LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR RE-ELECTION EDW, J. B. PENSE. Provincial Election. To The Electors of Kingston and Portsmouth : SUENTLEMEN<T rope Sour, votes and. influences relirn as reprewntative in legislature, Very JAMES H. METCALFE. Kingston, May Zod, 1908, solicit secure any efisuing cifully to the Truly Yours, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HCMESTEAD REGULATIONS. A section of Do- Northwest Provinces Manitoba or the excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be home steaded by any person the sole hend of & family, or wale over 18 years of age, Lo the extent of one-quarter section, of 169 acres,' more or Application for homestead be made in person by the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an Agency on certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughier, brother or sister of an intendin homestieader. An application for cance made in person. The applic eligible for homestead entry DUTIES ~(1) At residence upon and 1 and in & year during three years. A NY goven-numbered minion Lands in less entry must applicant at a ation must be ant must be the term of ithe 80 de residence du land owned ghty (BO) of. his lant] will estoader & the required g¢ on farming 3 not less thar agrees IR extent, in the vieir "honiestesd. Joint ownership not meet Lhis requirement. 63) HH. the father (or mother, father is deceased) of a homesteader permanent residenen on farming Wped solely by him, not less than eighty Re BO) acres in extent, in the vicinity of fhe upon i homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such home stander muy perform his own residence duties by Hving with the father (or nother). 4) The termy "vicinity in the two preceding paragraphs is defined as ean ing not wore than nine miles in a direct line. SYNOPSIS OF "ho Hy may, ties solely in Ho the has land htvinestead. or CANADIAN NORT H- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL. ~Coal mining rights may "be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2.560 acres can ho leased to one appli- cant, Royaliy, five cents per tom. 4 QUARTZ. <A person eightesn. £ age hall over having made o may locate o Simin 1,500 feet by: 1.500 feet. Fee, $5.00. At least $100.00 milist He expended on the claim each year, or paid to the Mining Recorder When $500.00 has been expended or paid and ather requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIMS generally, 100 feet square. Entry fee, £3.00, DREDGING. --Two leases of five miles sath of a river 'may be issued to one ap plicapt for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10.00 a wile per annum. Royalty 2% per cent alter the output exceeds $10,000 WwW. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interjor, NB. Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. CABS The Old Stand and the Old Number 490 OFFICE NO. 1. . All orders promptly attended to, night or day. -------- The undersigned ars the drivers using the above 'phone at the ola place, RN: Boyd, J. MeQuaid, CU. Diamond, P. Lawless, 1. Mckaddea, J McFadden, J. Coyle, Wm. Royd, . Sinott, J. Nolan, Hovd, Ts James, Wm; Jarvis, James Mitchell, Win, MeQuaid. HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated with GLACIER The uly sobstitute for Stained Glass Aptistie, Durable, Beonotsical, by D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawson and Staley, 27 Princess strout. "High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. Vigtor and Beckiwer Gramophone, Will 2 damn' Sewing Mack Phoenix ~~ Fire Extingaishor | aod a full ling of Musical "Instruments, Music, ote. "The Old Cab Stand With a New Namber | PHONE 600. Re Or Jors promptly attend- ed to. gay or night. Lom [ie Another Kingstonian In It. Flat, valued at $00. frome the advertisemen rs gl PALS VESTRY ADJOURNED ME MEETING WAS HELD LAST NIGHT. Reports Presented Are 'Considered | to Be Most Warm Appreciation of The adjourned Faster vestry meet ing of >t. Paul's parish was held, last evening, for the purpose of receiving the financial report of