Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1908, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT. EY ad THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 5 1908. VALUABLE FURS. Telephone (489) our Waggon will call, i ---------- The finest, hardest, simplest and |B the wost brilliant of minerals, combining all qualities of the highest degrees found in gews. The diamond will eontinue to hold the highest place in popular favor as the king of precious stones, and temporary ups and downs in trade conditions will not materially aflect its value nor de stroy the *cherished sentiments as- sociated with it as a gift. Our wolitaire and three-stone i rings are jewels of beauty, 'Our moderate prices will " surprise you. A Spangenberg ; JEWELLER, Issurer of Marriage The Season for Paint "ip here, and. wo are better uipped than ever before to furnish Jou with ail Fodqiramenty for every kad of a job. MSAY'S PAINTS are leaders, $1.50 gallon. Get new color cards. Every guaranteed, WI. A. Mitchell's Hardwars, 85 Princess St. - Largest Selection Vii 4 We Selected Sto 0 A call of inspection invited. HTHE MOUNTAINEERS." New Pictures at Wonderland Very Interesting. ¥ jpher & seen taking a tute of some boys climbing a tree, is unaware that his camera has in 8 serious tragedy. ' A hints ir ia robbed, while sleeping, is shot jl then thrown over the precipice, ingly dead. The hontsman 'is ter hy a farmer and taken to sweotheart's home. Here revenue 4, looking for moonshiners, dis him, the home of tne farmer's thtef to ask for her hand, but is THES P.M. EDITION LADIES' AUXILIARY Of the Hotel Dieu is Doing Good Work. At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu, an encouraging increase in mem- bership was sano: Aull ¢ hun dred dollars was given to the sisters to buy necessaries for the poor pati- ents. The auxiliary is doing a grand work and all the ladies are deserving of much credit. The report of the treasurer showed a handsome balance on hand alter giving the three hundred dollars. The election of officers re sulted aq follows : Mrs. Joseph Swift, president; Mrs. DD. O/Leary, viee-presi- dent: rs. J. Welch, treasurer: Miss Ida C. Ronan, secretary. A special high mass was said at the Hotal Dieu, for members of the Ladies uxihary, on Monday morning, 7.90 o'clock, : at Final arrangements were made for rupmage sale, to be held on May b, 8th and 9th, in the rooms lately occupied by the Y.W.C.A., corner of Princess and Sydenham streets. Any persons desirous of helping on this good work can do so by notifying the secretary and hao goods 'called for, ar if they are generous enough to send them, will be gratefully received, a 7t GENERAL HOSPITAL, Dr. H. A. Boyce the New Super- intendent. The regular monthly meeting of the board of governors, Kingston Gener. al Hospital, was held on Mouday af- ternoon, at four o'clock. Present, Dr. Duff (chairman), Prof. Marshall, B. W. Robertson, Felix Shaw, James A. Minnes, Charles Livingston, Lisut.- Col. Massie, R. Waldron, F. W Spangenberg, F. GG. Lockett, Rev, Laing, Rev. Dr. Macegillivray, GG. Y. Chown, Br. Wood, A. F. Chown. The resignation of Dr. A. UD, Macin tyre, ns medical superintendent of the hospital, was sceepted, and Dr. HA. Boyce, retiving house surgeon, was ap pointed to the position. The tender of Booth & Co., for the supply of coal for one year, was ac edpted. The visiting governo port was read by Felix Shaw. 'er- al minor repairs were suggested which will he carried out by the committee of manngemant. , The revised mules and regufntions of the hospital, as pre sented, wore adopted with one pro posed amendment, { Number of patients admitted during the month, ninety-five; deaths, five Visiting governors for May will be, B. W. Robertson and Rev, Dr. Macgil livray. