Daily British Whig (1850), 6 May 1908, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1908. THES P.M.EDITION MISS OFFORD RESIGNS As Local Nurse For the Victorian Order. At the monthly meeting of the Iceal Victorian Order of Nurses' executive meeting yesterday afternoon, Miss Elizabeth B. Offord tendered her <re- signation a® local nlirse. She has been engaged nere since January, 1906, Miss Ofiord will he relieved as soon as the Victorian headijuarters provide anoth- er nurse, The salary is $567 a year, together with uniforms and car tiek- ets. . Hel Miss Offord reported that during April she had sttended eleven new case, Of these, five were Anglicans, four were Methodists, one was a Con- grégationalist, apd ove a Roman Ga- tholic. Fees collected totallpd $8.25. These donations were received: Mps. Meck, clothes: W.CT.U., fifty cents; Charity Circle King's Daughters, baby's clothes. Want Motor Boat Races. Many people have remarked "upon the fact that there will be no motor boat races on Victoria day. HI S. Folger, manager of the St. Lawrence River Steamboat company, stated that next to the United States troops i | coming, the boat races drew large | crowds from the states, and their ab sence would make quite a differencéin the number of people coming over. Telephone (489) our waggon will call. John McKay Fur House, ; Snow Balls From .St. Louis. We mean fancy hot house cauli- flower. Have a look at them at Car- novsky's, u The finest, hardest, simplest and the most brilliant of winerais, | combining all qumlities of the { highest degrees found in gens, ] The diamond will continue to hold the highest place in popular favor as the king of precious stones, and temporary ups and downs in trade conditions will not materially affect its value nor de- [XK stroy the cherished sentiments as- & sociated with it asa gift. Our solitaire and three-stone rings are Jewels of beauty, our moderate prices will X surprise you. : | 2 The Season for Paint Is hére, and we are better equipped than ever before to furnish you with all BN | the requiraments for every kind of a job. BI RAMSAY'S PAINTS are leaders, $1.50 { per gallon, Get new color cards. Every can guaranteed, W. A. Mitchell's Hardware, 85 Princess St. ' e Are Showing : : MANY NEW STYLES IN & SPRING SUITS | In the very latest ideas in plain and fancy weaves, $10.00 to 45.00 each. JEWELLER, Issurer of Marriage Licenses. { New White Linen Coats & Skirts Coats come in long and short lengths, Skirts in latest pleated styles. New Voile Skirts Handsomely finished, $7.50 to 20.00. White Wool Skirts Over 75 to select from. White Wool Coats Large range. Embroidered Linen Blouses A grand assortment of Irish hand embroi- dered linens for blouses, comprising many original designs, never shown before in ~ Canada. Prices $1.25 to 3.50 each. Summer Stockings For ladies and children in tans, blacks and * colors, plain and fancy effects, 13}c, 15c, 200, 25e, 35c, 40¢, 0c pair. With 3 buttons, a genuine bargain at _$1,75 Pair. Alsoiin black and white. BRANCH FORMED HERE OF MORAL AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OF ONTARIO. New Organization Will Be Known As the Moral and Social Re- forms League of Kingston-- Meeting Held on Tuesday! Night. | A meeting was held in the city coun- | cit chamber, last night, to covsider the advisability of forming a branch of the Moral and Social Fone Coun- eil of Ontario. On motion of Rev. H D. Whitmore, seconded hy Rev. W. H. Sparling, Dean Farthing was elected chainnen, and on motion of G. M. Muacdonnell, seconded by Rev. T. E.| Huske,. Rov. J. Charles Villiers was appoin secretary. ' G. M. Macdonnell read to the meet ing certain correspondence he had with Rev. Dr. Shearer, secretary of the pro- vineial council. Ho also spoke in fa- vor of forming a league of the coun- cil, in this city, and stated that such a council had been formed in Toronto recently, which council' comprehended all sections of the religions world, Catholic and Protestant, as well as other representative hodies. : Dean Farthing read the constitution of the Ontario council, and the sug- gested constitution for a local league, ands also spoke on the necessity of forming and educating public opinion in the city along the line of com- munity righteousness, stating that from all he knew of the council, a branch league was well adapted to secure this end. : Revs. F. E. Burke, W. H. «Sparling, Dr. MacTavish and D. Laing, all spoke to the same,general effect, giv. ing their reasons for regarding such an organization as a valuable asset for the city. After further conference, Rev, Dr. Macdlavish proposed, and Rev. T. E. Burke