sn ------ we ms - omnia nn -- -- - Ee -- " - i" little allairs for this visitor during} met with in one place was a foot FN made when Roy Birch came up with | LATE POLITICAL NOTES. " SUPPRESSING SOME FACTS. 2 the week, stow and such cold weather that leav | 4 bunch of beautiful roses and laid | ---- ing the hotel was next to impossible | them at Alice's feet as she sat with { The Fléction Fever--Quebss Cor<|Pulilic Entitled to Fullest Infors Hlice in the heads of the snoring queens in hex | ruption Fund. § mation lap. The Quebec conservatives are well Toronte 'Stan ? their trip, so far, has been one of come 5 i cdl ' Mr. lva Martin went up to Picton | plete pleasure. The Mad Tea perty with: the Mure, | povinned : p & N ped with money and will attempt in the peport of t fat re jand the Dormouse and the Mad Hat ane ' y of the auditatyeneral . as to-day, for a few days' visit. Mrs, F, W. Albree, Emily street, will! to corrupt voters of Canada compiete particulars m Guwilight Miss Jennie Phillips lett, this week leave, an Monday, for Atlantic City, on er ter brought storms of -applause, and n --- * , be found as to anid Pn of apes ; for Toronto, to. join her father an | She will be away about a fortnight, | Fi contingous rounds of it came when | yy. oop of conservative candidate jture on the Intercolonial. The cost of : Toronto constituencies grow pall the rails purchased, of all station mother, who have taken a house for [and will probably bring her sister, the jury tried the Knave of Hearts Yor the year. ; Mrs. Bailiott, back with her. VIRIIIIIFIIIIINRNRINIY | ud ticn there are those who think apace and it i= a dull day when al improvements, of operations--all those - ww Mrs, Charles Masters will leave for] Mr. James Polson returned to Sara +1 ii that the Red King and the White new aspirant is not ahnounced, things are sot forth in the fullest pos- bas peen more than one quiet | the west on Tuesday. nae Lake on Thursday. { A learned professor (who isn't dead |King describing their school days, -- sible" detail. i fittle party for Mrs. Law Mrs. Arthur Matheson; of Ottawa, is - | yet) once said that the world Was | and the school where French, music The Nationalist party will apparent-| The public accounts of Ontario do an this week, but all hav | in town and is en pension with Miss of B. Lambert, of McGill | divided into two clusedg, those wholand washing were extras, and the J wi ir : 2 n pe Professo bert, '2 weciated Alice Wonderland" | Coif b> - . iv take no ' part in the contest in{mot give similar information in re t meotings of a very few dbs | A. Anderson, Wellington street, Montreal, with Mrs, Lambert, and] a b didn' Hd "thi k Griffin. hadn t time to learn washing, Quebee province. Its leaders will offer gard to the railway owned By the pro- - oa ie little Miss ;Dora Lambert, are wisiting 20 . ope hs bs he n = was really the funniest bit. But what- { support to the conservative 'cans vincial government. These show the le Mrs. 1. Noonan, William street, went] Mrs. Lambert's brother, Colonel E. 1 ham ol those Wha didn po oy ' ever part was the choice it is. sure didates. surplus of earnings ever cost of oper- Maud Betts, Beverley street, | down to Ottawa on Thursday. Taylor, and Mrs, Taylor, at the com a fo 54 a e city hat yt that any who had never met Alice, a --- ation which was handed over to - the eo or three oll friends tol Mrs, Jamés Massie, Bagot sireet,| mandant's residence, at the Roya | POP Who vad. wis Carroll's cle i and gone with her through wonder- At the last provincial elections in| government hy the coummission. Thew chat over the tea thing | went up to Toronto, to-day, to visit Military College. | nonsense Played, % on Friday night, Th land (and there were an astomishing Hamilton