Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1908, p. 6

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Your Money REN TST: I= 0 YU 18Y I eri Angle i . I PNT: i Laying: Safely When: You 4 Ww is the time to have clocks looked after and ly put in order. ssibly there is some little g out of order that will few minutes to ir clockmakers are ex- s having. had long and ough experience e call for your clock and deliver it. - All our work is | guaranteed, Kinnear &&' Esterre Jewellers. "Phone, 336. 100 Princess St. IGAUSE WAS JEALOUSY BY BY DISCARDED | Port Arthur migers soy the Minto] | WHAT WHIG COI CORRESPOND: W. K. KELLOGG a package is Jour absolute pro- § tection in getting 'the original, : genuine LURED SWEETHEART AND KILLED. | ------ ; A Terrible Srectacle--Victim Be-|; lieved to Have 'Been Drugged Before He Was Stabbed to Death. : Venice, May --While the Venetian authorities are still busy reconstruct- ing last summer 's sensational mmrder of the Russian, Count Kamarossky, another appalling and mysterious mur- der has occurred in the city. A prominent young lawyer hamed Giambattista Munari, president of the local canoeing ° club, and very well known among the foreign colony in- terested in sport, has been unac oount-| ably missing for three days. After search had been made in 'all his usual | haunts bis body was at length dis 1 covered in the house of a former sweet { heart. It was lyiag in a pool of! blood, and was terribly haéked about] with a stiletto still sticking in the | throat. Ina bedchamber immediately above the apartment in which the lawyer's body was found lay the corpse of a woman, in whose case death was due to asphyxiation. When the police burst into the house the gas jets weve still full on, but the tragedy had seen its awful finale fully three days before, As algeady indicated, much mystery attaches to the aliair in its details, but to-day's iavestigations tend to show that the crime was the ovtcome of jealousy. The dead woman, named Teresa Valin, thirty-six years of age, was widowed early in life. She sub- sequently retired from service at the Austrian consulate in Venice to he- come the mistress of a rich Faglish- man, who had apparently secured a god berth for her eighteen-year-old son in Canada. - The murdered lawyer, Munari, became her lover seven years ago, when he installed her in the Juxurious apartments where he has met his death, About three years ago Mupnari for-| gook Valin for another woman, and this led on several occasions to humil- iating scepes in various public _re- sorts. Finally a report that Muhari intended to marry her rival aroused Teresa Valin to ungovernable wrath. Shortly before the tragedy Valin met Munari in a fashionable redtaurant at the luncheon hour, and insisted on an immediate interview. The result was that the harassed lawyer pledged himself to pass the evening in Valins apartments. According to the police theory Mun. ari was from that moment a doomed man, . Valin having arranged to drug the wine of her victim and stab him to degth. The apartment showed traces of a terrible struggle, and there are several slight wounds 'on the woman's body. Though the police are disinclined to believe that there were any accom: plices, a ne ighboring decorator swears that he saw a man dressed in gray hurriedly leave Valin's dwelling on the night of the oaedy. . The supposed murderess, 'whe "after- ward retived- upstairs and committed suicide, had, according to her maid's testimony; often threatened to take the lawyer's life should he decide to marry another, and the very dav of the tragedy had sent out to buy fools cap, on which she drew up her will, bequeathing her belongings to her son and a 'sister. The murdered lawyer's family i= well to do and of high standing, the fath or of the deceased being the presiding judge at the Venice law courts. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at the Various Centres. Montreal, Mey 4~About 700 head of butchers' cattle, 176 calves, 1,097 fat hogs anu 7 shed) and lambs were offered for 'salé at the Point St. Charles stock yards this . forenoon. Good cattle were scarce, and brought higher prices, but the common stock and milkmen's strippers were in. libe- ral supply at about former rates. Prime beeves sold at Bic. to 6c. per Ib; pretty good cattle, dic. to 5}; the milkmen s strippers, 3ic. to die, amngl the common stock, Sic. to 4}c. per fb. Calves sold at from de. to te. per Ib. Sheep sold at Sic. to 6ic. per Ih. and spring lambs at 85 to #7 each. Packers are paying 7c. per Ib. for good lots of fat hogs, but some small lots were sold at Tic, 'per 1b. Chicago, May 4.