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Richard Moore Woods left the city, to-day, for Boston, Mass. Mrs. John Baker and family, of Deseronto, ave removing to the city, Inspector R. W. Bruce Smith visited Kingston's jnil and charities yvester- day. W. F. Nickle, K.C., wont to Hamil ton, today, to attend the Whitney meeting. Police Constable ""Niek" Timmer man is off duly, on leave of alsmnee for a week, . Miss MoCool, Bagot street, wen a building lol in a recent confest in Montreal. Belleville Tntelligencer ti John Street church, "Sanday morning, had as preachir, Rev, KE. laid, B.D., of Queen's. Miss Maud Burns, of Friscott, who bas been visiting Miss Kate Sowerds, Montreal street, returned home this afternoon. Police Constable Motirath, of the Brantford police force, is a visitos in the city. fie is on _his way to Otta- wa, to spend a vacation. Mr. Mallagh, who will take charge of the book store recently conducted by Francis Nisbet, will arrive in the city from Brantford the latter part of the week, Col. Sir Edward W.' D. Ward, K.C.B., will be invited to the Quebec tercentemary as the guest of the Can- adian Army Service Corps. He is "the organizer of the Imperial Army Ser- vice Corps amd is the honorary col onel of the Canadian branch. Brockville Recorder : Large congre: gations were present at each service in St. Peter's church on Sunday, when Rev. Dr. Nimmo, Barri , preached two able sermons. Rev. Dr, Nimmo has lost pone of his force and elo- Guence in the pulpit and his sermons were much enjoyed. FOUGHT ON RAILROAD. -- Two Trainmen Worsted By Two ; Tramps. A fierce fight occurred on Monday afternoon, on the grade side of hing- ston Mills between two trainmen and tramps, in which the trainmen came out second best. Two men were ing their way down, and just be- The mountaineer comes t like getting down and kicking the head off him. The tramp did not ay to y : Jup the busineés of the evening. KINGSTON OLD BOYS IZATION IN DETROIT -------- To Unite in a Social Way Those From the Limestone City and to Come Home Once a Year. A despatch 16 the Whig from De- troit says : ; | "A representative bunch of local] Bons of Kington, all Detroit resi dents, got together, last night, and organized the Kingston Old Boys' As sociation. William R. Thorston was elected Chairman and EJ, Leheup secretary. The object of the organiza: tion is to unite in a social way De- troiters who hail from Kingston, and to arrange for a home-going pilgrim: age once a year, at the time of the Kingston civic holiday, the last Sat- urday in July. The gathering in Kingston at the coming Foticer will probably exceed 5.000 the Boys, ty 'Old of HON. F. R. LATCHFORD. Appointed a Judge of the Outario Court, ENCOURAGING REPORTS High Received at Y. M.C,A. Board Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors wof the Y.M.C.A. was held last evening. The members met at 6:30 o'clock, and after tea, took Dr. | Anglin presided, and the following were present : Messrs. Lockett, Bate man, Laittaw, Jenkins, Chown, Hague, Davis, Gill, Harrison, Jordan, Part ridge, Kinnear, Mills and the general secretary, R. B. Neiles. The reports presented were most encouraging. All outstanding ac- counts for 1907 are being rapidly paid and current ones kept well in hand. 'The recent repairs to the building were inspected, and the directors were greatly pleased with the changes. The athletic committee's report was pre sented by Mr. Kinnear, An effort is being made to have various athletic events during the summer months, and so maintain the interest in as sociation allaivs during the entire year. It Is practically assured that the city lacrosse club will play under the auspices of the Y.M.U.A, Were The New Superintendent. Dr. H. A. Boyce, the newly-appoint- od medical superintendent of the King- ston Uoneral Hospital, is the young- est man to hold that position. He graduated from Queen's Medical (ol- lege in April, 1907, winning the me- dal in medicine, and being appointed a hospital house surgeon. Dr, Bryce is just now completing his term at the hospital, and is therefore fully quali- fied to continue as medical superin tendent. He is thoroughly acquainted with the indfit®ion's workings and its noads. He will succeed Dr, Macintyre, the retiring superintendent, about Jane Ist. Ue hats from Murray, Ont, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Asparagus