seconded, a motion to organize a branch of the council for Kingston, said organization to be governed ind general, according to the principle set forth in the constitution of the pro- vineial society, and to be known as the Moral and Social Reform League of Kingston, The motion was carried unanimously. A committee was appointed to take such steps as they. deem éxpedient, to seoure an organization, representative of all sections, of those who should be interested *in community righteous- ness. : On motion of Rev. D. Laing, the meeting was adjourned, to meet again at the call of the chair. ------------e--_ MILITARY MATTERS. Signalling Certificates--FPermanent Promotion Examinations. The folowing olbers, non-commis- | sicned otlicers and men have wualified in signalling at the school of signal- ling, hingsion, and have Leen grunted certificates of qualification: Capt. WW. X. Mils, Mth Regt; Lieut. E. J. Long, Lieut. G. H. Guess, Sergt, J. Co A. Muunsie, 4th Haus sars; Sergt. BE. Monck, bth ¥,BC.A, Corpl. E, G. Thomas, Siz. Corps; Gr. J. Baker, Driver G, Davis, Trumpeter R. H. Stinson, Fte. H, E. Law, R.C. H.A.; Ptes. G. E. Smith, C. Bearance, M. bili, C. R. Smith, L. Redmond, 47th Regiment; Ite. C. Robinson, Sig. Corps.; Uadet B. W. Cannon, St. An- drew's Highland Cadets. Pte. H. Swaine, of the 14th Reyi- ment, won a "Best Shot Badge" for] 1907. The board for the permanent officers promotion examinaticns on May 15th, in Kingston will consist of : President Lieut.-Col. Hemming, C. 3.0., E.0; Lient,-Ccl. J. C. Melougall, R.C.R., and Lisut.-Col. Burstall, R.C.H.A. members, The following officers will write on these promotion eéxamina- tions : For rank of lieutenant colonel, Per- manent Army Medical Corps--Major G. Pagke, Major JR, K, Kilborn, Major J. D. Brousseau. For the Rank of Major--Capt. L. Le- dug, B.C.R,, Capt. A, H. H, Powell, For the Rank of Captain--Lieuts. G. G. Chrysler, R.C.R; A, P, 8. Wil hams, R. C, B.; A V."S8. Nord heimer, R.C.D.; R. B, Wilis, R.C.R. : E. W. Pope, R.C.R.; 8S. H, Osler, R. CE; BE C Dean, C.P.AS.C.; A. de M. Bell, C.PAS.U.; A, 8, Wright, R. C.G.A.; Hon, Capt. W, P. Butcher, Rn C.R.; Capt. L. H. Sitwell, €. of G, For Examination in Subject "E"-- Capt. F. D. Lafferty, R.C.A,, ( Gar- rison). Licats. W. K, P. Blair, R.F.A., (RM.C.)s (Field). A. W. Jamieson, ROCHA, (Garrison). A. KE, Harris, R. C.G.A. (Garrison); Irving, 5th Regt. CA. (Field), The Company's View. The street railway company officials ¢ they are of opinion that the Lay- zell child dw not receive an electric shotk from : ome of. the cars, as inti- mated. 'The states that the circuits are all pro ence of protective material. The cov- * would have to be removed and t ? | their first parade until May INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. When you need 5 Cab "phone 600. When is the™ election in Cataraqui ward to ovour ? Lylis Golden syrup--2-b. tins--at Henderson's grocery. Nice piieapples, two for a at Carnovaky s. See "Alice In Wonderland" at the City Hall, #riday evening. The lath P.W.0. rifles do not have 12th. William. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders receiskd at McAuley's, "hone 778, Several electric cars have fat wheels. Their joyous (?) music is heard far into the nights * H. Cunvingham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Leave orders at Mc Auley's book store, Ganong's fancy boxes chocolates, at Carnoysky's. huson's Invaliu Port Wine, a bracing tonic, sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone X30. All reports go to show that there will be a large number of new motor boats on the river this summer. Quite a large number who took a course of igstruetion in militarv sig- nalling, have received their -certiy- cates. Mennen's violet and Borated Tal cum Powders, fresh, at Gibson's Red Cross drug stove, The Portsmouth council made a trip through the village last night ex amining the sidewalks and roads that require repairing. Good rubber tired cab always when you 'phone 600, It is said that the GTR. contem- plates a new freight shed on Place d'Armes and a passenger station nearer to Brock street. For disinfecting and deodorizing use chloride of lime, Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Help a worthy cause by going to the city hall Friday evening. The proceeds of "Alice in Wonderland" go to the General Hospital. The flag staff in Macdonald park logks very bare without a top on it. It is to be hoped that it will be tompleted before Victoria day. For purifying and enriching the blood take Radway's Blood Purifier, for sale in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The goll links, although