Daily British Whig (1850), 6 May 1908, p. 3

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ASKS A SARE BEAL GOVERNMENT 1 HAS- TRIED TO, SERVE THI THE PEOPLE. Nothing in the Wes Way of Adin: ------ a i WANTED--MALE, i WANTED-GENERAL, rom SALE, ment Suggested in the Open- hs TEvasidt Ray Sn fst | A TALL. CLEAN, TIDY. YOUTH, AS|BAKERY OR BUILDING _SUIPABLE|MILCH COW, CHEAP FOR CASI. ing Méeting of the Government L Sduttion > complete doorkeeper at The Bijou Theatre {or same to rent. Apply McCann, 51 Can be seen at 241 Queen St Apply after 10 a.m Brock stroet. Campaign. » T Re Mill TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS. 60 and a3 Hamilton; May 5.To use a time- he d WANTED FEMALE. PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF ANY ston street. Apply A. B. Lune honored: phrase Preifier Whitney fired By HENRY BLOSSOM and' VIetom 8h King t rite iv Ae aT tem, pin ch m. the fiest gun in his campaign here] BERBERT, Company al = Augmented pin EXPERIENCER GIRL, FOR . A TAYLOR SAFE. APPLY to-night. It, may be added that the Qrehestra, Shares of 40, '2 Cars eneral houstwork. Apply {to Mrs |THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH Board -of Education, Core powder was a little damp. The main a Dutch Kiddies To Cunningham, 189 Earl St. a Drie oly ts work, . i kind kinds and Sydenham Sts v , 'ov theas JOHN FORD aw" 5Uon K rye S Bir, | = ~ meuiay Washelis 79 the Savas gt EN ON ORD a i 1 aor GENB VANT. WEFERENCES Bhectncian, '405 Welllhgton® streets BLACK MOULD FOR FLOWER BEDS , : 4 Girls, S to s. Frances or top dressin Also ash 1oved crush - artangements: were made SOF | sad Teavanien 7 4 Sobgy, Duuges] ones, rosin. Xpely ing streets SOME ' MORE PROPERTY TO SELL.| Drop a card to Albert Stansbury. 4a1 the holding, of an overflow meeting at{ Prices, 25c., 50c., hes ®t, $1. 50, * - A _-- 1 Jou have any, ive us Setals. b+ Barrie street. a aati k Seats now 'on sale A GENERAL SEXIVANT. NO WASH- o . ee A i ---------- - his. entulery pi ey s Wed \ ing or ironing. Keforences required. Dobbs, 171 Wellington street, YOUNG HORSE, RUBBER TIRE wa F » " Apply to rs. . T. Connell, 11 Runabout, Harness Cutter A bare Hanna. The overflow meeting was 3 SATURDAY, MAY Sth, La Arch street. A" JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF| gun if sild at once, Apply tad held, but nbodssity forit was not as argain Matinee, yening. 8.15, yards or cellars, or other "poggage lam street we as bad vad anticipated. Includ- Canada's Favorite Actress, AT ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL SER- carted; Prices Sant. ARP to rte tt rt -- oe the: band of stalwarts | who sat MISS ROSE KNOTT vant. TE ibe nny Mt a ibs Lytle, General Carter, 85 Mala St. INQ. 138 UNIVERSITY AVE, DOUBLE 1 $ . evening, to Mrs, ry rricky ) solid brick house, hot Water hont- behind the premier on the platform, | Supported by ANDREW BahsoN, and Bagot street. So SENTLEMEN TO QET ing, open plumbing. Apply W, "ie i 1.500 le ; . Sopa of Unexcaliod Meri grit. Phégen i thei Xap Suits Sullivan, Chana #treet, there were some 1} people in the RA RRIES Mbsterpisce. , PD_FOR IX. - theatre, Amongst them %as an un SITUATIONS WANTED-FOR Style, sod Snisk 0 * ALICE SIT BY-THE FIRE perdenced domestic servants, STEVIE ; antesd to a I RUBBER TIRED RUNABOUT, hOOCTOR Apply at once The mext ta, Bi 's Edveryy Stanhope's Top Buggy Huson: usually . large percentage of ladies. about May 15ih Exactly ad Presented at the Criterion Guild, 71 Drummond St., Montreal, Waggons, Milky Waggons. Lisi As Mr, Whastney's speech proceeded Theatre NN. City. it was evident from the demeanor of argain Ma Matinee aoe. d45¢. soe SEN. SPRIGGS ELECTRIC co. Laturney, Priveess' St, Kingston " One our 0 OW e arriagewaker, a part of the audience that they were FIRS on sgh \ foci Charen, "doe 45 MONEY AND BUSINESS. * new. Siiver, Nickie and COPPor Plats] coat potsiim- somewhat disappointed at his [failure ®0% TOE re. 75¢., 81. FIRST 