the The: vicar, Rev. W. F. M.A., occupied ihe chair, o'vlock opened the meeting with pray- er. A large number oi the of the congregation were pf Alter the reading of the minutes o the last meeting by the vestry WW. J. Orr, E. M. Loscombe, i people's warden, presented his report. | The report showed the church to be | in a solvent condition, and to havea cash balance on hand, after paying off | maby old debts and meeting the cur rapt © Babilities. Jhe fact that the wardens were able to present such 'a satisfactory report, iz due in no small mefisure to the untiring energy of the | vicar, who worked early and late for | i the. upbuilding of the thurch. { The sidesmen for the year werd then | appointed. It was moved by R. F. Elliott: that the wardens be instruct: | wl to forward to the widow and fam- ily of the late Capt. John Gaskin, aq | expression of the sympathy of the | congregation for them, in their be | reavement, and also of the great loss sustained by St. Paul's church, in| losing such a faithful and devoted | member. The unswerving lovalty of | Capt. Gaskin to St. Paul's was known, and the excellent works that did in renovating the grounds will lasting memorial to his me past year and at 513 members sent. well- he remain a mory. James Berney, in seconding the mo tion, spoke of the great loss that the Orange order, as well as St Paul's church had sustained in the death of | Capt. Gaskin. | Votes of thanks were passed to the Indies of the W. A. the Woman's and Girls" Guild, for their splendid during the vear., Votes of thanks were also passed to the choir, thd organist, the teachers of the Sundav school and, the officers of the past vear. A vote of thanks was passed to Col Henry Smith, sergeant-at-arms of the House of Commons, for the kindly way in which he had come as. sistance of the wardens, when wis proposed to improve the grounds A vote work to the it church of thanks was passed to John L. Orr, for his assistance in im proving "the grounds committee, | consisting of Messrs, Youlden, H. | M. Rattan, and J. D. Thompson, was appointed to 'co-operate with the war dens.kin looking after the repairs to the iaterior of the church Fhe vicar was then asked to vacate the. chair, and J. Bernev was appoint. ed chairman, R. F. Elliott, in pro posing a vote of thanks to the vicar and Mee. Fitzgerald, spoke in warm ihuiane of the deep appreciation of itive congregation for their con- ut Nev ted work for St, Phut's +o Ruitan, in settling the ma en {eoneurred in all that the mover hail said, THe. vicar having suitably and feel ingly vephed on behall of Mrs. Fitz gerald and himself, closed the meetin: a with praver The officers elected for year were as follows : People's den, A. E, M. Letscombhe; den, R. F. Elliott; vestry J. Orr: awditors, H. M Mr. Coward; lav delegates synod, R. F. Elliott, A. E combe, Mr. Powers the ensuing War vicar's wer clerk, W Ruttan and to the M. Los DIVISION COURT. The Cases Tried Before Jidge Madden This Morning The following cases were tried belore Judge Madden at the division sitting this morning Fred, Noice vs. W. Telfer judgment foi defendant with costs John Eves ve, George Sudds Damages ¥25; judg for defendant with costs i T, W. Sands G. M. Hepbury $3 judgment for plaintiff full. | Keut Bros. vs. W, Hughes--{iarnishen | SM5aidy judgment for 110, T.9 Lockhart ve. R. BB. Cochrane, Commission, $15; judgment for plaig-| tiff in full with costs. Annie Loslaw vs. F. Bedard--Board, $6.70. judgment for plaintiff in full, Iva FF, Cobet vs. Thomas Hogan. ~Wages, S17 ndgment for Plaintiff $15.22 and costs, Where wera two parties committed to) iil $6r wot paving after being in structed to by the court, court Claim $oN; ment VE, against garnishee 57; Will Return To Tweed. _ J; E. Mitchell, who moved to this city a short time ago, from Tweed, will aeturn to that place to engage in business. Although only in the ety a shortylime; Mr. Mitchell made many friends, all of whom regret very much his departure. Just recently, Mr Mitchell wan appointed superintendent at Cooke's church Sunday