at Carnovsky's. Bice In Wondertand"" City Hall, Friday evening. Good rubber tired cab"always when you 'phone 600, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. "Phone 778, The police were handed a purse con- taining ¥1, picked up on Brock street, this morfiing, by a citizen, Blaud's iron Fills, the genuine. Sold in Kingston, only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The members of the yacht cab will hold another of their popular fort nightly dances at their clab rooms on Wednesday evening, H, Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, Leave ab Mo Auley's book store: ; 'Ten per cent. reduction in wages and two'thirds time is in force at the Kingston eotton mill. The operatives work four days a week. * "Best's Magic Cleaner," removes all stains from 'any fabric,' A splendid carpet cleaner, Big bottles, 10c. "Fhe mandigément committee of the board of cdecation met last, might ie spare the report for regular sein of the board on Thursday ight A anda," the 'givat: Russian "silver Bb. On sale at Gibson's Red Cross or ig the peda; class, in y Senin aftormoon, Wndersd 5 Yel eon to the pedajogy officia is. Jnspee purtmept was present. * Members who have recently had their assesamenty increased in - Tn at the HAVE FORMED AN ORGAN ooo, The Banks Of The Amazon. | New CITY AND VICINITY, ! ot § Lowney"s Chocolates. | And Ganong's. Edwards & Jenkin, { -h : Brazil muts, real bigger toss, just received at Camovsky's. To 'Be The Manager. * Stanley A. Button, of Winnipeg, architect and engineer, i coming to Kingston shortly to become manager of the Kingston Concrete company. No Old Styles. You don't get a last year's hat when you come hore, Al the latest 1908 styles are to be found at Campbell Hros.', Kingston's style centre fap men's hats, I ---- Government On Defensive. The government is on the defensive. Tts members are frantically beating the air. Who would have expected such a change of front in this auto- cratic combination within a few weeks ? Won 4 $50 Lot. Mrs. J. Hamilton, King street, is being congratulated op winning a $60 lot in the towns ing competition announced in the Whig same tine ago. The name she. sent for the new CPR. townsite was Asquith, the name of Britain's new premier. Also Ren, That once tory organ in disguise, vow the whale thing, the Toronto News, makes this anmouncement : "J, H. Metcalfe, ex-M.P., has formally an- nounced himself a candidate for the Kingston seat in opposition to Edw, J. B. Pense. W. F, Nickle, K.C., is also in the feld." Address Te Chalmers Club. Last evening Prof. Nicol, of Queen's University, gave sn' interesting ad- dress to Chalmers Club. It was a talk introductory to the study of mineralogy, and was given in the pro fessor's class room, with mauy illus trations. The club expressed its hearty thanks to. the lecturer. A Child's Sad reath. Harry N. Lasgell, aged four years, whose parents reside at the outer de- pot, and whose illness was referred to in Saturday's issue, died at the Hotel Dieu, at 130 o'clock, this morning, of spinal meningitis. This is the child which received a fall through a shock, created by touching an electric fixture at the side of a street car ten days ago. Caused Much Alarm. A few days ago two young neither over cighteen years old, left town without taking the trouble of informing their parents that they were oing or when they would be back. for two days nothing was heard of their whereabouts, and their people were very anxious about them. Final ly a postcard told them where the irls were and that they were working in another city, Awarded Two Prizes. Robert A. McLaughlin left, today, for Torgnto, where he will finish his commercial studies. He was one of the successful competitors in the Newaygo Limerick competition, hav- ing been allotted a building lot at the summer resort. le was abo a win- ner of one of the prizes offered by the Canadian Resort and Develop- ment company, for the name for a new summer resort, being awarded a large piece ol real estate at the new resort. girls, How