--~Cattle--Receipts, 20,000; strong to 100. higher. Beeves, $4.75 to $7.25; Texans, $4.60 to $5.50; Westerovrs, $1.70 to 86; stockers and feeders, $3.60 to $5.80; cows and heif- cg, $2.50 to $6.50; calves, $1.70 to $06.25, : + Hogs--Receipts 57,000; 10c, to 13 lower; light, $5.20 to $5.60; mixed, $5 25 to. $5.60; heavy $5.25 to $5.65; rough, $5.25 to $5.45; good to choice heavy, $5.45 to $5.65; pigs, $4.30 to £5.10; bulk of sales, $5.55 to $5.60. Shesp--Receipts, 21,000; steady; ha tive; $4.70 to $6.20; Western, $4.75 to $6.25; yearlings, 3625 to $6.50; lambs, $5.70 to $7.50; Western, $5.75 to $7.50, East Buffalo, N.Y., May 4.<Cattle-- Receipts, 3.200 head; heavy, slow, and 10c. lower; others active and strong to 205. higher; steers, $6.75 to $7; Wd he pv 5. 530 Es eT boils cows, $3.50 to B15; ! than to fiemedy. | erful | texture | dealers sell commEpCAL sATTERS, i What is G on in the Busintae) Worl Markets. {mine will be re-opened and operated | by Toronto capital. In the London revenue district, ing the fiscal year, were manufactured, An estimate shows that there are now 375,770 idle cars on the roads in Canada and the United States. This is the greatest number on record dur- "The capital stock of the Crow's Nest | Pass Coal company has been increased | from four to ten million dollars. The output 'from the mines of the Dominion Cosel company for April was 200,000 tons, compared with 316,- 384 tens in April last year. For the year to date, however, the output to- tals 1,239 530 tons, a very substantial increase over the corresponding period of 1907; The pearl is the best known of Aus tralian gems, and for many years thousands of dollars' worth have been secured in Queensland. The oyster | fisheries of Thursday island have been the chief source of supply, but. pearls avé found all along the Queensland coast. 3 The latest statisties on French pos- tal savings banks only ¢ome down to 1904, Then there were with 4,345,446 depositors, and posits, including' interest due Decem- ber 3ist, of $220,158,200. The inter- est is two and one-half per cent. com- pounded. The Results Of Poor Blood, The wholé machinery of health must he kept in order or diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys will follow, These organs are so related that when one weakens all weaken. To keep them vigorous they must be supplied with pure, rich blood. Such blood is alwgyvs the result of using Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). They are a great nerve strengthoner and blood maker. In boxes, , at Wade's Drug Store. Money batk if not satis- factory. Coat For Small Girl, The code' Nerd "Shawl T998° good model for general wear, and could be made of either cloth or wash material such as pique or linen. The model was of navy blue serge trimmed with black silk braid an inch and a quarter wide, and narrow sou- tache. The three round buttons used down the front were of black erochet. Cures Eczema Quickly. Nothing can be more tantalizing treat Eczéma with a poor Only ah Ointment that's pow- and penetrating can restore the and integrity of the skin, can subdus the fiery itching apd pain. Physicians who have watched the suc- cess of Dr. Hamilton's Ointment say it cures thoroughly. It penétrates un- der the diseased skin, forms a new | omter covering, subdues irritation, de- | strovs every trace of the disease. All Dr. Hamilton's Ointment in §0c, boxes. Marries Old Fiance"s Double. Albia, lowa, May 5.--Miss Laura Craig, of Albia, was married, yester- day, to her former fiance's - double. She was engaged to George Crosier, of Des Moines, and when her friends as- sembled at to see her wedded to him. turned out to be the best man, and his double, William Ramsay, of Albia. was the bridegroom. Miss Uraig made a mistake several months ago at a dance and thought Ramsay was CUrosier, and atter that Ramsay enter od the lists for her hand. and friends did not know it was net Crosier who was showing her atien tions. Instead, he | Why have Dandruff. All scaly xs of the scalp are ahnoving yh A indicate a condi: tion that commonly leads to baldness, Wade's Ointment is a certain cure for sealp humor, and all these affections : Foeemia (Salt Rheum), Cold Sores, Pyros, Piles, Blotches, Sore Feet, and all scalv or itehing eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, 20c., at Wade's Drug Store. Man's Inhumanity. Windsor, Ont. May 5.~In the assize cotrt, Mrs. Mary Spiers, plaintiff ja an alimony suit agniost Williom Spiers, Owen Sound, said that once or husband knocked her down and i {heat her into insensibility because she asked him for two dollars. The judge awarded $3 a week alimony The total electrical energy supplied i London during the past year was "159 kilowatt hours. 