4 ---- ing. Hou Wirlag. Rept rs Fo |PROPERTY AND HUSINESS OF Bb, to 'present a constructive progranune. OWS, p Seats of sale 'Thursday. dong quick. arge, assortment of tas Wartelsky, Verona consisting of ME Wiutndy, as he dy oe jously n {.50. > day: four BR PoLICIES COVER MORE OF and Flas Chandeliers. Mesh, Ba. frame store and dwelling, wail estab. Mr, ) 3 i hic a than any othe! teties WF . lished ral sf bust od indicated, attempted po defence of the TUESDAY, MAY 12th, . " 441. : rearon BOF aliinge APP te ISK w, Mark McConn; 51 Brock Sti, Kingston. ones in our Housefurnishing Department this month, for we guaranteeing of the Canadian North: : . ern honds.. To use his own words, he The Dunsmure Opera Co i SITUATIONS VACANT. crry PROPERTY CHEAF NO. 08 > HEAP : e : . o - . : are showing monte of the greatest values § hep seasonable goods, which we have ever had to offer 8. Tine and thought have been lavishly™s oe on this i : f 3 rn i yopsted of what bis government had| Present. ROSSINI'S. Delight © Cothie WANTED_RRIC KI AYERS AT CORAD St Oit i : s ? St., Park, all fo. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE uated wages. $0, 45. ur. Boe. an) Paget Shs Tap Sny rhe a e ® : : e : : w 5 : » * : Crumley's For Housefurnishings" We want to see all our old ciistomers and. czowds of new 0000000000000 00000000000000COTOROIOGIOGIQPOIROIVOIRDERIIE Separtment and everything is ready for the-most careful and g | done, and claimed that the people; Opera A508 eritical inspection. Come and compare prices and Yalues. Be- would endorses ' Fire Insurance Company, Ava 36, 40,45. i io: 3 $ se it. So far as the assem "" hour, according to ability. Apply at sion; No 204 King St, well built low are a few of the many articlés shown: blage be. . addressed 'was econcermed "The Barber of Seville rn Shs omyhion ln addition tel' the Builders Exchange, Mechanic In stone house of about 13 roows ; No. it a a pressed: hy the: elo rity the unlitnited Niability of all stitute, 204 St. James St., Montreal. 82 Ontario St, 12 rooms, all jae 14; Apnient: Ras' expressed. hy the; e With he Be t Singing Com Ever the stockholders. Farm amd city pro- ms crn provements, hot water heating, quent silence in which it received Here, hy Sie NTE perty insured st JoWest possible WEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- map, Geo. Cll, Heal Netste, 95 the premier's statements. BALIN Prima Powis From Maibiattan rates. Before renewing gud of giving ber, trad, fitaduntes, sam twee Jo) Clarence St. Opera House, N.Y. and J Ww business rates from & Ea oigh ars weekly, Help ser opamenadstaton foes ee te With regard to the La Rose grant | the. Famous Basse" From Govent x iin Flory "Phone, . positions; . Will equip stops. Cone | FIFTY-FOOT. CABIN MOTOR BOAT Mr. Whitney claimed that the govern- : tant practice. Capeful instructions. 2quifiied, ith 34 1 8. chimes ment had: only acted hopestly. The . 7500, ¥1, $1.50; bow Weeks complete course, = Oata~ engitie, ARE Jughery Kisctrio Juste : 2 ié Frida rite Moler Barber ation for MWghting and eotling. La Rose people had undertaken tof Seats on si fay: TOLET. Youn Bee Prolite 1 Cabin built of solid mahogany, and thoroughly equipped and" furnishipd! A delightiul craft Jor crateing. Prive. procure the necessary evidenee to upset - , 48 ed SHE i 3 & NR , A NTE ap \ the elaim of O'Brien. I was under 3 Pe DG oR Cann FINSMITHR WANTED: MUST BE $6,500. Can be inspioted of King stood, said the premier, that they 51 Broek wstréel. ' first-class bench worker, capable = of ston Foundry CUpispany, Bagion, id not lertake that work 'a cio - . making up stuck well and fast. When Ontardo, . AUdEs cORMIA MOL! ions. 10 won, no undertal e t at wor at . ede applying kindly state the number of W. C. McCausland, ih care. of The their own expense. "There was no PASTURE FOR HORSES AND'COWS. teh quart pails, also a few other British 'Whix Apply to J. C Harmer, Lower staple lines you are