a PAGE TWELVE | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 9," 1908. Nothing Did Good| A SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW |e Until She Tried " Fiuil-a-tives" Designed by Charles S. Sedgwick, Architect * Minneapclis, Mion. Madame Rioux is the wife of M. Jos a pS se Nbc ne + Rioux, a wealthy manufactiirer of lumber in 8t. Moise, Madame Rionx is greatly esteemed in her home town and her testimonial in favor of "Fruit. a-tives" carries conviction with it, as it is entirely nnsolicited, Hoa bY St. Moise, Quebes. I have much pleasure in testilying to the marvelous good which I have received from the use of the famous ra 7 7 tablets '""Fruit-a-tives". I was a great Ji sufferer for many years with serious liver disease apd severe constipation. I had This bungalow has five rooms on the door opening on to the rear piama.| The color scheme of the exterior will t nt pain in the right side and in principal Hoor and two bedrooms on On the left is a good-sized living-| have much to do with the beauty of the back and these pains were severe the sctond floor, with wide, spreading room, with fireplace and two con- the house. Ome pretty way ww to use and distressing. My digestion was very | "00! and overhanging eaves, a broad necting bedrooms, each provided with groen: shades for the body and for bad, with frequent headaches, and I | 1'a%a across. the front and also in, ample closets and a hall closet. On| the roof, wing white or very light became greatly run down in health, - 1 the rear, soreened in, ; | the right is the dining-room and kit- cream tint om all the casings, rafters, ¢ y . . The entrance is central, with a wide | chen, with pantry between and stair-| gables, railings, ete, and white for took many kinds of liver pills and liver hallway, and connecting directly | way leading to the upper rooms. The | pointing of the sone sork, R EDISON ' Id lik \ . medicine without any benefit, and I was through to the rear, with an outside] width of the house and pitch of roof . W ou 1 c to SCC an Edison treated by several doctors but nothing - | admits of these two rooms on the frees eens . BP SE es | Ee eg Veta le PAS] JC mere Phonograph in every American home j N As soon as I began to take "Fruit-a- one | and ventilated through gable win tives" I began to feel Better, fhe dreadful | dows and dormers at each end. ! ) / | b h . . . . pains in the right side and back were i 1 The y is designed to be finished : % --- | | k > 5 > easier and when 1 had teen three boxes v , lin He Hous i I oa ie ind . : €cause Cc NOoOws th at there 1S In th IS, his 1 was practically well, 150 unit G | pal rooms and hall stained dark 'Flem | « 2 i : . : ] lish color, the kitchen and bedrooms hg y 4 i favorite mvention, more + i i i (8gd) Mapas Josgrn Rioux, | left in the mntural color of the wood " Fruit-a-tives ** -- or ** Fruit Liver Aer " es Tablets" are sold by dealers at 50¢ a box {and the upper rooms finished in na | tural wood or painted white. I'he ~--6 for $2.50--or will be sent on receipt " . 'i ! h i ; of price. Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, 3 a { floors are of hard pine or fir. i 1 : cHAumen 4 a ad sound, healthy amusemen LVIMG moot MALL . VEO xd OOCNMG MOOK | shingled. The foundation is built of Hoang { native boulder stone. The size of the in th, xs of moans amare | | BORD NC than can be had in any other way for so little Fi entmctes fo kh shia ome. amy» 3. el money. After all, what is it that we want in the i# estimated to build this house sma'l basement for $2,500, exclusive | of heating | plumbing. This price ibm ash LR oe f : WwW Loon Le ny on ek of con way 0 entertainment? c £0 to the theatre to | struction and the materials used. SECOND ULOOR PLAN, y |} hear songs and dialogues; to the dance hall for instigator of bomb outrages ? Where | Radium Strangely Affects Gems. | . d . h are the projected visits to the courts Two papers have recently been com : BD *e of Italy, Austria and Russia ? Our | ANT to the. Eecnnh eden n music an motion ' to t ¢ concert hall or gl and EO r---- king is boycotted, Sciences by M. F. Fordas on the re , . KING PETER MAY BE FOR "We