34,340,650 cigars | 7,583 banks, | de- i the church they expected) ws W F_ EGHBOR ENTS TELL Us. | The Tidings From ¥ Yasin Points { in [Eastern Ontario--What | People Are Doing And What | They Are Saying. Wilstead Tidings. Wilstead, May 4. --Many from here | attended the conservative convention at Delta on Friday. School re-opened on Monday, with Miss Richards, Kingston, as caches. W. Tediord 3s { busy buying dekins. B. Wilson lost la valuable horse ast 5, The many friends of J. Kyes, brother of G. T Kves, are pleased to welcome him back to his old home, after an absence of twenty-nine years. Miss Mav Wilson and Miss Coral Richard- son visited friends at Melcombe. George Gardiner and family have mov. ed from Brockville: also F. Hall, from: Gananoque. Reeent visitors: - T. Heaslip, Gananoque, at W. Heaslip's: Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Melecombe, | F. Richardson's; Mr, amd Mrs. W. { Rath, at R. Rotter's, t Fair View Items. Fair View, May 4.--The land is so wet and cold that farmers are late in getting jn their crops. Mes. Thomson is with ber daughter, Mrs. 8. Loucks. Schuyler Loucks is unloading coal at Napanee, for R. Shipman. Siliace day. Robert Hodgson sold his farm at Selby and bought Mrs, Hugh Low- ery's farm at Fawr View, He is tear ing down the old house and 's going to build a new ope Robert Lunn is home from the west and visiting Per cy Madden's. John Madden lms re turned howe again, Budget From Philipsville. Philipsville, May 4.--The farmers are getting disgusted with Brer Hicks, the weather prophet, for sending such beastly weather, just at the com- mencement of spring's work. Many acres are under water. Sunday morn: ing, May 3rd, the ground was covered with about two. inches of soft show, that followed a heavy rain on Satur. day night. Many farmers have turn- ed their cows out to grass, having no hay to feed them. They feed them ground feed night and morning. There has been considerable grain sown, Mpst of the farmers have sent young cattle and dry stock away to pasture for the summer. Some of the farmers have lost some cows from one cause or another. Many cows are very thin this spring, owing to the high price and scarcity of feed. W. H, Earl and sons lost a pair of work horses with inflammation, a hard blow just at the commencement of spring work. . Mrs. J. Downey, murse, had a call to El- gin on Sunday. s Stevens & Halladay have their cheese factory all ready for the steel shingles. Tt will 'be one of the best cheese factories in the country when completed, with cool curing roems, cement. floors 'throughout the biild- ing. The, pastures have got a fair start and meadows are begining to put on their summer garb. Wesley Tackebery is drawing his own milk with some of his neighbors, te the Harlem cheese factory, until the new factory is ready to take in milk, CAN'T GET LISTS READY. A Physical Impossibility to Get Them Out. Port Arthur, Ont, May 5.-- physical impossibility that the law with regard te the votes' lists can be complied with in either this riding or the righing of Fort William, so that if the goverament. persists. in holding the elections on June Sth, as an- nounced, it must smash ts own law to smithereens and disfranchise practical ly the whole country vote, It has been thought that fifteen days was al lowed' aftr the lists had been prepar ed im which to make. appeals, but this is not so. According to the act pass- ed in the legislature it is prowided that no appeals can be made after the 15th of May. As the enumerator will not have his preliminary sts prepar- fed in several cases, possibly a major ity of the cases, it will be seen that there is practically no appeal possible from the lists as prepared by the enu merator. Supposing that appeals could be made, the jutlge would then give tow days' notice of the sitting of the court of appeals. This would bring the final revision of 'the lists up to the 2th of May, provided the judge. could sit at all places on the 25th, but as that is impossible, the final revision ctaunot take place and the lists be completed and certified to before the first ol June, 4 4 Recording to the mew election act certified copios . of the voters' lists must be in the hands of the clark of the peace before the date of the writ calling an election, and thers must be an interval of - at least sixtern diye after the date of the writ before nomi: nation day. It is a "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a eentury, Of highest standard of purity, Distiliers to His Majesty the King." Another Happy Family. R.: LL Joynt, former. member far Grenville, Hip an en in the con- servative journal, the Messenger, said he would be a candidate for the legis lature in the elections, repre- senting conservative interests. He would not go at: Tomson visited at Si Loucks on Sup}. Our Spring Suits When the finishing touches of our tailors are put on these garments, they are worthy of the Fit-Reform vour careful consider- and