prepared to make Lian batgain,. but there was the feeling Station, Ojty. in" a day of tem hours Also wages nme -- es there shoulu be between two honest] Moving Pletiireh' Unexcilléd By Rhy required' and experiences Apply FP. men." North Averién' SUMMER COTTAGE, ON ST, Lesli¢ & Son, Alexandria, Ont ARCHITECTS. Mr. Whitney spoke for an hour and Lawrence River, near guy. Apply ---------- three-quarters, He dealt at length) NONE CLEARER : $0_ScUuun, 51 Brock Si, LOST. {ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITEC , fice, Cor Queen ar agot street with the finances of the province, NONE STEADIER NOS. 77 and: 79 _ ALFRED STREET, | ON SATURDAY, A WALTHAM WATCH | mee meee come meee claiming that the revenues had heen all modern improvements. J essession Stem Winder. Finder kindly leave al HENRY SMITH, ARUH Apply A. B, Cunvingbas® F. ' Whig office, with pame and be ve ete« Anchor Building, Market Square. mcreased by developing the assets of NONE LESS FLICKERING 1st May. . Pade 9 | se ; g : - ; "hone, 345, She Hao vinty = nel. the Snafu} FURNISHED. OR UNFURNISHED. 5 - ec ) vel . ie Crease y bedroomed brick house, 106 Welling- P 2 3 . v flav ¢ reel OWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. dxpenditures, he defended on the To day and Thursday we tony St. Possession at once. Apply _ FERSONAL. chant's Hank Building, corner Hrock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213. ground that they had been made injOffer a thrilling melodrama Daniel Ragves Iroquois Hotel SAIR, MOLMS, oF ne Ben Ful EY ne warts, etc, removed permanently, : interest the le. "As t 3 a . : the interest of the psaple sa mat-ifnom the studios of Pathe |souin prick resmend without scar. Twenty years ex WM. NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT ter of fact he claimed that the money | + > ux St. West, near Alwington A nine see. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, i Bee, second Aoor over Mahood's a had been paid back to- the people jr { Freres, Paris. rooms, city pronto furnace, good "Throat and Skin Blemish store, corner Princess snd Hagot stead of being allowed to accumulate bath and mtablingy A oars Specialiot, 358 Bagot _strost. strests.. Emtrance on Bagot surest : . Ve "hone, 608. in the treasury. "THE NOBLEMAN dence, or fo 1 FOR SALE OR TO LET The government, he contended, had " 3 ; ' ' FINE DRY STORAGE, FOR' FURNI 3 carried out. all. its pre-election prom- AND THE MILK MAID ture, goods, ete. Separate rooms and | IRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH PRO ENGINEERS. ited except with regard to law reform your own lock and key. W. OG. Frost, ; : village of Sydenham ir and the foundation for that had been FIRST RATE ACTORS: Storage Agen 4nd Uarringe Painter, her particulars, apply to Calvin! ERNEST R Hn OK WIT H, A. M. OAN i rhe a a, . Lake, Sydenham, Ont. Soe. ( KE. Ontari Association laid. With regard to cheap power the FINE SCENERY "AND COSTUMES. - Ee Architects Me ulting Engineer and government was in._a position. which --- n Architect, 18 Market St, Kingston, could not be eriticized. It was to the SPLENDID SEA-SURP EFFECTS. TO oA: NN 158 BUSINESS CARDS. evedit of his. administration that the We also offer a Gamedy HABE Sally's Lieut~Col. Hudon, C.M. 4 ot al | liquor laws had been strictly enforced! pustie'" and the Liluetrated Song. Soyde heuting and modern improvements. | ELINCTRIC CARPET CLEANING, MARRIAGE LICENSES. while the threo fifths clause had) Day When Dreams Come Prue os song by orn te Atmstro McCormick, 1001 ns lg and layin Feather Beds . - S-- brought about such goad results that|John Robert Davis. Clarence street. | Milne. 