school to Fan the place of D. A. Shaw, who was Sompaiied to resign owing ta ill health, "tit the. workers in the chugch pred pang al a a Military Votes Deferred. TIn connection with the Kingston ilitary votes, Hon. Mr. Pugsley stated in. the house that the militia ment under consideration a Rte og new barracks, v Shpplemcntary vote would dw view: ol that proposal, he tthe items $10,000 and 'a new gun shed and arm- respectively stand over, and agreed to. FP. J. Armstrong, the King street received wend, to-da- that he had won a Hethald building of | change of great importance | Falls went into effi Satisfactory--| iver the | Work of the Vicar. | { hereafter | and j town | greater i Fitzgerald, ! { i i i | one hundred [Rev w. Manning, in | Burns' f thre THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, CREWS TRANSFERRED. {Smith's Falls Benefits way Policy. Falls, May 5A C. PI. R to Smith's when the crews of the northern division of { that portion of the line between Chalk and Carleton Place tra ferred from Carleton Place hers This means that Smith's Falls to be the "terminal point, men on that division who formerly resided ' at the "junction" will of necessity have to make their headguerters here. Already fil teen crews have been transferred, and as this represents eighty men, the part of whom are married jand have families, it will mean a ery valuable addition to the popula- ion of Smith's Falls. As vet there are not enough available houses here to accommodate the increase, and the men will not be able to move their families here until autumn. A nam ber of 'good dwellings will be rushed up, however, this summer, This move was decided upon by the C.P.R. com: anv on the ground of economy, With Carleton Place and Smith's Falls both divisional points, extra crews were required to transfer freight hetween these two places, though the distance ix only twenty miles Now the run will be a direct one from here ta Chalk River, which is only about and thirty*oliles dis: a By Rail- Smith's i, vesterday, were ns id the tant RECTOR OF TRINITY. T. Manning Succeeds Late Dr. Dix. York, May 5.--Rev., William T DD. vicar of St. Agnes chapel, in Trinity parish, and assis- tant rector of the parish, was unani- mouely elected rector of Trinity parish to succeed the late Dr. Morgan Dix, at a meeting of the Trinity par- ish vestry. Dr. Manning was en as assistant rector vears ago from Nashville, Tenn He Northampton, Encland, came to the United States parents in 1878. He was at the University of the Swanee, Tenn., where he took his degree in divinity. In 1801 he was ordained to the ministry of tho Protestant (hurch by Bishop Kip, of California New led to this city Trinity church born 1866, ani with his graduated South at subsequently five at at of Christ was m CROPS IN FINE SHAPE. Better For Years Provincial Secretary. Winnipeg, May 5.--Hon, J. H, Ag provincial s>cretary, Just re- turned from a trip through Manito! a, where he had to what the crops looked like. "They are' better have for some at this time," Mr. Agnew, "and they are goiny under the best of weath just at present, The out of ground and Never Says new, hes a chance see now. than they been vears said along r conditions grain is well looking healthy "The recent frosts to the crops. Other boop. frost on. May. 24th, when the wheat was up three or four inches, and we never had a better ¢rop than this year. Thesg little frosts will do no barm, awd from present prospects will have this year the best yield have ever had." GRAND TRUNK TRAINMEN. To Present Request For Schedule. Toronto, Mav 5 and trainmen, sion here, place their reguest before General S the did ne damage vears there has we a New after Now «Larand ductors w weeks' ar per ed to schedule of Transportation Brownlee schedule will include increase of wages, mstment of old here dele Grand Trw Chis The wd, pr for a new uperintendent he anv rather a new not great but read prices ad conditions ented the enti Portland to accept Jaly ates repre svstem fron new schedule, of ro is expected 16 go ante effect | Ist FIGHT OR QUIT. Bluff Has Been Taken Will Be Pressed. London, May 5.