PAGE TWO. Parlor Suites B50 styles, a whole Rat full, $17 and covered to pleases your taste. choos your own Covers to harmonize your Carpet and Drapery. » Couches +" ~ 40 varieties, $4.50 up to $43. Carpets and Rugs 1908 styles, newest color tones, good wearers, Wilton, Brussels, Balmorals, ete. Curtains and Draperies For any place. An unusually good thoice. Repair and Upholstering good, promptly and cheaply, work dove, In Yours, T¢ F. Harrison Co., New GraniteWorks Largest Selection Latest Designs Well Selected Stock to choose from. A call of inspection invited. F. A. trick, 149 Sydenham St. * Near Princess. FEEEFFAFPEL40 0040044 +e Wi ¢ Housekeepers, Attention ! "No. Dry Goods Store can show the stock of House Furnishings You can see here. We buy in quantities, greater We buy cheaper. We sell cheaper. = 'R. McFAUL'S Kingston ~ + 3 + + he * + + : + 3 + * + - x * + * 4 2 + + + + 2 + + 3 + 3 + + : * + + + + 3 + FEAL 444044664400 » | Invested A Little Real Estate never was disadvantage to any man. You may keep it, improve it, live up. it, or sell it, and every hour own it you will realize the tages which all men oi pro- rty know, : We have some choice properties which we would like to see you an interest. They will cost S. R. McCANN,| 7% THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1906. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. i Newsy Paragraphs Picked. Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Beef, Irop and Wine, "Our Own make; pint bottks, Oe. at Wade's Drug Store. Duncan Ross, recently cld country, where he the militia, has. joined the P.A MC Joseph L. A. Madden, Stuart street, left, to-day, for Banfi, where he Las secured a situation for the summer months. There is very the soldiers in there being only station boapital, the smallest pumber in some time. At Peterboro Miss Aunic Self, daugh- ter of the late Samuel Self, of King- ston, was married to Atbert LeVas- seur, a popular hotel clerk, Many pre- sents were tendeéved. I you are neous or dy speptic, try Carter's Little Nerve Pills." Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and nervous: makes you dyspeptic; either one ren- ders you miserable, and these little pills cure both. The Kirkpatrick Fountain, in front of the court house, will be in running order in a few days. Men have been engaged for some days fixing the bagin, and it is now pearly ed, Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test, Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. [| surely would not send it free unless | was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint- ment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen ainful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar, 50c. Sold bv all dealers. ABOUT ROAD BUILDING ALD. CARSON TELLS THE COUNCIL HIS VIEWS. A Limestone Macadam Road Can Be Built to Last Fifteen Years ~The City Has Grey Lime stone For Surface Dressing. the in out from also served Alderman Carson at the city coun- cil meeting on Monday evening, gave his confreres some valuable wmforma- tion concerning road building, and repeated som¥ of the things he advo- cated 'to thé board of works when he! was cosuman two years ago. He sup- | ported the purchase of a scariber at a cost of p600, because it wus invaluable a8 a road maker. He wanted one pur- chased two. years ago. His idea is to go over a lot of the roads with this piece of machinery and plough them up. Un many of them, he thinks ¢n- ough stone can be got from the sides to make a good crown in the centre. He would make concrete water tables, and 'when the road was rolled, it would last for fifteen years at least, and Yequire no scraping. Ald. Carson also advocates grates at the ends and in the centre of the block, so as to have perfect drainage. All macadam roads, he says, should first be scari- fied, even if additional stone has to be put upon them. It is understood that City Epgiheer Craig's views on these matters tally with those of Ald. Carson. Ald. Carson got back at Ald. Nickle for a statement the latter made at the council meeting last week, when he declared that the top dressing of grey limestone proposed by Ald. Uar- son for the macadam roads was too expensive and beyond the means of the city. Ald. Carson informed Ald. Nickle that it wouldn't cost the city anything extra to have the top dress- ing he spoke of because there was grey limestone in the city's new quar ry, and when it was reached it could be put aside for top dressing. Thus there would be no extra expense, Another point made by Ald. Carson was that a limestone macadam roac could be made that would last fifteen or twenty years. He instanced the one on William street, between Syd- enham and Clergy streets that had been built by the late City Engincer Bolger fourteén years ago. This road was still in splendid condition, with a good crown, and held scarcely any water, Ald. Angrove