Is It ? That peopl: who have used' Livol snd sull require treatment always coma bavk to Livol ¥ Because Livol is not only a great tonic but a builder, seCond none, if is a scientifically prepared cod liver oil (without the grease or fat), combined with pepto- nate of irgn--the resalting compound is. arbualder, blood producer and nerve strengthener, second to none. Free samples ave still to be had at Pest's brag Store. Livol is good for any body needing a tomic, or feeling out of sorts. Better try it to-day. to THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING MR. AND MRS. E. HAFFNER CELEBRATE EVENT. Members of the Family Presented Each With a Purse of Gold-- Guests Numbering Fifty Spent Jolly Time Together. Surrounded by the members of their family, and a large number of rela tives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Eck- ard Haffner, celebrated their golden wedding, on Monday evening, at their home, 14 Durham street. The Quests numbered close upon fity, and a most enjoyable time was spent. A special programme of music was carried out and games were also indulged in. A feature of the evening, was the presentation of a ynrse of gold to both Mr. Haffner and hi: wife, by the members of the family. The presenta tions were made by Philip Haffuer the eldest member of the family. Mr, and Mrs, Hafiner were the recipients of a number of other gifts, from their friends, and in accoptivg the kind tokens, Mr. Haffner made an able re sponse. 'The health of the bride dnd groom was proposed and responded to, dnd afterwards the guests sat down to. supper, in the dining-room The room was in holiday array for the ov: casion, and the table was prettily de- corgtedd with flowers. OF special note was the grand wedding cake, which occupied a prominent position in the centre of the table. Those taking part in the musical part of the programme were Mrs. H. Baker, R. Gage, "Bert" Marrison, and the members of Bethel church quar tette, A notable fenture of the proceedings was the presence of the bridesmaid and groomsman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buck, of Sunnyside, who officiated * at the wedding half a century ago. Mrs, Buck was formerly Miss (C. Haffner, and a sister of the groom. Mr. Haff ner, who is a well-known Kingstonian was born in Frankford, Germany, seventy-eight years ago, He came out . to this country when sixteen vears of age. He was a butcher and followed up that business for a great many years, being a well-known figure on the Kingston market. He retired from business about ten years Mrs. Haliner was born at Cataraqui seventy-two years ago. the marriage ceremony was performed at Cataraqui. Mr. Bugk is now seventy-three years of age, and was born at Cataragui Mrs, Buck was horn at Frankfort, Germany, seventy years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Haffner have a family. of nine children living, and one deceased There are nineteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Yesterday a group photograph was taken of the four generations, out on the lawn, and another photo was taken of the members. of the family and all the Ago. guests. The happy affair was brought to close at an early hour in the morning the guests, helore departing, extend ing their best wishos to Mr. and Mrs. Hafner, = ® ROSELLA KNOTT, Inspector's Visit. | A. H. Leake, inspector of domestic science and manuel training sited] the Collegiate Institute and domestic] science classes yesterday, and to-day] conferred with the school management committee. He speaks highly of Miss Bawden's work. spector Leake be- lieves the work manual training and domestic science would be greatly stimulated if sui --guarters were provided, and he hopes Kingston will have a building of its own for these practical brapches, The resignation of Miss Shaw makes mmbual tfaining in the public schoo's a possibility. A Progressing Church. At a meeting of the quarterly board of Broek Street Methodist church Inst evening, cause for much rejoicing was shown by the" ial statement presented; After all