SOMETHING SUITABLE IN Gut Glass WEDDING GIFTS Ranging from $1 up AT Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewe'lers 109 Princess St. In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway. VICTORIA DAY SINGLE FARE Going May 28rd and May 26th, 1bos Full HR. 20th, returning r oo & PP. and C 'Phone, particulars at K Ticket Office, Ontario St F. CONWAY, Gen Pass A BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves unlom station, Ontesr Street, 4 pan. daily (Sundays excepted for Tweed, Sydenham, Napaves, Deser onto, Bannockburn and all points sorth © secure quick despatch to Banmoek hurn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Day of Quinte Railway. Por further partice lars, apply to R. W, DICKSON, Agent Phone, No. ¥. EET =, ' > Homeseekers' Excursions to Man. itcba and the Canadian North. west and return, good going May d2th, 26th, June Oth, 23rd, July 7th, 21st, August 4th and 18th, geod returning within two months of going date. The fol- lowing are fares to some of the principal points : 50 P. Albert -$38.50 ¢ 65 Souris --~ 83.50 50 Vermili Fdmonton 42.50 Yorkton Macleod ~- - = 40.00 Regina - - Moose Jaw «a 36.00 Winnipeg - ent, Arcola « Bemandon Calgary « For reservations in the Tourist car and any other information, apply to J. Pp. HANLEY, Agent, Cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts. FISHING Quebec and the Maritime Provinces Write for Publications giving Tull details as to Streams Lakes ' Guides ISSUED BY. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. or General Passenger Départment, MONOTON, N.B. ALLAN 525 UNE| We first test every- | thing which enters into our | cartridges and shells, then test atwarious stages; final. {ly the finished product is shot under ali conditions, in | ull makes of arms, against all other makes of ammuni- tion. Our tests are pronounced by European experts finest in use anywhere. the For all makes of arms. Costs one-third to one-fiith less than duty paying smmanition. Our guaran tee puts all risk on the Dominion Cartridge Co., Lid, Montreal, | DOMINION AMMUNITION THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY NEWBURGH VILLAG IREV. R. DUKE ASKS FOR A! | YEAR'S LEAVE. rren Meacham--J. W. Becomes i Lay Mis- on St. Joseph's lishmman on Preaching Mission. The first Buddhist monk to England arrived the other dav welcome him a number of English fol {lowers of the faith gathered under the banner of Buddhism--an eight pointed cross in gold, on a blue ground-- at Albert docks. Bhukkha An anda Mettevya, who is an Euglish tman, is 'the first Buddhist monk set foot in England. There are nearly 200 English. adherents of the faith; jand the monk wxomes on a preathing mission to win others. Vist | Death of Wa Yeomans sionary Island. Newburgh, May 7.--Rev., R. Duke surprised the quarterly board of the Methodist church at their meeting on i Monday last by announncing to them | that he felt it necessary to ask the a . do erie for relief from work for [of pink silk, that constitute his garb, one year, necessitating his severance (10 be worn always. The missionary's of connection with the church here, | rules forbid him to shake hands. after only ome vear's service. The! Puffing an asthma cigarette and board expressed their great regrét and | handling a rosary, he told that he that feeling is very generally echoed | landed on his native soil, full of hope throughout the circuit. Mr. Duke has | that the teaching he brought would had very arduous duties this vear in [Pe to Englgnd's advantage. It was the Royal This is the flour we good cooks know Will make the Bread that's white as snow It's ust as good for Pies and ke And all my skill as Chef I'l stake On Beaver Flour's reputation ; pular flour of "The po nation.' Beaver Flour the original Bleaded Flour onnection "with the presidency of the | DOU necessarily in opposition to Chris- onference and feels that a temporary | Habity, but would be a strength to rest is necessary. His work here has | 811 thoughtiul men striving for the heeh very acceptable and deeply ap- {truth against the gross materialism preciated and the hope will be univer- jof the western world. ; sal that a year's relaxation may com- | The missioner, whose other name is pletely fit him again for further .sor- | Allan Bennet Macgregor, was born in vice in the ministry of 'the church. | South London thirty-five years ago, J. W. Yeomans