Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1908, p. 3

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Arc Pretty, Becoming And Bewitching. More of daintiness, stylishness, prettiness and low priceness was never embodied in Waists. So many charm- ing styles --s0 many fabrics are represented --s0 much of perplex» ing variét§s-86 much of beauty and value. It would be" diffienlt to choose from them if it were not that your choice will be right no matter what you chooses! Every Waist we show is of perfect style-- that will: be apparent on sight, but the num- ber of styles we are showing is surprising. We scouted the market for Waists -- viewed them al' and selected only the best. Our assem- blage is the cream of the season's Waist styles. And jn our quest for beauty, style and variety we never overlooked the importafit Jiattetdf price. We have attended to that too--yon Will avow that you never saw such Waist values. $1, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.65,-1.75, 2.00, 2.25 to 6.50. | Ey i So S------ CRUMLEY BROS. CASH COUPONS. s3€3asssesvebiiunyuts esevesy are vo. FRUITS! FRUITS! Bananas: : Pineapples | Special Prices for Oranges Sattirday. Apples EE Ct - ide in our store is part of our pride It's one of the things we are working for point offeating that er Your in it, ip lave you get. to the "YOUR § THE WHONG._ EXPOSED ; > + 18a Pe THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Cl Hmusements. MR. M'KAY GIVES FACTS WITH REGARD TO DEAL. ean A Shuffle in the Work---Every Ove] Outside of the Caucus De-| ceived--The Mortgage' Made and Signed By the Whitney Government. Mr, McKay's Explanation. : The liberal government in 1904 passed an act guthorizing the guar- antesing of the bomis of the James Pay Railway company, now the Cana ROWS, $1.50. i Northern, the taking of in San Tin i TUESDAY, MAY 12th. mortgage on the line of railway from Toronto to Sudbury as security. Un- The Dun smure Opera Co Provent ROSSINIS Delightfol Comic Tr der that act the morfgege would cover pera dy "The Barber of Seville" all lands, station houses, buildings and | rolling stock then owned or after With the Best Singing Company Ever ded by ME. ONTE wards acquired by the company. BALDINT Bi n Fi MONT: ) rima Donna From tian Opera House, N. Y., and Sonn oN TO-NIGHT. Canada's Favorite Actress, MISS ROSELLE KNOTT Supported b ANDREW ROBSO . a Company of Unexcelled ing J. M. BARRIES" Masterpiece, | ALICE SIT BY THE FIRE | Exactly as Presented at the Criterion Theatre, N. Y. City. Evening, 25c., buc., 75¢., $1. FIRST 4 sale, Seats po™ ob and nt. Premier Whitney announced that he hoped to close the session a week MURE, the Famous Basso From Covent Garden, Londen before the. day on which prorogation actualy took place. Then as a re- sult of a request from the gore ment gids | stated that 1 could see 4 no reason why the work of the ses- Liicen, 25e. SOC, 13¢.. $1, $1.50, sion should not be concluded on the Saturday. At that time the question ol this Canadian Northern guarantee and the Lalose matter had not been mooted. It goes without saying that matters of this mnportdnce should be mentioned in the speech from the throne or should be brought down early in the session in order that members of the legislature should have full opportunity of ascertaining the real facts, 1 noticed that I'remier Whitpey, speaking at Hamillon last night, said that the C, N. R. bill was brought down in the daylight. The guarantee bill and other important measures were not brought down until the ovening, The -bills were not distri buted until the Saturday morning, ant the 'Canadian Northern bill re- ceived its third reading beforg /three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, * In reply to a request for informa. tion made by myself, the provincial treasurer made certain explanations which were so extremely Incid as to mislead) all the newspapers as to the amount of the guarantee, It was, however, the premier who made the exceptionally strong statement. He said distinctly that the original 'mort gage taken under the act of 1904 was defective, that it did not cover termi- nals, and that was the reason for giv. ing the additional guarantee so' that better security might be obtained by the provineg. I. find that the Mail and Empire quotes him as saying, 'When this ad- ministration came into power it found that the mortgage was drawn in such! a manner that all the valuable parts] of fhe 'property were omitted. We are now trying to make themselves