made the that the council was tired of Ald. Carson's _ "balderdash." Ald. Carson asked the Victoria ward man, what he knew about road building, and Ald. Angrove replied that he knew noth- ing. "Then'" asked Ald. Carson, "What business have you talking to me when you admit yourself that you know nothing about road building." \ MADE A QUEER MISTAKE, little sickpess barracks these two patients in the £8 The Yacht Club Dance. Despite the bad weather on Wednes- day evening a large number turned out to the Yacht Club dance, held at the club rooms, This is the first dance since Easter and came after much longing by some of the vounger set. The floor was in perfect condi- tions, as it always is; music all that could be desired, and 'a really good time was enjoyed by all present. WORK ON THE STREETS CONSTRUCTION OF CON- CRETE WALKS. Will Begin * Next Week, Earlier Than Usual--It is Expected That Road Building Will Be Started on the 26th. It is expected that the work of con- structing conerete walks will begin on the 14th, just a week from to day. The first walk to be laid will be on Pem- broke street. There are several walks in that vicinity to be constructed, and ns men are working on the new sewer there, and as there is lots of rough stone. accessible, it is thought hest to hegin in that section. Two ganas will be at work on the walks on the 18th. This is about two weeks earlier than for some years. The construetion of new limestone macgdam roads will Legin about the 26th. It has not vet been decided which street will be the first touched, but it will, no doubt, be one of the downtown stretches of road selected. All the blocks chosen by the city en- gineer cannot be constructed this veer, of course, but two-thirds of the number should be completed by the middle of November. The scarifier will be used on pretty nearly every road. This machine has yet to be purchas- ed by the board of works. The city engineer is securing prices. Some re- pa'rs have to be put upon the his steam roller before it is used. The street scraping was hindered to- day by the rain. Streets Foreman Timms says that it will take about two weeks more to complete the work, providing the weather is favorable, statement Moir's Photo Showed Disfigurdd Ear on Wrong Side. A second circular has been ferward- wl to the Kingston police, giving the photograph and description of the missing Pte. Moir,' wanted on a mur der charge. police de- partment found it necessary to issue new circulars, because of a peculiar mistake made by the engraver who executed the cut used in the circular. When a photograph is made into an engraving, unless the engraver takes cate to reverse the negative, it will print from the cut with the left side of a man'eface, actually on the vight. In the first circular issued, the picture of Moir shows his disfigured ear on the left side of the face, in- stead of the right, as it should have been. The Liniment That Will. You can absolutely depend on Smith's White Liniment to do every- thing that an external application can do. Its action is prompt, certain and thorough. It stops pain, heals in- juries and cures inflammation of every kind. It should be in your home for emergencies now. 20¢, only at Wade's Drug Store. HELD FANCY DRESS DANCE, A Most Enjoyable Affair Wednesday Evening. A most enjoyable fancy dress dance was held in Miss E. McAuley s class rooms last evening by Messrs. H. | ur- pin and B. Lemmon. McAuley's grehes tra provided music for the occasion. thirty couple were present. At mid night supper was served, after which a tashlight Was taken of all present. Ihose in costume included the follow- ing . Misses R. Morris, Cinderella: B. Per- cy, Starlight; Lilla Smyth, Highland Lassie; Sadie Smyth, Normandy Pea- {sant; M. Lerry, Arrah Wanna; D. { Murton, Venus; Maggie Matheson, [ Gypsy Queen; A, 'Sullivan, Queen of Hearts; Lillian Malteson, nurse; A. Lemmon, Colorado Wail; E, Whalen, Canada; G. Little, Red Hussar; A. Crillian, Columbia; Jessie Derry, Jap. Miss Amelia Rochefort, eldest daugh- Alene: Duna Doli Soadeu. Fioe. ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rachefort, Snowdrop; A. Somerville, Flower Girl: Garden Island, to Charles Cook, son! "nes. Evangeline; R, Lyons, 1op- of Mre. and the late Samuel Cook! "Messrs. H, Ryan, Moses iLevi: 4, Brockville. Coffey, Br. Whig; Jack Ingals, Lady " Swallows." Jane; R. Fillson, Mexican ol; Rob- ' ert Ellery, Gentleman of France: G. Sir John Power & Sons, Matheson, clown; 8. Trotter, Ameri- "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, |can; L. Ryan, Turk, F. Spriggs, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." The Weather For May. The month of May, according to Professor ira Hicks, will be one of many rains and of warm weather. on 'Leo. The Royal Cadet." Oscar F.. Telgmann, of Kingston, is| in Peterboro, to make arrangements | for the production of the spectacular