have fallen so low that a treaty | arkable effect produced by the action op€ra to hear good singing, when We can get unworthy of even a vassal state is | of radium Eromide on precious stones CED TO ABDICATE. proposed to us as a favor. It our | of the aluming family, oh as a h 11 f: ] a . position abroad is deplorable, it 13 dum, riby, topaz and sapphire, In t cm a ' at ar CSS cXpense and trouble, in our Mis Tenure . of. Servian Throne De. | ¥Or*e at home. Here we have the | the: Jutest of these communication ds'. U nation's representatives assaulted by | Bordas says that under the influence h : h h : Edi Ph pends Upon Result of General | flicers with impunity; political op- | Gf the rays colorkss corundim bas | own omes wit t ICI 1Son onograph. Election. Poneuts locked" up aud killed; editurs been ' 'transformed into topaz, the . ol opposition journals persecuted, or | jganth of color of natural t wzes has > 'di . 3 > . § imprisoned on. fietitious chases of Hh, incrnaned, oh u nila flout oo See and hear the ncw Edison model with the big horn oht.. A murderous regime bas sot ' "OIOT 4 iN ' . geht... A mid enh Sproduced's with faintly. qoiored at the nearest Edison store, or send for a complete o: vigh § mae Fused alumina without color, when X . the : The Sumuner Fashions. submitted to the action of the radium catalogue describing It. Grace Margaret Gould, the dress ex- | bromide, heeame first rose tinted and pert, «ays in Woman's Home Compan | then reddish yellow. "These curious of We Desire Good, Live Dealers to. sell Edison Phonographs ' - ograp ion, that there are two distinct types | fects are wot explained by the discov . of dress this summer, both emphasi- | oref; but he thinks that they are not in every town where we are not now well represented, Dealers k ' zing the straight uprand-down effect. | due to oxidation] becanse they oceur having established "tores should write at once to This Is For You. | Eh . a, One of the tailored coat suit, showing equally well at very low temperatures ; . ' i in miany instances a cutaway coat, on - . on in Soh which gives the hipless effect, and & National Phonograph Company, 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J. U.S. A, Phere are thonsnds of females whe suffer y AN ! skirt comparatively harrow at the ; Love Story. fr J bottom---that is, it is made without | Philadelphia Ledger. i "En ve Sa watold miseries commen to their sex. en : the sudden flare that the tailored He had been calling on the young This ia largely due to the peculiar babite EAT eel Gi skirt used to have. lady for many moons, but, being of life and fashion, and thedmproper train. 3 A Fis 5 The other type of dress is the cut- | bashipl, his suit progressed slowly nr - -- po E its | Finally she decided it was up to hes | fog of girlhood. Then, tos, the physical " LS A in-one gown, and great will be i ehanges that mark the three eras of woman. KE: favor. In the form of the new prin- | te start something, so the next time hood id if ther) i Ag cess jumper, this cut-in-one dress is a | he called she pointed to the rose in v } HOUSE-CLEANING the the sad the 3 ey 4 most practical gown to own. It can | the buttonhole of his cont and said The St Lawrence Su ar Refinin Go Ltd i : ave mash; 6 do Wilh her: yrings, Tesh 8 fasten in the front quite as easily as "I'll give you a kiss for that pose.' . ay | = which are ated slence, unknown 2 ; i the back, and it is a model equally A large, opendace blush meandered _ by oven the family physician and most in 7 ih good for silk or linen. This style J over his countenance, but the ex MONTR EA i. i will not be complete without timate friends. : ¢ 3 deoss is always cut out at the neck, |ehange was made. Then he grablwd . : | looking over your Mattresses. The and is generally sleeveless, to show | bis hat and stapted to leave the roon Manufacturers of the choicest { best place to get new, fresh. sani. T Sl a and feeble ine 5 & ER | the guimpe, or trimmed just sufficient "Why, where are vou going 27 she . | tary mattresses or have old. ones his faces, eyes al footateps, ; lv over the shoulders to give a modi | asked in surprise R E ¥ I N E D S U G A R S | ted like { dicate nervousness, palpitation of the heart, 2 | fied large armhole effect. Or it may "To the er-er-florist for more roses," renovated ike now, is at 110 yak, hint and dimy spells, we would he made. a8 & number of the impori- | he exclaimed. Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane |©l"Y street. Prices right. of ' ; F { ed models are, so that it has muc - sarnestly recommend a sourse of Mitburn's BJ = ) wll Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." the effect of a polonaise cut out at the There's such a thing as being too neck, but having a sleeve which is cut | pronounced with the courage of your D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON 'Ape E ashe vd ' 1 J ' R $ Ss y Agents for Eastern Ontario ingston Mattress Co in one with the hodice. convictions } k ' HEntertaining In An Insane Asylum Did you ever entertain an audienge at an insane asylum? Those who have usually are able to tell exper iences quite out of the ordinary. The Litchfield trio have had several amu 8% nie, May 9---King Peter's ten- ing experiences at such places. In ote ure of office, for a long time perni- | case Mr, Litchfield spoke to a patient ciouk, is nowsto be put to the test of | At the asylum Nice day; rather mud » general election. 1 hie partizans dy underfoot, but nicemoverhead. win, he will have wmey lease-ofking. | "Yes," answered the patient, "hut ship. 1f the epposition is victorious, | nobody gets' up there." ; ) he will have, perforce, to.surrender In the course of the entertainment - his throne. Mrs. Litchfield gives on the vicliy ; Parliament has been, dissolved. Its | an imbtation of the church organ. my dissolution was rendered inevitable by / That it was well done was made very ke the obstrietive tactics of the opposi- | evident, for as she finished there came : | tion. Servian procedure.sots no limit | through the stillness in clear, minik- P to the length, the subject of the pum. | terial tones the voice of an inmate of ber of speeches of members of the] the asylum, "Now let the collection], ® y Skuptschina. A resolute opposition | be takén up !" i 5 : can paralyze the whole business of the ------------e ; oc (9) government. J Dog's Toilet Club. ht fon of the Shposition might These has recently been opened in d h tte tot ye en eftecty by ormation of § one of London's fashionable streets a Soalition cabinst, yt hs hing. has | toilet club for -- Thers oe ph % are never fickle. The ealer who a mpts urn chosen to leave M. Paschic's ministry | of the smart sot have: theirs muir) : : : ips practically intact. Fair chav with the | droed and their coats trimmed to the course of true love by offering a substitute ballot boxes would spell disaster fo | immaculate perfection, . For three - 3 x p # knows to be the Po the king. Even under the adroit man shillings (about seventy-five cents) agement of M. Paschics, the premier ; : ; - and the King's most Ardent sapporter, | barn "he tod. If theie south ary in the World, richly deserves the fate that is the clections must result in the re- | yaeiod, and if their cla trude : 1 : a4 turn of many, members of the 0PPost- | too far they can be daintily mani dealt out with a liberal hand to all idides. cured. ; wi, elite, i 7 3 meddlers. Wand nL DESOR 47. Wi No dealer who values his reputa- him { to discuss the value of salt in diges- t x a > a % The | commereial | tion. One of the physicians wrote | FELITESPNA LR Nd tion will offer a substitute. ee treaty with Austria will not he allow- | that, while salt in moderation is y ; el 2 ed to pass the Skuptschina, the good for the stomach and often abso: OY \ WV N L 7 get will not be voted and the king | lately necessary, it ought to. be taken : \ $ VK will he subjected to still more en-|apert from the meals, in much. the ; At all dealers ; venomed attacks. pe same way as medicine. He bases his ; : "What con dan we Have in a | judgment on the way artificial diges TN ww / 10c. and 25c¢. tins | rovernment." asked Dr. . Vallkovitch, ! tion proceeds in the presence of ma: | - No y the opposition leader; in the Skupts- | rine salt. Mast of us use condemnation ton of |