se- cure." He asserted that these were the facts, anu M they were, 1 think you - will agree that the opposition woulil not be justified in opposing the additional guarantee. If, as the pre mier, stated, the province . was being put dnl a. better . position the opposi- tion 'would cevtaimly not be doing its duty in opposing the measure. The House « relied on the premiey's state ment and the bifl went through. But what does subsequent inquiry reveal? "The James Bay Railway company were workjug under a dominion char- ter, and the mortgage is registered with the secretary of state at Ot- tawa. I find on enquiry that the mortgage was not taken by the libe ral 'government at all. It is stated July 12th, 1906, and the guarantee is dated July 17th, 1906, and it was signed 'on behalf of the province by Hon. &. J. Matheson, provincial trea- surer. 'In addition, I find that the plan of the road from Toronto te Sudbury was filed two years before the taking of the mortgage. It shows the road runnivg right through the city of Toronto, and actually to the Union station, It goes without say- ing that the mortgage, if properly taken, covers the Toronto terminal, and includes buildings, ete., then or afterwards acquired. "The mortgage is drawn with the special exception that it does not cover lines to be built afterwards, nor does it. cover certain property at | Barnsdale, Muskoka, nor does it | cover bonuses in connection with any of those lines. Terminals are not ex. cepted, and it clearly follows that the original mortgage covers all terminal 'acilitids in the city of Toronto, which would, of course, include all buildings then and afterwards erected on lands there. The arguments of the premier and of "The Mail and Empice that the mortgage only covered the middle: of the road is entirely misleading, and not in accordance with fact." Turning to the La Rose grant, Mr, MacKay stated that the provincial treasurer had heen guilty of misrepre- | Ihe te a mi t spea , for politi- cal friendship, given away the La Rose claim to O'Brien, When he entered iuto bis brief term of office, Mr. Mac Kay explained, he found the present deputy minister of mines, the deputy minister of lands, and Dr. Kennedy YoungLi Every young liberal in King- ston is invited to the Whig Hall, Thursday Evening Next AT 8 O'CLOCK, A fall attefance is requested. ELMER DAVIS, President, Young Liberal Assoc. A Mother's Class WILL BE OPENED IN CONNBCOPION with the Domestic Scienge Department, of the Board of Education, on Wednesday Afternoons at 2 O'clock Beginning on WEDNESDAY, 18th inst Those who wish to attend -- leasa jregister their names at oat Om a Corner of Princess and Sts. Accommodation for 24 onlp 'No JOHN MACDONALIN Scei-Treas, SETTLEMENT LIKELY. Steel Coal Litigation Thought te Be at An End. Toronto, May %.---The Fas jal Post, this morning, says that the settlement of the Steel (Coal . more' probablé Tn ture than was generally expected. Ne- gotintions will be resumed to-day in Montreal, fhe price of coal has been settled and the principal point at issue is the amount to he paid to the Steel between - the sum actually paid. said he would pay $1,500,000, hut the Steel company hold out for $2- 000,000, The pricé of coal hag been pragtically agreed upon at $1.40 for slack and ¥1.50 per ton for run mine. In regard to the damages for the shutting down of the steel plant in the. autumn of 1906 jt is expected that this branch of the case will be argued before the privy eouncil, Statutory Increases in. Pay to Be Abolished, Ottawa, May 9.-<It is understood that unless some change is made in the new civil service act, as now drafted, one of the most impertant of the new features * will he the elimina. tion of the present system, of annua statntory incregses. Insteatl. of the arrangement which hag hitherfirpxist. ed, whereby all employees on the per- manent staff get - regularl vd HN in creases until the maximum' for their class is reached, the goverhpient pro- Poses that hereafter the increddey shall only be granted each year on fecom- mendation of the depute mingsters, Thus the businesslike pringiplesad)l be adopted of rewarding the civil service employees on the basis of merit wlone. et Governor-General 'Goes Home. Montreal, May 9.