Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1908, p. 4

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YY YY SHARPENER Vs 4 : For Lawn Mowers THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIC, published at 306- aie Kin, Steen, | Ei ts =u per ditions T WEEKLY B BRITTON whic, 19 panes, 5 pub- lished i on M va and ursday morn a $1 a Jui States, : c be made Soc. for ope of the ob rnin ed is me rapid, dint Ld. for nine improved presses. Beek Whi Pub Lh A: for bbe. Attached ome work; The place in the dreams of the socialists and laborites. Were the liberal government dispos- ad to lay up trouble for any one, were elthe premicr anticipating defeat and so inclined become reckless, he would go the ticket which ber bom Shap red upon him. In that case the age limit woulll be reduced and the week- {iy allowance be; incrensed. The pre- to ~ EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Bourassa is mot going into poli- tics--as a fighter for the conservative party. II they thought they could use him as a pelitipal battéxing ram they were greatly. mistaken. -- The Cataract Power company has offered to supply Hamilton with pow- er for eivie purposes 'at ten per cent less: than the Hydeo-Fleetric Commis] er ------------------ ~ HN GRIEVANCES} WHITNEY GO GOVERNMENT NOT DEALING SQUARE. -- : The Record Faulty in Many Re: spects--Bad Work of the Spoils- men--Many Promises Broken-- Spending the People's Money N------ JIE FEES mier, an astute leader, submits & workable scheme. It is modest in its ¢haracter, and yet means many mil- lions in the year, The limit in any case will be $30,000,000, and it is not a terrifying liability, when one recalls that the surplus revenue the pre- sent year is over $23.1 The greatest objection _y Freely. Hamilton Times. the seynotu of Me. Whitney's ad- dress was that , the gov ernment bad given the peopl a square 'deal, and he expected them to give him a Square deal in return, that is, to agsiu re ture bis government to power. Let us see. The premier had publicly admit ted that it was due to the votes of liberals that he was able to take oi: fice some three gears ago, and it will pe remembered hat he promiced at the time that he would not forget it --that he would deal fairly by all parties. How has he kept his promise to the . province and. to his liberal supporters ! He gave them a Square deal by dismissing all the liberal jus tices of the peace; - by dismissing all the Liberal license commissioners, hy adopting the spoils system and chop- ping oft the heads of numerous liberal office-holdess to make room fer his hungry hangers- on. He has given the liberals a square deal by 'gerrymandering the constitu- enciey, within two years of a domin- ion census, and he promises to make it hot for the grits when the next time comes, He prided himself on the fact that he could have made the ger rymander much worse, "The thief who steals a dollar might boast that he could have stolen a thousand, put the boast would not be much to his cre dit. The premier told his audience that his government had taken almost double the money from the people that Ross did, and spent just as much in proportion, But he forgot to tell it that, had it not been for the Ross government, he would not have had the money to 'spend. For example, the total receipts during the last year bwere $5,320,000, Of this amount $533,- 503 came from succession dutics, a measure which Whitney threatened to repeal as soon as he got into office; $672,241 eame from taxes on corpora tions; $2S5090 from the Vemisiam- ing & Northern Ontario railway; 31, 154,719 from mining sales and leases, and $207,345 from rovalties. All these sources of revenue were made possivle by the actions of ° the Ross govern: ment, some of them in spite of the opposition of Whitney and kis follow- ers and, as a majter cf fact, were these leit out there' would be a tory debit instead of a sarplus, Mr, Whitney said his government had fullilicd all -its pledges to the peo- ple but one--that of gaw reform. When in opposition, he promised to reduce the number of cabinet ministers--hbe increased them. He promised to alol ish taxes on financial corporations. He has not done it. He stul collects succession duties, and more cf them, notwithstanding his threat to cut the whole thing out, He was to gite a twoscent a mile passenger rate om New r Ontario sailways, Has he done it ? All : Premiums prison labor goods were to Le label To Balances... ted. He didn't label them. : ' The premier said be was not