ation. reputation 'We aim to make them the best Suits at the price in Canada. The fact that we sell more and more of them every season, is the best evidence of our ability to combine style and value with moderate price. il-Feform CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston. FLUE-CLEANING --g dirty, heart-breaking job. AND Ab, a BIRR Situated " singly " --on some furnaces. Situated "doubly." i mr door --on 'Sunshine " "SUNSHINE" ADVANTAGE Operator can easily clean every bit of soot out of radiator. ® THE OPERATION Fire put out, smoke-pipe pulled down--on some furnaces. Fire stays in. smoke-pipe stays up "Sunshine" Furnace. Sunshine "SUNSHINE" ADVANTAGE : Furnzce can AAAS be cleaned out any time in season without trouble, " fear of chilling the house." dirt, or LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG FLUE-CLEANING a clean, record-breaking job. THE FLUE DOORS over feed door same distance from each other; same distance from feed Furnace. ANAAAAAA M<Clary's on ed CALGARY LEMMON & SONS. TO DRIVE AWAY THAT TIRED FEELING, 'TRY nerve-nourishing brain. making food, conducive to health and to clear thinking, supplying all the energy needed. for ' work or play. " It is a muscle-building Biscuit for Breakfast, Triscuit for Lungh, All igrocers, 13¢. a carton, 2 for 25c. EES CRT "RAILWAY In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway. VICTORIA DAY SINGLE FARE PP. and C°P, {. Ticket Office, Ontarip St. 'Phone 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agi, Bl -------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY loaves Sadar Seay bn ily w ® aRoept , Sydenham, Na Deger- 0, Bannockburn and at points worth. pecure quick despateh to Banmock- burn, Maynooth, and ints om Central JOntario, route your shipments via Nay of Quinte Railway. For further particws lars, apply uw R. W, DICKSON, Ageat. 'Phone, No. | [YXTREIT i | Homeseekers" Excursions to Man. | itdba and the Canadian North. | weet and return, good going May { 13th, 26th, June Oth, 23rd, July 7th, 21st, August 4th and 18th, {geod returning within two | months of going date. The fol- 1aM3 ng are fares to some of the ptincipal points : greed $34.50 P 838.55 Souris «= 40.50 Vermilion ~ 41 (0 « 42.50 Yorkton 5.0 « 40.00 Regina 36.00 Winnipeg Arreola Albert | Brandon Calgary - Edmonton «-- Macleod ~~ { Moose Jaw «-= $38.50 38.50 For reservations in the Tourist fear and any other information, japply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, | Cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts. AERA 0 K, 1Y A RAILWAY Royal Mail Trains From Montreal to Halifax CONNECTING WITH A Royal Mail Steamers From Halifax to Liverpool ------ ds A | Canada's Famous Train | THE MARITIME EXPRESS deaving MONTREAL Fridays et 12.00 BOON). carries passengers baggage aad ropeam mails, reaching the steamer's f dock HALIFAX the follo'ing Satur {omy room. SLEMAL TRAINS carrying (insengers | bagen ge and mails when Inward ates m- lars da not connect with the MARITING EXPRESS, leave HALIFAX fmmediates ily afisr the arcival of the steamer, wak- | ing connections for Otiawa, Toresioy Delrelt and points west. ¥ ' | FOR, TICKETS AND FURTHER IN. | FORMATION, apply to nearest GILAND {TRURK RAILWAY AGENT, or to | 'Montreal Ticket Office 141 St. James St, ALLAN 7x LINE Montreal to Liverpool CorsXian, May 1, Virginian, May 5, Tunisian, May 15 Victorian, May 22, 9 am. v amg Fri., Fri. Frit, Fri. 6 aan, Rates of and full fgroon " fay r bs obtained from J. KY, Agent GTR, of Op 8, ERED ATIICE. local Agente, canard. § | The mas catise 1t 2 4 1 bali honest + or + HB. Langley, Hamilton, writes : "1 Bave used Bur nts: Blood Bitters as a sprig tonic and I ind it the. best thing I can take. It buikls me right up and 1 use it every spring. It is ex cellent for the blood." A AT -- USES IT EVERY SPRING. Spring Medicine Try as you may it is next to impossible to escape so-called "Spring "Fever." PURIFIES THE BLOOD. Mrs. Geo Mason Apohaqgui, NB, writes: I have used Bur dock Blood Bitters und it Is a splendid spring medicine. IL puri fies the blood and is the greatest remedy in the world for ~ plmpies ard boils." You get that Weary, Tired, Libtlens,' Wo LAY Don't-Care-to-Work Feel- ling. What is needed is to clean out the system and ssake the blood pure. The cleansing, blood-purifying action of Burdock Blood Bitters whereby it eliminates all the pent-up poison from the system, starts the slug- zish liver working, acts on the kidneys and the bowels, aud renders it without exception. THE BEST | SPRING MEDICINE INDIGESTION Miss B. Ont, writes three Bitters IN SPRING. Hawt on, "Last spring 1 used Yabiies of Putdock Blood as | bad indigestion wad very thin bisod. [1 tried which 1 thik fs wn LEX

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