---His excellency the govVernot-peneral is returning to Ot- tawa, to-day, at half past two o'clock, accompanied by Lieut. Pickering, D.C., and Arthur Shaden. His excel. leney spent go part of the morning at the horse show, and was present at the luncheon Sir Montague Allan gave at the Mount Royal Club. Last even. os ¢ } 'was resin: % the ri ven "Sir i and Lady Vou ny Wianf Richards May Play For Ottawa. SATURDAY, MAY 0, 1908. company for the difference contract price and the James Ross has of | an opportunity of individually ex | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First fnsertion lc. a word, secutive imsertion » A GOOD STRONG BOY, FOR BOTTLE washing. Apply 148 Ontario Si. ENDER. YOUNG MAN, WHO Ap stands cure of horses, as driver, piy to Edwin Chown & SON, A DETECTIVES ; SHREWD, RELIABLE man for profitable secret service, to act utider orders. no eXpeniefice Notes sary. Write H, C, Webster, Indian- apolis, Ind. WANTED--FEMALE, WORK WANTED BY THE DAY. CALL at 276 Sydenham street: A COOK. APPLY IN THE EVENING, to Mrs. Howard F. Folger, 55 West "street. GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENCES required. Apely to Mrs. Frances Hill Macnee, 252 King street, HOUSEMAID, SXPERIENCED, ONE who understands waitin on table References required. Apply 207 Wil dam street. perienged domestic servants, arriving about May 15th. Apply at once The t., Montreal, SITUATIONS WANTED-FOR EX- I Guild, 71 Drummond LADY SBEWERS <~MAKE SANITARY belts at home ; materials furnished ; $15 per hundred. Particulars stamp ed envelope. Dept. 693 Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago. MONEY AND BUSINESS, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents them any other Examine them at company offers. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Resets $61,187,215. In addi which the policyholders have for secur®y the unlitnited Mabiliy of ali the stockholders. Farm and ity pro perty insured at loWest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving mew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. TO-LET. FURNISHED PWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for furniture, ete. McCann 61 Brock street, BOAT HOUSE, FOR LAUNCH, ing doors, Apply Fy G, Lockett. ST. SUMMER COTTAGE, ON Apply Lawrence River, near City. S to McCann, 51 Brock St. 97 and 79 ALFRED STREET, modern improvements. Possession +B. Cunningham. NOS. all Ist May. Apply A TWO 'WELL LOCATED OFFIORS, ONE furnished, the other unfurmished, at B46 King street, Apply J.P. Forrest Gents' Furnisher, 348 King street. FURNISHED, OR . UNFURNISHED, § bedroomed brick ho ton St. Possession at once. Daniel Reeves, Iroquois Hotel. Apply MEDIUM SIZFD in good repair, No $14 per Month. mT Real Estate street. HOUSE, MODERN, 1i Union St. . . Lockhart, Agent, 159 Wellington DRY STORAGE, FOR FURNI- ture, goods, etc. Separate rooms and our own lock and Rey." W, G. Frost, Eioraqe Agent and Uarringe Painter, 299 Queen St. 'Phone, 526, PINE SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, KING St. West, near Alwington Ave., nine rooms, city water, furnace, good barn and stablimgy Apply at resis dence, or to H. W, Day, Newcourt. CONSERVATIVE METHODS. w-- \ 'As" Declared By a Paper of That Party. -- Prescott Messengery Lhe reasons why R. L. Joynt, ex M.P.V., wil not recognize the county convention at Spencer. a statement of conventions of were Conservative ville, ate basd on facts relating to the MN and 190d, details of which familiar to all local politicians, Becanwe while R. L. Joynt was sit ting as member for this county in 1903, he was robbed of the prestige of his position to which he 'had been elected by a majority of over 500, by by a pratatare and unjust conven- tion. Me was elected in 102. While he had at least two, and probakly three sessions to sit out, which he should have been allowed to do unmolested, a convention was called to nominate a candidate for the Dominion house. Ferguson delegates came down in force, and persuaded the county exe cutive to have the convention nomin ate a candidate for the legisiat top. This was done. Afterwards it was admitted to be unfair, and another convention was called in December, 'Because the second convention was unfairlywconducted, and the delegates in some polls dishonestly elected. The convention was manipulated by the same machinery as the first. "Lhe in "terested owes tried « to justify their original actions by t proceedings. In one ward of Edwards the delegates wern declared elect: Rl the advertised hour for the majority of those present. The econ vention iteell was not properly con | ducted. i Because the conventions. es at pre- | sent cted are not represehtative ol the conservative eleciors' of Gren- valle. , Because the electors wat laroe