there were 1,300 unpoliathalso-show the total of the expenditfire . Arthur Matheson this after-| her daughter, Mrs. John A. Cooper. Miss Nan Skinner did not com | 08™e with the learned professor. © | number in this sad case) will be grati- votes in West Hamilton and 1,700 inf on construction and operation, or Mrs. Fdward Cartwright, of .Van-| home on Tuesday, as some of be charactors ete 4 a : fied to "Whatsoever"" Circle of The East Hamilton. Many of these were) any statament whatever of the gross > a we couver, arrived in town on Thursday! friends thought she did. She is nos | Alice, Miss Kathleen. Kirkpatrick; | Kings Daughters ' for all the genuine diseruntled liberals who will vote a | receipts. A fairly ull summary of in gagemient of Miss Barbara} and will bo tae guest of her mother | in Montreal, but may be home short | Du®ess, Miss Lorgine Minnes: Cook, pleasure given them last night. . the coming elections: tome and outgo could be given on Bolton, 'eldest daughter of Mr @ Mrs. J. Harvey, Alfred street, till the, Jy, Miss Leta Carson: March Hare, Missi The player of all the pretty masie half a dozen pages, and such sum i H. Holton, Portland, Ont. fend of the - month. Mrs. Cartwright Miss Uretty Shields has returned t | Elsie Pese; Dormouse, Miss Fhyilia for the evening was Miss Gertrude The Ottawa tone there have: mad | mery certainly ought to have a place r. Jokh Lyons, MA., is an | will sail for Joint on the 29th. Gananoque after spending a few days Short; ~ Mad ~ Hatter, James SWifti| Craig. and Miss Mabel Gildersiceve the startling proposition that they! in the general financial statement of "Ene marriage will take place - with Mrs. E. 0, Sliter, Barrie street. | White Queen, Miss Ada Basch: White | was the clever maker-up of the faces . rig RE he pectin ciriet | Whe province fast wf the month. Mrs. 1 ---- oe Hachan fter a fort I BP . King, Mise Marie Carruthers; © Red of the players. intend "carry on ' he ; li Poi : Mrs. Lawren » alter a Dr. G. F. Dalton, left, to-day, for Mi ied The. later' pi nls: the. Ki ly within the election act, They) What is true of the Temiskaming ile night's visit at "Anpsndale," went! New York, after spending a few days| Bing, Miss Beatrice Binh Queen, argu playing candy, the King FL 0%, 0 Liorale to do the saing| railway is equally true of the public The ; 4 is 'appoupced © offeast again to-day. with his parents, < Miss Mildred Ma 4D -f and Queen of Hearts, had pinned to slr Somllniime de Sfp monty. votud. Toronto. Universite. Minx hinatia, Bavia,. of hyn, on. a ' Mr. Gordon Waris will be down --- a ow Bun, Mi Miss ing Haring: Id: 3 A We aie Sajestien' he -- » Nearly 8332.000 is handed over to the adua ol ings ramming] from Toronto, this evening, to spen gem, H be, Miss HO Brownfie t : ory ¢ in Qiebe iversity from the provincial treas- moor Nurseay to Mr. Allon his holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mike Beatin tidy deny Knight. Karl Tandy; Humpty-Dnmpty, | behind which that poor voung prison- } a a oh hee py Alibre & "hot, One Single "item of Hamley, Saskatchewan | Merrick, Bagot street. daughter of Mr, Charles Halliday, | Miss Mildred Jonés; Knava of Hearts, | er and prince took rehire; all becnsve . ture some of their former strong] in' the public accounts to show how ly of Brockville, Mr:. Alexander Laird, J ohnion Wolie-1sland, Ont. to Mr. Frank D.