--The National Sport ng Club, the richest organization of its kine in the world, has called Tom my Ban's bluff, by offering a purse of S12.500 the leser to take 32.500 side bets of $5,000 for fight between Burns and' Johnson, the might of the Derby. A reprisenta tive of a New legsey man has offer od to wager £5,000 on Johnsow, Exen staunchest" Bapporters «ff Burns admit that the matter has been put squarely up to Burns, who must now either fight or quit. and with a twentv-roumnd A Magnificent Gift. Srockville, Mad 5.--Announcement was made through Mayor Cossitt at the regular meeting of the' town coun- cil of the presentation to the town by Mrs. G. F. Fuliord, of the lacrosye grounds for athletic purposes. The property, which consists of about four acres, is. admirably sifuated dt the cast end of the town, It was the stee of many memorable lacrosse matches in the days when Canada's nl game boomed here. Certain conditions are imposedby Mrs. Ful ford for maintenance, ete, which the council adopted. Granted Hooray edhes. Montreal, May 5.-At a meeting of ths sinate of the © Wesleyan College, vesténday, the honorary degree of doctor of divinity was granted to Rev. J. W, Grabam, educational score. tary of the churth, and to Rev. CT. Seott, B.A, the pastcr of Douglas church, Montreal. At the same scder wnt five young men were granted the degree of 8. T. L. (licentiate of syn thetic theology), while two others were mdmittod as bachelors of divini- ty, including Rev. A.D. Runnels, Are Reconciled. = New York, May 5.--Feank Gould and his wife are , to-day, to have reconciled their EE ---- NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES R RECOUNTED IN BRIEF REF FORM. Batters That Tater Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, or the inst time lage of Gatineau Point Hou. A. Mackay will gddress the electors. of West Victoria at Lindsay on M 12th. King Edward and have retursed to Scandinavian tour. At 'Traverse City, Mich., "Uncle Dan" Whipple, aged 108 vears, died fromm hemorrhage of the brain Foronto's watér, by analysis, pares favorably with that of the ter of any large city on the continent Ihe resignation of Sir Antony Pat- rick McDonnell, underseerctarcy the lord lieutenant of Ireland, will take effect duly. Mile Stolypin, Russian premies, Monday, to Lient naval attache at Berlin There does not appear to overwhelming anxiety among al of Quebec district out the tercentenary ties. The ask a B13 per ters til demand. Herman Puck, aged thirty-live, arrived Teronto, on Sun England, is in St. Michael's hospital shattered Buck tell how he came by his since GG. Adexandrg from their Queen London oom wa to in daughter of the married, on the Russian was Bock, ke an the rur- to turn festivi- Cory s during bakers of wi have to of Ottawa ges of ¥15 n the accede to journeymen new scale work and the 16th and mas the ive who in from badly condition. to in a is unable Pinjurics. Montreal authori alists to hold Mars take As a result of the ties not allowing the a meeting on Champ De night of May Ist, they will ceedings against the city Justice Britton v agamst the C company, Galt, the appli of the Sovereign bank, a cre to the extent of $14,831 a possibility that Textile workers' leaders will ox der out all the in all the mills in Canada Mont real and Valleyvfield mills. As the result hoax, dred police and officers wer Montreal city hall, Monday What was expected was a demonstration the Champ Mars ( SOC on the pro a winding order ian McVi Fagine on cation ditor They rated the Fed operatives in addition ty two hur massed at of a afternoon socialistic on de E. Quel ee was presented with a beautiful in morocco also the. recipient Tenny, late G.T.R., the staff of writing compan ease. Mrs. Tenny of a by his of fice ion a was wrist bag. At Brantford, Ont a strong defence. ahout forty strikers up for trial, by Magistrate on a charge of watching duck wack handsome , notwithstanding wore sent Livingstobe, and hesetting the davs The funeral «f Alexander Cravelive, one of the oldest residents of Anders son township, took © lacs Tupsdgy morning, Trom St, Joseph's church, Paver Canad, Mr. Craveline wae l ora Essex "county eichty three fon var ous in ears ago Quebec contractos, B1.0060 900 Garpe rattwav-amd James Mitchell, contractor, New York Fhe objeet is to prevent the companv sign contract with Mr. Mitchell HE WAS "MUCH OBLIGED." HJ entered the Ma behalf Montreal lawyers, or of Lyons, suit for tane and Against ing a Man Sentenced jto Life Imprison- ment. Mich., May B5.