desire presen their opition in te case. ele phi spring shirts for style, com- and dueabslity, Be RN Jones, BA. Aulteville, hid sugdenly, fifty-three years . ordained in > A -- The People's Forum. | he c------------------------------------------------ CO : = BAKERY OR BUILDING Godin's Insurance Emporium, Mark ot Square. | SLID- | deep water always quiet. | 106 Welling- heir irregular|, of and {Harry PAGE THRER. EE A -- --e FOR SaLm, ™ Sooh HOUSES NOS. 60 and 42 eilington street. Apply A. B. U a iagte Ply A. B, Cun PASTRY COOK, GOOD WAGES, Ap. iy British-American Hotel, Kingston A TATLon SAFE. APPLY 7T0 THE oard of Education, Co En by ane Svan i cat a Corner Princess PORTABLE OVEN, uUApAa. City 50 pans bread. Apply E Hiscock, Badift, Gananbgue, Ont SUITABLE for same to reat. Apply McCann, 51 Brock strest. : PLAIN SEWING PONE, OF ANY kind. Call or write to Mrs. Cayicss, 884 King street, over Armstrong's. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH timates on electric work. All kinds work promptly done. F. J. Bireh, ,» 208 Wellington street, BLACK MOULD FOR FLOWER BEDS or top dressing. Also ashes refhovesl, Prop a card to Albert Stansbury, 441 Barrie street. SOME MORE PROPERTY T0 SELL. mer trees ---- If you have say, give us details. We|NO. 188 UNIVERSITY AVE, POUBLE will tura it into 'cash. J. Re G Solid Bpick house, hot Water hoat- Dobbs, 171 Wellington street, be 0 jo. plumbing, Apply W, i, will reat. v arence ot A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF ' m------ yards or cellars other A NEW EDISON MQVING PIOTURS or A Prices right. Apply to 5 Machifie, and an OxyHih Gas mw o.' General Carter, 35 Mala St. ing outfit; complete, Cheap cash. Address: Box "A, B T™ GET at Gallo. of isi guar Se, Whig DRESSY SENT. r Spr. uits 's. Style, price and mitood to 3 181 _ mext ta Bibby's Livery, RUBBER TIRED RUNAROL rr, boron Stanhope s Top Buggy Business Waggons, Milk Waugons James Laturney, Princess St, Kingston, Carriagemaker, LIFE class BY 4TH QF JUNE, A GOOD SIZED bedroom, 6m bathroom flat with two singles beds for two tlemen. Must be ween City Park and Princess St. Could partly furnish if necessary Apply Box "E.'" Whig office. PRESERVERS condition, for skills Buy one for each. Folger's Ticket of Brock stieet IN FIRST. a ane your boy, 2 Agency, Fo NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO. tone up your fixtures to look Mike new. Silver, Nickie and Copper Plat- ing. House Wiring. Repair work done quick. Large assortinent of Gas and Electric Chandeliers, Fresh Bat- teries just in, 79 Princess St. ' 441. TWO ORGANS, IN FIRST-CLASS Snndjcion, good as new, one $10; also English ringing and Mangling Maching® $9: 1 Pouritl one at Oud Block House, Sydenham St, GASOLINE LAUNCHES, PINISHED complete with new boat house to rent. Also Hulls and Engines r ately, boats and engines repaired under shelter. Gasoline and Motor Boat Supplies. Davis' Dry Dock, SITUATIONS VACANT, -BRICKLAYERS AT GRAD-| wages, 33, 40, 45, or SOc. an hour, Recording to ability. Apply at the Builders" Exchange, Mechanic In-| ta Risk » stitute, 204 St. James St., Montreal, | PROPERTY AND BUSINESS OF WH. I . . artelsky, Verona, consisting of frame store and dwelling, well estab. lished eneral itore business, good reason for aellifng. Apply to J. S.R. McCann, 51 Prock St., Kingston WANTED ted MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR. | ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly, Help secure positions. win quip shops. Con stant practice. Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course. Cate logue free, vite Molex Barber College, Toronto. LOST. WITH $2.50 AMERICAN | Finder please | Theatre, and] IVATE SALE oF HOUSEHOLD Goods, Huppy Thought Range, with Water Front, Oak Morrie Chair, Solid Mahogany Platforma Rocker and Arm Chair, High Arm Sewing Machine Lamps, other sail artic To-njuht to ¥, gnd all day Monday. House is for rent, $17 month, 433 Brock Mt --- | PR FOR, piece attached, to Wonderland SILK | gold } retarn i recuvive one dollar reward. | 8 PROPERTY CHEAP: NO, tm CITY Bagot St., sear City Park, all provements, 9 rooms, large exten sion; No 204 King St, well built stone house of about 12 rooms: No. a2 12 rooms, nll Loe provements, heating, o snap. Geo. Ketate, 95 Clarence St. FOUND. BLACK AND TAN FOXHOUND BITCH If not claimed in three days; will he pold. Apply G, Potter, Sr., ton, Portsmouth. Ontario St, hot water Chft, eal Alwing- | { FIFTY-FOOT CABIN equipped with 40 engine, and Engberg ation for lighting and Cabin built of solid mahogany thoroughly equipped' and furnished delightful craft for cruisiog. 