| John Suavthey accompanist; Miss 3 ot he Joifta the guess uid he stole, Bede and it is calchlated that out . the money is expended. For the Agri . ' sO) Arthur Martin, + sttlo a - : street, expects her mother, Mrs. hp a. Scrum, only som of Mrs. Holmes, trude TAIZ. a "Fa paiat Y fect. that n af the seventy-three seats to be onfest-|cultural College a little over. $100,600 C Mr. Mes. Hector. H. Hume have| hrecker, up Irom Halifax some Poo. Roger, Clayton, N.Y. Wedding will] To Miss Beatrice Tandy goes t re rg so per 1 Ory Io Ski ¢ ros} : ' " thoug hem . colored ithographs. o : : . moved me Me Ww. B. Shismeg > Jos this month, 3 [dake place in. June, Watertown papers credit for traiming in the parts, Rindvess'cl this hd Kin sh no. may include Dorchester, for years held} ® a vonipletely itemized account is fw denico at 136 King wtreet, and re. Miss Marion Calvin, King street, is], (hod to note the announcement. | Perhaps Miss Mecign ¥ a nd by Hon. L. I*. Pelletier. nished for every dollar of the outyo Ruma vin bnounes ber reception days| home from Toronto. a "| have the Benjamin's portion of , was much appreciated. " Re tds rid in salaries and expenses. The salary a later date. : - om ow f f for so faithfully and so inimitahly : said ehch official is stated, and even : - ate The Rev: RK. S. Wilkinson, of Fernie, pi, aud Yee & ovepmrd, Oh Tenniel¥" Siiteations, 3 WHY IT WAS DONE. In Hamilton tion. Mr. Whitney took BE et bir ated, ani eve Mrs, Charles Kickpatriek, Prontenas B.C., is going home for the Pan-An-| (heir daughter, Edith, to Mr. Joseph severe Red Quinn, and untidy : geeat credit to he coneervative acty chased from a certain firm, as brain $trvet, is going down on Tiesday, to glican congress, Miss Meta, Moutray, Joseph Bickford Mathews, the marri , White Queen might asta iapre ou The Object of tha Recent Gerry- = 1 ie Te as tie food for either stall or students, ig Real, nS. say good: hv. to Clare of Amherst Island, will stay with age to take place early in June. of the original tion for which Lo taeda mander. Xia a: The Jparante js §imee ey clearly set forth, together. with the Nova Scotia and Mrs. Clare) her sister during Mr. Wilkinson's ab niel made the olawings, so very like Stratford Beacon. cue 4 yi " und. " - - "> » 1 The : ac has . i Tite P per pound og Evan will sail on thé fifteenth sents. v y toed. Bare. al The marriage of Mr. H. G. Hocken the , pictures Ware er iddend --, eciulation of: that inst vwiul Joctis an youd has ba Sa tends he public are entitled jn the fuse of ® . r. Yearnon Crawford, rrie street I Miss Gertrude Featherston, dangh ¢ what can be said ol rm : p } ht . the university to details as fall as , W. F. Jackson, of Brockville, bas gone up to Port Hope for ow of Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Fothorrn To say who was good among the act- iandby jerirnal: desetibes Hi Apiaine. SOEY ative when in opposition beep those given in that of tha Agricul 7, to pay Mrs. Alexan- short visit, a 5 el Bedford Road, Toronto, has heen ar | ors is also a simple thing--they were sujer rn he that oa was. hold earried. oul. tural College. People vightiully - ext iB 8truty 9 Thin is a ra ranged oaks place. exis month, all oud. TER h $ ing back to the closing hours of the rr poss 1a find ia the Public afemintt 1s danghter ra. Mac in Napanee - wae As jor t plot, there wasn't any. ohsi the Mackenzie & Mann #ail- similar information as to cost of nigh re. Farthing has changed] Miss Jennie Richardson, Kingston, is] 1 itations are out for the .rtate| but all the funniest parts of "Alice" a Tite of two and a hadi a WHERE HE FAILED. of wav. expenses of operation, and re her day as well as her mesidence, and spending the week in Napanee. ball at Government House, Ottawa,| and its companion book, "Through a Jions, and : the grant. to. the LaRose -- ceipts from the Temiskaming railway Hl be. at home. on Thursday at *"The - oe =n n Wednesday, the 20th jnst, "| Looking-Glnss," were put fogether in Ni ing company of $130,000, the chief | FTemier's Statement om Power | The public aceounts should give area Chestnuts," Johnston street, instead! Mr. S. H, Butler