 51 Brock street. OR ROOMS, ete. McCann | St MMER COTTAGE Lawrence River, near ( te McCann, 51 Brock St | NOS. 97 and 79 ALFRED STREET, all modern improvements. Possession 1st May. Apply A. B., Cunningham. | FL RNISHED UNFURNISHED wd 106 Wellin once Apply Hotel ON NT Ap OR brick house Issession at Iroquots bedroor ton St Daniel | leeves 3 ! GIVING vp | id rent his New Mano to ut a nomi Whig GE NTI pt MAN keeping we | Grand Heintzman ! sponsible party al Inc HOUSE Cabinet | § ---- SOLID 8 KING ning RESIDENCE West, near Alwington Ave rooms, city water furnacs, good barn ard stabling: Apply at resi- dence, or to MH. W, Day, Newcourt FURNI- BRICK [| -- | FINE DRY STORAGE, ture, goods, ete. Separs your own lock and key. Storage Agent 209 Queer St. | FROM 187 MAY, 1908, NUMBER 158 Carl street, at present occupied by Aeut.-Col. Hudon, C.M.G., bot water beatnmg and modern hnprovements Apply to Armstrong MeCormick, 103 Centre street, or an Mille, 9 Clarence steest. FOR W, | the | good, | aban | Department of Militia & Defence NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR PETAWAWA CAMP GROUNDS. SEALKD the envelope awawa Cw FENDERS MARKED ON Tender for bullding ¢ Ww, and addressed ia t Defer ROOT the a and until Militi will be received {proxime. for supplying labour and interial for certain buildings, at Grounds Plans and specificati and full information [Auttseon of the Plirector [vie Militia Headguatiors TOtheer Commanding the Bast Command, ingston; and [aout |H. J. Mackie: Pembroks, Ont Tendery aust be subinitted on print forms supplied by the Depiriment Militia and Defence, and each tendef {companied by an accepted cheque « Canadian Chartered Hank, for cent. of the amount thereof, the order of the Minister Defence, which amount wil il the party tendering detlite into a contract in accordance with t construct Petawawa ons o \ Hino Ottnwathe mm Ont ( he Len « ) Tom Department dose not bind itsell to necept the lowest or any tender BP, JARVIS Secretary HQ. 87-17-12 Department of Militia and Inlenee Ottawa, April 28 1908, Newspapers will sot be paid for this § it without authority from the ment. TENDERS. Wa are open to receive tenders WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, for 3,000 Tons of Genuine West- moreland Slack Pocket In Mill OF any tender Tenflers to be furs up to Yard not, Coal Kingston Lover necessarily accepted, warded to ~ DOMINION TEXTILE CO. LTD. Purchasing Dept, Montreal Que. The Old Cab Stand With a New Namber PHONE 600. Orders promptly atternd- ed to, day or night. --- world's productioh of cos! in i ted to alent 1106 47% 707 J imi' the amount of wmobey a Man a. tons, of shiek the Caited "tates ait that, prochicnd mate thas one: hind, or $14,