273 Bagot sw Sa; 3: 10 " Barring Lota. oi hares | ¥ 6000000800000 0000000 it way not wise to make any change, --Only 5 Cents-- emis -- oe Mr. Whitney also took credit to pie} = hE RAIA St hE | li that, he bad brought down a } roms muarws avorwss. © hue PARAGRAPH rue | more general redistribution scheme. | Throughout his speech the premier To the Boys and Girls of the Unitarian. made no apnouncement as to future] British Empire. REV, C. W. CASSON, policy. May you realize more and more ful The 3 o py . i Phi pg i THE PFIONEBR HOUSE. Bo i _ i er ish Rreat 2 1 The Gaivazian Weleoms, : : ! dness to ¢ dritish empire--ep Fhe Unitarian church welcomes to Hon. J. J. Foy, W. ol. Hanna, R.| "The majestic community of free nations ts fellowship all who sincerely desire A. Pyne, N. Monteith, Frank (Cochrane | 4 ircely governing themselves, owing its | to know the true and to do th and J. 8. Hendrie. heing to vast sacrifice, enterprise, and | good. It Has no test of creed or Sant - Mountaineer"" valour on the part of your fathers | pulsion of belief. Iq gives and guar . Woman's Lot. A powertal story of love, hatreds' re and predecessors, bound together by | tens avervone within its circle the full 4 ' ' » re < yf Bh a. ¢ . punishments E Watel ithe igrest gne King, oné flag and one navy, com privilage of making and expressing Linoleums a iss All widths, Black and Floral Patterns; Darke snd Light Colors, fully guaranteed, special prices. Oil Cloths For Floor, Stairs, or Tables, all new, fresh goods, different widths, nice clean patterns, for 25¢., 30¢., 35¢., 45¢.,"'60c. Rugs Some of the finest to be seen in town, all sizes, beautiful ® harmonicus colorings and pretty patterns, different qualities, . from $4.50/to $25. J Lace Curtains . All the latest patterns and all new, fish sprin stock, differ- ent lengths ang widths, beautiful desighs, frp 95¢, to $10 per pair, ' Cash Coupon Premiums All kinds 6f dousefurnishings to be sectred by cer COUPON System. Chairs, Iron Beds, Solas,, Desks, Tables, Cutlery, China, Clocks, Glassware, ete. Come and see thew. CRUMLEY BROS. a RE OUASH COUPONS. SUTOOWE 000000000000 INOVETOOOOOS® eo > ® = * foWeseoseeve » * * . * . . * . * * » . ii New York Press. J ; You mustn't do this, you mustn't do | verge and Hi that, Court Scene hums race upy f : 4 man race, and occupying more than Fecpts him. for e 15. or i IVES ADDED ARM TO { You mustn't be thin, you mustn't be 'NIGHT AND DAY. sung by Clare] 4 fifth part of the earth's surfare--a he Whttts. te Poi Pe Fu pe at ho : i a 4 y be, ane 0 . what he. fat Smith. federation the like of which the world | wlisves. It insists upon the right | Wi 0], fn s | ni y -- -- a k 4 THE EARER You Hsin t put powder upon your | " Py hag never uawn jit. ; Ed wery man to think his own' thous bt ine to th wrilg he midst Buccessful (hy i. 5 : Ali Wor nd | d ay yon bear in ming that, of thel i, make hi wi choice, atid to follow | Owing 10 You mustn't have dresses that show ICE in 0 er atl allied peoples of this empire Tach ane 'the guidance of k a own y fason cotset "design ever greated. : ; your hose . aT , - "" i i 3 ! 3 : looks to the others for practiced! sym J... .« oy ' a 4 TE Tt is a well.Evown ct sunt 4 be A J You mustn't look dowdy, you mustn't pathy, protection amd co-operation Da No ners ot 49 { oh shu \ : . : ¥ confi rm wr vongtia i 'e Medel greatly. shances . IN yo a pe lace, ' Under the Auspices of Whatsobver] and that not only the state to which ¢ o} 3 n Ofsted! IW " fect figure, while it improves osc or figu You mustn't have any rouge on your | Circle, King's Daughters, dn Ald of | oo 0 000 0 TF EE TREE | tavian church Yu chal fetopnitigh B 1 , face: Simpson Ward; Gemernl Hosghtal. i belo g. abo, ny : atid ; sell looks to you to be ready in tine} Address, Rev. C. W. Cassin, at 95 AYD& ADL is the WF vou mustn't walk as if yow'd> al # f 1 hi : 5 0 ) ad to think, to labor, and fa} o 1 : ir of elegance, smartness, -B Siky . hump, ~~ CITY HALL Horikiipe ir He Or re a Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the Synopsis of Canadian Northwest tinction and comfort, You mustn't swine both . your arms cel ih the practice of fdith, courage, itera tyre. HCMESTEAD REGULAT Ie Light ab air, yet guarantébd fo' ahitlast like a pump; . FRIDAY. MAY 8th duty, self-discipline, fair-dealing, even : 10NS two ordinary corsets, I | You mustn't stoke even a cicarette, y justice, good citizenship, lovalty, pa A RY Stihl d ection of 1 : ke ev justice, : . pa ; s minion Lands in Manlio) PRICES - $1 00, to. $5.00 0 You mustn't make even a harmless 8 Pw triofism, and Htiseneip: and thus hy Northwest. Provinces DOMINION CORSET CO. , Mnfrs. 