there to defgnd the guarantee to the Cana- dign Northern railway, he was there to boest about it, and he declared that on Amil 21th, Mr, Perse, of Kingston, told a reporter in Toronto that 'Mr. McKay had decided to offer no opposition to the guarantee, and still the leader of the opposition went about and blamed the government for having done that thing. The Kingston Whig, of which Mr. lense the edi tor and proprietor, gave this state mént an emphatic denial in his paper the other day. We quote : "There is not a svintilla of truth in this statement, obviously snead to gilemee the lifbral leader. It wag gi en forth in the absence of Mr. Pens in the far east, and was not known to him until Satmday last, when he made an unequivocal denial, That the charge is a campaigner pure and sim ple iv seen in donspienous lack of « cumstances; ths two members did not not confer in or gut of the house up sion or any. other gompetitor. 4 wl | ---- The Tupper' sun has set in the west. Sir Hibbedt fs out of polities there, His idea, biked by the idea of his father, that he "could break into the party at his éwn sweet will, has not succeded, i IN [mw Bits of MINISTERS WANT POSTING, The membérs of the government ought to be "the best informed of all those who' discuss provincial" affairs. But Mr. Whitney showed that he did not, read the papers, or that he did not remember what he read, when at Hamilton, he retailed the old chest. nut: about Mr, MacKay and Mr. Pense. The latter, returning to the city from an eastern trip, hastened, to give & quictus| to the canard that be and the <Jiberal leader. had conferred on the Canadian Northern railway bond guarantee, and decided not to oppose it.' Mr. Whitney ignores the correc tion, and repeats the fiction for polis tical 'effect. Colonel Hendrie, at ihe pow-wow which Mr. Whitney attended, express ed the opinion that no one could tell what Mr. MacKay's position was on the three-fifths clause. No one who ever occupied a seat in the house, perlinps, save Col. Hendrie, have any doubt upon this point. Mr. MacKay has been all along an advo cate of a majority rule or option law, and at = the last session he put himself on record as the seconder of Mr. Preston's motion to this effect. i the eolonel presumes. to educate the masses during the campaign it be- hooves him to got posted. Mr. Mac- Kay will be visiting Hamilton some of these days, and he may take some he did uot succeed. of the pomp and egotism out of the| Jo woo tut fdr law reform. So was minister without portiolio, while he}: My Dear Foy. The people were bo- undergoes a necessary enlightenment. ing held up by an effete system. But the reform was not even dreamt of by the government until Mr. McKay made the situation too hot. Hence the pro- mise of a chango--after the elections. There was to be an end of the pri- ¢on labour contracts, and the pres- elit government had -hardly begun its business than the most obnoxious deal ever heard of was carried into ef- fect. It still as a standing proof of conservative contumncy. There was to be educational reform. 1t began with a consolidation of pow-1, evitle Howling. For Heat. er ir Toronto University, in a sur-| We are 9 warm political render of hundreds of thousands of [campaign. Hurry up, you politicians. dollars annually without an - ae-| Anything to var wp the weather ao ¢ounting to parliament. This was fol- bit, lowed by a futile attempt to improve Does AC Comply ? the school law, and an equally futile]Guelpl: Mercury, attempt To" Tasfrove The Wohoo! books, | The whee that J. P. A bargain sale is now on, but the Downey: has been re:nominated on the distinct understanding that he ceases new books are not out, and when they [to put up his hair in eurl papers. are they will be dearer than ever. mb There was to be no more robbery of the dead, in succession duties; no more bleeding of the financial institutions and great corporations for' revenue purposes. But they all go on, and the Whitney government is determined to heavier if possi- Josie: Many men come here with all their cloth ing wants, because they are sure. A A -- sire comes from the mil; Why should the people not know hae They forsee a difficulty in paying the theis money 8 tin Toronto Uni- pension, in view of the increased de yersity as well ax on legislation, law, | mands for the navy. The defence of Justice, and other things ? 1s the cost the empire is very important, and the ot elucation, mh Sommissions, . 