left on Tuesday jand, his parents dying in bis infancy, morning Yast to assume the duties\ of [Was brought up by Cyrus Field, of lay missionary on a field in S¢. {Atlantis cable fame. He me an Joseph's Island under the Presbyvter- analytical chemist, and a close sty ian church. Mr. Yeomans has been a [9e8t of physics, but about seven years very worthy citizen for the last four |8%0 attacks of asthma brought 4 vears wnd his departure is regretted. | Promising London career to a close, He has been an active member of the [80d he was compelled to go to Cey. long. Already a religious systems, he began a close examination of Buddhism, with the public library board, acting as see- retary last year, and has always iden- tified himself with every public calse worthy of support. {result that a vear later he was Ww. DM Shorey returned on Mon- {dined a Buddhist me nl lav from Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and jon the Burmese coast. Five years ago will resume his place in the office. of |h® Went to Rangoon and founded a H. M. Deroche, KC, in Napanee, for | Monastery, from which he has organ- the summer months. ized the International Buddhist So- The meeting of Court Newburgh, 1. jelety, of which the Buddhist Soc 0.F., on Tuesday night next, will be {of Great Britain is an offshoot f especial interest, the chief business | Meadquarters of the International heing the receiving of the report of | "ety he 18 Now moving to London, the delegation sent to Kingston last | together with the Buddhist, the review week to hear the address of the su. | » edits. : weme chief ranger on the contem- | Travelling with : lated readjustment of rates. were a number of Buddhist laymen, P. D. Shorey sent fowls to Moose. {also threo Burmese ladies, to whom ifaw, Sask., last wWovember. In March | the deputation of welcome presented . The mission is or- mk at Akyab, iety The So- the 73 him to England Sarandon okippi exertion, peinin Mad Palpitation of The Aart WNLBUA'S REAR" AND NERVE PRLS oy riunyving your doing no' good, your heart gale slow, io fast beat and itations Ee hon, Tapetion or $1. at all Cd,, Limited, i is of ye ix of these fowls were shown at I | het uel of Rowery. I Ww wing fh ol . . pse ie rina poultry exhibition and won three ng i aheud by he o he ® ladies, daughter of Tsee Kai : : Mrs ) firsts, one secand and one third prizes Mes Hla ( ung, B Fit Mr. Shorey has this spring sent Black->000g Taulay, a Burmes chieftain, Pritish at the cap She is ths widow of Spanish eggs to Prince Fdward Is { who helped the 'and, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, | ¥® of Burmah. waiden to other: Teint in or pn the accountant-preneral I the Indian | treasury. With her were hey daugh i |terin-law, Mos. Bah Oung, and Mr WovVinee On Tuesday night last, by i : : 3 ' | Hpay, the latter being the wife of {native m ointment, Judge Deroche, of Belle- ille, met the trustee hoard of the + Methodist church here and made thet {family to England to be educated. 2» very generous offer to instal a com- On leaving the ship the party step- plete system of watering in the New- pec into motor. cary and drove - t, wirgh cemetery. His offer was to Barnes, where the monk will reside rect a windmill at the river with [uring his siX months Stay in Eng- dpes leading to the cemetery, and to Bac, His rules forbid the use of spe the whole cemetery entirely'. at horses as beasts of "burden, ¢o the his own expense, a large reservoir to tor ar has Proved Very welcome, be placed in the cemetery for that pur life a Thess rules govern the monk's The board expressed their ap- 1 4 ese enjoin eelibacy, vegetar anism, and tweciation of this magnanimous ro- | Note fo thee From Slonbol I took steps towards aceept- |, . * oaten alter Messrs. J. H, Pattersor | {twelve o'clock noon. - All his drinking 8, « . ¥ ET s 5 fous Sader : : And water must be filtered, lest living ani. Say were appointed to ean- | Is: be a vass holders of plots as to thaiy wil). Tals be consumed," and thus killed ingness to contribute to , This rule against taking life also pre- : a common vents the 8 f i ind for the up-keep of the cemetery, N, hm brs Q leather in any form. sel they pars. ee appointing an offi. | of must the monk look on the face ial caretaker. Should the rosa t of a woman. His £¥e8 were at once x % : Ol laverted when a Woman passed. Thi the canvass be satisfactory the water. rule