8 bet; : . Seats, 25¢. and 35¢ vour own individaal action aid in ele . and 28, not reserved, wu ! You mustn't 'wink, and you mustn't |= m-------------- ; he British 4 8 on Meaded by any person the » Montreal i ) vating the British character, strength Fs wily ' a vor 14 \ art, VICTORIA DAY ening the British empire, and consoli A 4 6 ond Guar ter You Jiasth be smart, you mustn't | THE VICTORIA DAY COMMITTEE dating the British race he pers; intend putting on a asqurade Parade, | Yon ' i on the night of May 26th, and will be y 0 ngsion t in Ce in ¥ to anything shat oar be pleased to meet all Citizens, willing to Velocity ot The Wind. . on ¢ en ures Jominion [ands ARegeP or on dered at all as frivolity. participate, at D. Hay's Machinery Hall, | Boston Transtripf. Entry by proxy ah Qh ! some day or other I really trust | Clarence St., on Most people at some time or other | wip CITY HAS FOR: SALE 38 at an Age Someone or: other will say" "you| WEDNESDAY, AT 8 P.M. have used the expression "went like | Dadian) pai ron s RC Ui rae | a ther must. C. Ty McKAY, Secrelary. the wind," wishing to convey the itlea [of 14 Jer Sunt per annum, payable semi ax tL i sloc annually eo Debentures are in amounts | Wn of extraordinary velocity of from $560 to $900 each, and are pay | minde v ' Too Luminous A Mother's Class Cotiing . down... to. _ actun] figures, able in from 9 to 20. years (row i [el gibie. for ue . Janukry, 1908 i > A . ever, the wind i§ not such a Cleveland Plain-Dealer. WILL BE OPENED IN CONNEOTION | however, : A Fo " " op DUTIES At ail 'Bixby is the man who invented a| With thes Domgsiie Department, | speedy traveller after all. The month or further information, apply to bsidencs WOR Snd © cull vat bon ¥F. © BLAND, ig page . laminouy keyhole." "Yes. "It was IRELAND land in pel yoar during the prising more than a fifth part of the | his own- opinion in rei ion. It ac i 8 t CRRA FT INANRINN LBs ren Ines RS Pa LE rele dnsgas Sejumre 3 of the Board of Fihication, on of March more than any other in the City Treasurer a . . caw 2 1 . a failure. bixby came home from the Wednesday Afternoons at 2 O'clock | year has A indy eeard, a the Se Kingston, 29th April, 1908 ve. yours, club at two o'clock in the mornin 4 aT wes suppliec by the OCA] IO ET | rr re tits (3 Ab €:| Beginning of WEDNESDAY, 13th inst pureayp station for the month just end bid Sen Srior i th confident that he would have no trou-|Thase who wish to attend will phase : on r er thelr names at the Board Hoomwd | od will do to illustrate the fallacy of . solely hy hiss ot Ings than eich ble in finding the proper place to in- | reEist Princess and Sydenham Sts he ¢ aagiOh acres in ent cin the vicinit } sért his latchkey. And, lo! when he Coser of jon for 24 only. No the expression. . _ heres tent (in. the Vicinity Is the atmetjui point for ljoked for the luminous keyhole he SOR MACDONALD, Sec Sec a rae pri ha Tet ee yi not weet this Fiend! a 5 " o move 3 store oTI style and xo ality in the Suther- mw a galasy of (hem, the Federation building was 8.336 N i CE, : father land Men's Footwear list for Its Two Results HAD MANY VICTIMS, miles. or an average of 2I3 miles a Senders ah for Marine and |permaient v . 4 day for thirty days. Were is an aver er wept, owned solely by Spring. Tyns, Blacks, Patents, 8 | foo gp Pastner, [Ex otcer of British Ary. Sent) (3 (only 111 mien an how aoped| TENDERS. RT i ren Ch Vs Oxfo Down: whith even a slow moving freight ra TIME FOR RECEIVING TEN-|(0 by bim in he Vicinity todd um a Tr Gut, Laced plans that will enable him to huils rs for Ch . 