4on sacred for inspection ? people, without respect to classes, have After all the evidence is in, from made their sacrifices for it, But the time has come when the care of the conservptive' "ated libegal sources, it aged, the sacred course of life, * de.| will be qlrite 'Rpparent that the Ayles- worth election law is badly needed, mands attention, and it is a becoming sign when the question impresses the | The scandals of, the west are multi- plying. mother of nations aud moves her parkigme ut to action. iS ---- The Tupper family went west when the east failed to Show the proper ap- preciation of them. They had better flit. eastward. The blue noses, after all, are'the Most appreciative of their brand of politics. ------ The city 'engineer is right. A Jot of good a horse, hired for his use and the use of the foreman of streéts, womld be if it could be taken hy anv member of the works committee for personal diversion. -- The members of the works' depart ment surely do not want to ride about the city in the rig which is to be pro vided for, the engineer and his fore man ! Nothing so f common as that. An automobile will comport more with their dignity ! - 4 g-- "I notice," said Me. McKay in his ad dress, "that 'Premier Whitney, in open: ing his campaign at Hamilton, asked for a square deal: but on reading his speech one is driven to the conclusion that sn appropriate heading would be 'A Plea for tee ** Well said: SPIRIT. OF THE PRESS FAVES X= LX Sure that the style is right. t grils a Long Felt Want lp Makes Old Lawn Mowers I '> Better Than New. Improves K v. New Ones, 4: + Sure that the fabrics are good and that they are choice patterns from the best looms, on EH Handy tool to sharpen , « Sure that the garments are made in clean shops by expert workmen. that a Price } Sethe. stone will do. FE SOLD ONLY AT Sours | Jartvars 1 Sure that they have paid the lowest price for which clothing of equal excellence can be bought anywhere, -------------- Perhaps there would not have heen $0 much fuss about the St. Boniface tegminals of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway if Hon. Mr. Rogers had um- loaded his land upon the commission at $2000 an acre. Mr Ames should have a snap shot of that land. See Our handsome $15.00 Men's Suits. New Cut, New Fabrics, New Patterns, could ALES IEEELIIRILBIS AS bebo 244 FEIEV 49446556 a Try Our Special $15.00 Spring Overcoats, Material--FEnglish Cheviots, plain or silk faced. ~~ E+ A VERY RAGGED RECORD. The address of Mr. Whitney, in Ham- ilton, lacked all that his government There + says a critic, would indicate that was constructive in its policy. is no doubt that Mr. Whitney, wind, essayéd to do many things, but +5635 Don't forget that we are showing The Best $1.00 Shirts ) The Best $2.00 Hats | THE H. D. BIBBY C0. - Kingston's Cash and One Price Clothiers, ++ IN CANADA. in his + There are 138 Safety Ra on the market. You recognize the "Gillette" at once. It is the Safety Razor that you have heard about--read about --and which your f riends talk about. A million men spent $5,000,000.00 for a million Giliette Safety Razors in the past 30 months, ~ Do Yom recall the name of even One other, as well known ? The Gillette Safet a Triple Silver Plated Holder (will last a lifetime) -- 13 double edged flexible Blades (24 keen edges) packed in velvet lined leather case--and the price is $n Af all Jowelry, Drug, Cutlery, Ninn: Sporting Goods, and Dept, Stores, Write of avk your dealer for free book lets, 1 hé-cannot supply you, write us, GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. CANADIAN FACTORY, MONTREAL +4 approved of the Mr. Kirby pro- poses to canvass 7 What iv its kind and quality ? Has the engineer ex- amined the specification and approved of it? What is to be the per. foot or yard ? No citizen should com- mit himself the scheme until he knows more about it. council whieh Has, the pavement for Teretererererserees HH | kos termes A244 HESSEN, BEESLEY "One of Thousands of Such Actual Results." The (anada Life Assurance Company cost to --, prevails, LANTER® SLIDE IN POLITICS. The Canadian Courier comments upr on Mr. Ames' performance with lan- tern slides "as a new feature," in political campaigning. New in Can- ada, perhaps, but not néw im the United States. In a notable New York state election, when the Erie = canal was an isswe-of large dimensions, the stereopticans were. called into re- quisition, and attractive were the pic tures of odd jobs which the republi- cans had perpetrated along the poted ditch. Mounds of building material, or holes in the ground, were shown, and