was re sible | Pa dtl ng system will be at 0 me as responsih or an affecting £ at once installed vid A lad k k ind the cemetery ; will be improved [in the ld de sY> Who had kngwn him oved | py wd heautified. : . nm the ol], day * rT hed. "Allan . + | wercome |! . A . '% OVA At the annual meeting of the Bp- | fell on his groin H or mank i eyes worth League, on Monday night, : a 1 e bowed, amd ine ' : 4 | turned quietly away. wiactory reports of the year's 'work When lecturing to ixed were received and the following officers | ® gt mixed con dected for . {@ation the monk serben ed for the ensuing year : Honor- | i Vv oil . ry president, Rev, R. Duke presi {a lan owed to poverty, he is only lent, Miss E. Shorey: first vice. Mi " |allowed eight possessions--his three : ns , v: firs o Miss |p Wain ho] ny M. Limbert; second vice Mis F pi ©» 8 begging bowl, a rosary, } 8 x. isn | filte , X Kim third vice, Mrs. HJ [the 3 fo azar and an, umbrella. At fourth vice, Miss CO Shorey: oure he m to oreupy at Barnes speci food nose weal a ing it! 8S. E 8 his eyes with o- a Wood; he P. Walsh, To check ear! sure 3 Coal Dealer -BARRACK STREET. Stop That Cold colds or Grippe with "Preventics™ or is. To ret mightor day. Herein the pocket, also In Te boxes of Tusist on your druggists giving you Sven. Shink et Tout ChB. I : jone room is to be fitted etary. N : a Ip as ga wer. Mx i ¥ oe mpluies; li | temple for his meditations. Twice a . 8. ore; corresponding w fi poms | eeretary, Miss A. Clan {wok meetings a held at the Londog Y . veadguarters ia "a In the Methodist church, on Sundgy | pricanarters o daddhism, near the vening, Miss Limie Humphries sand a | i ee -------- wautiful "Ashamed of | luring the offertory This voung lady | Maberiy Matters 100 to the choir,| Maberly, May = 6.This wit hee excellent rendering of this solo | growing weather; yesterday Was spring has heen the subject of much favor-| fair day in Perth. A number from able comment here. went in, J, W. Walroth has prt Dr. drvipe Clancy bas the congratu-|a new galvanized roof on his cheese latins of his many Iriends here on |lactory, which improves 'the appear new degree obtained at Queen's at | ance very much, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas the recent convocation. The new M I» | Briggs went down to Harper to day. will practice profession in the | Mes. John Buchanan is convalescent west Hubert Ryan has also returned | 1 homas Charlton, who has been laid rom Queen's, where he was eminently | up for the past week, is able to be successful in: his third vear in engi-| out again. Mr. Dawson was in « the neering at the School of Science. Busi. | Village yesterday, Rev, C. p. ¢ lark ness is brisk in the burgh these spring | has been attending the funeral of days. \C.. 'H. Finkle has completed | uncle, Rev. Mr. Jones, John Laidley shipment of ten carloads of CAITInges | wears np smile; it is & girl, , the last two months, | Ray Farley left, last week, to take up pharmacy in Kingston. Warren | Notes From Seluy. Meacham, a young man of twenty | Selby, Mav 6. Quarterly years, died, early uesday morning, | held in the Methodist church. on Sun alter an illness of some months. Ear- day, was well attended. Mrs. ly. last October; deceased ¢ontracted a Guiness 18 sombwhat. better" F. Worse cold, which did not leave him. Late} has bought R. Hodgson's farm. A in the fall he went to Gravenhurst for young son has applied for board at F treatment, but returned home shortly Hudgins'. F. Amey and® wile spent after the new vear. He was able to Sunday at Murvale. Rev. Mr. Dow- be around ugtil lately, and nothing | deli will preach his farewell sermon ] serious was anticipated. But in the | here on Sunday. M. Schemerhorp and early hours of Tuesday morning Mel wife. of Napanee, were guests of 1D, suffered from a hemdarrhage, and died McKim, recently" Miss Fitzpatrick before medical aid could be summoned. | has returned home, after spending a Deceased had nearly finished his pre- | few days at Deseronto, paratory work in pharmacy and, next year, would bave taken the pharmacy . course in Toronto. During the year he has been in the village he made a host of friends, who deeply regret his carly demise. He leaves his mother, | Red Cross Drug Store. Mrs. Meatham, one sister. Mrs. J. M. Arthur Hawlins, the Little son of Denyes, and a brothet, Roy, in Lang- | Henry Hawkins, Athens, while in the don, Alberta, to mourn the loss of a planing mill, brought his right hand treas- olo, Jesus,' is only a recent addit his his service, You can't sccare the same Ieautiful Pawn with any other seed that you ean from Kentucky lawn gras: sed. So'd in Kingston at Gi' son's Montreal to Liverpool V ian, Fri, May 8, 9 am Tonfaan: Fri May 10 Ll tariam, ~ May 23. 