opera "Leo, tne Royal Cadet." It will likely be presented some time during the last week in May. Mr. Telgmann met the 57th Regiment to conclude arrangements, Spring Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received three cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. Engagement Announced. The engagement is announced of Alphonse and Galton; B. Allestine, French Courtier ; Gordon Cannon, Highlander; S. Smith, Carrie Nation; A. Burtch, Wildfire's Trainer; N. Sharpe, Simon Lesre ray, Kentucky Night Rider; J. Lac key, Shepherd; k. Short, 1.0.U.; B. Tearney, Captain Kalzenjammer; N. Davy, Bluebeard; Widow; T. Potter, Red Wing; G. El State of Ohio, City st Toledo, Lots For Kingstonians. among | days, | complet-{ Spaniard; Allen Rolicson end C. Ash, | % Arthur Mur |S E. Lalome, Merry |; der, Silver Heels; A. Magnus, Idaho. |3 ---- i ete - -- Ne Mp ---------- AT THE GRAND. "The Red Mill" Will To-Night. To night at the Grand; Praw Well THE SPORT REVIEW RAIN SPOILS THE BASEBALL PRACTICES. jlormance of the pew comic opera, { "The Red Mill." will be given by Dil ge lingham's capable company, in as com. A Lacrosse Teague May Be plete a manner as during its entire Organized With Kingston, | Year engagement at the Kuickerbocker Brockville, Gananoque and | lbeatre, New York city, all last x Belleville--The Y.M.C.A. Har- | son The company numbers riers. { members, including the cute six little | Dutch Kiddies and a chorus which for The wet weather is not going to do | youth, beauty and talent has seldom the baseball any good. No practices | been approached in a musical offering could he held on Wednesday and it |The organization arrived at noon from will be too wet this evening. The | Hamilton league opens in a few days now and| ; 3 the teams want to get to work. With '"'Alice-Sit-By-The-Fire." two leagues in operation the city will| The public appreciation of high class have lots of baseball during the sum | dramatic offerings has again been de met, both schedulés. running well into | monstrated by the remarkable success August beiore they are finished {of Roselle Knott, the well-known act a. ress, who is touring this season in the Y.M.C.A, Harriers. latest and best comedy, *'Alice-Rit-hy- The Y.M.C.A, Hazriers are out run-|the-Fire,"" bv J. M. Barrie. 1 he play ning every fine night. Some of these is exceedingly interesting and brims voung fellows ars showing great stay- | over with excellent comedy, at times ing power in the long runs. 'The five- | becomes dramatic The engagement mile intermediate race should he qa|here is for Saturday, May Oth, mati good one ms there gre some really fast | nee and night, at the Grand rupners in the eity. Nelson McCare| -- ney is showing up well and should "The Barber Of Se placed in the intermediate race. ltis! From comparative obsturily to fame not known what runners are comiry|in a single night, such was the tri- for the twelve-mile grind but there is|umph achieved upon one occasion of promise of some good opes. , The sil-| her metropolitan debut, last season, verware in Smith's window has Iwen| by Mme. Monti Baldini, to be heard much' admired and many wish theo {in this city, at the Grand, on Tues were able to get out and win one of| day, May 12th, for the first time, in the handsome mugs. | "The Barber of Seville," supported by ---- { John Dunsmuir and the Dunsmure Op Tweed Wants A Gaioe. { era company W. H. Dalby, secretary of the King-'| ston Lacrosse Club, received a letter from the Tweed elub, this morning, asking for a game here on Victoria day. As the local team is to play Brockville, here, that day, the re- {quest had to be refused. Tweed will be given a game later on. the first per sea 2IXty Je. | Has Leased A Mine. | Judge Brydge, formerly of Kingston { and Renfrew, has leased from the Peterson Lake Silver Mining com pany a section of their mining pro- | perty adjoining the O'Brien mine. in | the Cobalt district, for five years. The | assay made has proven most grati Will Play At Belleville. | fying and with samples to submit he The intermediate basketball team, [had no difficulty in interesting three of the Y.M.C.A,, will play its return | OF four of Renfrew's monied men, game with Belleville on Saturday|among whom are M. J. O'Brien and night. It is expected that quite afl: W. McGarry, M.P.P. number of Kingstonians will go up| af -- with the team to Belleville, to witness | the match. Belleville was beaten bere, | but they expect to turn the tables in| | their home town, % {HE TIED UP HIS HAND IN Ready To Play. | HIS SLEEVE The Wellington Baseball Club, the | champions of Toronto, 1907-8, would | like to arrange a game of ball in| And Told a Pitiful Tale of Its Kingston for 'May 26th. "Kindly put | Amputation--Secured Money us in touch with the manager of your | Thereby----Citizen Saw Him team," writes James Hallock, seccre-| : : tary, Wellington Baseballl