pot in per- fect order yet, have been tempting the enthusiastic over there already. The weekly teas have not begun yet. A Brockville man has just won 4 pair of corsets and a kimona - at a bazaar in that town, Being a Brock- ville man he may have use for them somewhere, Kentucky lawn grass seed, the kind that grows, sold in. Kiagston only at Gibson s Ked Cross drug store. Phone 230, A lady who loves Picton said, after witnessing Primrose's grace and dig- nity at his show, was heard to re- mark : "Only such a charming Prim- rose could come from Prince Edward county." Members who have recently had their assessments increased in fraternal in- surance societies will be able to get much cheaper insurance in the Noth American Life Assurance Company. Apply to W. J. Fair, district man- ager, Kingston, Ont. See our window display of gas fix- tures. Prices cat in two for ten days. We arc cleaning out some odd lines and have made them complete with shades. These are bargains. Newman tk Spr ges Electric Co., 79 Princess street. "Phone 441. quarter, Evangeline Busy Chicken Thieves. The chicken thieves in the east end of the city are getting bolder every day. On Tuesday they entered the yard of Thomas Mills, Queen street, broke down the wire around the hen coop and got away with some of his prize White Leghorns. This robbery was committed in daylight, the thi taking a quiet time of the day for the work, --slenderson's-- Pineapples, Bananas. Fresh tomatoes. Green onions. Lettuce. Parsley. Henderson's, Brock street. Payette-Rousseau. The marriage took place on Tuesday evening, of Miss M. Rousscan, daugh- ter of Sergt. Joseph Ronssean, of Tete de Pont barracks, and Charles Payette, a member 'of the RC. H.A. band. Rev. Father Hanley officiated ot the ceremony. Removea The Plant. Lee & Kirk, today, finished the re. moval of the plant of the Clarified Milk company, to their new place of busivess, on Princess street. They are now ope) for business in both the grocery and dairy lines. Work Scarce At Cobalt. A Kingstonian writing from the Co- balt, says that work: there at the present time is very scarce. A great many men ate idle, and will be forced to leave, unless things take a change for the better. . We have reduced same lines of elve- tric fixtures to hall price. These are on display in our window, complete with shades. See them. Newman & & i Blectrie Co., 79 Princess ing howse | ~ title role is in the capable hands of GY CORPS WILL 60 TO QUEBEC TERCENTEN. ARY FULL STRENGTH. The Minister of Militia to Change the Orders About Fay--The City Regiments to Receive Full Pay For Drill. Ottawa, May 6.--It is on record ap- thority that militia department will cancel the Quebec tercentenary reyula- tions, and that city corps will go full strength to the ancient capital. City corps will drill at headquarters, the twelve davs as heretofore, be inspeet- ed as usual during June, and receive the twelve days' drill pay for this term. for as many as are drilled. For going to Quebec, the regiment will receive free transportation and sub- sistence, hut this new arrangement comprogises the old suggestion of their getting but four days' pay for Quebee and none other for home drills, This move is the result of opposition from every part of the province made forcibly to the minister of militia. Chatham and Newcastle, N.B., are opposing Frederieton's claim to the dominion exhibition grant. Both places laid their pleas belore the pre- mier and Hon. Svdnev Fisher to-day. EXPELLED BY BOARD. National Trotting Association Hands Out Penalties. New York, May 6.--W. 8. Quencer, P. F. Hall, W, MM. Hyland and Ross You Get 1st Choice As the stocks are all complete and many novelties on sale. Cannot be du- plicated later in the season. For Children's Wash Dresses And Ladies' Summer Suits We are showing excetpionally good values in ENGLISH CHAMBRAY. Colors are Light Blues, Saxe Blues, Navy Blues, Linen Shades, Pink and Greys, Light and Dark. 12}c, 15¢, 20c. Rich, all of Watertown, N.Y., were ex- pelled from the National Trotting as- sociation, after 'a hearing before a board of review of the organimation. The horse, Direct Wood, owned by the four men, and P. Hurley and N. Crary, Potsdam, also were expelled, Charges against Hurley and were dismissed. The six men brought up before the board charged with having raced Direct Wood, who has a mark of 2:07}, under the name of Dick Pointer, a supposed green bay gelding, in ice races at Montreal. Quencer admitted, when examined, that the horse had been falsely enter- ed. "You see," said Quencer, when testifying before the board, "we found that a whole lot of people were tak, ing horses over to the ice races, and entering them under other names and in other -classes and we just thought we would get iu on it, too." Crary were PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss Gertrude Baker, of Deseronto, is visiting friends in the city. John Healey, clerk in MeParland's liquor store, has left for New York. J. J, Anderson, travelling passenger agent for the C.P.R., 'is in the city. Miss Ethel M. Sproule, of West- brook, has graduated as a Methodist deaconess. Prof. Shortt has gone down to New York to speak at the diower of Queen's Alumai, Sergt.