4 am. Corsican sails, Fri, May 20, 3.30 ant, boca Agents, 3 dutiful son and a kind and affection: |i contact with a saw with fhe Yesult ate brother. The funeral service was|ihat his third and fo gers were held at the residence of J. M. Deuyes, mdly cut. i off being conducted by Rev. R. Duke. " many beautiful floral offerings paid a silent tribute to the esteem in which deceased was held, Mrs. J. M. Denves, who was in Port Perry, pmesiding at the Women's Mis- at qi Lif x Donald " : Salen seeds and Hower sess fresh a's: Kod Cress Drag Stove. Mrs. John Flood, Trevelyan, died on May Ist. On Apeil 20th, she tacked by apoplexy 2 Fs was Eeventysix years of age. A Inti | sionary convention, was called home, on Thursdav morning, by her broth- er's sudden death. a levied in Brockville police court, had another $13.30 or two more months tacked on his previous sentence on a sdbond charge of assaulting his wife A le went up Jor «dx was at | INVASION OF ENGLAND. THE MME | | | Buddhist Monk, a Converted Eng-| fol to | He wears the | two yellow robes, surmounted by one | student of Oriental | a | agistrate, who is bringing her | gre- his | Me- - o 8, 1908. THE. EER 15 LOYAL | Hypocrite is Now a Mullah--He and His Anti-British Followers Have the Ameer Frightened Into Illness--Rifles From India. London, May 7.-Dr. Winter, phesi cian to the ameer and the Alchay {court for the past (wo years, has just returned to FEneland. He makes un- portant ' statements concerning the | situation in Afghanistan While he {attributes to the ameer personally complete loyalty to Great Britain, he {ix no wise removes anxiety for the (future. Jr. Winter confirms the re {ports of the intrigues of the ameer's brother, Nazrullah Khan, which are [directed alike against the ameer and | agaigst Great Britain, and, with the {object of securing the throne himself, {he is working to the utmost extent {upon the native prejudice against for- | signers He has assumed holiness, and | practically has become a Mullah, even | wearing priestly robes. He is sup {ported by a number of Indians of the | anti-British party. The intrivues be {gan during the ameer's recent visit to {India and although Nazrullah Khan was aware of that, and greatly trou bled by them, he does not feel him sell strong enough to combat them effectively. He is not only loval to the British government, but is pro- British in his sympathy, especially since he visited India. Dr. Winter is convinced that he would long aro {have consented to the Anglo-Russian agreement, which he wholly favors, but he fears the popular antipathy to it, and is unable to overcome the pressure of Nazrullih Khan and his followers against the convention He himself practically is isolated and has become thoroughly ill from mental worry. Dr. Winter asserts that an immense quantity of arms and ammunition arriving in Afghanistan He savs that when he was leaving the country he yet a @ravan of 500 camels load | td with rifles and cartridges coming from British India. He does not state whether the importation of this was material is sanctioned by the ameer, pho is not in the least restricted treaties against importing arms is by Ladies' Suit.. This shirt waist or jumper dress is |a practical design that will be very serviceable in wash material for gene ral wear. The above w as developed in white linen. The jumper, which is very stylish and easily made, is trim {med with tabs. The skirt has an in verted plait in front and {stitched plaits all around. It | sures about for vards around | bottom with the plaits drawn out ---- closely mea the A Queer Automobile. | A queer @ytomobile wag shipped | from London recently for New Zealand | whence it will be sent on hoard the | Nimrod for the of Lieutenant | Shackleton in his dash for the pole. The car has wheels like | used on motor ommbuses, hut | ice has to be traversed the rims | be fitted with four inch spikes, sot | pairs, to afford a grip. In those cir | cumstances, too, the front wheels will | not revolve, but will pe fixed to broad | runners resembling