the platform campaigner dwelt in lurid language upon the awful waste of public money. The Courier now says "the lantern slide is attractive and its use allows voters to employ their eyes as well as their ears." A good deal depends upon the artist and the ppint of view lie is engaged to present. The aver- age moving picture show is very in- teresting, Sometimes it is exciting, and it would be impressive, but for the knowledge that it represents an expert manipsdation of «scenic ma: chinery for effect. Mr. Ames' lantern biased as his tabks. ple what they showld have in pictor- ial views there would have to be an presentation of the cuse. There is a side which Mr. Ames has enlarged, the side he indeed suppress by seeking to close the land question Razor consists of POSTMASTER OF GUELPH, In Aceount with DAVID STIR TON, De. 188 to 1879, To amount ON1 Cr, 1848 by at death 1880-10 1909 Py Surplus Profits paid in » Insurance, = payable gunranteed |... for $2,243 60 $7,140 90 $0, 353 00 received L000 0 Cash Great Surprise. % aR Loudon : Advertiser. ' 5,353 00 The conservatives claim they have elected a mayor in Halifax. Isn't it funny what theses conservatives can do when the liberals are hot looking? Lr in cash EXPL ANATION-On 4th October, 184%, David of age, open] an actount with the Canada Life paying a deposit of 897.00, and was immediately credited with £1,000 whole life insurance. For thirty-two vears he paid diminishing premium amounting in all to $2,243.00, at age Sixty-two he stopped ' preminm altogether and then his policy has given him income, tl i payments amounting in all to 85.383 00. His vearly R00 which will be increased Decemt or Slat, 1000, In addition his $4,000 is payalle at death Open an Account With The Canada Life: It will | Protect Your Estate and at the Same Time Provide for Your oid Age. em canny Stirton, thew thirty vear Assurance Company, by Oshawa Galvanised Steel Shingles, made by the Ped- lar people, will make a first- class roof at a moderate cost. ) They can be easily laid by any handy man. No solder, no paint, no dirt. Rain Proof, Snow Proof, Fire Proof. Seo the Shingles at Anglin's Lumber Yard. 8, ANGLIN & C0. Foot of ot Wellington * St. Proxies Don' 't Count. paying Toronto Star. vearly If the whole duty. ol a legislature were to vote for or against a govern- ment, it would be better for the con- stituencies to send liberal or conser- vative proxies to' Toronto, afid thus save the expense of electing and main taining wu , jegislature of a hundred men. since a make the exactions le. There were to "be no- more subsidies to railways; no more grants of land to corporations, but they have mark- ed every session of the legislature, and the deal in 'that last awful week" has even turned the conserva- tive party upside down. There was to be an end of the |Branttord Expositor, : spoils system, but it has marked the] The Whitney government has | in reign of the present govern-|treased the provincial expenditures in is th t i \o-day less then four years by sixty per and is the surest proof to-day) In short, by £1 per head of the poprdation, the same ratio of increase iy as made WY. the liheal ER of | on this subject; Mr. Pense wes not m ole i thirty thyren, years of | side the doors of the Rossii House Drees Gc | last gession."' £ If Mr. Whitney was so proud of his giit to Mackenzie & Mann, why dil he try to minimize it at first, by stating that the guarantee was only for $l, 500,000, instead of $2,500,000, and why did he dissemble terminals? The Ross guarantee was quite ample for all purposes. As to cheap = hool kooks, Mr. Coop er; a comservative, and one of the commissioners, speaking of the redu tion in prices, said: "This reduction in price may last ove and a half 'years, What will happen then is only a matter of conjecture. The probabili- ty is that if the new set of readers is prepared and the printing and hind ing brought up to date, the price will go back fo the old "price, if not higher." Again, Mr. INCOmMS Is how is insurance of to his estate too, Cost Going Up. whole slides are as ment, of its degenvracy. There was to be a non-political ad- ministration of the license laws, 'end the first det of the government Yo to remove the license inspectors antl commissioners and put the whole ma- chinery of the department into the hands of political henchmen. Result-- scandals such as have not disgraced any government heretofore. There was to be honest and clean government, and with forty-three of » majority it should have beet