--Jos Plunt, a liquor salesman of this city, wha, last Saturday mon shot and. killed Mr, and Mr Jones, his wife's parents, in here, was sentenced to lif the state penitenti Blunt said "much judoe passed the re daing the never felt better now comtent attempt insan father-in-l he would Battle. Creek, ech B ing, Homer their home ng riIsonment n ary at Jeekson. obliged when the sentence on him. Bef court he declared he in his life; that he ed, and that I to show the he shot mother-in-law and fight it trouble for did it." to was any it his was made was when and attorney ways made and I'm glad 1 Were Not Satisfactory Montreal, May J.-J. H. Plupmer sident of the Dominion lron amd Steel company. has state ment, to-day, * x made hy Jamies Ross, Do winioh Coal company, ' with relerence to which have beem in progress the two companies looking to a tlement of the litigation respecting the coal contract. Mr. Plumwer takes jesue with the version of the negotia 'tions as piven by Mr, Ross and states that the proposals made at the meet not satisfactory th the sted pre: ; issued a to that lent of the days a few the negotia My between ing were . ampany . ¥ Said He Bought It. Toronto, Max 5.--Un, the charge stealing a diamond pin. from C. Rivkette, George Johasthn, alias the "Big Swede," was in the police court this morning. Johnston has served nearly half his life in difierent peni tentinties on the continent. He told a story of paying FIO for the pin in a pool room amd the magistrate al lowed 4 week's lime ta produce some evidence. of Ww di peg Caused A Fatal Fire. Queboe, May 5.-A candle setting fire to the deapery in a room in which a Corpse Was Inid out was the cuuse of a fatal accident at 5t. Raymond. The victim of the unfortunate catas- trophe was a young man tamed Hemi Duplain, aged twenty-two, and the corpse was that of is father. MAY 5. RAID ON FARMER HOME, Relic Hunters Carrying Of Every- thing Movable. Watertown, N.Y. May 5 from Brownville state that relic ers in hundreds struck that place 8 day the result that thing moveable about hom Reports hunt un anhout every the Farmer as souvenirs of with was carted away In many instapces in chipping off eas and every ig that had least of k, which the hunters' imagination turn into blood spets [he Drennan home disturbed by the collectors, probauility should the not abate after the nt murder. rec knives ngs, were Use vindow sills the reiic nt on spe could was somewhat and in all present nus next Sunday have property ance someone guard to it vanishes to stand before necessarily the widl protect IS SEEKING RELEASE. He Says He is One of Merchant Service Sailors Ont., May 5.--Sidnev a April, last year, to RKingsten penitentiary sats and six months for at- tempting to up the West End plant of the Steel and Iron company, by turning off the water leading to the boilers, desires to free again. He bas petitioned for his release, the papers reaching the police magistrate to day. Jones who sed anything about himself at h states in his petition that be Jos a in the merchant sr for and that he to ro old calling = Hamilton Jones" who was ent 'need for two ye blow be ref seaman ight bacs vears, gesires to his Lake Opinicon News. Opinicon, May 1.