Club, 153] With His Hand Restored. Enery spring a large number of beg- Manning avenue, Toronto. | y cripples and tramps strike the | gars Lacrosse League Likely. | city, to impose on the good nature of A series of games will likely be ar-| the citizens, and this there are ranged between Gananoque, Broekville,| more than ever. Many fake cripples Belleville and Kingston lacrosse teams, | have appeared and one or two have Ii a league is formed the locals should | been found out. Last Sunday, a man stand a pretty fair chance of being| made his appearance down in the low near the top. for end of the city. His left hand was | cleverly drawn up into his sleeve and {had a bandage wound around the i lingers He told a good fairy tal about having Jost his way in the woods and having his hand frozen. tle said he was taken to the froe hospital in Toronto, and had his hand ampu- tated. At one 'house he was taken in, given a good meal, fifty cents and a. lumech to také away with him. The next day he appeared at MeGowan's cigar factory, told the same tale, and was given That evening the man who gave the meal ang the mone: saw him stand- ing at the Crown bank corner, seven o'clock. He his back against the wall, talking a chum. Finally he pulled his hand out of his coat, took off bandage. and the man to see that the hand had wrong with it whatever He and engaged the tramp wu but it not long | he recognized him as the m | had swindled and he 1 { street. The police were looki vear Olympic Team. It is reported that J. H. Crocher, of Toronto, will be manager of the Olympic team, A traiwer has not been selected yet, but the choice will be between Long, Sherring and Eck. A Guaranteed Contract. In order to meet the demand for guaranteed contraets, The North Am erican Life proposes to offer one en- tirely unique in the history of life in- surance. This contract contains guar- antees reducing the cost of insurance to a point below the rates charged by assessment societies or even existing non-participating plans, and in addi tion provides for the return of all ex- cess surplus earned by the company through favorable mortality, and mar ginal interest earnings. Members of assessment societies, who bave had their assessments in creased on old certificates, will sive money by applying at once. For fur ther information regarding this at tractive plan of insurance, apply $5] man for some tine W. J. Fair, district manager, King- | cate him. ston, Ont. AH correspondence will be | pr considered strictly. confidential. | two dollars him on Sundav, about was standing with to loft the was surprised nothing walked | over | versation, was y who he the the an down for but could not lo | The Roorback. | Though the denial | Saturday last, of the 17th Re giment | was made aware of the new uniforms, with | the premier of Ontario, on Tuesduny and promise to make a inight, in Hamilton, repeated it by fme appearance on the: occasion of lsaying : "FE. J. B. Pense had stated their visit to Quebee. Ouly half | that he had consulted with Mr. Mo the regiment is to take the trip, al | Kay about it, and the liberal lead though all are very anxious to go. |aid the C.N.R. bill was to be opposed. No one said a word against male My ammign he, was on Received New Uniforms. Pense members received as soon a The have naval caps, one not Weak. women should read my "Book it." No. 4 For Women." It was written | . Mk. Pense, on the day the bill was expressly for women who are not well. | introduced, offered objection to the The Book No. 4 tells of Dr Shoop's | lateness of the bill's introduction and "Night Cure' and Just how these | nointed ont the spectacle of a party soothing, healing, antiseptic supposi- | which had opposed a bonus to this tories can be successfully applied. The | and other railways now beine authors book, "and strictly confidential medical [of one themselves, The premier advice is entirely free. Write: Dr. | precated discussion at that Shoop; Racine, Wis, The Night Cure | the measure, and if it was not' is sold bv all dealers. ther dwelt upon he is to blame May Irwin has arrived at her sum {mami t------ a mer home on the Nt. Lawrence, It is The Results Of Poor Blood ong of the most beautiful on the The whole machinery of health must river, be kept in order or diseases of the cma " . A stomach, liver and Kidneys will follow, BR REReREcETRnt These organs are so related that when 5 : 3 de of fur stage ane weakens all weaken. To keep & . them vigorous they must be supplied ¥ GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S 3! with pure, rich blood. Such blood is 7 STRAW SAILORS IN OUR FUR DEPARTMENT. always the result of using Wade's Iron Tonie Tills (Laxative). They are a great nerve strengthoner and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satis factory. Rev. J. BR. Real For Lindsay. Rev. J. R. Real, of the Western Methodist church, Napanee, will