expenses of the past year were paid. there was a bal: ance in the treasusy. This good cog- dition is in a large measure due to the energetic pastor, Rev. T. E, Burke, who has béen able to increase the Sunday co ) average, fram $18 to over Last year shure debt was reduced by bo. A hearty invitation to continue os pastor was extended to Mr. Barke, The Late Elmer E. Reynolds. « Vincent, N.Y... May 2-The Elmer BE. Reynolds, of Clin of Me. and Mrs, village, ocrurred, Breakdown. "He of this county, wville, forty-six igi Ex 53 at The *Alice-Sit-By-The- Fire a May 9th -- Grand on Saturday, In More Prisoners Arrive. Peputy Shesiff Smith and two con- stables, of Barrie, arrived im the city, this afternoon, with four prisoners for | the penitentiary, from Owillia. Three | were sentenced for burglary and one | for horse stealing. their sentences | ranging from. two and a hali vears to four years. Three of the prisoners are | Englishmen, who have only been in| this country three mouths, { To Save Her Hand. You Get 1st Choice As the stocks are all complete and many novelties on sale. Cannot be du- plicated later in the season. Fop Children' Wash Dresses And Ladies' Summer Suits We are showing excetpionally gcod values in ENGLISH CHAMBRAY. Colors are Light Blues, Saxe Blues, Navy Blues, Linen Shades, Pink and Greys, Light and Dark. 121e, 15¢, 20c. Carter's Famous English Drills This isa material a little heavier than a good print and not se heavy or hard to wash as the ducks now in use. The colors are absolutely fast and the pat. terns good. Navy blue ground with white spots and stripes, Copenhagen and Saxe Blues with neat white de- signs and stripes, also in black and white patterns. The price of these Drills 13c yard. 400 PATTERNS IN ENGLISH PRINTS Including all the most wanted colors of Navy and Butcher Blues, Black and Whites and light Shirting Patteras. Many pretty designs for shirt waists, 12 1-2¢ Yard. ENGLISH OXFORD BLOUSE MATERIALS For Girls' Wash Dresses. For Boys' Wash Suits and Blouses. For Ladies' Wash Skirts and Dresses. Some exceptionally good patterns, ic, 1be, 20e, 2; GALATEAS In plain shades of Navy, Cardinal and Lght Blue, also in Navy and White Stripes, Light Blue and White, and Car- dinal and White. "Fancy Dress Muslins Dainty designs and in new combination of co- Many of these you will see in no other lors. | Just a hint as to prices : store in Kingston, 124e, 16, 20c; 25¢, 33¢, 35e, 45c, and up to 65¢c yard, Ah, futher 1B Jack Cunningham and his step daughter, seriously injured in a fight in the restaurant, on Sunday altes- noon, are doing as well as wan be ex- pected, It is hoped to save the girl's hand, but it is still doubttef if she will have the use of it. Gloves And Umbrellas, Underwear, collars, cults, ties, chil- dren's, boaters' amd Jack Tars, all of fered at greatly reduced prices at oor big removal sale. Thomas Mills & Co, Pineapples'! Pineapples ! Edwards & Jenkin. Phone 770. The home of Michael Sullivan, Brocvitle, was thrown into deep sor- row Monday morsing. when Mrs. Sul- livan passed away, She was born in County A lare, island, nearly i ine ¥ 0, iw a gir nr ants and to Brock- ville with her pareots. Sinee then she ad continuously heen a resident of 'ville, a period of sixty years. Help a worthy cause hy going the Sur all to Fi The of "Alice in W go 3 Ba ri gon sold . ' poriiies, sold | In Kingstcn at Gita x's. Red Cross Drag Mrs. Jane Calwell, died in Carleton - goods you need, and at the right price. This week we have: Old Ladies' House Slippers, low heel, strap and , bow, large sizes, regalar $1.50 for # 1.00. Old Ladies' Kid Slipper, elastic front, turn sole, for 80c. ; Ladies' Fine Kid Oxfords, blucher cut, light and heavy soles, $1.50. . : Another Table Heavier Soles, nice shoes, $1.25 GOOD OGOO0OC000000000000000DOCLO0CO0O0O0N™ "Also a table of Men's Oxfords, reduced 35 per eent. in price. Call and see these bifgains. ALWAYS SOMETHING INTERESTING Ghe Toockett Shoe Store. Our Bargain Tables are always full of just the o

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