--The opened this morning with Hollingworth as maker. The last week put the seeding Adelbert Ubdgrove has rented Robert Stokes for the Mr Ubdgrove in going. to Cobalt. the sick list, Newboro Miss weeks Lake cheese factory Robert rain of back. to his farm coming season tend Sandy Feeple 3. A on Barr 18 INOV Ing old hn with her home at Yar alled on Lime Je son, /spen ga few het Freeman, last w and lay Cumpson at' her son's home. My with watt selling in returned to Mrs: 8 parents', Mr Sun sister, has Maple Lane her home New } at Leland also 0 "Mrs. John last Smit) to pas Vicinity Leland, gone umpson has went through here ture. Hay for N25 week, ix this a ton Review At San Francisco May 5.-The first squadrons of the Pacific arrived here from Soy ports. They will await Husdor the arrivgl of the fleet on Wednesday and will pate in thq naval review. San Francisco, and second fleet have Puget in the Atlantic parte; - St A Fearful Storm. Louis, May B5.--A unusual severity, accompanied ahvost of tornado velocity this viciaity war much. damage. aud loss of hfe, Mills & Co\ Are Offering thunder s of wind over to-day, indirectly swept doing causmy Thos. Stetson's h Fhe Mills hat, The Wilkinson best straws, hat, Tooke x1 Chitdren's Higher Pay For Controllers. Ottawa, May 5.--1The after an acrimonior debate " reased the salagies of the « from 2400 to 31,000 cach that it should not be until next city council trolley hut decided come operative vear NEW YORK STOCKS. Prices Furnished By W. Hector H. Hume, Clarence Chainbers. May Sth Stocks. Opening. Close Amalgamatod 6 American Loco Retin & Re Copper com Am. Su Am. Amity Am. Car |} Anaconda A tehe Balti. & Brooklyn Cen gar Mi op. & LObi tapi Leathe ian Pacific Gt. Westy & y Southern NX & lron Delaware & Hudso Distillers se Erie Railroa G. North R pred Kans & 'texa¥, com. Louisville & Nashyvilk Minne Paci National Lead N.Y. Central XN. XY. Ontario and Northern Pacilie Penn. R. R.. ex per cent. S.A People's Gas Reading Rock Island Rock Island, Southern Ry. com Southern Pacifie Sloss Shethield UU. 8 Steel, com fi. 8, Sted Pacific, ni West pred pref Union eum Wabash . West Union Tel CHICAGO PRICES, ' May Sth. Opening, Uloss "ial 90 853 u50 6B 6238 6 623 Len 13.55 13.67 13.82 Mrs. William | Jackson, of King street west, left, to-day, for Toronto, to attend a general meeting of the [ Presbyterian Woman's Foreign Mis sionary society. 'At Tamwerack, Mich, a dozen min- ors were in an sctident PAGE FIVE e---- Correct Spring Millinery New Styles Wide Choice Moderate Prices UMEROUS ADDITIONS more than [ill the great gaps caused by the brisk selling of the week, and bring astortments of millinery and all trimming requisites up to the highest point that they have yet reached this season. y Widows, Merry Tailored Hats, materials in Girls, Mush. and the Eastern On- Merz caues, Popular Sailors, room Shapes, Pl; largest stocks of trimming tario. David M. The Millinery Fo oo ef Spence, and Mantle Store. 0 To oo oe Leading SN Gr REN RN Oui. 2 problem, Buying clothes, Ha ing care 4 wh XC one docs The particular man who studies his individual style in buying clothes will find satisfaction in the great variety of our display of Spring and Summer Suits. 'He will be able to find that PARTICULAR style and pattern that is becoming to HIM. Every GOOD mode of the season is here. Quality, work- manship, fit and style considered, our prices are the lowest, They all talk about their $15 Suits. We will show you the same qualities styles and workmanship for $12.50 Our $100 Soft Colored Shirts are not only the best cloth bul you also get an extra pair of cuffs Other lines at ow 1:25, 1.50 and 2 00 RONEY & CO. The Store That Sets the Pace. MACKENZIE & SMART Tailors to Men of Fashion 50, 7 27 Princess St OUR SPECIALTY : Indigo Worsted Suit, $19.00 est siyie, Bt apd workmanship Rustunteed, Completes assortment MAKES YOUR CAKES LioHT, Cr Ral abd Trovserings just MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. JE Ty . 179 Wellington St. Table and Whipping CREAM MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LioNT. nee RT ee GLOVER'S, E.W.GILLETT S37 LIMITED Cor, Bagot and Earl Sts, TORONTO.ONT. wo Coma The Clyde shivbuilding vahle duced 50% Vouss]e during 197 as pared with 372 ths previoas wear. The skin of muskrats is largely mads | sve of in the manufacture of the! chenper grades of bir conte