skoes. The exhaust | gases will be used to heat a | tank on the car, thus providing supply of drinking and washing water The gases will also heat a foot hr Use south those when will show a er fixed to the floor of the car. () / ground similar to that explored by the Scott expedition the could carry a crew ol three men, with sup pliee, 150 miles a dav. car Women With Two Vr tes. b Speaker Cannon ix against woman suffrage. He says that woman already commands ong vote, the vote of the man who loves her. With woman sui. frage established she would command two votes, . "And that," be said the other dawn, "would be unfair. Woman has so many 'other privileges. Let her at tend to them instead of going out for our privileges, 7 "The woman suffrage seeker reminds me of a dog | oper owned. This dog one nig. got ints the pantry, where all the provisions were kept. * 'Hannah,' I said next morning to the cook, 'uid the dog eat much when he got into the pahiry ? * 'Indeed, dir," sabt=Mannah, 'he cleared up every blessed thing but the dog bisewit." The World's Best. Hat manpiacturers are represented at C Bros', See our sew der. bies, $2, $2.50, . a ------ A letter conveying tidings of his mother's death was recsived hy Rev Father y, Lahark. The sad event occurred at Black Lion, Ireland, il 15th, death resulting from ay Deceased + was 'at of - puneumonia. aved sixty-seven years. Moth camphor and flake camphor, and moth proof bags are sold at Gib. son's Red Cross Dr Mrs. Sexsmith, fall an fractured her hip, © HB SeRIous ~~" PAGE SEVEN. FHEPP PPP P 0400 0040 E PERN E AFP RIP PEATE Shoe for Summer is an + + *> 4 + + + + + + + + + + + > 3 * + + * * 3 + * * + + + + + + + + $ } * + + FEEELILEEELI IEE BI LIED PS 004 4440044 0:04 + + + + + We carry the largest range of Oxfords in Tans, Patents, Browns, Gun Metals and Viei Kid for every member of the family, at all prices, Abernethy's : + FEAL L PPP 4 4000404844 48444444 FEES IEIAA AE + + + + * + + : + +: *> + PEELE PI PAE E44 L. C. SMITH LEADS LIST Big Dividends In Service. Public opinion is the IL. © Smith Typewriters lead over all other wra- ng machines : 1 rise of the L. C. Smith in Opu) by the tre mendons sales and the evVer-ir Inve Smith Tvpewrits ers all over the world are receiving enormous dividends These dividends are form of splendid service, which is ust as good as the GOLD. Buy L. ©. Smith's! Buy L.'C Smith's I" That's the ery of men who are posted on the "inside" facts of the typewriter situation. here's absolutely no speculation in buying L. C. Smith Typewriters. 'The +» U. Smith is worth over one hun. dred eents |, on the dollar---never passes' a dividend, never sullers " paid in the "slump." and always leads the list . Shrewd, far-sighted men--the Bulls and Bears of Business--are equipping thelr offices with L. C. Smith Typewriters I XCLUSIVELY---Bocause the L.C. SMITH TYPEWRITER (The Standard Visible Wyiter) bas an efficiency of 100 per cent. every day in the week and from one end to the other. It's as simple as A BC. and complete from A to a 1t meets the need for rapid work with speed to -spare It fits into any husiness groove as though it wergp built to order. The L. C. Smith 'Typewriter . original in design, perfect in construction brilliant in performance. It" has overturned all typewriter traditions ant Frespdenta~hroken cords in the typewriter world--set up a new standard of pesults Have our demonstrator call and show you the machine, we bear all exponse. Kpep your eve on the L. C. Smith ! J. E. FERGUSON CO., Eastern Dealers, 205 Queen Street, Ottawa. ® ~LOCAL AGENTS -- 79 Princess St., Kingston. always on year's all re NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., full stock of Typewriter Supplies for all makes of Second-hand Typewriters. achines A hand, ORCHOICAOROMBCRCE VANGELINE Ganong's G.B. Chocolates. Fancy Boxes or in Bulk, 50c per Ib, g Also STEWART'S FINE CHOCOLATES. | A.J. REES, 166 Princess St "Phone 58. Reid & Charles Our Royal Shoes for Spring ALL ARRIVED. For Women, $3.50 to 4.50. CHARLES, KINGSTON: HAVE For Men, $5.00. REID & 111 PRINCESS ST. urniture! Furniture! Goods Arriving Daily for the Spring Trade. China Cabinets from $12 to 60. Combination Buffets from $25 to 100, Brass Beds from $26 to 75. Dresser and Stand from $6.50 to 50, Bolid Mahogany Dressers & Stand from $5) to 150, R J. REID, 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 Ambulance,