attain- able. Yet such is the failure of the government to reach ds owh ideals that it has abandoned hop, and given itself up apparently to the worst elements in political life. The independents have been disgruntled, and to prevent retaliation' they and the liberals have been hit with a bru- tal gerrymander. Finally (for the present, for the ¢a- togory 'of misdeeds is too long to be egumerated in one article), thers was to be a correet administration of the people's affairs, and an evidence of it is given in the La Rose case, and $130,000 goes to a syndicate of which Mr, Cochrane's brother-in-law is a lucky member, Mr. Whitney claims that be bas giv- "You Can Get the Same Policy as David Stirton Has." will Street To give the peo- bape for you will le chee hingston Full information of how such & policy i uw fully office, 1% Marks t given at the impartial F. M BOSCHEN Member Consolidated Stocm ae Exchange of New York. ir STOCKS, .BONDS and "GRAIN Bosght asd Sold for Casll or 08 | % . Margin, |' DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TON.Y Hs §W HECTOR H. HUME, mor: tanding Pat. M« atroal gaatan The government's licensing ll was ordered to * hé read a second time in the British House of Commons by a majority of 246. This does not mean that it will get through the two houses of | parliament, but it does mean that the party will stand by it to the last. In a countr- where the people are not afraid to vote acainst ministers, representatives are not afraid to' vote against interests. not tried to the enquiry prematurely. " An. independent might give & mov- ing picture of entrancing interest, and it might be made up of scenes from the House of Commons when Mr. Ames' friends are doing their best to furn the people's chamber into a bear garden. Ali that now remains of the power scheme, says the Csmadian Compier; is "for the municipalities to sign the contracts and the work will be' com- b-perhaps."" What, is in the mind of our contemporary That the Beck boom will fade awe alter the election ? OLD AGE PENSIONS. . The th government does not 'slay My hy way of social re- forms. I€:is gogion with' the old age pension scherie, but on un plan that will be regarded ge moder- ate indeed, It is caloplated fh , there are about hall a million A seventy who will become the "im: } mediate beneficiaries to the gi x $1.25 per week, if single a $i | per week il married, pnd Sadie dual is not a Snatic; 3; gouges ar a eriminal. into as to the They Say Oe Shoes Are The Best Gold Ring Found. The gold ring, which Mrs. Z. Pre vost, Earl "street, lost on Friday morning, was promptly returned. T. McK. Robertson was the finder; and, bavintg seen_the lost advertisement in the Whig, immediately returned the article to the owner, It was a lucky find, considering the fat that the ring Wad 'almost imbedded in the muddy street. Whitney stated that he was not wedded to the three-fifths clause. We believe that. When it serves the purpose of bis party he will abel ish it; but not till then. Two Much Rain. The rainfall in this vicinity during the week has been very heavy and farmers are gow complaming that there is too mach of it. A great proceed with seeding and as a result of the rain they will be about two weeks late getting Mis work finished. Revenue Cutter Retired. Ogdensburg, N.Y., May 9.-Officees of the United States revenue cutter Pallas, of the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario district headguarters bere, report that the ship will not be commissioned again, but is to be re tired, her warrant and petty officers being transferred to other revenns ves- sels. Sas Our many ye of SAOE retailing have taught us ex. actly what So abn SHOES, what good SHOES are and where to get each particular sort wade in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY Our stock to-day presents a splendid variety in every description and of every grade for Men, Children. Better Shoes at their prices DO NOT EXIST Equal Shoes elsewhere invariably cost mors money. i We_ don't keep your money and you don't Beep the Shoes you buy bere, unless they are perfectly satisfactory in every respect. : J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO., The Home of Good Shoemaking. Shoes of Women and Ss i, Campbell Bros'. To-Night. Here is the men of Kingston come for new Wstyles in hats. Justice Riddell lately complained "| that the lawyers of this province are . Yet it would puzle a to rob the most ° of hs of $5,000 warth of oi 4

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