and granddaugh | © se a a delightful medley that kept the au-|, a Pa hich was & hrothotan, Question Not Illuminating. sosably full statement of all the re of Wednesday, #g.on King street. Shelter, Violet Birley, spending three weeks dience which overflowed into chairs fem an of Nehieh) i" n Jie which. | Jamilton' Herald. coiptd and expenditures in connection Will not be receiving for some little] je Toronto and Ottawh, at the latter ISTRICT. here, and there (and in the case of] : "trans. | Mr. Whitney's references to the gov-| with all branches of the public service 3 Ww. D . would, apart from all his other trans d ime. yet, howgver. " plage visiting Mrs. 'Butler's grand. some small bovs on the floor). in per gressions, \Jose him the support of the | ®fiment power project were perfunct-| of the province - chikiren, the Sutcliffes, returned on The Tidings From Various Points | fect gales of langhter. Fram the mo- independents and liberals who elected | OT and unilluminating, It was not , Sn t---- ; Mis, Das it Laidlaw, Hal street Thursday, in Eastern Ontario. ment the curtain went up on the cook his government. Hence he decided up necessary in a speech to a Hamilton Bibby s neckwear is simply grand Will not be at. hoe, on, Mondays, un Mrs. R. Spackman returned' to Mon- Mossrs. A. Parks apd Son. Napa throwing the frving'pan at the duch- on gercymandering a sufficient number audience to make a labored defence of i W HR. Emaley. N nee. united til the Susanii, treal, on.Tuesday, after her visit to - st. th oi - ble hackney aps ess, till the procession of weird. crea: of constitutuencies to offset their | the government's attitude towards the}. Rev, A Miss Be Spek « - oh - - her sister, Mrs. IX Stewart Robertson, joe Te on po Wed hes. tures tip-toed past the dreaming lit- voles, vin, by hivine the liberals in | Canadian Electrical Devglopment cam-|'R Jhatiings \ A He ; na--_-- oh po RS Mrs. David Murray, Frontenac street | Sydenham street. 108, J AYSN0 roon, 0 J tle Alice: at the close, there was one, © Fo ot Tl hat two conser. | PRY. It would have been more to the | nd Amos M. Hartman, both of De Will not receive again wotil the an Mrs. Robert O'Hara is éxpected from 4 ripple of heartv laughter over the}. : sted § . purpose if the®remier had given some] seronto. Rev. Mr. Emsley, vears ago, a Charles GC. Coxall, [Tamworth has . a . vatives might be elected in two other 1 ath i tl sremony: which: united tumn. Toronto IG Wik, 4 * TAR hall. (The vocal "hits" of the evening constitnencies, or by sub-dividing two satisfactory reason why the govern- | Performe le be oh) M w ee -iw been appainted a commissioner for [were the "'Be-an-tiful Soup" of the , f ment had declined to act jistly to.] the parents of the bride," Mr. amd Mrs. George Hague, Earl street, ask | There. las Peon further word . from taking affidavits in the high court oi White Nueen, and the White Knivit's} 5" 0 0 CC tives might be | Ward the power municipalities by Mrs. William { roagrey. ; od a few people to tea, on Tuesday, to Mish Carrie: and Miss Ethel 'Waldron, | Justice for the county of Lennox am song with the numerous names. 'The elected. Tt was a pretty but trans. guaranteeing the accuragy of the, esti Hibhy s ¥2 hats are AYOriton, meet Mrs. W. FL Jackson, vi Brock-! whe had vesched Nikko at the time of Addington. Walus and' the: Carpenter." by ent' game. and the people are see | Mates made by the government engi Make Kingston leautiful," Ken ville, and there have beon several oth | writing. Une unexpected curiosity they| Perth lost one of her honored. nono- | Tyeedle-Duim and Tweedle-Dee, ©" hrough it neers. © It may have been accidental 'tucky lawn grass seed will help. Sold ° | genarian residents on April 25th, in was another thing