'rice; $6 500 Can Le inspected at King ston Foundry Company Kingston Ontario. Address communications to w 2, MeCausiand, of The British Whig. BOAT eylind i | MOTOR We. 6 TTE, ; : i Jor, 238 Electric | sireet. | | 'Phone, 406. PUPILS CK A. Hearne, Professional Pianist En | gagements wanted for dancing classes, | Private parties, eto. Apply by letter | to "A. R. F., Whig office, MOLES, te. perm r. Twenty years ex . y x er J. Lake, Eye, Bar, ose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. J E, SCIENTIFIC PHYSICAL CULTU Rublic and private classes for Men, omen and Children, will be held in Gymnasium dur- terms tn A. Palmer, in care ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF Bee, Uor., Queen and ingot strats. HENRY r SMITH, ARCUOITECT, otes Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant"s Bank Building, corner TNrock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. University special a. Queen's ing summer ; collegiate students. Specialist Ancor r, Or. Mahnod's Deug and Hegot Bagot street WM. NEWLANDS, fice, second floor over store, enrmer Princess streets Faitmance om "Thone, 608, FOR SALE OR TO LET. FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH. PRO- perty, in village of Sydenham. For urther particulars, apply to Calvin W. Lake, Sydenham, Ont. ENGINEERS. ERNEST RR. BECKWITH Soe. © KH. M. Ontario Architects, Consulting Arghitect, 18 Mar ot MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUER Clarence A mec a or Fingineer 4 K i 0 & KIRKPATRICK, arriage Licenses, 43 THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT | Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON, -------- Saving, Or Being Saved. | Is it your great aim in religion to be | Do you consider the thing paramount importance cape from the hell or punishment that | you perhaps deserve ? Surely you have not realized how pitifully wean and | low are such an aim and conception, | Thebetter aim, and the worth while, is that of saving --ofl sav ing others. It is in your power to save vour fellows from «in, ROrTOow, suffering. You can give them stren gth of soul by your comradely hélp. | The greatest thing in religion is the exercise of this power hy which vou become a saviour of men. : . ket saved 7 ol | to be your es-| only ane | | In the Estate of Samuel Harper, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING | COUNts Agminst the estates of the ale Fg | Rsred Samuel Harper, who died st thar eee | FAty of Kingston on the twenty-first di jul March, JD. 1908, are required to isend them to the undersigned. on or bee {fore the twenty-second day of May nos after which date the MM Wate will 1 j distributed according 2 taw ingeton, AprA 22nd, 1908. J. McDONALD MOWAT, Clarence Chambers, Solicitor for the i Auction Furniture 203 'Wellington street, | Tuesday, May 12th, 10 a.m. C4 Belisselis Carpets, Beitish Plate Mirror poop sharp, for Par of at log the | Fae! Oak and rie Top Centes funeral of 4 nee 1 tnd o . Bteel Flats Engraviags Chen funsea Bpthor Jamies Rlex- | und Lace. Cartan Ooh © Wakr.oendiio Ry order of the Worshipful Master. Rattan and uther Rockers, Mag Rn EASTON URNS { Walnut Sideboard and Fxtension . Fy. i (THE ANNUAL MEETING Wa, Walsut Mathie Top Bedroom | Springs. Mattresses, Tolletts Crockery, Glasy and Tinwere, ! ALLEN, The Auctionssr OF. THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THY ; h's Falls and Oriana | - To Hy ;? the & { . in i : Ont. on MONDAY. JUNE tet. 1908 oi | the hour of 10 aw. for the elaction Ld ay | Address, Rev. CC. W. Casson, at 2 | Beacon street, Boston, Mass, for the literature. Al " | K : | Emergent Meeting. | THE BRETHERN TARP | oo haa Ry ea he) pte FY ; . C. #5 befeby su . iy IHG Ser) 4 to be DAT, MAT aap UnEson le Ki Telephone, 253. Sydwhus Sv. 242 Directors of the Company and the trans Auction Sale Piano, ¥ action of such other bDisiness ae be brought Furniture, &c. before the nweting. TUESDAY, MAY 12th. At the residences of Mes FRANK soorr, Secreta her. 32 Wellington St... Teoh "wef Kingston, Ont. April 30th, 1908. Upright Will Dining end Fed Chairs, Mtedents olen, Springs. Mal. tilann eh | lama' Piano, Varior, * rot Furniture, | | Tanks, Rockers, Tables, Curtains, Mise Ecrill Rachael Hayes, daughter yr i abs ; ere fale at mes, of 12 ¥, Abctitgyenr, s her NY nncried on 2, xy Episcopal ; Biba 's $1 shicts are boailies,

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