3 4 or Chain Shackles and "Swivel . " y and Blucher cor ywepriced motor cars, placing os Winnipeg, Men, May 6.-dn the | steamet approaches. quired by the Marine and Fieri = De | orl pats, perl go Phe Conte To machine within reach of all. most dramatic) aid sensational trial 2 partdens for which lenders wave 'wiiied | pooiC,, y € nthe father : 4 v t « Prowne--My 1. That means a great! brought up in a Winnipeg police pourt Giant adishes. May, will be po JI up 10 the 16th of (4) The teray "Helnity™ Wi th pess undertaking. for some years, Percy lear, a man « Good Housekeeping. [May next. Rev, Specifications cin be | preceding paragraphs is defined ss mes ha also reat ander-| many aliases, who, says he has heen The sakura)ima, or sJapanese rad- | Sere at the Offices of the Agents of the | ing not Wore than nine miles i a dire talking business means ag ne a captain of infantry, in the io etn ish, is as lormadable ag its name. In cine fefartment at Ha NS o line. ariotietown, BL was n : army, and who poses as a high 3 shape and foliage the, Jukueafina st} Mga, PQ, and Quebec, ¥.Q.. and|SY NOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH cer in mans segred. societies, was sen- sembles ouF long American r partment, Ottawa WEST MINING REGULATIONS, - The, Genus, Stony M Thero the sillarity ends, I PN "Ottawa, Tira Agi, J008. CORE. n tenced to thret years in Stony Moun: STORDBAD, IAL ~Coal mining-rights may. be Christy's make of fine hats, Sot am and| iin penitentiary by Magistrate Mc- | pan «these vegetables grow. a Deputy Minister. |letsed for twenty-ane years at an stun) stiff, $2.50 - Hn #t Camphel Micken on charge. of of gibdnini woight of thirty pounds, «The Wd rental of $100 ah. acre. Not. ie on: then the leaders in s hats. ae of the sakurajima mimilar to that cant. Royally, five cents per tom. ye tences. He . swibdled men vg over tesa won RE i : 310 from vifon by of our own radish, but itis more deli- M You Intend. Selting Out, QUARTZ A per mt ars of fx 4 : ; oe eat Ditatencs. % Western Canada through secret so- | cat. Tha flesh is far spetie A ~CALL ON 4 asd over having made yn ey ¥. Harler [dreamiy Some ¥ i . 2 } that of native praduet, ng nl OM M ©'CONNOR may locate a claioy 1.000 fied by 1.500 A glaseo Seour windows' will show you who Sl Sa ich § hall wen. groin} » ae re I ad aT Ns TOMMY @' CONNOR |i; vo vio 4 ot Sion? : + a "3 sa Jima can a _Reeps a. 4 . paid to. the Mining Heeorder = When are the leaders in Swell Footwear. Ries od Mrs Harker Hm | Beard or paint. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. = Lapfl, A single small radish will | 8@ and 88 Brock St. £30000. vast chp or Ja and ing 7 ne P sufficidnt "to furnish a meal for BNL 11 SALES CAREFULLY OONDUCT.|claim may be pirchessl s¢ $100 nn : Farmer in . Thealth Tried 0 | average family, The rp o ED, PROMPT. SEPTLEMENTS. atre Take Life. : vantage of thus. product js in oh MADE. PLACER WINING CLATES gnevally, Belleville, Outi; ¥ pA H Tas L that it may be eaten at any' time ai. : 100 fet square. Entry for, 350, hard, an -pid - man seventy yours of | ter the vegetable has properly formed At the age of twentyone a voung | DREDGING --Two Jeasss of five age, residing in the #fventh conces. } unti til it bas fully metered, mon thinks. he is smart, At the. age] 9h of a river may be isstod to ove ap sion of Siluoy tewmebipomba bas] | een of forty: Be Knows: thek other fwople| Blois. mote bo soins. "Sematts™ 34 n's - knew he wasn't. per gent after the output exceeds $10,000, The superior quality sud flavor of | Even fhe tha Te gi seldom WW. CORY our coffee is vecognired by ah lovers | takes more pains thas be gives Deputy of the Mintster of the [uterior of gicap of good coffee. J, S. Hew |. When dealmutes marry they should xp poathirine an of thig advertisement will 864 be paid for," eta, Reo abresty. be

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