which g H : and not at all significant, but it wasjonly at Gibson's Red Uross Drag the death of Mry. James Manion. De- brought the house down. Nothing] y certainly moticeable, that while Me, | Store. : ceased was a native of Ireland and [potter in Alice's delightful paving the Trusts and Guarantee company, Whitney bestowed praise upan, Col- See Bibby's $2 flat brim derby was ninety-three years old. was to be noticed . than the childlike | limited, of Toronto, has been appoint- | Hendrie and Mr. Miscampbel] for their] -Joht McGuinness, Hamilton, N.D., a : in whi dangled her feet | 0d liquidator of the Cornwall Paper forte in the work of presers DE former citizen of Deseronto, died wm - wav in hich she og ; : : {3} ing angl Why Purchase A Hat and twisted her hair round her fine-| Manufacturing company, limited.' Th | utilizing the water-powers of the pro- | cently, after a brief illness. Mr, MM. . i » ris capitalized at $250,000, Its] CGainne raves 1 y fami 3 A GREAT NAME AND A GREAT At 'any price if it's old-fashioned, [®ers as she eagerly watched the lob- | company is capi i vince for the benefit of the pepple, he| Goitness leaves a large famiy h At any 4 " | |sters' quadrille © (called so because plant and head offices are at Mille Lod no word of comme ndation for the! teased was a brother of Mrs. Naylor, ' for two dollars you can hup.a 4 ho, ; P I A N O i verte. of gharanteed quality and there were no lobsters in it), or ar Roches, hear 8 ornwall, Ontario. | man whose name is most closely asso- | Déseronto e 27% + . gued with. Humpty-Dampty on the John Fraser, Napanee, sold bis ciated. with this great public work Garden seeds and flower sseds, freely, at KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE, 150 Princess St. " right po the minste style: Jhete absurdity of the unbirthdiy present. brick house on John street, to Mr. The premier did not mention the name | at Bson's Red Cress Drug Store, | Rinaston by George Mills & Co. only. | 'Pretry' break iwithe play want Hamm, for §3,300. | of Adam Beck. Try Bibby's special $2 hats, Mise, Yarjorie Peso is home from} But barring this reminiscence of howe Bellev ed they will capture twenty. This]Wos voted last year, and in this case ridings unequally as to population, so OUR SHOWING: | SPECIAL | BLACK DRESS GOODS OF READY-TO-WEAR SALE reer $1, 1.25, 1.5 GARM ENTS | To-Ni ght, 2.30 O'clock tas Black Broadcloth, sponged and shrunk, 90c¢ to Black Panamas, soft even finish, 50¢ to $1.25 yard. Black Silk Eoliennes, 90c to $2.50 yard. Includes the very newest and latest ideas in Spring Suits i 180 White MuslinBlouses In' Plain and Fancy Weaves, Over 100 distinct designs, $10 to $45 each. sin Regular values 50, 60, 75, 90c St 0 ckings Silk Coats at For 25¢. Each. That are reliable in Fit, Wear and Color. i. * . No two alike. $1250 to $30 each, : wa For Ladies in Tans, Blacks and Colors. ; For Girls in Tans and Blacks. S * - \ New Spring Coat White Muslin Underwear For Boys in Heavy and Fine Ribs, In White, Bl overt Cloths, V ; : varieny. $3 to $20 cath: CoversiCloths, Very largo In Corset Covers & Drawers, regular values 35¢, 50c. 123, 15, 20, 25; 30, 35. 10c. «i. White linen Coats |... "For 25c. Each. : With Skirts to m The bortect les for sum-, : | : 4 a ah RETEST | 216 Pai Long White Lil Gloves © | + Sumer. Underwear Sng i ineh long, open at wrist, regular value 50 and In Cotton, Lisle and Wool, long & short sleeves. 60c pair. ChE a a o-Night for 39¢ Pair. For Men and Boys Double Thread Balbriggay, Natural Wool, &e., &e. All sizes up to 48 inches. i are offer a * manufacturer s complete tock. . a stoke Sams oret io distinct styles and o In Svughraia 2 Fine Weaves, perfect dye and finish, Large and Varied Asoriment of and Centre Prices a- to $2 cach,