-Inst, Price, of Toronto, is the drill instructor of the 14th Regi- ment this season. Carter's Famous English Drills This is a material a little heavier than a good print and not so heavy or hard to wash as the ducks now in use. The colors are absolutely fast and the pat. terns good. Navy blue ground with white spots and stripes, Copenhagen and Saxe Blues with neat white de- signs and stripes, also in black and white patterns. The price of these Drills 15¢c yard. 400 PATTERNS IN ENGLISH PRINTS Including alli the most wanted colors of Navy and Butcher Blues, Black and Whites and light Shirting Patterns. Many pretty designs for shirt waists. 12 1-2c Yard. Macdougal Kirkpatrick, Douglas Anglin and Rex. Calvin are all going off with a surveying party. Bandmaster Carey, "of the 15th Argyle Light Infantry, Belloville, has | been spending a few days in this city It is likely that Charles Langwith will be returning officer for Frontenac The tory executive recommended him. Mrs. Frank Bell, Watertown, re turned home, yesterday, alter a plea- | sant visit with relatives and friends | in this city. i Arthur Montgomery is to be the | liberal campaign secwetary; Thomas | Minnes will fill the posi¥on for the | Conservatives. Mr. and Mrs. W._H. Reed, Queen street, returned,' to-day; after spend-| ing the winter with their daughter in Watertown Wiseonsin. Miss E. Halliday, Kingston, won $1 in a drawing at the St. Vincent de | Paul hospital benefit at Brockville. | The receipts were $3,715. Henry Jamieson, of Parham, was in the city, to-dav. on his way to Water- town, N.Y., where he will visit with | friends for a few days. i Mrs! D. Nocton-Taylor, Wellington | street, asked the members of the | Church Woman's Aid of St. George's | cathedral, of which she is president, | to tea, yesterday afternoon. At Newburgh, Ont., on Tuesday, May 5th, occurred the doasls of War ren A. Meacham, voungest som of the late Dr. W. W. Meacham; for twelve | years M.P.P. for lennox, in his | twentieth year. Did Good Service. On Tuesday aftermoon a young man and a young lady had quite an ex- perience below the bridge. They were out canoeing, and in some manner the frail craft turned over. The man was a good swimmer and after hard work was able to.reach the Barriefield shore with: Ris charge. The young lady was exhausted from her siav in the water. Gypried at Barriefield made the lady comfortable before ome of their fires until her clothes were dried sufficient- ly for her to return home, The Dunsmure Opera Company. The attraction at the Urand os Tuesday, May 12th, will be the Duns- mure Opera Co. in Gioacthing Ros- jece, "The Barber ra 8 greatest soprano,' sume the role of Rosina, while Roman Klokko, late haritone of Ham- merstein"s Manhattan Oper House. ---------- Part With Corns. Youll ned a single corn to because Peck's off | every Wade's not part wi vo will take tl big boxes, 15¢.| at pe p---- ia Will Open Hospital [ Fancy Dress Muslins ENGLISH OXFORD BLOUSE MATERIALS For Girls' Wash Dresses. For Boys' Wash Suits and Blouses. For Ladies' Wash Skirts and Dresses. Some exceptionally good patterns, 2ic, 15¢, 20c, 25¢. GALATEAS In plain shades of Navy, Cardinal and Lght Blue, also in Navy and White J8tripes, Light Blue and White, and Car- dinal and White. Dainty designs and in new combination of co- lors. Many of these you will see in no other store in Kingston. Just a hint as to prices : 12le, 15¢, 20e, 25c, 33e, 35¢, 4c, and up to 65¢ yard. sinters of the Mouse of Provi-| {ALWAYS SOMETHING INTERESTING Our Bargain Tables are always full of just the goods you need, and at the right price. This week we have : Old Ladies' House Slippers, low heel, strap and bow, large sizes, regular g 50 for #1.00. ; Old Ladies' Kid Slipper, elastic front, turn sole, for 80c. Ladies' Fine Kid Oxfords, blucher cut, light & and heavy soles, $1.50, Another Table Heavier Soles, nice shoes, $1.25 Also a table of Men's Oxfords, reduced 35 per cent. in price, Call aud see these bargains, SAA Oi i ee

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