be the new pastor of (een Street Methodist church, Lindsay, after the shift is made, the first week in July. Rev. Mr. Phelps, the present pastor, goos to Stieling, to take charge of a large congregation there, For the special convenience of Mothers and Ladies gen- erally. We are utilizing our big fur show room to display our splendid range of New Straw Sailors Misses' and Children. Ladies' "Highland Mary" Panamas and Ready-to-Wear Sailors are also shown in this Department. George Mills & Co., Hat Specialists. at present For Soring Wear. Have you seen our new brown amd grey suitings for spring and summer wear, It would ie a pleasure to show 0 to you.' Drop in end see them. Crawford & Walsh, tailors. for To Study In Europe. Dr. F. Etherington, professor of anatomy in Queen's Medical Colleve. leaves on Saturday for Enoland aad ve - CITY PROPERTY COMMITTEE Plans to Be Prepared For Repair. ing City Building's Dome The meeting Angrove ( derson, Mc(artney in attendance. There the co chau tity spre of new city erty commitiee had 3 Ai ler Hon being Reon, Toye Cooper vester men was very hitth for bupldhings the Jica tions the ety dial overlook ua . tion Furs Made Over and Re- paired here at reason- able prices. and 1 There Dx stop an minutes them as ets, but they ily Pain by W, F. GOURDIER, 76, 79 and 80 Brock St. Phomey 700, Quality First We are showing a very fine line of first quality Cut Glass just suitable for wed- ding presents, with prices lower than is often paid for inferior goods. as he Fa congestion, © Dr. Shoop's H Palin ix stautly gone Sold by all dealer NTS" JUST ARRIVED A real Brown, Grey, Men's Shirts, Mauve Madras thing for $1.50, $1.75 of in - ' SMITH BROS., Watch Makers and Jewellers. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 KING ST. REMOVED ! J.R.C.Dobbs & Co have moved to 109 Brock St. 3 doors from Waldren Typewriters, Real Estate, Fire Insurance. swell line vy B very $1, $1.25 oe and Goods. The latest sum mer wear, and See our special $1 Madr Ww » and A new line Tan, of natty Green, Pu New Spri Fancy Watch week, Cast our wind every P. J. HUNT, mm BROCK §S EYE HEADACHES T HERE is no glasses stopping ey rightly fitted question If th LEEFEEE SPEER COAL! The sudden changes in weather pught to suggest the wisdom of putting In some good coal We sell good Coal It's the kind that sends out the' most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best money can buy, and there is none better mined We deliver it to you cleat und without slate, at the very bottom pricos. ¢ Booth & Co., Phome 133. Foot of West St FEE PID r roth e te method of testing Wise guess work. headaches are cavsed by son of eye and is not al with poo Y is 'in no All » sort ways strain LOO TH Pah ied DR DRUGGIST AND 185' Princess St $1.25 Lace Curtains 99 Gents A big snap in Lace Curtains for Friday buyers. "1 ty 50 pairs, each } vards long and 52 inches wide, strong © double L edge, extra good pat- terns. The best line kb of Curtains in the city for $1.25. $ Our Friday Price Will Be 95c¢. a Pair Other special lines at $1.45, 2.50 and 3.50, be- ing about 25 per cent. less than the regular price, Come and see. Brass Curtain Poles, 'compleie, 10c, cach. OPTICIAN, Kingston 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000009040000000000000000008000 : : 3 } YER IRN] LAR TN TT ALways, "7 AND COSTS BUT THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned om City and Farm Pree perties, Mur il and County Deber tures Hort s purchased Deposits received and interes allowed 8. C, McGill, Managing Director. wt Lol bedtodolot ttt tt td TT rT TT TIT TTT TTY TTT TITTY TT TY IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room enstalled I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a trial. i; DAVID HAL EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR 12 Blades $1 complete, guaranteed. STRACHAN'S Phone 335 ? 66 Brock St Jebel feed fd Telefe fh quality ? New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Opent from 10.30 am, to 83 am, bent place th get an all round Lunch ig the city, Meals of all kapds on shortest motive. English and Chivess dishes » specialty. 'Phone, 855. . the Sitelotodetod dedotadalt ot S80. 8..8 8 0 Wm, Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ote., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. #00 yards of Fancy mmr Serim and Art Mus- ling, regular 10c. and 12}e. lines, for a FRI- DAY BPECIAL, 6le. a yard, NEWMAN & SHAW. Fb be ee "JUST IT." . For the Breaslast on a, cold morn A a botralice of "Mild Cured Hem," a Strictly Fresh Eggs, at MYERS', 0 Broer street. "Phone. 57 70. There 3x gos thing that # is Hou: France, where he will the nest three months i ork, : in CW AE TT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TY ITTY lelebedreddodadet at otodod Bot 8 8.8 8 4 "The Always Busy Store" ible to exgetly duplicate, md that ju a nan of good commun sense, FP fi